Ian Bell: 60-year-old Australia disc jockey calls the non-vaccinated “belligerently stupid,” dies 30 days after his fifth mRNA/viral vector DNA injection

May 26, 2023

Ian Bell.

PARIS — A 60-year-old Australian DJ is dead; but he deserves credit for dying for what he believed in.

Mr. Ian Bell was originally from Adelaide, South Australia. He developed a following in the 1980s and 1990s as a disc jockey in clubs around the city. Mr. Bell also owned a record store, and wrote articles for various publications, mostly about concerts and music. He frequently performed and worked at The Big Day Out, Australia’s annual music festival equivalent to Lollapalooza in the U.S.

Mr. Bell met and hung out with many celebrities over the years.

He was reportedly married and had a daughter.

The man loved his vaccines

Mr. Bell was the epitome of a virtue-signaling vaxx zealot. He fully committed to the COVID religion at the very start of it all.


Mr. Bell received his first injection on June 1, 2021.



The vitriol and hate for the non-vaccinated quickly followed. He accused “anti-vaxxers” and “anti-lockdown” critical thinkers of needing validation online, despite himself virtue-signaling nearly all of his injections. He compared COVID to war, and implied the non-vaccinated are “selfish, illinformed [sic] and short sighted.”


A little over a week later, on August 30, 2021, Mr. Bell said that everyone at the Creamfields dance festival in the U.K. who wasn’t wearing a mask was going to die.



He received his second injection on September 5, 2021.



Mr. Bell received his first booster shot on January 5, 2022.



A month later, on February 9, 2022, he wrote that all non-vaccinated people’s families will get sick and die. Mr. Bell also said that he “can’t accept [non-vaccinated] people being willfully, knowingly, BELIGERANTLY [sic] stupid.”

There’s a lot more that could be included in this article. But you get the point.

Dying for the cause

It’s unclear when Mr. Bell received his fourth injection. But he wrote on April 5 “Covid Vax #5 done!”



His final Facebook post was on May 1. He was wearing one of those horse feeder-looking masks.


The foregoing photo was taken in Paris. Mr. Bell stopped there before heading to the 67th Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool, England. But he suffered a sudden heart attack the next day, May 2. He died later that evening.

At least he was loyal and faithful

The story of Mr. Bell story reminds this blogger of the second-to-last scene in the 1997 crime drama film “187” starring Samuel L. Jackson. The latter played a teacher (Mr. Garfield) in a gangster-infested school. Garfield, before committing suicide, told Caesar, one of the gangsters, “don’t be half ass stupid, be all the way stupid.”

Caesar ended up killing himself right after Garfield because he didn’t want Garfield to “beat him” in the asinine pissing contest.

Mr. Bell also reminds this blogger of the 1989 Morgan Freeman film “Lean on Me.” Mr. Clark (Freeman), the new principal at a knucklehead-infested school, told one of the students (Sams) to jump off a building because he smokes crack. “If you want to kill yourself, do it expeditiously,” Clark told Sams.

If you’ve received even one mRNA or viral vector DNA injection, and have made it this far without dying or feeling different, then you may have hope (albeit hail mary-type hope). You may have received placebos. You may have received a weakened, watered-down batch that won’t hurt you. There’s no other explanation other than unadulterated stupidity or death wishes for people to still be receiving booster shots or first shots in 2023.

RELATED: Ontario healthcare workers pester government into allowing fourth injections for all adults, then four doctors, three at same hospital system, die suddenly of #ABV (July 28, 2022)


Mr. Bell deserves respect, however. Few people are truly willing to die for what they believe in. This blogger was basically tortured in jail and had guns pointed to his head by cops numerous times just for being a journalist, covering their activities. But you’re never deterred when you truly believe in something (the cop behind me wanted to kill me right there, in front of everyone).

Dying for truth and justice is one thing. Dying for Fauci, Gates, Schwab, etc. is sheep-mania. But again, Mr. Bell died for his beliefs. More power to him and all other vaxx zealots.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

What is there to say, except… good riddance to him oh and he looked the most ridiculous in the horse feeder looking mask.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Mr. Bell has those Covid “crazy eyes”. Seems to be a common look for many vaxxed and boosted Covid Cult worshippers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

It’s psychopathy.

1 year ago

Mr Bell is the product of very effective brainwashing technology, they’ve had a long time to perfect it! Throw in a lack of critical thinking skills due to the poor education system and ….voila!… you have a Vaxx zealot!

1 year ago

I feel sorry for the man that he lived his life so scared … that he was a germ-a-phobe … that he was believing the lies that were pushed his way … That in his heart, he did not believe the jab worked, because if he had, he wouldn’t have worried that he would be exposed to the Covid or variant

BUT I will not forgive him for his ranting and putting people down because they did not follow in his foot steps … or that he wished death to people that went to music festivals without a mask/jab … That was truly EVIL!!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sylvia

Well, you don’t really know what goes on in someone’s mind and the reasons why they do what they do. Maybe he decided to take his frustrations on others and promote the poison. The problem is the people that look up to celebrities, and the rich and famous. Their lack of critical thinking and inability to see beyond their tv screens is very sad.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sylvia

Instan Karma he got what he bargained for…never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups…these blind aggressively ignorant historically illiterate idol worshippers of the Big Pharma Cult are the biggest dangers to our freedoms…they enable tyranny…if he was around long enough, he would have cheered on his government to round up innocent citizens to be put into permanent detention without due process or any rule of law…he reminds me of previous misfits such as Richard Rowe and Jeremy Mansfield who practiced open contempt for the unvaxxed…I say Fuck them…they lived by the Needle and they died by the Needle….they got what they deserved…

1 year ago

He’s a standard off-the-shelf liberal of his generation: they’re all like that, I’ve known lots of them, effeminate and passive-aggressive. Sad though and RIP

This is what happens when you have no God in your life, you’re rudderless

1 year ago
Reply to  adrian

I think it’s mk ultra….the Brainwashing doesn’t let up until you have the correct answer ???? especially with those celebrities. Some you can’t eat meat around… Morrissey ???? it’s insanity really. And this is the end result

1 year ago
Reply to  Bon

Western society works exactly like a cult with non-stop gaslighting; you have to step outside of it to see the madness, and as we all know, that’s just not easy to do for most people

Re Morrissey’s tbf he’s very based, liberals like this guy absolutely hate him for his views even though they all adored him for his music

1 year ago
Reply to  adrian

look what gaslighting and propaganda did to those in Germany under Hitler’s regime.

1 year ago
Reply to  adrian

WELL SAID, my brother!! may God bless you and your loved ones!!

1 year ago

Rest in Peace, Ian – you are now fully protected from everything . . . forever.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Everything except hell…

Mountain Mike
Mountain Mike
1 year ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Rest in PISS Ian

1 year ago

Boosted AF and now dead AF

1 year ago
Reply to  KMask

He didn’t wear his mask securely enough.

1 year ago

No sympathy from me. They (Bell, Hank Green, etc) had access to all the information we did, but chose to ignore it and ridicule the purebloods. Plus, they brainwashed their lemming followers to poison themselves. Good riddance to them. If they came clean and admitted they f’d up, I’d respect them somewhat. Ain’t gonna happen, though.

John Simmonds
John Simmonds
1 year ago
Reply to  Sandman

So true.

We were all fed the same bullshit. Some of us chose not to swallow.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Simmonds

critical thinking is NOT so critical. for most, the easiest thing to do is FOLLOW. and then go back to paying your mortgage, taking another loan, watching the mainstream media. go back to making the rich RICHER by following ALL of their guidelines “for a successful life”.

1 year ago

Their way is perverted, thus die they must. Natural Selection won’t have it any other way.

1 year ago
Reply to  Watchful

There really is no natural selection. Lots of good and intelligent people suffer in this life. The fact is the shots are poison.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

I dunno, the people who wouldn’t wager their lives , live in fear, or allow themselves to be bullied just to keep their job, or just to fit in. I’d say those are the strongest and smartest individuals on the planet

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

I see it all the time. Someone who seems like something was missing in their life until this pandemic came along. Then this becomes an obsession for them to preach to the rest of us.

John Simmonds
John Simmonds
1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

Yes. It’s the wartime mentality. I rmember my old Mum telling me how the WWII years were the best of her life.

All that digging for victory and pulling together…

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

Self cleaning oven. Good riddance

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Ian Bell is a typical product of the deceptive Western mainstream media. As I have always said Western media is one of the most controlled and corrupt in the world. For the past 60 years at least the Western mainstream media was on a mission to take away critical thinking away from most of humanity. This corruption and these lies did not begin with the Covid-19 agenda. Western mainstream media has been lying and manipulating most of humanity to make them ultimately accept the pandemic hoax as reality. The Covid-19 plandemic was make or break time for Western mainstream media. Had the mainstream media failed to take away critical thinking from the masses, it would have been game over for this pandemic scam. But it had done a good job. People like Ian Bell fall for the lies and paid the ultimate price for it in the end. He was part of the collective stupidity that has cost millions of people their lives. These people were the victim of their own stupidity in the end. Now you know why the elite want depopulation. These stupid people deserve to be bumped off.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I just recently watched a movie called “It could happen to you”. Cute, pass time movie. But in the post 2020 world I see things differently. Basically in the movie, people from New York would think or do whatever the “Angel” tell them to… They will love or hate whoever their master say they should. This is society today. Not only people in the States, people everywhere in the Western world.

John Simmonds
John Simmonds
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Again, so true. And anti-social media was the final nail in the coffin of common sense.

”Tick here to abdicate all critical thinking and open your Facebook account…”

Mankind is getting dumber by the day…

1 year ago

People like the disturbed , late Ian Bell behave like this because they are frightened of their own shadow.

You can see the fear and the madness in his eyes.

Bell & Co believe anything and everything the “Scientists” (IE: Television) bark at them and now he is dead.

He walked willingly into that darkness and now he is finally “safe” from Covid.

1 year ago
Reply to  Turpin

They’re scared of death, becomes a self -fulfilling prophecy!

1 year ago

“So let it be written, so let it be done.”

1 year ago

Boosted as f*ck baby! Double vaxxed bit*hes!

___The Deceased


There is a direct relationship between idiocy and a person’s propensity for vulgarity. Even as recently as 40 years ago; only a very low class person or person of low mentality would invoke vituperative language IN PUBLIC; save for the most extreme circumstances.

More addition by subtraction.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm

Agree, very good point.

1 year ago

We are having a really hectic weekend in Australia. A 17yo passed on the field in Country Victoria, an NRL player had a ‘terrifying’ seizure on-field. The road toll is through the roof, vaxxidents no doubt. The roll out of the jab here is slightly behind that of the UK and USA, anyway, it feels like we are playing catch-up now. As Chuck D told us, Welcome to the Terrordome.

1 year ago
Reply to  Flick

Looks like the 17-year-old played for the Castlemaine Football Club in Central Victoria.

1 year ago
Reply to  Flick

There are so many fatal vehicle accidents occurring in Australia ATM.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

If the shots get in the brain and cause havoc, people’s judgement is impaired? Or maybe people consciously/sub-consciously know that they are on death row and are now acting out their grief/trauma/shock. Either way the road toll is up 37.5% on last year in the communist state of Victoria, and fascist Dan is pleased to be appeasing his satanic masters.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

He looks like a real crazed vax zealot in those pics, the only thing missing was a face shield and dirty latex gloves. But thanks to the likes of him, the UN-VAXED will inherit the earth. Being un-vaxed and healthy is paying off big time, and we will only become more valuable as time goes on. So many vaxed are out sick from work, all the time. Me one day in the last 2 years. Remember, do not allow your children to date the vaxed, they are poison.

1 year ago

Stupid brainwashed sheep. Also very entitled who isbthe stupid now? ????????
Anyway he laid his own bed. I really feel for all those people that took it to provide for their families and didn’t brag or forced others. Many knew it is not good for them and didn’t wanted it but took it as they thought they don’t have a choice, they sacrificed to provide. They will get cured especially of they pray and come clean – aka recognise and repent. Mind is over matter and G-od can do everything if they believe. I root for them and hope they will do it.
These ones, zeaots… I hope we will get rid of them till the NexT “plandemic” as they were the enablers. Because of them they managed to bring the agenda as far. And they will do it again. This is the reason – self preservation and hope for a better world – that I hope many will follow this dude faster as without the minions the less than 1% will be powerless

1 year ago

You can tell who is a jab zealot by the psychotic look in their eyes. They all have it.

1 year ago

Why is it these peeps need to throw out profanity in all their Covid postings? Almost like a spiritual thing or a tell to others as to what side they are on. And as another reader mentioneded, those creepy crazy eyes. Sad.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hindsight

They are demon possessed. They cannot help themselves and are acting out of contempt for God. Well, God got the last laugh didn’t he? 🙂

1 year ago

I found it funny how many times you had to use [sic] for his grammar and spelling errors. These errors coming from a guy who likely thought of himself as intellectually superior to the rest of us.

Rope for fauci
Rope for fauci
1 year ago

This guy strangely resembles Neil Young, another brainless moron.

1 year ago

Maybe he wanted to keep meeting those celebrities…he probably wrote their songs for them.

1 year ago

Well Done for self-terminating, Ian Bell End (yes, you are (or, should I say, WERE) a bell end, for your retardedness ultimately led to your own demise). But how dare you attempt to degrade and insult those who were wise enough to rise above the proapganda and peer pressure and say NO to the genocidal jab.

1 year ago

Either the vaccines work (and you don’t need to wear a mask because of your vaccine protection) or you know they don’t work (and you need to still feel the need to wear a mask). This guy is so supremely confident in the vaccines that he lectures everyone…. but has no faith that the vaccines will protect him, so he wears a mask. Okaaaaaay then. Now there is some fine logic. Look I just don’t have any sympathy for these types who vilify people for making their own logical and more informed medical choices.

1 year ago

that joker looked way worse way fast. dum dums got paid as promotional agents for the vax. i’m sure he was lapping up the 2500$ for publicly posting about his suicide.

1 year ago
Reply to  jason

Ian Bell was a self appointed representative for Pfizer and Murderna…he kneeled to his masters and enthusiastically took all of his medicine…

1 year ago

Well I am 74, never jabbed a true blood and I am still alive and he dead! What else does one need to know.

Carson W Randolph
Carson W Randolph
1 year ago

I was always afraid of getting covid that was 99.9% survivable and mostly not deadly unless you were super fat and older than 70. Deadly afraid of all the science they never showed us so we wouldn’t be so alarmed. Even when I knew masks didn’t work at all and actually made you breath in your own waste breath. Later shown to be harmful. And i always walked 6′ apart from every one. Hard to do in a crowded elevator or space. I actually never did any of those things or even got a covid test. Now I am printing out the nano truth about spike protein shedding vaccinated spreaders to non vaxed. The nano bots in the jabs that can be controled by 5 G…Can’t wait till they get the 5G rolled out so my phone is faster…I don’t even have a smart phone….People are just plain ignorant.

1 year ago

I take 6mg Ivermectin 3 times a week and I will from now on!

1 year ago

Another Australian brain surgeon

1 year ago

Being stupid is one thing. Spreading that stupidity, smearing it all over the air waves; he got exactly what he deserved.

1 year ago

Once again, another vitriolic hater and attacker of the unvaccinated is dispatched to jerk Valhalla promptly and efficiently. Life’s good.

1 year ago

What a STUPID MAN HE IS…or should I say WAS?

1 year ago

Why can’t these hateful zealots who are so critical to those of us who know better simply read their cherished CDC survival rates of 99.7% and allow that alone to inform them to not worry so much?
I know we’re not supposed to take glee in the demise of others, but these are the very same people who’d love to throw those they disagree with into gulags, so SCREW HIM!

1 year ago

These types will never learn- they are victims of a Physop and are mind controlled. You cant do anything for them.

Mitch Zooklie
1 year ago

I sincerely hope he suffered and his death was extremely painful

1 year ago
Reply to  Mitch Zooklie

Take it easy, otherwise you might have to be defanged you too.

1 year ago

Well, at least he was true to his words and died for what he believed in. Hats off to this man.

1 year ago

After reading this guy’s attacks on the unvaxxed that wanted nothing to do with this madness and tyranny, I can happily say that Mr Dumbell got what he deserved…all out of his own Free Will…yes the Jabaroo is a great equalizer…it silences reckless arrogant, unlearned know nothing useful idiots for the JWO…Jab to the Slab sucker…

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