Zakaria Attal: 12-year-old Michigan boy dies from hyper-aggressive pancreatic cancer
October 31, 2023

Zakaria Attal.

DEARBORN, MICHIGAN — A 12-year-old boy is dead after a year of torture and suffering at the hands of the cancer industrial complex.

Zakaria “Ziko” Yahia Attal is one of five sons (who all look very close in age) to Yahia Attal and Kelly Buska. They are a Muslim family. From all appearances, Mr. Attal is from Lebanon. “I love Allah and I love the Quran. I reverted in January 2010. Allah Akbar,” Ms. Buska wrote via Facebook. It’s unclear what she and her husband do for a living.

There is no definitive evidence that Ziko received the injections. But Ms. Buska lived in irrational fear of so-called COVID-19, particularly related to her sons, throughout 2020.

The most compelling evidence, based on wording and timing, came on October 29, 2021. Ms. Buska praised the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for authorizing the Pfizer injections for emergency use in 5 to 11-year-olds. Ziko was 10 years old at the time. “If your against vaccines I don’t want to hear your thoughts on the matter,” Ms. Buska wrote.

Further, at least three of the other boys are on the autism spectrum.

RELATED: Massive meta-analysis finds definitive link between autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria; “vaccines” were the catalysts that precipitated it all (December 29, 2022)


Make of that what you will.

Ziko suddenly hospitalized

Six weeks after the foregoing tweet, Ziko was at the University of Michigan Motts Children’s Hospital for, at the time, undisclosed reasons. Ms. Buska shared a local Fox affiliate story from the hospital on December 20, 2021. It reported how the hospital decked out the entire place with Christmas lights and other holiday decorations. Ziko told everyone “Happy Holidays.”

Ms. Buska did not post much publicly about Ziko over the next six months, except for updated profile pictures showing him with tubes up his nose (i.e. feeding tubes).

Cancer diagnosis

The next significant update on Ziko’s health came via a lengthy July 20, 2022 Facebook post. He was hospitalized for six weeks in December 2021 and January 2022. Ziko had been taking oral steroids since that time to combat inflammation throughout his body. He also had a “small lesion” in his aorta and celiac artery. “The good thing is the chances of this being [cancer] is slim based on his other labs,” Ms. Buska wrote.

RELATED: Jennifer St. Arnauld: 51-year-old triple-vaxxed Connecticut woman spends several weeks in hospital for extensive surgery to unblock two major digestive arteries (August 21, 2023)


Doctors diagnosed Ziko with acinar cell carcinoma (pancreatic cancer) on August 11, 2022, which is very rare in children. He had a very invasive biopsy that day, after being continually sick every day since mid-December 2021. Ziko was already scheduled for more surgeries and mustard gas (“chemo”) therapy. Ms. Buska also stated that she had no control over Ziko getting cancer.


Five Indiana University doctors published a study in the Journal of Pediatric Medicine in October 1990.

They treated a total of 13 kids (ages 4 months to 12 years) with pancreatic cancer in a 20-year period. Seven of the patients had benign tumors. Of the six with malignant pancreatic cancers, two died within nine months, one died in an unreported time, and three were still alive at the time of publishing, with one having “residual disease.”

That’s actually a better survival rate than adult pancreatic cancer, where only 7.2% are alive after five years. Acinar cell carcinoma typically kills within 14 to 38 months, depending on whether it’s localized or metastatic. Less than 10% of said patients live beyond five years.

The pancreas is also located in a tricky spot of the body that makes it difficult to operate on. And since it’s in such close proximity to the lungs, liver and other vital organs, the cancer spreads by the time it is diagnosed in about 60% of cases.

A year of hell for Ziko

Ms. Ashley Demers, Ziko’s aunt, started a Facebook group called ZikoTheBrave. The first post reported that all of Ziko’s brothers were frightened because they all thought they would get cancer now too (perhaps after putting two and two together with the timing of Ziko’s cancer). Ms. Demers also promoted a GoFundMe page.


Ziko had already endured three surgeries and several rounds of “chemo” by the end of October 2022.


And with all those surgeries are going to complications, including more inflammation and blood clots.


By December 8, 2022, Ziko had undergone four surgeries. All that mustard gas injected into his bloodstream was for naught. Microscopic cancer cells had spread. Now doctors were recommending radiation.


Ziko went through nightmare after nightmare in 2022, including a horrific-sounding experience in late December. A gastro-jejunostomy tube (G-J tube) is a feeding and venting/drainage apparatus often used in cancer patients to help them eat and eliminate fluid and pressure in the digestive organs. The following lengthy December 16, 2022 Facebook post sounds like absolute torture, like a scene in a horror movie.


The new year brought more bad news.

2023 deterioration and death

Ziko was always in hospitals, whether it’s for chemo, surgery or complications. Ms. Buska posted a video on January 8 showing just how happy Ziko was to be home and not in a hospital.

The escape from the perpetual nightmare was short-lived. Ziko was back for more tests less than two weeks later.

He was taking at least five drugs per day, in addition to the chemo.

Ziko started human microwave (“radiation”) treatment in late February. He had the treatments everyday in six-week increments. Ms. Buska acknowledged the common sense fact that radiation causes cancer and makes existing cancers worse. But she allowed her kid to go it anyway.

Ziko finally finished the chemo on March 24, after doing it four days per week, every other week, since August 2022.

But it wasn’t over. The chemo just shifted from the mustard gas injection to pill form, along with radiation.

Ms. Buska posted an updated on April 19, stating the obvious.

She posted via Instagram on April 27 that the chemo pills were causing severe mood swings, such as spontaneous crying and “grumpiness.”

RELATED: Kirsty Smitten: 29-year-old British biochemist who developed new class of antibiotics, dies from hyper-aggressive heart cancer (October 20, 2023)


The radiation adverse effects got worse and worse.

Ziko’s skin was falling off just from taking showers by June 4.

Despite all that torture, the cancer fully returned on June 28. You could tell by the photos that this child was defeated physically and emotionally by this time.


By July 5, not only was Ziko’s skin falling off, but now you could see bones through his skin.

Ziko took some sort of experimental trial drugs on July 17.

Ms. Buska tried to make it sound positive. But Ziko was losing weight and had a lot of undigested food in his stools.

Ziko was on morphine by September 13. He knew the writing was on the wall.


The only thing that could mitigate Ziko’s pain and suffering by October 10 was fentanyl.


He passed away on October 16.

Can’t be a coincidence

Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. But this would be one of the most incredible coincidences ever covered on his blog if Ziko was non-vaccinated, and somehow became permanently, deathly ill just six weeks after his mother praised mRNA injections for kids. Mitigate the mistake, and allowed the child to live out his days as happy as possible.

Ziko simply should have been given percocets and marijuana beginning in January 2022. Granted peer-reviewed studies have confirmed that Ivermectin treats and cures many cancers (and it’s now legal to buy over-the-counter in some states). But this is likely post-injection cancer. There are still several cases we’re following of people recently diagnosed. But the longest we’ve seen anyone survive post-injection cancer thus far is 23 months – and that was an outlier. Post-injection cancer is simply not treatable.

RELATED: Willie Garson: “Sex and the City” actor calls non-vaxxed people “ignorant morons,” dead five months after potential Pfizer mRNA-induced pancreatic cancer (September 29, 2021)


All that chemo, radiation, surgery, drug cocktails, excruciating pain, etc. killed Ziko faster, while forcing him to endure a year of absolute torture before his death. Take the kid to Fenway Park and Yankee Stadium. Buy him every toy he ever wanted. Take him to the Bahamas, to Europe, to Dubai. Give him all the candy he wants. Hell, get him laid too. He was going to die no matter what.

Ziko could have died smiling and with good memories for everyone. Instead the family easily spent a quarter-million dollars to torture him for a year via the medical industrial complex. Again, all of Ms. Buska’s other boys are now deathly afraid that they will suffer the same fate as their brother. For all of said kids being autistic, they have more common sense than the average American.

The cancer industry is expected to be worth $581 billion by 2030, up from $265 billion in 2020. And that’s with the global human population dropping by over 90% in that same time frame. Hyper-aggressive, post-injection cancers in children and young adults will kill hundreds of millions over the next 2-3 years. Many cancer doctors will die too because of their high vaccination rates. But war, sports, Hollywood, and tribal politics will distract the masses from those realities.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
8 months ago

This one had me in tears. This is straight up child abuse to put a kid through this, and totally unnecessary.

8 months ago

The mother is a wack job. She says she converted to Islam but her true zealotry was the vaccines and the pharma gods. That poor child. And her other children too. To post all of that online. Ooh! The virtue signaling and attention. You are so right, Brian. Ziko’s last year was hell. He should have gone and done things with his brothers and enjoy his life whatever remained. I pray he is in Heaven and at peace. RIP Ziko.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
8 months ago
Reply to  Annie

Yes, I also can’t believe she posted ALL that online and expressed shock that he succumbed. “He was doing so well.” What the hell?! His parents put him through torture. Pancreatic cancer is a death sentence. It doesn’t matter what treatments exist; they may alleviate pain, but there is no cure. At the outset, when he was either vaccinated or boosted (Oct. 29, 2021), she declared that she didn’t want to hear any information contrary to what she’d already espoused. That’s probably what drove her to vaxx after vaxx after vaxx for the boys that she then caused to become autistic.

And for the rest of us, what? Were we, the general public, expected to just say, “Alright, then. Have it your way?” This was a little boy. I hope the guilt weighs on her like 20 tons of bricks.

And completely separate than all that, a correction – she didn’t say she converted to Islam, she said she REverted to Islam, the difference being that she was told that if she believed in 1 God, she was already Muslim. This woman had no capacity for reason, too lazy to think. She brought misery upon her children. I understand that there is no suffering comparable to losing a child. I’m torn between anger and sympathy. If he and his siblings hadn’t been so young, I would be overcome with sympathy, but as it stands, I feel only anger.

8 months ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

The fact some of her other sons are on the spectrum, I believe she’s given them all recommended child vaccines including the covid shot. She’s terrorized her other children instead of trying to guide them thru this terrible time. They are traumatized. Her husband needs his butt kicked too. She’s a nasty woman. This article has me upset and mad.

8 months ago

Wow this was a hard one to read..he fell victim to having an idiot mother..she was completely attention driven with the FB posts and then had the nerve to say she doesn’t want to hear anything about vaccines..and said there is nothing she could have done to prevent the

Andrew Brough
Andrew Brough
8 months ago

Poor kid, toxic jabs, toxic religion.

8 months ago
Reply to  Andrew Brough

Please don’t refer to another’s religion as toxic. It is vile, offensive and completely unnecessary. Over 90% of the world has received the poisonous jab and many of them from differing religious backgrounds, some with no religious persuasion at all. This has to do with government force and propaganda and nothing to do with religion. Peace be upon you.

8 months ago

As a Christian I agree. How many pastors, preachers, reverends and other leaders of Christian churches urged their flock to get the jab? How many allowed their churches to become temporary clinics to vax their congregations? How many churches closed down because they bought into the hype and terror?

All segments of society fell for the insanity! ALL OF THEM.

8 months ago
Reply to  LoriQ

You’re exactly right.. So many people I looked up to and admired for their faith literally cowered in fear over covid and then ran as soon as possible to get the lethal injections. They stayed in their homes secluded for 3 years afraid of catching covid. Told family members not to come to their homes if they were unvaccinated. Unbelievable how many churches pushed these vaccines, masks, social distancing, and also closed down etc… I’m still shocked at how people acted and some are still acting

8 months ago
Reply to  LoriQ

Conspiracy theorists didn’t fall for it.

Islam and Christianity are both toxic and will be each other’s poison when the long-planned war of Gog and Magog (Christianity vs Islam) kicks off fully.

Jesus won’t save you. He comes back drenched in blood, swinging a sword. It is written.

8 months ago

My heart aches for that poor child. Not only did he have to endure the torturous medical treatments, but he had to put up with his mother taking numerous photos of his suffering and posting them on social media for all to see. The evil in this world knows no bounds.

Jens Petersen
Jens Petersen
8 months ago

Jeez- Medieval torturers could learn a lot from these medical malfeasants.

8 months ago

Come Lord Jesus.
That poor boy.
Had this grown man crying. Thinking about my beautiful children. Breaks my heart what that child had to go through

8 months ago

The message dated September 13 with the photo of Ziko asleep made my heart sink. On one hand, Ziko looks peaceful, cherubic even. On the other hand, he is now on powerful painkillers to keep in some manner of comfort. My goodness, that poor child. The hell he suffered on this Earth, unnecessarily, I would say due to his own mother’s hysteria and paranoia over an illness that did NOT kill children. I don’t doubt she had her children vaccinated, brought them to the drugstore/medical clinic as soon as those jabs were available for kids.

Sadly, she is responsible for her child’s death due to her collusion with big Pharma and Medical-Industrial complex. Will she learn? Will she keep her other children away from big Pharma’s poisons? I hope so, yet I doubt she is smart enough to learn from a very painful, heartbreaking experience.

8 months ago

This one is just really really sad. I don’t know what’s worse, the illness or the treatment. Pure torture. I’m sure the vax started all this.

8 months ago

That crazy woman killed her son! There is no doubt about that! He suffered and died and all you can do is blame the dumb parents for not seeing past their own hysteria and programming.

8 months ago

Thank you for telling the story of a child who had no say-so. There’s a young mother on YouTube, Jenny Apple, whose story shows the fast decline and demise post vx (incl booster) right to stage 4 cancer. A vivacious young woman is now dying in hospice care after the ‘treatments,’ including experimental ones at the late stage. All because of a naive belief which led her at one point to isolate from her two young children because she ‘had cv.’ I’m sorry so many children are losing their loving parents to this sinister agenda.

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