Rebecca Foat: 40-year-old Canadian woman immediately regrets virtue signaling, tweeting photo of her baby receiving mRNA injections
August 8, 2022 (updated 9:46 a.m. Pacific)

Ms. Rebecca Foat.

WINNIPEG — We were hoping way back in March 2021 after writing that editorial entitled “Please stop sharing vaccine photos on Facebook, social media if you value privacy,” that…people would stop sharing vaccine photos on social media if they value privacy. Unfortunately the practice is now an unprecedented, global phenomenon that true journalists have the duty to document and chronicle so future generations do not repeat this toxic time in history.

Once upon a time (like three years ago), personal medical information was intimately private to the vast majority of humanity. In fact most of the Western world has laws protecting personal medical information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is the federal standard in the United States for protecting medical records and other health information. The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), along with the Privacy Act, are Canada’s federal equivalents. Provincial regulations strengthen said laws further.

We’ve reached a point in society that it’s normal to ask about someone’s “vaccination” status to enter a restaurant, bar or some other public venue. But don’t you dare ask about that same status when babies, children and adults suddenly and unexpectedly die and/or need limbs amputated in 2022. In many cases, however, people volunteer this information all over social media. And once you put it out there, that’s it. Internet is forever, while your privacy is forever relinquished.

“Kindly remove this photo of my son”

Mrs. Rebecca Foat is a freelance television producer in Winnipeg, Manitoba, according to her LinkedIn page. She is married with two children, ages 5 and 18 months. Mrs. Foat was very upset in the spring of 2021 because she wasn’t quite old enough to “qualify” for the injections during the initial rollout.

She received her first injection in early May 2021.

And since that time, she’s exhibited intense vitriol towards non-vaccinated people.

Needless to say, Mrs. Foat is also a mask zealot.

Mrs. Foat has now received at least three injections – one AstraZeneca and two Moderna.

But what she really wanted was to get her two children injected. Mrs. Foat has been quite obsessed with that prospect since 2021.

Children are of course products of their environments.

Mrs. Foat caught the “Twitterverse’s” attention when she announced on August 5 that her 18-month-old son would be receiving a Pfizer mRNA injection the following day. She and her cohorts were “pumped” about the “joyous” forthcoming event.

RELATED: Examples must be made of parents who allow their kids to be poisoned with mRNA injections (April 4, 2022)


Mrs. Foat tweeted a photo showing her baby son in a mask, and with a sticker on his shirt that says “COVID-19 vaccinated” the following day. Several friends and random Twitter people congratulated her not only for getting her baby injected, but also covering his face with a mask.

But several others did not take kindly to the entire situation. The foregoing tweet was only live for about eight hours before Mrs. Foat deleted it. But once again, the internet is forever.

Despite the tweet being deleted, that did not stop Mrs. Foat from doubling and tripling-down on her decision.

She’s also now trying to reclaim privacy, and assert nonexistent “permissions.”

But give her credit for devout faith. Mrs. Foat tweeted on Saturday that her 5-year-old will also be receiving injections.

We’ll follow up in due course.

Hero opportunities squandered

Let’s shift from Mrs. Foat to Mrs. Kerry Jane Dunn. It’s now well-established fact that all vaccines harm humans. But babies are particularly vulnerable, whether it’s mRNA or any of the other numerous injections they receive at U.S. hospitals upon birth.

Mrs. Dunn is a wife and mother of six children in Bath, Somerset (U.K.). The story about her baby boy is incredibly hard to read. But it’s so important in the grand scheme. Mrs. Dunn did what she thought was right because doctors told her to do so. She described how her baby son went from a normal, laughing kid, to…well, read for yourself. And it all happened overnight after unnamed injections.

Now Mrs. Dunn relentlessly uses her platform to warn other parents not to make the same mistake she did. She’s only human. But Mrs. Dunn is now a hero if she prevents even one family from doing the same thing.

Its simply unfathomable for most parents, and vaxx zealots in general, to admit their mistakes, admit that they harmed themselves and/or their children. They’ll again, double and triple down, and blame #ABV.

Truth is the least popular and least profitable endeavor in the world. Think about that for a moment. The following person has 477,000 followers on TikTok making videos like this.

This one has 633,000 followers. And granted it’s difficult not to feel kind of sorry for her. But the denial is incredible.

This blogger wanted to be a cop when he was a child because he wanted to be a hero. He wanted to help people, rescue people, and put away bad guys. But as you get older, you learn that cops are the bad guys, and nothing more than the protectors of corporations, billionaires and governments. Aussies, the Dutch, Canadians, etc. would have never imagined police acting the way they do in 2021-22 just three years ago.

Being a doctor was the next pathway to being a hero. No need to elaborate further there. It was also pretty heartbreaking to learn 35 years ago that the WWF (wrestling) was fake. The point is that beliefs cannot be so rigid that the truth becomes your worst enemy. It’s so easy for anyone, like Mrs. Dunn, to be a hero in 2022 simply by living in and disseminating truth.

A very interesting, historical book says “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” A lot of people need that in 2022. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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2 years ago

My personal rule has always been “Would I mind if this post I am making appeared on the front page of the New York Times?” If so, maybe I better not post it?
Does not matter if the post is supposed to be private or whatever. If you post it, screen shots can be made and distributed.
In addition, anything that you ever posted to Facebook is retrievable, whether you “delete” it or not.

If you don’t want a post to be seen, why do you even make it in the first place?

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

It’s a new sickness normalized. I got in the habit-then realized how screwed I was! They have/read our email, texts, record calls-hell,
the “ring” smart doorbell recently alerted the police on 11 owners for “suspicious activity.” Can’t make this sh** up!
& I finally put 2&2 together on who the Christian, pro-choice, pro-mandate, pro-vaxxing Biden voters are:
they’re 100% MSM & Clinate Change catastrophy deluded;
Kill humans, eat bugs, & media send me a check for my tik-toks.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Mrs. Rebecca Foat.

She said she gets upset and anxious when she can see someone’s entire face, indoors? Someone she cannot engage?

Bahahaha, what a lunatic. If its really that much of a terrifying prospect to her, then why doesn’t she stay home and never leave her house again? I for one would totally be ok with that lol. Those poor children, having her for a mother.

Also, to actually celebrate getting your children jabbed and regard it as a great feeling, like it’s some monumental accomplishment or the best thing ever and then to rush to social media to post about it, sums up how dumbed down much of humanity has become & one reason we are screwed. 

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

She is mentally deranged.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

That because this whole covid thingee has become a religion to some people just like the LGBTQ+ malarkey. You either believe what they believe or your are less than human. Just wait till they start suing you because you won’t believe what they believe. It’s very interesting Christians are called haters because we tell someone the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ while never stepping on their necks to force them to believe, however they sue everyone who doesn’t believe their “religion” through force. Unbelievable!

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Nobody freaked out at my unmasked resting “b” face when I was defying mandates. I really wanted them to, though. I had so many responses planned.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

I have come to believe most people are spineless cowards. For the first year of the scamdemic, I wore a sign in public stating: Safety-theater is tyranny. I expected to get attacked, because I live in an ulta-blue hell state. Never happened…not even once. I did have several people thank me, which came as a great surprise.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Four morons did with me. In the beginning of the CONVID scamdemic a male signaled me with his hands asking me where mine was thru his ridiculous respirator. I told him to mind his own business. He then called me selfish. My response was at least I am not stupid like you. He then reported me to Walmart management who found me at check out telling me I will wear a mask in their store. “I said YOUR store? I didn’t know you owned it. And no I won’t wear a mask.” To date I have no worn a mask in Walmart…lol!

The second one was a female employee door mask Nazi telling me I needed to wear a mask. I said no I don’t. She said yes you do. I said no I don’t I am exempt. The coward turned around mumbling under her stupid mask “sure you are!” I went off like a rocket calling her every name in the book. Then I marched right up to HR reporting her.

I informed the HR manager I am mask exempt because I was raped with his hands over my mouth to silence me so wearing a mask gives me flashbacks making me angry telling the woman, “And no one wants to deal with an angry me just ask your employee who I called every foul name in the book not caring who overheard it because I black out in a rage when triggers especially about being raped by my ex husband for refusing to have sex with him because he was shooting heroin into his veins so he would grabbed me by the throat raping me with his hand over my mouth so I didn’t wake up our one year old daughter who was sleeping in the same room!”. She couldn’t apologize enough saying she would take care of it & I have not seen that employee ever since. I told her just because I do not look disabled doesn’t mean I am not.

My disability on paper is PTSD, but I now know it really is heavy metal toxicity from being POISONED by 9 jabs as an adult. I am also harmed by my childhood poisonings suffering from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome aka double jointed aka hypermobility every since.

The next one was Goodwill telling me they will not honor my ADA exemption TELLING me to go up front to get a mask. I got up from looking at vinyl albums walking right past the weaponized masks whipping both middle fingers up in the air before I hit the door so they can watch it on their cameras…lol!

The last one I snapped really bad at the owner of a lil mom & pop smoke shop store not being back since & won’t be. It was so bad I thought the police were gonna get involved. I still shop at the Goodwill just not at the location who TOLD me to wear a mask. I have always had a huge problem with other trying to control me & at 57 YO no one has succeeded & never will. I rather die first.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holly

Good for you! I too suffer from complex PTSD, so I can relate. If everyone had just said NO to all the BS at the beginning of the scamdemic, we would not have arrived at genocide so quickly. Nothing would have stopped the globalist’s genocide plans…but we could have bought a little more time.

I noticed that Kate Brown-flush-her-down, has suddenly stop issuing mask mandates every time the CDC advises her to do so. Could it be that for the first time in 40 years, Oregon has a chance to elect a Republican governor in three months? Parties really don’t matter, because they all serve the globalists, but at least here, the only push back to the scamdemic has come from Republicans. One party rule for 40 years has left Oregon in shambles, and circling the drain.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holly

God bless you, I love your resolve

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Exactly. I think that’s one reason the Bible says, “Be not many masters, for they shall recieve the greater damnation.” ‘On regards to irresponsible or corrupt teachers.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Sounds like she has a mental illness

Frank S.
Frank S.
2 years ago

The past few years have been very revealing about the psychology of Liberals. Their name-calling, aggressive attacking and “bandwagon-jumping” alpha herd mentality, exposes them almost instantly. I look for the presence (or absence) of these behaviors to assess the mindset of a given individual. They are chronically possessed of this attitude. Any attempt to try to help them become rational, or see reason, is defensively rebuffed as trying to ‘brainwash’ them. Pity these, yes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

They condition the masses the same way for all their scams. Angry war-mongers on the Right are one false-flag event away from exhibiting the same behavior and taking their frustrations out on those who had nothing to do with it. Both sides are slaves looking for a master. And at the end, they will serve the same one.

2 years ago
Reply to  freefall

I couldn’t have said it better. Thanks.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

I come from a family of conservatives who are all the same tunnel visioned way in their own beliefs, such as having unshakeable faith in “science” and “modern medicine”. So of course they all got vaxxed and it is slowly wiping them out.

Of course I don’t bother to try to inform them. Too late now anyway.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

I always tell them that there is no law saying I need to wear a mask BUT THERE IS A LAW CONCERNING MY VALID MEDICAL EXEMPTION THAT YOU DO HAVE TO FOLLOW. Shuts them down everytime.

2 years ago

Dear Lord help us all. 🙏 Becca Foat, karenldr and all vaxxing parents – what have you done to your children? A bunch of cultists. Making your children wear masks, locking them inside for 2.5 years – those poor children 😢 this is no kind of healthy life. I am sorry for the Dunn family and the loss of their precious baby. How horrible for that little baby. The doctor who okayed the vaxx should be punished. At least the Dunn’s are trying to stop others from making the same mistake. This is just so sad and unbelievable.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

They’ve turned their innocent children into transhumans and, in the utterly distressing case of Karen Dunn, introduced the child into a whole new stratosphere of terrible for the rest of their lives inflicting horrific torture upon them.
No words can describe my pain on reading about the wretched suffering of Karen Dunn’s son.
How many more such horrors will we hear in the coming months?

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Well said Annie.
Apparently KarenLDR has now injected her precious little 3-year-old daughter TWICE…? OMG, can you imagine the tears of the Lord.
And no grandchildren for Karen.

2 years ago

“477,000 followers on TikTok making videos like this.”

That sorry-ass attention-seeker, just hearing her voice and the way words flow out of her mouth, make me want to smack the shit out of her. That”s how most young females sound nowadays, especially city girls.

No offense intended.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
2 years ago

She is a moron. And soon desmised. Impossible to have such low survival skills and thrive in the world of tomorrow – that will come in about 2,5 years but is gradually, we go there each and every single day.
Misery loves company. That first lady AZ _MO-Mo, saying: she felt so bad after first two shots, pray for me for the third u la la. An dbecoming a vax zelot after the first. Its all makes sense !!! Actually when we get a little psychology: she took one for the team and convinced is good, she is hero, hating the healthy ones that dont want to ruin their health.
I have 0 doubt in my mind that these beings feel and know they did somethign bad. And that they did it because selfishness, weakness bla bla bla. They know. As our body knows to pump blood , do stuffs clean etc digest without us telling yo do this, we know other things too but is somewhere deep. Dont want to confront, hide, burry.
So bc they are selfish AF they turn on the unvaxed, aka the ones that were smart enought to keep themselves out of it and strong enough to deal with whatever consequences. They always hate people that are doing better. So simple. And then go and go because they need validation till harming children. Because for them the most important is for them to be right and the good person bla bla bla when they are just impostors.
On the other hand, people that did something but dont spread hate or they try to warn others are the real heroes. More than us, the unvaxxed. Because they could of benefit from all peacks being the ”good citizens” and take the pearks, they are injured regardless, or lost children. Is done. But they raise above selfisness, they are readu to give up the priviledges and must become a paria. Sometimes for both parts: vaxxed and non vaxxed.
So please, take a moment to reflect and support those that while vax injured, come out and warn others, fight as they can against the evil
My heart tells me they will be saved. Their souls for sure but maybe even the body, because there is nothing stronger than God, than Jesus and they are over material stuff. They can do everything so everything is possible if one person is meant to live here. Anyway most important life is after, no doubt and even if one goes faster, faster joy (if is not provoked and I dont mean vaccine. Ive read a lot: if a suicidal person jumps off a building and whule falling regrets and pray god for forgiveness with all his/her heart, that person will be saved. So with vax. No difference. Soul saved and this is all it matters, but sometimes body too.
I was also shocked to see that friend of hers telling my 3,5 yo and of THEY want to do THEYIR bla bla. And is just one children onbvious also in the response: your kiddo. So 3,5 yo is a THEY. Lost people, they dont even deserve anything, demons, demonised, possesed, sold their souls. Dont judge just see things. OK they can turn everuthing around but somany compromises, not impossible, but maybe one in a 10 miilion cand do this after they fall so low. And demons that are today in this world and posses a lot of people they cannot redeem they have no soul. That soul left when person possesed, I pray for Humanity and thats it. God estroyed humanity a few times, now he makes a cleansing aka gives us another chance till… so we better take it. But embrace the vaxxed that risk it all because they breaked the silence. heroes!

the original gwen
the original gwen
2 years ago

No, you need to stop talking this way about women. Just stop. Now.

2 years ago

Accept the reality what women can do now and it’s way too far from before.. Too emotionally and when they got comments they jump right away in a conclusion wondering on how you do it on yourself

2 years ago

What difference does it make? It is not gender specific. But I agree the comment was strong but understandable.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

Can dish it out, but women are excluded from getting responses? Just like women dressing like sluts and then getting upset when a man whistles at them. Feminism has ruined so many women.

2 years ago

I have seen many comments of you(The original gwen) acting like a feminist. I remember you said you are musically talented but single. You will live a life of misery and bitterness if you can’t think properly. Whenever a commenter addresses a woman individually, you take it as a personal insult of the whole female gender. I wonder how miserable you must be

2 years ago

“but single’

Oh yeah, I remember when she was envying homosexuals males for having many partners, in one of her comments. How weird and odd of her.

Her case is very classic, unfortunately : when they are young and sexually acceptable, they think and act like if they are just too good for everybody and they are doing the planet a favor by simply existing.

Before they know it, they are all wrinkled, bitter and living with cats for companionship. (ie : I love cats)

It is that attitude of hers and of the many other females that promotes male homosexuality : lust for flesh and companionship is satisfied without the BS mind games females require as a birth right.

The other day, I made a compliment to a young female while delivering some goods. She was all smiling and seemingly happy. I left feeling good about making her feel good about herself. Sure enough, the boss received an email saying she felt “offended”. We started laughing about it, he doesn’t give a S about feminism and political correctness.

Even the short fat ones think they the queens of the planet.

There is that 80/20 rule I heard about. It is said 80% of women prefer to compete for the 20% of men out there, because they think they are somewhat special. In other words, 80% of males go to their grave without having a family. In the western world that is.

2 years ago

Hey gwen — do tell us. How many feminists like yourself were drafted & sent to Vietnam when the war was raging in Southeast Asia during the ’60’s and on into the ’70’s? Tell you what, why don’t you go over to a country like Saudi Arabia and try peddling your feminist narrative over there & watch what happens to you. I’ve seen many of your posts & all you’re telling anyone is that you are of the Cannot Understand Normal Thinking variety as far as females go. You’re trying to peddle the narrative that women aren’t accountable for anything they say or do & you are dead wrong.

2 years ago

Equal rights, equal lefts

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago

She should be a news reporter.

2 years ago

And why must every part of one’s life go on social media? I am so glad I got off of it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Me too! I hate that I was ever on Facebook. It reaks of narcissism.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Sorry to break it to you Annie, but you just wrote the above on “social media”.

2 years ago

After having gone through the pain of reading her tweets, what is Ms. Rebecca Foat trying to prove or to win ?.

With all due respect, is she trying to win the contest for dumbest-government-worshiper? Well in my book, she is definitely a contender for 1st place.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
John G
John G
2 years ago

Maybe she is trying to win a “Darwin Award” by eliminating herself and her family line from the gene pool.

2 years ago
Reply to  John G

Someone said that to me when I raised questions about mask being mandated. They said I should get the award.

2 years ago

This poor lady lives in a bubble of cultist maniacs while she destroys her life and those of her children. The people she corresponds with are just like her. I pray for her poor children who had no choice in this matter.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

What makes you think those kids would of not turned to be exactly like her, or worse? God allows some things to happen or provoke with a reason

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

For sure, I have noticed the same. We can say kids are innocent but in most cases they are not. 99% of the time, they’d turn out just like their brainwashed parents.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

Religion is a good pointer to this – brainwashed from birth to believe in an imaginary friend.

2 years ago

These people try my patience!!! There are no adequate words to express what I’m thinking and feeling after reading this article!!! I am completely disgusted with these stupid, STUPID people!!! If I was queen of the world, they would all be sentenced to execution for the harm they are doing to the children God has put into their care!!! EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

” If I was queen of the world”

In my world, you are.

2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

Piano wire and lamp posts in the public square are too good for these people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

They are screwing us ALL over w/mass formation psychosis-if you check out that and “menticide” u-tube vid by Academy of Ideas, you see the larger the conforming mass metastasizes, the sooner we face a genocidal maniac like Hitler or hostile takeover by big-tech & 1%!
See 10 steps to genocide. With recent DOJ raid we’re approaching #9.

2 years ago

If the vax is all “science”, then why do these vaxxers speak of it in such religious tones? Why does their spiel sound like a Jehovah’s Witness at my door? A whole new level of crazy I guess.

2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Ask them if they have read the Pfizer documentation on the Side Effects. Or did you ask for the Side Effect insert? Before taking an Experimental Drug?

2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Every person has religion even if they they are atheistic hey?

Last edited 2 years ago by HugeBerger
2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

“Why does their spiel sound like a Jehovah’s Witness at my door?”

Last I checked, the JW’s weren’t trying to kill anybody, weren’t killing their children, and round about the AIDS crisis in the 80’s a few of their beliefs looked downright prophetic.

I see the loud & proud Vaxxholes more akin to multilevel marketing folks.

Christine Gilbert
Christine Gilbert
2 years ago

Well I apologize…NOT……but all I can do is laugh at these pro vaxers that are now suffering the consequences. However, my heart goes out to the children.

2 years ago

If I were to retweet you Ms. Foat, it would not be anti-science at all.
However, it would be necessary to understand that my science of interest is Psychology, and I would just be soliciting feedback to try to figure out wtaf is wrong with you.

2 years ago

OHHHH Becca, what a tangled web we weave, when we are first deceived.

This woman is soooooo clueless–may GOD NOT bless her soul, for she has condemned her babies to death or a lifetime of physical pain and heartache. There is no amount of primping that will ever eradicate the crazy from her eyes. Poor Becca is really trying to be the good sheep she has been programed to be. She has the obligatory nose ring; however, the only thing missing is the rainbow colored hair, to celebrate the brave and stunning gay community–let’s kill two liberal birds with one mind-controlled stone. Finally, we cannot leave out the tattoos–I’m sure there is one lurking about somewhere on her corpse.

Sorry, I’m feeling rather punchy today, my area was a cesspool this weekend, actually everyday, but I am feeling extra frustrated. My grown kids have pulled out of their prestigious school/university, because they know what is happening and they are utterly ALONE. With each passing day, I pray to find the “unmasked, untested, unjabbed, unafraid”, yet I encountering the opposite.

-May God help me be more patient and forgiving (so hard, but I’m trying) and help all those who have succumbed, to have a quick and painless ending—but not Becca, Karen or any other parent who does this to their little ones–they are vile.

2 years ago

I think Covid and its ‘vaccines’ were a trial run for the Mark of the Beast.
Note how many neighbors, even churchgoers, fell for it.
Wait’ll the chips are really down.
How many people will trade the right to use cash for the convenience of credit, when it is required by illegal/unjust laws?
Which denominations and churches will accept it wholly, without any debate, any teaching or sermons?

2 years ago
Reply to  george

I tend to agree. Separating the wheat from the chaff.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

Any who have a 501c tax agreement. That agreement basically compromises everything they believe. It is a Roman way of looking at things. You can practice your religion but you must submit to us when we tell you.

2 years ago

You are never alone. Just know this. It will pass. Have not faith, but certainty.

As John gave fortitude and encouragement to the Churches, so shall you have this fortitude.

2 years ago

Can’t you start the process of pulling up stakes and moving to a jurisdiction which can offer you more freedoms? Check Nomad Capitalist for ideas. I moved from Europe to Australia to Indonesia in order to find my own personal freedom.

Denise Manganello
Denise Manganello
2 years ago

Absolute VILE humans subjecting their children to this deadly jab!! These poor kids will be subjected to booster after booster and when they can no longer fight off a common cold, these imbecile parents will blame it on “long haul covid” or “that person at the supermarket that sneezed two isles over!” These kids will be lucky to be alive in five years!!

2 years ago

Some scholars (e.g. Arnold Murray) talk of God’s three world ages. The one that was, the one that is and the one that will be (spirit/flesh/spirit). The sum total of souls created before this age and destined to pass-thru in this flesh age maybe running low. If we are approaching midnight, then the continuance of flesh progeny may have an end-date as well. But woe to those that shall offend these little ones.

2 years ago

You quote my brother Paul!

2 years ago

The only time I feel sick is when I am at work with all the mental people everywhere. I sneeze from all the chemicals people are pumping in to the environment to “protect” them from the boogers. They keep getting tested, wearing masks and get more juice pumped in to them. A twisted merry go round. These ladies have had their instinctive protective tendencies completely corrupted and poisoned. The insanity of parents has always ended up ruining the lives of the littles ones who then do the same to theirs. Unfortunately these lunatics are ensuring that the psychopaths that run the earth have a new batch of deranged people to “treat” for the rest of their existence.

the original gwen
the original gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  HugeBerger

You guys seen to forget that a sizeable portion of psychopaths (aspd) are among the average population as well.

2 years ago

Goes without saying. I do not forget anything.

2 years ago

About silly burger girl vid: By the time most of us could drive I don’t think we needed to have an “emotional support” person with us to go to CVS or the doctor for a shot. What an immature generation.

2 years ago

Her kids actually would be safer with a case of bourbon, matches & carton of smokes, after being remanded to foster care in a Northern Idaho compound with poorly socialized preppers.

Christ, just look at the gauntlet a child now must run with these cancerous Millennial women, not only to be born, but to survive ‘intact’ to adulthood.

These creatures are straight from the pit of Hell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kiel
Harold Crapper
2 years ago

The world has gone insane.

2 years ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

The world has always been insane. The scamdemic just ripped the mask off all the pretense and posturing, ironically. If you live in the city, as soon as you leave your home, you’re basically walking around in an open ward mental institution where all the vaxxed think we’re the nutters.

2 years ago

My kids are not participating in the worldwide experiment. I am very regretful they had so many injections as babies into preschool. My teen has not had shots for at least 4 years and I think his “adhd” is much better. My soon to be tween hasn’t had anything for 3 years. He will not have any more. He had not been diagnosed with anything. We will not be receiving any more poison injections.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

If I had known then what I know now, I would not have had my kids vaccinated. I knew vaccines were crap at protection, but thought they were harmless. I was vaccinated against everything under the sun, but got measles, mumps, chicken pox etc anyway. My son has autism but daughter is fine

2 years ago
Reply to  Xxxxxx

Me too, Me too….I just blindly trusted the pediatricians and medical establishment. Never again. I’ve seen too much personally now to never fully trust or at least abdicate my personal responsibility to any healthcare provider ever again. My eyes started being opened when they started to try to push that HPV shot on young girls and boys. I was against that being given to my tween 4 years ago and since my eyes have been opened to the evils of Big Pharma and Big Healthcare. My sister’s daughter developed Type 1 diabetes 2 years ago. I suspect that’s probably due to vaccines. So many mental and physical conditions that kids have these days are, I think.

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago

You may not realize it, Brian, but in many ways you are a cop and doctor in the purest sense of the word. In fact, many of you commentators are. Fighting for truth and the health of future generations, despite the huge wall of propaganda and gaslighting from nefarious organizations. Only those with the most sincere hearts, souls, minds and discernment are able to do so.

Yes, you may not have an actual title given by earthly mortals. But as the last two years have shown, those things are frail, temporal and will crumble easily like dust in the wind. Those who cling onto truth are the real heroes. Keep fighting the good fight.

2 years ago

Sad that the Dunn family is likely a Done family…

2 years ago

Ya just gotta love Darwin. This is a serious “win” for the gene pool in the long run.

I do feel a twinge of remorse for the infants getting the Jim Jones treatment but then I have to remember that nurture/nature would most likely be producing carbon copies of their idiot executioners. 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Pete

No, children do not always grow up to be like their parents. Sometimes quite the opposite actually. If you got a stupid, self centred and narcissistic parent, you make the conscious decision never to be like them

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Xxxxxx

Sadly that’s rarely the case. In my observation (including family members and their children) you get the carbon copies that Pete referred to.

2 years ago
Reply to  Xxxxxx

That’s true, but very rare. Like the deranged woman said, her child is eagerly waiting to get the poisons. Emotions get passed down. The first 4-7 years of a childs life makes or breaks a child. In rare occasions, this is not the case. Pete makes a good point.

2 years ago

Sorry, but kids never made the decision to Vax and many vaxxed never tried to force others to. Wishing death on them makes you no different from wef or Klaus Schwab

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

“…seeing all the kids getting their shots has me crying.”
Yes. Me too, Becca.

Ned Baker
Ned Baker
2 years ago

Ms. Foat’s young daughter “vaccinated” all her stuffed animals. I’ll bet even they died.

Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

Given Ms Foat’s delusional mind, she is probably making stories up about her child ‘vaccinating’ her stuffed animals. Ms Goat (no typo!) is brain dead and her poor child is going to suffer horribly. The devout cult obedience and obsession is too strong in that woman. It chilled me to my core to think she could cry with happiness over children being jabbed. Even if we were to send her the article about poor little Ruby Edwards, she still would not wake up. I used to cry over not being able to afford to go to university but after observing the indoctrination of university educated people over many years, I’m pleased I didn’t. Especially since so many of them don’t have an original thought in their heads and just do as they’ve been told.

2 years ago

“kids” Really? Innocent Children? You are Dark and Sick

Make it stop
Make it stop
2 years ago

These people are all narcissists. I see it all the time. Anyone who spends time on social media is always begging for other people to tell them how righteous they are for injecting themselves and their kids. Mothers parade their kids Autism, Covid and “Transgenderism” in order to get a bunch of other narcissists to tell them how “brave” they are. It’s some sickening new form of Münchhausen’s.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Make it stop

The use of the term “brave” is particularly annoying. There is nothing “brave” about injecting yourself with mystery substances and doing EXACTLY what the government tells you too. It’s foolish and cowardly, the exact opposite of “brave”.

2 years ago

The guy who came up with “denial; anger; acceptance” knew what he was talking about.
Most people who took the vaccine are still in the “denial” stage for two reasons:
1. No one likes to admit they were duped
2. Conceding that you are now under a death sentence because you were duped is particularly difficult.

2 years ago

I agree.
I and my wife have noticed that children are really bad in these times. We observe kids and they are really terrifying.
I don’t know if the reason behind that is genetic or it’s a sick environment around which has such an influence on them but the truth is that kids are not at all the kids we were in 1970s.
I respected adults, I was shy and polite among them, when they talked I was quiet. Nobody had to teach me this, I knew it, it was very simple.
Today the world of kids is different. I love the way Brian put it in his article: “Children are of course products of their environments.”

These words are absolutely true and I am not happy with this situation but it is as it is and we can’t do anything here.
I could give you many examples of how children behave in our district and we are really scared seeing this. The worst thing is that we can’t say anything as idiots who are their parents will always tell us: they are just kids and they can do whatever they want.

I really believe that it must happen and I really believe that God will free us of all this terrible system. God knows if such kids are good ones or not. But I am sure that many kids are really monsters in our times.
It’s like with adults. Maybe it’s on the same level. I don’t know it but once more:
CHILDREN ARE OF COURSE PRODUCTS OF THEIR ENVIRONMENTS and we all know what kind of environment it is.

Last edited 2 years ago by walirlan
2 years ago

Forgive me, everyone, but reading this story, I literally laughed from beginning to end. That is the only reaction I was capable of at this point.

2 years ago

Brian I am sorry to share your disillusion with the “hero” jobs of this world, and with the giggling virtue signallers who rack up millions of followers for brainless or disgusting posts.
Thank you for doing what you do. Last nite, I found pretty positive evidence that my online presence is all but invisible-I’m sure due to sharing sites like yours and others. Telling the truth is lonely business.
I’ve lost most of my friends (or just found out where their priorities are) – and you’re right:
If you save even 1 life from agony, it is all worth it.

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Me alegra que Brian no haya tomado la decisión de no ser policía ni médico para llegar a ser el héroe que soñaba ser de niño,
El hecho es que haber creado este blog está ayudando a salvar muchas vidas o al menos los que lo leemos podremos preservar la nuestra y eso ya te califica como un héroe.
En una entrevista que vi a un filósofo español llamado Jordi Pigem y que además ha alertado a la gente en mi país sobre la ingeniería social llevada a cabo en su libro escrito por el mismo Jordi Pigem llamado pandemia y posverdad y como digo en su libro alerta sobre la ingeniería social llevada a cabo en todo el mundo por la plandemia, en dicha entrevista él dice que es muy importante que cada uno de nosotros se esfuerce por llevar una vida en la que cuando nos llegue la muerte se nos pueda recordar por todo aquello que hicimos por los demás, y este blog y el libro que pronto vas a publicar hará que muchos te recordemos como alguien que hizo algo realmente bueno por la humanidad y no como los psicópatas que nos están gobernando que serán recordados como los peores seres humanos de la historia de la humanidad.
De hecho todos los que leemos tu blog y no nos hemos inoculado ese veneno experimental somos en cierto sentido unos héroes porque hemos tenido que soportar una gran presión y odio por parte de amigos familiares , médicos y un largo etcétera y aquí seguimos a pesar de ello, firmes y fuertes y como dice la película Braveheart…. Nos podrán quitar la vida pero jamás nos quitarán la libertad.
Al final de este artículo citas unas palabras de un libro histórico que creo reconocer que esas palabras están en la Biblia.
Gracias por tu heroísmo Brian y gracias a todos los lectores que lo seguís, pensad todos que se nos recordará en el futuro como unos verdaderos héroes que muchos hubieran querido ser y no pudieron
Felicidades a todos!!!

2 years ago

it’s really russian roulette in a few ways, diff vax, diff batches, diff body/genetics etc, some would play for millions of dollars, others an ice cream cone, at least it’s free. i’ve always and will always blame the TV, that thing is to blame for a whole lot of crap, now climate change is being ramped up by that idiot box, get rid of your cable boxes please and use the TV as a computer monitor only, stop being hypnofooled! it’s so ridiculous! ur smarter than that camon ppl!

x bbb
x bbb
2 years ago

Just wait until they mandate vaccination for monkeypox and start a smallpox plague.

Bright side is we know who will be first in line for the shots. Just make sure you are bunkered by then.

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