Four British Airways pilots dead while other airlines cancel thousands of flights due to “staffing shortages”
June 27, 2021

HARMONDSWORTH, MIDDLESEX — It’s been about 10 days since a mystery audio recording forced British Airways to respond to numerous inquiries. The verdict: don’t fly anytime soon.

The audio recording was first shared on social media on or around June 17. It went viral almost immediately. An unidentified person said in a voice mail that three British Airways pilots died in the last seven days. His source was allegedly a friend who is a British Airways pilot. He said British Airways is in “crisis talks” because upwards of 85% of pilots received experimental mRNA or viral vector DNA shots against COVID-19. Here is the audio.

The main issue here is that sitting for long periods of time in pressurized airplane cabins can exacerbate the formation of blood clots after the experimental injections.  In fact, Sky News reported that Russian and Spanish airlines are advising vaxxed people not to fly due to blood clot risks.

Worst-case scenario, a pilot could potentially die mid-flight, and kill hundreds of passengers along with himself. British Airways responded to the viral audio clip on June 17, confirming that four, not three, of their pilots recently passed away.

Mainstream media “fact-checkers” dismissed any connections between the experimental shots and the four deaths. British Airways did not release the name of the pilots and, of course, exonerated the experimental shots of any culpability.

The following photo also started making the rounds on social media the same day British Airways responded. The airline confirmed the authenticity of these condolences books in their offices. But British Airways refused to confirm if all the pilots in question received experimental injections.

Who are the four British Airways pilots?

We know one of the pilots was 33-year-old Mr. Edward Brice-Bennett.

Mr. Edward Brice-Bennett.

The viral audio recording specifically mentions a pilot “in his mid-thirties” who received the second shot days prior to his death. Mr. Brice-Bennett’s death is the most congruent with other deaths after experimental shots.

He was found unconscious next to his bike on a trail in Tidworth, Wiltshire on June 2. It appears he was just riding his bike and suddenly collapsed. He was pronounced dead 45 minutes after he was discovered. Mr. Brice-Bennett is survived by his pregnant wife of four years and their two very young children.

The rest of the British Airways pilots are a bit of a mystery. Some media outlets and bloggers claim that 60-year-old Nicholas Synnott, is one of them.

Mr. Nicholas Synnott.

He died about three weeks ago. But he wasn’t an active pilot. The Daily Mail, in a somewhat confusing report, said Mr. Synnott spent 35 weeks in a Texas hospital after contracting COVID-19 in March 2020. He was discharged from intensive care and “heading home to Betchworth, Surrey” around Christmas, according to the report. But then it says he was discharged in April, perhaps from a British hospital. If Mr. Synnott was one of the four pilots in question, he wasn’t actively flying anyway.

Mr. Grant Mercer is the last pilot being identified by bloggers and other media.

But he died on May 4, long before the claim of four pilots in seven days. The fourth potential British Airways pilot has not been identified. Regardless, only Mr. Brice-Bennett perfectly fits the descriptions related to the audio narrative out of the three identified. We may never know who the other three pilots were, as Mr. Mercer and Mr. Synnott don’t really fit the description here.

Numerous flight cancellations across the globe

The entire airline industry is facing a crisis. Air India started injecting all of its employees on May 15. It reported that five senior pilots died that month as well, but blamed COVID-19. Mumbai-based budget airline Go First, aka GoAir, cancelled 169 flights as of the time of this writing on June 27, or 62% of its entire schedule. It cancelled 173 flights on the 26th.

Meanwhile Southwest Airlines cancelled 254 flights on Friday and 307 more on Saturday, according to industry statistics website Flight Aware. Southwest also delayed 3,019 flights in those two days. American Airlines cancelled over 300 flights last weekend. It has cancelled 155 flights so far this weekend as of publishing.

The first four months of 2021 were on par with the previous seven years as it relates to cancellations. We won’t know if flight cancellations for 2021 are unusually high or not until next year. From 2012 to 2019, U.S.-based major airlines averaged about 98,976 cancellations per year, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The lowest number of cancellations in that period was 65,860 in 2016. The highest was 134,930 in 2019 when Boeing faced scrutiny after the Ethiopia crash (see below). Cancellation statistics vary greatly from year-to-year, and month-to-month.

We did not include 2020 because it was an extreme outlier. Over 240,000 flights were cancelled in March and April that year alone due to COVID lockdowns. The 281,030 total flight cancellations in 2020 were the highest since 2001 (231,200), when September 11 shut down the airline industry.

Will cancellations continue trending upwards?

Airlines are providing a range of excuses for the recent uptick in cancellations, from labor shortages and weather, to technical issues. One interesting observation, however, is that 30% of Boeing 737 flights were cancelled last Sunday. Only 10% of all other jets’ flights were cancelled, leading to speculation that qualified pilots are suddenly coming up short.

The 737 was of course involved in the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash six minutes after takeoff on March 10, 2019, killing everyone aboard.

It was also the plane in the October 29, 2018 Lion Air Flight 610 crash 13 minutes after takeoff near Jakarta, Indonesia. Regardless, all airlines are ignoring and deflecting from the big, pink syringe in the room.

USA Today reported that 60% of Delta Airlines employees are vaxxed. The company is requiring all new employees to get the injections, but not current ones. USA Today also said that most major airlines “do not plan” to mandate experimental injections. But this report does not appear to be 100% accurate.

A United Airlines pilot emailed The COVID Blog on May 26. He said a new agreement was reached between the Airline Pilots Association and United. Non-vaxxed pilots will have restricted schedules starting August 1. They won’t be fired, but will lose compensation due to reduced hours, according to our source. In other words, airlines are not forcing anyone to get the shots. But they will incentivize and punish accordingly to ensure the desired outcome.

Stay off airplanes until further notice

This blogger ended up cancelling a return flight home last week after learning about the British Airways situation and researching for this story. The rental car drive was long and boring. But that’s better than worrying myself sick on a three-hour flight.

There is far too much uncertainty to safely board airplanes right now. It’s already bad enough that you are potentially exposed to vaxxed people transmitting their spike proteins to you via shedding on planes. Now you have to worry about pilots and others dropping dead mid-flight, causing mass panic and god knows what else. It’d be one thing if British Airways was more transparent about all this. But there is/was a concerted effort to deflect and deceive.

This world continues getting weirder and more complex to navigate as the days and weeks pass. All you can do is stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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DK Fynn
3 years ago

“Stay off airplanes until further notice.”
That line may help others to make life-saving decisions.

I think one thing we can do for the next 1 to 4 years is to look at the accident and, unfortunately, crash statistics across the shipping and transportation industries. If there are anomalies, then we can start searching.

On a larger scale, there should be studies that compare interesting statistics between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Those might be revealing.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

If I was on a plane that was piloted by someone who was poison jabbed then I would panic. Give me the parachute.

3 years ago

Thanks for covering this. I searched and found nothing on the cancellation uptick and found only stories on the airlines being short-handed but not saying why. The stories didn’t even blame it on the virus. As for the pilots, I would suspect that Mr. Brice-Bennett may have passed from the shot, being so young and suddenly gone. RIP for all the pilots, especially if it was the shot, which was wholly unnecessary.

3 years ago

last week i read that few pilots of Delta died also a cargo cargo flight was cancelled cause the pilot passed out (fortunately on tarmac). Thanks for the warning, I suppose we just have to avoid flying for a few years.

3 years ago

You’d have to be out of your mind to fly anymore.

3 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Right, weren’t “they” using that as an excuse to make people get shot? ¡Pendejos! So how Ironic is THAT? Now I heard the makawish foundation is forcing the kids to get vaxxed to get a wish granted
Haven’t confirmed it myself, but just another reason to ban together against the evil tards if true!

3 years ago

And to think how many sheeple said they were risking the jab because they wanted to travel again……

3 years ago
Reply to  Daz

It’s the main reason joe normie wanted to get jabbed: to travel (and not the mainstream media telling them to get jabbed to save granny and the health service).

The 19 year old who got gullian barre syndrome as a result of the jab wanted it for travel (and not for protection or whatever). It’s selfish and dumb cunts like that get what they deserve.

And now with the possibility of flights being cancelled due to pilots offing themselves with these poison jabs is going to make joe normie mad since he can’t travel. Well I say to him: slap it up you/tough shit. You are the main reason why this scamdemic is happening. Well at least their ignornance and stupidity will be their downfall.

3 years ago

Why are companies so keen to play down the dangerousness of these experimental mRNA ‘vaccines’? Is it just a case of feeling ‘obligated’ to kowtow to the ‘approved’ narrative so as not to be seen as a non-conformist or, worse, a pariah?

BA tweet: “Our thoughts are with their family and friends”

Please, cut out the cheap platitudes. You don’t really mean it (with that being said, you should become very worried as a company if more pilots suddenly become incapacitated and severely unwell in the cockpit at 35 thousand feet altitude). Life is cheap, these days. Only profit matters, these days. “Our thoughts are with their family and friends” is used so often these days by people who don’t actually ‘feel’ what they say. Fake empathy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gary
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

If pilots start dropping dead midflight and crashing all over the place, the airlines will be wiped out anyway with the lawsuits.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
3 years ago

That is really great work connecting the cancellations to possible vaccine adverse events of staff. I have no problem with driving across the USA but unfortunately in my situation in Thailand if my husband’s visa goes through we will be on a long flight. I console myself that there are two pilots for a reason and the odds of both having an in flight medical event is very very low. We could be seeing the tip of the iceberg or perhaps it will sort itself out quietly. Commercial pilots are a very risk averse bunch with routine health checks. Another space to watch is healthcare, especially come fall. The medical system could collapse…

3 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

I think you might be correct. I read the story of those hospital employees in Houston being fired for refusing the vax. Come fall they might just get those jobs back is the vaxxed employees are unable to work from adverse reactions or by passing. This could be a terrible nightmare come fall.

3 years ago

Hi. I really respect what you’re doing with this site! Hopefully you actually save lives.

I tried multiple times to post information from various sources (including, on Facebook and at first I either lost friends or was shadow-banned, because only about 3 people respond.

Facebook is either “fact-checking” my posts, or blocks the information as a “policy violation” if it contains vaccine deaths, or, as with Dr Madej, won’t even let me finish the sentence, so they’re anything but impartial, & don’t deserve any 230 protection!

Facebook does recieve MILLIONS OF DOLLARS monthly from various nauseating political ad campaigns, created (IMHO) to arouse anger, a sense of injustice, or dope people into “supporting a small grassroots operation” -that,
if people took the time to find out how much that advertiser blew monthly, they would not spend a penny on!

They actually sent me a questionaire about how I felt about being blocked! The only frustration was, it’s multiple choice, and “glad I’m obviously making a difference” wasn’t one of the options.

That’s how bad social media is these days: if you’re a young drag queen, you get 25 M “followers,” but speak the truth about corrupt officials and immediately get slapped. It’s now a badge of honor to get blocked on social media.

They also say I can back up my info, but I got a really small file that looks like mostly links, so if I get kicked off, I not only lose contact with “friends” I made online, but material I spent months creating.

Thanks for letting me post, and please keep up the great work.

God bless your efforts!

3 years ago
Reply to  Aribella

Aribella, I appreciate the work you do to educate and inform ppl like me. It’s paramount that we continue supporting each other and share the truth. FB censor s, cancels everyone and everything that opposes the state narrative. Sadly so many ppl around the world are buying into it. I’m from Canada and the division among families, friends, co-workers based on vax and “v” passports is very disturbing. Our liberties and freedom is being taken away from us! Our ancestors gave their lives for those virtues, so we can be strong and free and now the state is taking away from us!

3 years ago

Airline pilot here.. from the few colleagues of mine that I’ve queried I can say that there is sadly virtually zero concern about potential adverse effects from the vaccine, apart from just 1 who seemed reluctantly resigned to the fact that he’ll end up taking it. Whilst it’s not officially mandatory (yet), the company is ramping up the level of coercion and rumoured to be about to offer pay incentives like other airlines already have to take the injection.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bill

I am not an airline pilot, but I’ve been Commercially rated for 30 years – I find it shocking how many pilots, who are so careful about what they ingest, and how much they care for their bodies just to be sure to pass those 6mo flight physicals , are so Willy-nilly when it comes to a biological agent of actually unknown content. The flight – surgeon is usually our biggest fear when it comes to our ticket! I understand this is our livelihood – but if you’re not alive or with a medical certificate to use it – what good is it??? Where is the AME associations, and FAA or ICAO?? Utterly flabbergasted and shocked.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Bill : thankyou for speaking up and informing us. I won’t ask what airlines but we fly often and at this point I do not feel safe on a flight with. injected pilots. And I can’t drive to Hawaii..,,,, I’m in the middle of the country so driving to each coast is very very difficult by car. And train is just as bad thanks to crappy Amtrak. Can you advise of what the solutions look like for all of us in the future ? Will injabbed pilots eventually be at a premium ??

3 years ago

we are held in utter contempt – ‘no connection to the shots’ – right – it’s normal for pilots to drop dead regularly in clusters like that

John S
John S
3 years ago

I live in london and i have noticed an upsurge in road accidents since the so called ‘vaccine’ was unleashed on the public. I have also seen many mask wearers driving carelessly behind the wheel. Its clear those masks are suffocating them and they are losing focus behind the wheel.
I pray to god daily before getting on the road.

Glen Alan sewell
Glen Alan sewell
2 years ago
Reply to  John S

i live in the USA and I road travel a lot and I was saying the same thing. many accidents, one after another on the highways.

John S
John S
3 years ago

My boss keeps flying abroad during this whole fake pandemic. And every time his flights kept getting cancelled until he finally got to fly. The airlines claim it was due to passenger shortage which i find hard to believe.

3 years ago

new crash 49 people dead

3 years ago

I believe firmly we are in the last days, the end times. Not everyone will share that conviction. But I think that darkness is truly upon us now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Susan , I’m not Christian but I’m well aware of the biblical end times. I don’t discount it at all since it’s following the written text. I do hope however that we beat it on earth and have a new millennia: while I’m alive

Ted, the well read Bear
Ted, the well read Bear
2 years ago

Stop calling “it” a vaccine – as correctly pointed out here – – “it” is a bio-medical nano device to produce protein pathogens!!! 

2 years ago

I also heard PG&E and SMUD are in the process of recruiting a new work force. They’ll begin hiring only NON “vaccinated” workers. I guess the vaccinated workers are becoming too sick and in large numbers. Why are they even considering making it mandatory? That says a lot about their intentions

2 years ago
Reply to  Candice

Candace could you provide done links about this woth PGE and SMUD ? I spent 20 min searching and found nothing. Ty

2 years ago

to believe those are random deaths is just naive. pilots are one of the healthiest people on earth. they have to do body checks every few months and pass certain fitness tests. especially a 33 yr old man in his prime dies out of nothing *red flag*

2 years ago

American Airlines do not require pilots be death injected to fly. When the rest go out of business they may be the last left standing. I hope British airlines go bankrupt soon, killing people should never be a legal requirement for any industry.

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