Brent Henley: 63-year-old Louisiana man quiet for months after vaxx, taunts non-vaccinated in last weeks of his life
August 12, 2021

Mr. Brent Henley.

LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA — A 63-year-old CEO is dead in a near-term case that is both strange and sad.

Mr. Brent Henley declared via Facebook, “vaccination complete” on March 24. He did not specify which experimental injection he received. But Mr. Henley made no reference to prior or subsequent injections, thus it was likely the then-recently authorized Johnson & Johnson injection. The comments read like a group of sports fans declaring their loyalty and cheering on their hometown teams.

Mr. Henley posted absolutely nothing about COVID-19, masks, experimental injections, etc. for almost exactly four months thereafter. He posted a lot about his job as CEO of the Pyramid Group and SIMSOC. The latter is apparently a big part of what his company does. Mr. Henley also posted a lot about his grandchildren and sports. That all changed in late July.

He posted blatant mainstream media propaganda on July 21. The post insinuated that COVID-19 is bad and deadly, while there is absolutely no risk in getting injected with the experimental shots.

One week later, he wrote that everyone should “get the vaccine so we can do SIMSOC in 2021.”

Three days later, he posted something that is difficult to decipher. But it is essentially some sort of false-equivalency telling everyone to wear masks.

The most disturbing, and direct shot at the non-vaccinated, came on August 1. Mr. Henley insinuated that “the unvaccinated” are in danger of dying. One of Mr. Henley’s friends attempted to tell the truth about the experimental injections in the comments, only to be belittled and dismissed.

His final Facebook post was about SIMSOC on August 5. He died on August 8.

Death anticipation and/or vaccine rage?

Mr. Henley died “after a sudden and brief illness,” a description we’ve written many times on this blog. All near-term deaths we’ve covered thus far occurred between 10 and 14 weeks after the injection(s). This one was about 18 weeks after the injection. These deaths, as posited by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, are likely caused by antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). But there’s another glaring phenomenon in the case of Mr. Henley.

It seemed out of character and strange for him to start belittling and insulting the non-vaccinated towards the end of his life. There are no virtue-signaling posts, except the “I’m vaxxed” one, on either his Facebook or Twitter from July 2020 until the first one in late July 2021.

Perhaps Mr. Henley could feel something wrong with his body, knew he was dying and went out “screaming and kicking” if you will. This blogger has also posited the mind-control aspect via the Bill Gates-Microsoft body activity data apparatus. Again the virtue signaling just seemed totally out of character for this person based on his social media history.

Mr. Henley is survived by his wife, adult children and grandchildren.

Creepy Louisiana “vaccination” efforts

Louisiana is in the bottom five states for “fully vaccinated” people, at only 37.8% as of publishing, according to the Mayo Clinic. The most obvious factor in Louisiana’s low vaccination rates is its high Black American population – 32% of the state. Black Americans are, by far, the least likely to be vaccinated in the United States. Thus Louisiana was pulling Joe Biden tactics before Biden even started it.

Nonprofit and government groups have been going door-to-door in Louisiana trying to convince people to get the experimental injections since at least April. They are even paying the door-to-door employees $15 per hour in a state where nearly half of all jobs pay less than that. Biden announced his door-to-door “vaccine” coercion campaign in early July. But these door-to-door campaigns have been going on at the state level from California to Michigan all year.

Everyone who desires the lethal injections has already received them. The only ones left lining up for the injections are those choosing mRNA/viral vector DNA versus losing their jobs. It takes only a little resistance and the threat of legal action to escape these coercion campaigns. Just remember, no job or university education is worth it if you’re dead or maimed.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

So pathetic to be going after the anti vax in his final days. And even more pathetic to be virtue signalling it on facebook. What a loser.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Maybe his brain was effected by this point. As Brian pointed out, he had never been an active virtue signaller previously. It could be imagined that the microvascular clots in the brain, might make people think/act differently, compared to their non-clotted brains.

Robert Henry
Robert Henry
2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Yes, I believe his clots in brain vessels made the guy think differently. It’s still evil for him to promote vaxx while he’s dying from the, hmm … vaxx❕

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

It’s a choice and last time I checked he said nothing ugly or insensitive about people making the choice not to get vaccinated. So watch your words. Karma is real.

2 years ago

“ Just remember, no job or university education is worth it if you’re dead or maimed.”

AMEN to that

Ned Baker
Ned Baker
2 years ago

Yes, it seems possible that towards the end Mr. Brent Henley knew that something was terribly wrong with his body, and paradoxically criticized the unvaccinated for making the wise choice that he himself did not make.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

That might explain some of the animosity they display??.. I’m dealing with a friend who is now always on the muscle about having everyone else in her city perfectly vaccinated.. She says that she is “triggered,” but I’ve never see her like this since we first met in 2008! 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Toots

Call her a hypocrite for not being up-to-date on her Covid booster shots.

2 years ago

Another one of Satan’s subjects called home to Hades! Adios, don’t forget to bring your turtleneck, queertard. Lol aaaand another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

In his mind, it wasn’t a turtleneck, it was a Stirling Archier tactleneck.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

queertard – what are you, like ten years old?

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Why do you care? Are you a member of the grooming community?

2 years ago

“Get the vaccine so we can SIMSOC in 2021”
___The Deceased

I think we are in a “simulated society” in 2021…a simulation of collective insanity.

So it looks like his wish came true.

He is probably experiencing a new “simulation” is his hereafter…though I would bet a hundred dollars to a penny that it is not an agreeable one.

“Wearing a bullet proof back pack to school with metal detectors, armed guards; and mass shooter drills is the price of freedom”

Any country whose schools feature such items is a country that will not last.

Nor should it.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

It seems that we are living at a time in history when everything we have believed for a couple of centuries, loosely called “science”, (a word derived from the Latin scientia, knowledge), is being questioned, in the name of “science”. The result is confusion and chaos, accompanied by a growing tendency to violence, as the defenders of the orthodoxy react to their certainties being questioned.

At such times it is best to withdraw from the field and to observe quietly from the sidelines as the old regime exhausts itself and peters out, while the new challengers strut their stuff in a soon to be forgotten victory that was always inevitable. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago

“The Science” has been lying to mankind since the Renaissance began. Earth is clearly a plane, not a planet. All standing water is level, never curved. If you can demonstrate that Earth is a globe, there is a $50,000 reward for you over at the IFERS website. We flat earthers have been used to the jeers from the educated class, such as “flattards”. Now the anti-vaxxers are received their wrath. I get a double dose.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

:)). There is a certain satisfaction in being separate from the herd. I think the Flat Earth argument has merit. It is backed up by scripture although modernists would ascribe that to the ignorance of the original scribes. I belong to those who believe that the Bible is fully inspired by God so am willing to accept that indeed the Earth is a plane, not a planet. It certainly makes life more interesting.

2 years ago

No. The flat earth model has no merit whatsoever.
No. The Scriptures do not back up a flat earth model. The Scriptures you would allude to are either metaphorical or apply to the orbital shape (a circle, thus a flat plane) of our path around the sun, not to the earth itself. I fully believe the Bible. So can we please discuss the merits of the most pressing crisis of our day, instead of actual conspiracy theories that have no evidence?

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Why would you call the Flat Earth a “conspiracy theory”? Are you the resident censor? Don’t tell me, you are a schoolteacher, Or at least you sound like one. Climb down from your high horse Ron and eat a large slice of humble pie.

“For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.” (Romans 12:3) 

“Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.” (1 Peter 5:5b-6)

2 years ago

If anyone would have told me 5 years ago that the globe earth/flat earth argument would be such a divisive issue among Christians, I would have thought they were doing drugs. So I’m supposedly a “school teacher” and that I should eat some humble pie. You should learn to discern a little better.

As usual, your type quotes Scriptures that have nothing to do whatsoever with the flat earth theory, just throwing out some verses you think I need to counter what you consider arrogance on my part. You are just as adamant that the flat earth idea “has merit” yet I don’t call you arrogant. I personally don’t care what you believe, but I think the flat earth idea was put to bed, oh, a few centuries ago, but y’all can’t let it go. But that’s what you do. Call people names instead of arguing the point.

In any regard, this is a covid blog. There are plenty of places elsewhere for people with fantasies who only give reasonable people occasion to blaspheme. No wonder non-Christians think we’re retarded.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

Folks like you do extreme injustice to “science” by throwing out the baby with the bath water. Just because establishment science is in the same bed as politicians, big pharma, and all the rest of it, does not mean that all science is a lie. You are generalizing.

The earth’s shape has nothing to do with anything on this website, yet your type always finds a way to turn a discussion of any other subject into a fantasy coverup of the earth’s “true” shape.

No, the earth is a beautiful globe. ALL the real science proves it to any mind that doesn’t think we are all living in a matrix, yet when you require proof, and are shown a thousand proofs, you conveniently palm it off as cgi, bad science, a world-wide conspiracy, or a bastardization of the Bible. Your ignorance is intractable. You give the enemies yet another reason to mock and blaspheme.

You would do well not to throw delusional beliefs into the mix of any discussion about covid-19 experimental gene therapy cocktails. It does not help our cause. At all.

You are mentally and psychologically much closer to the sheeple who buy into the whole “covid is an extinction ending event for which we must vaccinate every person on the planet” narrative than you think.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I couldn’t have said it any better than this! Thank you! I have been trying to find the words to describe what these “flat earthers” are doing and usually get so flustered. You did well!

2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

“Earth is clearly a plane, not a planet. All standing water is level, never curved.”

That is your thesis, and your “proof”?

I wanted to answer, but my brain short-circuited trying to formulate a response you might understand.

I wish this site had an ignore button.

2 years ago

Great final analysis: “Everyone who desires the lethal injections has already received them. The only ones left lining up for the injections are those choosing mRNA/viral vector DNA versus losing their jobs. It takes only a little resistance and the threat of legal action to escape these coercion campaigns. Just remember, no job or university education is worth it if you’re dead or maimed.”

I know someone who took this same J&J shot so he wouldn’t have to miss a cruise with his wife!??.. I kept thinking, I’m sure your wife would prefer to go to a local B&B with you staying healthy & well?!!..

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Well Mr. Henley, I’m unvaccinated and still walking around, doing just fine, how are you doing down in your grave? Who is the smart one buddy? Not intending that in a really mean way, just the blunt truth.

As for the Vaccines and black people, i completely understand why many of them don’t want it, based on history. I read an article which included a tweet…

Public Health England @PHE_uk
“Dr Dianne Addei explains why you should get the #COVID19 jab if you’re pregnant, especially if you’re from a black, Asian, south Asian or any minority background. ”

Now, isn’t that interesting? Why are black and Asian people being targeted specifically? Could it have anything to do with the evils of Eugenics that happened in the past and wanting rid of the so called “inferiors” or those deemed “unfit to live”, from people like Hitler and Margaret Sanger. Perhaps history is repeating itself, again? Bill Gates specifically went to India and Africa to do his human experimentations and tons of people suffered, so no wonder him and others like Biden are pushing for minorities to be jabbed, there are so many layers of evil to this, it’s sickening to the core, but you know me, I’m using my brain too much :D.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

“I’m unvaccinated and still walking around, doing just fine”, it’s a miracle, I tell you! Hey, I guess I’m an example of being a miracle too! Truth be told, I do buy into all of the anecdotal evidence regarding experiment transmission to the non-vaxerated. We have had to increase our risk mitigation stratgies accordingly, but we are living our lives.

2 years ago

Sounds like his brain was turning to mush from the spike protein damage. Avoid the vaccinated as they are turning bizarre in their final days!

2 years ago

Just think how giving a poison vaccine that doesnt immunize spreads the virus yet the vaccine will cause so many deaths and the ones that live have highly specialized immunity that over powers the bodies natural universal immunity so anything like influeza your immunity wont fight it. It wont even fight a new variant of covid depending on how much its differs from original that the vax was made for

2 years ago

I abandoned (((Faceberg))) years ago. It is so full of: vanity, narcissism, attention seekers, misinformed and mind-programmed ‘normies’ who kowtow to the ‘approved’ narrative of the day (the pro- mass vaccination narrative is an obvious example). FB is full of models and ‘influencers’ craving male attention and validation (validation in the form of ‘likes’, compliments, and virtual ‘gifts’ such as immature ‘loveheart’-type emoticons from these desperate Beta Orbiter Simps who don’t stand a chance of meeting these women in the flesh and making them their GF or wife). FB is full of people with these silly and immature puppy dog, etc, photo filters. Basically, people with too much spare time on their hands.

FB was becoming unbearable and cringeworthy for me, so I gave up on it- with no regrets.

2 years ago

“It seemed out of character and strange for him to start belittling and insulting the non-vaccinated towards the end of his life. …. This blogger has also posited the mind-control aspect via the Bill Gates-Microsoft body activity data apparatus.”

You may be on to something Admin concerning the “mind Control” aspect of the mRNA injections… in a video panel below Dr. Lee Merrit spoke on one of the ingredients in these shots ( I remember it being graphene oxide) was used in the trials on rabbits. The trial runners virtually wanted to see what the rabbit saw as it moved about from the rabbit’s own eyes after injecting them…. She spoke on how the magnetic nanoparticles in the injections can be sent anywhere in the body, seen and remote controlled from an outside force…..

It’s clear to me at this time why the cabal chose this particular means to attempt to wage control… They virtually are attempting to play God and hijack mans brain to their image of santanic control versus Gods image which is the pineal gland we all have…. I surmise the cabal feels if God can be in everyone’s head via the pineal gland, read their thoughts, and be all seeing to see what they see etc… So can they in order to bind man to their own satanic will…

2 years ago

I was in agreement with you until you said “pineal gland”.

2 years ago

So, about 4 months after the mRNA jacking, idiots die.
How long until there are no more idiots?

2 years ago
Reply to  george

I’d say “I can’t wait” but sadly, most of my family is in that group… and who knows what is planned for those of us who wont submit.

2 years ago

“You can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink”

If any one of us enlightened and common sense-bearing folks shared any of the articles on this site with one of the mind-programmed ‘automatons’ who “Trust the Science”, they’ll insist that the ‘vaccine’ is safe, and that the incidences of adverse events and deaths are blown out of proportion by “anti-vaxxers”.

They are now targeting children and teenagers with this ‘vaccine’ and people are queuing up in the drizzle and rain (queues of ‘automatons’ lining up for their DeathJab in Dublin, Ireland, as featured in a photo image of today’s offerings of pro-vaccine media propaganda). I dread to think how these will fare in the immediate, near-term and long-term.

How many will find out, in the years ahead, that they can’t successfully conceive a baby, for some inexplicable reason. Even if they join the dots, and suspect the ‘vaccine’, by then it will be too late, and they’ll have nothing other than tears of deep, deep regret. And, of course, the media, BigPharma representatives and ‘medical experts’ will outrightly reject any causative link to the ‘vaccine’: “it must be hormones in the drinking water”; “pesticides”; “heavy metals”; “climate change”.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Gary, you opened with one of my favorite sayings. You are 100% right. I am filled with righteous anger when I think about the children and young adults being targeted.

Logic & Research
Logic & Research
2 years ago

He got his shot so he’s safe. I wonder if he will get the booster shot?

Real talk it’s, Depopulation Eugenics.

2 years ago

Seems to me that the vaccinated people know they have made a wrong decision and try to pull other people down with them.

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
2 years ago

Out of all that Brent Henley went through after taking “The JAB”, the TRUTH still couldn’t be admitted about – THE ( SO-CALLED ) “VACCINE”

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