Monday Digest: hospital settles vaccine mandate case, one-year-old baby’s arm amputated, and 8 more sudden deaths, including one who “died of joy”
August 1, 2022 (updated 8:00 p.m. Pacific)

Do these parents exist anymore?

First of all, Rest In Power NBA legend Bill Russell. Granted this blogger has only seen film of Mr. Russell in his playing days. But to average 15 points and 22.5 rebounds for his entire 13-year career is absolutely incredible. Of course Wilt Chamberlain and his ridiculously-impressive and untouchable stats, on and off the court, overshadowed Mr. Russell’s skill set.

But Mr. Russell won 11 NBA titles with the Boston Celtics. He also worked closely with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and supported Muhammad Ali during his war protests. He is a legend beyond basketball. Mr. Russell died in Mercer Island, Washington yesterday at the ripe old age of 88. And now we’ll always wonder how long he potentially could have lived if he didn’t promote and receive the lethal injections.

The only good news is that Mr. Russell died peacefully in his sleep. Unfortunately that’s not the case for many vaxx zealots. Novavax has now been authorized for emergency use in the United States for a little over two weeks. Of course this is the injection that mainstream media promoted as the choice for “anti-vaxxers” who are against mRNA and viral vector DNA shots. We’ve chronicled some Novavax adverse reactions. But most of them have been relatively mild, until now.

A Canadian Twitter user, who was one of those people waiting for a safer vaccine option, has developed full-blown Shawn Skelton Syndrome that began two days after her second Novavax injection.

Nearly every tweet on said user’s account since July 9 bashes Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for forcing her to receive the injections. But she held out that long, until June 2022, despite all the pressure and coercion in Canada for the last 18 months, to receive injections. Now she’s dealing with the consequences she already knew were coming.

There’s at least some good news in today’s Monday Digest. But if seeing maimed, permanently disabled babies due to mRNA injections harms your heart, you may want to stop reading now.

Illinois hospital system settles vaccine mandate class action lawsuit for $10.3 million

As the courts continue siding with the Constitution, hospitals are proactively paying millions of dollars to avoid potential 9-figure verdicts from juries. And COVID Legal USA continues encouraging those who have been fired or face termination due to vaccine mandates to take action.

Northshore University HealthSystem is based in Evanston, Illinois. It encompasses six Chicago-area hospitals and employs more than 10,000 workers. The company issued an mRNA and/or viral vector DNA “vaccine” mandate on July 1, 2021. More than 500 employees objected on religious grounds. But like many large employers, Northshore issued religious exemption forms to said employees that were all denied and were going to be denied no matter what.

Many employers and mainstream media continue denying that the big three lethal injections were derived from aborted fetal cells. But when faced with Federal Rules of Evidence versus mainstream media rules of evidence, there’s no denying the facts.

RELATED: U.S. Supreme Court stays enforcement of Biden vaccine mandate for employers with 100-plus workers, but allows vaccine mandate for healthcare workers (January 13, 2022)


The Florida-based Liberty Counsel filed a class action lawsuit in October on behalf of 500-plus Northshore employees who were fired, forced to quit, or caved and received the shots to save their jobs. All of them filed religious exemption requests, but were denied despite reasonable accommodations being available. Further, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in January that so-called COVID-19 is not an occupational hazard since it is transmitted everywhere people gather. The complaint was amended at least three times as federal court decisions continued defining the legal landscape related to the injections and religious exemptions in 2022.

Northshore, without admitting wrongdoing, decided to settle the claims on July 28. The company released a statement saying it still believes in “evidence-based vaccine requirements,” while semi-admitting their previous religious exemption process was a predetermined farce.

“The settlement reflects implementation of a new system-wide vaccine policy which will include accommodation for team members with approved exemptions, including former employees who are rehired.”

The 13 original Plaintiffs will receive around $45,000 each, with the option of reinstatement to their jobs. All others who were fired or forced to quit will receive $25,000 each, with the option of reinstatement. Employees who caved and received the shots to keep their jobs will receive about $3,000 each. Read the full settlement here.

Education, income determine vaccination status

Another day, another “educated” parent allowing someone to inject their babies with deadly gene therapies.

But this is now expected. The most recent Kaiser Family Foundation Vaccine Monitor data (July 26, 2022) found that 43% of American parents will “definitely not” get their babies under age 5 injected with mRNA or viral vector DNA gene therapies. But a closer look at the data shows trends we’ve already been seeing just in our reporting.

Self-identified Republicans are three times as likely to be in the “definitely not” camp versus Democrats (64% to 21%). About 15% of Democrat parents have already gotten their under 5 babies at least one injection versus 3% of Republicans. College graduates are 67% triple-vaxxed versus only 40% of adults without college degrees. Income also plays a role, with 62% of households making over $90,000 being triple-vaxxed versus only 39% of households under $40,000.

American Latino adults are 77% fully vaccinated (meaning at least two injections), followed by White Americans (73%) and Black Americans (68%).

Zack Reilly: one-year-old British baby suffers in utero stroke, blood clots, has arm amputated at 10 days old


We’ve been talking about a new “mRNA spectrum” of disorders, like the autism spectrum, that babies born to vaxxed moms and/or dads will likely suffer. Now we have a very public, and very gut-wrenching case study.

Owen Reilly is a telecoms engineer for the British Navy. Libby Francis is an assistant career advisor in the Navy. The East Yorkshire couple met in 2016 and have been together ever since. The Sunday Times reported in January that 95% of British military personnel have received at least one mRNA or viral vector DNA injection. The Navy is dismissing personnel that is not fully vaccinated and limiting their deployments while awaiting dismissal.

Libby, 29, experienced severe stomach cramps on July 10, 2021 while pregnant with Zack. It got so bad that an emergency C-section was performed the next day at 37 weeks pregnant. Zach was born at a little under 7 pounds, which is normal. But his left arm was blue, black and blistered due to several blood clots.


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Doctors amputated the arm 10 days after Zach was born, according to the Hull Daily Mail. They also discovered that Zack had a stroke in utero that caused brain damage. Doctors don’t know if Zack will ever walk or talk. As of today, he’s unable to even crawl.

The next five months after the amputation were fairly normal, considering the circumstances. But Zack suffered 20 seizures in five days around Christmas. He was diagnosed with a rare epilepsy called infantile spasms. Said disorder is listed on Pfizer’s April 30, 2021 Post-Authorization Adverse Effect Event Report. Thus Pfizer has known this could happen to unborn babies since at least that time. Mr. Reilly referred to Zach as “a happy baby.”

A JustGiving fundraiser is raising funds to benefit The Sick Children’s Trust, which paid a lot of Zack’s medical bills during his first year of life.

RELATED: Diana Crouch: the coordinated, failed mainstream media campaign to coerce pregnant women into mRNA injections (February 16, 2022)


Unfortunately this mRNA spectrum is only going to accelerate and get worse. A casket manufacturer was forced to lock his Twitter account after tweeting about fulfilling bulk orders of child-sized caskets for the first time in his 30-year career.

Various distractions are employed by mainstream media to attempt hiding this genocide in plain sight. But ultimately there’s no way to hide this. Thus another common propaganda tactic utilized by mainstream media is the posthumous “they died of suicide” or “they died of cancer” excuses – as if those make things better. There’s now more than enough evidence showing that the mRNA injections alter psychological perception and cause suicidal thoughts.

Around four U.S. college athletes committed suicide every year prior to 2022. That number was already eclipsed by April this year, and will shatter all previous records by the end of the year. Suicide has always been common among active duty U.S. military and veterans. But nearly 70% of said suicides were veterans ages 50 and up prior to 2021. There’s a major uptick in young, under-30 military suicides since that time.

It’s safe to surmise that many young athletes and military personnel who commit suicide know/feel that their bodies are maimed from the shots and would rather checkout, if you will. They also know that it’s completely taboo among “normies” to talk about vaccine injuries at all, which further exacerbates suicidal thoughts due to feeling helpless and alone. In fact now is a good time to update the story of 8-year-old Ryleigh Jones.

RELATED: Kailia Posey: 16-year-old beauty pageant winner and reality TV star dead, authorities say suicide (May 6, 2022)


Little Ryleigh received one mRNA injection on January 6. She endured 11 hospital visits in the next 12 weeks, after being diagnosed with functional neurological disorder. Doctors have mocked the family for even suggesting that all of Ryleigh’s  problems were caused by the Pfizer injection. Ryleigh can no longer walk or talk normally. Ms. Jennifer Jones, Ryleigh’s mother, said two weeks ago that her daughter constantly hallucinates, believing bugs are crawling on her all the time. The little girl also now talks (writes) about suicide constantly.

The cancer excuse is what they used for two of the four Canadian doctors that died in a six-day stretch last month. But that story quickly changed over the weekend. It’s now six Canadian doctors who have died in the last two weeks. The posthumous suicide excuses are usually reserved for high-profile athletes (see Red Óg Murphy) and celebrities (see Jak Knight), whose families likely get some sort of benefit for helping deflect to #ABV.

Regardless, the genocide continues. Forget sleeping and soccer as the most dangerous activities for vaxxed people. Swimming and any contact with water, including showering, appears to also exacerbate the post-injection death process.

Hannah Labove: 23-year-old Connecticut woman dies suddenly while hugging her brother

Ms. Hannah Marie Labove graduated from Quinnipiac University in 2020, right as the so-called pandemic was commencing. The Groton resident worked for General Dynamics Electric Boat, the largest employer in Connecticut and Rhode Island. It is also the largest submarine builder in the United States, according to The Connecticut Business & Industry Association.

Ms. Labove was having lunch with her mom, dad and brother on Saturday, July 2. As the family was walking back to their cars, to go their separate ways, Ms. Labove went to hug her brother. But she “basically fell into him” and had a seizure, according to Mr. Brandon Labove, Hannah’s father. She was rushed to Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Massachusetts. Doctors found several blood clots in her lungs. Ms. Labove died on July 3.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in her memory. General Dynamics Electric Boat has a vaccine coercion policy.

Lily Ernst: 21-year-old University of Northern Iowa swimmer dies suddenly and unexpectedly

Ms. Lily Anne Ernst was a 4.0 GPA student and swimmer for the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) in Cedar Falls. She set a school record in the 200 meter Butterfly event in February 2021.

Details are scant. But UNI Athletic Director David Harris announced the “sudden passing” of Ms. Ernst on July 27. Her obituary says she “passed away unexpectedly.” There is no vaccine mandate at the school.


Two California best friends, Annette Patino (aneurysm) and Erin Matias (“medical emergency”), die suddenly three weeks apart

Ms. Annette Patino, of Pico Rivera, was a nurse for over 15 years. Ms. Erin Matias, of Brea, was an acute rehabilitation unit clerk at PIH Health. She was also a former Disneyland employee. The two were close friends not only because of their bond as healthcare workers, but also their love of everything Disney.

Ms. Patino, 49, suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm and died on July 8. Ms. Matias, 36, suffered a “medical emergency” that left her in a coma on July 17. She passed away on July 28. Ms. Sherry O’Hara Matias, Erin’s mother, said “it happened so fast and I still don’t even know the reason.”

The two families mourned together on Facebook. Note Ms. Pat Yepiz-Patino and Ms. Monique Antionette Patino are Annette’s mother and sister, respectively.

It’s safe to assume that both were triple-vaxxed since California mandates it for healthcare workers.


Dr. Vicky Conway: 42-year-old triple-vaxxed Irish law professor dies “suddenly and unexpectedly”

Dr. Vicky Conway was an associate professor of law at Dublin City University since 2015. Prior to that, she worked at the University of Kent, University of Limerick and the University of Leeds. Dr. Conway hosted a podcast called Policed in Ireland. She was also a member of the Irish Policing Authority, and was a member of the Lawyers for Choice group that helped repeal Ireland’s Eighth Amendment, which legalized abortions in 2019.

Dr. Conway received her first two Moderna mRNA injections in June and July, 2021.

She received a booster injection on December 8.

Dr. Conway died “suddenly and unexpectedly” on July 19.

Melanie Masters: 66-year-old New York “avid swimmer” dies instantly after jumping into Lake George

Ms. Melanie Masters loved horseback riding, gardening and swimming. She recently retired from her real estate career and was enjoying life with friends and family, including her 2-year-old grandson, according to the Times Union.

Ms. Masters was at Huddle Beach, Lake George – about 60 miles north of Albany – on July 22. She jumped into the water, as she’s routinely done for years during the summer months. But Ms. Masters apparently died instantly as soon as she touched the water. An autopsy three days later determined that she died from “multisymptomatic organ failure” along with cardiac arrythmia and heart disease.

Ms. Cira Masters Carson, Melanie’s daughter, described her mother as a “veritable mermaid” who loved everything about being in the water. She said there’s no way her mother simply drowned.

Shonka Dukureh: 44-year-old Tennessee musician and actress dies in her sleep

Ms. Shonka Dukureh had degrees in theater and education, according to The Guardian. She was also in a band, worked as a second grade teacher, and as a mentor in after-school programs in Nashville.

Ms. Dukureh got her big break in Hollywood when she was cast as Willie Mae “Big Mama” Thornton in the biopic film “Elvis.” The Warner Bros. film, also starring Austin Butler (as Elvis) and Tom Hanks (Elvis’s manager) was released on June 24. The film is one of only two acting credits on Ms. Dukureh IMDB page.

The 44-year-old mother of two was found dead in her bedroom by one of her kids on Thursday morning, July 21. Nashville Police suspect no foul play, according to reports. WarnerMedia, which owns Warner Bros. Entertainment, has had a vaccine mandate in place for all employees since August 2021.

Mubarak Hussein Sayed Abdel-Jalil: 22-year-old Egyptian college student “died of joy” after passing final exams

This family should be ashamed of themselves if they truly co-signed this utterly-ridiculous story. Mr. Mubarak Hussein Sayed Abdel-Jalil just completed his final year of geology studies at Faculty of Science of South Valley University in Qena, Egypt. He received his final grades in the mail and opened the envelope, according to Dekh News. Mr. Abdel-Jalil suffered a sudden heart attack and died hours later.

The Daily Mirror reported that the family said Mr. Abdel-Jalil “died of joy” after seeing he passed all his classes. All Egyptian college students are required to be fully vaccinated to attend classes.

The road to 3 billion excess human deaths by 2024

We’ve already estimated that the vaccine genocide killed around 25 million people globally in 2021. At least 50 million more died in the first half of 2022. Another 150 million will die the rest of this year, based on our educated estimate. Between the monkeypox vaccines and mRNA/viral vector DNA poisons kicking in, at least 2 billion more will die in 18 months from January 2023 to June 2024. But that still only cuts the global population down by 28%. Remember, “their” goal is a 90% reduction.

At least another billion will die from famine, inflation and other economic issues. Believe it or not, the United Nations published an article entitled “The Benefits of World Hunger” in November 2021. A quote from the now-deleted article is as follows:

“Much of the hunger literature talks about how it is important to assure that people are well fed so that they can be more productive. That is nonsense. No one works harder than hungry people. Yes, people who are well nourished have greater capacity for productive physical activity, but well-nourished people are far less willing to do that work.”

The current estimate by the U.N. is 345 million people “on the brink of starvation.” Said people will either starve or eat bugs. The powers-that-be are okay with the latter group, and will likely allow them to live. Now we’re down to 4.5 billion people on Earth in late 2024, or about 57% of the population from 2020. But again, it’s called Agenda 2030 for a reason. The full 90% reduction will happen by then.

If you’re still alive two years from now, on August 1, 2024, the world will look very different. It will feel very different. Who knows how they plan on killing another 4 billion people, aka the “refuseniks” and “preppers” between 2025 and 2030 to reach their goal. But it will happen. It’s already happening, whether you want to accept it or not.

Hope everyone has a great week. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

***CORRECTION – The post originally said that the human population would be reduced by 57% from 2020 to 2024. It should have read that the population will be 57% of what it was in 2020 by 2024, or a 43% reduction. It has been updated.***


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

The story of Ryleigh Jones is heartbreaking.
The sadder part is wondering how many more times it is going to play out in the future.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago

We were having dinner with an old neighbor and I told her the incident my daughter witnessed of a woman going into anaphylaxis shock immediately after receiving a booster. It took 3 epipens and we have since found out the woman survived. After we finished the meal, I was stopped by a woman who said she was eavesdropping. She looked to be around 55. She said she has gone into anaphylaxis after eating twice in the past 2 months after getting her booster with never having this beforehand She has done shellfish challenges and an array of allergy testing with no clues. It took hearing my daughters story for her to start thinking about possible Vax injury. I know the hesitation people have in voicing the injuries. But the more we speak up, the more people will begin to question and maybe we can break the psychosis with the goal of protecting the kids.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

I know a few vaccinated people who have gone into anaphylaxis when taking vital medication. The woman in our local newsagents went into shock when she took antibiotics. Another lad I know went into shock after taking the inhaler for his asthma. Both were hospitalised. Alex, the young flower seller died a few months back after taking medication for pain. He went into anaphylaxis and then a fatal cardiac arrest.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Yes, the Great Cull is happening. This international genocide is happening. Every day, the British MSM is full of horrible stories of people dying. Sometimes I cannot even bring myself to read about their tragic demise. It is heart breaking. An elderly couple living in France found dead in their swimming pool. A young Englishman decapitated by a helicopter’s propeller in Greece. Did the pilot have a vaccine-caused ‘fog’ moment? We had two days of extreme heat in the UK. A staggering 13 people drowned in those two days of extreme heat! It seems water and Covid-19 vaccines are a lethal combination.
All I hear about is death and more death when I bump into old friends. ‘Martin who used to work on the railways died from a heart attack’ one friend told me last Friday. ‘That Tony you who used to go clubbing with us died of cancer’ another friend told me today. I only saw Tony 13 weeks ago as well! Another old friend I hadn’t seen for a long time gave me list of old acquaintances who had also kicked the bucket!
What’s shocking is how British soaps are normalising heart attacks, strokes and ‘sudden deaths’. The British love their EastEnders and Coronation Street. They are featuring an awful lot of ‘sudden deaths’ and heart attacks. When will the penny drop?
Also a lot of TV commercials showing children dropping dead while playing football. Pretending there is now an epidemic of ‘congenital’ and ‘undiagnosed’ heart conditions in children. What twaddle!

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

We had extreme heat (globalist weather control) here in Oregon the last week, and a number of people “drowned”…which I wasn’t buying for a moment. Every morning when I go online, first I check to see how many cars slammed into poles/trees, and how many pedestrians/bicyclists were killed by cars during the last 24 hours. It’s about one a day now. Even as I type this, I hear a siren…which I hear all day long, these days.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

A couple times a year, I usually check out fresh car crash compilation videos on the ‘net. Every compilation, regardless of the year, usually has a few bizarre crashes but this year and last, there seems to be a significant uptick in what looks like people falling asleep at the wheel and veering into oncoming traffic. Some even look like possible suicides where cars just veer into oncoming big rigs.

Then there’s the aftermath videos of multi car/truck accidents that literally look like plane crashes and you’re wondering, how on earth did that happen? These also seem to be on the rise. I wonder how many of them are bio-weapon related.

These videos are always good reminders to keep your head on swivel whether driving or walking.

1 year ago
Reply to  Boris

My husband and I have noticed that more and more people are going through red lights. If I’m first or second in line stopped at a light, I look both ways before entering the intersection.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

How strange, just Thursday I was in my triple X sisters car while she was driving and had to yell stop three times to prevent her from running a red light. I just thought she wasn’t paying attention…. 🤔

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Omri – like you I also wonder when the penny will drop. Reading these tweets is like being in some kind of warped alternate reality. Time and again I read of sadness from their loss (to be expected), BUT I never read of anyone questioning why a 20 something old otherwise perfectly healthy person would suddenly drop dead and how it would have been worse if they were not jabbed!!!
I am 71 years old and in my relatively long experience, people just don’t drop dead from pathetic made up causes like cold showers, opening a bill or even soccer for young healthy people. No one asks any questions, no one questions the media bullsh*t, in fact no one seems to be able to come up with 4 when adding 2 and 2 together!
A great evil has been committed, one which makes any previous holocaust insignificant by comparison. My mind continually dwells on those responsible; the lying press, an unprincipled, murderous medical profession, the heartless health bureaucracy and of course the politicians – suitable epithets for them fail me here and would probably disqualify this message from print.
All I know is that if (and it’s a big if) there is any justice for this monstrous crime, then we should not waste time on trials but just hang the lot of them summarily.

Renee Riley
Renee Riley
1 year ago
Reply to  DavidB

TOTALLY AGREE! Jail time at the expense of the taxpayers is WAY too good for these evil people.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

As far as the story in Greece, the kid was taking a selfie and didn’t look where he was going. Please be very careful not to paint a injury paintbrush on everything. It is not always the case. Only takes a bit of digging to get the facts.

1 year ago

The settlement with Northshore healthcare is a bittersweet victory at best. These large healthcare systems made hundreds of millions in government bucks intubating patients and pumping them full of remdesivir only to watch them die. This was repeated in hospitals all over the country with the same results. Death and more money from .gov for another covid death. Only having to pay out 10 million for their tyrannical policies is a joke. It’s a moral victory, but I don’t think this hurt the sorcery industry in the least.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

That’s why it’s called a settlement, Hal. The fired workers settle for lost pay and their jobs back now instead of waiting years in a case they could lose and get nothing. And as the article says, “hospitals are proactively paying millions of dollars to avoid potential 9-figure verdicts from juries.” Nurses and lower-level techs don’t have years to wait for potential. I’d guess the workers are happy, since they can feed their families again – except for the ones who caved and took the shots anyway. They can’t fight a war for everyone. I’m happy for them.

J Far
J Far
1 year ago

Doing a 200 meter butterfly in 2:03.77 means you are in terrific shape. Unreal.

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago
Reply to  J Far

Oh yes, anyone who can even swim butterfly for two minutes is remarkable! My condolences to Ms. Ernst.
It seems almost as if the most healthy and athletic are being most vigorously attacked by their own immune response? Their organs are all infested with their own lymphocytes! Therefore an impressive immune response indeed.
Whereas the more pudgy and soft people could benefit from their more sedentary immune systems… they will of course suffer terribly but they will live.
If my theory is correct the sedentary eventually die anyway changing a flat tire, pushing a lawn mower or shoveling snow etc.
But it’s true that the healthiest people are dropping like flies, and it almost makes sense when you realize that many peoples’ immune systems are too feeble to kill them with any efficiency.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

I have been wondering why it seems to be the fit that are fairing the worst in all of this. That makes sense. I know a few obese, very sedentary people that have received multiple jabs and just continue their unhealthy lifestyle of fast food and sweets, thinking that they’ve done their part so they will be safe. It’s sad and frustrating.

1 year ago

Last part of the article, 57% till end 2024. I read and still can’t believe is true. I am not saying you are not correct, Brian. Especially because I know you don’t make u nverified remarks, that you don’t jump to conclusions about people presented, about anything, this gives me a hard time to digest. because I know you are very accurate in the assesments.
Somehow, life seems as it was with some differences and global crise, war etc, but nothing to show in 2 years will be totally different.
I just cannot imagine how it will be, even if I am seeing people dying every day – more read about them – as today a 36 lady Director of the french institute in our country and each day more ”sudden deaths” cancers etc.
TikTok is full of videos of people crying for their lost babies – and this didnt happened before – and young people with cancers developed lately and other problems eczema and so on. Is crazy the amount of people suffering different things and then so many living like no problem exists, is like we live in a multiple universes at the same time, people don’t wanna see, don’t wanna look – except for the awaken ones – they live like nothing no problem exist.
So is kinda the silence before the storm, as it is always like this. I knew something will happen I saw lots of years ago that some people will be quarantined is not the first time I write this and now I know it was about the vaccinated and everything was deserted. i now dreamed some friends of mine that were vaccinated, a few night in the row, saying good bye from a place I knew but not in this life maybe another dream yet I went there and they said good bye it was scary but they looked well. Maybe they will repent and save their souls but knowing they took the vax is scarry. They seem fine just they lost weight and seem older but they put it up to the stress with plandemic and others we all face.
Is scarry, I don’t know how we will cope loosing so many loved ones!

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

That 57% got me, too! I’ve challenged people in my circle to try to imagine what it’s going to be like!
The infrastructure is already showing signs of crumbling. Whispers of shortages are becoming increasingly louder…nurses, teachers, drivers, and handworkers are becoming rare commodities. But I’m also wondering about the demand in good and services, also. Will there be an automatic decrease?
But after thinking about all of this, I had to go back to what I’ve learned during the past two years:
People, please pray. Not all of the predictions that I heard from my circle came to past. I would have had a winter without heat if my well-meaning friend and his sources had been correct.
I believe that eventually all of these horrible things will come to past, sooner or later, but prayers are powerful! Many of these terrible things have been mentioned in Bible prophecy. But we can still pray for mercy, pray for delays, pray that evil will be stopped in its tracks, for the moment! Pray, believe, and hope! The hope that purifies!
Brian, thanks for keeping us all informed. We need to know what’s going on!

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

The Blogger is very correct when he states the stark depopulation statistics. In fact, the father of Boris Johnson who is Stanley Johnson, who is a well-known British eugenics, stated for decades on British TV, that the British population will be 15 million by 2025. And he was saying all this in the ’70s and ’80s. This depopulation plan is the brain child of the English aristocracy and Royal Family. They have been planning this for decades.
There is a number of reasons why it was given to them so effortlessly. Mainstream media has taken away critical thinking from most people. Also, the greatest achievement the global cult have achieved is convincing people the Devil doesn’t exist. Also Darwinism is to blame. Most people are atheist and honestly believe we are descended from apes! Darwinism was the West’s first critical thinking test. What astounds me is the whole Darwinism theory is based on a lie and fraud. For instance Charles Darwin never explained why some species have never evolved or changed for millions of years. If all creatures in nature were in a constant ‘survival of the fittest’ life and death situation why are reptiles, crocodiles and most insects etc still in a permanent state of ‘primitiveness? It was all a lie. People went to their deaths willingly because they believe in nothing. They took the jab for self preservation. The elitist exploited man’s selfish and self serving nature. For decades consumerism had programmed people to fall for advertising. People will buy anything if the right marketing and advertising is used. This is exactly what happened with the killer vaccines. People fall for the shallow lies and glittering ‘advertising’.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

This genocide is the brain child of the Kabbalists, and their Freemasonic lackeys, and the plan goes back 2000 years. The Royal family actually believes they are from the bloodline of King David in the Bible ( and perhaps they are, due to Merovingian lines) but a little research shows most of the bloodline from that ethnicity to be of a much more recent vintage.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

After witnessing the arrogance, pride, and narcissism that is associated with the personality type we identify as “vax zealot” and “virtue signaler” I’m content to sit back and watch these assholes die. I would estimate the vast majority of athiest / leftists fall into this camp. They are vicious hate-filled morons with the minds of mentally ill children. Just look at the way they try to deny / redefine reality with lunatic filth like “transgenderism” and “gay” marriage. These scum are dangerous to all logical and moral people who value freedom. Maybe the elites are doing us a favor by wiping them out.

1 year ago

“They are vicious hate-filled morons with the minds of mentally ill children”

Reading the vitrol in your comments, you make them look very amateurish. Take a deep breath, go fishing, listen to Deva Premal and calm the fook down.

the original gwen
the original gwen
1 year ago

There are some fake Christians who are evil too. There is a woman on YouTube who tells her followers it’s okay to take the shot and she thinks that people who don’t shouldn’t be able to work or even take public transportation. The pope also pushes the jab.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

Its unreal. My parents church the same church people I’ve known my whole life try to push the poison. I’ve worn my Jesus is my vaccine shirt to a few sermons and you should see the looks I get.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago

Those are sellout Christians. There are far more “anti-vaxxers” on the right / conservative side vs. the left. Like it or not this has become a political issue. Just look at how Red Vs. Blue states treated their populations during the scamdemic. I rest my case.

1 year ago

The pope is among the many antichrists. Look at their serpent hall they had built.

I can barely read the news but I have been attacked by the vaccine zealots so I know there is something else going on – their brains are warped. They can’t “see” – likely some kind of brainwashing or occult magick.

1 year ago

The irony for me is that most of the vaxx zealot people in my life are long-time vaxx-injured, with autoimmune diseases, or on some anti-depressant/psychotic, etc.

Renee Riley
Renee Riley
1 year ago
Reply to  TD M

It is the fear that gets them. The never ending push on lamestream media of the fear…

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Exactly there is no ”evolution” World was created. Perfect and is destroyed because of the greed. We don’t need new clothes any month and so many useless things. BUT, rich want to be richer and then keep people poor in some countries as to have cheap workforce and then all the problems becaause of the greed.
@LadyHawke: O know the story with Boris family 🙁 also Boris when he was London Mayor he did some interviews (some still online)stating that overpopulation is the biggest problem.
Jaques Custeau also has these interviews he said 700 millions and that we need to kill many.
Depopulation started in the 80’s. Birth rate decreased in many countries because of the vaccines, while life expectancy increased because clean water and more food, shelter of course, NOT vaccines. Population continued to increase, but not at the same rate. Lets’s see: 1950-1986 from 2,5 at over 5 billion. 1986÷s to 2022, not double even if the life expectancy continued to increase worldwide so we have apopulation increase from here as well – life expectancy. That went down in pandemic. But birth rate globally decreased (population incrased but birth rates so slower compared with before) – vaccines. They decided in the 70’s, 80’s they started to implement
Just look at the world population and will understand that this is happening, decreasing and is not new! Most of the countries have 2,1 or under 2 children/couple, so… It would of stabilise anyway and then go down , but they didnt wanted to wait and did this 2030 agenda.

Non gmo human
Non gmo human
1 year ago

“Died of joy” is probably the most asinine excuse for a vaccine death, I’ve seen since the genocide started. His family is in complete & utter denial about what happened to him. There’s no way they actually believe that. No amount of hush money is worth selling his demise out like that.

I wonder if the parents of the poor boy who had his arm amputated have made the connection? The cognitive dissonance is ASTOUNDING of those “highly educated” people going back to play endless rounds of vaccine Russian roulette. What a time to be alive to witness all of this. Hard to believe this is even real life, everything feels so surreal.

Stay safe & vigilant out there people, & thanks for all that you do Brian!!


1 year ago
Reply to  Non gmo human

Isn’t it astounding of these so called parents run to the social media after the DEATH of their child? And Hannah’s death, wow, such a tribute?! And other children Brian reported on, even younger Isn’t it bizarre? My mother told us girls that they would have to CARRY her to our funerals if we should die! The last thing she would think about is tweeting if it were even a thing then. And these shallow parents express their grief on social media? After the death of their child?

Love and support via social media? Like you have to report it to central command to make it valid and more real for you? Do these people even FEEL their life? I just don’t understand the psych. Media reality is more important than their own personal reality.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

1000 up votes

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

I can’t fathom losing a child. In the Buddhist tradition, parents aren’t even allowed to attend the funerals of their children, so great a violation of the natural order it is! So, I understand your mother’s thoughts and your unease/discomort at the parents posting on social media, but perhaps they do it because they don’t want to have to respond individually to everyone who’s offered condolences.

Poor Hannah and all the other kids dying (or worse) so young!

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

I have much respect for the Buddhist tradition. Buddha sat under his tree and was unmovable from his seat. He sat in reverence and brought it down, merely touching the earth and wiped out all the demons who were attacking him. He used his Tool of Beauty.
He wasn’t climbing mountains.
I had the circular day vising an awesome temple in Mt. Carmel, NY. It was perfect the meditation there, especially. It was so natural, nothing forced. These parents must be unmovable from their position to NOT get their child vaccinated. Even in their twenties, thirties, forties, you are still a child to them.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

Sickening is what it is. “Look at me everybody, my child died. Give me some attention”. DISGUSTING behavior.

1 year ago
Reply to  Non gmo human

It reminds me of the joke about living on the river de-nile. I never thought it would actually come true. Those parents in Egypt are in denial. “Died of joy?!” There would be hell to pay if that was my son.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

The gas lighting and excuses get more and more absurd by the day.

I think this will take five years to ten years to play out at this rate. What are the repercussions from all of this 25-50 years from now? Who is going to pay?

They will segregate the vax as a detriment to humanity, many people by then will have perished. Change the human genome? That’s playing with fire.

You won’t find love and support via social media, no matter how many hearts and kisses. So temporal, and then…evaporates. They will live with hard truths in the end.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

They will live with hard truths in the end.

True. How about us, though? Where will we live? In some kind of hellscape, for sure, I think, if we live at all. No matter. I’m going to make myself as hard to kill as I can.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

Everything has to go on social media and then asking for money on a gofundme. So many people gave up on being human with real connections. Family, working with your hands to create as well as being a part of our wonderful natural world. These are all blessings that nourish our soul and give meaning to our life. That’s why it was easy to suck them into the scamdemic. Shallow lives looking for some meaning and one you could display for every one to see on social media – look at me, like me. Even at death they react the same. I can never understand it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

That’s because we’re clearly in the end times and attacks on families has escalated, breaking many up! And friends stab each other in the back. I posited a question on a forum about how many real friends people have and everyone said “no real friends” my “friends all use me” and other remarks.

Most people – even those in church pews – are immoral now. Backstabbers, cheaters, liars.

Just as predicted.

I had to return an item and the seller was upset as it would cost him shipping. I told him the mistake was mine so I would pay it. Of course I didn’t want to but I still did the right thing. That man was shocked that he met an actual honest person. He told me he never meets honest people anymore.

We’re in Sodom folks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

The Truman Show is the norm now..

Fabricio Pracidelli
Fabricio Pracidelli
1 year ago

It breaks my heart evertyime I read about the deaths of these young men and women. They were just too young and naive to understand what was being done to them. We’re mostly old folks now, so we had the time to develop our minds. But these younglings, it’s almost as if they never had a chance. It’s so cruel and so unfair, it’s almost unbelievable there are actual humans behind this evil.

1 year ago

I was 26 when the first shots came out. Now 28.

Your point?

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago

These are the results of a social engineering experiment that has been going on for over a century. The removal of elders and grandparents from the family has had a devastating toll on future generations because they’re the only ones who’ve lived long enough to see all the manipulation and lies from ruling powers. The elite have achieved this thru so-called “progressive” programs including public schools, public healthcare, nursing homes and social security. Any way to create distance between the young and old. So now government-raised kids and even their parents think “Grandpa and grandma don’t know what they’re talking about. They’re just senile.” Wisdom and experience is not respected nor honored.

A strong family unit is what makes a strong community. In fact, it may be the only way one can survive in this global reset.

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

You are right. But where I live many of those grandparents gave up their place in the family and allowed this to happen. They bought into all this crap too. My entire family, extended too, are unvaxxed. I attribute this to my father and grandfather who both taught us it was okay to not follow the crowd, most are sheeple, and stick to your values. My dad said most government is filled with schmucks. Don’t believe them. My grandfather said don’t trust doctors. Thank you Daddy and PawPaw for your strength and wise words. ❤

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

I find that the parents and grand parents rushed for this vax. I am 37, I begged my 63 yo mom not to get it but she did despite my begging. My grandmother is vaxxed. My aunts, uncles, order brothers all vaxxed. I think it was mostly people who have been told that they are better than because of education, career or status and people that worship these people as all knowing that rushed for this vax. Those that are independent thinkers regardless of status did not fall for this

1 year ago
Reply to  Anna

My mom, 80 plus, homebound…i begged her not to get the jab. She didn’t need it, because she rarely got out! My mom also worships ‘education ‘. She’s always been so proud of her university degree, and that piece of paper jettisoned her…in her mind…to a place amongst the elite…and why wouldn’t the elite know what was good for her? Both my parents pushed education, because it was the only way out of our humble circumstances….and, they were correct…to a certain point.
To this day, she calls herself an educated woman, but she really doesn’t know what that means.
For me, all old measurements and definitions of intelligence are officially obsolete.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

Unfortunately having an education does not mean that you have common sense or that you have critical thinking skills. Also, older people tend to trust their doctors and listen to those in authority. Unless you looked beyond the mainstream media for your information, you had very little chance of making an informed determination of what was unfolding.

While I was cautious but suspicious early on, it was the photo of Fauci without a mask at a baseball game in July of 2020 that opened my eyes fully that we were being lied to. In November of 2020 I hosted Thanksgiving without any fear and had 10 at the same table without masks or distancing.I had invited more, but only a few came. If you remember, Dr. Birx also had a large crowd, but tried to explain it away by saying they were all a single household.

If covid was as dangerous as they made it out to be, all these people in charge of mandates, rules, and recommendations would have followed them themselves. Instead there were countless incidents involving politicians and others in power living their lives as they always did while the rest of us were supposed to stay home and do nothing. Now I don’t trust anything except the Bible and my husband.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

birx just came out and said that she and fauci made up *the science* behind the lockdowns, and that she knew the inoculations wouldn’t work. both of them deserve a date with the gallows.

1 year ago

Just read the other day that the name “Fauci” means sickle…..and his antecedants were sickle makers. I think that explains it in a nut shell….and why this is a spiritual war between God and Satan. But Jesus has already won! All Satan has is fear…..and only a little time left to do his damage.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

Yes, and you had a politician lecturing people not to travel and have Thanksgiving dinners with their relatives, then right after that jetting off to another state to have Thanksgiving with his extended family.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

Remember too that we have entered the ‘snitch’ culture. I tried warning others until I realized there really was no hope for them – the brainwashing was just too deep. Then I realized that those same brainwashed braindead could turn and report me for 30 pieces of silver, being convinced erroneously that they were ‘saving’ society. I don’t trust any of them anymore. If they don’t care about their own health and well-being they won’t care about yours.

This is a well-engineered all-out assault on us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

Insightful!!! The ‘more educated’ seem to be seduced rather easily. I wonder if this was the Devils way of stoking pride and flattery through institutional ‘achievements’ Using pedigree and intellectual clout to blind people to the underlying evil in plain sight. It was a brilliant deception if you consider it. One that could have only been concocted in the mind of the Father of Lies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

Yes the young have been separated from the old. Made to despise their elders. Divorce and demonization of the father has contributed to this as well. The devil has worked meticulously to destroy the foundation of society: family, spirituality. We are just now seeing the tidalwave effects of it all.

1 year ago
Reply to  BlueRose

The cartoons all depict dad as a bumbling idiot.

1 year ago

Where were the parents of all these younger people who died before there time? They were urging them to get the Jabs and congratulating them for walking the walk and rolling up their sleeves…Shhhh…it’s anything but the Vaccine…

1 year ago

All evil is from humans and doesn’t have another source. The heart is desperately wicked who can know it. If there were no humans there would be no evil. That is why Jesus Christ died to free humans from evil and to righteousness.

1 year ago

I feel the same way. Theses children are truly the innocent ones in this ongoing nightmare. Even the ones that didn’t get the vaxx have had their innocence impacted by crazy schools, crazy government bs and in many cases crazy parents. With confused gender change proponents, child trafficking, poor schools that teach nothing useful and the freak show rejects that organize these drag queen shows, the kids have an uphill battle. I hope I live long enough to see justice for what has been done to all the children.

1 year ago

That’s what their parents are there for!!!!
You know, families???
What you you think about this mum and dad????

1 year ago

I was 20 when the first shots came out, didnt take em but all my family did. The most naive ppl i know are boomers

Susan McFadden
Susan McFadden
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

The boomers being older were told that that they are more at risk. Also they grew up believing in doctors not understanding that they practice medicine. They have certain ideas about vaccines mostly because of the belief that they cured polio and smallpox. Those fears were palpable to their parents/grandparents years ago making it an easy sell for those of a certain age.

1 year ago

Greedy humans, who value materialism and money more than close knit communities, are finally getting their just desserts. Society was always falling apart and is now reaping what it is sowing a million fold.

And to the numbskull who took the shot because they were going to lose their job, you know you just could’ve like totally like quit.

People quit jobs for various reasons. Why would quitting because you refuse to take a vaccine be any different?. There is no difference. Either she didn’t have savings to keep her by while job hunting or is an idiot. Yeah the idiot answer. I like that one.

I quit my first job because my boss was a bully. No way was I going to take any crap from him anymore.

And now the Bank of England has removed their mortgage affordability test for guillable wage slaves who want to buy an overpriced house. Return of those good ol’ NINJA loans coming. No lessons learnt I see? The same people who most likely took the coof jab.

Wait for the housing market to crash soon.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

I recently lost a high paying job for not taking the needle. Im in perfect health and have Natural Immunity. Out of the 6 people on our “team” at work, the other 5 took the needle. Within a few months, one guy in his early 50s was diagnosed with a rare, terminal blood cancer. Another guy in his 40s had a heart attack. Another guy in his 50s had to have a stint put in his heart. All 5 of them got C, after their needles. I lost that job but I have my health and they do not. They have job listings for my old position on linked in and they require applicants to take the needle. Its not worth it.

I waited for them to fire me, got a severance package of $12K and am now collecting UI looking at my next options. Fortunately Ive made good money and have some savings to fall back on and am not stressed, however I need to bring revenue in. Its what a man does.

I blame Biden for the mandates. Yes, he is only a Puppet for the Eco Communists at the WEF who are really running things, however I despise him for what he has done to millions of America. I truly hope he d–es soon of natural causes of course. It will be President Harris after that, which is another form of Evil, but Evil has to die even if its one piece at a time, of natural causes of course.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Aidan, have you lost your job with nothing else to provide for you? No mom. No dad. No family. No one else but YOU? Bet you haven’t. So before you keep pontificating stop being evil and telling everyone else what they should have done. You have no idea the road people walk or the reasons for their decisions. I swear so many of you are just as evil as the other side. Just because you are on the non-vaxx side doesn’t make your evil any less than that – evil.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

So why didn’t she just quit and look for a new job? Don’t want the vaccine, don’t take job. Get new job.

What is so evil about telling someone that they DO HAVE A CHOICE not to take the vaccine?

How many people where in that person’s life to offer them this LIFESAVING advice? Clearly none given her current circumstances. Who is being selfish? Me or her so called “friends”?

“So before you keep pontificating stop being evil and telling everyone else what they should have done”

So not telling everyone else what they should have done is evil? Clearly needing to tell people LIFESAVING INFORMATION is a good thing. But I’m evil for saying so? What kind of screwed up logic is that?

“Aidan, have you lost your job with nothing else to provide for you?”

To answer your question. No. However there is no merit in injuring yourself by taking a deadly shot to keep your job. What is more important: your job or your life? How can you provide for yourself or your family if you are now vaccine injured or dead. And if I was in a position where I had to take the shot to keep a job I wouldn’t take it. You know why? Because I value my life. If I get injured or die I am a burden on my family. That would be a very selfish thing to do.

“You have no idea the road people walk or the reasons for their decisions.”

In regards to vaccine work mandates then I do know the road that people WILL be walking on if they do cave in. A road of hell.

“I swear so many of you are just as evil as the other side”

How can you assume I’m/we are evil without even knowing the good works I/we have performed the past two years. I/we have warned many a folk not to take these vaccines, only to be repaid with scorn.

And me being mean should be the least of your concerns considering what is coming down the pipeline. We could be hit with famines, depressions, fuel shortages and so much more.

How about instead of demeaning me how about you understand what people such as myself are going through. It isn’t easy for unvaxxed people such as myself. Maybe we find places to vent our anger such as the covid blog a welcome relief. What’s wrong with getting our anger out? We can’t all be good angels like you on the moral high ground. Are we not deserving of sympathy as well? Where’s your heart?

Just because you point out I’m evil doesn’t make you automatically good. It makes you pompous.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aidan
Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Since you haven’t ever lost your job, then you have nothing to say when you haven’t been in their shoes. That is arrogance. Good works mean nothing if they come from a hard heart. And I said “so many of you.” That is plural. I didn’t say YOU were evil. (Good grief. Talk about reading something that isn’t there.)

I was responding to your comment. I’m entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours. Many comments here are evil and mean. Comments here about wishing people death is evil. It puts you (people) down in the gutter with the evil on the other side. Don’t do that. Rise about it.

I’ve taken a beating too for my stance and worried about my job working at a large corporation. You say “find another job.” Again, that is easy for you to say. You haven’t walked in someone else’s shoes. Not everyone is married and has another income. Not everyone lives in a large enough area to be able to just go out and find another job. You don’t even want to know what a 50+ person faces when trying to find a new job in the best of circumstances.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Lady, the people who take the shot are delusional, plain and simple. Either they’re delusional to think the government/medical industry couldn’t be so corrupt as to allow/force such a poison on its people; or, if they know the shots are dangerous, they’re delusional to think “it won’t happen to me!” We are at the point in history where people with that level of delusion are dying by the truckload, and often taking their children with them.

What am I supposed to say about people like that? I’ve been telling people about how corrupt the medical industry is for the past 20 years. Most people had terrible health or were addicted to some kind of drug before the pandemic even started. And it’s not enough to live and let live, because a lot of those people always want to come after people like ME for not wanting vaccines or drugs, drinking raw milk, and so on. These people were ALWAYS responsible for killing their children and themselves with their sick faith in an obviously evil ruling class. For those of us who always wondered if there were any possible way these people could be woken up from their insanity, well, I guess we are answering that question right now.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

“Many comments here are evil and mean” My God, you sound like a BABY. Let the adults speak about serious matters if you can’t handle it, LEAVE. We’re at war we don’t need overgrown children defending the evil scum committing genocide against our friends and loved ones. YOU’RE GETTING IN THE WAY.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

“Since you haven’t ever lost your job, then you have nothing to say when you haven’t been in their shoes. That is arrogance.”

So I have no right to suggest to someone in that case to avoid getting the shot? Sounds very authoritarian? What gives you the right to stop me from telling someone not to take the shot? That’s stupidity and just as evil since I’m letting evil happen by not stopping someone from injuring/killing themselves.

And as I said before just because I’m not in someone’s shoes doesn’t mean I don’t know the road of suffering that they will be on. It’s called foresight. It saves lives.

This woman was from Calgery, Canada. There are over 1 million people living there. Are you telling me there are no unvaxxed Canadians with a job? Rubbish. There is bound to be some unvaxxed Canadians working. The truckers? DUH!!!!!!!!!!! They weren’t vaxxed. What about all of those canadian anti lockdown protesters. Surely they are all dead because they are unvaxxed and don’t have jobs due to the mandate.

It sounds like people such as this woman are scared to lose their job because they can’t live their materialistic live. These people are weak and greedy and should have the mindset, “If I lose this job I will look for one and in the mean time cut back on certain things I don’t need”.

How is telling someone not to get the shot to save their job any different from someone intentionally injuring or killing themselves? If someone is in a position to stop harm or death and does nothing about it are just as evil as the people giving out the shots.

And what about health issues they will suffer from? Many people (including myself) responding to your comment have addressed this as not once have you offered a valid answer. Do you know the impact these vaccines are having on people’s finances? How can they LIVE if they can’t work or be supported? Who is going to support them? Do you know how much in home care costs? And don’t forget Canada offers no free healthcare.

“And I said “so many of you.” That is plural. I didn’t say YOU were evil. (Good grief. Talk about reading something that isn’t there.)”

Yeah I got that:

“How can you assume I’m/we are evil without even knowing the good works I/we have performed the past two years. I/we have warned many a folk not to take these vaccines, only to be repaid with scorn.”

Did you not read this comment. I said I’m/WE. I used the plural WE.

“Comments here about wishing people death is evil. It puts you (people) down in the gutter with the evil on the other side. Don’t do that. Rise about it.”

Not once in this comment thread that I wish death on anybody. All I said was that people who are selfish and live by greed are getting their just desserts. Simply put: they reap what they sow. I didn’t wish death on them because death is already on them. I’m just pointing out the obvious.

“I’ve taken a beating too for my stance and worried about my job working at a large corporation. You say “find another job.” Again, that is easy for you to say. You haven’t walked in someone else’s shoes. Not everyone is married and has another income. Not everyone lives in a large enough area to be able to just go out and find another job.”

Sorry for your issue with your job. However how come people such as me, you and others refuse/will refuse the vaccine if forced to take it but others just cave in without question. If people really didn’t want the vaccine then they wouldn’t take it.

And as for job hunting. The idea that someone can’t find a job is ridiculous. You’re making up crap. If you can’t find a job then get one. If millions haven’t taken the vaccine and are still in jobs then it is still possible. Even if you have to get a low paying job. Live below your means and suck it up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Get your boosters ,vaxmaxxer. Its totally worth it to keep your job

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Susan, Aidan is one of my favorite posters on this blog (along with John McClane). His words are harsh because he is angry. I think it’s a righteous anger. Think about it- he is only in his 20’s and has his whole life in front of him. A future that is now uncertain and frightening because of the Covid craziness. If the majority of people would have refused the masks, distancing, and vaccines, the mandates would not have been possible. Instead people blindly went along and the world is now forever changed for the worse. I’m in my early 60’s so my life is more than half over, and I’m angry with all those who fell for this! So, I don’t think Aidan’s anger is unjustified.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

Awww! Thanks for the kind words, Lin. I just want to give you a big hug. You are welcome to visit my door anytime (pandemic or no pandemic).

I love John’s posts too.

You have pretty much hit the nail on the head with my situation. 2019 and early 2020 weren’t fantastic years, but they were for me. So many great things happened to me. When 2020 came, it hit me (as well as everyone else on this blog) like a ton of bricks. Once lockdowns and the truth came to me on how the world really works I never knew anger like this.

I was an atheist when lockdowns began and I never had so much hate and distrust for humanity. Thank God I’m now a Christian. However as you said the future is looking frightening.

I was a part of a bible reading club and left after having an argument about the fake pandemic. They were all okay with lockdowns and vaccines, which made me sick. I tried my best to show them the truth but it was not to be. I’m so scared about joining any clubs that I might really lose my temper when the rona came up.

In fact before I left their little club they invited me to attend an outdoor market but I didn’t go since you need the vax to get in. I didn’t tell them I wasn’t vaxxed and found it hilarious and insulting that they assumed I was vaccinated.

And you’re right in regards to people who went along with the mandates. They didn’t have to follow them, but they did. Traitors!

The only hope I have now is that we unvaccinated remain strong and once the vaxxed traitorous scum are wiped out when can rebuild society and live without globalist intervention.

Take care, Lin. xx

Last edited 1 year ago by Aidan
John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

Thank you very much Lin. God bless you.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

The entire concept of anger and hatred being “wrong” is childish and a result of decades of pacifist brainwashing. Susan is a perfect example of the kind of weakling the elites have worked for years to produce. No matter what they do to her, she refuses to get angry or feel hatred. They could kill her friends, family / children and she’d probably forgive them. The perfect slave. Like a dog that the elites can kick and abuse to their hearts content.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

But you take the vax and get serious health problems, then you can’t work anyways and have huge hospital bills and suffering and disability, so you can end in a much worse position: like out of a job and blind, for instance. (And there have been those who’ve lost their vision from the jabs (clots cutting off circulation to the eyes/retina).

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Then please come and take on my mortgage and other bills. Maybe it is younger people that read something in what someone writes or says that isn’t there. The opposite of good is evil. When you are pontificating on what other people should do without knowing them or their circumstances, that is wrong (evil). Evil is the opposite of good.

1 year ago

You really can fool most of the Sheeple most of the time…because they all insist that it’s anything but the Vaccine…doesn’t matter how many heart attacks in young people or the explosion in Cancers…just can’t blame the Vaccine…keep trusting in the Science…Trusting in Doctors and Politicians in the year 2022 will more than anything else get you and those you care most about killed…it is that simple…

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

I think we are approaching Critical Mass – certainly many estimate less than 30% will line up for the next booster. Think how great that is, compared to early ’21. And think how pissed the sheep are gonna be – I wouldn’t like to be a doctor or public health official when that time comes. Whatever the Elite were planning, they’ve messed up (they are not nearly as smart as they think they are) by forcing the genetic therapies on everyone.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

I pray you’re right, but so far I’ve seen precisely ZERO sheep waking up to the vax being a weapon. And in my 20+ years of being awake to (((who))) runs the show, I have seen a grand total of NONE of these brainwashed zombies figure it out. Being able to see the truth is a gift some have and some don’t.

1 year ago

I told everyone who would listen in March of 2020 after the “lockdown” was decreed that this was leading to a world-wide forced vaccination. I’ve sounded the alarm for over 2 years, and many have listened. Hardly anyone has taken the jab in our church. I take no pleasure in being right about the jab, and it didn’t take a prophet to see it. Gates told everyone what he was going to do years ago…

1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

The much lower booster rate is what I focus on. If you took the vaxx and really believed the science, you would easily get the booster. In the USA only a third of the vaxxed got boostered. A good many vaxxed didn’t get their children vaxxed. So definitely cracks in the narrative. As far as admitting to vaxx deaths and injuries that would require to admit they were wrong and at fault for killing their kids. Not going to happen. They will double down and deflect. #ABV.

João Miguel
João Miguel
1 year ago

When People don’t believe in something higher than thenselves, they are dedicated to materialism. So, They Will do anything to preserve their hobbies etc. But, the good news is that People are starting to awake, after booster shots. We Will se If it’s not to little to late….

1 year ago

RIP Bill Russell. Chamberlain was a freak of nature, but, he was so enamored of his record of never fouling out of a game that he completely stopped being physical once he got his fourth foul. This is why, despite his other-worldly gifts, he doesn’t hold a candle to Russell as a great player. Keep on telling the truth about the shots!

1 year ago

I know a lot of people will struggle to accept that 57% number, but it all becomes clear as day if you think critically and welcome the Holy Spirit’s discernment.

The fact is TPTB set the depopulation agenda in motion a long time ago. Homosexuality and abortion are two of the three behavioral tools they used to reduce the birth rate. The third is infantilizing degenerate heterosexual couples. Many openly declare not wanting children out of self-confessed selfishness, even opting for pets.

As insidiously as those practices were promoted among the population, they come nowhere near the direct carnage of this so-called vaccine. I’ll hazard to call this their most successful project yet. Just look at that baby that was born with a dead limb and lifelong brain damage. Yet the mother quetions nothing.

In any case, all these vaxx zealots deserve their deaths. The wages of sin is death, and one of the reasons why they fell for this is that they turned away from God’s wisdom. Even if they’re atheists, they still failed to exercise humility in appreciating the intuition and thinking skills that nature bestowed on them.

The children are the only true casualties in this mess.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cornelius

My niece had her baby naturally at a birthing center and one of the RN midwives asked her if she wanted the covid jab while the baby was still inutero! Unbelievable!! I would have lost it!

1 year ago

If even getting a single shot is deadly, then 5.4 billions are doomed. If shedding can kill, you can easily add 10% to that figure. Now throw in 1 billion starved to death, and you’ve got a 7 billion whip-out. Pretty close to their target.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  Watchful

Now you have me concerned if something will happen to me. A few weeks ago, i found evidence my mom got a 2nd booster, so her 4th jab. Less than a week later i had the worst sore throat I’ve ever had and didnt know where it came from. It was so bad, i was almost in tears with the pain. If it was spike proteins from my mom, well it was too late even when i found out, because it was days after she had gotten it, so i was unaware, if i had of known i would have avoided her as best i could. So am i going to end up gone at age 35? Am i going to go to sleep and never wake up? All i can do is ask God to help me.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Yes, that is what you and we should do! Because HE knows that you did not volunteer your body for the shot. HE can protect us.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Suramin, nattokinase, ubiquinol, zvonit, vit C, vit b, nac, resveratrol. Buy them, ingest them, be calm and pray. You’ll be fine.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zeta

Zeolit no zvonit. Sorry

1 year ago
Reply to  Zeta

LOTS of vegetables – especially green ones – keep the body alkaline as much as possible, then it can expel the garbage. Just watched a video the other day with Mark Steele, he mentioned an organization in Great Britain called “The Magneteers.” They do a search on the body for magnetic reaction using dyomium magnets, and then remove the particles once found. You can also do a D-Dimer test to see if there are any blood clots in the body…..on the eartly side. And God’s got the rest…..blessings.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Hold on. All of us pure bloods have been exposed to the shedding and not a single one of us have died by said shedding.

We are merely catching the waste excretion that the vaccinated immune system trying to get rid of the toxins in their bodies.

Since we only get sick from those who are recently jabbed and still recovered because are immune system is working as it should, we have nothing to worry about because are bodies aren’t genetically altered into a spike protein factory.

1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Some who have taken the shot are now becoming microwave cells towers, they can send and receive microwaves at very high amounts. These are then zapping you and depleting your oxygen stores, which looks the same as a respiratory virus, but it’s not. This is why so many people are getting shingles, which also is a consequence of receiving radiation therapy. Any source of ionizing radiation will affect the body in a way that looks like a flu or virus, until you drop over dead in your tracks. This can also be achieved by blood clots via the self assembling circuits in the shot, this too causes a lack of oxygen, which leads to heart attacks/strokes and a tendency to drop dead in the middle of normal activities.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Shedding is not that bad effect is temporary. Get active, walk, sweat, teke antioxidants and lots of water it goes out of the system faster. i know I dealt with as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

From what I understand, you may have absorbed your mom’s spike proteins into your body, but you won’t have the mRNA factories in your system perpetually producing spike proteins. So your exposure is limited in comparison to anyone who’s had the jab. Anybody correct me if I’m wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  karin64

I think you’re right. The jabs contain many chemicals and agents necessary to making them work. And they’re injected directly into the bloodstream. Casual contact shouldn’t cause the worst long-term problems, though Pfizer’s own trial documentation say shedding is an issue. I would think eating well and getting plenty of rest, exercise and vitamin D should help. Part of my almost daily routine is to squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink it. Lemons and limes are potent vitamin C sources. According to Dr. Mercola, avoiding seed oils or things fried in seed oils will help you properly absorb vitamin D from sunlight. Vitamin D from sunlight will in turn help produce natural melatonin, which will help you get proper rest.

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago
Reply to  karin64

I believe you are right. Your body will recognize those foreign spike invaders and nuke them. Every time I get a swollen left armpit, I realise I’ve been around a newly jabbed person. It happened to me twice plus a sore throat. It takes a week for the body to fight it off. I take zinc, magnesium, olive leaf extract and a good B complex vitamin. I haven’t worn a mask ever and thankfully, haven’t had flu or a cold since December 2019.

the original gwen
the original gwen
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

It’s different for the ones who got the shot because it’s in their system replicating and we don’t know for how long. I was also exposed to many jabbed at work. Take supplements like vitamin c, d, fish oil, magnesium, glutathione, etc. Supplements that battle the spike proteins. Dandelion and dandelion root tea is also good.

Last edited 1 year ago by the original gwen
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Friend, do not live in fear. Give your mom a hug, your life is in Gods hands today as in 2018

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

You didn’t get all the other things put into the “vax” which helped it pass through the blood-brain barrier, as well as the graphene and other contaminants. Getting something through the air or other way is not the same as something injected into the muscles and bloodstream and which has a whole bunch of chemicals designed to hijack the body’s defenses.
Plus you may have just caught a general virus: there are 100s of different respiratory viruses circulating in the world and, for the most part, the immune system keeps them at bay. Your immune system might have been overtaxed and made you susceptible to viruses in the air. Can’t be the same as having something injected: the same way a starving person doesn’t get any calories from being near a fat person stuffing their face; that a thirsty person doesn’t get any hydration from the person next to them drinking a soda.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

I have once again been exposed to shedders at church yesterday and today I’m bleeding even though I have been post menopausal for 16 years. I was fully checked out by doctors this past January and they could find no reason for the bleeding. When I suggest that I was reacting after being in crowds of people who had taken the shot I was told that was not possible and it must just be a coincidence. Some Sundays I can go to church and have no side effects and after other Sunday church gatherings I experience bleeding (sometimes with big clots) migraines (which I never used to get) and/or extreme fatigue. I feel the need to connect with my spiritual family, but the side effects from being around people who have taken the shot is making me question whether that is safe for me to do. Is this another tool Satan is using to keep people from attending church? I will be so glad to be out of this world when the Rapture happens. I sense that the coming of Jesus in the clouds for His bride is so close now (likely this year) and that is what keeps me keeping on.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Don’t fear. If you did not take the jab, you will be fine. Keep your health up and don’t give into fear, and that includes being afraid to be around your Mom. The enemy wants us to isolate from each other. There is no evidence of “shedding” just as there is no evidence of a “Sars-Covi-2” virus that was ever isolated, identified or purified for testing or vaccines. The hospitals killed the people with remdesivir, drugs and ventilators–it wasn’t “covid” virus that killed them.

1 year ago
Reply to  LibertyLion

Shedding is real, my life is a living hell, I can’t be around any freshly (4months and less) vaxxed people for even an hour breathing the same air. I get CIRS. Exposure to this biotoxin is deadly to me(larger amounts). I usually get sick 12 hours after exposition. The sarscov 2 exist only in injections and probably the tests. Suffered trouble breathing, abnormal excrutiating pain while in ovulation, possible small clotting in the left leg could lead to (deep vein thrombosis), resurgence of immune disease long gone, brain inflammation..etc.

1 year ago

Thank you for the work that you do in putting these blogs together. It is astonishing to me still, that 70% of American adults have submitted to these toxic injections, and for a virus which has less than .5% chance of killing them. Only 30% of Americans are Purebloods (like me). It just shows how easily brainwashed the masses are by the media, fear mongering politicians of the Left and fear of losing their jobs. It saddens me that so many Americans have become sheep, easily controlled by others. I will never submit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

Something else is going on. I think there is either some type of intense brainwashing, or the sheep and goats are being shown for who they are.

1 year ago

It’s sad to lose a legend like Bill Russell who seemed to be a critical thinker early in his career…thinking specifically of that famous photo of him with Muhammed Ali and other black athletes at a summit news conference protesting the Vietnam war. So it’s extremely disappointing, particularly as an African-American, to learn that he morphed into just another overly-trusting, naive celebrity using the remainder of his fame in his old age to convince others black Americans to be obedient and trusting of the very same government without question. How in the world can these people have put their lives in the hand of a government that…?
Never mind, it would take too long to complete that question.

1 year ago
Reply to  Giselle

Footnote to my comment: I just ran across a 2017 article revisiting that 1967 news conference of black athletes supporting Muhammed Ali referred to as the “Cleveland Summit.” While the article was not even about Bill Russell, the writer ended his piece with a quote by Russell in an article “written for Sports Illustrated after the meeting” where Russell shares his thoughts about Ali. Russell wrote (quite prophetically):

“He [Ali] has something I have never been able to attain and something very few people I know possess,” Russell wrote. “He has an absolute and sincere faith. … I’m not worried about Muhammad Ali. He is better equipped than anyone I know to withstand the trials in store for him. What I’m worried about is the rest of us.”

How true that turned out to be. I guess he knew even then that he was the rule and not the exception when it came to the really tough choices.

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Giselle

With celebrities turning shill for the COVID vaccines in 2020, I now suspect that all of them made a contract with the devil early in their careers. It’s almost like time’s run out and the devil’s like “Remember the talents, connections, money, power and fame I gave you. Well, now it’s your turn to fulfill your end of the bargain.” The celebrities hoped that what they agreed to in the past was just a distant memory, long forgotten and not binding.

Now it makes sense why Jesus said not to swear or make any oaths and vows.

kevin king
kevin king
1 year ago

Highly educated == highly indoctrinated. The Covid zealots tend to come from these ranks for a reason. Keep away from them.

the original gwen
the original gwen
1 year ago
Reply to  kevin king

Studies show that those with no college and Ph.D.’s are the most hesitant. So it appears that those in the middle are the most susceptible.

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago

I’m sorry, but I disagree. This is an absurd generalization. I work with PhDs and they are the most indoctrinated bunch out there who fell for the scamdemic hook, line and sinker! I think it absolutely depends on a person’s spiritual values, upbringing, and a whole host of other factors not easily quantified. The amount of money thrown at the scamdemic could have ended global poverty. I’ve tried to point this out to people but all I get in response is that protection from the ‘virus’ is all that matters🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.

My heart is broken over that poor baby, Ryleigh and the frail elderly who should have been protected by their families, but instead were selfishly sacrificed on the altar of selfishness and stupidity.

Thank you to those who continue to pray. Keep on holding on, keep on praying and keep on doing good while you can.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Holding On

“I think it absolutely depends on a person’s spiritual values, upbringing, and a whole host of other factors not easily quantified.” Exactly spot on. The degrading of the family, home and Church are what has destroyed our country. All part of the plan that started over 100 years ago.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Most Christians got the shot though. Most of EVERYONE got the shot. Some groups are more or less represented but except for Amish and some parts of Africa I haven’t heard of ANY group that is mostly unvaccinated. Good luck even finding a church that doesn’t have “shedders”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dreamblade

But there is a remnant who did NOT take it……and as we know, it is a remnant that is saved……not the majority. So, everything is happening as was foretold in the book…..millenia ago. And that includes the remnant of real Jews that believe on Jesus Christ and did not take it either. Not the Jews who say they are Jews but are not, as Jesus said.

1 year ago

Once again inferring all PhDs are created equal. I know for a fact that my grammar school education could put many PhDs to shame. I’m also willing to bet those studies of which you speak are generated from a bunch of overeducated morons.

You have a degree in nonsense as you have already stated.

1 year ago
Reply to  gerry

The PhD head of our group fell hook line and sinker and the uneducated, unwashed masses that I know did not. Clearly college indoctrinates one into stupid.

1 year ago
Reply to  kevin king

I think it’s more that people who are already brainwashed are more likely to not notice how corrupt the college system is and stick with it. I went to college but left early with only an Associate’s, which is legally required for my job. Honestly I’m proud of my lack of a bachelor’s degree. College is only necessary if it’s legally required, you don’t actually need one to be a programmer or business owner. And the more “educated” jobs like “doctor” and “scientist” are, in most cases, a drain on the human race. To help people in those professions you have to fight against the profession itself, which risks losing your license and/or funding.

1 year ago

That poor, sweet baby! How heartbreaking :,(
When I read these stories of the vaccinated dying, I keep thinking about my younger sister who got double vaxxed. I warned her not to and sent her a few links so she could read up on it and make a fully informed decision…she got it anyway. She has her wedding coming up in October and all I can do is pray that she at least makes it to her wedding day and gets to marry the love of her life before her life is over. I am so angry at these insane psychopaths who planned this sick genocide. My sister is such a sweet and empathetic person and she honestly thought she was protecting the elderly people who come to the hearing clinic she works at. At least she’s waking up and has firmly decided not to get the booster. I pray God spares her life but I am not optimisitc about her chances looking at the data of how the vaccinated fare over time.
I have two children and when I see them sleeping peacefully at night, I sincerely wonder what kind of nightmare they will be living in 10 years from now. I hope they have a future that is bright but it looks pretty bleak right now. All I can do is pray.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ashleyraine

All my nuclear family is jabbed. I don’t know what to think…I don’t want the worst to happen but I must be prepared, psychologically and spiritually.My father actually said in the thick of last year that Fauci was his godfather. This is from a 70 year old man. He is boosted as well. His wife is a nurse and was one of the nurses at the vaccine centers. They both make me sick…My father unfortunately is a coward and has always been. His weak will was even more evident in the last year. 🙆‍♀️🤷

1 year ago

Miracles happened in my favor during the lockdown up to keeping my job because I stood my ground with a hard, ‘No’, the ‘lost word’ in occult tradition. You receive the gods’ blessing when you aren’t the profane and the human sewage (like those employers who forced people to take the death shot and now responsible for their staff being maimed or dead).

I used to be doom and gloom and skeptical until the above personal experience happened. Therefore I believe all these plans for the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 will fail in the face of Natural Law and the Goddess of Eternal Justice.

To quote Thomas Sheridan

‘The Rules of Engagement for the muthaf**ing last 2 years were never going to be resolved in the elections, mainstream media, debates in government level, committees, court hearings.

It would be dealt with in the supernatural sphere where this black magic was launched upon us by the globalists…

Black magic works extremely effectively at first, but when it falls apart, it falls asunder. Not only that, those who partake in the black magic ritual cannot escape the blowback from psychic sphere. All ‘magic’ is science we have yet to understand.

Are you listening to this, politicians, celebrities, newsreaders and fact checkers? Not only you will not be resolved and made pure in this life and the next life, neither will your seed and the seed of your seed. Your seed will carry your abomination for all eternity until they reject the profanity that was YOU.

Did you really think that this would be resolved so quickly, Neil Ferguson, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau? …And now your whole ‘build back better’ is now, ‘how the f**k can I escape this?’

I got news for you. You f**king won’t. And your f**king seed won’t. That is the curse, that is the hex that will follow you through more generations that have ever lived on this planet. You are pollution.’ – Thomas Sheridan

1 year ago

Blows my mind that this poor person needs to justify the pain factor to keep the dogs at bay(clearly has had this argument before influencing the comment).
As if violent shaking without pain is an acceptable side effect for a force unnecessary poison that does nothing but weaken immune systems.

1 year ago

This is one of the biggest crimes in human history. I can only imagine what will happen when the truth about all of this goes mainstream…

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

it is the biggest crime in human history

1 year ago

One way to kill more people is not only through Shorting the food supply, but to reintroduce the vaccine passport. If you want to buy something you better have your passport ready and make sure you get your booster shots every 6 months. The idiots will normalize it and will be totally fine with it. This is how you can force the people to take the deadly Genetic therapy because of as right now very few take the 4th shot, depending where you are. Ordering online might be an option to opt out of this mess. Anyway it would be good to store food supply for you and your family like 6 months or so.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dennis

Exactly correct. It was December of 2021, shortly before the Trucker protests erupted in my hometown, that I realized that they might be instituting a vax passport system to shop for groceries, or clothes, or whatever else here. Then all Hell really DID break loose, and we’ve scrapped those plans for now. But it’s really never far from my mind. I will do exactly that – order online – if it comes to that.

1 year ago

These stories are horrifying and get harder and harder to read. My husband and 18 yr old daughter got vaccinated for work, though I begged them not to. I’ve been noticing more people around me having weird occurrences, blood clot in lung, cancer diagnosis, strange organ infections. I don’t know what to do except pray. And never allow my other daughter to get vaxxed, though she’s turning 18 soon, I will have to show her some of the more awful stories of reactions…

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

I do think some of them are waking up and realizing what is happening. Most everyone is hiding it though. Some chilling words from my grandmother who is double vaxxed and boosted: “I will be dead by Christmas.” Like I said before I’ve been having a horrifying month…

1 year ago

Within the last week or so I received word that one of my former high school classmates died in his sleep. There was no previous mention of any illness. He just went to sleep and never woke up. Oddly enough, this is now seen as “normal.” I never saw him after high school (that ended almost 50 years ago) but this is a high vax acceptance area so it’s a pretty good guess that he too was vaxxed.

Today my elderly mother’s caregiver had to leave early for an appointment with her doctor because her right arm is red and swollen following her second “booster” shot. The same thing happened after she received her original second shot. Apparently some people just can’t put two and two together and realize this junk just isn’t good for them.

There’s not much hope that we can change anyone’s mind about getting vaxxed and the best we can do is ensure we too don’t fall for the propaganda or give in to coercion.

1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

God help us not fall for this…I pray that he strengthens our will and resolve even under the most extenuating circumstances. Through famine and food shortages…pray for a strong will yall..

1 year ago
Reply to  BlueRose

Pray for discernment from the Holy Spirit. All the will power in the world will not help someone who has no critical thinking skills. Devout folks who prayed regularly and listened to the Holy Spirit (if they actually had the indwelling) have not been fooled by any of these psy-ops, including the Jonestown jab.

They are not human
They are not human
1 year ago

The elites are on their yachts laughing.

1 year ago

“disneyland in the sky” big lols were had

1 year ago

Sadly these people know what’s killing their loved ones – they’re just too terrified to face it. They’d have to admit to their gullibility, their culpability. You know in the back of their minds they fear every twinge, every ache thinking this could be their day.

1 year ago

All the people responsible, government authorities, freemasonic doctors, health care workers, vaXXXine makers and all freemasonic people who forced these vaXXXines will soon all be in Hell, for eternity and their entire time there will be spent feeling all the pain and misery they inflicted on the children and adults who were injected. During 2023, you will see them all vanish from this earth, when it is cleansed of all evil. Many you will also see burning, right here on earth as they will forever in Hell before they go. The sheep and goats have been separated. Everyone who is part of this satanic ritual including and especially the satanic main stream vaXXXine pushing propaganda news reporters will spend eternity in Hell. They have already been marked. Only the people of TRUTH, Love, peace and God will remain after the evil ones are taken. Then, and only then, a beautiful new world can begin. All soldiers and police and FEMA people who will next push more VaXXXes, tatoos and the Mark of the beast, the digital ID, and the neurolink chips in the brains, will also go to eternal Hell, along with the bankers and elites and all freemasons, will also spend etrnity in an even worse Hell, so the world can be purified after the final test, so that the sheep and goats are finally separated forever.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  Jana

If only this place called “hell” actually existed. Why do we the masses wait for these scummy tyrants with a God complex to slinked back into the shadows just for them to live out their days freely in some hopes that when these elites die, they will be punished in the afterlife?

Their punishment should occur right on this earth.

This is why many of these egotistical
freaks gets away with the destruction they have caused.
Right now Anthony Faunci is making his escape once that puppet Biden no longer can be propped up. That sick twisted weasel been doing these pandemic scam since the AIDs scare.

He’s going to get away with it yet again and will happily enjoy living out his old life laughing at the carnage he has implemented.

The religious folks will do nothing as always and get on their knees and pray that the imaginary place call hell is where Fauci will end up at instead of making his actual living life a personal hell.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

The Buddhists (the least theistic of major religions but not too far from theistic Hinduism in some ways) say there ARE Hell worlds in the after death state. Your karma (action) will determine where you go – the “wind of karma” will “blow” you there – there is no volitional aspect to it and no “deathbed salvation”. Your damage will have been done and recorded by the Universe. Now it is a dream world like all other after death states but if you say only that then you do not understand. Our current world is a dream world too. As a scientist I can tell you that matter is mostly empty space, that the “subatomic particles” that make up the Universe keep their options open and we do not know what they are doing when we are not observing them, that they are not really particles but tiny vibrating strings, that every string is likely connected to every other string, invisible threads called the superstrings, that the Universe is connected by a web of electromagnetic radiation that sees everything at the same time – to me that is getting very close to the God concept. The citta matra (mind only) theory says there is only the one Mind and thoughts and emotions and people and trees are all aspects of it but the Mind cannot see itself just as a razor cannot cut itself so there is no one to know that the one Mind exists. In terms of iconopgraphy, the Lord of Death will hold up the Mirror of Karma and say “show me what you have done”. My personal experiences (without the use of drugs) tell me that what I have said is true. Do not despair – “no one here gets out alive” and no one here will escape “divine judgment”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Yeah….I used to be a Tibetan Buddhist for 15 years….now I am sold out for Jesus Christ. He speaks truth. I knew him as a child, then left for the New Age, and came back 40 + years later after he gave me a dream of the planet being nuked, but those who believe in Him will be removed beforehand. And to top it off, to show I made the correct choice, is the fact that there are many photos on the internet showing the Dalai Lama to be a free mason – he certainly has got the hand signaling down to a fine art. Come out of the delusion and maya while you still can. CERN has a statue of Shiva outside its offices, while inside, they try to open the portals of hell, which WILL happen.

1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

I understand your frustration. Many revolutions in history were started by only a very small fraction of people. The majority usually do not want to fight and just want a peaceful life. Religion or not, few have the courage to risk and give up everything to fight for a serious cause. Although for some, religion may be a crutch like you are implying but also the greatest courage in history came from people who believed in something greater than themselves. At the very least, we should appreciate and support those deep in the fight who speak out for the greater good on this subject and look to seek justice.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
1 year ago

Odd that the settlement was only $3000 if the person got the jab to keep their job. That’s pretty peanuts for the risk of losing your health and shaving years off life expectancy..

1 year ago

Instead of judging why aren’t we uniting ourselves. There is power in prayers and protection for one another. Declaring health and restoration, freedom, victory, wholeness, in Jesus name. If you went to a public school, weren’t you immunized with something, if your child goes to public school, did they get immunized with something to enter in most cases. Did this really start in recent years or in the making for years such as aids, polio, and so many other vaccine injuries in so many other countries? God is in control; he listens when his children come to him. We may not see all that is happening behind the scenes, but God’s hand is moving across the land. Can you not see it? Look at real news not fake ones so many retiring, stepping down, being voted out, exposures, and more exposures coming. God is moving in mighty ways if you open your eyes to see it. Read Jeremiah 30:17 tells us exactly what we need to do. Trust in him we will be Victorious. Praise God

1 year ago

Hopefully this will lead to the end of the vaccine industry. Unfortunately there will be a load of pain involved but there will be a new outlook from this catastrophe.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x