Ontario healthcare workers pester government into allowing fourth injections for all adults, then four doctors, three at same hospital system, die suddenly of #ABV

July 28, 2022

UPDATED July 31, 2022 – The fourth booster carnage continues. A sixth Canadian doctor has died suddenly.

Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman.

This time it was on Saskatchewan. Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman, 44, was a family physician at Melville Medical Clinic. He was found dead at D.A. Mackenzie Aquatic Center swimming pool on July 23, according to CTV News Regina. No further details were provided.


UPDATED July 29, 2022 – Another Ontario doctor, now the fifth one in two weeks, is dead. Read more in the final section of this linked article.




TORONTO — This story has been circulating online since last week. We held off on writing about comedienne Heather McDonald collapsing on stage in February, immediately after bragging about her booster shot, because the story was far too crazy to believe. Ms. McDonald confirmed the details a couple days later; and we reported on it thereafter. The instant story is equally insane. And now it makes sense why mainstream media initially only reported on the first of four Ontario-area doctors’ deaths in a six-day stretch.

In a matter of full disclosure, this blogger was a freelance writer for several news organizations over the past 15 years or so. Thus he still has active email addresses with those platforms, and could technically still accept assignments from them. Obviously mainstream hospitals and research institutions are not going to write back an email from an @thecovidblog address since most of them know who and what we are. We also have a few alternative email accounts with mainstream-sounding names for this particular purpose. That all said, we did hear back from the Ontario hospital system that confirmed what we suspected.

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The Canadian health authorities versus healthcare workers saga that played out this summer was like watching dope fiends at the Carter Apartments in the 1991 film New Jack City.

Tweet threads, like the following one from June 20, display the strange needle addiction of many Ontario healthcare workers. They were literally begging health authorities for fourth injections. Only people ages 60 and up, and a selected group of others, were allowed a fourth dose of mRNA or viral vector DNA at the time.

Dr. Kaplan-Myrth, of Ottawa, told the Toronto Star on July 11 that he and several other healthcare workers were preparing a lawsuit against the Ontario government for “discriminating” against them. He reasoned that only allowing age 60 and up people to received fourth injections violated equality provisions in the Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Canada Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam has been clamoring for countrywide fourth injections all summer. But it’s been a province-by-province process. British Columbia, despite skepticism from top health officials there, started allowing fourth shots on July 8. The Yukon government expanded fourth injection eligibility for anyone over age 18 on July 13. Ontario finally caved, and allowed fourth injections for anyone 18 and up on July 14. But Ontario health officials were also skeptical of expanding eligibility, and were at odds with federal health officials on the subject.

Watch a report below from the CBC News.

Regardless, thousands of Ontario healthcare workers got their wishes and immediately lined up for fourth injections on July 14. And a string of incredible coincidences commenced from there.

Dr. Paul Hannam dies suddenly while jogging

Dr. Paul Hannam was the chief of emergency medicine at North York General Hospital in Toronto. He was also an Olympian, representing Canada in the Men’s 470 (Two-Person Dinghy) class of sailing at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. He and teammate Brian Storey finished 20th in the event. Dr. Hannam was also a marathon runner. In other words, he was in good physical shape.

Dr. Hannam, 50, and a friend were out on a routine, early-morning jog on July 16. He collapsed and died of “sudden cardiac failure” while running. Mainstream media and obituaries immediately confirmed his death and the circumstances thereof.

Three more doctors from same hospital system die in the next five days

Three memos from Trillium Health Partners began circulating online last week. The origin of said memos is unknown; and they are kind of hard to read. But the messages in them were clear.

Dr. Lorne Segall, an ear, nose and throat physician at Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga, died on July 17 at age 49.

Dr. Stephen McKenzie, who had been with Trillium Health for nearly 40 years, died the next day, July 18.

The death of Dr. Jakub Sawicki, a surgical assistant for Trillium Health, was announced on July 21.

RELATED: Reap what you sow? Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October (November 17, 2021)


But all of said deaths were mysterious because there were no official obituaries or news coverage. We continued looking for additional proof, to no avail. Finally we emailed the Trillium Health newsroom late last week, simply asking them to confirm the three deaths. Causes of death were not part of the inquiry because we already knew if the deaths were confirmed, which they were late last night, the cause would be Anything But the Vaccines (#ABV).

Mrs. Iris Sawicki, Dr. Sawicki’s wife, posted a GoFundMe page on Tuesday, also confirming his death. She said Dr. Sawicki was suddenly diagnosed with Stage 4 Gastric Cancer Signet Ring Adenocarcinoma last August.

Dr. Segall’s obituary says he died of a “hard fought year-long battle with advanced lung cancer.” He had been on medical leave from his practice for at least a month.

RELATED: The COVID Blog™ category: Post-injection Cancer.


Trillium Health told the Toronto Sun that rumors linking the three coincidental doctor deaths in five days immediately after fourth injections were authorized by the Ontario government, are “simply not true.”

Updates of post-injection cancer patients who are still alive

We just wrote about Australian MP Prue Car and her post-injection kidney cancer diagnosis earlier this week. Believe it or not, this woman posted a photo of herself receiving a booster shot yesterday, despite the diagnosis.

We’ve been keeping an eye on Mrs. Jessica Krock, who was diagnosed with post-injection ovarian cancer earlier this month. All Krocks in the Kitchen social media channels have been silent since July 10.

Mrs. Selina Dagdag-Alas, of the Philippines, was diagnosed with post-injection uterine cancer in late March. She declared herself “cancer free” on July 9.

She did not specify her treatment regimen. But Mrs. Dagdag-Alas implied it would be chemotherapy on May 1. Hysterectomies are also common treatments for this type of cancer. Of course chemotherapy is powerful poison that destroys everything it touches inside your body.

We posted an update on University of New South Wales epidemiology professor Mary-Louise McLaws earlier this month. She was diagnosed with brain cancer in January. Those are the four post-injection cancer cases out of at least 15 we’ve covered on this blog who are still alive. We’ll continue following all of them.

RELATED: Chickens keep coming home to roost as 5 more young doctors die unexpectedly, including another one in a private plane crash (February 5, 2022)


Mainstream media simply hoped the story of the four dead doctors in six days in the same city would go away. But it’s pretty difficult to cover up something like that. Whether two of them truly died of post-injection cancer is something we’ll never truly know. But obviously cancer sounds better as a cause of death than mRNA and viral vector DNA injections to mainstream media. It’s the perfect deflection that triggers all the “cancer sucks” clichés.

This blogger has sympathy for the stupid, ignorant and desperate people who received these injections. But there are two groups that have no excuses – doctors and journalists. The previous know the true science, while the latter should and probably do know the true science. Politicians were enemies long before the plandemic, otherwise they’d be included in the no excuses category too.

It’s safe to say that doctors and nurses are dying faster than any other professions during The Great Reset genocide. That’s fair, considering they looked millions of people who trusted them right in their eyes, and told them these gene therapies are “safe and effective.” All the “healthcare worker labor shortages” are a direct result. Whether it’s the medical establishment firing the non-vaccinated, or vaxx zealot doctors and nurses dying suddenly, this is what they all wanted. The healthcare industry is going to look very interesting and quite different come late 2023.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

No problem with trash offing themselves.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago
Reply to  SpecOps

If I had a cancer diagnosis, I think I would want to wrap things up quickly. In that unfortunate case, I would get the 2nd dose within 3 weeks of the 1st, and then beg for the booster in another 3 weeks. Why draw out the suffering? I would off myself with the vax.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

No need for that harshness.

Just go back to nature and feed your body with what it needs, vital minerals and vitamins, pure water and pure wholesome food.

Just give your amazing body half a chance and it will correct itself.

As an American doctor stated in his book “Confessions of a medical heretic”:

“When we are sick what are our bodies crying out for?
Are we deficient in surgery and toxic synthetic drugs or are we deficient in pure drinking water and clean organic food?”

Ed Paré
Ed Paré
1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

That’s kinda nuts. What if you could cure yourself of the cancer? Cancer is often the result of your own bad habit(s). – I was diagosed with stage 3 prostate cancer in 2005 at Lahey Clinic in the USA. Confirmed this diagnosis of my prostate core slides with Massachusetts General and with the top physician for this in the U.S. at John Hopkins. Rockerfeller medicine MDs were pushing me for excision, or seeds, or chemo. I said “no thanks” to all of them; did some research on my own; switched completely to organic foods and, for 18 months, did the organic juicing routine recommended by Dr. Lorraine Day, an orthopedist from CA, who reversed her own on the verge of terminal, breast cancer. She has a booklet available which details the routine. I am now 74; routinely have a PSA of 0.4; and have no prostate cancer symptoms. When my current PCP first asked me if I really had prostate cancer, I broke into a wide grin and proceeded to tell him the back story.

1 year ago

I can’t understand these healthcare workers clamoring for the 4th booster. Don’t they see the damaged and dead people as a result of these shots? It’s as if they’re hypnotized to line up for each booster.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

It’s not just that.

MRNA jab is like a slippery slope. Once you jump in, it’s very difficult not to continue if you wanna stay alive. The end of the treacherous slope is anyone’s guess.

All the jabs wane like crazy as mentioned in the news report and from various published studies, and since your immunity system is all but gone (shheesh on that part) you have no choice but to take the next one to keep yourself safe from the next mutated variant.

The jab design is a very malevolent and sinister dual plan. It’s so calculated, I feel like crying…

1. It pressures and enables the virus to mutate much faster since its non-sterilising.
2. Leaves you unprotected from the newly mutated virus once the current jab wanes.

This is in my view is the perfect storm.

But there is hope, only in Jesus. At the mention of his name every knee must BOW.

N.B. Once again Brian an expertly delivered blog item with clarifying facts and supporting data. You are adored.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stepping

Amen. Thank you Jesus for saving me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

I’ve read numerous reports of peoples personalities changing after the jabs.
I have a friend here in England and he is a plumber/handyman and he had a customer in a long term job renovating her house….after she got the booster he said she was a different person entirely.
Always complaining, always angry, finding fault where there is none, even turning her face away when they walked past each other.
And she and her husband were highly educated (whatever that means) people, corporate lawyer and a judge!!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

I totally agree that it is changing them. I have a neighbor, lived next to her for 18 years. She has become a vile horrible person. I don’t know who she is anymore. She was arguing with me and I said to her “I already told you that” and she said “Oh I don’t listen to anything you have to say”……I was like well I guess we are done talking. I realized she is unhinged with her arguing with me and cursing…..Not the same person who lived next to me this whole time. I know its the vax and its going to get worse.

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

Yes, this thing is completely changing some people. I have worked with a colleague for the last three years and I don’t enjoy working with her anymore. To say she is now vitriolic is being kind. She is argumentative and there is zero filter on her – she says truly awful things. A relative of mine also looks for opportunities to start an argument, which is so unlike how he used to be. I am now avoiding as many people as I can. Another relative used to be such a cheerful, positive person to be around. Since she got boosted, she is almost robotic. You can’t talk to these people anymore because it is #ABV?

1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

My brother is a PhD chemist, a professor at a state university, and he changed into a nasty person. You would think that a scientist, highly regarded in his field, would have had the critical thinking skills to see this whole Covid scare was a farce. Nope! He fell for it hook, line, and sinker! Education does not equal common sense.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

This is probably a test of perception and independent thinking rather than intelligence and “following the crowd”. Many black folks and people with advanced degrees are among the refuseniks. One black lady who passed the “vaccines” by said “they’re experimenting on us”.

Jasmine Holiday
Jasmine Holiday
1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

Injection into left arm. Left brain controls right hand. “The Lord is on my right hand”. They’re now controlled by another entity… That’s why they’re becoming vile.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

They’re trained as loyal, adoring pharmaceutical pushers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

Of course, they now see the four walls of their coffin

1 year ago

These doctors and “sick” care workers are a danger to society. 6 feet under is where they belong. Their blind allegiance to this lucifarian industry has put many where they are now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

They sound Addicted almost and definitely obsessed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

I’m convinced the majority in the sick care industry are mentally ill. The good ones saw the error of their ways and the harm they were doing and walked away. Too many have stayed and continue to participate in this obvious genocide in order to get a paycheck. Psychopaths!

Fabricio Pracidelli
Fabricio Pracidelli
1 year ago

Nothing can stop the genocide ahead of us, the wheels are in motion and they have gathered massive momentum. The result will be as intended, one way or another.
What have we done to ourselves? Do we really deserve such fate? If we are the ones doing this to ourselves, if we are the ones doing this to our children, I guess we are the ones to blame. Evil has triumphed. Shame on us forevermore.

1 year ago

Do we really deserve such fate?

Well, when you have together Christians, Muslims, Agnostics, and Atheists bending their knees in unison to the Cult of Moloch & Mammon [the official State Gods of Scientism], the answer is, ‘Yes’.

1 year ago

We are not doing this to ourselves. It is a decades in the making, very well planned depopulation scheme. Most people would be completely defenseless against it, not knowing the Satanic nature of the ELites ruling over the nations.

1 year ago
Reply to  J H

Not to mention the tiny group of awake people who have been speaking out against the NWO for at least 50. All one could do was try to wake others up. We did what we could…but it was like spitting into the wind.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago

Evil will never triumph. God wins in the end. His gift of forgiveness through his Son, Jesus Christ, is there for anyone who will to accept. Time is short.

1 year ago

We are the ones to blame for accepting completely unacceptible things over and over teach and everyone. Again and again. We do not take responsibility for our own lives fully. The others do take action to create the world They want to live in. We don’t besides waiting and commenting and hoping and so on. Even now , we that we know what is going on, deliberate murder and destruction on men and animals and plantlife on an epic scale. We really don’t undertake meaningfull action against it. Nothing.you get what is coming to you then. The law of cause and effect Works the same in all directions. Ask and you will be given whatever you are asking for. Action or no action is the same as litterally asking. We do not give and promote shots, but other then that we are doing nothing meaningfull as well. All those factors will decide how it will be. What the others do but also what we do. It is what it is and it will become what we Let it become. Absolute Truth sets free. It makes you fearless. You are untouchable for the c cult and their demonic leaders but you and me must also take full responsibility for our own lives and the world we want to live in. We are not doing that right now. The wicked ones are. Take Care and much love to jou.

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

If one is awake now, they probably had many chances to awaken earlier. I would wager that many of the commentators here, had multiple chances to wake up to the globalist agenda in the past. I would suggest that they think back to their dim, distant past and recall any person who came into their lives, trying to enlighten them, who they dismissed as a loon. If so, and if you can locate the person now…apologize, and thank them of their effort. It takes a really enlightened person to say: I’m sorry…I was wrong. People who admit to having been wrong, always gain stature in the eyes of those they apologize to. Doubling down is a sign of weakness…and deserves no respect.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

I had a cousin about 30-40 years ago talk about the New Age movement. I didn’t dismiss it. I just didn’t see it around me. Every single thing she and her husband talked about was coming has been 100% right.

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

This is the adversary’s world – for now. The meek will inherit, but presently, flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom, because His kingdom is not of this age. We survive here by His grace and mercy. The 4 angels that are holding back the 4 winds are about to release. Humanity won’t be able to stop the spiritual war started long ago. Certainly, by all means, live the prescribed life, but it will not change His time clock. Cheers 🙂

the original gwen
the original gwen
1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

Exactly, especially Christians who think we’re just supposed to “wait.” The most we can do, if we don’t have the means (many of us lost our jobs over the jab) is to speak out and warn people, but even that is difficult because they won’t listen. But I agree with you. I also think every one of us will be judged to account for why we didn’t do more when the time comes.

Last edited 1 year ago by the original gwen
1 year ago

Evil has its peaks but it’s end is in destruction. Let me explain.

It is interesting because in Tolkien’s work his creation story had a beautiful theodicy built into it as his stories sought to explain evil in a world created by God. In the beginning there was God and twelve angels and they sung creation into existence.

However one of the angels, Melkor sought to introduce dissonance to cause the song to go awry. However every time Melkor sung a dissonant high note it was cancelled by a low note from God.

When Melkor tried to sing a dissonant low note it was cancelled by a high note. All this played out and eventually creation was finished but the dissonant notes and their cancellations proceeded to ring through the created physical world as well until the end of the age when all was finally restored.

It was a great metaphor with creation being made of music foundationally and Melkor singing his own song but God resolving his dissonant notes in the symphony of creation. Weaving evil and its resolution into the same song and cancelling it out.

It is kind of like a master symphony conductor and an audience heckler. Instead of his heckling killing the symphony, the conductor weaves the heckling into a beautiful work of music resolving the dissonance in the song.

Reminds me of Joseph’s inspired words at Gen 50:20:

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Vax2theMax

Sounds like nonsense to me. The angels didn’t assist in creation at all. Just a little error to poison the reality.

David Chanin
1 year ago

It’s the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes. People believe in the shots like they believe in the masks. See the news in Albuquerque about Fabian Gonzales testing positive for Cold-19 and the special accomodations of having him inside a glass box wearing double KN95 masks at his trial starting oan hour from now–on Livestream TV.

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

Headlines this morning here in Toronto, Canada:

COVID-19 vaccine bookings for babies and toddlers open in OntarioOntario parents can now book COVID-19 vaccine appointments for their babies and preschoolers.

This is just BEGINNING now! July, almost August 2022. Despite all that is known!
OMG it is the greatest sin and crime in the history of the world, happening before my eyes in real-time.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Warn as many parents as possible. Stand outside the “Vax” death camps and ask if they have read the warnings of these so called vaccines. If you save just one baby, think of that.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Demonic truth hating parents will have all Hell to pay for when the day of reckoning arrives…Claiming Ignorance is no excuse In the information age…they will pay for their Idolodry with a Millstone wrapped around their necks…

1 year ago

“Needle addiction” – come to think of it, I do see the tattooed and pierced vaxxers well-represented on social media.

1 year ago
Reply to  FNFAL

..“…and he sayeth, thy body is a pincushion…”

1 year ago
Reply to  FNFAL

And the jabbed on social media are often quite angry, aren’t they? Calling names and using the term “anti-vaxer” like a curse. They must be running scared to be so defensive, knowing they can’t undo what they have done to themselves.

1 year ago

I started looking up these doctors last week and boy were the reviews on Segall horrible, he was described as a very horrible arrogant man. It is really difficult to feel sorry for some of these people. No doubt many have also coerced others to take the vaccine.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane


Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

When I had gone to the doctor last Nov, the doctor asked why I was hesitant to get the shot. I didn’t want to start anything so I politely said that it was experimental and I wanted to see what the long term effects were. Then he got angry,pulled down his mask and said I don’t want to wear THESE forever. Sorry, Dude, I’m not taking poison so u don’t have to wear a mask because of your clinic rules. It seems like arrogance is a prerequisite for being a doctor.

1 year ago

That was coercion. Against medical ethics.

1 year ago

Did you find a new doctor? It would have been hard for me not to punch him in his exposed nose when he pulled his mask down to freak out at me.

1 year ago

If he hadn’t learned by then that the vaccines do not stop infection/transmission and he will be wearing those masks as long as HE decides to participate in this farce, then he is an idiot. I would change docs. What YOU decide is best for you should have nothing to do with HIM. Who is the patient exactly here?

1 year ago

Hooray for Prue for getting another booster! Let’s all virtue signal along like good little branch covidiots. ? Wow! Talking about doubling down. Just wow! I had to reread this and this entire article again it was hard for me to comprehend. ? These doctors and staff should be avoided at all cost. How could you trust anything they had to say? My mind is blown. No sympathy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I absolutely, positively, cannot believe that she went and got a booster. If THAT is really the level of intelligence we’re dealing with, good riddance to them. Because it’s really a psychosis at this point.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Since Prue had 4 shots, 4 times hooray for her. No hospitals and doctors for me ever again. ( its been line that for me a long time already) when it is over for me here it is over. I am at peace with that. No problem. Since to me we are not the flesh but inhabit the flesh. What matters is to remain one with absolute truth . I wish for Preu that she can live long enough so that she can take a 5th or maybe even a 6th shot and experience the full horror of what she is promoting. The law of cause and effect is a great teacher and she is begging for brutal lessons which will be given to her. The law of cause and effect does not discriminate. The lesson you ask for will be given to you. It is what it is. 4 times hooray for our Prue.

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

You are correct…Dear Prudence and all like minded Jonestown Kool aide drinkers will go out with any Honor or Dignity….just a One Way Ticket on the Lucifer Express to Valhalla…Trusting inthe Science every bitter step of the way…as it should be…

1 year ago

As a longtime Ontario resident, I can’t even say I’m surprised. Mostly numb to the deaths by now. All I can say to my government is: keep ’em coming. You’ll have to disclose the deaths eventually.

1 year ago

Pharmaceutical trained healthcare workers beg to received a fourth dose of the magic elixir to satisfy their addiction cravings. Wow. Commit suicide and then family expects society to support them thru a Go Fund Me account. This is all so unbelievable. Being a grandfather of 5 I do feel sorry for the children left behind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

Hal I think the same as Brian posts that the family has opened up a fo fund me account for other to provide them payments for their bad choices. The very sad part of this is the powers that be were extremely successful in their fear campaign that otherwise thinking people signed their own death certificate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

Yeah, I don’t understand the GoFundMe thing. Aren’t doctors well paid ? He is not exactly out of medical school either. Don’t doctors have life or incapacity insurance as part of their compensation package ? Unless insurance is refusing to pay…….

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

I have to say; I don’t understand it either Hal.

A doctor’s wife…going onto the “Go Fund Me” platform to beg for money from others.

These doctors make an incredible amount of money per year.

Wouldn’t/Shouldn’t her family/they have Investments?, Insurance? Savings?

…that most everyday people would struggle to have; who may live life paycheck to paycheck and would need some assistance for sudden burial costs etc.?

My goodness! It’s insulting!!!!

1 year ago

Vaxxer: “I’m an independent thinker – tv, newspaper, big business, government, education and church tells me so.”

1 year ago
Reply to  FNFAL

What they mean by critical thinker is atheist really

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

?…all Vaxxers are Atheists? or all Atheists are vaxxers?

1 year ago

I also live in Ontario and gave birth to a baby in January at a Trullium hospital. I had 1 hab last July (first and last). In the hospital, I sensed lots of tension amongst medical staff towards not fully jabbed, they treated me like I was a danger to them. I had covid in the form of sniffles a month prior to giving birth…
While the nurses assisting me were awesome , the doctor forced me to wear a mask while I was having contractions and needed air. I put it on, he left the room, I took it off. I gave birth to a healthy baby. My husband is unjabbed and left after birth, then I stayed in a room for 24 h alone with a baby, he couldn’t come in. But because birth went well and it’s not the first time, I knew what to do. Some nurses were not diligent in their duties, others were fine. The lady who brought food was afraid to come closer to me and put the tray in the far corner of the room while I’m lying in bed after giving birth. What a circus . I’m so done with this bullshit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

Good for you and your husband. I couldn’t imagine having to go to a hospital for anything. It would be like entering a insane asylum now days. Of course you had to pay to be treated like a leper. Congratulations on the birth of your baby.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

You would think that a hospital would know how to deal with all kinds of situations. What have they done before when someone was infectious? If anything you should have been fearful of them coming close with all their shedding. I am happy to hear you and your baby are well and unvaxxed. Congratulations on the birth of your precious baby. ??

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

Sorry to say, your baby may seem healthy but it is likely not. Keep a close eye, and look into alternative treatments for the spike damage caused. And do not let them vaccinate with anything – all childhood vaccines have the potential to cause irreversible harm.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

First may I say congratulations on the birth of your new child. I hope your baby will bring you and your husband joy.

Sorry about how the doctors and nurses treated you. That is the standard for all healthcare professionals these days. Treat people like scum.

However I do have a lot of questions to ask since I am very curious:

So you say you are no longer going to take any more clot (“covid”) shots? Is this going to include all other kinds of “vaccines” such as flu shots?

Are you going to let your child be jabbed for future shots?

Your husband is unjabbed and you are. Were you not concerned with him being unjabbed?

How did you come across ‘The Covid Blog’?

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

there is no such thing as being “unvaccinated” with a spouse. the bioweapon is transfectious. and 1 shot wonders are NOT safe. their roads to hell will simply be slower.

1 year ago
Reply to  tony

oh crap that means i’m not unvaccinated since i live with someone who is?

Damn. I knew someone who would run on my parade.

JL Anonymous
JL Anonymous
1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Hi, This is just my opinion so be aware of that. You being vaxxed once should not be a concern as I believe that the initial round was mostly placebo. The genocidists had to convince the public there was little danger to the jabs. But the more you take, the higher the chance of injury, i.e. higher toxicity in the later jabs. So your health is most likely not compromised, but pls get no more jabs. There is no reason to do that. Do have a regimen of vitamin c & d3, zinc, magnesium, Cu(zinc depletes copper), and other supplements that will boost your immune system. Cancer is typically a result of a weak immune system, so be religious in your preventive actions. If you can acquire ivermectin just in case you are infected that would be a plus. And best of luck to you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Thank you ! Baby is doing well, thank God.

No, I won’t take any more. I fell for the delta propaganda, and decided to get at least dome antibodies to it..When I took that one and only jab I sensed immediately that it was the wrong choice. I had a slight tremor in my fingers and weird , unnoticeable to others, small muscle spasms days later, also a racing heart. I’d wake up at night like I can’t breathe it was really weird! Still have the tremors after a year but very little only in the fingers. The sad part is that there’s no going back, can’t undo it.

No, I’m not taking any more flu shots and any others.

I respect my husband’s choice, it’s his body and he decides what to do with it. The thing is, my parents got Pfizer and told me they had no reaction and since I have their genes ‘don’t worry about it’. But when I told them that I did have a reaction, they said they had something similar. So they didn’t tell me the truth!

It’s sad if I do have up to 3 years to live , though we don’t know when we die anyway, that’s in God’s hands. I pray that I don’t die suddenly and unexpectedly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

At least you are honest and have admitted to a mistake. Thank you for your reply. I have no doubt that you are now busy with your new child.

At least you can not let your child be jabbed with anything they try on throw at you. I mean it! DO NOT LET THEM INJECT YOUR CHILD WITH ANYTHING! You will be doing a service to your child.

Most of us were injected as babies. But now we can take what we have learned do what is right for our children.

It looks like you have woken up. Hopefully you will live to see your baby grow up and have grandkids.

Hears to your health.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

Take NAC, if you can find it, to mitigate some of the vaccine damage. It increases glutathione. There are doctors out there who are trying to help people who are having side effects.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

Congratulations on the birth of your newborn child, Kate!
I’m very happy for you.
Secondly, I’m extremely sorry for your abominable treatment whilst in hospital.
You’re amongst friends here.
You made a life-changing mistake but have acknowledged that and deserve great credit for it.
That is not easy to do and it is a humble person who can admit their mistake.
Many just continue to be haughty & arrogant, live the lie and double-down, triple-down etc.
Such people are beyond help.
Very well done on resisting any more jabs, too – that cannot have been easy in such a coercive environment and especially as you were vulnerable.
As many have said, do not let your child have any injections – I believe all injections going forward will have mRNA in it.
Stay well away.
He has guided you and may He continue to guide you. Amen.
God bless you and very best wishes and love from England.

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
1 year ago

With all the overwhelming evidence out there now that these shots are dangerous they still begged for a 4th shot?? The adverse side effects of their own patients should have showed them to avoid taking anymore of these jabs and they ignored it. Tsk, tsk. What a shame.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew Grant

As has been mentioned many times, these poison elixirs seem to change the way a person thinks, reacts, and perceives reality. It’s as if they can no longer think in a critical or logical manner after receiving so many jabs. Best to stay away and steer clear of all of them.

1 year ago

“They were literally begging health authorities for fourth injections.”

GOOD! Wipe out the great reset enabling whores! Encouraging and shaming others to commit suicide, via death jab.

As for Mrs.Daddag… Tut tut tut. Has she not learned her lesson? Not figured out the cause of her cancer? She is all for praising God but not thanking God for the Holy Spirit of Wisdom to be able to discern Satan’s traps. She’ll keep getting her clot shots and get her “God given” cancer back. She still hasn’t questioned these “vaccines”.

Someone needs to tell this woman the connection between the words “pharmacy” and “sorcery” and then point her to Rev 18:23.

Oh and the sheepy aren’t worried about businesses closing and their corrupt governments not doing anything about it. In Northern Ireland 40 takeaways had to close within the past 3 weeks. SHOCKING! Great reset making it’s mark.

1 year ago

I do believe in the power of prayer. That said, it’s bizarre to drag the Lord into the consequences of an affliction I voluntarily brought onto myself.

Last year I ended a friendship with a person of faith after they made statements to the effect that “the vaccine cannot cause damage beyond what God has preordained for us.” Sorry. I ain’t buying it. God gave us free will, and I’m not exercising mine by lining up for the jab that’s designed to mess with His creation.

Meanwhile, my Muslim family in Asia swallowed the covid narrative almost enthusiastically. They bombard each other with cute stickers of “going out, this is what I keep in my bag: prayer mat, prayer beads, face mask, disinfectant…” They took to organizing family gatherings via MS Teams like ducks to water. “I’ve Had My Vaccine!”, their avatars on instant messengers proclaim. Also, Covid, in their minds, is a plague and people who died “with covid” are martyrs to the plague.

It doesn’t get better on YouTube. Preachers, Christian and Muslim, who I have admired for years, have masked up, distanced, and gone with the flow. Never mind the 20 massive elephants in the room; today we’ll talk about the moral dangers of envy.

Heart-breaking. We are so ALONE in facing up to the truth. May God judge these individuals, and purselves, with fairness. Amen.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

I hear you!
I’m refusing to attend Friday prayers at the hospital (since March) where I work as they still call for facemasks and “social distancing” whilst praying.
I have questioned this with the imam (he said initially that we have to preserve life!), Chaplaincy and Pastoral Services and Infection Control but no responses from any of them.a
I have tried to awaken the brothers who attend Friday prayers via our WhatsApp group but they all support masks.
I’ve told them that this is Satanic worship but no-one is listening.
I’m very much holding the torch on my own.
I despair at the lack of critical thinking and the acceptance of this abysmal state of affairs by those more knowledgeable than me.

1 year ago

These doctors were not that old! Especially Dr. Sawicki. He had a newborn. It’s hard to believe that all these doctors are not capable of critical thinking.

the original gwen
the original gwen
1 year ago
Reply to  Dayna

They probably never thought it would happen to them, and the paycheques keep coming in, so why not? That’s how I think that they think. There is literally little to no introspection.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

I had a supervisor when I was reviewing medical disability claims and she told me they are big on convergent thinking (it is this thing and nothing else) but weak on divergent thinking (throwing a bunch of options out there) – I know they have that “differential diagnosis” category where they list several possible disease processes but I think she was correct. The pressures of their job mean they have to reach conclusions quickly. It is the opposite with scientists. Lawyers don’t want them on juries because they are a nightmare with all the alternatives they think of and questions they ask.

1 year ago

Just a suspicion on my part, but am I the only one questioning this “waning” story? It can’t “wane” if it never protected anyone to begin with. Of course, I could be wrong, and maybe there is conclusive data that I’m unaware of, but I’m surprised I’ve never heard any of the good doctors or scientists address or question this. Not that it would really matter in the grand scheme of things..

1 year ago

I almost start shaking as I read these stories day after day. And so many people I know still think this is all conspiracy theory. Very sad.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

By this point, these “Kool-Aid Konnoisseurs” are too deluded to reason with. Will the 3 Stooges be autopsied? Unlikely (damned Sudden Sheep Sleep Syndrome!). These people will either populate the ‘die-off’, the Infertility Extinction, be injured invalids, or a combination thereof.

1 year ago

“Let the carnage commence”. Or rather “continue”.

Last edited 1 year ago by donthatemetoomuch
KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago

They are outliers – many docs and others are at last waking up. Unfortunately, many are still keeping silent for now. But Critical Mass is fast approaching, after which all the trillions in the world will not be able to keep the lid on this genocide. To the (unwilling) perpetrators I say hurry up and open your mouths – when the sheep do wake up they will not take kindly to their families, especially kids, being wiped out. They WILL come for you.

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

They have had plenty of time to wake up. Critical mass is happening alright, except it is critical mass stupidity and arrogant blindness (nothing to see here, folks!!) Instead they BEG to be governed harder.

1 year ago
Reply to  Holding On

Please please Master Government…I’ll pay more in taxes…I’ll keep letting you steal my Vote and send my kids off to fight in your Zio Wars…I won’t challenge any authority…I’ll even be in the front of the line for the new Monkeypox jab…whatever you say…I’ll do it all…

1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Nope “they” hace gotten away with so much throughout history. So many lies!
There will be no???”nuremberg 2.0″??? and no awakening. Such ideas are laughable and Signal a naivete equal to that of the cattle

1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Do you really believe the surviving vaxxed maimed will go after doctor’s and nurses…or will they double and triple down on all the lies and Stockholm Syndrome they have for the White Coat God’s? We will find out in the next 6-12 months…I myself believe most will demand that the Big Sugar Government take it out on the Purebloods…Vaxxed Zombies are way too proud to ever ADMIT THAT THEY HAVE BEEN HAD…

1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

A more accurate description for them are “Drug Dealers in scrubs.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

AIDS would suggest that they won’t do anything. Crickets. I had a cosmetic surgeon once who said a lady was after him over a nose job. Even that didn’t come to anything.

1 year ago

I really appreciate the picture of Jim Jones at the beginning of the article. Very appropriate. Today this joker would probably be installed at the Whitehouse (Notice I did not say a word about “voting”).

As doctors, these victims had ample resources to determine the effects of these experimental injections. Videos of maimed and murdered victims are everywhere. Groups of doctors and lawyers are exposing this bioweapon for what it is and what it does. Groups of scientists and doctors are showing the bizarre materials these injections are made of.

So ……. were these doctors living in complete isolation with no contact to the outside world? Were these doctors simply incompetent? Did they knowingly play Russian Roulette to keep the paycheck coming in? I wonder their role in the civilian population getting the killshot?

They won’t be missed.

1 year ago
Reply to  MarkT

All those videos and posts of vaccine injury and deaths are buried by the media. Thet should have started asking questions when vaxxed people started dying of “covid” – you know, that they were protected against. Many doctors are noticing but will only speak up if others do. No one likes to stick their head out. Don’t past judgement unless you have been in their shoes

1 year ago
Reply to  Xxxxxx

I risked losing my job (I quit before I got fired, but it was only a matter of time) to stand against mandated masks, tests, shots…I told people why. I will judge. I stuck my head out. There are far worse things in life than losing a job or a career.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

You don’t believe a mask is effective against a microscopic virus? What if it’s a big scary mask ? ☺️

1 year ago
Reply to  MarkT

I think they just go about their everyday lives.

They are doing their banking, shopping, and video chats, playing games online; but not much more in the form of research and educating themselves.

JMHO…and observation.

Most people don’t know how to, or attempt to seek alternative web sites and information.

I stumbled here myself by accident. so glad I did!

That led me to search for more and more info.

Thank God!

1 year ago

These people are like puppies drinking milk with this “jab mania” Pretty soon they’ll be talking about a 6th dose. If they’re still alive that is.

Not woke
Not woke
1 year ago

Another fascinating and timely article, nicely done! What goes around comes around. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

1 year ago

The man standing next to the microphone in the picture lead-in to this article looks a bit like Jim Jones.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anthony

That’s cuz it is Jim Jones.

1 year ago

She should have just taken high doses of Ivermectin. In many Southeast Asian countries it has been proven to kill cancer cells… the Vietnamese did a big study on this.

1 year ago

I just watched the news clip on the 4th shot. Unbelievable! But if that isn’t enough for you they have even more variant tailored vaccines you can get too. I guess we can’t call them flu shots. When does this covid theater end? I have no sympathy and no empathy for these covidiots.

Carole Murdoch
Carole Murdoch
1 year ago

Hey, Brian — I’ve been trying to follow the Krocks’ social media postings since you first reported on Jessica’s post-injection health issues.

As you mention here, she and her husband have been quiet for weeks but on July 30, 2022 Jessica posted an update on her GoFundMe account. Unfortunately, the Mayo Clinic believes her cancer is Stage 4 (not Stage 3, as she had been told) and it’s now metastisized to her liver. Jessica is holding out hope the clinic is wrong.

Thank you for all of your informative reporting!

1 year ago

I live in Scarborough or TO East where you don’t need to scare sheeple any more.
What a city full of frightened little humans.
I see as many face diapers as ever.
CHINADA is bringing in the COMPLIANT ethnic groups that do what GUB’MENT says as they always have .
Blacky and whitey don’t LISTEN WELL.
The Orientals and Sri Lankans which is Scarborough now vote for Trudy and gang.
I find the Indians from India are pretty feisty also.
This is actually stated in the 1987 Rockefeller Papers about bringing in the COMPLIANT ethnic groups.

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