Stephanie Whitmore: pregnant Australia woman’s baby suffers in utero brain bleed, stillborn 12 days after mother’s second Pfizer mRNA injection
January 12, 2022 (updated 12:19 a.m. Pacific)

UPDATED January 23, 2022 – Dr. Colleen Farrell announced this morning that her son was born at the end of 2021. She captioned a photo of her son’s hand with “grateful for our good health.”



BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND — A 33-year-old woman chronicled her entire pregnancy on Instagram, eagerly anticipating the birth of her first child in October. Now she is the subject of the most heartbreaking story we’ve written in quite a while. And it’s all because she trusted the white coat gods.

Mrs. Stephanie Whitmore announced that she was pregnant with a baby girl on May 1. She captioned a photo with her husband, Mr. Eoin Whitmore, with “You, me and her #Babygirl.”

She continued posting updates, proudly displaying her tummy, and looking forward to motherhood.

Mrs. Whitmore posted a photo of her and Eoin on July 19, celebrating their fifth anniversary. She spoke about the realities of marriage and how their love is stronger than ever with a new addition to the family forthcoming.

She had a full-on pregnant belly by Week 30, August 29, as the big day was getting closer and closer.

Mrs. Whitmore reached the eight-month mark on September 7.

That week also marked the beginning of the end.

“I spoke to all the doctors”

Mrs. Whitmore does not mention or reference a job on Instagram in 2021. Thus it does not appear she faced any sort of mandates. But like everyone else in the Western world, she’s bombarded with COVID fearmongering and propaganda 24/7.

“I was pro-vaccine. I got medical advice…[on] what was the safest, most responsible action to take in order to keep my family and baby safe,” she wrote.

Mrs. Whitmore received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on September 13, at 32 weeks pregnant, according to her Instagram page. She reported no adverse effects, and “continued with life as usual.” Mrs. Whitmore received the second injection on October 4. She had a prenatal appointment on October 6. Like all the prior appointments, doctors found nothing wrong with her baby.

She posted a 36 weeks pregnant update on October 7.

They named the baby Isabella. A full-term pregnancy is 37 to 40 weeks, so Isabella could have been born at any time thereafter. Then tragedy struck.

“No words can describe the pain”

Mrs. Whitmore posted another photo of her belly on October 9, with the caption “I am counting down the days to meet you.”

But she noticed that little Isabella “wasn’t moving the way she usually would” that day. Mrs. Whitmore went for an ultrasound, and received the worst news possible for an expecting mother. Isabella was suffering from intraventricular hemorrhage – bleeding inside the brain’s ventricles. Mrs. Whitmore also mentioned a blood clot. There is currently no known therapy to stop the in utero bleeding, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Mrs. Whitmore delivered her stillborn daughter on October 16.

Doctors would not provide Mrs. Whitmore an explanation as to how and why this happened. “Because doctors were unable to identify the cause, I believe it was the vaccine,” she wrote in an Instagram thread.

Mrs. Whitmore did not post again on Instagram until November 16, one month after the stillbirth. Like most families who experience this, Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore are having an extremely difficult time coping with the loss.

The next day, she provided more details about the stillbirth, including that she was in labor for nearly 27 hours. She also delivered Isabella naturally. Mrs. Whitmore gave a lot of credit to Eoin and the strength of their marriage, for being able to persevere through it all.

Making matter worse, Mrs. Whitmore lost her father on January 6. She said her baby is gone because of bad advice from “professional medical doctors.” Mrs. Whitmore also said pregnant women should think twice before rolling up their sleeves.

“I wish I never had it, maybe [my] baby would be alive today,” she said.

Medical malpractice?

As of December 31, there are 2,560 stillbirths and spontaneous abortions reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). If we extrapolate that using the Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study conclusion that only 1% of adverse events are reported, then that means over 250,000 post-injection stillbirths and spontaneous abortions in the United States alone. And nearly all of them are the result of people placing their trust and faith in the white coat gods.

RELATED: Sara Beltrán Ponce: Wisconsin resident doctor has miscarriage days after COVID “vaccine” (February 7, 2021)


We’ve been keeping a close eye on Dr. Colleen Farrell. She is a fellow at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York. Dr. Farrell has 40,000 Twitter followers and thus, some level of influence. She announced on October 12 that she received her Pfizer booster shot; and that she was 28 weeks pregnant. Dr. Farrell said in no uncertain terms, “vaccines are safe in pregnancy,” a dangerous, blatant lie. The tweet garnered 37,000 “likes.”

Again, most full-term babies are born in 37 to 40 weeks. Dr. Farrell is in week 40 of her pregnancy right now. She averaged about three tweets per day from October 2021 to December 2021. But she has not tweeted once in January 2022, with her last tweet coming on December 27. We’re not going to speculate as to what might or might not be happening. Perhaps she’s happily spending time with her newborn. But this case is important for the overall narrative, regardless of outcome.

RELATED: Mary Voll: pediatric nurse has stillborn baby eight days after mRNA shot (March 14, 2021)


Mrs. Whitmore waited until she was less than six weeks from giving birth, to receive the injections. It’s hard to make sense of the decision. Ultimately she is at fault. But once again, so-called “doctors” have sterilized yet another woman and killed another baby. We’ve been waiting for someone to contact COVID Legal USA, wishing to file a pro se lawsuit against a doctor who told them to get the injections, only to come down with a severe adverse reaction or worse.

This blogger once ghostwrote (for an attorney) the opening brief in a medical malpractice lawsuit. The victim was prescribed the wrong medication for their ailment, and ended up a quadriplegic.  It would be difficult articulating the standard of care for a post-injection medical malpractice lawsuit, particularly with so many vaxx zealot and ignorant judges. But there is now more than enough, to prove by a preponderance of evidence, that these injections are not safe for pregnant women. For the record, the quadriplegic case settled less than two months after we filed it.

If you’re still going to doctors in 2022, then you still have a lot of learn as to what is happening in this world. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

So hard to fathom why she would wait that long, and then sneak it in as her baby was due. On one hand it is a shame because her parents obviously loved her very much. On the other hand, at least she does not have to live in the dung that this world (and especially Australia) is becoming.
It will be very interesting to see what Dr Farrell has to report soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I think women expecting a First Born are particularly vulnerable, both physically and hormone-wise, and in terms of their lack of knowledge or faith in what their Body can do, naturally!!.. I believe the medical profession takes advantage of vulnerable pregnant women and their lack of preparation and great fear!!.. I know pregnant women who gave birth to a healthy baby, totally unvaccinated, but then they were pressured to take the shots at the hospital, while still recovering from the Birth, and still needing to breastfeed their Newborn. So, in the end, the newborn and mother are still in great danger. Just the notion to force this on vulnerable new mothers & babies?!!..
That is awful!!.. Pregnant Women & infants need to be Protected with the utmost Caution!-

2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

You’re right. The medical professional has always preyed on pregnant women. In Africa, the HIV/AIDs narrative was built off of ‘testing’ pregnant women. Again in Africa, ebola was built off of targetting and ‘testing’ pregnant women, then ‘testing’ their healthy babies and killing them with cocktails of western drugs. Now that same drug, remdesivir, having proved it kills is being rolled out to all the old and vulnerable in the ICU. Healthcare has been highjacked and women have been conditioned to have a perverse concept of their bodies to the degree that we barely know anything about our bodies, so we’re dependent on the men in white. Not to mention that women don’t trust older women, and the media for the last few decades has conditioned women to see gay men as honorary women who have intercepted and perverted womanhood.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

If her parents loved her that much then they wouldn’t have take the shot.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

People are just making the best decisions that they know how to make. I don’t believe for a second that any expectant mother decided to get vaccinated because they don’t love their child and want them to die. We have to consider that every truthful fact about this injection has been “debunked”, there is a mass effort to silence the voices of those that try to share the truth and people really believe that their doctors are trustworthy sources of information. It’s all very heartbreaking, but we have to give grace to the ignorant. I’m just grateful that my eyes are open to the truth. I pray that God has mercy on us all!!

Just me.
Just me.
2 years ago

Wow this was truly heartbreaking to read. Praying this madness stops very soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Just me.

Only WE can stop it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Just me.

They are shooting up the infants now, this is demonic!

1 year ago
Reply to  Just me.

Sad foolish ignorance. The husband is a pathetic boy who didn’t protect his wife and child.
He is not a man

AUssie pub` crawler
AUssie pub` crawler
2 years ago

should be a big increase in ‘home-birthing’/mid-wifery;
the so-called ‘hospitals’ are, now, nothing better than ‘death camps’ ……

2 years ago

This what they were created for, women have been giving birth since humanity began but in the last 150 years this had to be taken out of the realm of womanhood and the home to be managed by a hostile environment called the ‘hospital’ and ‘healthcare’ industry. I remember clearly learning in history that people didn’t live long in the old days because of the poor health care, there were certainly some issues but I believe the extent of this propaganda. I recently found an old history book from secondary school called ‘Medicine through time’ (Scott and Culpin, edition 1997), it was text book that we studied from, page to page of medical propaganda. I’m trying to downsize but this book I’ll keep as evidence of the cradle to grave propaganda we get to keep us stupid, doubting ourselves and trusting governments.

2 years ago
Reply to  Betticus

The people (some not all) back days lived shorter lives because they lacked the essentials: food, shelter – good one, clean water, hygiene. They didn’t had proper food, it was a mess all over with rats and very much dirt and no clean water and people didn’t bath but a few times in their lifetime. It was a dirt full of germs for almost everybody.
Also rich people died of too much food :))) but they were also dirty. Just search how dirty Versailles was: they were urinating in the palace on the stairs and so on, people died because of how dirty and full of germs everyhing was around them.
With clean water, clean environment, good food and shelter and no vax people will live very long and healthy lives and this was proven in many comunities, even back in days some people lived long. And in some countries last decades people living in farms but clean live long and healhy and produce healthy children. Take a look at Amish people: they don t get ANY vaccine and don t need treatments to be able to procreate.

2 years ago

I don’t even trust doctors. They push drugs on me instead of giving proper medical advice. They also said that the Covid vaccine is safe and effective. I brought up concerns on how it causes myocarditis and blood clots and they said that it’s rare. I also brought up how fit and healthy Indian actors like Puneeth Rajkumar and Sidharth Shukla died of heart attacks after taking the vaccine and said it’s a rumor.

2 years ago
Reply to  PowerStarAppu

I don’t know if this is Freudian Phrasing or what, but here is a tweet from the stupendous Dr Farrell:

My generation of docs has trained/is training in the Covid pandemic in which we’ve been called on to do the previously unimaginable. Mass death. Profound trauma. We will not be taking lectures that we don’t care or don’t go above and beyond for our patients. We know our worth. 7:52 PM Dec 13, 2021

So Doctors were called on to do the previously unimaginable. Mass death. Profound trauma.
I mean, she really does make it pretty clear, doesn’t she? They KNOW what they are doing, and they are going above and beyond.
If she want to be crystal clear, should could have added three words to the end of her tweet:
We know our worth to Big Pharma.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Allow me to interpret her statements:

“My generation of docs has trained/is training in the Covid pandemic in which we’ve been called on to do the previously unimaginable. Mass death. Profound trauma. ”

It’s called Triage, Cupcake, and it isn’t ‘unimaginable’, it’s what you idiots (and your predecessors) have been trained to perform for generations.

My, god, what a drama queen you are, dancing around, arms flailing, with your head jammed up your fat ass.

“We will not be taking lectures that we don’t care or don’t go above and beyond for our patients.”

No, you won’t be taking lectures, as you are thoroughly indoctrinated/brainwashed, arrogant, narcissistic through & through. And, if history is any guide, you will be hunted down and held ‘accountable’ by disgruntled, injured citizens (and their family members) whom you’ve maimed/killed.

“We know our worth. 7:52 PM Dec 13, 2021”

If the number you have in mind is less than zero, then you do, indeed, know your worth to humanity. If there is a god in heaven, you will spend the remainder of your life looking over your shoulder, living in fear of reprisals.

If I were you, I’d start planning my exit strategy, Sweetie.

2 years ago

Sad Fauci and Gates are mass murderers of the human race!

2 years ago
Reply to  Truthbknown

Dr. Fraudi has been recently exposed in RFK Jr’s new Book for conducting medical experiments in the 1980s on hundreds of Orphan Children, and dumping their bodies into a Mass Grave…and the Con Vid Cult keeps doubling down on the Injections…

2 years ago
Reply to  Truthbknown

Read the book The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr.
It’s breathtaking.
It may just be the most important book of our lifetime.
Our public health is completely corrupted.
They just don’t care…it’s all about the vast fortunes they are making.

It’s 99.9 % survivable.

Please, no more shots.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

Sad. I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest girl the doctor asked me if I was taking any medications I said just prenatal vitamins and she said That’s great! How far we have fallen when pregnant women get dirty looks for eating sushi or drinking coffee but are expected to inject an untested Gene therapy to “protect the baby.” I am sure that miscarriage and stillborns will be the most underreported stat in VAERS. NOBODY wants to shoulder blame here it’s too heartbreaking. I’ve heard in the US only about 35% of pregnant women took the shot, which is encouraging. But we’re going see a precipitous drop in fertility if this thing is even half as dangerous as it looks. Nobody has to deal with the consequences but the parents

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

I agree with you. I believe miscarriages an stillborns will be vastly underreported for the reasons you state. It’s simply too painful to face the possibility that your baby is gone because of an experimental vaccine you injected into your body.

Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

Babies dying either in utero or at a few months is heartbreaking, it’s true. That’s because their size evokes pity. But there’s an investment of love that’s made (by the parents, if not a community at large) that is so much greater than the investment made in welcoming a baby. All those in their 20s and 30s who’ve passed, whose tragic deaths we’ve read about here – what of their parents?

This whole vaccine campaign is obscene. It is dangerous, and yet, it seems that everybody is in on a conspiracy to kill, and we’re regarded as the crazies, the conspiracy theorists, the outliers.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

There’s seemingly more pity for the babies because, like with abortion, they didn’t get a say in the matter.

2 years ago

Why would a woman who appears to be Christian ever do such a thing? It is so hard to see this happen to this person. It makes me so sad to read this. I remember now how my son’s mother was pregnant with him how I was not sure if the baby was mine. I wanted to have a DNA test and I was told that a DNA test on the fetus could cause harm so I said absolutely not we’ll wait. I wonder that they even allow such a thing to be done when it can harm the fetus. Now I see stories of pregnant mothers losing full term babies because of this shot. It is well known what this can do to the fetus but are any of these women being given any kind of warning? It is horrifying.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

“Why would a woman who appears to be Christian ever do such a thing?”

Do what thing ?. Plaster her private life all over social media ?. Crave attention from strangers online ?. Display her flesh in pictures for everybody to see on the internet ?. Inject poison in her blood and that of the baby she is carrying ?.

2 years ago

This report was very sympathetically written and is a heartbreaking story, it feels like a less frequent, or publicised, example of a married couple planning their family and seeing their baby as just that; a human life, and a member of the family from conception. This is an awful case that need not happen, but consider this; even if the couple did not get this particular killshot, that baby would have been subjected to a tirade of pharmaceuticals with the cradle to grave vaccine program anyway, I believe that the harmful effects of those vaccines just manifest in the long term as chronic diseases.
Is there a chance that these babies are ‘absorbing’ the worst of the injections thereby ‘protecting’ the mothers in the short term?

2 years ago

When I used to waste my time with Facebook, I was able to post a picture of my baby within 4 hours of delivery. The fact that Dr. Farrell has been unusually silent makes me suspect something went horribly wrong. 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

I can’t understand the “judgment” of women like that. I know others who wanted their babies so much, but will not do any research & are ready to vaccinate them before age 5 ASAP!!.. It’s such a Death Cult!!.. Jonestown, but the kids are NOT willing participants.

2 years ago

“This story is the result of professional medical doctors”

Ahh, no. No! No! And NO!

This story is the result of a combination of things but I would put it down to HER. Just her. SHE TOOK the vaccine. No one forced her to take it.

These “professional medical doctors” are shills for big pharma and recieve big payouts for every clot shot they give.

We tried to warn you. But you didn’t listen. And as a result me and others are tired of trying to explain these things to the point we don’t want to help you any more.

This is a spiritual war now.

Sorry for your loss.

Soon you will have the joy of not owning anything and eating crickets as a staple diet. because you chose not to listen to your fellow man who knows what is going on.

2 years ago
2 years ago

To put it very mildly, I don’t have any sympathy for her. She is too much of an attention-seeker (look at her pics posted online for everybody to be impressed with) and definitely a sycophant of the demons waging a war on humanity.

With that hungry ego of hers, she probably was thinking “I am too special and precious to the ruling class that they wouldn’t seek to hurt me”.

Compassion and sympathy is better spent on some human or animal who deserves it. The information war is over for like a year ago and has been won hands down. Those who still allow themselves to fall prey, are willing cult members hurting themselves and helping advance the satanic eugenisists plan.

Fook her. If I want my emotions to be played with, I’ll go watch afternoon soap opera.

2 years ago

Your post kinda smacks of jealousy. People make mistakes every day. Some people live their lives more publicly than others. And some people are really good looking. None of those are reasons to hate someone.

2 years ago

Thank you for reporting on this story. It’s heartbreaking. These vaccines are going to have effects on fertility for years to come. At least this woman realizes that her stillbirth is (most likely) a direct result of getting vaccinated. I’ll be curious to see what happens with Dr. Farrell. Keep us posted.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago

Pregnant women (not people!) were not in the short trials. Also allowing mixing of the vaxxes were not in any trial. Crimes against humanity.

2 years ago

My daughter in law was nine months pregnant facing a mandated poison jab for her employment . Her OBGYN would NOT give her a medical exemption and told her the jab is safe . My son said ZERO CHANCE my wife is having the jab and told the doc she’s a disgrace for advising women to take it. That OB was NOT in the delivery room at the birth of their beautiful baby girl this month. Luckily my DIL was able to get a religious exemption and still has her job at the moment . They were ready to pack up and move in with me to avoid the Poison jab .

2 years ago
Reply to  TwisTTie

It is great that your son is taking a stand and that you were there in case they needed you.

As a side note, let the burden of making a living and providing for the family be the man’s responsability. Why should the woman, on top of making babies, breast feeding them, raising them…etc, also have to go out chasing the legal tender. Fook job : having the man sweat for the system is more than enough.

Besides, being the sole bread winner of the family, the man will feel more like a man and his instinct to defend and fight for his family will kick in. In contrast, now fathers go cry in front of school boards to have their children unmasked. All they get is blank looks by parasites bribed by federal money to mask and vaccinate the children (see a recent episode of ‘haywire’).

2 years ago

Wow! A post after my own heart! Being a housewife was so fulfilling to me, and I needed all of my education to do it!
The best thing for me has been the “thank you’s” from my children.

2 years ago

If we like England for 600 years in the Middle Ages, banned usury, the loaning of money or anything, at interest, and especially if we banned the income tax and got the _ _ _ _ rid of about 80% of government at all levels (but especially federal) A MAN COULD SUPPORT A FAMILY ON LESS THAN 20 HOURS OF WORK A WEEK, AS THE SOLE BREADWINNER.

2 years ago
Reply to  TwisTTie

BRAVO!! Every single item in your response is the appropriate action or reaction. Kudos to your son and DIL!
In a couple of years, they will likely be able to choose from many different jobs, if they are so inclined. Lots of sudden injuries and deaths seen in the near future.

2 years ago

My heart goes out to them. I had a stillborn 25 years ago and no cause was ever found. No genetic defects and I had not done anything to possibly cause it. No meds or alcohol etc. My Doctor said it was God’s will. I believe it. My husband and I still are affected by it. It changed how we parented our other 2 children we were blessed to have. Nothing is more precious than your children. To think she injected an experimental “vaccine” in her and her baby’s body just blows my mind!🤯 And that a “doctor” would recommend it!? Well, she’s probably sterile and will never get over what she did to herself and her baby. Because in the end it was her choice. Good God. I don’t know how you live with this. Sorry. I’m in tears.😢😢

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I’m glad you both got thru it – the loss of a child has destroyed more than 1 couple I’ve known over the years.

2 years ago

Colleen Farrell, MD is going to be in for a big surprise. Covid shots cause Stillbirths, and even you are able to produce a child that child will no longer be normal. Vaxxed women will become unattractive to guys that want healthy kids.

Last edited 2 years ago by Osa
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Vaxxed men are not healthy either.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

No, the vaxxed, male and female, will choose to procreate together, they’re in for a surprise, but I doubt purebloods will be looking among the vaxxed populace for a mate.

2 years ago
Reply to  Betticus

Smart vaxxed men will be looking for unvaxxed women to reproduce especially if they are still producing quality sperm. The women’s overall health is more important in reproduction, and producing a health baby, but we will have a problem if the spike protein attacks sperm like it does the women’s reproductive system. There have been men who’s sperm quality have gone down after getting the jab, but low sperm count can be reversed, and the damage to the female reproduction system after the jab could last a lifetime. To be honest we have no idea because it was never studied in clinical trails. It is a wait, and see what happens type of thing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Betticus

That reminds me. I hope you know vaxxed women lying about their vaccination status or trying to hide in the dating world now. Men are starting to realize vaxxed women are undesirable. Men don’t want low IQ kids.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Dr. Ferrall’s baby in the unlikely event that it survives her recklessness will become a ” Black-Eyed Pandemic Baby “…without a Soul…Let us not forget that this injection is the Mark of the Beast…the DNA is altered to make the Women and her Baby unrecognizable in the Eyes of the Creator…The Body is a Temple…and Dr. Ferrall and her ilk have defiled it…

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

I wish I could have sympathy for her, but it has been widely known that the vaccine was a potential danger to the unborn. Given that, she should have known better than to get the jab. This is wholly on her for being foolish enough to believe it was “safe and effective”. Doctors are humans, not God, and they lie sometime because they too are deceived, but sometimes because they are complicit in the lie. Lab coats do not make someone a saint, nor should they be considered more trustworthy. People need to REJECT the vaccine.

2 years ago

I would think Dr.Farrell would announce joyfully the birth of her child as any parent would. A secondary motive would be to prove the vax is safe. And anti-vaxxers wrong. In this case I sincerely hope her baby is healthy and has a long happy life.🙏

Shiva shakti
Shiva shakti
2 years ago

Pregnant women avoid coloring hair, smoking, drinking during pregnancy and somehow an experimental injection is deemed safe for pregnant women while there is well documented known side effects. Doctors are becoming the new criminals. I feel so sad for her

2 years ago
Reply to  Shiva shakti

The dissonance is wild.

2 years ago

Women have gotten really proficient at killing their children the past 50 years – 10’s of millions and counting.

Gurl Power!

So strong & independent these days, there’s nothing like a mother’s love [unless she kills you] – the price of unchecked hypergamy, I guess.

. . . well, that, and civilizational collapse.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Let us thank Baphomet CIA Operatives Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem…both from the Synagogue of Satan Tribe and Switch Hitters…fighting for Women’s Betterment and Equality…

2 years ago

So much for this being safe when given during the second and third trimester? Did they falsify that study too? Appears they did

2 years ago

Dear God. It’s so heartbreaking reading this. I pray for healing for them, mental and physical.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Mrs. Whitmore, I am praying for our Father Jesus to look after you. What you’ve done is unspeakably witless, appalling really.
And no truly evil deed should ever go without reward.
PS no more children for you kill (imagine how it must have suffered before perishing).
Might be a good thing? In Utero no one can hear you scream…

Star Line
Star Line
2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

If you believe you are a Christian and yet you can speak such aweful, evil things. You, The Ogs, need to repent yourself. How on earth could your conscience allow you to say such an cruel thing. This lady made a mistake, like many, and trusted the gov, sadly it took her child, but it was not done in spite by her, she thought she was doing the right thing, she was lied to. She too, no doubt will repent for her own mistakes, she would have felt the grief and sadness and no doubt will not make the same mistake again.

2 years ago

People don’t realize that we’re at war with Satanic forces. And it’s going to cost them their lives and their children’s lives before they see the truth. Their egos are overly-inflated; they probably sold their soul for something: money, fame, reputation, Facebook likes…

“Oh, I was promised that I would not have to wear a mask if I got the shot. Now, I have injected experimental fluids into myself three times, and I still wear a mask.” If the doctors, media and government made several false promises, common sense would say that you should not listen them for ANY future advice.

2 years ago

I’d say we can guess what happened if we don’t hear from Doctor Farrell. I can’t see her reporting a miscarriage or still birth if that occurred. Nor can I see her saying nothing more if the baby is well. Since she is actively pushing this I can’t find any charity towards her and jabbed aren’t human anyway. Just GMO things.

Thomas Turk
Thomas Turk
2 years ago

She spoke to all the quacks.. who were terrified to warn her that..
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Never More Brilliant, Lays The Utter Truth Out – Autopsies Prove Vax BioWeapon
Caused Autoimmune Attacks And Death. . ( g BBBBBBB​
(Based on 70 autopsies done by Germany’s top pathologist, Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt)
Global Research Newsletter. Video: The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide Turning? Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0.
BITCHUTE Ex Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon: Mass Murder With Vaccine Passports/ Top Up Vaccines.
Global News Newsletter..Jan6/22/ J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” Are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve.
FRN 57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations

Eyes of Horus
Eyes of Horus
2 years ago

It’s not alright for a woman to drink and even smoke while pregnant but just fine to get mRNA shots? C’mon man! Wake up.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

I bet she spends a lot of time taking selfies of herself. Her Instagram acct is probably packed with her selfies. She probably have the latest and greatest iPhone so she can take awesome selfies.

…..but chances are she spent very little time researching about the harmful effects of these death vax’s.

2 years ago

How much money was the ” Doctors ” getting paid to advise in favor of the Death Serums so they can keep their Mercedes Benz payments up to date? This is murder…a contract hit…Doctors are the Dope Pushers…Big Pharma is the Dope Suppliers…The Prestitute Fake Stream Media are the Dope Marketers…and Big Sugar Government is the Mafia…Once again never ever Trust False Idols and Prophets…if it is from Nature it is good for you…If it is made by Man it is Bad for you…

2 years ago

Australia used to be a great country. Now they have the most disgusting govt on the planet, ex for Austria. This is a great lesson for never giving up your ability to resist. Give up your guns, give up your freedom and your lives. Never do either.

Lauria Kathryn Rutt
Lauria Kathryn Rutt
2 years ago

I’m very sorry for your loss. The truth has not been told about the Covid Jab. Many pregnant mothers have lost their babies. There needs to be criminal investigations into all persons and companies involved with pushing this experimental shot.

2 years ago

And abolition and non-recognition of laws passed which severely shortened the statute of limitations for things Covid-related.

2 years ago

This was so hard for me to read. My daughter is currently 34 weeks pregnant. She took the jab at around 20 weeks, but my husband and I did not know for a couple of months because she knew how we felt – I had warned her over and over and over again and sent multiple stories of deaths. When we found out she had done this it was like a gut punch. We can’t understand it because she would not even put on nail polish because she didn’t know if it was safe in pregnancy and yet she took an experimental shot? And she had had covid March 2021! We have no idea who got to her. She kept claiming it was her decision. We are just wrecked. Not only do we fear for the health of both her and the baby but we feel like we don’t really know our daughter anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Gwen, I’m so sorry to hear your story. I feel your anguish…as I too have been warning my sisters and family about the high risk of this shot to themselves and their children since early 2021. They have received many, many damning articles. Yet my well educated sister just took her kids to get a CV booster shot (after omitting the truth about prior shots). It makes NO sense.

Please take comfort that you did all you could. No doubt your warnings reached others in your family and community, and may have saved lives. Keep reaching out, and keep praying on this. God bless you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sandra

What if it was the Holy Spirit who kept us from getting Covid vaxxed?

Immune Intact
Immune Intact
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

I feel your pain and terror. My daughter is due for a third bub in early March. She suddenly doesn’t talk to me and I know her husband was jabbed. I fear the news I’m going to get about my 6th grandchild, and I can’t even be back in my home state to support her if it does happen. I’m terrified.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

I am feel horrified at your post! I feel the pull in myself. I don’t know what it is. It must be spiritual.
My mother was the same. She just keeps getting them. Couldn’t talk sense into her. Real Ped Piper stuff!

Michael Mazur
Michael Mazur
2 years ago

Probably these good ladies having lost thru miscarriage their child, will likely find that conception is no longer possible, their ovaries fried, their endometrium also.

1 year ago

My heart breaks for Stephanie Whitmore and her husband. Devastating. Trusted her doctors, who lied to her. A little baby girl paid with her life. Tragic and it just didn’t have to be that way.

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