Oscar Cabrera: Spain basketball player collapses on the court, while U.S. sports league suffer mass COVID-19 outbreaks among fully vaccinated players

December 25, 2021

Mr. Oscar Cabrera.

SANTANDER, CANTABRIA — An enthralling goal in soccer, a breathtaking slam dunk in basketball, a dramatic home run in baseball. Those are the highlights fans expect to see in their respective favorite sports. But in 2021, fans and players just hope to get through an entire game without seeing the new genre of highlights.

Cantbasket and CB Santuryzi SK, of the fourth-tier Liga EBA basketball system in Spain, were facing off at Exterior Pavilion of La Albericia in Santander on December 18. Cantbasket guard/forward and Dominican Republic native Oscar Cabrera was inbounding the ball with 2:49 left in the first quarter. He stood there, seemingly confused or in some sort of trance for a second or two, dropped the basketball, and collapsed to the floor.

Mr. Cabrera, 26, began convulsing as both teammates and opponents stood there shocked, not knowing what to do or think. Team doctor Fernando Cortina and other medics eventually stabilized Mr. Cabrera, 26, enough to get him on a stretcher and off the court. Mr. Cabrera gave a thumbs-up as he was carried out of the arena to an ambulance. The game was suspended indefinitely.

Watch the video below.

Doctors at Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital performed a battery of tests that evening and determined Mr. Cabrera suffered a syncope. The condition, pronounced “SIN-ko-pea,” is a temporary loss of consciousness due to insufficient blood flow to the brain or a sudden drop in blood pressure. This blogger has been a journalist for 25 years and was a sports reporter for four of those years. Never has the word “syncope” been written or thought of until now, particularly related to basketball.

The former Daytona State (Florida) college star was still under observation at the hospital as of Sunday, December 19. Neither the team nor the league have released further updates.

NHL shuts downs due to COVID-19 outbreaks

The National Hockey League is 99% vaccinated, according to Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly. But more than 15% of players tested positive for COVID-19 this past Monday. The league shut down completely on Wednesday to address the situation. It will resume games on Sunday after Christmas. Now go get your boosters.

Kyrie Irving gets the last laugh

Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving.

The NBA is 97% vaccinated, according to ESPN reporter Adrian Wojnarowski. But the Brooklyn Nets postponed three games this past week due to 10 players testing positive for COVID-19. So now they are forced to welcome back principled, non-vaccinated Kyrie Irving to fill the voids.

RELATED: NBA Update: Andrew Wiggins caves to social pressure, Brandon Goodwin suffers post-injection blood clots, while Kyrie Irving, et al. stand their ground (October 15, 2021)

Irving is only allowed to practice and play in games outside of New York due to the vaccine mandate there. Three California teams (Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers and Los Angeles Lakers) also have vaccine mandates for their players. But Irving can play in games at The Staples Center (Los Angeles) and The Chase Center (San Francisco) because visiting players are exempt from the mandate. Make it make sense. Even NBA all-world superstar and de-facto spokesperson Lebron James is fed up with the entire COVID-19 agenda.

RELATED: The greatest rebranding campaign of all-time is why the flu has all but disappeared in 2020-21 (April 13, 2021)


Tone deaf, impressionable soccer pro urges vaccination

Jude Bellingham.

Jude Bellingham is 18 years old, has 1.7 million Instagram followers, and a contract worth nearly $30 million. But apparently that’s not enough, as he’s either tone deaf or greedily collecting more money for endorsing lethal injections.

Here is what Bellingham told the BBC:

“I’ve had both jabs and the booster, just to be safe. I don’t want to be passing anything on to my family and be having to miss games myself. It’s not for me to sit here and say everyone has to get vaccinated, it is personal choice… obviously I want everyone to be safe, so I’d probably advise them to get it.”

It is a near-daily occurrence in 2021 for soccer players (“footballers”) across the globe to collapse on the pitch, clutch their chests and/or die shortly after playing. We get emails almost everyday of yet another incident.

A conservative estimate is that over 300 soccer players have collapsed on the pitch and/or died in 2021. Two more soccer players – Mukhaled Al-Raqadi of Muscat FC in Oman and Marin Cacic of the Croatian NK Nehaj football club – died this past week after heart attacks.

Proof in the pudding

We covered enough stories on this blog to reasonably conclude that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections change people’s personalities. Whether it’s through genetic manipulation or some sort of exterior control is debatable. But vaxx zealotry, at this point, has surpassed the realms of ridiculous.

Sports are all you need to understand everything about these injection. They do not prevent what they are supposed to prevent. The injections will maim and kill you. And you need to continually get “booster shots” because someone tells you too, not for any medicinal purpose.

This blogger has evolved in the year of The COVID Blog. Sympathy still exists for those who are speaking out about their injuries and deaths in families. But for those who continue believing what their told instead of believing what they see with their own eyes…well, good luck to you.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago

My parents are about 90 and live in a new assisted care facility located in Santa Fe, NM with their 11 year old Havanese dog. Just in the past 6 weeks or so:

  1. The dog fell ill and the vet found it had a “bloody mass at the top of his mouth”. Whether it was a clot or cancer, I do not know. They had to have it put down about three weeks later. Vaccine shedding?
  2. Mom had a “very mild heart attack” about three weeks ago and they wondered whether it might just have been an anxiety attack. Perhaps tests showed nothing, so they suggested that she might have been having an anxiety attack. We have seen this pattern in other such cases reported here and elsewhere, where tests show nothing and people are told they are having an anxiety attack or some other psychiatric problem.
  3. About two weeks later, Mom had what my brother called a “myocardial infarction” and was hospitalized for three days.
  4. A day or two later, Dad had a seizure. He was in bad shape to begin with, having had a stroke four years ago that left him with aphasia.

Mom was due out of the hospital Dec. 24 and Dad had his seizure a couple of days before Christmas, plus or minus a day.

You can be sure that at that assisted living facility they would have been slammed with the vaxxes and boosters ASAP.

I don’t expect either one to survive the winter. Fauci will have gone three-for-three on their household.

2 years ago

I am not disagreeing with the point of Lebron’s cartoon posted at all, but over 2.2 million likes in less than a day on liberal-biased Instagram?
Yet anyone who demurs is attacked as selfish or chicken, anyone who documents their vax injuries is anti-vax or a liar?
The cognitive dissonance is amazing.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

You’ve hit the nail on the head. The media won’t hesitate to play-up the deaths of persons who have questioned the whole COVID story (these individuals always seem to die of…wait for it…COVID), but will downplay, deny, or not report on actual deaths and injuries to healthy persons from these unnecessary jabs.
“!Bienvenidos al Mundo de los Payasos!” – “Welcome to Clown World!”

2 years ago

Wow! And I know this is just a small percentage of all the vaxx induced injuries and death that’s happening. And mostly healthy younger people. All around me are sick vaxxers either with covid or something else. Meanwhile my PureBlood family is fine. A small cold here and there. We are out celebrating while they are inside sick and hiding. I believe they now realize that this is their new normal. To the booster Covidians – mask up, stay indoors (safe ?) and leave the real living to the rest of us. I have no sympathy for you. For those that are only vaxxed – the choice is yours. Stop the madness or suffer your fate.

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Count yourself and your family fortunate. I’m not vaxxed; I take vitamin D, vitamin C and coconut oil daily; yet I still came down with a bronchitis that ruined my Christmas and most of my month. After three weeks, I’m still struggling to get rid of it. And I intend to do so without going to the doctor or the hospital if at all possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  404 Not Found

I wish you well. You don’t want to let the situation progress in any way.

Try looking up the medications on RX or medical sites; that are used with Bronchitis cases, such as Budesonide for example. Check your medical records that you have not had allergy or adverse reaction or any current medication that may conflict. Then search for an online pharmacy.

Good Luck. God Bless.

2 years ago
Reply to  404 Not Found

Sorry to hear about your illness. Sometimes a cold or flu sticks around and it is awful. Get fresh air in your house, wipe down all contact areas including your phone, keep your health up with supplements. I use elderberry cough drops with zinc and vitamin c. You can absorb through your oral cavity. Change your pillow cases and sheets more frequently. And good chicken soup or bone broth. Feel better soon. ?

Danny Darwish
2 years ago
Reply to  404 Not Found

Hey, I’d be careful about taking Vitamin C daily. It can destroy your kidneys. Recently, this happened to an elderly gentleman, who started taking Vit C daily for the pandemic–over a year later, he experienced kidney failure and died, as told to me by my father, a nephrologist (kidney doctor). It completely wrecked his kidneys, crystallized the insides of them or something…my father explained it, but I do not fully recall. Vitamin D is fine to take daily, but not Vitamin C, which you can take once a week (in capsule form).

Long-time lurker–thank you, Brian. Maybe it would be beneficial to mention to readers not to take Vit C daily, or else it could destroy their kidneys. Wish you well. Infinite blessings.

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
2 years ago
Reply to  Danny Darwish

Thank you everyone for your well-wishes. It’s been a while since I’ve checked this thread, so there were a couple I didn’t see until today. I’m glad to say that the bug is essentially gone now, though even last weekend it apparenty flared just enough to drag me down a little. I’m sure whatever minute vestiges are left will soon be gone.

And thank you Danny for your warning about vitamin C. I’ve read online that too much vitamin D can crystallize the kidneys and cause damage, so I limit my supplement to 1000 IU daily accordingly. But I’ve also read that you cannot overdose on vitamin C, except to the degree that it causes diarrhea. But your warning led me to dig deeper. I found that too much vitamin C can cause kidney stones, something I don’t want to deal with after what my brother went through with one. I also found that kidney failure is extremely rare. I feel pretty safe with the amount I’ve been taking at a time. But still, your warning has prompted me to cut back. Thanks again.

2 years ago
Reply to  404 Not Found

Put the toxic pills down and get your vitamins from food good sir

2 years ago

Keep strong Kyrie! You are having the last laugh. Serves the NBA and their woke followers right.

2 years ago

The Documentation is overwhelming and indisputable…only a Certified Cultist Zombie made to order and polished to perfection can not dispute that this is a slow motion Genocide…it’s global and cuts thru all demographics…Either Zealots and Virtue Signallers deal with Reality, or Reality will deal with them…there is no other way…I’m of the firm conclusion at this point that these fully jabbed and boosted Zealots must kick the bucket ASAP…if they have to wait too long, they will drag many more down into the Pit with them thru Peer Pressure, Coercion, and Ridicule…We already know that physical recovery is Impossible and that they took the Mark of the Beast and sold their Souls thru DNA altering…Newborns to vaxxed parents are a horrific nightmare…they have become Spike Protein Shedding Factories…Why Wait?

2 years ago

“Sympathy still exists for those who are speaking out about their injuries and deaths in families. But for those who continue believing what their told instead of believing what they see with their own eyes…”

The next 2-3 years will be really incredible. It will show us once and for all what the sheep are made of, and if waking them up is ever possible under any circumstances, no matter how extreme. Will they FINALLY admit they were lied to and this is all a scam? Or will they go to their graves in stubborn denial, possibly even taking the whole damn world down with them?

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

That is the question isn’t it? Their ignorance endangers the rest of us. I have no sympathy anymore. No one can have a cold, a sore throat or the regular old flu anymore. Currently dealing with two of my fiancées friends who are ill with seasonal cold or flu and seem bent and killing themselves at a hospital.

Let them go.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Sad how you hear the vax injured always say, “I’m not anti vax but this is what it did to me.

2 years ago

Dr. Nathan Thompson may have cracked the code on why athletes are collapsing or having heart attacks by analyzing one of this patients blood work in detail after the jab. What he discovered was frightening. First he discovered the jab was decreasing the immune system, but later he discovered the jab is potentially dangerous if you have a liver problem, and the tests he was doing no mainstream doctor was doing or looking at. Some of the test he did could not simply be treated by medication. Long story short the jab affects the liver, and the detox pathway of the liver to the point it could cause heart problems if not checked, and worked on. They are actually studying the affects of the jab on the liver right now, and don’t know the long-term side effects. Folks don’t realize the liver plays an important role in your immune system too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Osa
2 years ago

HE’S IN THE HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF THE VACCINE. He even admitted it on social media.

2 years ago

it’s hard not to wish ill on the scumbags that allowed this sort of thing to happen and more, actively encouraged it, and are still doing so…

Last edited 2 years ago by circumscribed
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