Stephanie Evans: 35-year-old Hawaii woman “never thought it would be me” as post-Pfizer pericarditis cripples her entire existence
November 28, 2021

Ms. Stephanie Evans.

LAHAINA, HAWAII — A 35-year-old medical esthetician and single mother of two young boys is desperate for answers and learning the hard way that doctors are not her allies.

Ms. Stephanie Evans received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on August 29, according to documents published on Instagram. She believed it was the “right thing to do,” but also did it because of social pressure. A week later, she suffered from severe chest pain and shortness of breath. The pain worsened the following week, to the point that Ms. Evans believed she was having a heart attack.

She checked into an emergency room in mid-September believing the people in white coats would help her. Doctors told Ms. Evans it was not a heart attack. They also tested her for “illicit drugs” because she told them about the Pfizer injection. They believed she was high and crazy to connect the lethal injections to her chest pain. She was discharged with only humiliation and no treatment.

Ms. Evans said the pain and shortness of breath was so severe at this point that she contemplated “giving up.” But because of her two young boys, she had to continue fighting.

Afraid to tell anyone about vaxx adverse effects

Ms. Evans started posting cryptic messages on Instagram later that month. She wrote on September 28 that her two boys are “help[ing] me through anything life throws at me.”

She wrote a lengthier post on September 30 that implied that she is going through some sort of health issue. “I’m not ready to talk about the things going on,” she wrote. But in that same post, she thanked several people for bringing her food, helping with the kids, and sending flowers. “I am at the beginning of a tough healing journey and I’m coming to terms with that,” she said.

Ms. Evans posted an update on October 18, featuring a video of her boys splashing around at the beach. “Even though I’m still in pain, still not 100%, I’m pushing myself for these boys,” she wrote.

Ms. Evans posted a photo of herself wearing a lei that her son made at school on October 20. It was the most direct reference to what she’d been going through since early September. “He said it’s so my heart gets better,” she wrote.

Ms. Evans finally revealed the full truth on November 8. She posted a photo of herself in the hospital. “I have been suffering with Pericarditis (an adverse effect) from the Pfizer vaccine,” she wrote. She’s now unable to work, run, hike, or play with her kids. Her mother apparently moved in with her because she “need[s] help 24/7.” Ms. Evans believed the mainstream media, CDC and Fauci narrative that myocarditis and pericarditis are essentially paper cuts that go away overnight.

“This is not healing the way I thought it would. It taking much longer,” she wrote. Ms. Evans is taking several anti-inflammatory medications. But they are providing little to no relief. She’s also tried natural remedies, to no avail. But Ms. Evans concluded, “I’m still here and fighting until I can heal.”

Though too little, too late, a doctor provided a medical exemption for the second injection.

Ms. Evans said she’s telling her story so the truth gets out and to hopefully find others suffering the same thing. Her last post as of publishing was on Thanksgiving. She said she’s thankful for all the little things in life.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds to help with her expenses while she’s unable to work.

Heart attacks are the new normal

This blogger has said repeatedly that antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) would be the demise of vaxxed people in no more than two years. That is based on several professional opinions, including Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. But it’s starting to look like these injections destroy human hearts and will ultimately cut many lives short.

We’ve written about relatively-young doctors dropping dead in large numbers in the past few months. Young athletes and high school kids are dropping dead in large numbers. Everyday some famous-in-their-own-way young actor or actress is coming down with heart problems or dying.

Ms. Katie Waissel is a 35-year-old British actress known for roles in television shows such as The X Factor and Celebrity Big Brother 18. She was rushed to the emergency room in Watford on November 12 due to a heart attack. She posted an Instagram update on November 23, wearing a heart monitor and wondering about “potential causes” of the heart attack. Several people in the comments asked if she was “vaccinated.” She did not answer any of them.

RELATED: American Heart Association abstract says mRNA injections “dramatically increase” heart attack risks (November 24, 2021)


This blogger believed that 2022 would be the start of mass, sudden deaths. But it’s happening now and it’s only going to get worse as the obedient line up for shot #3, #4 and whatever else Fauci tells them to do. Once again, Godspeed.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

Another clueless, worried about what her social media friends think instead of her health.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

“let’s focus on staying healthy and get injected with poison to make the elites more wealthy”

2 years ago
Reply to  yann

The elites don’t care about becoming more wealthy. They already have unlimited wealth, as well as owning the Federal Reserve that prints up money at their will, out of thin air, with nothing to back it. The corrupt doctors care about money and incentives for covid diagnoses and deaths, but not those running the show.

What they do care about, and what this is all about, is injecting the masses with nanobots, mRNA, parasites and God knows what else, to main, kill, ruin, control and decide when you live and die at their whim.

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthS

“The elites don’t care about becoming more wealthy.”
You’ve got that right. This is all about power by playing the “We are Gods!” game with those below them.

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

I think a partial explanation is the fact that some of these these “elites”, deep down, are scared little children with a delusional “scarcity” demon that has haunted them their entire lives. That was the problem with the late Prince Philip, who wanted to reincarnate as a killer virus so he could wipe out large portions of the world population, just so his kind won’t run out of “stuff”. The bigger reason is the absolute cruelty and hatred of humanity of the people behind these “elites”. The problem is a spiritual one…..a battle with principalities and powers and wickedness in high places (Book of Ephesians), King James Bible.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Very powerful and accurate statement.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Very true that the problem is a spiritual one. This manifests itself, as you’ve mentioned, as fear, hatred, and selfishness. That’s why they fear death and want to live forever as some computer program or unnatural human/machine hybrid.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrMonkeyShines
2 years ago
Reply to  TruthS

I respectfully disagree with your inconclusive conclusion. The people who run the show want us dead, or at least 95% of us. They view this planet as their private property and us as a hoard of vermin, overrunning it, decimating and spoiling every lovely spot with their activities. They also deem us as as incorrigibly stupid, which might be correct, given that they have rather easily convinced large swath of human population to willfully and unwittingly march to the ovens.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine!

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.

We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “

“The future of life” – Jacques Attali, 1981, interview with Michel Salomon.

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthS

For the elites, they can only be in their position if they are a part of the club. To join the club is to pledge allegiance to Lucifer aka the devil aka Satan. They have been orchestrating a long range plan since the beginning (read Pawns in the Game). Of course the main puppet masters are spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).

They’ve been manipulating us humans since the beginning too. We humans fall for everything under the sun; power, wealth, fame, pleasures, you name it (Mark 8:36). The people at the top have been indoctrinated either through their family passing it on from generation to generation or from someone wanting to be in the club and going through the necessary oaths, rituals and sacrifices.

In the end, the elites believe something similar to what the Nazis believed with the Arian race. They think they are doing what is right and they believe in a future Utopia that involves fewer people on the planet (Georgia Guidestones). They think that depopulation is for the greater good and that they just so happen to be the chosen ones. They believe they are gods walking on earth. They believe they are privileged and they have been tasked with getting rid of the weak and useless.

Eugenics, the New Age, Freemasonry, the Occult/Witchcraft, Zionism, Luciferianism, UFOs, (I could go on) it’s all the same game. Humans being manipulated by spiritual beings (fallen angels and Satan) who hate us and want nothing more than to see as many go to judgement as possible and to be kept away from Jesus and an eternity with God in heaven.

The proof for the truth of God the Father and Jesus are there. You either want to know it or you don’t. It’s a matter of volition.

Look up the cosmological argument, the fine tuning argument (teleological) and the moral argument. Then look up the historicity of Jesus and the resurrection. Stand to Reason and Goodfight Ministries are great resources.

There are so many more things to look into, but that’s a great start. After looking at that and if you’re still unsure, you gotta look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why are you holding out on the truth?

God wants you to be reconciled to Him and that’s the whole reason why Jesus was sent in the first place. He’s giving you many opportunities to accept his free gift. It’s FREE. Take it. God bless you.

Byrgesen Jens
Byrgesen Jens
2 years ago
Reply to  yann

Yes, there are some real grinches out there.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

CoVaxx appears to cure selfie-taking narcissists of their issues – well, that and cliffs & tall structures.

. . . bad for Tinder business I suppose.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Next is Rivax

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Why did the take a photo of herself, being in poor condition?

2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

Narcissism writ large is why.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

Attention wh0res till the end

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

I am sorry she caved to pressure. There is a lot of information and evidence out there on these shots being deadly and causing a lot of damage to the body. Why do people trade wealth for health, because at the core, that is what they are doing. These are de-population shots and they are working and will take even more lives in the next 3 years.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

I know you’re right, but I dearly hope (against reason) you’re wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

The Vaccine pipeline has already been established, there are enough Non-Placebo Jabs completed to the point where we will all witness the horrors of a mass dying off in the near term…nothing except for Divine Intervention can stop this…as the Booster phase is picking up momentum…The Tribe whose DNA has been programmed by Satan himself has waited over 100 years since the Spanish Flu for this moment…how else do you explain the Luciferian Trump celebrating when the first Jabs were administered? The MAGA Cult got played like a Grand Piano and even the Cult of Libtardopia fell for it all… The Bodies of Jonestown Trump Kool-Aide Drinkers will be stacked up alongside those of Low IQ Libtards…The Mark of the Beast Poison does not discriminate…Welcome to the Zombie Apocolypse…

2 years ago

The sadder part of this story is that when you go to her GoFundMe page, they are blaming the medical emergency on another condition and there is ZERO MENTION of Pfizer vaccine injury. They are blaming it on a previous underlying condition. This is because if you mention vaccine injury on GoFundMe they pull the account. We are living under the DarkTech Overlord’s rule. Extraordinary times. Good thing we are eternal light beings and this place is just a temporary trap. Revelation 3:11 “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”

2 years ago
Reply to  cyd

Actually, I just looked at it and it DOES mention the “vaccine” as the cause. Maybe the wording was changed after you looked at it?

Taken directly from the gofundme page


“Help a mama recover from Vax Injury!”

Also the test:

“Stephanie Evans is a friend of mine. She is a kind soul who believed getting the Pfizer vaccine was the right thing to do . Also with the pressure of these mandates for work. So on Aug 29 she Received her first dose. After the first week she had bad chest pain then after a week it go so bad she thought she was having a heart attack , so she was rushed to ER. They sent her away saying it’s not a heart attack and tested her for explicit drug use because she implied it’s probably from the vaccine and they thought she was crazy.”

At least they ARE mentioning the “vaccine” as the cause.

2 years ago
Reply to  cyd

she did mention vax injury & Pfizer. i wonder some of these people don’t do that for fear of censorship. (GoFundMe took down Ramirez’s page for his son death.)

2 years ago
Reply to  cyd

Yes, they take the shot thinking they are battling some respiratory affliction, and when they come down with a cardiovascular condition after the jabs, they just can’t add it up and still call it Covid, which is not even the name of the disease but the name of a worldwide psyop handed down to us by the governments of the world. They will be clueless until they land in whatever place in eternity it is earmarked for them to land in.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

What was she thinking? Why join the Medical Experiment when you’re responsible for two young children – should she be doing that!?
The dangerous effects of these inoculations have been well described since May 2021.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

More like January!

2 years ago

Great research work but not fond of the watermarks that make reading the screenshots difficult.

2 years ago
Reply to  admin

I understand. Thank you for providing the rationale behind them.

2 years ago
Reply to  admin

This plagiarism of blog content happens constantly, and has been going on for years. I think some people consider it opportunism, rather than theft. Its part of the ongoing degradation of society… if you’re so pathetic you can’t come up with your own material… just steal it.

2 years ago

NOPE–don’t feel sorry for her, especially not this late in the game–August 29th–what the hell was she doing/reading/researching for the past 9 months since this death shot came out?–posting crap on twitter and instagram? Now she posts herself wearing a mask in a hospital bed, nothing is sacred/private anymore. That GoFund me page is a disgrace–strangers have to pay for her stupidity.

I’m so tired of these people coming out when the initial pity has worn off. Paraphrasing here, “I NOW just want to share my experience with you, so others may benefit” crap is another chance to get attention and sympathy (aka: dopamine hit) from the virtual world. People better understand REALITY is salvation, tech obsession is the reason why so many are brainwashed.

Here is hoping her kids were spared from these poison injections and they will have a more knowledgeable caretaker when she departs this world.

NEVER CONSENT, be strong and stay united.

2 years ago

My idiot brother did the same thing. Took the clot shot in late September then caught covid a few days later. Has heart problems. The doctor blamed it on covid.

2 years ago

I’m afraid that for all her talk of ‘healing’, nothing of the sort is in her future. I hope she educates her sons over the next couple of years so they don’t repeat her mistake.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

When your injuries are caused by a change at the genetic level, it’s very unlikely you’ll return to a healthy state from those injuries. At that point attempting to use pharma’s concoctions or natural remedies is like putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone. It only touches the surface, but gets nowhere near the cause of your problem(s). Sad but true.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Sadly, though, people are so desperate to be either fixed or made somewhat better. And there are people willing to take advantage of them with new treatments. And the injured are vulnerable to becoming injured financially as well because they don’t understand that the code for the spike protein has been delivered into their cells and they have been made spike protein factories. There’s no way to undo this unfortunate thing, but they hold on to hope. “The next thing *must* work. I’ve tried so many ……………….”

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Agreed. And it seems that a large number of these vax injured were happy, healthy people before going the route of inoculation. Too bad people don’t research these gene jabs as thoroughly as they do next year’s vacation.

“If ain’t broke don’t fix it”, is not only a cliché, but these days with this poison has become a truism.

2 years ago

“She is adequately vaccinated for now”
___Doc in “exemption” (lol) letter

That’s for sure!

It is always laughable; when you read the stories of people maimed beyond belief (but still breathing) by the vaccine and they always preface their tale with “Let it be said that I am NOT anti-vax!”

Then they go into the “thank you Jesus” b.s. and “I am so blessed” b.s.

Is that not what you would expect from a Born Slave? Their own “gubbermint” has inflicted horrific torture on them; their life is for all intents and purposes destroyed; and they still espouse pollyannish insane optimism and “thankfulness”.

Oswald Spengler once called OPTIMISM “a great manifestation of cowardice” and his observation is of course unflinchingly trenchant.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Oswald Spengler’s “Decline of the West” was a somewhat difficult read, but well worth the trouble. It changed my perspectives on world events and helped me view things in a different light.

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Darwin (with his natural selection and survival of the fittest; maybe not *all* his evolutionary theories); Spengler; Nietzsche; Schopenhauer and several other men…relegated to the dusty shelves in academia here in 2021….were absolutely spot on with countless observations they made regarding society and the human race back in the 19th century.

They will be vindicated when all is said and done; as “democracy”; “equality”; and “socialist utopia” are all exposed as the absurd frauds that they are.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Your mention of “socialist utopia” brought to mind the very scarily prescient “Mouse Utopia” experiment. Researching it, I was dumbfounded at the parallels between it and present day society. 

Last edited 2 years ago by MrMonkeyShines
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

The slave mentality is so entrenched in their subconscious and way of being, they need to constanly reassure their masters that they are no threat. Kind of pledging allegiance again and again, no matter how abused and despised they are by their enslavers. They are like a little child clinging to his sadistic abusive parents, for he – the poor helpless soul – has nowhere to turn to.

They get in the car to go buy groceries for their kids and when they are slapped with a traffic ticket, you will hear them say out loud “it’s my fault, I was going 1 mile over the speed limit”.

2 years ago

The Plantation Serfs/Pro Vaxx crowd don’t want to do anything that might disrupt the Master/Slave relationship…they also don’t realize that No One Can Serve Two Masters…They can not worship False Prophets and False Idols such as Government and Big Pharma without getting sold out by them…Many of these waved the MAGA Flag and bowed down at the altar of Pharmacia and their Witch Doctors…and they paid for their mistake in many more ways than one. Matthew 7:15

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago

According to this blogger: “learning the hard way that doctors are not her allies”

The doctor:

2 years ago

I’ve just read Abstract 10721 by Dr. Gundry in CIRCULATION about the PULS cardiac biomarker tests showing a rise in risk for new acute coronary syndrome going from 11% to 25% (in 5 years) pre-shot vs post-shot:

“We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and the vascular events following vaccination”

Jeez, I wish people would listen and stop turning themselves into pincushions.

2 years ago

The question is, will she keep doing “the right thing” and vaccinate her two boys as well ?. God forbid, what if people start to call her “anti-vaxxer” ?. Her reputation is on the line !!.

These days, many seem to want to be sacrificed on the altar of the demons posing as the father-figures of mankind, along with their children.

2 years ago

It’s difficult for them to heal, regardless of the drugs pumped into them, since their bodies still produce those harmful spike proteins, nonstop and in large quantities, undermining both the natural and made-boosted healing process.

Afshin Nejat
Afshin Nejat
2 years ago

How despicable. So she wanted to play Russian roulette as long as someone else got the bullet. She wanted to be “on the winning team” of those that survived, even if that meant adding her weight to an ongoing extortion racket that would not stop until everyone did it by coercion or outright force, thereby throwing her weight into the many that will and have died from it, which is HUGELY undercounted. Pathetic. I feel no pity for those who take this and suffer unless they are forced to, especially if they are under the age of adulthood and those who do this to them were supposed to be their caretakers.

2 years ago

Soon, “health” passports will be implemented and include varied personal (medical, financial, social) information that has nothing to do with this virus. They will use it to control EVERY citizen and send you to internment camps for the safety of others if you are deemed a threat for ANY reason.

2 years ago

Can we put single mothers in the liberal group too? She is not the only single mother that has taken the Covid shot. Perhaps another group falling for the Covid propaganda just like the LGBTQ community.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

“please… send me your prayers as I heal.”
Poor victims. They don’t understand, there’s no healing at all. They can be expected to decline day by day… it’s unspeakably sad.
And Dr. Chris Shaw believes that any of these unfortunate people still alive in two or three years will then encounter chronic neurodegenerative disease! Which is Alzheimers, Lou Gehrigs, Huntingtons, Parkinsons, etc.
See, these inoculations will get you a dozen different ways…
(Actually I believe Dr. Tenpenni and her team are up to twenty different ways now! For real.)

2 years ago

Well, just found-out about my cousin-in-law, ~48 years old, married mother of 2, not overweight, in good shape, no significant medical history, fully vaccinated & boosted (just last week) – she landed in the ICU 2 days ago, blood clots in her lungs.

They’re poisoning her with Remdesivir & Dexamethasone as I write.

My wife wants to call her family to encourage them to look at FLCCC alternate treatments, but she knows none of her family will listen to ‘conspiracy theory’ treatments. We’re shopping plane tickets for the wife to head back east should this go the way of so many others.

My wife has a large close-knit extended family that are all very nice people, well-educated & successful, and are also ALL-ONBOARD with Cult Covid – so none of this is a surprise, and unfortunately, there’re probably more to follow.


Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I’m sorry about your cousin-in-law but thanks for reporting it here. This is happening all over the place with the overwhelming majority not connecting it to the vaccine. You would think it would be obvious that it’s a reaction to the booster, but most don’t want to face that reality. All the best to your family.

Byrgesen Jens
Byrgesen Jens
2 years ago

My first shot was Moderna. Two days later the chest pain hit. For 5 days the left side of my heart was terrible. Did I go to the hospital, NO. To sit in the.waiting room for hours only to have their staff say, go home. By the 5th day I was ready to go to the hospital, but the pain subsided. Second needle was phyzer. Very little pain. I regret accepting the needles.

Worried about the long term effects. As if Doc Fauci would care. He.needs to be gone. Why is he still able to walk??..

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

Lahaina is one of the high-rent districts on Maui, a high-rent island of the inhabited chain. She sounds like she can afford to suffer the effects of her stupidity for at least a little while, after that all bets are off.

2 years ago

ANY individual who says/’believes’….”THAT will NEVER happen TO ME!” (doesn’t matter WHAT the ‘that’ is!)……WILL get a KARMA SLAP……SO HARD……to remind you that, “YES!! INDEED……it CAN HAPPEN TO YOU…..and HERE IT IS!!”. (These same individuals are the ones who also say….”Not ‘MY’ kid!!” (when their kid is a POS and has done something that they should not have.)

That ‘medical exemption’ is funny!! This Zombie won’t be needing it; the Walking Dead!

1 year ago

The irony in this, in all likelihood, will escape most in this Marxist hole.

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