Anniken Jørgensen: 25-year-old Norwegian beauty entrepreneur suffers menstrual bleeding everyday for a year since her second Pfizer mRNA injection
July 22, 2022

Ms. Anniken Jørgensen.

OSLO — A 25-year-old fashion blogger, designer, author and social media influencer is now the most extreme case of post-injection menstrual syndrome (#PIMS) we’ve covered on The COVID Blog™. And mainstream media are scrambling for control of the narrative as this phenomenon can no longer be ignored or hidden.

We wrote earlier this week about NBC News acknowledging that vaxxed women across the globe are experiencing myriad menstrual irregularities. But it’s now clear that said story was only allowed on the NBC News platform as part of give-and-take propaganda tactics. The article used words like “menstruating people,” with a headline reading “42% of people…bled more heavily.” This deliberate poison pill worked to perfection. Most of the Twitter comments were about the liberal-feminist agenda of androgyny and erasing women altogether, instead of people discussing the #PIMS phenomenon.

Said agenda is playing out in the most surreal ways possible.

Demetrius “Demi” Minor is a low-life criminal who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for manslaughter and carjacking in 2011.

Demetrius Minor.

He got tired of getting the crap beat out of him for a decade in New Jersey men’s prisons where he belongs. Last year, the New Jersey Department of Corrections adopted a policy that allows men who say are women to be housed in female prisons. Minor, 27, quickly started wearing eye liner and saying he was a woman. He was moved to an all-female prison last fall.

Minor was moved again last week, this time to a men’s youth facility, after impregnating two women at the female prison during “consensual sexual relationships.” Any man in California, Illinois, New Jersey or some other preternatural state can now commit egregious crimes, immediately put on lipstick, and be imprisoned with women.

RELATED: 6 cases since 2019 of men who say they are women (“transgender”) raping little girls in bathrooms, women in prisons (April 27, 2022)


Meanwhile, less than three weeks prior to the NBC News #PIMS piece, Time magazine wrote an article citing a study published in the journal Nature Communications. It concluded that mRNA and viral vector DNA injections “confer measurable benefits to the mother and child.”

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updated its guidance on July 14, recommending that pregnant, soon-to-be-pregnant, and breastfeeding women receive the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. The entire page is full of extremely reckless, dangerous propaganda, particularly that “COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is safe and effective.”

RELATED: Truth confirmed: research proves two more “conspiracy theories” related to vaccine shedding, pregnant women to be true all along (May 25, 2022)


All of the foregoing is the reason why perhaps tens of millions of women worldwide are suffering in silence with this very personal health issue caused by experimental injections.

Getting to know the Norwegian fashion blogger

Ms. Anniken Englund Jørgensen, aka Annica Englund, is from Drammen, Norway, about 27 miles (43 km) southwest of Oslo. She appeared in one episode of the television series Big Brother in 2012, when she was just 15. Ms. Jørgensen started a fashion blog around this same time. She amassed 82,000 Instagram followers by 2014.

We assume Ms. Jørgensen was born into wealth because she was described as a “rich fashion blogger” in the 2014 web series Sweatshops: Deadly Fashion. She didn’t have near-enough website traffic and Instagram followers to be making millions on her own at that time. Ms. Jørgensen also displayed complete obliviousness about Cambodian sweatshops and the general conditions in the country during the first half of Episode One of the foregoing series. Asian sweatshops are also not some global secret.

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Ms. Jørgensen and two other wealthy fashion bloggers from Norway traveled to Phnom Penh to immerse themselves into sweatshops and Cambodian life firsthand. They experienced the manufacturing process by working in a sweatshop for one day. They also stayed one night in the home of a regular sweatshop worker.

The show was quite predictable. Ms. Jørgensen, when she first saw the textile slave’s worker’s home, said, “our bathroom is bigger than her whole house.”

You may watch the one-hour episode below if you wish.

RELATED: Whitney Rife: Instagram influencer was offered “thousands of dollars” to take vaccine selfie (April 13, 2021)


A few commenters wondered if Ms. Jørgensen uses her platform today (which includes 277,000 Instagram followers) to bring attention to Cambodian sweatshops. We could not find any content on her platforms after 2015 mentioning Cambodia.

Today Ms. Jørgensen has a beauty products line called Natalie by Anniken. She’s also authored two books: Just Give Me One More Night (2019) and And Then Came The Rain (2021). Ms. Jørgensen was accused of plagiarism in her first book by Australian author Beau Taplin.

Most of the reviews of said books are also not very flattering.

“This book feels like both a first draft and a desperate cry for help. I constantly alternated between feeling sympathy for Anniken and being completely abandoned. It’s simply an unfinished and incoherent book, and that’s a shame, because Anniken has something to tell, it’s a story somewhere. She just has not been able to get it out in a good way. Everything she tries to say disappears in countless attempts to be deep.”

Ms. Jørgensen collaborates with several brands on Instagram. She also appeared in a Norwegian version of Dancing With The Stars last year. One website says she’s worth around $3 million. Ms. Jørgensen met her fiancé in the summer of 2021. She asked him out. But he rejected her four times. They finally went on a date in October, moved in together in February, and are now engaged.

“My heart feels so sad”

It’s unclear when exactly Ms. Jørgensen received the injections. But a lengthy November 2 Instagram post was the first clue that something was very wrong. She said she received a “birth control shot” in June 2021. We assume she’s talking about the Depo-Provera injection, which of course is manufactured by Pfizer. It’s also reasonable to assume, based on clues throughout her Instagram page, that Ms. Jørgensen received the Pfizer mRNA injections around that same time.

She said in the November post “I have been bleeding ever since” the birth control shot. Ms. Jørgensen stepped on a soap box from there. A bit of what she wrote:

“I don’t want to do this anymore, and at the same time being pregnant would be the worst thing for me, I don’t want children and I would do an abortion (i feel I have to be honest about that).

Ms. Jørgensen started hinting in December that the Pfizer injections were causing her menstrual issues.

She tried living a normal life. But Ms. Jørgensen was now a woman experiencing a perpetual period. She posted an Instagram story in February. Ms. Jørgensen wrote again that she doesn’t want children, and doesn’t care if her boyfriend leaves her because of it. She said she’d rather adopt, seemingly conceding that she’ll never be able to carry a child to term even if she wanted to.

Ms. Jørgensen, again, tried living her life as normal. She said nothing further about the menstrual issues until this past Wednesday. But this time she said, in more certain terms, that the bleeding started after her second Pfizer mRNA injection.

“It’s been a full year of bleeding every single day except 1,5 month. I’ve been bleeding the same amount this period as [a] women does in her entire lifetime. In one year.”

Ms. Jørgensen was vague in her most recent post yesterday. But she appears more defeated than at any point in her Instagram “life.”

We’ll update in due course.

All out war on women

The COVID Blog™ book, set to be released on December 15, 2022, is completely outlined now and being worked on about eight hours per day. An entire chapter is dedicated to what we call “Shawn Skelton Syndrome,” the post-injection autoimmune disorder that causes uncontrollable convulsions.

Ms. Skelton (Vidiella) was the first case we covered back on January 14, 2021. Ms. Kristi Simmonds, Ms. Eve Dale, Ms. Casey Hodgkinson, Ms. Dominique de Silva, and Ms. Danielle Turner are just a select few of the 25-plus subsequent cases we covered in 2021 alone. Notice that every single one of them is female.

Mr. Fred Pye is the only male case of Shawn Skelton Syndrome we’ve covered on this blog. Perhaps women are just more willing to talk about it publicly. But there’s no way another male case would have gotten past us. This post-injection disorder essentially only affects women.

Granted the CDC and other mainstream sources have concluded that pericarditis and myocarditis mostly affect boys and men. But our data have found no difference in the sexes when it comes to post-injection heart inflammation victims. We’re also confident in declaring that any and all women who received the real, undiluted injections will never carry a baby to term again, and/or will never get pregnant again.

RELATED: New peer-reviewed study finds that mRNA injections lower sperm counts, motility in otherwise healthy young men (June 29, 2022)


This blogger once wrote a controversial article in 2018 entitled, “Dear Men: If She’s Down, Have Sex With Your Woman On Her Cycle.” Several men sent nasty emails after their wives or girlfriends shared the article with them. Men can never truly understand what it’s like to have a menstrual cycle. We know that women feel “gross,” fat, groggy, in pain, etc. during those times of the month. But that’s about it.

Period sex is a way not only for men to experience what their most precious female counterpart experiences, but it also provides bonding opportunities. It’s not gross, you’re not fat, etc. Read the full article for more. But period sex 3-4 times a year is one thing. Ms. Jørgensen said her boyfriend has never known her without the bleeding. Further, this blogger is willing to bet that most women would choose Shawn Skelton Syndrome over a year-long, perpetual period and all that comes with menstruation.

The powers-that-be are destroying women’s ability to bring life onto this planet. Even the women who refrain[ed] from the lethal injections are still affected by shedding. Ms. Jørgensen is definitely not alone. But women have always been accused of being emotional and not really sick by the medical establishment when voicing their complaints. Many women have shared their #PIMS stories via social media. But millions more are suffering in silence.

Men have failed women by allowing The Great Reset to happen. Women have failed men by facilitating their own demise. The damage to humanity is irreversible at this point. So just enjoy your weekend with those you care about the most. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

This has become a Major problem for women’s prisons worldwide but only in Western world. (USA and especially UK) The ACLU is no friend of women. They have lent lawyer support to many horrible sex offenders who are confused males and committed the most despicable crimes to children and suddenly want to be “female” and insist on being let into the women prison and cause stress and criminal offense (rape) to the female prison population. Thank you Brian for posting attention to this travesty of “justice”.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

Really?? That is the thing that worried you most in this article?

1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

I’ve done my research. There are PLENTY of things that worry me. I know what goes on the dark web and I know how to access it. I’ve seen it. It Does exist!

Just pray, and invoke Christ in your life.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

Karl Marx only worries about acquiring the means of production from the bourgeoisie for the good of the proletariat. You’re OK Cat.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

derp. how long have you been hanging around here? Brian welcomes us say whatever in tf we feel we want to share concerning the articles we’ve just read, so who are you to be so shitty to Cat, whose posts regularly add so much value to the comment section? we can surmise from your yours, though, that you’re likely very much like the aclu and others Cat referred to as *no friend of women*; otherwise it would concern the hell out of you, too. the dismantling of society by nefarious agendas and actors should scare us as much as, if not more than, the shots, as they’re just one aspect of the great reset and schwab and harari’s plans for us. it’s past-time to wake tf up.

1 year ago

The guy turned Ms Jorgensen down four times before he took her out. He should have stuck to his instincts on this one, what a strange woman. Best of luck to this poor clueless soul. I hope she recovers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

Not wanting children? Dead inside.

1 year ago
Reply to  JubalE

Disagree. I love children and would have liked more, until I saw what this world has become. I feel quite dismayed for what I brought my daughter into, I am trusting God to watch over her. I will NOT be having any more.

Lulu M
Lulu M
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Indomitable, the very BEST thing you can do is give your precious daughter siblings, so she faces the future and the time after you’re gone with a ready-made tribe, and any children she has will have an even bigger extended network of kin. The more dangerous the world is, the greater the need for family. My parents bought the “global overpopulation” hype and intentionally chose not to have more children. All my close family are older than me, and one day, I will be the only one left. Please don’t do that to her. I am both sad and frankly resentful my parents gave no thought to my long-term future. Completely alone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lulu M

I hear you Lulu, and I would have at the time, which was 17 years ago. I wanted at least 1 or 2 more, but the wife said even while still pregnant, “No more. I can’t do this again.” She had a hard time, and also developed gestational diabetes. So, it was out of my hands.
In your case, what about your children?
IMO, the world is not going to tolerate non-jabbed believers, and such will be taken out very soon, not too long after mass attrition from the jabees.

1 year ago
Reply to  JubalE

Just because one chooses not to bring life into this malakut-hell on earth, doesn’t mean they’re dead inside

1 year ago
Reply to  JubalE

I don’t have any. My dad died when I was weeks old. No family to help my Mom and my siblings. We all had nothing and work sinced 10 yrs old. No time for children and all that I missed out on I wouldn’t want done to a child.

Clearly you never had to think about such things.

Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

I can’t quite put my finger on why, but she does seem strange to me, too. I also can’t imagine asking a man out even once, let alone 3 more times after the first denial. I’m married now, but I can’t remember a time that my friends and I lacked for attention and companionship from the other sex. She’s persistent, I suppose. I wonder if she persisted with the booster, too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

For narcissistic girls it is not about giving and receiving love. It is about conquest and feeding the ego.

Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
1 year ago

If I had to ask a man 4(!) times before he acceded, I would hardly consider it a conquest. My ego would be crushed for having to ask even once.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

“My ego would be crushed for having to ask even once.”

I rest my case.

Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
1 year ago

And what ‘case’ is that, precisely?

1 year ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

Heres something funny i heard: “only men can be called sex workers because only men have to put in effort to get laid”

Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

That is both funny and true. Nature has arranged it such that we just don’t have to do any of the work.

1 year ago

Narcissism is actually more prevalent in men as well as psychopathy. I have a psych graduate degree and one of my projects was about psychopathy (antisocial personality disorder) so I’m not just citing fake statistics. But I’ve noticed a real anti-woman and Incel culture infiltrating Brian’s blog as of late.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gwen
Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

I respectfully disagree, Gwen. Many women comment here, myself included. I find many comments balanced and reasonable. The human heart is desperately wicked and both men and women are equally sinful. There are just as many psychopathic and narscissistic women out there. I don’t need studies or projects to convince me of this fact – careful observation of the current and past state of humanity will show that is the case. Many, many women (and men)embrace very strange teachings and beliefs that are hastening the demise of the family unit and ripping the very fabric of society. This is a spiritual issue that impacts the culture (see Romans Chapter 1). I am no fan of psychology as it is based on the flawed thinking of known occultists like Freud, Jung etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

I don’t know how in the world you get that impression.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Women are more emotional than men. They are more easily manipulated by the scum who run our world. It’s not “anti-woman” to state this. I love women, but I also recognize we are different (in a good way).

I don’t get too upset at the women who wear masks, push vaccines, etc. They’re annoying but due to their more compassionate / emotional nature they are more easily led into these traps by being told they are “protecting others”. However, it digusts me to see men falling for this nonsense. Men are suppossed to be critical thinkers, leaders, and freedom fighters. They should be able to see through the “protecting others” BS and understand it’s about CONTROL. Many men know this, yet they shirk their duty by complying with tyranny. So I actually hold *men* responsible for all the situation we’re in, if that makes you feel any better.

1 year ago

Being emotional is one thing. Going beserk because one’s ego has been bruised is another. You are confusing the two.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

Perhaps many decades of men being told they can do nothing right or are made out to be always in the wrong no matter what, has taken its toll and you are left with what we have now. We had strong men decades ago, then feminism came along and destroyed the family, stability and much more. Think about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Wow, citing what you learned in college when you should know by now they are indoctrination centers. You need to learn the reasons the soft science psychology was created to begin with. I bet they didn’t teach you that in school.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

How do you know you aren’t citing fake statistics?
You could be like the typical MD, PhD x2, MbChB, DipS, ObGyn, Etx xyz doctor who still doesn’t know about Ivermectin.

Here’s a fun experiment anyone can try:
Watch women walk past shop windows (you know, the big plate glass ones)… they virtually ALL check out their own reflections in the glass, and they’ll repeat the process in the next shop’s window, and the one after that, and the one after that all the way down the road.

It’s very funny to watch. No that’s not narcissistic at all. There are no “checking-oneself-out-in-the-mirror-all-day” statistics so it can’t be a thing, right?

Another thing women don’t do is abuse kids – statistics say so. Even though I’ve only ever been abused by women, and never by men. But I haven’t checked the statistics so what would I know?

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

She is a paragon of privilege.

1 year ago

Ms. Jorgensen is like a lot of people in this world. Living life through social media and asking for affirmation and advice from total strangers. Where is the strong family unit? Mother? Father? This is the very reason most people were easily led through this scamdemic. I would think she need not worry about pregnancy or birth control now. She’s no longer fertile. At times I felt sorry for her and other times just mild exasperation. If I or my child was bleeding for a year, I would be freaking out. Not “I would rather bleeding a year than die from covid i.e. what I really mean is I want to travel etc. ?

Oh. And if that is what she considers a bloated belly Wow! To be young and fit again. Lol?

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

You are right about seeking affirmation through social media. It’s like they say about “keeping up with the Joneses” – “buying stuff you don’t need to impress people you don’t even like”!

1 year ago

I was in a bookstore a few days ago and overheard a young lady telling her friend, “I would like to be a boy”. I tried my best not to respond to her (or whatever pronoun they want me spouting) comment/joke but I couldn’t help it. So I told it, “You get cheaper car insurance if you are a woman”. She responded with “Er, thanks” and went away from my toxic masculinity. Sorry I couldn’t help it.

I know how fragile these young snowflakes are and how it’s important not to make them any more depressed than they already are (goodness knows what’s it’s like to be a vaccinated, young sheep). I mean these daisies must be a having a blast if their major problem in life is their gender (even if they have taken the death shot). I mean screw recessions, health issues or survival, gender is what is getting the young folk down these days. That is until, BAM! Myocarditis hits them harder than an expected and unavoidable recession.

Let’s see how they will cope with this brand spanking new recession. The millennial cohort needed crappy music, drugs and positive affirmations to get through their one. So it won’t be so different with the new crop of younguns to brave these treacherous waters. Instead they will have the added benefits of vaccine injuries and deaths. That will mean an extra dose of disposable electronic cigarettes and masks (that can be put under your chin) will be needed for these poor critters.

Also, the Northern Irish health agency has not reported the latest weekly “covid cases” this week. I mean come on, boys! Have you all come down with “covid”? It’s Friday. Where is my weekly dose of fear porn? Gotta pump out those numbers to get more idiots to jab themselves in those stupid pop-up vans.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aidan
1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Sorry I meant “avoidable” recession, since we need not have went into lockdown (or allow private banks to control our money supply).

1 year ago

Who knew taking ‘Big Government’ as your husband would end like this? He seemed so dreamy at the beginning of the relationship – guess he changed.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

At least she is alive. There is an old Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times”. What is “interesting” and alarming to me is that the majority of the “sudden and unexpected deaths” reported here involve people who did not have immediate reactions (or reactions occurring not long after the injections) like blood clots, myocarditis, neurological tics, et cetera. Those people got the injections and all seemed right in their world and with their health – and now they are all dead.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Yes, we are living in interesting times. What has finally made my stomach churn is the BBC programme Unvaccinated. The BBC by now knows these vaccines are dangerous and millions have been killed by them. However, they made this sickening programme by talking to seven unvaccinated UK citizens. The misleading information was horrifying. The programme down played the risk of death by vaccine. It lied again and again by talking to ‘experts’ and frontline doctors who all swore blind these vaccines are ‘safe and effective’. I am disgusted by the BBC. They have been complicit in this mass murder. They have blood on their hands.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Maybe this is why prime ministers are resigning?

Lulu M
Lulu M
1 year ago
Reply to  Mac

All of the would-be replacements are far worse, eg Rishi Sunak is a big supporter of digital currency. Boris Johnson’s resignation was the result of a media coup, the victory lap they did gloating about the death of populism and brexit the day he resigned were nauseating. Johnson was the best of a bad lot, and the opposition party are marxists who would have attempted a “zero covid” policy.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

The BBC is owned and controlled by the same Judeo-Zionist-Communist SCUM who control all other media and governments in the West. Rothschild family is one head of the snake (at least as far as we know).

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

They will mislead, those who only deserve to be misled. I have learned to leave alone the content serfs and their handlers. Why be addicted to worrying about the cheerleaders of the war on humanity ?.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

The list of made-up Chinese proverbs (and curses, apparently) is truly staggering. ? I say this as a professional China scholar.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

I visited a small Southern Baptist congregation and church this morning. The prayer list must have 50 people on it, with cancer the most listed problem, followed by strokes/heart attacks, etc..

1 year ago

In a world which can’t define what a woman is, where would this ‘woman’ fit? I heard Merriam Webster changed the definition. Not even joking. It’s getting bad, folks, and I for one, have got my popcorn.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
1 year ago
Reply to  AlexPetrenko

For me it’s a big bottle of brandy and an afternoon of escapism via the 40 year old chess machine … [hic]. Ever’ day.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago

I’m years on the other side of even having to deal with this monthly, but CANNOT imagine having to deal with it daily non-stop.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Exactly. I felt like a carefree and happy child again once the post-meno phase kicked in. Adore being a woman, but in our church circles back when, the term “the curse” always seemed appropriate. Poor girl, I can’t even imagine the stress. She really needs to stop letting them inject her with anything and everything. I don’t get when people reason that one drug or vax is as good as another. All meds are different and affect everyone differently. One is not as good as another. Such empty heads.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

My sister, who is younger than I am, is already in menopause. She had three shots. I suspect this vaxx is damaging women in various ways

Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Yes, it is. I know of a young woman who had been planning her fall wedding. She’d wanted to get off oral contraception and get a Mirena that she was going to keep for a year before taking it out and trying to conceive. Thought she was hot because it was summer and bothered because she was having to wear masks all the time. Went to see her gyn, who ran some tests and referred her to an endocrinologist to rule out a pituitary tumor. Turns out that she was post-menopausal at age 27, only months after the 2nd shot. Another woman in her 50s, many years into post-menopause, started to lactate. There’s a lot of weird stuff happening, and it seems to me that it’s impacting women much worse than it is men. Even among birth rates, in years gone by the sex ratio (in N. Dakota) was 108 baby boys born for every 100 baby girls. This year, it’s 130 boys for every 100 girls. 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

There was a story about a woman who had been in menopause for years, got the shot, started her period again and then got pregnant. No idea what happened afterwards but it sounded like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

1 year ago

She seems a sad person and a strange one for sure.
Does she post “poetry” to come across as profound?

If she does then she fails.

QUOTE: “There are few things in life so beautiful they hurt…….bars after 2am….”

This is one shallow individual and as others have commented…..must be very lonely to seek validation from online faceless strangers.
What about blood family and good friends?

1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

Her loneliness and shallowness comes from the void inside her, not from who she is surrounded by. No spiritual connection to the Creator, does that.

1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

Haha. My sentiment exactly. Was gonna say, that scrap of postmodern prose masquerading as poetry is pretty awful – plagiarized or not!

I used to go to a café near a “coworking” place. Boy, the things I overheard from global millennial youth over my eggs and coffee… Many of the conversations meandered along the following topics: Mantras. Tarot cards. Affirmations. Visualizations. Tantric sex. Etc. etc. A barrage of pseudo-Hindu, occultic, New Age claptrap.

Once again, we are worried about saving the soul of a generation who has happily sold and compromised its soul a LONG time ago. Perhaps this new human HAD TO be constructed – carefully and systematically via things like Facebook – to make the vaxx discourse acceptable at the scale it has enjoyed.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

I am a millennial, unfortunately and i agree, my generation is beyond messed up, many my own age and younger bother me like nothing else, the level of stupidity is off the scale, along with other abominations. We will indeed go down in history, overall, as being one of the most brainwashed, dumbed down, sexually perverted, selfish/self entitled and spiritually ignorant generations of all time.

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

John, it’s ALL of us in every generation. — humankind is a fallen race since Adam and Eve. The only reason conditions seem worse with each new generation is due to more temptations, affluence and lifestyle trends put out there to encourage the young to center primarily on self and living only for ones self. Maybe in past generations, conditions were not as affluent… people grew up fast to help their family survive. There was alot more hardship back in the day that grounded us all and ended up building character.
No generation can judge another; we only need to pray for each other’s highest good, and that maybe they can have some life changing experience where they will allow God to make them into who He intended them/us to become– like the caterpillar to the butterfly (-:

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

Pseudo-Hindu is the optimum word. Listening to a podcast recently, there was brief reference to yoga really being a creation of the west. Not knowing much about yoga, I had to research that sentence. Yep, it seems that the yoga that is so popular these days, really has it’s roots in the gymnastics craze of the early to mid 20th century. It pretty much took on Indian trappings when a guy named Krishnamacharya decided to meld the gymnastics with some traditional Hindu ideas. True Hindu-based yoga practiced by authentic yogis, is very different from the pop-culture yoga practiced by the in-crowd today. Like so much silliness, it was mixed into the American pop-culture cake batter in the 1960s.

I have to stiffle a laugh when I see the (mostly female) “yogis” namaste-ing to each other as they trot into yoga class with a pad rolled up under their arm. I see this often, because they rent a public space in a park that I frequent. Empty souls, desperately grasping for a connection to God, but with zero discernment to know that they are being sold warmed-over westernized “exotic” spirituality.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Thank you Kris. Most of the “Oriental” things that have been popularized in the West were thoroughly hollowed out first. When people want to commodify stuff, package it and sell it, that’s what it takes.

Those who popularized yoga and all things pagan/Indian in the West were too often involved in Theosophy and other anti-Christian projects. (Also, look at how many UK celebs trace their roots to military presence in India.) Take simple things like cremation: Up until 100 years ago, a European person literally had to be a convicted murderer to have one’s remains cremated. For Jews and Muslims, the body remains holy; a creation of God.

On a personal level, in my younger days I did try the occasional yoga class and Five Tibetans home session. It gave me dull headaches and a sensation of an animalistic energy rising into my brain. These days I cannot help noticing the links between yoga and occult agendas incl. the vaxx. You know how yoga enthusiasts seek to open the third eye? Well, pious Muslims, for instance, strive to close it, and for good reason.

My two cents.

1 year ago

OMG! She’s 25? She looks 45! What happened to her?!?!

1 year ago
Reply to  John

She’s probably anemic with all that blood loss. Excessive bleeding happened to a young woman at work right after she got vaxxed. It took 4 months to see a gynecologist. When she told of her experience all they said was “We’ve seen a lot of this recently. ” That was it. No other explanation or what she can do to help the situation. I was the one who bought her good supplements and a blood builder supplement to help nutritionally support her body. She regrets her decision to get the clot shot. I try my best to support her.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Not only that, with her openly narcissistic mindset and dedication to the superficial, I think it’s a safe bet that Annkien is no stranger to needles, chemical concoctions and cosmetic surgical procedures, things which can have a cumulative effect on one’s appearance quite quickly in life, even at a relatively young age.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I am Anemic and no i did not get any of these jabs, it’s because of a different reason. May i ask, what are those good supplements and the blood builder supplement you mentioned? I would like to try, so i can have more energy throughout the day. I’m in Ireland, so i’m hoping i can get them here somewhere.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

If your anemia is because you are low in iron, or low in the B vitamins, I would focus eating foods high in food based iron or the Whole range of B vitamins. Even low B-12 will cause great fatigue, so vegetarians may have to supplement in that. Also, I would definitely do a parasite cleanse to see if that may be the root of your anemia first of all, or get tested for any underlying condition…

What helps many is plant based iron- such as in spinach or dandilion leaf greens, endive, or other dark green lettuce, raisins, dark purple grapes, eggs with the egg yolks, etc. Regular iron supplements are usually metal based iron – not very absorbable and eventually toxic- so you want plant based iron supplements– and red meat is also a good source.

If low on B vitamins, take the whole B-Complex with a meal… As a good source of B-complex, I like brewers yeast sprinkled on salads, etc. ( It’s good to take all the B vitamins together because if you only take certain ones, it creates an inbalance of the others.)

1 year ago
Reply to  Lisa aug.

I still haven’t found a B-complex without Folic acid. Folic Acid is strongly linked to colon cancer, look it up online (google scholar). In some latin country, when they started fortfying food with folic acid, colon cancer went up through the roof.

It has a different chemical formula than its natural counter-part, which is Folate (orange juice…etc).

Haven’t we started to hear a lot about colon cancer in these past few years ?. Just warning.

Last edited 1 year ago by donthatemetoomuch
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

I use MegaFood Blood Builder. I had problems with anemia due to Hashimotos, I’m unvaxxed though.

Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
1 year ago
Reply to  John

I’m glad you said it. It’s what I was thinking. The first instant my eyes landed on her visage, my mind read 45. Since then, I’ve looked more closely, and nope – still 45.

1 year ago
Reply to  John

What happened to her ?. She can no longer hide what she was trying to burry underneath the illusions called “physical beauty”. Sooner or later, what is inside is bound to come to the surface, for all to see.

1 year ago

Honestly this gal needs to make an appointment with a gynecologist and have a hysterectomy. She is bleeding and she doesn’t ever want to have children . So instead of exasperating others with her whine just get it over with. The only reason to have a uterus is to carry a child and if she doesn’t want a child but wants to stop bleeding just do it already.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

This assumes she won’t have bleeding following surgery and won’t bleed out during such surgery. Even that is going to be risky in my opinion.

1 year ago

What seems to be important these days is winning at any cost. To internet stars, that means begging, borrowing or stealing to get “likes” and followers. It sometimes feels like there are no authentic people left in the world, because everyone has just become a conglomeration of bits and pieces pulled out of pop-culture. Plagiarism is rife online, as the creator of this blog knows. Better to have one reader of one’s genuine content, than ten million readers of purloined material.

Was the top photo taken after her clot-shot? She looks older than 25.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

“Was the top photo taken after her clot-shot? She looks older than 25.”

It seems to me the injections cause premature aging. I know several people who look like they have aged about 5-10 years even though it’s only been one year since they were poisoned.

1 year ago

My goodness, what a specimen this one is, Brian sure can find ’em. It’s hard to muster any sympathy for this ridiculous narcissist, but nonetheless I still do have sympathy for her. However, in one of her vacuous posts she stated that she “would rather bleed for 12 months than die from ‘covid,'” so hopefully she’s finding some measure of satisfaction in that, I guess.

1 year ago

What’s ironic is that I’m almost old enough to be her mother, weigh much more than her, have birthed and raising 2 blessed boys, uninjected, exposed to Covid multiple times (spent time being a caregiver for my ill elderly mother who tested positive for Covid but I’ve never had 1 test) and haven’t been bleeding for a year and I haven’t died from Covid. Hmmmm.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

Greetings. There is a specific reason that I put “covid” in quotes when I type it. Recall that in Tanzania, a goat and papaya famously “tested positive” for this recent phenomenon. The creator of the PCR test, Kary Mullis (d. 2019), clearly explained that the test is not for use in detecting any sort of illness. The virus which we are told is causing all the recent commotion, called SARS-COV-2, has never been isolated in a patient sample. So I keep certain things like that in mind when I hear about anything “testing positive” or “being exposed to” this alleged new phenomenon.

1 year ago

bingo…it is a massive psyop

1 year ago

Mullis had a few words to say about Fauci knowing nothing. So he had to go permanently.

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago

Ms. Jorgensen is only reaping what she is sowing. Her constant use of birth control pills as well as her mentality of not wanting children is subconsciously telling her body to rid her eggs 24/7. So it responds by releasing blood out her lower area.

I also suspect why she is menstruating nonstop since her vaccinations is because her body knows the shots are toxic and is trying to detox it through the method that was commonplace before: her periods caused by birth control abuse.

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

yep….this is it.

most of these women are totally deceived regarding birth control. It is entirely unnatural to take birth control and it damages women by depriving them of essential nutrients/minerals they need and it damages them psychologically.

1 year ago

The medical condition the article describes is genuinely frightening – and I’m sensing that a potentially terminal illness may not be far behind when it comes to a 12-month non-stop period.

That said, the more disturbing part is the glimpse we get into the minds of young women. Endless gratification — not just through material possessions but through an alarmingly vacuous pursuit of the mirage that is fame on social media and reality TV, number of IG followers etc. etc. None of this is REAL. But for this cohort of women, it is real enough to annihilate any instinct to bring a life into this world and to embrace becoming mothers. Turns out, the girl who was recently quoted on Twitter as saying, “I’d get pregnant just to kill it” was hardly an extreme case after all. She just said out loud what many others are very close to thinking.

We are lamenting the vaxx’s pernicious effects on female reproduction health. Yet, there appear to be deeper, spiritual factors at play here. And they almost seem to have “beat the vaxx to it” by constructing a new female who sees no use or value in motherhood to begin with. It’s just too much hassle when your life revolves around likes on Instagram.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

Not to sound nihilistic, why would you continue to perpetuate the continuation of humans? I am conservative but I don’t get why any sane person thinks procreation is okay at this point.
To make it worse, more likely than not, your kids will grow up as brainwashed individuals. Like we have witnessed with this pandemic, most people will choose destruction.

1 year ago

The only way they would grow up brainwashed is if you let the government raise them for you via public schools, let them be exposed to the internet, TV etc etc. You do sound nihilistic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tara

I am not nihilistic. I have family and friends who were not raised on tv or by the government. Most “good” people are gullible and blindly trust in authority. I don’t know how to convey what I want to say. When you ponder long enough, there is no reason to bring a new soul.

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
1 year ago

I hear what you are saying, because logically this World is one hot mess, But if you have a child, and nurture that child with love, discipline, spiritual wisdom and more love– and teach that child to love other living things– like a housepet, insects or plants for starters, and volunteer in outreach – such as a soup kitchen, etc, etc., that child will no doubt become a super blessing in a World gone mad.
As parents we need to keep encouraging our children to think outside of themselves- and they will become a bright spot in the lives of others– even environmentally with wildlife, and making things a little Heaven on Earth for the birds and bees!

Lulu M
Lulu M
1 year ago

People didn’t choose destruction, the vast majority thought they were taking a small noble personal risk to help protect the vulnerable and get society “back to normal.” Their motives were pure (even if their thought-processes and common sense were lacking), but their trust and basic goodwill was abused, their social conscience exploited and scammed. The vocal vaxxholes who delighted in the idea us unvaxxed would die deserve scorn, but there are plenty on “our” side who feel the same way in reverse. This has been a masterful psyop against ordinary people, the kind you can only create by harvesting 2 decades of social media and email, and then using datamining to model what would trick the majority. But all the marketing played on their desire to Do The Right Thing, and there’s no point, past a little harmless cathartic ranting, in blaming them. In a more wholesome situation their willingness to take a risk for the community’s sake would be admirable.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Lulu M

What you said was beautiful and true – the majority of them are not on Twitter and just didn’t know – and now it will be too late for them if what the contrarian scientists have said is true, and I believe it is unfortunately.

1 year ago

Yeah goto the doc they have a pill for everything

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Mac

A pill for everything but a cure for nothing?

1 year ago

This is a case where all empathy has left the building. I do not feel sad for Jorgensen, only distain. People like her are eroding the feminine. This is not a woman or human being. She has been enveloped in the matrix and well on her way to becoming a nonhuman/transhuman cyborg.

Get another tattoo, have another drink, buy another vibrator, go to another useless art show, etc.. to sooth your pain, loneliness and fuel your distraction. Humanity is better off without you.

What this world needs, is men to act like men by fighting and protecting their women, community and children; stop following women around like lost puppies. We need women to embrace their bodies and biological imperative of being creative, wise, compassionate, and the developing human life; very simple, beautiful and YES, fulfilling!!!

-Stay strong, get rid of the cellphones, earpods, apple watch, and for goodness sake, connect with reality and human beings–say “hello” to people as much as possible, even if they do not understand the importance of that simple action. WE ARE THE FUTURE!!

1 year ago

Many of us had once been a prodigal child. Only by the grace of God was I rescued from being stuck to the matrix like a crab to a net. I hope this Scandanavian crab could soon be dislodged from the soul trap she was raised in. Let’s pray for lost souls like her.

1 year ago

I’m a graduate student working on a second graduate degree. I can play nine instruments. I’m a published writer and artist. That is fulfilling for me. I never wanted children nor thought of that as fulfilling. Not all women are going to fit your paradigm of what you think is feminine. From a religious viewpoint, Jesus never said that women had to have children to gain salvation or that it was our duty to do so, in fact, Paul said it was better not to marry. If you can find anything contrary to that, please go ahead and post the proof here.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gwen
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

…and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.
Mathew: 19:12.
Our Lord Jesus wants His children to be celibate, if we are able to do so. Exorcizing self-control for the kingdom of heaven is the highest state to aim for.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Funny how you felt a need to comment and defend your “great” life. Enjoy your instruments/books/art and hope they will be the joy of your life.

Genesis 1:27-28
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Psalm 127:3-5
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

John 16:21
When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.

Hebrews 13:4
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

“I’m a graduate student working on a second graduate degree. I can play nine instruments. I’m a published writer and artist. ”

Here you go AGAIN !!!.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

Take no notice of her. Only for the reply button is gone from a previous thread, I would have let her have it because of her nonsense. She doesn’t like certain things said and if it’s about women, will resort to the ‘sexist, misogynistic, you men cant get laid’, kinda toxic attitude because that’s all she’s got.

1 year ago

“People like her are eroding the feminine. This is not a woman or human being.”

In the gaming world, according to my nephew, they’re referred to as NPC’s (Non Player Characters), empty shells on the stage that repeat scripted lines over & over again.

“What this world needs, is men to act like men by fighting and protecting their women, community and children; stop following women around like lost puppies.”

Uh, the gals are all equal now, weaponized against men, backed by the full force of local/state/federal law enforcement. Besides, I see it in movies regularly, 120 lb girl kicks ass of 250 lb bodybuilder – who needs men, right – unless it’s calling-in the state.

Rational young men have woken-up and realized they have nothing to gain and everything to lose getting involved in a country that hates them & blames them for all of its sins. Single motherhood, no fault divorce, and a corrupt family court system brought us to this point.

The last place young men should look for advice on how to be a man, is from a woman.

What would a woman know about being a man? And, bedding down hyper-sexual thugs (whether they wear business suits or flashy gang colors) passing themselves off as alphas doesn’t grant women any special insight into masculinity, nor does breeding with them build a world worth living in.

One of the first steps to correcting this situation is for women to start policing themselves.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kiel
1 year ago

We had 7 beautiful children and our youngest is now 19 (I started early). I wouldn’t change our family for anything in the world. Having children is the absolute most meaningful thing anyone can do. Deciding NOT to have them because « the world has gotten so awful » is a copout of the highest order. We’ve also never used birth control; yet, each pregnancy (save for one) was planned. It can be done and it is BEAUTIFUL.

1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha

Love to hear such a beautiful story. Enjoy your family, cherish every moment–it goes so fast, and protect them at all cost.

God Bless you and your family.

1 year ago

The part that shocks me the most is that she said she’d rather bleed for a year than die of covid. How is it that she still doesn’t know that the odds of dying from covid at her age are virtually zero? Mind boggling that people will allow themselves to be injected with a substance without even knowing what their actual risk from the disease is.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Ms. Jorgensen is a perfect example of our fake, me first, narcissistic, selfie, smart phone society. Best of luck to her, but after I write this, will forget about her existence.

1 year ago

Thank you for not being biased against only men or women. Yes, you’re right, most people have failed one another. And by the way, Anniken looks more like 45 than 25. If that’s a recent photo then the lifeblood (no pun intended) is really being drained from her. She must have a major iron deficiency.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gwen
1 year ago

(1Jn 2:19) They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Sheep and Goats…places everyone…the show is about to start.

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
1 year ago

i used to be on Deo Provera years ago…. woww, was that the worst thing for me… the mood swings and depression it triggered caused me to stop getting the shots. Also was convicted spiritually that my premarital choices were leading me down a dark path on many levels. Praying for Ms. Jorgensen, that she could also find true healing and detoxing–physically, emotionally and above all spiritually.
God help her.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  Lisa aug.

I was on depo provera also. But for me it worked wonders for my horrific menstruation. Before starting birth control, my cramps was unbearable. I bled like a gutted pig for a week. I recently went off it at the beginning of this year.

Only because I was afraid the nurses will “accidentally” slip me the jab instead of my birth control. Good thing the liquid of the depo is milky white that foams like an antacid. So there’s no way you can get it confused with the clear liquid of the clot shots.

Fortunately my cycle is now manageable. Only last 4 days tops and virtually no cramps. My only symptom is fatigue during that time of the month.

I can’t visualize menstruating 24/7 365 days non stop. That’s sounds like torture.

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

omg, it truly must be torture! that is a good point about certain nurses sneaking in the jab at times like that… especially as it seems we are a “ward of the govrtnment” once we enter the pharma domain. What helped me greatly from any continuol mood swings after getting off depo provera was Oil of Evening Primrose gel capsules taken daily two weeks before my periods- they made a big difference for me.

I continued having periods up to age 54– and those last few years were very heavy and lasted 7 days. But after menopause, i still have yet to have any hot flashes, Thank God. I always craved Dark red concord grape wine and eggs at that time of the month.. Vitamin b complex-especially from Brewers yeast. and plant based iron helps with the fatigue . A nice dandilion leaf salad, with sliced red onions, sliced hard boiled eggs, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and tuna was my favorite during those times.

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