Ronald Babb: 57-year-old Syracuse man mocks “anti-vaxxers,” dead seven days after Johnson & Johnson shot
May 9, 2021

Mr. Ronald Babb, Sr.

SYRACUSE, NEW YORK — A 57-year-old husband, father and grandfather is dead, in what is fast becoming a trend of death after social media virtue signaling.

Mr. Ronald Babb, Sr. and his wife Rose, received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on April 12, according to his Facebook page. They received the shot at a Walmart on Genessee Street in Camillus, New York, about 14 miles west of Syracuse. Mr. Babb posted he and his wife’s “vaccine cards” on Facebook with a caption saying they are now waiting to “turn into robots.”

Walmart, trusted by millions who get these shots at their stores, mixed up the day and year on Mr. Babb’s card. Thus it says he received the shot in 2012. Walmart also spelled Janssen incorrectly. Further, the “turn into robots” mock is apparently in reference to the nanotechnology associated with both PCR testing and the experimental shots. Tiny theragripper devices (robots) carry and release drugs into your body when commanded to do so, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Mainstream media refer to the foregoing as “conspiracy theory” and “disinformation.” Mr. Babb joked further about the clerical error on his card. But Mr. Babb’s niece was the voice of reason and brought genuine concern and an adult presence to the discussion among all the virtue signaling.

Family members further discussed the dangers of J&J shots the next day.

Mr. Babb died seven days after the shot, Monday April 19.

He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Rose, four children and seven grandchildren.

Subconscious death wishes?

The insulting, temporary Johnson & Johnson experimental shot pause in the United States happened one day after Mr. Babb got the shot. Note that the J&J/Janssen viral vector product is essentially the exact same thing as the AstraZeneca shot. Denmark ditched both J&J and AstraZeneca due to blood clot deaths. Several other countries paused use of J&J and AstraZeneca shots due to blood clots. But Dr. Death (Fauci) and the United States continue pushing these lethal injections onto an uninformed, well-conditioned public.

At this point, anyone getting these shots wants to die. There are no tangible benefits to these shots. But there are a whole lot of scary, ominous risks. Ask someone who has received these shots or is planning to receive them why they are doing so. The answer is typically “it’s the right thing to do” or “I’m protecting grandma.” In other words, someone told them to do it and they’re obediently following orders.

Mr. Babb is at least the third case we’ve covered of someone openly mocking skeptics of these shots, then dying soon thereafter. Again we’ve pleaded with people to stop posting these “vaccine photos” with mocking captions. But the conditioning and social pressure is too deep and coordinated. We’ve reached a point of no return. All you can do is stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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3 years ago

AZ shot is two doses and seems even more deadly than the JJ, though JJ is catching up.

3 years ago
Reply to  Valerie

They are talking about third and fourth doses for Pfizer and Moderna. The UK is doing clinical trials on two dose J&J. The number of advertised doses for these shots are completely arbitrary, just like the 6 feet social distancing is now 3 feet.

John Spradling
John Spradling
3 years ago

I live in Central New York and can attest to the area being highly populated by “sheeple” who are simply waiting to be told what to do. We CNYers need to have our boat rocked—BAD. Mask and vaccine shaming are rampant here. I never thought of myself as a man of particular character, but am finding the divide between myself and most of my fellow men growing wider by the day as those searching for truth realize they are fighting for their OWN lives, as well as trying to save people around them. Thank you for what you do!

3 years ago
Reply to  John Spradling

I, too, live in Central NY, and this post should serve as a huge wake-up call to those CNYers who tend to think that if something isn’t happening in their own backyard, it isn’t happening. When they see that this plague has affected someone from their own community, perhaps they will begin to break free from the MSM mind control and learn the truth before it’s too late.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Spradling

Yeah its like the twilight zone. The world has gone out of control. I long ago abandoned the idea of ‘fellow men’. They are clearly of a different species although they may appear human.

John Spradling
John Spradling
3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

I always will feel moved to speak to people as the Holy Spirit leads. It is indeed difficult, because so many of our “fellow men” are clogged up with their own answers for their lives, brought on by the constant propaganda bombardment. You never know when you can be the light bearer to such people.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Spradling

Trust me evangelism just doesn’t work. No one, not even intelligent people like to be preached to. Keep religion to yourself.

3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Trust me evangelism has saved and enriched some lives. If you don’t like being preached to, skip preachy posts and move to those that leave religion out of it. LIVE AND LET LIVE, not live and complain about those who live differently. Good grief! And I’m not even an evangelist!!!!

John Spradling
John Spradling
3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Trust YOU!!?? A person who tells me to shut up about the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Not on your life! In Acts 4, the Apostles were told by governing authorities not to preach in that Name, and their reply was that nothing could stop them from spreading the good news about what they had seen and heard. The authorities then had them beaten, upon which the Apostles returned to other members of the church. They prayed, thanking God they had been found worthy to suffer for Christ, and the entire church then prayed they would be given the power to preach with boldness. You fail to understand that in this morass of “do this” and do that”, the Gospel is the only thing that is certain. Jesus died to save people from their sins. You also imply that preaching and receiving the Gospel is for the unintelligent. if you study history, you will find that there was a time when ALL learning and teaching was based on the scriptures, colleges were founded by churches, and families and individuals based their behavior and morals on their church upbringing. SpecOps, you need to keep your unintelligent remarks to yourself, shut your mouth, and pray that the Lord will send somebody to witness to you!

3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

You need the Lord and holy spirit more than ever in this time of deception. He wants you to know him but you will be called to account some day. It is a loving thing to do to tell people about Jesus so that they may be saved.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Spradling

Amen to the Holy Spirit (Holy Breath of God).

Mankind is so fearful of disease and pain and dying, because they have rejected Him Who Is, the Great I AM Who AM. The covid shots are the modern day Tower of Babel, whereby mankind will try to save themselves.

When mankind rejects God, rejects religion and a spirituality that leads them to Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, then mankind fills the void in their lives with false gods, and false religions, such as the utter madness of lining up to get untested, dangerous gene-altering shots, such as hanging on the words of false and evil organizations like UN, WHO, CDC, Planned Parenthood, etc.

I’m not afraid of Covid, even to die of it. I’m more afraid of putting false hope in false medicine and false god-like institutions. When I think of all the millions of people that died over the millennia from real plagues, real pandemics, and the moral courage mankind had, in persevering, and yet, he we are as mankind, cowering in our houses, afraid of each other, and thinking if we all just line up for the shot, and keep wearing our germ-laden masks, and stay six feet apart, it will all work out.

May the Holy Spirit, the Holy Breath of God, breathe His Saving Graces out over our lands, and may we return to God as a nation and as a world, recognizing that without Him, we are nothing, but through Him, ALL things are possible. Amen.

3 years ago
Reply to  ProVitaSemper


3 years ago
Reply to  ProVitaSemper

I am far more afraid of that gene therapy than I am the disease and I can say this because I had the disease. The stupid doctors want us to consider having the vaccine after having the disease. Can they be anymore stupid?? My husband and I have antibodies so why would I want to ruin the protection that God has given to me?

2 years ago
Reply to  ProVitaSemper

It’s biblical. Good versus Evil. Life versus Death. God versus Satan. Choose the winning side…

3 years ago
Reply to  John Spradling

Are born again Christians the only ones not getting the vaccine?
I know several people who have gotten Covid vaccinated who either are avowed athiests/agnostics, or who have little visible evidence of being saved.

John Spradling
John Spradling
3 years ago
Reply to  guest

If one is truly born of the Spirit, there is little fear of death—maybe of pain or of never knowing when, but no fear of where one will end up, and that is in the arms of Jesus Christ. Others literally have no hope, and they are finding how appalling such a daily existence can be. Be born again, and stay in the Word, which will keep your sword sharp. Also, as Amanda Grace loves to say, “keep your vessel pure!”

Rita Schaffer
Rita Schaffer
3 years ago
Reply to  guest

Excellent comment!

3 years ago
Reply to  guest

Can’t say. I know “born-agains” who were first in line for the jabs and tough old veterans who aren’t religious who will not be jabbed either, ever…after all they’ve been through, they are NOT AFRAID of life or death. However, overall, being raised in born-again type setting you are definitely–least I was–taught to QUESTION AUTHORITY in and out of the church, because we are all accountable for our actions. The goal was to seek wisdom and discernment, to analyze the world, its culture, its beliefs and messages, and compare them to our own Christian world. This instilled in me a strong core of my own identity that I carry with me today. I am not a follower and question too much, like the little kid that keeps asking “Why WHY why?” I am in the world, but not of it. So no jabs. From the beginning, these shots were marketed as nothing but wonderful and good and they would would save us all. Uh…that should’ve pricked up any thinking person’s ears right away. Especially coming from the governments, MSM, college researchers AKA party-liners, and drug companies. There is a ton WRONG with those jabs and they make the pressure to wear a mask a nothing-burger compared to being pressured to put toxic junk in your cells. I just had a kid come by to sign us up for the jab at my door yesterday, btw. That’s their third try so far. I am in CA., USA. Quite annoying.

Marius Popescu
Marius Popescu
2 years ago
Reply to  guest

The obvious answer is not. You don’t have to be a Christian to understand that the so-called vaccines are harmful and that an evil and corrupt elite is destroying our lives. And I don’t think that mixing things up (religion and civic action) helps our cause, that is making people around us aware of the dangers they’re exposing themselves and their families to. Because you risk being labeled as “anti-science” and not getting your message farther than your own circle of fellow Christians.

7 months ago
Reply to  guest

It seems to me, that my job is to maintain a healthy body, to support my God-given immune system.
WHY give that obligation over to wack scientists and money hungry evil men?

People can be careless about their health — fast food, soda pop, tap water, pharmaceuticals, smoking, alcohol… and then HOPE that a SHORTCUT SHOT will keep them “safe.”

Me? I prefer good wholesome organic vegetarian food, filtered water (almost exclusively my only beverage), vitamins, supplements, exercise, etc. No shortcut needed.
ZERO fast food smoke alcohol drugs vaccines or any other poison. It’s worked well, for my 65 years, and counting. Praise the Lord!

3 years ago

Deadly shots in a Walmart. You couldn’t make this stuff up and have people believe it in a book.

After the recent video by RFK, Jr., where he fills in the blanks for me about how Fauci rules his huge lucrative kingdom of many gov’t organizations (allegedly there for our health and well-being), one can see why this obsessive push for the jabs goes on like a lunatic on a rampage. It’s a racket; and the FDA, cdc, and other sub-organizations we’ve never heard of are raking it in with blood on their hands.

RIP another victim of lies and corruption.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Truth IS stranger than fiction.
It is a difficult lesson to learn.

3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I’m seeing come to life many of the sci-fi stories and tv show storylines! Even the X-Files seemed far-fetched, an episode about vaccines containing alien material not from aliens but from our own government. Now, I’m not so sure. Researching contents of the jabs yet.

Rita Schaffer
Rita Schaffer
3 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Well said! Thank you & blessings.

3 years ago

It’s the Gain of Function HIV spike that was added by Xi Shingli in Wuhan that is the problem – and every vaccine gives you more of them, and the mRNA vaccines don’t have an ‘end of program’ so spike production can just blow out

Tyrus Raymond Cobb
Tyrus Raymond Cobb
3 years ago

Typically it takes 12 years or more for a new drug to be developed, tested, gain approval from the FDA or equivalent government oversight body. I am in no hurry for the Jab. If the Jab results prove propitious after an inoculation history of five years or more, I may reconsider joining the Jab crowd.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tyrus Raymond Cobb
3 years ago

I wouldn’t trust the FDA. They are in deep with Pharma. Much of their $$ comes from the drug developers. They’ve made deals to shorten the R&D as much as possible. So, more vaccines have flooded the market with shortened study time. Works for them but not for us.

Rebecca S
Rebecca S
3 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I was a consultant at a large pharm company. They were the greediest, most morally-challenged people I ever met. It was a horrid place to work. Every day those around talked lustily about their company’s stock value. That was the main concern of those around me. People even discussed what kind of bigger houses they were going to buy when they made money. If my experience means anything, I would recommend being highly suspicious of this industry.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca S

I had a friend with a degree in biology that would enable him to work in the pharmaceutical industry, but for a while he couldn’t find any jobs in that field. When we met, he working as a bouncer and DJ, and he couldn’t have been a nicer and more down-to-earth guy. He finally got hired as a sales rep by a big pharmaceutical company, and within a year his whole character and personality had changed. It was beyond creepy, and words can’t describe the *transformation* that took place. It was as if he had become a completely different person. As a result of that, we lost touch.

John Spradling
John Spradling
3 years ago
Reply to  Margo

I don’t know what his particular exposure was, or with whom he was in contact, but “big pharmacy” has not been favorable towards healing the little guy for decades. As a result of research and input from many holistic sources, I overcame prostate cancer in 2013. Across the board, I found that the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, big pharmacy, Monsanto–and those who produce GMOs–are all in bed in a big devilish gang-bang of lobbying to PUT DOWN simple remedies, and the easiest possible cures for illnesses that claim millions of lives–all for money and power. Your friend would have been better off had he become a bodyguard for Bill Gates. At least that way, he would have not been privy to secret information that he apparently encountered in his new career.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca S

That’s sad, Rebecca, but not surprising. The FDA is a gang of vipers, probably not all that different than the people that Christ called vipers in the Bible.

Melissa Babb
Melissa Babb
3 years ago

It really upsets me that there is a post about Ronald Babb Sr passing away from the Johnson and Johnson vaccine . That is not true and you should be ashamed of posting this. His family has been threw enough heart ache losing a husband, father and grandfather. Unless you know for a 100 percent fact that he passed away because of this leave your comments to yourselves.

3 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

Bizzaro comment.

W Gary
W Gary
3 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

The only thing we know for certain is that Mr Babb took the vaccine and died shortly thereafter. We also know that the number of similar cases in the past four months is 20x larger than we would normally see in an entire year from all vaccines. That ought to alarm people, especially given the rush to vaccinate everyone. My heartfelt sympathy to you and to the rest of the Babb family.

3 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

What ever you do, don’t blame the shot.. it’s just coincidence…

B. Evans
B. Evans
3 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

The Babbs are crying FALSE! FALSE! FALSE!

To All Babbs: Read what was actually posted on this website! Nowhere does it say “He died because of the injection”… What it does say is what Mr. Babb himself said… “boasting that he got the shot… and making fun of others that do not trust the shot”, so shame on YOU Mr. Babb and although none of us can say with any certainty that he did actually die from getting the shot, we can be sure that the Babb family will not disclose anything since we’ve seen this too many times before. The families will not face facts and come to terms either in private or public that the shot had anything to do with the injury or death of a family member, mostly due to the fact that the medical “professionals” will claim total ignorance but will never say “yes, it is likely that it was the cause”, so if the family is foolish enough to buy into the big-pharma, drug pushing and injection pushing doctors, then of course they will swear to the end that it was not the cause because they are brainwashed.

3 years ago
Reply to  B. Evans

I suggest that they, like most American media consumers, are hypnotized. The power of suggestion that you are a fragile creature likely to die at any moment unless the medical industry constantly monitors and meddles with you, has been aggressively aimed at Americans for 20 years, 24-7, on everything from freeway billboards to city busses, television to radio, internet to glossy magazines — with extreme aggression, the medical industry as a whole has spent many billions of dollars on hypnotizing people through heavy, all-fronts marketing. This is the pay-off.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

The reward for stupidity and blind acceptance is suffering.

Rita Schaffer
Rita Schaffer
3 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

Well, what in your opinion was the cause of his death?

3 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

Keep drinking the coolaid Melissa

3 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

We sorry about your relative but this has happened all over the world and must be stopped. If you want to keep your eyes closed as to what caused it, fine. I have seen mockers all over the world die within a few days after the shot and others who got the shot to show others that it was safe and die too. We have to scream the alarm to stop this. Enough people have been injured and died over this experimental toxic Jab when there is a 99.7% survival rate if you actually get the Covid flu. May God comfort you in your loss.

3 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

Yes, but you gloated for long enough over “deaths with covid”. You couldn’t get enough panic porn, I seem to recall.

2 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Babb

You are reminding me of the hypocrites of 9-11. When they are confronted with facts that 3 building collapsed in controlled demolition style, to deflect the subject they say “I was there on that day” or “I know somebody who died there”.

W Gary
W Gary
3 years ago

I always hated it when people would gloat over the death or illness of anyone who expressed skepticism about the handling of this pandemic, the most recent being Ted Nugent. We are all human, and we are all mortal. It’s sad that so many people have been convinced they needed to take an experimental drug in order to live normal lives. My deepest condolences to the Babb family.

John Spradling
John Spradling
3 years ago
Reply to  W Gary

Ted Nugent is, and always has been entitled to his opinions and his comments are welcome to me because a true conservative in the entertainment field is a rarity indeed. If I, like Ted, came down with the CCP virus, it would not change any of my beliefs about the virus or how it is being mishandled by the media. The virus is HERE, and we don’t know who has been exposed. Nor am I going to stick a robot-laden Q-tip up my nose to find out if I am among that group. I agree with W Gary, and would encourage ALL people to seek the Lord in their lives, so they don’t have to be needlessly tempted to get an experimental shot to up the chances they will live longer. I also offer my deepest condolences to the Babb family, and remind Melissa Babb that the heading of this blog is “coincidences”, and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the contributors featuring Ronald in their coverage under those circumstances. I lost a colleague recently under conditions that are no less questionable than those surrounding Mr. Babb. I might offer my opinion that if he hadn’t blown off his mouth on public media about being turned into a robot, he might not be under public scrutiny today.

Afshin Nejat
Afshin Nejat
3 years ago

Couldn’t have happened to a more stalwart and sincere person. What a hero.

3 years ago
Reply to  Afshin Nejat

You’re absolutely right. Those antivaxxers are the reason people are dying. At least this man’s total obedience will save us.

3 years ago
Reply to  Afshin Nejat

At least if he “turned into a robot” or Stepford Husband as he opined; he would still be above ground.

It appears his expectations were a little too lofty…

Conchita Monsó
Conchita Monsó
3 years ago

Another victim.

3 years ago

More like another idiot getting his just desserts. He didn’t stand up against the tryanny posed on us and didn’t question why a virus with a 99 percent recovery rate requires a global lockdown that has killed more people that this same virus.

Rita Schaffer
Rita Schaffer
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

You nailed it! Blessings to you & yours

Paula Purcell
Paula Purcell
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

This is that “idiots” sister.. And what you don’t know is that we also had a brother pass in January from covid! He was only 53!

3 years ago

Ironic by Alanis Morissette comes to mind. My condolences to the Babb family. It is sad that people post on social media mocking those of us who refuse these shots for multiple medical, spiritual, and personal reasons. When someone tells me they are getting one, I tell them all the reasons I am not. Sometimes, it seems like a little light bulb goes off. Nobody mocks me to my face. But I’m not on social media. People say stuff to you on social media that they would never have the guts to say to your face.

Holly Davidson
Holly Davidson
3 years ago
Reply to  Wollio


3 years ago

Unfortunately if you are getting an untested experimental gene therapy injection from your local supermarket you shouldn’t be surprised if you experience problems

Rebecca S
Rebecca S
3 years ago

That so many people are becoming ill and dying immediately after being vaccinated is absolutely criminal. The reason we “had” an FDA (and NYS Department of Health) was supposed to be so that true experts could protect people from dangerous and unproven treatments. I don’t know what you call these “departments” now. They lost their way. Voters, we need to seriously clean the house. Both in NY and at the federal level. And next time, if their are allegations of election fraud, they must be taken seriously.

3 years ago

Maybe it was the virtue-signalling that killed him? If only there was a pattern…

Paula Purcell
Paula Purcell
2 years ago

I know that I’m late to this discussion but I would like to enlighten a few of you about the actual details leading up to Ronald Babb Sr.s (my older brother) post.. First and foremost, we lost my brother Terry at the end of Dec 2020 (uncovid related) , then my brother Michael (53) gets sick, hospitalized and within days passes away from Covid on 2/23/21. Now our family is dealing with 2 siblings passing away suddenly and back to back.. Heartbreaking… Ronnie, (who hated hospitals & doctors) decides that he doesn’t want any of us to go the way Michael did so against his usual judgement, he chooses to get the covid vaccine.. That Facebook post is his way of making light.. He was always making sarcastic jokes.. Trying to talk myself and the other 2 remaining brothers we have into trying to stay healthy.. And alive. Needless to say this horrible tragedy struck him and our family! 3 brothers passing in less than 6 months time! Please try to think about how devastating that was and still is to our family before you start spouting assumptions about my brother’s nature, personality or intentions.. If you did not know him, there is a very good chance that you will be wrong! And just downright disrespectful!
As for Melissa Babb (sorry Missy but facts are facts) she is my ex sister in law and really shouldn’t be the voice of our family since she has not been apart of it for a long time. Although I do appreciate her trying to defend my brother (not her ex) , so thank you Missy but you should have clarified.
As for whether or not he passed away due to the vaccine.. Well, even after an autopsy… The cause of death was officially named as a heart attack… Now what brought on that sudden heart attack?? … Foggy…

So, what should I do? 1 brother 53 suddenly struck down due to the disease… Another brother, 57 passing quickly and questionable after receiving the vaccination… It’s a scary and extremely depressing situation to be in!! I’ll gladly accept any of your thoughts or advice… As long as they remain respectful and positive! I’ve been through enough… And I fear there will be more…

2 years ago
Reply to  Paula Purcell

My thought is “Don’t get that “vaccine”. If you even have to agonize over that decision, then you deserve whatever you get. And quit listening to these moron doctors and get over the mystique of the white lab coat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paula Purcell

Very sorry Paula for your losses – my deepest sympathies. It is horrible to lose three loved ones in such a short time. A few years ago (pre-pandemic) I lost a brother and my father in a span of six months and boy was that painful. Too bad that your brother’s FB post was taken out of context, as it often happens when you don’t know the person it’s coming from, I don’t think it was done maliciously though. Glad you came on here to clarify, not that you need to explain yourself to anyone. Anyway, I never comment on this site but had to create an account just to post a response to you. If I had to give any suggestion to you it would be to take a break from social media, the news and all this madness around this pandemic and the vax. Shut out the noise and try and find peace in your soul so you can heal.

Adam F
Adam F
2 years ago
Reply to  Paula Purcell

This is only my opinion, so do what you want with it.

But since you asked, I would get myself fully checked out. Full blood panel (d-dimer included), heart check up, and everything else that I could get my hands on. I would then make sure I’m taking all the low risk vitamins/hormones to help my immune system get a boost: Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin & C. That’s the bare minimum right there. After endless research, there appears to be little to no benefit to these vaccines; the risks are downplayed and the benefits exaggerated. Furthermore, it WANES, so it’s extremely limited in any protection it may actually provide. Last but not least, we are on the Omicron variant and that variant presents extremely mild with lowered risk of hospitalization or death. Why take your chance with the vaccine now? Either way, I wish you the best of luck and I’m so sorry about your loss. It can’t be easy.

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