September 1, 2021 (updated 11:06 a.m. Pacific)
CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA — A 57-year-old West Virginia woman is dead after one of the strangest turn of events we’ve covered on this blog.
Mrs. Kim Jarvis declared on August 29, “I am vaccinated.” She did not clarify which injections she received, nor did she specify when she received the injections. A search through her Facebook posts from May 1 to August 29 revealed no further information. It frankly doesn’t matter which injection she received as all of them are equally lethal. But it’s the rest of her lengthy post that day that makes this story so bizarre.
She admitted that she doesn’t know what in the injections. Mrs. Jarvis continued, saying she also doesn’t know what’s in a Big Mac or hot dogs, but suggested she eats them anyway. Of course nobody really knows (beyond broad, ambiguous generalizations) what’s in the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections because all of the package inserts that are supposed to contain that information are blank. There are numerous videos of pharmacists opening the boxes of vials and revealing the blank inserts.
Mrs. Jarvis continued, saying she doesn’t know what’s in Tylenol, shampoo or tattoo ink. But she said she wants to travel and “protect us.” Mrs. Jarvis said she “trusted the science” for all other vaccines and “trusted [her] doctor” when he recommended the COVID-19 injections. Ironically she also said “life is very short.” Note: we’re told this post is “copypasta” and is apparently making the rounds on Facebook with many vaccine zealots.
Less than 24 hours later
Mrs. Jarvis, as she normally and frequently did, posted several bulletins about missing dogs in West Virginia on August 30. Her last post was at 7:17 p.m. local time. She apparently went to her daughter Heather’s house that night. Mrs. Jarvis told Heather “I love you” and “I’m so glad you’re home safe.” The next day, Heather posted an update. She said her mother “passed away unexpectedly in her sleep” that night, hours after she saw her.
Mrs. Jarvis was a die-hard supporter of the injections. She falsely compared the polio and smallpox vaccines to the current mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.
It took, at minimum, 16 years to develop a polio vaccine from the time President Franklin Roosevelt funded the research in 1938 until the first vaccines were administered in 1954 trials. The smallpox vaccine took at minimum 28 years from the time Dr. John Fewster theorized it and Dr. Edward Jenner administered the first shot in the United States. A “vaccine” is not developed in six months, as these current injections were.
Mrs. Jarvis took many subtle jabs (no pun intended) at the non-vaccinated. She was also a Christian. Yet she wondered why non-Christians mocked her faith.
Her daughter also mocked the non-vaccinated quite a bit.
Mrs. Jarvis was a paralegal by trade. But she was looking for work at the time of her death, according to her LinkedIn page. She is survived by her husband, daughter, son and at least one grandchild.
Unnecessary risks
Mrs. Jarvis was right about one thing. Life is full of risks. At least 102 Americans die everyday in car accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. But most people need to drive not only to make a living, but also for their overall livelihoods. There are specific measures to minimize your risk of dying in a car accident – wear a seat belt, don’t drink alcohol, don’t text, etc.
There are also many things you can do to increase your already 99.99% chance of surviving COVID-19. Lose weight, increase vitamin D intake and eating green vegetables are just a few ways to be almost 100% immune from a so-called COVID-19 death. Regardless, the risk is minimal. There is simply no rational reason to inject yourself with synthetic mRNA or viral vector DNA. The only reason people do it is because of employer and government coercion, peer pressure and/or genuine ignorance.
Do you. Take your injections, be happy and be quiet. To all others, stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
Cant believe a Christian woman couldn’t see through this for what it is, a stepping stone to the final events. It’s illogical to compare these jabs to other things because this kind of medical tyranny is unprecedented, I mean last year in just a few short months they changed the way the whole of humanity live and conduct every day activities. I wonder if her silly daughter Heather is still putting up such ignorant posts about those who refuse this jab, seeing as now her mother is gone. I wonder does the daughter feel any remorse? Because you know she encouraged her mother to do it, most likely telling her she was doing the “right thing” . How about the woman’s doctor who recommended this jab, he has responsibility too.
The Doctor is on the Take and gets paid for the Jabs…Hospitals are reimbursed over $25K for each fake covid death certificate…Lucifer is paying them all off…Who is getting most of the blood money? The Synagogue of Satan Small Hat Tribe that runs the Media and the large hospital chains…It is all a Racket to make money & deliver to Kill Gates the body count…Those who are grounded in the Scriptures do not fall for the Hoax. Matthew 7:15
“…reimbursed over $25K for each fake covid death certificate…Lucifer is paying them all off”
Kwik, where do I sign ?.
Yes, i am aware of that, my own doctor pushes the covid narrative too and has since day one, last time i saw her she went on and on about how people don’t know how bad it really is in the hospitals and blah blah, it went in my left ear, out the right ear lol. If you are referring to the J’s, i think you will find the papacy is behind a lot of things and people like Bill Gates are the front guys, the lightning rods, to take all the heat and divert attention away from the papacy who are really behind all the evil agendas. You should check out Walter Veith’s content.
I also want to add, see the blank inserts inside the boxes of the jabs, i heard one liberal excuse it and say the reason they are blank is because most of the information is online about the jabs. Well that pitiful excuse doesn’t hold up because for everything else, whether its vitamins or paracetamol etc, you always get an insert filled out front and back with details of dosage, side effects etc. So if you get it for stuff that’s around a long time and used by millions around the world that people know of well, stuff that is for minor things, what’s the excuse for it being mostly blank on a supposed new treatment? Especially when there is such confusion and uncertainty about it. If it’s not suspicious, then they should put a small bit of paper with the relevant info and a website link people can go to, but instead they put in a big insert. Why would they insert a big piece of paper with only a bit of text printed and that is also the part you see at first glance? Makes no sense, unless it was done purposely to pass it off as a legitimate treatment and they figured, well, nobody reads those inserts anyway, so it wont look too suspicious if we do it that way. I’ve never seen this kind of behavior with anything else and those things alone make this whole thing very disturbing.
AmeriKA is truly Doomed for so, so many reasons and so many are oblivious to things. . .
Excellent comment! May God bless you!
Agreed it’s a blood oath but OH they DON’T know that the lower astral realms (hell) is real and it’s misery for those signing in blood with the devil….. I’ve seen it in spirit it’s REAL…..
Probably went to a very liberal old mainline denomination church. She may even have gotten vaccinated at such a church. Every liberal person I know has been vaccinated. The church my mother goes to, she has friends denigrating her for not being vaccinated, and I would just guess they don’t have much of an understanding of the Gospel.
They do not have much of an understanding of anything, but loving this world and it’s lies, if the truth flees from them so easily. “Lord, We did all these things in your name”. “Depart from me I knew you not”.
I agree. They don’t have any understanding of the Gospel, if they did they wouldn’t be liberal and they certainly wouldn’t go near any so called church with liberal ideals that are blatantly anti-christ. I always tell people, you cannot support what God is against and still think you are on his side, it’s illogical and irrational. How can you support anything God is against and still expect to make it into his Kingdom? You can’t, otherwise if God did allow in such people who die supporting every evil agenda currently plaguing the world, then not only would it make God unjust, but satan himself would have grounds to accuse him and say, hey, you let in these people who support, x, y and z, what about me? These are the kind of people that are CINO, Christian in name only, but the things they support or approve of are not only a reflection of them, but show clearly whom they really serve. Don’t let these liberal loons try and bully or shame your mom into it, they wont be there to pick up the pieces or care what happens to her, let them do what they want and find out the hard way.
I agree BUT just because we are saved that doesn’t mean we don’t fall down on occasion. Help pick a brother up. Folks don’t go to church because we’re perfect. We are broken people and need Jesus and commune with like minded individuals. Can I get an amen for God’s long suffering of us!
AMEN and again I say AMEN
Agree. And I was glad to see she was a believer. Even if she made a mistake that cost her her life, she had her eternity secured. There’s a reason for those verses about us taking care that “no man deceive you”. She put her trust in the wrong people.
I wonder if her church is responsible in propagandize. Western church seems largely taken over by leftists. The eastern orthodox church seems the only one that holds the line.
I agree, we are in the last days, so yes, many so called churches are Apostate. they will hear Jesus say to them, depart from me, i never knew you, you worker of iniquity.
I have been using that verse with CINOs for 31 years. The CINOs love this world to their deaths. They really don’t love God or His Word, and they probably would be really unhappy in heaven once they find out it is not PC there. I can’t figure out why they call themselves Christian. Perhaps it’s the thing to do in their group.
John!! Do you know for a fact this is how she passed? No you don’t and I happen to know this family and they’re not ignorant!! You wouldn’t find better people ! You need to find out the facts before you post such untruths!! How in the world can you live with yourself knowing how you’re speaking of someone whom can’t defend herself and the family is trying to cope!! Stop!!!
Oh here we go, it’s just like YouTube, always someone who claims to know or be related to the person in question, right, sure. Gee, she got the vaccine and dead the next day? Gosh that’s one heck of a coincidence, just like all the rest of the coincidences, right? It’s blatantly obvious what the cause is, but understanding such things requires using critical thinking skills. What untruths did I post?, I commented on the things (evidence) presented, such as the woman’s own posts on social media and those of her daughter, Heather. How in the world can YOU live with yourself by sitting by and not speaking out against this insanity, tyranny and crimes against humanity? Especially when things like this are the consequences? Why are you coming against the very ones who are fighting for the truth? How come you specifically targeted my comment? Come back when you have something more intelligent or worthwhile to say.
Well, let’s examine the facts about this jab.
1. It is experimental. Not FDA approved. (As if that means anything, but it still isn’t) You have to fill out a lengthy form and agree to be a test subject. I would have liked to ask her if this was normal for her. Did she typically participate in medical experiments?
2. It is a new technology, never tried in humans before. If that doesn’t make one feel uneasy…big red flag there. Again, I would have liked to know why she ignored this important information that was repeatedly frequently in the media.
3. The injection does not prevent contraction or transmission of disease. For an illness that is 98 to 99% survivable. This is publicly available information. Is there any other “vaccine” promoted as this ineffective??
4. You sign away your rights to compensation if something should go wrong, you become injured or die. You assume all risk: I would love to have asked her if she typically does this in her daily life.
5. And of course she didn’t care what was in it.
With this information alone one should easily understand that this injection is fraught with risk. It has been made plain for all those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Unfortunately some people fail to put 2+2 together. Jimmy Houston’s wife just suffered a stroke shortly after they were both vaccinated, and as he was discussing his weekend with her at the hospital, he said in a boasting tone that Oklahoma has the most vaccinated people per capita, and made some dismissive reference to those who refuse it. The first thing that came to mind when he said she’d had a stroke was wondering whether she’d been vaccinated.
Probably so. She literally called her moms death the new normal. That’s pretty indoctrinated
She got was she deserved by mocking people who don’t believe in this shame.
nobody deserves to die, they were lied to..
it should not be life threatening to believe a lie..
I think it is always life threatening to believe a lie. Soul threatening too.
True Christian DISCERNMENT seems to be totally missing in action these days.
Not for ALL of us. Some of us are watching and discerning, worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth.
We remain awake and aware, and our hearts break for the deceived, and we NEVER blame or judge the blind and ignorant for having been the victims of this cunning Satanic Agenda of World Genocide and the advent of the Antichrist.
We simply pray for them, and speak out against those who perpetuate this evil knowingly – for they, those at the top, KNOW whom they serve, and they have pledged their allegiance in BLOOD to Lucifer their god, believing his lies and buying into the arrogant self righteousness and false rewards they believe will be bestowed upon them for their service.
They know not that they are walking dead, destined for the eternal Lake of Fire from which there is no escape for them, forever.
I don’t agree with this statement (P Eisenberg)…Not trying to be antagonistic, but this life does promise 1 thing…death. If we do not hold tightly to the wisdom of God, through His Holy Spirit, and reject Him…we do deserve what we get. “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. – Hosea 4:6”
My heart hurts for this families loss. And yes, they were all lied to. But, we as a human race, know inertly that their are liars all around. And have been given more than enough evidence that our government(s) are filled with sinful humans. Yes, we humans are filled with Sin. This sin corrupts our perspective on all things. Only through Christ Jesus can we be connected to a truth that divides this world apart from His people. Pray. For His redemption is right around the corner.
How about doing something for our military sons and daughters who are being forced to take the jab or get court marshalled. Plenty of Christian souls in there now caught up with the vax.
Maybe so ….. but we can’t discount the power of mass propaganda by the mockingbird media and social media. She probably believed the lies with all her heart.
We will *never* turn this around as long as the bad guys control the lion’s share of media “information” on TV and social media.
The Lord admonishes us to use the discernment he gifted us with, because the devil is a roaring lion, seeking to devour. She believed LIES instead of trusting the Lord and using the discernment, and guess what, the Bible is PACKED with proverbs and parables about the consequences of folly, foolishness, and ignorance — the wages of sin is death.
As Christians we’re confronted with a choice… Do we put our faith in man or in God? Choose wisely
Excuse me sir, have you accepted Big Pharma as your lord and savior?
Mrs Jarvis did not study Scriptures that warn us not to Trust False Prophets such as the Lying Politicians and Sorcerers at Big Pharma…if she went to a real Church instead of one of the Many Epic Sellout government licenced Churches…she would not have made this mistake…We are supposed to use Critical Thinking and Discernment, not put blind faith and trust in experts who have a financial incentive to fill up Cadaver Bags in the name of Science…
How can we forget Franklin Graham took the jab and said Jesus would, too?! With friends like that, who needs enemies.
Don’t forget that Trump is hawking the kill shot to his followers. The world is truly upside down — I can’t believe what I’m seeing.
Nope haven’t forgotten that Trump guy. A lot of conservatives approve the jabs, and have taken one or two, as though there’s no harm in them. Very disappointing.
I lost all respect for Mr. Trump when he caved to the covid coup and started hawking the Mark of the Beast, right out of the gate — I personally think he’s a Judas goat.
Actually, per the tribe he’s aligned with, Trump is a Shabbos Goy.
He said choice. He doesn’t push mandatory vax.
Many are deceived, including Trump – he has no medical background, and like Ron DeSantis and effectively ALL office-holders, is telling people to get jabbed. So, the issue is….would you prefer someone who not only tells people to get jabbed and threatens to make them the “untouchables” in a US society caste system, like the present usurping regime?
Or would you prefer, as I do, a public figure who advises the jabs but would NEVER threaten or force, or coerce people into doing so. Trump, like DeSantis, has said many times that he respects people’s right to choose whether or not to get the jab. Trump actually cares about people, unlike the science-denying Emperor Ming regime.
As for the choice, anybody who listens to any office-holder on a medical decision is a fool – would you take investment advice from the teenager walking your dog? Do your own research, it’s time to grow up, folks.
Franklin Graham is a charlatan. Just because Billy was a good evangelist doesn’t mean his children are automatically saints.
Wish every “CDC church” would read this comment! Thanks and God bless you 🙏.
Just imagine the anger when all the vaxxers wake up and begin seeking street justice against all these medical staff and fake experts who pushed and coerced the sheep to get the suicide shots. The medical staff and fake experts better sleep with on eye open and have a head that spins around checking their backside everywhere they walk around in public. All we can do is sit back and watch the fury that is about to start happening in about 3-6 months.
I’m waiting for this as well. Let’s hope the vaxxed still have the mental capability to “see” through the lies–after all according to Dr. Tenpenny the frontal lobe is deteriorating everyday. If the the daughter’s post give any indication, she has fallen for the, “unvaxxed are killing people” narrative. I suspect these people will be first in line for boosters, they have a hard time thinking beyond the phone and television.
I agree with you. The ones who got the clot shots early on will die off first. I would think their surviving family members and/or friends will promise street justice on their behalf. If there’s going to be a mass de-population event like I think, people will re-watch The Purge movies to prepare for payback to those who pushed the suicide jab. We, on the other hand can sit back and watch the fireworks and then afterwards begin rebuilding a smarter, less shelf-life society.
A hefty percentage will likely begin dying as soon as their vitamin D levels reach a certain point this fall. You can see the effect even in people in summer, when it gets hot enough many, especially the older, stay indoors in the AC. There was a graph from Australia plotting deaths over time, and it spiked both when they have their winter, and when they have the hottest part of their summer. Round about January to February is when the flu breaks out in the U.S., because people’s D levels are low or gone by then. Same thing for Covid. But these brainwashed people are too uninformed and ignorant to know or hear that, and will have high deaths and severe case numbers. If any city was smart, it would start distributing vitamin D using any leftover Covid funds, right now, ahead of the D level drop this fall, and be telling people about the importance of it. BUT, too many are too cowardly to do anything about it, including too afraid to take any common sense actions like that, some doctor might complain, some state medical board of killers might complain.
I have been taking Vitamin D since Covid first started. Since I take a multivitamin, I only take 3,000 IUs of Vitamin D because I think the maximum amount per day is 4,000 IUs. Many people are getting way below this per day.
I don’t think we’ll ever see such a blow-back. People I know who’ve been injured don’t believe themselves to have been injured. My sister-in-law has been advised that she’s now immunocompromised, therefore she needs to have the 3rd dose. Her dr. told her that. Now, I sense a little hesitancy in her because she got the 2nd dose April 16, but she’s also posting on FB that drs. are getting mad at people who are not vaxxed and urging people to just go get it. I suspect that she will go ahead with the 3rd dose. I hope, I hope, I dearly hope she doesn’t, but we’ll see. And there are others, too. Gallbladder removal surgery is usually a complication of obesity, but lately, a lot of thin, fit people are having to have their gallbladders removed. Young women are laughingly asking, “Is this menopause?” Never mind hot flashes, if they are being nudged into perimenopause and menopause, then all the other diseases of aging are going to happen to them a lot sooner than they used to happen to women – heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s. This is serious stuff. Some people are developing bowel problems. We know that within 4 hours after the shot (I forget 1st or 2nd), the spike protein has been found to aggregate in the spinal column, the liver, the spleen, the gallbladder, the colon and the ovaries. We’ve read here about a woman in Italy who died of intestinal gangrene a month after the getting the AZ shot. She didn’t live long enough to get the 2nd dose. There’s a lot of statistically anomalous stuff happening, but people are still so infernally pleased to have got the shot.
In the next little while, I anticipate that we’ll start to see people having a hard time conceiving. At first, we’ll hear that it’s because the women are over 35. I won’t believe it, but not because I don’t appreciate that female fertility drops precipitously at age 35. Indeed, I do. But, as I said, there’s going to be some freaky goings on, but the vax enthusiasts are going to stick to their guns and labor under the misapprehension that those of us who refuse to be vaccinated are intellectually inferior to them. OK. I can live with that assessment.
No, these crooks have already gamed this whole thing out with supercomputers, so they’re going ahead with their plan because it has been gamed to work. It’s sad, and it is also why there is such a pervasive feeling of impersonal evil about the whole thing. Let us hope that their AI input parameters were wrong, because they probably were wrong in some way, or at least innacurate.
They all deserve to be hanging dead for crimes against humanity
Is it karma? Many who bragged about their vaccination die short after. I know many were proud of their vaccinations and are still alive and doing well. The future will tell whether the long term effects kick in and do harm.
While the news exposure is quite good for raising the alarm, a few outstanding cases globally is not statistically significant. It is the ones who die quietly at home that no one knows about. As one writer put it, why have messy mass executions followed by lots of questions to answer when they can get people to poison themselves and go off and die quietly one by one, like poisoned roaches.
I have heard more ambulances here this year on a day-to-day basis. That is one piece of data that everyone wherever they are can use to help gauge how many are dying. My town has about 4000 people. If only two died per day, in three years more than 50% of the population would be gone.
I would like people out there to check with mortuaries and see whether business is booming. Some of them will talk about it.
I am seeing many young deaths in the obituaries in my area. People aged 20s through 60s dying “suddenly and unexpectedly” and many at home. And lately there have been a couple of young children’s deaths posted, which is something I never used to see.
Pride before the fall. Fuck them and their commie brethren.
You don’t know how “well” they’re doing really. My sister’s ex husband, who is 43 years old, is a rabid Liberal and took the vaccine — and then became deathly ill for about a week — because he got “covid delta” — he thought he recovered from it, and was going about business as usual, but he continued (quietly) to feel tired, so he went for a check up, and viola, he now has a brand new heart condition and irregular heartbeat, and has to follow up with a cardiologist. Now, being the pigheaded Leftist that he is, he will NEVER admit that this is related to his vaccine. He just keeps saying over and over that it’s “coincidental”. And this is the same for so many others…they are quietly injured, and like ticking time bombs, it’s only a matter of when it will take them down.
Not surprised, perhaps he is reaping what he sowed, after all the evil agendas and Abominations liberals support or approve of and the irreversible damage they have done to the world.
I’ve been wondering why Trump continues to promote it. And his diehard supporters seem to turn a blind eye. I would love for just one person besides Stew Peters, just ONE conservative talk show person, to address this issue. In my area, sad to say, many conservatives who support Trump have gotten the shot.
This outright self-righteousness is why I have refrained from trying to help the brainwashed sheep. How dare she and her daughter mock anyone for having the guts to question what goes into their bodies. NO ONE has the authority/knowledge/right to tell anyone what to do with their bodies..least of all, overweight blow hards. How idiotically flippant to show ignorance regarding all that is ingested or used on the body. Perhaps if she spent more time researching all these things, instead of “trusting” doctors, food manufacturing companies, etc. then she would have had the adeptness to questioned the safety and efficacy of these jabs and still be alive.
If her virtue signaling posts regarding Jesus was truly honorable, then she WOULD NOT have put her faith into the obvious pandemic hoax and it’s “cure”. Beware of the overly religious–they are the ones who always cast the FIRST stone. This sort of hypocritical morality in the religious community, is why I rarely attended service on Sunday. Belief in your God, in your heart, in your home, revealed in your actions and character, is just as valid and powerful as visiting weekly, any house of worship.
Please DO NOT CONSENT to these jabs for any job, school, social event, family member, or a return to fake normal.
I agree with you. I don’t understand why they mock people like us. We should be able to make the decision on what goes into our bodies.
There’s a herd mentality online. When they see others joining the Trust Science Cult and it looks like it makes sense and makes they get to look like a good and moral person, that is very addictive for many.
Them mocking you, does not take away your right and your duty to make the best choice for yourself. Unless you value what others say and think about you.
“The goody-goodies are the thieves of virtue!” – Alan Watts
She admits in her posts that she does not examine or think about anything she does (that is she admits to being a non-thinking automaton); so why anyone would read anything she writes or give credence to anything she says is beyond me.
Like all human beings who have not committed capital crimes; she had a right to exist.
But any “advice” she offered on “social media” should probably be ignored; as she was clearly not very smart.
Her kind is certainly not unique.
May she rest in peace.
I don’t know what’s in rat poison…but I know not to sprinkle it on my soup.
Mrs Jarvis lamented the fact 11 year olds can’t have the jab. Aug 25: “I wish they would open it up for 11 year olds to get the shot!! Too much sickness in the schools!!!” Her ignorance it palpable.
I’m glad this woman gave her daughter such a sweet goodbye statement. Condolences to her family members. They have a long, hard road of grieving ahead of them. I hope they take comfort in the fact that her death was probably peaceful.
I wish that autopsies were offered free of charge for anyone who dies within 6 months of a COVID-19 vaccination. Honest autopsies. But this family would probably have to pay $4000-5000 for a private autopsy and few families can or will choose to do that. I think if honest autopsies were done and the (anonymous) results tabulated and publicized, the COVID-19 vaccines would be rightfully “convicted” of manslaughter in the court of public opinion.
There are autopsies being done just for this by real science oriented doctors. Findings are chilling. Censored and repressed in the msm. You would think the ones that support these jabs should be doing them in the name of real science. 🤔
The tragic thing is that the media & social media propaganda is causing good people to fight each other. Fellow human beings, trying to do the right thing, confused by the disinformation… are ALL victims of a corrupt system. This is war and people need to work together against the real enemy. All of the energy spent in self righteousness and vilification of each other… perhaps, would be better spent, being redirected at the System itself. Big Pharma, Big Media, corrupt politicians, etc.
The other thing we can do, is support each other. I looked at this woman’s Facebook page. She seems to be an upstanding, good, person. She is a Christian woman who spends her energy helping to rescue lost pets and reunite them with their owners. She seems to be the kind of person I would have been grateful to call a friend, had I known her. Yet, a difference of opinion, due to media poisoned propaganda, would divide us. Her death is a tragedy, as are all deaths from this evil agenda.
She made some ridiculous comparisons. RIP. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
She and her daughter provide perfect examples of the complacent ignorance that has been weaponized against humanity.
The Globalists are laughing at all the MORONS that swallow their BS. They are just seeing how far and how absurd they can push it, having no regard for life at all. The STUPID will swallow it and die, and that is how they get rid of them. No problem. A world without Morons is a better place, in any measure of the situation, but MURDER is another story. This IS Murder. The Nuremburg Code will be wrapped around ALL their necks before it all ends.
Let’s inject aborted babies. We are Christians. UN-CLEAN is what it is called in the Bible. Morons never cease to be born.
Exactly what I say.. these maggot 501c churches that have been facilitating the cloned aborted baby fetal tissue should all be rumble.
She sounds dumber than a box of rocks. A friend of Jason the bartender perhaps….
Her post about religion represents the height of unintended irony.
“You don’t believe in God? Fine. Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do”
How about “You believe the vaccines are safe and effective? Fine. Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us who don’t?”
Line by line for the bulk of the post, it could be transposed in this fashion.
Goop for them.
They will learn, or die, both ways are ok.
Well, here we go again with yet another extremely FOOLISH, arrogant woman. I guess she won’t be running her smart mouth anymore along with her clown daughter now will they? Wake the “phuck” up people – This Gov’t is extremely wicked, evil and wants you DEAD.
Another example of how MSM and CDC have inundated people with lies that leads to cognitive dissonance.
Mandatory experimental gene altering injections without informed consent is a crime against humanity
One of the things that grabs my attention every time I read of a death after this evil injection is the future–how will we cope when in maybe 4 months folks start dying in huge amounts.
If it is true, and half the world are injected with this evil, 3 billion people world wide will die in the next 6 months to 5 years. I just can’t imagine.
Then, guess what?? Gates/Fauci/WHO/CDC can call it a pandemic!!!
Ignorance is a very expensive commodity. Most who deal in it end up dead, sooner rather than later. Even if they have fooled others into believing that they are a Christian. If someone wants to take injection and die from it, that’s their business. But when they try to force death on those around them, that’s criminal.
Polio was already on the decline when the vaccination was introduced.
Viruses have cycles and just like the plague, they go away on their own.
The treatment for polio was the opposite of what it should have been, they kept children from moving when in fact they should have had a physiotherapist continued to exercise their muscles. Those that got that kind of treatment made a full recovery and lived normal lives.
We are conned on a continual basis by those we believe to be respectable & trustworthy.
In King Henry the 8ths time a something went around every summer called “The Sweat” which from the awful descriptions took people down dead fast. Henry moved his court around to avoid it. It was said that the old were not as susceptible as younger, well-off men, possibly due to a natural immunity in the old who had come through other plagues.
You are such sad judgmental people who no nothing about her death !! I know these wonderful Christian people !! She did not die from receiving the vaccine ! How disrespectful all of you are !!! This family is mourning deeply for the loss of their Mother , wife and friend !!! Stop it !!!
Vickie, how do you KNOW that she didn’t die from receiving the vaccine? And who the heck are YOU to define “wonderful Christian people” who urge THEE and ME to trust doctors over God? Vickie Samms, STOP IT.
True and devout Christians would have no need to boast about their denomination. I have no qualms with Christianity. I wish the world were full of true Christians and Muslims. The world’s most destructive problem, usury, would cease to exist.
Faith is something you practice, not talk about. This type of proselytization appears to violate more than one commandment. No one should be attacking her for her faith, but the response is rife with ignorance and hypocrisy. Ignorance is not a virtue. She took up the banner, she wanted her opinion known. In other words, don’t dish out what you can’t handle. The actual value of opinions is vastly overestimated. People are deliberately led to believe that opinions have actual worth, in lieu of deeds. This is not the case.
Amen, amen!!! Especially your point on usury. I once had a worker in a bank treat me like a nut when I told her my religion does not allow usury.
If it wasnt the vaccine, then what was it?
IF YOU TAKE THE JAB,you become a GMO-NON’ll NEVER see the day your allowed into heaven..PSALMS 91,trust the LORD to protect you and he will…LUCIFER WILL NOT SAVE YOU…
Again for our military how do they get out of taking a forced jab??? Court marshalled.
Remember the Lord Jesus, who said of those who willfully knowingly betrayed and crucified Him, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.” You do not have the insight or authority to say the duped cannot ever be saved or receive forgiveness. The proper response is to pray for their healing in this life and the next. What is impossible with men is possible for God. Satan is the one who gives messages of despair, not Christ.
If it was me, I would roll the dice that they do not have Corminaty to jab me with. I would ask to see the vial they want to inject, and if it was not that, then I would say, “oh, I thought I was getting an approved vaccine, do you have that here? If the answer is no, please direct to me where I can get the approved vaccine. Oh, and I will need your name rank and serial number for my report to my CO so I can verify my circumstances in refusing the experimental EUA.”
Every person in the military should be doing this if they share our concerns.
If my company tried to institute this policy, I would give them plenty of back and forth, but I would NOT resign, and I will NOT take the vaccine. I could replace maybe half of my current salary, but I cannot replace my health or life.
Do a web search of: armstrongeconomics “future of life”
I am not taking it, PERIOD!
Re. Polio and smallpox vaccines….one should read – The poisoned needle, a 1950’s book (e book i have recently downloaded free); Dissolving illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humpries. Then see some videos of Dr.Stephan Lanka (both german with english subtitles and English), Dr. Tom Covan, Dr. Sam (female doctor from New Zealand), author of virus mania, Dr. Suzanne Humpries, Dr. Kaufman. Have not read the 2 books mentioned above, but seen a few videos of abovementioned Doctors. I now believe that Virology is a fraud/fake science.
If only she woulda popped an ALEVE instead…
One study on graphene oxide claims that 5G radiation can be pulsed to “excite” the graphene oxide in your body and kill you. This will be down during the night so there won’t be a hoard of people dropping dead at the same time. How close was she to the nearest 5G tower?
I have been trying to find the connection of 5G to the Jab. None of the podcasts or videos I have seen ever mention it. I have not taken the Jab and I will continue to refuse it until my dying breath. I do believe that there is a connection of 5G to Covid-19 and/or the Jabs. I just haven’t found anyone talking about it.
The “vaccine” worked! One less “useless eater” as henry kissinger called us!
I refuse to suppress my glee at this moron’s self induced demise!
PLEASE! Would all of you leftist – statist types take all of your jabs?
You could add LGBTQ, feminists and pro abortionists to that list.
Bill Gates and Fauci are just Goy window dressing used to keep this agenda appearing too Kosher.
Notice how the kosher CDC director, Rochelle Walenski, is now fervently working on disarming the goyim?
Nobody is surprised.
They’re not goy, both are of the tribe.
She was killed by laziness. Something that plagues a lot of people. You see, it takes work to be a contrarian, a skeptic, someone who cares.
Apparently, she took the easy way out. (No pun intended).
From my friend in Jacksonville, FL, regarding the recently deceased Neptune Beach law enforcement officer:
‘So u know the Neptune Police officer who died of Covid, but fully vaccinated? My friend went to the service yesterday and within the last hours of his life Baptist [hospital] moved him to hospice- they did not want to have a fully vaccinated count in their deaths-
I am from Jax, FL and totally believe that about Baptist Beaches. We barely got my mother in law out of that death trap last month after they sedated her to almost a coma, starved her for SEVEN days while docs deliberately stalled putting in a feeding tube that was only necessary because they drugged her so heavily that she wasn’t awake enough to know what food was. And she only went in because she fell! Finally, her personal dr. was able to force a transfer to an amazing rehab center, where she is doing great. Baptist Beaches has turned pure evil ever since covid started.
If by Christian you mean your typical Sunday keeper then she has been believing the lie all along. No surprise she fell for the Vax lie. She put her faith in man instead of God.
Saying “I don’t know what’s in a hot dog, or my shampoo, or….” is a kind of meme that has started recently amongst the vaccine-worshipers. It is appearing all over social media, for example, Next Door, and is almost always vaccine-promoting. It’s almost like these folks have been trained to chant such empty, meaningless, and stupid phrases. My supply of sympathy for them is getting smaller.
So are they pushing heroin too cuz I don’t know what’s in that either!
It’s strange. So because they don’t care to know what’s in the products they consume or use, it’s supposed to persuade others to join them? I do actually read most labels of products I use to determine if I want to eat or use them. That argument only enhances my opinion that they are sheep who refuse any personal responsibility for their own health or well being.
My own sister in law passed away within 24 hrs after Moderna. She had been battling cancer for over a year and her doctor told her she would have problems if she got covid…so now she is dead.
My nephew, age 22, joined the Natl Guard as well as attends college, he got his two Moderna jabs and is now battling Myocarditis. He has been discharged from the Natl Guard and struggles to walk to his college classes.
My co-worker, 39 yr old SWAT team member, extremely fit died in his sleep. The diagnosis was: enlarged heart and liver, “most likely” brought on by undiagnosed sleep apnea (yeah, okay).
My ex colleagued, age 56, dropped dead from a “heart attack” two weeks after Pfize
My ex colleague age 64 died of a stroke a month after Pfizer.
Of all of these deaths and adverse events…ONLY the myocarditis was attributed directly to the injection.
We are not seeing the real numbers…not even close.
This women is smart enough to be totally stupid.
Well, you’re dead now, lady. But on the bright side, you didnt “clutter” any hospital beds.
If there ever was a perfect example of the adage, “ignorance is bliss”, this is it. Even I used to be into vaping, using my skills to mix up my own vape juice and knowing that all of the ingredients were USP-grade in exact amounts (I no longer vape simply because I lost interest in it; been vape-free and nicotine-free for a few years now… but I digress). This lady is, sadly, what represents the majority of the sheep and useful idiots rolling up their sleeve and getting poisoned. For what? The false promise of Salvation in the face of the crowned “virus”?
It’s embarrassing to realize that for a Christian she had very poor discernment, restructuring her life around the crowned “virus” instead of following the one true King, Who is Jesus Christ! She was led astray a long time ago by a caricature of Christ crafted by False Prophets and broadcast to harvest souls.
Every time I read one of these stories I find myself feeling the most profound sorrow one can possibly feel. And while I may not be a perfect Christian I find myself seeing what can happen when one is led astray and know that if I falter I may wind up within the same place.
In the end, “ignorance is bliss” leads to Hell. And Satan wouldn’t have it any other way, using vanity, self-deception, and delusion to further the bloody harvest.
I pray for everyone, hoping a few will receive His saving Grace just as I was Saved.
First responders are waging war on Oregon’s vaccine mandate, taking the state to court and posting plans to defy the order on social media.
I jus postd on anothr site that the AMA is now movin’ 2 shut dwn all sale of ivermectin n the US…
I also postd that the military r givn ivermectin 2 the Afghan refugees b4 mbarkin’ on their US nvasion…
The AMA is shuttin’ dwn sale of iverjectin 2 US citizns and givin’ it 2 Afghan refugees….
The WHO tweetd the othr day that ivermectin is a horse dwormin’ drug….and ppl shud not tk it 4 covid….seriously stop it y’all…
OH, I C!!!
They r dnyin us provn treatmnt 4 covid [ safe and effectiv ] but the military doesn’t want Afghan refugees gettin covid?!?!…or mayb worms?!?!….hahahaha….
Wodr what the AMA has 2 say abt that?!?!
Y’all can get ivermectin and HCQ from—this is Dr Tenpenny and othr drs tryin’ 2 help ppl get covid treatmnts….at reasonable cost…
Brainwashed by MSM and Fear usually gets the best of them all!
Hey, as long as christians are against the jab i’ll agree with them, but that’s usually where it ends. No offense, they can’t see how the bible is used as a playbook. It’s truly mind-boggling how some have uncovered so much of the jewish question apparently, but refuse to apply the same level of scrutiny to their own religion with who in fact made it. With jews you lose. Christianity was the first “COVID” virus with striking paralells in how “outsider” are treated and viewed, ie anyone who isn’t one of the “true” believers. . it has attacked the software of the mind, rather than the body. And made by the same people, too, who also happen to be the CEOs of all commie vaccine companies. Must be another cohencidence.
Yes I think that an evil force may be at work, which is irrelevant until you deal with the jews, but it’s a bit intellectually lazy to assume that automatically validates such a horrible book as the bible, with its endless contradictions.
Yahweh actually fits the aatanic description of the devil quite nicely in fact. Check out Charlie Giuliani for an in-depth view of how the bible contradicts itself, ruins relationships, makes you hate yourself and causes most christian americans to be zionists by default. You hate the vaccine, but you support the government that’s causing it because you support Israel. Gotta look out for god’s chosenites above your own wellbeing, afterall. One of the reasons they are so desperate to push this vaccine is because of the level of anti-semites that has started rapidly rising recently with documentaries such as TGSNT.TV. They know what happens to them in gentile nations once the awareness of their nefarious activities reaches critical mass, so they put put us lockdown just like a prison and are trying to make us fully servile to them just like “god” promised them. And those freedoms aren’t coming back unless gentiles fight for themselves, not sit back and wait on jesus who said you’re as worthy as a dog eating scraps to hear his message.
This is full of false assumptions about how the Scriptures are to be interpreted according to historic Christian tradition and is full of modern (ie., Protestant Fundamental or Liberal) assumptions about how to approach the text. I believe you are probably unwittingly regurgitating a lie about the Christian Scriptures probably perpetrated by the occultists themselves who are twisting its prophecies to suit their own evil agenda. This is just a hunch based on the nature of the arguments, which will be persuasive only to those with no idea of the interpretive history in the early Church and what the real expert scholarship reveals. Undoubtedly, you are sincere, but also wrong.
I’d be happy to debate you, if you actually said anything that’s worth being debated. You ought to know that the difference between faith and knowledge is that you can prove one and the other you can’t. All christianity is faith-based, and therefore you can’t “truly” say that I’m wrong. I highly doubt it’s the truth you’re mostly concerned with, after all.
There is some evidence that not everyone that is jabbed is actually getting the mRNA or viral vector gene modification shots. Why might this be possible? Well, if the doctors warning about immune escapes, ADE, spike protein inflammation, organ damage, neurotoxicity, and all the other problems with these shots are right, more should be affected than seem to be reporting currently.
Then there’s the examination of the doses themselves – the Japanese are reporting that SOME of the Moderna vials they have examined seem to have metallic substances in them, but not all. Dr Ryan in Idaho reported that of the dozens of vials he tested, SOME responded to magnets, and some did not.
Then there are several whistleblowers who have claimed that there are several “versions” of the shots from Pfizer, including some which are only SALINE! I have seen video of a realistic-appearing “fake syringe” demonstrated; instead of injecting a dose into a person, it forces the dose into a hollow center of the plunger. What is the purpose of such a device, if not to deceive people into thinking that, say, public figures and celebrities are actually being injected when they are not? (Mariah Carey, looking at you -that video of you being injected was clearly faked). Notice – why have NO important public figures supposedly VAXXED had any problems? Deaths seem to be only among the “little people”……
I have heard this mentioned in other places. If all the shots killed as some do, it would be too obvious, and there would be too many dead bodies to deal with all at once. A phased approach was needed. They thought we wouldn’t notice. Oh, we noticed all right. We are not all as dumb as they seem to think we are.
Living in WV, I am sadly not surprised to see this. My mother believes the same things as Mrs. Jarvis does, unfortunately.