Kirsty Smitten: 29-year-old British biochemist who developed new class of antibiotics, dies from hyper-aggressive heart cancer
October 20, 2023 (updated October 23, 2023 – 10:57 p.m.)

Kirsty Smitten.

SOLIHULL, WEST MIDLANDS — This blogger considers himself to be fairly intelligent. Part of the reason for that is information retention, even from 40 years ago. One important fact learned as a young child was about the human heart.

The reason it is so important to take care of your heart is because cardiac cells and tissues stop regenerating in your teen years or sooner. Research has affirmed this premise several times over. There’s been the occasional study that challenges scientific orthodoxy, and shows that heart tissue does slowly regenerate in adulthood. But most scientists agree that the only way to regenerate heart tissue is with stem cells.

Cancer develops and spreads via replicating malignant cells in the affected area of the body. There’s bone cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer, testicular cancer, colorectal cancer, tongue cancer, etc. Every part of the human body is susceptible to cancer. But since cardiac cells and tissue do not replicate, there can be no heart cancer. At least that’s what this blogger believed before this week, and before the mRNA injections were released onto humanity.

Who is Kirsty Smitten?

Dr. Kirsty Smitten was well on her way to making a major impact in the pharmaceutical industry. She enrolled at the University of Sheffield (U.K.) right after high school in 2012.

Dr. Smitten began working on her PhD at Sheffield in 2016. She focused on a phenomenon called antimicrobial resistance – when bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens change over time and become resistant to medications. Dr. Smitten developed at least 25 new compounds that would become antibiotics to treat drug-resistant pathogens. She earned a spot on the Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe list in 2020.

Dr. Smitten earned her doctorate from Sheffield and started her own pharmaceutical company – MettalloBio in 2021. She received funding from big Pharma companies and via an award from the Royal Society of Chemistry. Dr. Smitten was well on her way to making a major impact in the pharmaceutical industry; and she was only 29.

Heart cancer diagnosis and death

Dr. Smitten was diagnosed with a very rare heart cancer called angiosarcoma on January 24.

Heart cancer in general affects only 1.38 people per 100,000 per year. Angiosarcoma is even more rare, affecting just one person per one million in the United States every year. It affects one in two million globally per year. It’s so rare that very little research and development is done on treatments for the disease. Most cardiologists will never see a case of angiosarcoma in their entire careers. Thus once you are diagnosed with it…

Dr. Smitten started both TikTok and Instagram pages to document her angiosarcoma experience. It all started on November 18, 2022. She went to the emergency room due to chest pains. Dr. Smitten had an elevated D-Dimer score, indicating blood clots in her body. She also had an enlarged heart (myocarditis). But she wasn’t diagnosed with heart cancer until two months later.

Again, most cardiologists have never and will never see heart cancer in their careers. So it’s difficult to diagnose. Dr. Smitten accepted that her life was over shortly after diagnosis. The following Instagram post is from January 28.

Dr. Smitten started the first of 18 rounds of mustard gas (“chemo”) therapy on February 8. She described the obvious adverse effects from putting that stuff in your body.


Dr. Smitten was already reminiscing about her old life by February 21.


She reported on March 3 that the heart tumor shrank significantly after several rounds of chemotherapy.

She believed the smaller tumor was now operable. But the global medical industrial complex is what it is. Dr. Smitten was told she’d have a video call with a cardiac surgeon on April 21. But somehow there was a mix-up and the call did not happen. It completely devastated Dr. Smitten, who had built herself up for that moment.

Dr. Smitten turned 29 years old on April 26, and celebrated with friends. She reported on May 3 that her oncologist and cardiologist believed they could remove most of the tumor. The surgery took place on June 10. But said surgery simply bought Dr. Smitten a little more time. She posted a very sad, heart-wrenching update on June 29.

“You can’t survive something that no one has ever survived,” she said while crying.

Dr. Smitten continued with the chemotherapy. Her last Instagram update came on August 22. The cancer spread and things were not looking good.

Dr. Smitten passed away on October 4.

Hate writing these stories

There’s no definitive evidence that Dr. Smitten received the injections. But there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that would hold up in a civil lawsuit by the preponderance thereof.


Further, there is an angiosarcoma Facebook group. Several people reported being diagnosed after receiving the injections. That one in two million thing is long over now.


Again, this blogger had no idea that there was even a such thing as heart cancer. The lethal injections literally can cause any and all ailments in the human body.

A human being wrote this article (not AI) about another human being. Dr. Smitten seemed like such a sweetheart, and had her whole life ahead of her. These types of stories are depressing to write and research; and make you question the purpose of even doing this anymore. The worst part is that this woman worked in the industry that ultimately killed her.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds for a Kirsty Smitten memorial soccer game. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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9 months ago

I’m definitely not an expert on cancer, but I have learned enough to know I wouldn’t take chemo or radiation.

I’d take my chances with detoxing and healing naturally. My mom did chemo and radiation and she lived only a few months afterwards.

This situation and all situations resulting from these shots is sad. But, it is what it is cause folks won’t listen.

Atom man
Atom man
9 months ago
Reply to  JustTheFacts

I have read thousands of medical reports as a disability adjudicator and never once saw this angiosarcoma diagnosis. Sarcoma is a malignant tumor of connective tissue – bones, ligaments, tendons and the like. Osteogenic sarcoma is usually a killer of young people for instance but is very rare. I even recall some TV movie “Sunshine” (1973) a really sad film about a young woman dying from this “bone cancer”. Carcinoma is what most people call “cancer”, arising from epithelial cells lining organs like the stomach and intestines as well as developing on the skin. Another one, malignant melanoma is from pigment cells and is the most dangerous skin cancer to develop. (I have read there is some evidence that melanoma and retinal artery blowouts – causing blindness in an eye – are associated with some of those “aphrodisiac” drugs people take which increase blood flow to body parts.) There is a very rare 4th type of “solid tumor” malignant teratoma which represents the growth of other tissue in places where it should not be – “malignant” if it spreads around the body. Then there is leukemia and lymphoma, “blood cancers” not solid tumors. Anyway, if an epidemic of this angiosarcoma is occurring then there surely must be a cause, probably a politically correct one will be announced, but if they refuse to investigate the “vaccination status” of the victims it will be obvious to all what is really going on here.

9 months ago

An eighty year old donor to the university library where I worked died in 2022. I was shocked because he was in great shape, healthy and robust. When I asked what happened, I was told he had a rare heart cancer, and died soon after his diagnosis. Like you Brian, I had never heard of such a thing before. I don’t know if he was vaccinated, but it was my first thought when I heard of his death.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
9 months ago

I understand that the articles are hard to write. They’re also hard to read. Such a young woman, cut down in the prime of her life. But if we who know say nothing, then if effect, we’ve given up; we’ve let TPTB win. I say, “NO!” It might be an exercise in futility, but I will everyday say what a terrible ill has been unleashed on the world. I must speak up. I know what people must be saying behind my back. I don’t care. I’ll withstand the slings and arrows. Somebody has GOT to speak up. Let it be me/us.

9 months ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Agree. I have committed myself to reading these articles and stories, no matter how bad, to bear witness of the needless suffering and death from the clot shots. These people had the choice to live their lives taken from them. They have meaning and value. I read about them so they may not be so easily forgotten or become a gofundme prop. Tptb that committed these crimes need to be named and brought to justice. It seems like many of their families won’t seek justice for them. Sometimes I can’t believe this is the state of the world.

9 months ago

sad story but shameful that a scientist didnt open her mind and take her own health into her own hands. I’m SUCCESSFULLY treating my cats Lymphoma right now. Using hemp oil, dandelion root, milk thistle, yellow dock, turkey tail, chaga, lions mane and reishi Mushroom. Tumor in her chest so large she was taking 50 breaths a minute, now down to 37. Is stubborness killing people?

9 months ago

Did you go to a holistic vet for treatment or did you treat your cat yourself ?

9 months ago
Reply to  aimee

I’m treating the cat myself because I cannot afford a holistic vet after the conventional vet nicked me for $$350 for one xray, consult & office visit. He sentenced her to death told me I could pay for chemo or put her down right now. Of course I am bouncing these herb/supps off people working in the supplement industry who’ve listened to anecdotal histories of others plus I’m not afraid to read studies written in academic jargon. There are stories of others naturally treating cancer without any mention of the outcome but the way I see it, people want to help others and to spend two hours writing the details of these stories they must have a positive reason to do so. It’s the short lazy and vague stories people need to watch out for. I’m treading lightly, of course.

Rob Meldrum
Rob Meldrum
9 months ago

My wife and I are traveling internationally for the first time since 2019. Currently in Greece. Yesterday we were booking a sunset dinner cruise and while we were chatting with the salesperson she told us her father had passed away unexpectedly earlier this year at age 56. She stated it was because he had been given the AstraZeneca vaxx. No prior health issues. She said his doctor, who had been promoting COVID vaxxes, admitted he believed the vaxx was the cause of his death. Three days ago the hotel desk clerk told me she developed severe vertigo after her second Moderna vaxx. No prior health issues. Now she is pregnant and very concerned about whether the vaxx will affect her unborn baby. Keep up the good work, Brian.

9 months ago

It’s worth doing, so people have a chance to go to a website like this and see what is going on and what has gone on, and beware current and future danger. TPTB are counting on people forgetting. There was a website that provided alternative news about the 2011 Fukushima global supercatastrophe. If it weren’t for it’s reporting, alternative news, and comment sections, very few people would have known anything about 2 melted out and one detonated nuclear reactors (prompt criticality or possible bomb placement sabotage). I gained tremendous knowledge from it. With a site like this on the plandemic, there is a place on the web you can tell people to go visit and see the reports themselves. My haircutter accused me of being a conspiracy theorist when told how worthless the PCR tests were, and how they were used to help fabricate a narrative. She thought it was crazy when told how hospitals killed people with ventilators and kidney poison. She didn’t believe hcq or budesonide or ivermectin were cures. She got her news from the standard network manure. But about 3 to 5 other people in her shop got a piquing of info and the grapevine almost certainly will expand and spread it fast. If memory serves I mentioned Thecovidblog. I also passed on the info bit about half of those who got the two shot series are still walking around producing spike protein, too. Thank you for creating this website, and thank you for providing a place to point people to, so they can be informed about the plandemic. It is also one way of inflicting a bit of justice and a cost on the covid genocide perpetrators. I would understand if it became too much. If it does, even if not updated leaving the site up if possible would sure be good. I don’t think anyone is doing anything like you are. I deliver pizza part-time for a living, have a hip problem, and need a higher paying job. Maybe I will manage to make a contribution at some point. Until then, just many thanks.

Sean OConnor
Sean OConnor
9 months ago

WOW it’s really disturbing to see younger future generations wiped out. While they’re working on driverless cars these medical people have no idea that robo surgeon from Stars Wars is on its way too

Jens Petersen
Jens Petersen
9 months ago

When I was a kid, around 50 yrs ago, I remember a campaign by Cancer Research (UK), who handed out badges exclaiming ‘I’m one in a million’ for sufferers to wear. No doubt an exaggeration, but that was for all cancers, which were still considered pretty rare, especially in the under 60’s.

9 months ago

This was incredibly hard to read and watch. I wonder what role the evil death sentence given by the Cancer Industrial Complex had on her sped-up death. You know that messed with her mindset. It’s obvious in her videos. It may have shortened her life.

I was very surprised to see some of her doctors suggest a fungal infection. Doug Kaufmann with Know the Cause believes that many cancers are actually fungal masses and that anyone diagnosed should have it tested for fungus as well. Good luck convincing the doctor to do that, though.

Brian, as of your most recent article, how many deaths have you covered on this blog? I’ve lost count, but I bet you haven’t.

9 months ago

It is very difficult to be sorry for a person with her level of knowledge and expertise in Big Pharma, and obviously making a lot of money. She vigorously promoted a killer vaccine. Why did she deliberately shut down a radio interview because she “knew” where the Vax line of questioning was going? Money? She was responsible for many deaths of people she affected.”It’s appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgement.” Hebrews 9:27. I don’t pretend to know where she has gone, but she will get justice. “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3, meaning that by ignoring the free salvation offered by Jesus Christ, we will not make it into heaven.

9 months ago

Like all other stories on this site, very sad to read.
Looking at her facebook profile, she traveled to the US in June 2022. It’s likely she would of had to have been jabbed to enter the country. I suspect she went with the recommendations for boosters.

8 months ago

Never even heard of cardiac cancer. Rare indeed.

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