Sara Beltrán Ponce: Wisconsin resident doctor has miscarriage days after COVID “vaccine”
February 7, 2021 (updated February 8, 2021)

Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce

Dr. Michael Yeadon is the former Vice President and Chief Scientific Advisor at Pfizer. He and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed a petition with the European Medicines Agency on December 1, 2020. The petition asks the agency to halt trials for the Pfizer BioNTech BNT162b shot and all other mRNA trials until study designs conform with more universal methods.

One of their concerns involves Syncytin-1. The protein is responsible for placenta development during pregnancy.

Placentas provide oxygen and food to fetuses. They also eliminate waste from the baby. Syncytin-1 is “also found in homologous form in the spike proteins of SARS viruses,” according to the petition. The mRNA shots would thus inhibit or eliminate Syncytin-1, and prevent or obstruct pregnancy.

Further, according to Section 10.4.2 of the Pfizer BioNTech trial protocol, pregnant women or women who may become pregnant should not take the mRNA shots. Section 10.4.1 also warns men taking the mRNA shots to “be abstinent from heterosexual intercourse” and to not donate sperm.

Despite all these clear warnings, people are lining up and getting these shots to conform with social media and mainstream media norms. Medical professionals are not immune to said social pressures.

The Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce public miscarriage

Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2019. She is completing her residency in Radiation Oncology at the same Milwaukee college. Her profile on a website called SheMD says she is “passionate about medical education, public health, and mentorship, particularly for women interested in radiation.” She is married with one daughter and had another child on the way – until yesterday.

Dr. Beltrán Ponce tweeted on January 28 that she is 14 weeks pregnant and “fully vaccinated.” She repeated many of the most common talking points related to COVID-19 and vaccines in the tweet chain.

She tweeted an update about her pregnancy less than a week later  (NOTE: There is a narrative on social media channels about some sort of “fake photo” in Dr. Beltrán Ponce’s tweets. The narrative appears to attempt discrediting the story or deflecting from the facts. We’ve linked the internet archives herein for readers to see the actual tweets and screenshots).

The miscarriage happened at 14 1/2 weeks, indicating it was three days after she got the first or second mRNA shot. She did not say if it was the Pfizer or Moderna shot. Dr. Beltrán Ponce has since locked her Twitter account so only verified followers can see her tweets.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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3 years ago

Directly from a vaccine industry trade publication…

“COVID-19 vaccine candidates lack efficacy data on pregnant women and children.” But that’s not stopping the criminal medical industry from vaccinating the pregnant and their unborn child(ren).

So clearly children and pregnant women will be unwitting participants in this criminal vaccine experiment.

CDC’s Vaccine Committee Prepares COVID-19 Vaccine Allocations
www dot precisionvaccinations dot com/cdcs-vaccine-committee-prepares-covid-19-vaccine-allocations%C2%A0

3 years ago

Ich bete für die junge Mutter und ihre Familie und das Menschlein, das kommen wollte!

Leider bin ich mal wieder so was wie sprachlos über all das was vor aller Augen z. Zt. an Ungeheuerlichkeiten durchgezogen wird, stattfindet!
Erschreckend wie schnell und leicht ca 67% & >% der Menschen aus Angst und Panik in die Irre geführt werden und leider
sehr viele, Täter und Opfer den Weg daraus nicht mehr finden, wagen, wohl auch aus Scham & Angst! Ich bin sooo traurig und wütend und…… bitte, bete um ein Wunder, ☯️🕊️🌲wie 1989 und…..!
Sie verlieren ihre Gesichter, solches führt zu ernsthaften Konsequenzen für jeden Einzelnen und auch für die Menschheit, die Gesellschaften!


[…] Dr. Sara Beltran Ponce was pregnant when she had a corona vaccine on the 28th of January. A couple of days later he had a miscarriage. […]


[…] Read More: Wisconsin resident doctor has miscarriage days after COVID “vaccine” […]

John Calvin Jones
John Calvin Jones
3 years ago

I encourage everyone to write to the Medical College of Wisconsin and as some questions about their curricula and data on pregnancy and vaccination. Dr. Beltran is a true believer – in allopathic claptrap. It cost her a baby. Maybe she will wake up? Or maybe this will deeper her faith in her pharmaceutical overlords. The quicker that we rid the planet of these vultures, the safer and healthier humanity will become.

jason cowan
jason cowan
3 years ago

She Virtue Signaled her baby to death – posing with a vaccine in one arm, and ultrasound images of her developing child in the other.

3 years ago
Reply to  jason cowan

Holy hell!

Capt. Hook
Capt. Hook
3 years ago

She drank the koolaid and lost her baby.
Doctors need to be proactive w covid…see, evaluate, treat and follow patients to conclusion of the disease.
A strategy never espoused or even commented by the infamous Fauci.
All patients should be informed prior to vaccination that infertility maybe impaired, including males.
All reproductive age patients should have a pre vaccine pregnancy test.
This doctor should have done her due diligence on the vaccine.
Moderna and Pfizer are indemnified from law suits, but the univ of Wisconsin is not.
I see huge lawsuits on these facilities which have not been indemnified

Laura Jackson
Laura Jackson
3 years ago
Reply to  Capt. Hook

She didn’t drink the kolaid. She’s a medical doctor.who was lied too like the rest of us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Laura Jackson

Speak for yourself…some of us have never trusted or used medical doctors. She didn’t just drink the Kool Aid, she was handing it out. The medical establishment in the US has been murdering people since 1910, when J D Rockefeller and Abraham Flexner teamed up to grab control of American medical systems.

oldschool patriot
oldschool patriot
2 years ago
Reply to  Laura Jackson

Except when the “rest of us” learn the truth we don’t lie about it. She did. She is a creep.

oldschool patriot
oldschool patriot
2 years ago
Reply to  Capt. Hook

One feels a rush of sympathy for this woman but it fades quickly when you find that she really cares more about her “career” than about her baby or other people who might be following her lead and taking these lethal shots and then suffering the same cruel fate. Shame on her. She is a very, very small person with no soul, only a “career”. I feel sorry for her other kid – I suppose she’ll force the vaccine on her as well, probably ensure she will be sterile. What a creep.

Pontificus Maximus
Pontificus Maximus
2 years ago

Dude, what you say is so cold and brutal…yet 100% true. Thus it was necessary.


[…] < continue reading […]

3 years ago

Gee, another healthcare professional that doesn’t read the inserts.
I have had to fight nurses that insisted my youngest child receive certain vaccines after his pediatrician said that he was not to get those shots. Public health nurses are the worst, they are party propaganda apparatchiks, only doing what keeps them employed, public health be d@mn3d.
She killed her child.


[…] The COVID Blog, part of COVID Legal USA which is “a team of paralegals, legal writers and researchers helping Americans represent themselves in legal matters against oppressive, dangerous COVID mandates,” has reported on the miscarriage of a Wisconsin doctor shortly after receiving one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections. […]


[…] The COVID Blog, part of COVID Legal USA which is “a team of paralegals, legal writers and researchers helping Americans represent themselves in legal matters against oppressive, dangerous COVID mandates,” has reported on the miscarriage of a Wisconsin doctor shortly after receiving one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections. […]


[…] The COVID Blog, part of COVID Legal USA which is “a team of paralegals, legal writers and researchers helping Americans represent themselves in legal matters against oppressive, dangerous COVID mandates,” has reported on the miscarriage of a Wisconsin doctor shortly after receiving one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections. […]

3 years ago

This is why I dislike doctors and nurses. They see the results first hand of the poisons they dispense and reduce to see the truth. And have the audacity to act like the patient is crazy when they make a connection to a side effect of a drug. They get a whole entire new disease to treat after all. One caused by the medication. Any doctor that has not studied the flu vaccines before getting them should be fired.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mojo

“First do no harm” Has turned into There is no accountaility for me-and you came to us you sucker. I am in this job for the $$$.

They do not know what they are doing, its all theatre and a patient is their victim with an open wallet. Peope are lucky to get out alive with or without new damages/illnesses.
Watch them. They are clones of each other. Western medicine is like a cult. Nobody goes off script of contradicts another. Voice your concern about drug interaction dangers or ask about side effects, they all say this beore blinking or thinking-“We feel the benefits out weigh the risks” even robots have more indepependent thought than modern day MD’s & Nurses.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mojo

They seem to truly lack a certain kind of common Sense intelligence

oldschool patriot
oldschool patriot
2 years ago
Reply to  Hdhh

Doctors’ training tends to weed out the normally intelligent people. What is left after the process of “training” is a bunch of mindless robots who don’t need to blink anymore. I think the training ruins them. In any case I never see any that seem normal. There’s just something missing in all of them.

3 years ago

The old saying goes, choose wisely…unfortunately even with a degree under her belt, she did NOT choose wisely!

3 years ago

It’s not a VACCINE, it’s gene therapy!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Yep. Vaccines are supposed to impart immunity and stop the spread of said sickness. This one does neither, hence not a vaccine.


[…] News) Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce, M.D., is making headlines after suffering a horrific miscarriage following her Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) […]


[…] News) Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce, M.D., is making headlines after suffering a horrific miscarriage following her Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) […]


[…] News) Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce, M.D., is making headlines after suffering a horrific miscarriage following her Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) […]


[…] News) Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce, M.D., is making headlines after suffering a horrific miscarriage following her Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) […]


[…] Wisconsin doctor has miscarriage days after shot. […]

3 years ago

Two Mice were Talking…. One Mouse asked the other Mouse ” Are you taking the Covid Vaccine ? “….The Mouse responded and said ” Do you think i’m Stupid, they’re still testing them out on Humans “


[…] Sara Beltrán Ponce, M.D., is making headlines after suffering a horrific miscarriage following her Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) […]


[…] News) Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce, M.D., is making headlines after suffering a horrific miscarriage following her Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) […]


[…] The COVID Blog, part of COVID Legal USA which is “a team of paralegals, legal writers and researchers helping Americans represent themselves in legal matters against oppressive, dangerous COVID mandates,” has reported on the miscarriage of a Wisconsin doctor shortly after receiving one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections. […]


[…] COVID Blog, part of COVID Legal USA which is “a team of paralegals, legal writers and researchers helping […]


[…] The COVID Blog, part of COVID Legal USA which is “a team of paralegals, legal writers and researchers helping Americans represent themselves in legal matters against oppressive, dangerous COVID mandates,” has reported on the miscarriage of a Wisconsin doctor shortly after receiving one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections. […]

J redman
J redman
3 years ago

Just goes to show that you can be very intelligent but have a total lack of common sense. I guess young doctors never learned about Thalidomide or DES. After those horrible incidents, women were told not to take medications or vaccines during pregnancy unless it was life or death. But Big Pharma decided that they needed even more profits so now Ob-Gyns are pushing vaccines during pregnancy.

3 years ago
Reply to  J redman

Think about it, you create massive health problems with an untested mRNA gene therapy and you have customers for life. They are evil to the core.

3 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

I don’t think most will last that long.

3 years ago
Reply to  J redman

If someone don’t have common sense, that person is not intelligent. That person is just a bag of flesh with letters after the last name branded as ‘smart’ because “that person told the system what it wanted to hear”, to quote David Icke.

3 years ago


3 years ago

What level of medical education did she have to go ahead and accept this experimental gene therapy? I mean, I thought you had to have some intelligence to be a doctor… guess those were the old days.

3 years ago

Jan 28th: ‘At first I was…’
Feb 5th: ‘And then I was….’

On hearing her baby miscarriaged, Dr Grinwoman probably sat up at the realization and feverishly grinned.

This is where I stopped having any sympathy for her as I am forced by law in Singapore to wear masks and its causing me breathing issues. For this reason I work a couple of days a week and when no one’s looking I pull the mask down below my nose.

“We should be examples of social distancing, masking and vaccination.”

I dare say the miscarriaged baby is a very happy soul to have had a lucky escape from a life under this trainwreck.

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