Prue Car: 39-year-old Australian MP takes leave of absence after “shocking” post-injection kidney cancer diagnosis
July 26, 2022

Mrs. Prue Car.

UPDATED July 28, 2022 – Mrs. Car receives a booster shot three days after kidney cancer announcement

Well, give her credit for extreme loyalty to the cult. It’s unclear if this is her third or fourth injection. Either way it does not bode well for her prognosis.




SYDNEY — A 39-year-old Labor Party Member of Parliament (MP) is taking an indefinite leave from her government duties after what is now a probable outcome that all vaxxed people must accept.

Mrs. Prudence “Prue” Car represents the Londonderry electoral district in the New South Wales Legislative Assembly. The Western Sydney native first won the seat in 2015. Prior to that, she was a Penrith (NSW) City Councillor. Mrs. Car was also an advisor to former NSW Premier Bob Carr from 2003 to 2005. She engaged in a very public feud with fellow Labor Party member and former Lindsay NSW federal MP Emma Husar in 2018.

Mrs. Car was elevated to Shadow Minister of Education in 2019. She was elected Deputy Leader of the NSW Labor Party in June 2021, and also became Shadow Minister of Early Childhood Learning that same week.

The woman loves her vaccines

It would be completely dishonest and disingenuous not to point out Mrs. Car’s extreme vaxx zealotry throughout the entire plandemic.

She received her first injection on July 22, 2021, according to her Instagram account.

Mrs. Car received her second shot on August 12, 2021.

It’s unclear and irrelevant as to which brand of poison she received. It’s also unclear if she received a booster. But she sure promoted it for everybody else.

Mrs. Car promoted mandatory masks for public transportation.

She has three children of her own, and promoted mRNA injections for kids several times.

Mrs. Car literally believes that she and other government people have the power to deal out “freedoms” like cards in a deck.

She also repeatedly reinforced the idea that lockdowns only end once everyone receives injections.

And despite being at least double-vaxxed, she tested positive for so-called COVID-19 on New Year’s Eve.

“This was quite the shock”

Mrs. Car took to all three of her social media channels on Sunday to announce that she’d been diagnosed with a kidney tumor. She did not specify what types of treatments she’ll undergo. But Mrs. Car said she’ll be on leave for several weeks.

We know for certain that FDA-approved “anti-viral COVID-19 treatment” Remdesivir destroys human kidneys. Research also shows that Remdesivir has no tangible benefits for so-called COVID-19 patients. A February 2022 study published in the journal Vaccines (Basel) chronicled five post-Pfizer injection patients that developed various kidney issues. Nephrotic syndrome, bloody urine, and blood clots were specifically observed.

RELATED: Technoblade: popular 23-year-old YouTuber announces he has cancer, tells 11 million fans to get vaccinated, dies 10 months later (July 1, 2022)


Mrs. Car is the first case of a post-injection kidney tumor covered on this blog. We’ll update in due course.

And they still won’t connect the dots

Dr. Afzal Niaz, CEO of CellGen Lab in New York, tweeted in November that he was observing cancer rates 20 times higher since the injections were rolled out. His Twitter account was suspended 48 hours later. Dr. Ryan Cole said in an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola earlier this month, “I have seen more cancer in my young patients ever since the shots rolled out than I have ever seen in my entire career.” He’s been relentlessly attacked by the medical establishment since 2020.

New Jersey-based Dr. Craig Wax tweeted that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are “turn[ing] on oncogenes and causing cancer in young people.” He was suspended from Twitter 24 hours later. Dr. Judy Mikovits called the mRNA injections “chemotherapy” and “cancer envelopes” that cause cancer in everyone who receives the shots. She’s now labeled a “conspiracy theorist” and has been banned from YouTube and most other social networks.

So either all of these doctors, with absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose, are lying, or mainstream media and big pharma are lying. Either all of these post-injection cancer cases covered on The COVID Blog™ were caused by the injections, or are sheer coincidences. It’s simply incredible how mainstream media are able to completely control these narratives and leave the masses in the dark, willingly, unwittingly, or otherwise.

RELATED: Alyssa Kent: 40-year-old Australian woman has three brain surgeries, five seizures, stroke after first AstraZeneca shot, so will take Pfizer or Moderna for second shot (July 26, 2021)


Australian politicians, excluding Senators Malcolm Roberts and Gerard Rennick, are some of the most loyal, fanatical, and not-too-bright Pfizer and AstraZeneca cheerleaders on the planet. New South Wales MP Victor Dominello is perhaps the most memorable character.

He received his first AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection in May 2021. Three months later, he developed Bell’s Palsy and the dreaded “pins and needles” feeling in his tongue (which typically signals Guillain-Barré syndrome). Despite the diagnosis, he still received his second AstraZeneca shot last August. Mr. Dominello also received a booster shot in January.

His health seems fine as of publishing. Stay tuned. Victoria MP Zoe Daniels tweeted last week that she received her fourth injection and “suggest[s] you do the same.”

She ended up deleting the tweet due numerous reality checks in the comments. Ms. Daniels re-posted the tweet the next day, with additional whining about trolls and bullying.

Mrs. Car has a very uncertain future. We know that post-injection cancers are aggressive and deadly. We’ve covered at least 15 cases. Only three of them (now four with Mrs. Car) are still alive as of publishing. And all of them are in pretty bad shape. We always hope for mea culpas in these cases, and for Mrs. Car to use her platform to warn others. But based on her unabashed loyalty to big pharma, that’s highly unlikely. All we can do is say a prayer for her.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

People like her who think our natural right to breathe is determined by an authority of slavery deserve everything that comes to them.

1 year ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Too bad she did not exercise… “Prudence”.

I’ll be here all civilizational collapse.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes, Prudence was not very prudent, was she? A pretty lady with a “grave prognosis” as they actually say in medical reports – I had one job where I read thousands of them. A large tumor if malignant is not good. You can call it karma I guess, the “action” (karma) of taking and publicizing a highly questionable medical treatment to say the least.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

“A pretty lady”

Where does that fit in this overall context ?. Her physical appearance won’t make the BS she nurtures in her mind and heart more acceptable and legitimate. Nor will it make the suffering she is/was promoting more bearable to those who have endured it.

Let her have a taste of her own medicine.

It is said Jesus visited Hell and it was full of good-looking people. (look up Hadiths of Jesus translated from Aramaic).

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

This is not Twitter and on this site you can say whatever you like within reason. She is a lovely lady but won’t be lovely for much longer. After her hair falls out from chemotherapy she will look like a Buddhist monk minus the saffron robe. Of course there is a certain beauty to their appearance too. Her prognosis is guarded at best – they will remove the kidney and regional lymph nodes. Ordinarily if the neoplastic cells do not extend to the margins of resection then a cure is more likely – in her case if the regional lymph nodes are free of neoplastic cells a cure will be more likely. Renal cell carcinoma (if that is what she has) does not respond well to either radiation or chemotherapy but it may be her only chance if metastasis has already occurred. Immunotherapy has shown some promise in reducing tumor size and prolonging survival.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Yikes!!…What is so sad is that I know friends who take the first Vax round, catch Cancer within weeks, and then deign to take more from a Booster-?!!.. WTH!.. It’s like no logic or degree of experience or information can reach them??!!….

1 year ago
Reply to  Esperanza

This is our tally, SO FAR:

We now have, of our vaxd  (family by blood and law, not even including any others/friends, which there are):
3 with diagnosed dementia
2 with cancers, one dead
1 with a stroke, behind the eye and now blind in that eye.

With the unvaxd:
Zero issues.

1 year ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Honestly, this is why I’m FULL-ON PRO boosters…for all that did this and those that shamed other into it. So, from my point of view, keep em’ up. I’m waiting for some cheap waterfront property to open up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

Agree. I am done with the vaxx zealots. Time for them to be gone.

1 year ago
Reply to  SpecOps

It’s hard to not agree with that statement.

Last edited 1 year ago by Citizen
1 year ago

All we can do is say a prayer for her.”

My prayer is that she dies sooner rather than later and as painfully as possible. These lying murdering psychopaths have the blood of millions on their hands and it will soon enough be billions.

1 year ago
Reply to  tony

i almost forgot. she is so thankful for the vaccine or it would have been worse.

1 year ago
Reply to  tony

I can definitely understand what you are saying, however the Bible does say that he who has no mercy will be given no mercy. These people who have gotten the shots were either threatened or deceived as to their safety. This woman is one of them. Look at her like the climate zealots. Their nonsense is exactly the same as the Covid shot nonsense. But their true believers still push it because they have been deceived. Just thank God you weren’t and have pity on those who still need to open their eyes. Does she have blood on her hands, yes as a matter of fact she does, but don’t be like her.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

No Zoe, you are wrong. This hideous creature is now responsible for numerous injections of innocent children and no doubt their ensuing sickness and possible deaths. Ignorance is no excuse, especially when they are in a position of power like this creature. I hope, like Tony that she dies a painful, slow and excruciating death. Your bible also proclaims an “eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

You can’t say tony has “no mercy” if he has mercy for others. Just because he has no mercy for someone who pushed people into a mass-murder and suicide as well as the tyranny towards the human race does not mean he has no mercy at all. Is there mercy for Satan?

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

I don’t care what the bible says and will spare you the lecture.

ignorance is no excuse. a combination of ignorance and arrogance has resulted in the deaths of millions to date and that doesn’t bother you. there are billions more to go to their deaths within the next 5 years and that doesn’t bother you.

i have absolutely no pity on stupid, arrogant people. morality is impossible without outrage, something you have lost in turning the other cheek. these murderers have attacked me i promise you i show no mercy on my attackers.

authority should be given only to the wise. americans, without judgment, morals, or propriety have led the world into the abyss. my hatred burns implacably towards these evil destroyers.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

Very well stated and I find myself torn between Jesus’ teachings and the feelings Tony expresses above. For me, those that actually make the policy deserve what Tony espoused. Those that are cheerleaders or plain ignorant deserve compassion.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago

You don’t understand Jesus’ teachings, that’s the problem here. Did Jesus show “mercy” when he overturned the tables of the money changers and drive them from the temple with a whip? Mercy is shown towards those who are ignorant of what they’re doing, or those who repent.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago

I understand Jesus’s teachings just fine and basically said the same thing you did. Where we differ, perhaps, is I recognize in Luke 6 where we are instructed to Love our enemies, etc which is essentially how I interpreted what Zoe was saying. I am saying that for me, I draw the line when a person is enacting a policy – especially one that violates our human rights – versus just being ignorant. It appears from one part in the article that this woman may have crossed this line. At any rate, God will pass judgment. She is suffering now and I feel terrible for her kids. I pray she heals, figures out the shots are at fault and repents.

1 year ago

Mercy was extended to all human being at the cross of Christ . When Jesus died he died before anyone alive today repented. This doesn’t mean they are forgiven that is where repentance comes in. Mercy means withholding of judgement. Someone wrote down wind that God didn’t show mercy to fallen angels (angel’s don’t get repentance) nor civilization when he judged them. Actually he did show mercy to humans because he allows a lot of time to pass before judgement to give them time for repentance. If they refuse to repent then comes judgement and God is the only being who can righteously administer judgement. All I know is I deserve nothing but death from a righteous God who extended mercy to me when I was his enemy. I’ll not ever be wishing death on another human being because I know that is all I deserve. If you want to do that go right ahead, but it’s better to let someone who can judge righteously to dish out judgment. Is that you? Are you a good person? Ever steal? Ever lie? Ever covet? Ever hate someone? If you have done any one of these things you are also guilty before a holy God and deserving of death. But Jesus Christ died on the cross to extend mercy to reconcile us to God through his perfect life death and resection from the dead. Can you not extend this to another soul who is lost and headed to hell for eternity? Or is your opinion they deserve it so you don’t care? Eternity is a very long time an there is no escape from hell, is that where you want to end up? If you are wishing other’s end up there don’t be too surprised when you end up there with them.

1 year ago

Me too, I find myself torn. Torn between wishing her to have the left kidney shut off first or the right kidney. Oh, why is it always this difficult !!.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

She deserves mercy if she repents and uses her platform to speak the truth about the dangers of vaccines. Otherwise she deserves death. Far too many people misinterpret the teachings of scripture. The command to show mercy applies to those who deserve it. If someone is actively trying to harm you or your loved ones you don’t show them “mercy” it’s suicidal. To take an extreme case, a murderer breaks into your house with a knife. You point your gun at him and shoot. Sure, you could have shown “mercy” but then you might have been stabbed to death.

1 year ago

There is a general lack of common sense and some people should definitely not try interpreting the Bible to protect murderers.

1 year ago

Apples and oranges sir. And I’d like you to show me one single person on this entire plant that deserves mercy from a holy God? And Jesus didn’t die because we deserved it, he died because it was the only way to reconcile people to a holy God. Jesus said there is none righteous no not one. When Jesus died on the cross to extend mercy to you did you have to repent before he died? No you didn’t. This woman is a lost soul and if God didn’t extend mercy to us before repentance we would still be lost. I also want to remind you that the Bible is very clear that if you glory in your enemies destruction God will remove their punishment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

“I can definitely understand what you are saying, however the Bible does say that he who has no mercy will be given no mercy.”

Well then, it looks like the Bible is right – she has shown no mercy, and she will receive no mercy.

By the way, does your Bible have anything to say on showing more concern and empathy for murders over the victims of murders?

How about when the murder assists Satan in killing billions?

It’s strange, but Christians and their love for criminals have all but cured me of my Christianity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

We are not all like that. Some of us know that other Christians are misinterpreting the Bible. Don’t let it get to you.

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant in the book of Matthew works both ways. If she is using her position of power to enforce universal vaccinations even after all the reported deaths, then she deserves the same fate. Grace is only given to those who truly repent.

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

All of you people have no idea what mercy is. Mercy is withholding what we deserve, grace is giving us what we don’t deserve. Do you deserve grace? How would you feel if someone was wishing death on you? Are you ok with that? This woman is a lost person and in need of a savior just like you, me and every other human that ever lived. Jesus Christ died for all sinners and if this woman doesn’t repent turn to Christ for salvation she will spend eternity in hell. And so will every other person who doesn’t repent of their sin and put their trust in the blood that was shed for their sins. It doesn’t matter what sin they committed, murder, abortion, homosexuality, theft, lying, coveting your neighbors stuff, worshipping another god, all of it. Just being born in sin makes us enemies of a holy God. None of us deserve anything good from God and condemning another puts us in a judgement seat where we don’t belong. All I can say is I don’t deserve anything but death and I’m so very grateful God had mercy on me led me to repentance and saved me. I wish the same for others.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

Bible was censored so some things don’t add up. For sure there is exceptions to this rule. because:
– God destroyed the Humanity a few times
– Angels fought the rebelious angels and send them to Hell – no mercy here
And so many other cases.
So I would took anything with a grain of salt. There are times for mercy, yes, when people repent and stop doing the bad deeds! But if they spread evil, you must fight!

Last edited 1 year ago by Maria
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

I am a human being with my faults and qualities, and as such I have right to my likes, dislikes and emotions. They are all relative not absolute.

Anybodie’s value and worth in my eyes, is not one’s value and worth in the Sight of the Creator. In other words, I have no power to show mercy or to withdraw it from anyone. That’s between God and His creatures.

My reply to all the bible scholars in this thread.


1 year ago

I’m sick of the discrimination against the unvaccinated. I’m sick of sheeple wearing masks. I’m sick of social distancing. When will people wake up! The powers that be are just jerking our chains, and the vast majority fell in line.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

I work with some highly “intelligent” Engineers, and many of them are STILL receiving injections. Their blind faith in government / big pharma is astounding. Their ignorance of the evil that rules over us is maddening. If you try to warn them, you’re labelled a “conspiracy theorist”, “antivaxxer”, etc. and risk being outcast and fired from your position. I just can’t comprehend how so many people who is so good at science / math can be so DUMB when it comes to the plans of these elites. Clearly there are multiple types of “intelligence” and they are lacking in the “ability to smell bullshit” kind.

1 year ago

Let them have it then. I don’t waste energy on those people anymore. Let them have it. They will not help you against any form of vaccin opression. They will stand by and do nothing. For now, they don’t want to be saved. That is clear. Let them have their vaccination and go their vaccination path. After you got it in all is lost. Better to spend energy strenghtening the unvaccinated. With what is yet to come that is way better. My 2 cents

1 year ago

Because math and science does not require emotional intelligence or common sense. Math whizzes are like savants. They may seem smart but it’s just numbers.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gwen
Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

I work with a number of scientists and mathematicians, many of whom are “piled higher and deeper” (PhD). A lady microbiologist with PhD degree and a lady mathematician with MSc degree are among the refuseniks. There are probably more than a few of us as most people at work are quiet about their “vaccination status” – there are no “mandates” and we all have HIPAA rights.

1 year ago

I am fairly convinced that CNN is sending out something over the airwaves to mind control people. Since most of us don’t watch CNN we’re ok.

1 year ago

Amen!!.. I’m astounded, too!!.. I know PhD. Scientists, & Master’s Degreed Engineers & Licensed Medical Professionals who are LOADED with money, technical resources, Very High IQs, & they don’t have *one whit* of even some Intellectual Curiosity about the oddities & overt disconnects in all of these ongoing pandemic shenanigans!!-???… That’s what makes me think this is far bigger than the mere “mortal” level-?!!..
It’s mind-boggling!!-

Last edited 1 year ago by Esperanza
1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

Statism is the most dangerous religion…this is when the majority of compliant sheeple blindly obey Government without resistance and oppress those that don’t want any part of their charade or violate any of their rights…case in point…I was using public transportation a few times a year ago…and the bus driver insisted I wear a face diaper…when I refused, other passengers got irate and started arguing with me while the rest of them remained silent…not one person came to my defense…in this case I just stood my ground until the police arrived and escorted me out…at that time I knew it was all over…i knew deep down we were at the point of no return…I realized I was up against decade’s of Government propaganda and mind control…the Zombie Apocalypse had arrived…all I felt was disgust and oppression like what would have happened in a Communist country where most citizens surrendered their Freedumbs , I just wanted those Statists to die…that’s how I felt…now I know most of them are up to three or maybe four Jabs in…and it’s already happening…

1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

I commend you for resisting the creeping oppression. I’m glad the cops didn’t shoot you for standing up for your rights.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

You should feel proud that you took a stand. You can be sure that some of those who were silent probably felt like complete cowards after what happened. May their shame consume them. 2020 and 2021 were two of the hardest years of my life for the very reasons you go into here. I was alone in a sea of mindless fools wearing masks. I got into numerous confrontations over not wearing a mask, my hate for the elites and all of these masked up MORONS grew to the point where I was going to get violent. So I had to move out of the city before that happened. Thank God I found a small rural town where masktards are the minority. Let the cities and all the idiots that infest them burn.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

It amazes me that people STILL don’t connect the dots.This past month has been very interesting for me. The latest I found out my ex girlfriend having heart problems and saying she doesn’t get a lot of sleep. We dated but it didn’t work out and remained friends. She was one of the foolish ones who got the shots and got boosted despite me trying everything in the world to convince her not to. Ever since the shots she has steadily gone down. The last thing she text me was she was feeling so bad she was afraid to go to sleep after already being up for four days. I hadnt heard from her in a week. That chilled me to the bone… It is really happening…

1 year ago

I think many of us have family and friends who are suffering from vaxx injuries and death. It is difficult to see them now and how their lives have been negatively affected by their choice to receive the jab. All is forgotten about how they were warned because an “I told you so” is not what you would tell a suffering friend or family member at this time. (I can’t anyway) Also forgotten is how people like me are causing trouble for everyone because I won’t comply. Conversation is very limited because I don’t want to add to their troubles. A truly sad situation for many of us to deal with. I hope your friend finds some comfort in her ordeal and am glad that you have remained a friend to her through this nightmare.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

I am experiencing the same issues with my family, they will never connect the dots. For example, my brother, who is vaxxed told me that he has massive clotting in his arm and shoulder( its the same arm he got the vaccine shot). He has gone to the hospital numerous times for them to drain the blood. His doctor told him its “arthritis”. He cannot understand why he has this “massive clotting”. He can’t use his arm. He’s in constant pain. I told him that it’s the vaccine. His response, ” come-on, don’t go there, it has absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine”.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

“His response, ” come-on, don’t go there, it has absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine”.”
This is either pride talking (refusal to admit he f-d up) or cult member mentality shining through. In either case, people like this are not worth talking to on this subject. You gave it a try once I wouldn’t waste any more energy on it if I were you.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

Arthritis? This makes no sense to me. They have to be more specific than that – why is joint inflammation or deterioration producing clots in blood vessels? Osteoarthritis would hardly do that. Rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis are results of autoimmune disorders and could be related to inflamed blood vessels – ah, autoimmune disorders, another consequence of experimental “vaccines”?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

‘His response, ” come-on, don’t go there, it has absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine”.’

Tell him his denial is not helping his health, and if he ignores the elephant in the room, he and other vax injured will just keep getting worse – especially if they keep getting boosters.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

Hi Mary, i hope you see this soon enough.

I may have the answer for you. I heard it from someone else recently…

Matt 13:12, Mark 4:25, Luke 8:18; 19:26 all say something very similar which i have read for years but never considered very deeply…

Take heed how you hear, For whoever has (hears and receives truth), to him more will be given; and whoever does not have (hears and receives truth), even what he seems to have (truth, light, insight) will be taken from him.

I mean in your brothers case it’s so obvious but yet he refuses to accept it, could it be that by refusing he goes deeper into delusion- believing a lie.

This is very serious. The only way out is to break him out of this satanic spell or delusion through warfare prayer. The enemy has that mind.

God bless

Giusy Smoglier
Giusy Smoglier
1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

I also feel a great deal of sympathy. Heard today about a 6yo boy in Italy who died from a heart attack.

1 year ago
Reply to  Giusy Smoglier

Unbelievably tragic 🙁

1 year ago

Have you heard from her recently? If not maybe you could check on her? Scary. Hope it’ll all be ok ?

1 year ago

Perhaps you should investigate further to see how she is doing. Contact members of her family by phone or email if you can, or drive out to where she lives. She might be in the hospital.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago
Reply to  jojo

She just contacted me today saying she got little bit of sleep. But she still feeling bad. I don’t know what else to do for her but say a prayer.

1 year ago

It’s really sad what these people have done to themselves. Just pray for her soul since anyone that has taken these jabs have significantly cut their life short.

1 year ago

Maybe take her to a freedom doctor who knows what to do….all the best

1 year ago

Yes I pray for family that got the juice. One sibling looks like a ghost when I see them. All life gone out of them. I am starting to see it now. They also juiced up their kids which is heart breaking.Normal juice is bad enough. I suffered from one as a kid but that latest concoction getting dealt is on another level.

Last edited 1 year ago by covid1984pl
1 year ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

Ghost is the right word. I recently saw a sibling that got vaxed a year ago, and that was the word that came to mind. Extremely pale and skinny…she looked ten years older.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Yes, I see relatively young people walking around who just look wasted-out, drawn, & teetering on the brink!!.. There’s a guy in my neighborhood who literally looks like a Ghoul.. I’m sure he’s had multiple shots & concoctions!!- (maybe a really bad combination?)… He looked like a GHOUL!!…
You guys- I just smiled kindly at him because he was getting outdoors & he smiled back, appreciatively. To see anyone in this situation is so unfortunate and an affront to ALL Humanity!!-

1 year ago

You dodged a bullet. She would have been a danger to your children if you had of married her.

1 year ago

Instead of texting her, I would be finding a new unvaxxed gf and letting this go. I can sense some schadenfreude in your comment. Good luck. There are other girls out there.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gwen
Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Yes you are right and thank you

1 year ago

I have an ex who broke my heart….Ironically, this heart-breaker is now having some serious cardiac issues, post-vaccination, yet still runs out to get a Flu shot & catches nasty Covid, no less!!.. I have tried to help, but this is far bigger than logical, diligent efforts by the well-meaning. Something else is controlling or directing their decisions, it seems??..
But, I am full of mercy & compassion while I am on this planet, and wish almost no one ill.
However, I know a couple others who are truly rotten characters & they actually seem to be evading vaccination??.. (not sure, but last I heard!-?!)… So mysterious.. The final outcome in “The End” is definitely out of both my comprehension & hands!!-

Last edited 1 year ago by Esperanza
1 year ago

Oh dear, sounds like that vile political functionary might die. I’m so very sad,…anyway, enough of that….

1 year ago

No sympathy for her. Drunk on her power to control others, force shots on those who don’t want it. Deny freedom of choice and movement. Progressive biotch is what she is. She’s clearly reaping what she sowed. I only worry about her children and hope they don’t suffer from their mother’s stupidity. They are the only innocents here. Virtue signalers can post about their post shots adverse affects.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

You can probably bank on the fact het children were jabbed.especially if her adverse event didn’t happen right away.

1 year ago

People like Mrs. Car are utter scumbags!

Anybody that advocates for denying unvaccinated people the right to participate in society are monsters who deserve everything that is coming to them.

The vaccine logic never made any sense: the only way to stop covid is to get everyone vaxxed. What? What is the point of vaxxing perfectly healthy people(aside from pushing the NWO)? Stop it with the lie that breathing kills granny. Us purebloods don’t need a vaccine because we have a thing called a natural immune system.

I’m not a danger and don’t pose a threat. It’s the idiots that are always sick who should take some damn accountability and stop shaming others for choosing to trust their immune

If these vaccines keep on wiping out or maiming pieces of filth such as this horrible woman then so be it! The fewer scum on this earth, the better.

Keep ’em coming, Brian (because we all know they will never stop).

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Hear, hear. The idea that perfectly healthy people with no observable symptoms will spread a deadly disease is so ridiculous, I have no words to express my RAGE.

Average Joe
Average Joe
1 year ago

Oh well. This power hungry control freak doesn’t, never did and never will give a shit about any innocent soul harmed by her vile diktats.

Screw her, that egocentric bytch. Simply put she’s a mass murderer. Categorically ZERO sympathy from this reader. Die and be done with – off to Hell with her.

1 year ago

The level of condescension telegraphed by these social media stills ( I got mine, so you get yours) are nauseating. And like a TV doctor wearing a stethoscope, they always seem to be complete with the prop mask. The only thing they really accomplish is looking like a stupid faceless rube.

1 year ago
Reply to  FNFAL

And they have to post everything on social media. Pity me, have sympathy for me, virtue signal with me, if you don’t agree with me then you are a bully. Ad nauseum. Zoe Daniel’s looks a lot older, even with her mask on, than her profile picture. The shots and constant daily worship of the covid narrative ages you. I am glad they’re getting push back.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I have noticed it too. People are aging quickly, right before our eyes. Maybe just slowly dying from the poison. Ms Zoe issues a condescending “suggest you do the same” and then bitches about bullying trolls. Who are these people?

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Zoë Daniels looks absolutely ridicoulos. A perfect example of a fool.

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

I am spared the horror of photos of me in the 80s with the big hair, leg warmers etc. I always dressed more preppie and was not a slave to the current fashion trends. And I also made sure I have not been photographed in a dumb mask virtue signaling. It looks stupid now. This look will not age well in the future. ?

1 year ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Reminds me of the scene from Airplane where Leslie Nielson’s character is approached by a stewardess and asked if he’s a doctor. And he’s got a stethoscope around his neck.

1 year ago
Reply to  FNFAL

I have a Friend of a friend who went Full-Bore Bragging about his Booster all Winter!!.. ALL over the Internet, Facebook, Advising the World, as such… Well, he’s now suddenly DEAD, “heart-related”.. He was a Harvard grad & had chosen atheism, per my friend. He had no other diseases or anything.. Just leave the “finale” to the Infinite!!- (This really happened!! & the vax rate in the Ivy League is extremely High!!.. Too ‘smart’ for their own good??…)…
I think it’s such a shame, honestly!!- for him, for all. What a loss!.. But, some things fully transcend mere human “brilliance,”–perhaps, thankfully!!-

Last edited 1 year ago by Esperanza
Fabricio Pracidelli
Fabricio Pracidelli
1 year ago

Just like with the hordes of commie zombies, the vaxx zealots are basically divided in 2 oversimplified groups. The first and larger group is made of the pathetic ‘good commie’ or, in this case, the ‘good zealot’. These people actually think that they are pushing these obviously fraudulent agendas for the ‘good of humanity’. The other group is the ‘evil geniuses’ that understand the fraud but they don’t care since in their view they are playing in the winning team and they have a lot to gain. I’m not sure which group is more despicable. Anyway, the point is, it’s unbelievable these ‘high level politicians’ are actually taking the poison. I guess a minority of these parasites are dumb enough to believe their own lies, but I would bet most of them are faking it.

1 year ago

TPTB – I mean the ones really in charge – consider her a useful idiot. Once they do what you needed them for, then you get rid of them. She fits the bill.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
1 year ago

These people will never wake up. Never! The Bible talks repeatedly about good versus evil. But it has little to say about smart versus stupid, or aware versus oblivious.

Again, it seems painfully obvious..
You can lead a sheeple to information, but you can’t make her think.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

Please read Proverbs. It compares the wise (smart-aware), and the foolish (stupid), and the naive (oblivious), throughout. Proverbs has 31 chapters, I think. The way I got through it is: if it is the 26th of the month, then I would read the 26th chapter. Went very fast!
Many people are deceived, though. The Bible talks a lot about them, too, and the root causes.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
1 year ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

Yes yes, fools will rush in and do this, while the wise will refrain and do something else. I don’t like to argue, but the Bible does not differentiate between low/high IQ versus the ability to discern larger contextual patterns regardless of IQ, which is generally regarded as “wisdom”.

I see relentless stupidity all around me. It’s something far different than just “foolish”, instead it is an inherent lack of someone to understand little more than the most simple concepts. Of course it’s a sliding scale varying from person to person, but it is nonetheless judged on a different scale than “foolish”.

Being foolish is a product of environment, such as graduating from propaganda mills that pass themselves off as universities. But stupidity in its myriad forms is directly due to innate genetics, and is thus not fixable. Unfortunately, The Bible has no definitive concepts by which to differentiate between the two.

Finally, the Bible is primarily descriptive about all the above, not prescriptive. Otherwise, it would have some definitive answers for much of what society is going through, true answers other than “just do what I say”.

We are living in a time where leaders cater to the stupid at the expense of the intelligent. It’s all dumb and dumber. No amount of discerning good versus evil is going to cure us of that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

Yeah, it’s really complicated. Many of the inner-city denizens, and my humble, manual labor mechanics, are smart enough to call the shots, “the Mark,” and they call the CDC, “Clowns Dictating Clowns.”-!!??..haha!.. They are not traditionally overly educated or intellectual, but they’re thinking!!..

Last edited 1 year ago by Esperanza
1 year ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

I have been remiss my whole life about reading the Bible. Time for me to get educated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

Revelations 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;

They are trying to ban the bible.

1 year ago

“But I have reservation for a seat at the table. Can you check again?”

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

“It must have got lost in an email glitch and there is no room left at the table. Bye-bye!”

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

“It’s a small blood, and you ain’t in it!” – George Carlin

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

George Carlin comes to mind here:

“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
1 year ago

What can a mindless bimbo like that actually do?

ans: be a WEF sock puppet installed into a corrupt, rigged system and say whatever they want her to say.

1 year ago

and for pay Or perhaps its just a CIA bot.

1 year ago

A useful idiot – not deemed important enough to protect herSELF, even after victimizing millions.

1 year ago

Hi all.
Keep it real and always read this site to keep sane
the truth is the best antidote

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

“Australian politicians…are some of the most loyal, fanatical, and not-too-bright Pfizer and AstraZeneca cheerleaders on the planet.”
The Canadian government sure loves their Big Pharma too.
I have to wonder why… Is it because of collusion and malfeasance all the way up all of the decision-making chains? There are advisory Boards and Panels who recommend what the provincial Health Ministries in Canada should do.
Just a couple of weeks ago these toxic injections were ‘approved’ in Canada for little tiny children! Despite everything we know! How appalling.
I perceive it as a bit of an intelligence test for parents (with an endless supply of Darwin Awards as booby prizes).
It was explained to me that Satan can be taken advantage of, and used to help the Lord sort through vast quantities of chaff.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

I hope Ms. Car will be cured…of her self-delusion. All who live with their head up their arse are a danger to themselves. Its the ones who also have a public voice that are themselves a cancer to society.

1 year ago

If government was transparent, her posting should have been more like this


Freedom to be bodily incapacitated (up to and including death) by any or all of the following:
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) – Blood Clots
Brain Tumors
Coronary Artery Dissection
Congestive Heart Failure
Pulmonary Embolism
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Ramsey Hunt Syndrome
Bell’s Palsy
Paget-Schrotter Syndrome
Erythema Multiforme
Bullous Pemphigoid
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

This is a partial list, opportunities abound for many other maladies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

And sudden stage 4 cancers.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

I am sorry but I have no sympathy for this Prue Car. She is just another order follower. ‘I was just following orders’ will be her line of defence if the sheeple do wake up. Though I doubt the sheeple will ever wake up. Please remember history has shown it is always the order followers that do the most damage. They do the puppet masters’ work with relish and willingly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Just following orders will not cut it this time. But it will not matter to her. Cause and effect took care of that. Cause and effect does not care about following orders. You reap what you sow. End of story.

1 year ago

“The vaccine is our best defense against Covid-19.” Yawn. Says who? The two paid-off pseudo-government agencies? Where was the nation-wide open and public debate about what works and what doesn’t? Parrot much?

As an MP, please tell me you have a bigger horn to blow than crying wolf about a real 1 in 100,000 death rate disease?

Last edited 1 year ago by FNFAL
1 year ago

If it saves even one life, her cancer is worth it.

1 year ago

Speaking of oncogene, there was the nurse in Slovenia that quit .. who knows if this is true, but another thing to watch for

“The head nurse of the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving the vaccines and manages everything, has resigned. He went out in front of the cameras and showed the vials of liquids.

She showed people the codes on the labels, each containing 1, 2, or 3 digits in the code, and then explained the meaning of those numbers. Number 1 is placebo, saline. Number 2 is classical RNA. The number 3 is an RNA stick that contains the onco gene associated with the adenovirus, which contributes to the development of cancer. For these vials, number 3 says that people who receive it within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer”

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

Such blind obedience like this woman and those like her, rivals that of the Nazi’s.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

They are EXACTLY like the “Good Germans” during the NAZI reign. I fully understand now how that all happened. This Covid situation exposes how many people are stupid and/or without integrity.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

The Good Germans and their families were not being purposely poisoned. In fact, the Nazis would not allow fluoride in water as it was too dangerous. Of course, if the Nazi psychos had been able to direct any poison to only affect certain groups, they would. Anyway, this difference means that when the sheep wake up, and the majority soon will, I would not like to be any politician/doctor/scientist/human who had aggressively pushed these abominations. They will get torn apart.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

They’re called compensated psychopaths.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

It’s the yellow-streak that hit me the most in the face while watching friends and family roll up their sleeves without a fight. Heck, without asking one question about the jab. They did not see the long-term effects on their freedom either, or on their health and lives. Or they didn’t want to.

1 year ago

It’s been common knowledge, from day one, that these jabs are “Experimental”. Another way of saying Experimental is, ” who the Hell knows what’s gonna happen?” Calling an experiment, “Safe and Effective” is an OXYMORON. The root of the prefix: OXY means sharp; those who took these jabs were not that sharp, leaving only the suffix Moron.

1 year ago

I will never send a prayer for a Tyrant. She is nothing more than a brainwashed idiot who grifted her way to political office. She has no medical experience or knowledge that would set her apart from the average person at Walmart. I’d trust the average person at Walmart than any Leftist politician who is backed by the WEF and/or CCP. She chose this path and will need to deal with it. Same goes for the rest of them.

1 year ago

I just read about Prue Car this morning and first thing I wondered was, was she vaxxed.

And of course she is, AND she’s a vax zealot.

I listened to an interview with Tracey Spicer yesterday about her “long covid”. All her symptoms are vax injury symptoms e.g. ulcers all over her mouth, nerve issues, extreme tiredness, all still ongoing after 260+ days. It sounds that physically, she is stuffed.

1 year ago

Gee, one more Karen who wanted us in camps heading to meet her maker.


I wonder what’s on BBC2?


1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

She be hangin’ with Karen ” Croaked ” Heisler…two more peas in a vaxxed pod…

1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

Haha ? I forgot about that Karen.

1 year ago

You can either learn by using your brain or trough the hard way. She choose the hard way. Everything else then is subject to the law of cause and effect. The great leveller . The day of reckoning will come for everyone. It cannot be escaped by no one and continues in the spirit realms as well. So long lady vax. Had 2 rapid liver cancers deaths within my circle of people. Both within 3 week. Both vaccinated. Both gone. Quick. It is what it is. The saga continues as goes for the law of cause and effect. The lady is a goner which is a good thing in this case. Off with her.

1 year ago

I can only hope Prue and her friends assume room temperature.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

I thought all politicians get the saline jabs?!?!

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

She wasn’t high enough on the totem pole. To get to the level of “inside knowledge” and fake jobs is probably only attained by the elite of the elite. Many never make it of course.

David Chanin
1 year ago

Read Mackay from the 1850s Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Also Elias Canetti 1962 Crowds and Power, Trotter 1919 Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War.

This kind of mass formation psychosis happens when a nation goes to war. This is the first time the world has gone to war against itself.

Cara Chanin
Cara Chanin
1 year ago
Reply to  David Chanin

Well said David!

1 year ago

I’ve said it on here once my neighbors daughter and her sister (her own sister, not the daughters sister etc) both diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Newest update her sisters cancer is too advanced to remove (she’s in her 70s, so) but the daughter 40s has 6 spots of malignant cancer in her lung….she has already had tumor removed from pancreas as well as chemo and radiation. Non smokers. They’re trying a treatment before they put her back on chemo and radiation 🙁 she has been thru hell. She is an employee of LabCorp one of the first to line up for the shots likely and her parents told me she encouraged them to get the jabs. She’d be dead if it wasn’t for her family who is also going down hill 🙁 and if I may add…a friend of mine who needs to see his dermatologist for a couple spots can’t get in for over 6 months. What’s up with the dermatologist being booked up that long in the states?

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Mac

…for a couple spots can’t get in for over 6 months. He should try to fix them himself – most skin cancers are incredibly easy to cure if the immune system is half functioning. I would rather cut off a limb than see one of the white-coated gods for a chronic condition or diagnosis.

1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Absolutely. My 21-year-old cat had a tumor on his chest. For a week I applied soursop tincture on it…and it fell off, leaving an open hole. I used colloidal silver (I make my own) and castor oil on the hole, and it was completely healed in a few days. A friend in Mexico makes the tincture from her own trees, but I recently learned one can purchase it online. Topical colloidal silver, and Pacific Yew tree ointment also clear skin cancer. Both can be found online.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mac

Chemotherapy in itself is a death sentence and does not work 97% of the time…a doctor can get up to $5000 reimbursement on a $12,000 Chemotherapy procedure, compared to maybe $100 reimbursement for prescribing large amounts of antibiotics…Chemotherapy is not only a huge financial scam, but it’s also cruel and unusual punishment…even the US Constitution forbids capital punishment and cruel and unusual punishment…but with the medical industrial complex…it is just simply not illegal…

1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

These people are better off fasting then adding more poison to their already frail bodies. These shots are doing exactly what Big Pharma intended. Cha Ching!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mac

 “She is an employee of LabCorp one of the first to line up for the shots”

LabCorp is probably going to have a major labor shortage soon, if not already.

1 year ago
Reply to  jojo

There is a labor shortage everywhere already !!!.

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
1 year ago

She’s so shameless that she even promoted the COVID jab for those age 5 to 11. Shame on her!

1 year ago

From the Idaho Capital Sun article on Dr Ryan Cole:

“The patients believed ivermectin would treat their COVID-19 symptoms, the doctor wrote. But ivermectin — a medication used in the U.S. and globally to treat parasitic infections — did not help them, and the patients “unwittingly [contributed] to the hospital capacity constraints that we are currently facing by relying on disinformation perpetuated by Dr. Cole, which not only presents a danger to the health and well-being of the patients, but also our community,” the doctor wrote.”

This makes no sense – considering the “mainstream” treating plan is to do nothing (except for Tylenol) and wait for some of these patients to show up in ER/hospital a few days later.

So which approach is better: Try a safe medication or do nothing/hope for the best? And how is approach 1 contributing to hospitalizations more than approach 2?

When are people going to wake up and call the BS of these mainstream articles and reports?

For the record, as of today July 27, 2022, there is no outpatient treatment plan if you test positive or have symptoms of C-19 in Canada – other than Tylenol. I’m pretty sure the same is true in most of the US – if someone can confirm or debunk this, that’d be great.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Alex

Basically true but they will put you on Z-pak (azithromycin) for 5 days to counter any bacterial lung infection, tell you to gargle with salty water, and take vitamins D3, C, and the mineral zinc if you wish.

1 year ago

So here’s my two cents worth… The mRNA injections are a huge experiment, we can agree on that. The question is, what kind of experiments and how many are there? Since the government has basically given big pharma a get out of jail free card, big pharma can do whatever they want with zero consequences. They can pump you full of cancer cells and no one will be the wiser. These gene altering injections could be specifically designed to create these aggressive cancers. Again, big pharma kills and destroys people’s lives and walks away with no consequences. Does anyone else believe big pharma is paying off governments yo push these experiments?

1 year ago
Reply to  Expat

It is not an experiment. It is all on purpose. It is planned.

1 year ago

She deserves zero sympathy. She did this to herself like a drug addict OD-ing. Worse, she encouraged the public to take this deadly mess. Who knows how many people died because of this dumbass?

1 year ago
Reply to  Next

A drug addict who O-Ded deserve sympathy. Only God Knows what storms he/she has been through and what pain he/she was trying to ease.

1 year ago

Sick as she is and getting boostered and bragging about it. That is sick. Feel sorry for her in many ways but boy, did they ask for it.

1 year ago

Prudence. Something this person has probably not exercised much of in her short life. Dear Prudence, it’s probably too late for you to smell the coffee.

1 year ago

Ms Car told the truth right at the top of this article when she said after an injection, “Like so many Australians, my risk of severe illness…is increased.” Amazing.

1 year ago

That last Paragraph was SO ON-POINT, in summation!!.. I have 3 relatively young, “Boosted” friends with the “Big C” Cancer now (& non-smokers!); another one is having a Hysterectomy (for excess bleeding) at age 35 (?!); 2 dropped Dead (one “heart-related”!); 2 in wheelchairs from various severe, disabling neurological disorders; and one has a sudden autoimmune blood disease (Thrombocytopenia) that the FDA finally added to the growing number of mandatory “Warning Labels.”.. Now they tell ya!.. Unreal!!.. I’m trying to cope!!.. Thanks for the solid “gut punches” & “reality check” here!–

1 year ago
Reply to  Esperanza

Almost everyone I know is vaxxed, but I only know of one with issues (Pfizer, tinnitus), and one person (a couple of people removed from me) who died (AZ). I’m in Australia. I read about a lot of people having major problems up to and including death though.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

I just remembered, my brother’s company of about 100 people has two people who haven’t come back to work after their vaxxes, one is now on a heart transplant list.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Esperanza

That last one can be a real killer – look up the story of Gregory Michael at Mt. Sinai hospital in Miami. I think he took just one injection to protect his patients he thought and noted broken blood vessels in his hands and feet. He had ZERO platelets (thrombocytes) – they could not believe it and did a manual count. They found ONE where there should have been several hundred thousand. They gave him all the platelets in Dade County and finally decided they had to do surgery to remove his spleen. He died before he got there. You bump into something and bleed to death basically. A blood specialist at Johns Hopkins U. in Baltimore said it was a “medical certainty” that the vaccine killed him. He added something like “when you vaccinate a lot of people, things happen”. I am not joking about this – all from memory.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
1 year ago

my dad is supposedly in remission from non-hodgkins lymphoma; he was diagnosed in november after months of worsening symptoms. he had gotten his shots in april, and his appetite left within weeks. he wound up losing over thirty pounds before they even got him in for testing. he had eight treatments and was back to his old self almost immediately. i hope he’s enjoying it, as it’s only a matter of time until the spike protein gets him via lymphoma or heart attack; he had a stent placed in his heart maybe ten years back, so the tendency for blockages is already there. he and my mom and my daughter all blew me off and each now has something going on. my mother is wearing a heart monitor, and my 21 year old who ignored my warnings has a period every two-to-three weeks.

there will be i told you so’s.

1 year ago

So scary. My Daughter would not listen to me, I don’t know if she’s having any issues or not. I just saw today an Australian Specialist in the maternity area has been keeping track and says the miscarriage rate amongst vaxxed Women is running at 74%.

1 year ago

I know identical twins from my childhood. One took the three jabs, the other refused. The one who took the jab died of brain cancer that was diagnosed three months prior. Extremely aggressive cancer caused by the jab.

paul pettitt
paul pettitt
1 year ago

Did Pru not take note of Shane Warn incident ? Sooooo dumb !

1 year ago
Reply to  paul pettitt

That was caused by anything BUT the wax 🙁

1 year ago

26th Sept 2022

She is apparently back at work.

“My tumour ended up being so aggressive that it was double the size of what was predicted,” Ms Car said in a statement on Monday.

1 year ago

This happened to my husband’s sister in France. After her 3rd vaccination, she felt sick. A tumor was found on her adrenals which is located on the kidney. She had surgery to remove it, just as Ms. Car has had done. Mireille was “well” for about 6 months, then felt ill again. More cancer was then discovered, this time IN her kidneys. She died 3 months later. She was 45.

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