Friday update: RIP Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Carrie Madej update, FLCCC hope for vaxx-injured, Georgia Guidestones, and 12 more “sudden and unexpected” deaths
July 8, 2022 (updated July 10, 2022)

Before we get into what’s happening with all the good doctors and the ongoing post-injection genocide, let’s talk about another so-called doctor who would be hanged at potential Nuremberg Part II.

Dr. Abraar Karan is an infectious disease fellow at Stanford University Medical School. He’s also the epitome of vaxx zealotry and the sheer lunacy that embodies the entire Cult of COVID-19. Dr. Karan never caught so-called COVID-19 in 2020 or 2021. But once he was triple-vaxxed, Dr. Karan tested positive twice – in January 2022 and May 2022.

He rambled on about “BA.4 and BA.5” as the reasons for his infections in a July 4 San Francisco Chronicle (paywall) article. In his tweet promoting the story that day, Dr. Karan essentially admitted that the injections are useless unless the goal is social media attention and needlessly poisoning your body.

It’s an absolute waste of time and energy trying to reason with COVID cultists and vaxx zealots. They’ll never admit that they poisoned themselves and their children. And when these “doctors” normalize word salad psychosis in defense of the injections like this, the lambs are given more fuel to continue their own irrational, escapist existences.

RELATED: Reap what you sow? Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October (November 17, 2021)


Meanwhile there are still good doctors upholding their Hippocratic Oaths in these times of universal deceit and immense pressure to obey big pharma. We lost one last week, nearly lost another, while one is still trying to help those who hate him.

Dr. Zev Zelenko saved hundreds of thousands of lives before his death last week

Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko is a Ukrainian-born Orthodox Jew. He’s lived in New York since he was 3 years old.

Dr. Zelenko rose to prominence in May 2020 when President Donald Trump told the world that he was taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc as a prophylaxis against so-called COVID-19. Trump started the protocol after Dr. Zelenko sent him a letter advising it.

Mainstream media petulant attacks on both Dr. Zelenko and hydroxychloroquine commenced from there. They started calling hydroxychloroquine “fish tank cleaner.” But the “Zelenko Protocols” took off and became the go-to treatment for critical thinkers worried about so-called COVID-19. The good doctor also sold vitamins, which are still available now.

Mainstream media attacks didn’t deter Dr. Zelenko. Today there are 348 studies concluding that hydroxychloroquine and the Zelenko Protocols are highly effective as an early and late-stage treatment, and prophylaxis against so-called COVID-19. Dr. Zelenko published his own study in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents in October 2020. It concluded that the Zelenko Protocols reduced hospitalizations among high-risk COVID-19 patients by 84%.

Dr. Zelenko was forced to move out of Kiryas Joel, an all-Jewish village about 60 miles north of New York City, in May 2020. He also closed his medical practice after 20 years in business. Community leaders accused Dr. Zelenko of “spreading disinformation.” He provides more details in the video below.

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Dr. Zelenko was back in the news on January 7, 2021 after he attended the protests/insurrection the previous day at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. His presence wasn’t necessarily the “big news.” It was his answer when asked if he supported the Proud Boys. Said group is listed as a terrorist organization in Canada and New Zealand. Five of the group’s leaders were indicted on seditious conspiracy charges last month as a result of January 6.

He also wasn’t the best debater. Dr. Zelenko got in a few shouting matches with Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg just for asking him about his protocols and the existence of so-called COVID-19 at all. The shouting starts at about the 20 minute mark.

Dr. Zelenko, no matter how you slice it, was also a Zionist and promoted Noahide Laws. President George H.W. Bush signed House Joint Resolution 104 in March 20, 1991 making Noahide Laws binding in the United States.

President George H.W. Bush signing HJ Res. 104 on March 20, 1991.

Essentially Zionists declared Jesus Christ an idol. Thus worship of said idol is punishable by decapitation, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia. An interesting article by former U.S. Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, R-California, who was in the House of Representatives at the time, provides more insight as to how a law like this was passed in what’s traditionally been known as a Christian country.  Make of all that what you will.

RELATED: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? (January 17, 2022)


Dr. Zelenko was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2018. He said of the diagnosis:

“My cancer is what prepared me for the Covid-19 pandemic. Without it, I would not have developed my passion for searching for answers that others said couldn’t be found, and without it I could not have held to the persecution and ridicule I received for daring to treat patients. I have looked death in the eye and I have been made ready to meet God.  I fear nothing on this earth.”

Dr. Zelenko, 48, passed away on June 30. He is survived by both parents, his wife and eight children. Love him or hate him, the man saved lives.

Dr. Carrie Madej nearly died in a plane crash

Dr. Carrie Madej has always written this blogger back when he’s contacted her about biotech companies owning human genes and her research into living organisms being present in the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Thus this one is a bit more personal.

Dr. Madej is an osteopathic physician who ran private clinics in Georgia until 2015. It’s unclear when exactly she walked away from practicing mainstream medicine. But at least since the so-called pandemic began, she has dedicated her time to informing people about the dangerous mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Dr. Madej is also quite vocal about the overuse of prescription drugs in general. She’s also a devout Christian. Dr. Madej has been called everything from a “malicious promoter of disinformation” to an “intersection of QAnon conspiracy theories and anti-vaxxer science” by mainstream media and their big pharma-funded universities.

As first reported by Mike Adams at Natural News, Dr. Madej and her boyfriend were involved in a plane crash early last week. The engine in her single-engine plane quit mid-flight on June 26. Dr. Madej said it’s a miracle that she’s alive. Her boyfriend Billy, who was also the pilot, luckily glided the plane down a loggers trail to mitigate potential damage and impact. You may view the FlightAware data and plane ownership information here. The crashed was covered by at least one mainstream media outlet.

RELATED: Dr. Sugata Das: disturbing cockpit video shows last moments of cardiologist’s life before he crashed his private plane near San Diego, killing one other person (October 28, 2021)


Dr. Madej broke five bones in her left leg; and her foot was turned “120 degrees in the wrong direction.” She’s bruised all over, including a black eye. Billy suffered skull and facial fractures. Dr. Madej released a statement on July 1, informing everyone that she and Billy are “healing and are going to be fine.”

Mike Adams, who is a pilot himself, said he stopped flying small planes since 2020 because “it’s too easy to fake a crash and eliminate people they don’t like.” Though he drew no definitive conclusions about Dr. Madej’s near-death crash, Mr. Adams said, “the easiest way for a kill team to set this up is to tamper with the fuel.”

We’ll provide updates as we learn more.

Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik still trying to help the vaxx-injured

Dr. Pierre Kory is to Ivermectin as Dr. Zelenko (and Dr. Stella Immanuel) are to hydroxychloroquine. He introduced the world to the Nobel Prize-winning drug in December 2020 when he testified in front of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs. And just like the “professional,” so-called doctors at the FDA created the “fish tank cleaner” narrative for hydroxychloroquine, they started the “horse de-wormer” narrative for Ivermectin.

Mainstream media followed suit. Time magazine called Ivermectin a “bogus treatment” in 2021. They cited a bunch of anonymous Telegram, Twitter and other trolls to discredit Dr. Kory and the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). But Dr. Kory just keeps pushing forward with the truth and his duties as a doctor. Now FLCCC is trying to help the vaxx-injured who are almost always shunned by mainstream doctors.

FLCCC published its I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol in May. Granted said protocol is not a “de-tox.” But Dr. Kory and Dr. Paul Marik, another FLCCC doctor who’s also currently involved in a federal lawsuit against the FDA, told journalist Christine Dolan that doctors simply are not listening to vaxx-injured patients. Doctors refuse to even take the vaxx-injured seriously, as we’ve chronicled numerous times on this blog.

RELATED: Clive Haddon: 74-year-old Australian man dies in hospital after doctors refuse to treat him for AstraZeneca blood clots (May 25, 2021)


Ms. Dolan spoke of how the neurological disorders (“Shawn Skelton syndrome“) seem to only affect women. We pointed that out in December 2021 after 10 of 11 cases of post-injection convulsion victims up to that point were women. Ms. Dolan also talked about how doctors frequently dismiss women’s complaints as emotion and anxiety. We’ve covered numerous cases like that across the globe as well. The I-RECOVER protocol could potentially provide relief from post-injection chronic pain, convulsions, fevers, inflammation, and other symptoms.

Watch the full one hour interview below. Fast forward to about to 1:10 mark to skip the ad.

It’s safe to say that only about 10% of doctors in the Western world are “good doctors,” meaning those not owned by big pharma. In addition to the FLCCC, all the doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration are trustworthy for the most part. But even as Dr. Kory et al. continue upholding their Hippocratic Oaths, the I-RECOVER protocols would not have saved any of the following vaxx victims. Said protocols may provide some relief to the vaxx-injured. But the gene therapy is irreversible.

The global nature of this coordinated genocide is truly remarkable, and not in a good way.

Sophie Madden: 23-year-old British soldier dies suddenly in military building

Ms. Sophie Madden was a gunner for the 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery (RHA). The foregoing photo is from Facebook, when she updated her profile photo on June 6. The 3rd Regiment RHA Facebook page announced on June 17 that Ms. Madden died. It provided no further details.

Kent Live reported four days later that Ms. Madden “died suddenly” at a Ministry of Defence building in Folkestone, on the English Channel coast, about 72 miles (116 km) southeast of London. Kent Police said her death is “non-suspicious.” The British military “strongly recommends” the injections. But there is no mandate.

Out of approximately 149,000 total personnel in the British Armed Forces, only 885 refused the injections as of January, according to the Forces Network.

Fabricio Navarro: 21-year-old Argentinian soccer player dies of “massive cardiac arrest”

Another day, another soccer player. Mr. Fabricio Navarro and his Atlético Tucumán reserve football club had just defeated Club Atlético Lanús on June 15. About two hours after the game, the club’s official Twitter announced that Mr. Navarro died of a heart attack.

Argentina national newspaper Diario Olé reported that Mr. Navarro went home to rest and eat after the game. One of the coaches discovered Mr. Navarro dead at said home. The paper described his death as a “massive cardiac arrest.”

Gleycy Correia: 27-year-old Brazilian model dead after brain hemorrhage, kidney failure and heart attack

Ms. Gleycy Correia won the 2018 Miss Continents beauty pageant. She also won Miss Costa del Sol in 2018, according to reports. Ms. Correia suffered a brain hemorrhage and heart attack on April 4. She fell into a coma that lasted 75 days. Ms. Correia went into kidney failure on June 17, and passed away in a hospital on June 20.

Mainstream media are trying very hard to pin her death on a tonsillectomy that occurred five days before the heart attack and brain hemorrhage. But that’s highly improbable. A 2014 study published in JAMA Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery concluded:

“Given the rarity of post-tonsillectomy mortality, there are limited data on a population level regarding mortality after adult tonsillectomy in the United States. A recent survey of 552 otolaryngologists determined an extrapolated mortality rate of 1 in 27,000, or 0.004%.”

About one million tonsillectomies are performed each year in the United States. The most serious complication is bleeding; and that’s rare too. A 2007 study in the Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology found post-operative bleeding in only 5 of 339 adenotonsillectomies. No deaths were reported. The last U.S. post-tonsillectomy death that we could find was a 7-year-old girl in February 2020. She died immediately after the surgery.

Will Harding, Jr.: 27-year-old Minnesota man dies while playing basketball

Details are scant. But an online obituary for Mr. William Harding of Golden Valley, Minnesota, says he “died suddenly and unexpectedly doing what he loved: playing basketball.” It appears he and his wife, Mrs. Billie Jo Harding, just got married earlier this year. Mrs. Harding works in a medical lab and shared this photo via Facebook late last year.

Jersey Howe: 15-year-old Wisconsin girl dies on summer field trip

Jersey Howe was a PJ Jacobs Middle School student in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. She was being raised by her grandmother. Jersey was in Washington, D.C. on June 23, on a Boys and Girls Club field trip. She told administrators that she was having trouble breathing. Minutes later, Jersey started vomiting before having a seizure. Jersey passed away shortly thereafter. Her death was described as “sudden and unexpected” by a local newspaper.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in her memory.

Chris Houghton-Rai: 38-year-old British man dies “suddenly” at work

Mr. Christopher Houghton-Rai was a 38-year-old Toyota car parts manager in Loughborough. He was a husband and had one child. Details are scant. But Leicestershire Live reported that Mr. Houghton-Rai “collapsed unexpectedly” at work on June 21. Paramedics attempted reviving him for 90 minutes. But Mr. Houghton-Rai was pronounced dead at the scene.

He received at least one injection on or around April 18, 2021.

Casey Motter: 53-year-old Atlanta Braves stadium announcer dies in his sleep

Mr. Casey Motter was the public address announcer at Truist Park since 2007. It is home to Major League Baseball’s Atlanta Braves. Mr. Motter was also a voice-over actor and an announcer for BallPark DJ, which provides public address announcing for children’s sports.

The latter company announced via Facebook that Mr. Motter passed away in his sleep on June 30.

He is survived by his wife and six children.

Stephanie Sim Shu Ming: 19-year-old Malaysian competitive shooter dies of stroke

Ms. Stephanie Sim Shu Ming was a competitive air pistol shooter. She was favored to win a medal at the 2022 Sukma Games in Kuala Lumpur from September 29 to October 8, 2022. Ms. Shu Ming suffered a sudden stroke and went into a coma on June 16. She spent the next three days at Sarawak General Hospital before passing away on June 19.

Malaysia is 84% “fully vaccinated.” Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said in October, “we will make life very difficult for you if you’re not vaccinated by choice.”

Mitch Cade Williams: 34-year-old Australia teacher and football coach drops dead at home

Mr. Mitch Cade Williams was a beloved teacher and coach in Greenvale, Northern Melbourne. He is also a husband and father of a three-year-old and one-year-old daughter. Mr. Williams suddenly collapsed in his home on July 3. He was pronounced dead almost immediately. His death was described as “sudden and without warning.”

A MyCause page is collecting funds to help support his family.

Tyler Lehane: 27-year-old Massachusetts man dies two days after “aggressive cancer” diagnosis

Mr. Tyler Lehane was a father of two and a husband. He was in the U.S. Army for three years before being honorably discharged. Mr. Lehane worked full time at IKEA and was attending Southern New Hampshire University. He was completely healthy and posting via Facebook about his support of abortion and homosexual “marriage” on June 25.

Mr. Lehane was rushed to the hospital on June 27 after falling deathly ill. Doctors at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston diagnosed him with “an aggressive form of cancer,” according to a Facebook post from Mrs. Alissa Lehane.  Mr. Lehane passed away in the hospital on June 29.

Mr. Lehane died at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the same hospital that removed Mr. D.J. Ferguson from its heart transplant list in January because he was non-vaccinated. Southern New Hampshire University also had a vaccine mandate.

Ashley Marie Fortier-Curtis: 31-year-old New York woman “died unexpectedly” at home

Ms. Ashley Marie Fortier-Curtis was a dispatcher at Bottini Fuel in southeast New York. Details are scant. But Ms. Fortier-Curtis “died unexpectedly” at home on June 23. She is survived by her mother and family in Florida.

Michael Morgan: 23-year-old Irish man dies suddenly at work

Mr. Michael Morgan worked for Newell Stores in Coalisland, Northern Ireland. He “became unwell” at work on July 4. Mr. Morgan was rushed to Craigavon Area Hospital that morning. He was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Speaking of written in Stone…

This blogger has to put the tin-foil kufi on for just a moment because the last week has seen an incredible string of conspiracy coincidences related to The Great Reset. First, there’s the European Organization for Nuclear Research, better known as CERN. The Geneva-based physics lab was founded in 1954. Long story short, and in layman’s terms, CERN plays billiards (pool) with subatomic particles to see what happens when they crash together. A 16-mile (27 km) long machine called a Large Hadron Collider (LHC) facilitates the process.

This machine had been down for maintenance for three years, prolonged by the so-called pandemic. CERN began the procedures to restart it in April, with July 5 being the day it would get going again. That happened, to the delight of CERN employees.

Anybody who paid attention knew that July 5 was “the day.” Thus the conspiracy theory was that something crazy would happen in the world on that day.

The Georgia Guidestones are like the U.S. version of Stonehenge in England. The granite monument was built in 1979 by an anonymous individual. It was unveiled in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia.

A 2015 documentary called “Dark Clouds over Elberton” claims that the person who funded and designed the monument is Dr. Herbert Hinzie Kersten, a doctor from Fort Dodge, Iowa, and supporter of the Ku Klux Klan.

The Guidestones are inscribed with 10 guidelines for humanity in eight languages. Some referred to said guidelines as the new 10 commandments. It’s the first two guidelines that some feel are principles of The Great Reset and its depopulation agenda:

  • Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  • Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

In other words, reduce the world’s population by 90% and prevent people from procreating. One day after CERN got the LHC restarted, on July 6, there was an explosion at the Georgia Guidestones. Videos of the incident went viral. Critical thinkers immediately wondered how the video of the explosion was captured, but there is no footage of the explosives actually being placed there (except for a car driving away from the scene after the explosion).

But the conspiracy doesn’t end there. The next day, on July 7 (yesterday), U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation. It is perhaps the biggest political news story in the Western world since Donald Trump won the 2016 U.S. Election. The conspiracy continues today. Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who left office in 2020, was shot and killed today at a political event. That’s three straight days of shocking or at least meter-moving world news since the CERN restart. Make of that what you will.

This blogger believes that the world will suffer between 150 to 200 million excess deaths in 2022. An educated guess is that 50 million of said deaths have already happened. The process will continue accelerating until peaking sometime next year.

Granted in the grand scheme, 200 million people is only about a 2.5% reduction in the world’s population. That may grow to a 3-4% reduction because of mass infertility. But this is only the beginning. All the chess pieces are being positioned now for what’s to come in 2023, when excess deaths will number in the billions. All the post-CERN action may be the sign of the coming acceleration. Tin foil kufi off now.

Whether we like it or not, this genocide is happening. All these distractions (Boris, Shinzo, CERN, January 6, abortion, Ukraine, etc.) do not change this fact. Sudden and unexpected deaths have already been normalized in The Great Reset. All we can do at this point is watch it all play out and wonder why we are here, chosen to be here at these moments in history.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Odd that this Georgia Guidestones video was not confiscated or gone “missing”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ken

i just saw a video analysis by someone who’s familiar surveillance video: 1) the released footage was shot by a smart phone over the screen of the surveillance footage. hence the poor quality.
2) they only released few seconds. 3) Also it was done by 2 cameras both front view. 4) there were 2 explosions.

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

The silver car was probably just some kids out smoking pot, who got scared when they heard the blast.

There’s no footage of the explosives, just like there’s no footage of Epstein hanging himself. Duh.

2 years ago

RIP Dr. Z. You saved the lives of many people. Unfortunately dr. Karen thinks the vaxx will only work if everybody is poisoned. A great doctor dies and fraud pharmaceutical salesman lives on. Doesn’t seem right.

Lynn Kenedy
Lynn Kenedy
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Doesn’t seem right to me either. (And I’m one of the ones Dr. Zelenko saved — along with Dr. Stella. He gave me the protocols. She prescribed me the Hydroxychloroquine.)

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Age-old question no? Why do the wicked prosper?

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

It’s because they will do anything to achieve their goals regardless of any consequence that would have a negative effect on others.

The “good” will just sit there and pray for somebody else to do it. The very few that do have actions behind their noble beliefs and principles are the ones willing to put themselves on the line and sacrifice themselves.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I have to say the answer to that question is because “we” (the masses) allow evil to run amuck unchecked!

Most of the “masses” have cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome so badly that they don’t have a clue that they are being abused. The cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome are so deep that they’ll even defend and protect their abuser(s).

They also are devoid of a moral compass and can’t seem to distinguish between what’s a “right” action vs what’s a “wrong” action. The Milgrim or Milgram experiment proves that!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

No rest for the wicked. The serpent circles-back on itself and eats.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

They know what waits for them ?

2 years ago

Are we to read that the excess deaths in the billions in 2023 is vaxx-related?

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
2 years ago

The Georgia Guidestone seems deliberately stage. It’s seems both a distraction and attempt to erase evidence. The globalist has always been blabbering about their new world order fantasy for many generations.

Now since people are finally taking notice, they are starting to keep a tighter lid on their plans. It’s too late now. The globalist can no longer walk any of this back and try again. They came to far and their plans aren’t going as smoothly as they anticipated.

But unfortunately from where I am standing, the great reset is still ahead of the game.

~ tsf ~
~ tsf ~
2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Con-vid 1984 – Good post.
As I understand it, the NWO fantasy, as mentioned, has been in existence for centuries.
It also involved the Freemasons.

2 years ago
Reply to  ~ tsf ~

It is suspicious, Con-vid. The footage is so blurry, a $50.00 doorbell camera is cleaner.

All I can think is its irrelevant now, they achieved their goal. No animals lived in the trials. Fete acompli. Why should we think humans will? It will be horrific, it is already.

2 years ago
Reply to  ~ tsf ~

The NWO fantasy has been in existence for millennia. Read Plato’s Republic. In Plato’s ideal society, children are taken from their parents at birth and raised by the state.

2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Agree -also interesting that the clock on the “security camera” is at 4:03 and 33 seconds. Lots of 3’s. Also, a lot that can be done with all of the numbers to make their favorite numbers. I’m not a numerology person, but they are, and I can see their games in the numbers they use. It’s so obvious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy

YES you get it too..these devils are all about numerology and “spelling” word magik

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy

Why not 3:03:33 (normal time)?
4×3=12=3 Trinity


In Christianity, the number 1 signifies the unity of both God and the members of the church. The Lord is One, although He has three forms of manifestation. Number one is the perfect symbol of the unity of the Holy Trinity. The man and the woman become “one” by the oath of marriage, although they continue to be two individuals. One is the number closest to God; he is “alpha”, he is “the beginning”, he is the number zero converted to action or deed
Number 1 is the Lord who projects a ray of light into the universe (the original light), is the beginning of the world, and can be defined as both life and light. 1 is the manifestation of God through Himself, a “One” of unity, of the absence of conflict; it is the concentration or uniqueness of purpose.

2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Exactly. It almost seems like they were trying to get rid of some evidence of their depopulation intent.

You made your bed
You made your bed
1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

It’s been rumored for a while that Ted Turner, former owner of CNN, put those stones up. Makes sense….he’s from Georgia. The billionaires are obsessed with population reduction because they plan to live forever and know resources won’t last as long as they like with 7.5 billions humans on earth. The Hubris of these people is unbelievable. They think they can become Gods. I’m reminded of that old butter commercial from the 70’s that said “Don’t mess with mother nature”.

Rob Meldrum
Rob Meldrum
2 years ago

This site is fantastic and I visit it regularly. Around the USA (and I assume most of the rest of the world) high schools and colleges are mandating the vaxx for all students, even going as far as banning unvaxxed students from Zoom (teleconference) classes. If the vaxxes end up affecting both male and female fertility, nearly an entire generation will be unable to procreate. And now they’re approving vaxxes for children… Fifty to one hundred years from now they will have achieved their population reduction goal.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

Sweden has just seen an official 10% decline in its birthrate since the vaxx rollout year on year…there is no way that Kill Gates and company would miss this opportunity to carry out their psychopathic agenda…

2 years ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

I think: 3.5 years of Tribulation wherein God watches as men do all the damage, followed by 3.5 years when God unmistakably judges the earth and men.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago

Also I would like to add the above mentioned Michael Morgan’s grandmother also died a few weeks prior to his death. It was in the British press. No doubt both were vaccinated. I have noticed now the crowd is diminishing in Birmingham, England as people die off or become seriously ill. Every day now the reality of this die-off in right in my face. Last night a British friend of mine phoned. He lives in a very small town. I was shocked when he told me how many friends of his who live near-by have stage-three cancer. I have tried to educate this friend about the evil agenda behind this fake vaccine roll-out, but he becomes so defensive. I also went to a shop today to talk to another old English friend of mine. She told me her aged vaccinated father has developed ulcers on his legs. Quite debilitating ulcers. Then she mentioned how her brother Karl was bed ridden with severe Covid-19. How also he was battling a terrible and painful gum infection. A gum infection so excruciating, he took to walking the streets at night to calm the pain. He is vaccinated.
Also, another well-loved English celebrity, Declan Donnelly lost his 55-year-old brother today, he died of a ‘sudden illness’. Those magic words again. When will the British connect the dots? I have already mentioned in a former comment that 5 people I knew from my former health club all died in a span of 14 months. The nightmare continues.
Also, may I make a request to the Christian people on here who take the moral high ground. Please stop judging. This tragedy did not happen because the West has become godless or idolatrous. In fact, most UK church goers are vaccinated. This tragedy happened because people did not use their critical thinking. People of all faiths, creeds and racial background wilfully went to the ‘death camps’ (vaccination centres) without doing any basic research on these so-called Covid-19 vaccines.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

“Also, may I make a request to the Christian people on here who take the moral high ground. Please stop judging. This tragedy did not happen because the West has become godless or idolatrous.”

You want us to ‘stop judging’ the zealots that forced people to lose their jobs & homes, the people who wanted us in camps. to have our children taken away, who wanted to forcibly inject us with poison, the people who are literally responsible for the direct & indirect deaths of 10’s of millions of people?

This tragedy isn’t a ‘tragedy’, it was a plan – it’s called mass murder, no different than abortion, and the West has become worse than godless the past 100 years.

Your flavor of Jesus down with mass murder, is he?

You’re not speaking the words of Christ, you’re a Christian Virtue Signaler, and God sees right through that hypocrisy.

You ought to prepare yourself one day to hear the words, “I never knew you.”.

As for me, I have shown love to my enemy, told anyone who would listen ‘You don’t want nothing to do with this coming vaxx.’ all the way back in early 2020.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kiel
Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Kiel

He does not mean that the average Western person particularly churchgoers has an evil intent. They don’t but that does not seem to be the case with many of our “glorious leaders”, Iraq, Libya, and Syria being cases in point. We have to be careful in judging others lest we be judged and there are many reasons that our countries will be so judged one day in the not too distant future according to my “information”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kiel

Chill, Kiel… Looks like Omri may not be a Christian himself, and thus not obliged to be “speaking the words of Christ”.
I think he is trying to suggest that the Christian West not to be too harsh on those who are vaxxed, as they might have been misguided by MSM and gang. He doesn’t sound like he was defending the vax zealots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kiel

Thank you posting this!!! I am among those who lost their job, and I also tried warning people, but only a few listened. Your response to Omri was excellent.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago
Reply to  Kiel

I meant stop judging the vaccinated and the sheeple.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Good reminder, Omri.
Personally I’m having the most trouble not being angry with those who either knew better or should have known better; the pastors and doctors who pushed the mask culture on our church; the doctor who openly mocked my husband when my husband asked for an Ivermectin prescription (“Where did you get your medical degree? Off Facebook?”) then later laughed about the fact that this “pandemic” has been “good for his bottom line.” He pushed the jabs on people in our church and on social media. He couldn’t even be bothered to do ten minutes of honest research!! How many people have they maimed or killed??? They had plenty to say when I wouldn’t perpetuate the lies or participate in the mask culture!! Now that the lies are bubbling to the surface, they’re silent as though it never happened. ?

1 year ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

the doctor who openly mocked my husband when my husband asked for an Ivermectin prescription (“Where did you get your medical degree? Off Facebook?”) then later laughed about the fact that this “pandemic” has been “good for his bottom line.” 
Hopefully that el stinker took a dose (doses) of his own medicine and pays for pushing people to poison themselves. Are you keeping tabs on him?

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

|Your understand of scripture is flawed. The command not to “judge” meant don’t be too hard on people when you do the same thing they are doing. It didn’t mean forgive and forget any and all behavior not matter how vicious..

For our very survival we must “judge” evil. We also “judge” the hypocrisy, the lies, and incessant attacks on non-vaccinated people we endured for two years. I had multiple people on social media wish me death for not being vaccinated. And I witnessed this being directed toward others numerous times.

2 years ago

Yep, I listened to people wish death and illness on the unvaxxed, people standing in a group, said that to my face.

1 year ago

Yes, it is war, and “forgiving” those who are STILL warring on you and other innocents is foolish and dangerous.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

“I meant stop judging the vaccinated and the sheeple.”

The Vaccinated & ‘The Sheeple’ are one and the same, are are the zealots that allowed governmental & non governmental officials to get as far as they have.

The only exception I’ll make is to the people that didn’t want the vaxx, but were essentially given the choice between food & shelter, or poverty and destitution – my heart goes out to those folks.

This isn’t Kumbaya time, Omri, they’re now going after infants – and they’re not going to stop until they’re stopped.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kiel

Personally, I wonder if the Holy Spirit is Who protected all those who ‘knew’ better than to submit to the injections.

I also think ANY church that encouraged or worse yet used its buildings and grounds to host injection operations, IS A CHURCH TO LEAVE ASAP AND NEVER GO BACK. And find a church that didn’t, where they use the KJV and preach the Gospel, and the Gospel doesn’t have to be teased out of a sermon on ethics or morality.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

There are a lot of false churches. They are worshipping the covid gods. I agree. If you are in any institution, church or otherwise, that pushes the vaxx – be on your guard, get out! It’s compromised.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

The Holy Spirit definitely warned me. God rarely speaks to me in such a direct way. Mostly I pray and wait, and find answers through actions around me or in scripture but occasionally it’s like I get a loud vocal download to the brain. So when I prayed about this vaccine I got a very loud No instantly. I actually had heart surgery as a toddler so when I heard all the heart problems coming out later it really gave me the shivers. I’m glad I learned to obey long before.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

Spot on! I too believe the indwelling of the Holy Spirit gives discernment and protects us. We as Christians, have been warned about this for 2000 years, so if you fell for the scam (as a Christian) you simply weren’t paying attention. No excuses. We all know about the lukewarm Church, and how Jesus said he would spew them from his mouth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kiel

All this “don’t judge” stuff is just woke culture and/or psychobabble. As Christians, we are told to judge righteous judgement. You either stand for something or fall for everything. People do not understand the role that we will have once we get on the other side. Better know right from wrong, and be willing to call it as you see it, if you want to be a working member of “thy kingdom come, on earth as it it in heaven.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Thank you for sharing. Anecdotes teach a lot.

As for the reason behind it, here is my general observation:
In the last fifty years, the power-that-be has fattened, poisoned, weakened, dumbed-down and conditioned humanity until the herd was ready get slaughtered.  

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

GOd is testing us all the time. We had a test now with covid vaccines. Some passed it, some others not. SO many in the past were tortured to give up Faith and they didnt . What we now had was very easy actually.
The problem is they touched the children. They were like the God’s lambs sent for slaughter. Also the teens and very young people are in this cathegory.
The adults should of protect them and they have failed – too many failed.

Dont judge: no, not judging, just making remarks. We all have the free will, some chosed to follow the desception, even if all info was there, they chose the status quo and materialism, to follow the bad ones even if all the bells were there: just look the things the people advertising vaccines stand, what they support and promote and this is everything you need to know as to decide you have to take distance from them as they don’t do Gods Will but Satan one.
Yet so many were weak. Thats it. God destroyed Humanity a few times before, now he just makes a cleanse.
Humanity will recover and I hope this time for good.
But we must get rid of all the evil, otherwise they will come back

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

No real Christian should touch an abortion tainted vaccine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

We are not judging. We are EXPOSING those who want to force vaccinate kids, vulnerable and elderly with an experimental clot shot. Not to mention expose the damage vaccines, as well masks, lockdowns and vaccine passports, have done. Where have the happy clap, fake christians been on this topic? That’s right. Silent. Not a single word. Happy to accept government pay outs when they closed the churches. Greed! Happy to allow lockdowns to bring us into a recession that will bankrupt us and allow the IMF and WEF to get us to accept their NWO way of living.

Way before the fake pandemic we have been living under Satan’s yoke of totalitarian, newspeak deception. The Christian’s, you claim to be judging others, have been aware of Satan’s rule and devices of mass manipulation on the ‘godless and idolatrious’ “christians” and non-christians We have been living a life of lies, lies and more lies. Everything godless leaders and useful idiots have proclaimed to be truth is nothing but lies.

There is a deadly pandemic killing granny and everyone. Grannies were murdered in care homes due to DNR orders and other deaths were caused by the already exisiting flu that wiped out people with already weak immune systems.
Vaccines are safe and vaccine? No they are not.
The earth is a globe. Nope. Read scripture and do some research.
Diversity is a strength. Let’s see how London is fairing out.
Homosexuality is not a sin. No Christian would dare accept this as truth (again, read scripture).
Ecumenism is what we need to unite all faiths together. So forget about 2000 years of doctrine and instead water it down with liberal and wordly “truths” and ideals to pander to the masses and bring forward a satanic one world religion.

Maybe aside from the homosexuality clause most of the fake christians would accept the above points about as truth. If their “elected” politicans and false teachers on the pulpit say so then it must be true. They won’t bother to ask God for wisdom to figure out what is true or not. And did Jesus and the apostles not warn us about false teachers.

And THIS IS to do with the west going down the route of godless living and idolatry. Jeez, have you even read the old testament? The so called chosen people of God constantly turning away from God’s law and turned to human desires and Satan’s rule. The worshipping of idols led to people turning away from God and thus turned to a life full of hedonism and worthless pleasures. The same fake christians have turned away from God and living a life of greed and pride (social media types who abandon the helpless and look to their own desires).

You bunch together people of all faiths, creeds and racial backgrounds based on the notion of critical thinking. And why are they all lacking in critical thinking? Because they chose to listen to satan’s words (disguised as false teachers and “elected” and unelected leaders).

You’ll find the true Christian’s were the ones who defied lockdowns, vaccines and unlawful mandates. The fake happy claps went along with the deception and are paying the price.

The fact that most UK church goes are vaxxed just proves how easily manipulated the fake christian brigade from the false churches are. Instead of asking the one true and almighty God for wisdom and strength to challenge Satan’s deception they are led by false teachers who tell them to do what is good according to the world and not what God deems to be right.

Why on earth would any christian take a vaccine that is proven to be a deadly weapon of mass depopulation? That completely proves Christians are not filled with the Holy Spirit of WISDOM and instead fall prey to the lies of Satan’s servants.

REV 18:23 – For by your [Satan’s] merchants [bankers] were the great men of the earth, and by your sorcery all nations were deceived.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Adding onto my first comment:

So yes the west becoming godless and idolatrous is what has led many christian’s to following false truths. If the west did live by God’s way then none of this would happen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Those “Christians” who took the vaxx are Christians in name only……they did not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit…….since in effect it is the mark of the beast as it were. Why are we here to witness this? So that Jesus can demonstrate that he is indeed our savior! Who else could save us? He is allowing the evil to pervade such that all will see there is no other way……and no fence sitting allowed. Blessings to you all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan

“…….since in effect it is the mark of the beast as it were.”

You may be more right than you know.

My wife just played a clip of Dr. McCullough yesterday talking about how it’s been proven in recent experiments that the mRNA is actually entering the nucleus and rewriting human DNA in the lab.

This thing is the mark of the beast.

I remember a year or so ago hearing Malone say that it won’t rewrite DNA – that it’s theoretically possible, but so unlikely that the very concept is just fear mongering.

McCullough’s about the only one I ‘trust’ these days.

To me, now, Malone’s little more than Dr. Frankenstein warning us about a monster on the loose, while muddying the waters on just what it is, what it wants, and where it came from.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kiel
Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
2 years ago
Reply to  Susan

not many have the discernment yet to clearly hear the Holy Spirit’s whispers…or His warnings. With many Christians, it can take a while. I recall hearing a testimony of a Christian woman who was told while she was in prayer, by the Lord that this jab wasnt the mark of the beast, but was a precursor to it….leading up to it. So those who did get the jab need not become discouraged– place yourselves in God’s hands from this day forward, and listen only to Him

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan

“Why are we here to witness this? So that Jesus can demonstrate that he is indeed our savior! Who else could save us? He is allowing the evil to pervade such that all will see there is no other way.”

This doesn’t make any sense to me. Why would Jesus allow the innocent (i.e., young children who who were ‘vaccinated’ at their parents’ whim, individuals who took the ‘vaccine’ as they faced a decision between food and shelter or poverty and destitution, etc.) to suffer so greatly? There has to be a better way for Him to demonstrate His glory than through collateral damage — is He really that glorious otherwise?

To expand on that thought, under your mode of reasoning WHAT, exactly, happens to those innocent children who suffer as collateral damage but are NOT Christians (unbaptised or off another faith)? Are they condemned to eternal damnation? They never “knew” Jesus, so why should they be granted access to His kingdom?

Food for thought.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

You are mistaking church goers for Christians. I have been a Christian for 31 years, I don’t go to church and I never joined a church. I passed on every church I checked out for this reason: the congregations had no discernment. They all followed their pastors blindly. They did not study the Bible and come to their own conclusions. Most of all…these so-called Christians did not turn their backs on the world…as Jesus told us to do. I’m willing to bet the ranch, that no true Christian who dropped out of the world, was reading the Bible on their own, and was practicing genuine discernment was taken in by this scamdemic. Also, anyone who has been reading alt-media for the last 20 years, and had enough discernment not to be fooled by controlled opposition, also did not fall for this scam. I read the entire scam laid out on a website, at least 15 years ago…although I can’t remember which one. No person if faith has any excuse for falling for the plandemic lies

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I can’t judge. My husband, who always researches both sides of an issue and is usually a critical thinker, got the vaccine for his job, same with my 18 yr old daughter. I begged them to wait. If they had, my husband would have kept his job and still been able to travel after things opened up. My daughter may have lost her job but it wasn’t worth the price. I only judge those who judged and criticized ME when I admitted I wasn’t vaccinated. And I still treat them the same, though I’m not surprised when I hear they’ve got new health issues.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Telling people to stop judging is YOU judging them. It is called discerning right from wrong. If you disagree, so be it. We have a right to our opinion.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago

“Them local raidnaycks done away with that there city slicker thang sittin’ out there fer years now. Billy Joe from out in the woods down south yonda there blew it up, and Sheriff Joe Bob ordered the rest of the d@mn thang torn down within 12 hours!” 🙂

2 years ago

‘Destruction of a Crime Scene’ – it’s as if The FBI left its calling card right on top of the rubble.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

My wife and I are one of the few on my street that aren’t vaccinated with the death jabs. Our neighbors around us know we aren’t death jabbed. Since the vax rollout, we’ve all gone our separate ways only perhaps waving and saying a brief fake “hi” on occasion. When I take our dogs for their daily walk my neighbors and I sometimes look at each other and probably wondering the same thing: “why aren’t they dead yet”.

Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Another excellent article. What is so upsetting is the lamestream media and gene altered people rejoicing in the death of Dr Z and wishing harm on the few remaining good doctors like Dr Simone Gold, Dr Carrie, Dr Stella, Dr Peter Mccollough and Dr Ryan Coleman, to name a few.
Sadly, the majority of people reject the Truth and deny reality. Their doom is certain. Many people who may seem fine are not really. I don’t think they are saying anything about their injuries or if they do, it is #ABV?‍♀️?‍♀️

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

Some in that Twitter mob are likely borderline psychotics. I do believe in something like Karma as we are all connected by strong, invisible threads. They should be careful what they wish for – “whatever goes around, comes around”.

I was surprised that Dr. Zelenko was only 48 – “only the good die young”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

He reminds me of Moses…..a forerunner for Jesus……God using him in parting the Red Sea as our backs are against the wall and the chariots draw near…. Maranatha!

Pat Tobin
Pat Tobin
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Why aren’t the homeless everywhere and border migrants dead from Covid? You made the right choice, stay strong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I feel exactly the same Frank – and I’m sure they do too. One thing is for sure though, there are less and less of them walking the dog these days.

2 years ago

“All we can do at this point is watch it all play out and wonder why we are here, chosen to be here at these moments in history.”

In response to that statement – We are here “for such a time as this” because God put us here. Our lives have purpose. It is up to us to figure out what that purpose is and that is accomplished by reading the Holy Bible. God is in a great spiritual battle with His enemy, Satan. We are on the front lines of the battle, and we have a part to play. Evil stalks our land and each of us must decide which side we are on. “… As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

And the battle has already been won by Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice…..the only lamb necessary to buy our redemptions. Stay strong, and fly under the wings of the Almighty!

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Soon enough: one little word from Jesus. And Satan is in the Lake of Fire, eternally.

2 years ago

My wife came home from work yesterday evening and told me about another employee in the building, a guy in his early 50s and in good health, who was found dead at home, slumped over his keyboard in front of his PC. It’s a virtual certainty he was vaxxed because he worked in a federal government organization within the building and employees had to get vaxxed or they would be fired.

He should have chosen the latter option. He’d still be alive.

One of my brothers informed me of a young guy in good health in his upper 30s, the son of a friend, who recently died “suddenly and unexpectedly.” Really no reason for it. No one seemed to have an answer as to why he suddenly dropped dead.

There will be a lot more of these cases in the days to come.

“Nothing to see here, move along…”

2 years ago
Reply to  Piglet

This is exactly what Doctors Mikovitz and Montagnier and a host of others said would happen eighteen months ago. They were silenced by the medical cartel.

2 years ago

The first thing I thought when I heard about the Georgia Guidestones was… they’ve done what they were meant to do for 42 years, now too many folks know the truth…so they must come down. I watched to see if this would be pushed to death by MSM. Looks like they don’t want to use this to blame a Truther…just a low-key takedown. Perhaps the candidate for governor pledging to remove the stones, was a bit too much for the NWO. Strange how the news out of the UK and Japan is not getting much coverage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

All I have to say is the abuser(s)/controller(s) generally control both sides of the narrative that’s pushed out to the masses.

So, a candidate saying they want to take down the guidestones is probably part of a pre-planned agenda.

2 years ago
Reply to  JustTheFacts

There is a good chance that you’re correct about that. People who don’t understand that 99% of MSM are staged events (including most mass shootings) and a huge percent of alt-media is controlled opposition, will not be able to hang on until Jesus returns. Discernment… discernment… discernment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Also, do we know for sure the guidestones are really gone?

These monsters can put anything in a video and name it whatever and none of us will actually know.

I’ve never visited where the guidestones were/are placed, but maybe its time for a road trip. Need to verify and confirm whether or not this and other events are accurate.

Frank S.
Frank S.
2 years ago

Matt. 24:9 “…they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my namesake.”

2 years ago

The Georgia Guidestones was deliberately blown. TPTB didn’t want any more critical researchers looking into the source of who/how/why it was built. One thing for sure is that it’s tied to the Philosophy of Dr. William Shockley (1910-1989), specifically about population control. Also worth nothing is the influence of Thomas Paine’s “Age of Reason”.

2 years ago

What is happening is truly horrifying. I’m worried for my vaxxed friends and family members, and I’m wondering when it’s is going to happen to someone I know.

Pat Tobin
Pat Tobin
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

I feel the same way Gary. We share the knowledge of a terrible secret no one is interested in or believes. I am struggling with daily functions as the reality of what is happening manifests in all its horror.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  Pat Tobin

I remember seeing naive people talking about things going back to normal and thinking how insane that is. People are actively hunting us and some people think that things will just go back to normal. Wow.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

Those are the Zombies you will be observing in the near future…they will be anything but normal…many Hollywood movies were made about them…

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Same here. My adult children are both vaxxed. I keep praying that they see the light before they get hurt or killed by it.

2 years ago

Re: Tonsillectomy’s: Tonsils become enlarged when lymphocytes increase in response to viral infection. Treating the underlying infection and preserving the tonsils, preserve immune protection. Mother nature has a purpose for these body parts. She also has a purpose for mrna quickly degrading in the body once digested from food (as opposed to this newfangled synthetically-derived rna). It’s really that simple.

Kinda assuming Correia’s tonsillectomy did play a part in her bodies ability to calm systemic inflammation/injury, caused by the vaccine(s).

2 years ago

You can count myself and my two children amongst the lives saved by both Doctors Zev Zelenko, and Carrie Madej. Our Guardian Angels.

2 years ago

The demise of the Georgia Guide-stones was certainly “Sudden and Unexpected”. I won’t waste time on whether it was an NWO coverup. The fact is that this hideous structure and its vile messages are gone and all good people should rejoice.
My condolences to the family of Dr Zelenko – he was a good man.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

I couldn’t stop singing Hallelujah for hours after hearing of its collapse :>

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

Yes, a very good man and he accomplished his mission here. A true beautiful soul. May God protect his family and children, they will have to struggle without his guidance, but all will make them stronger, I assume he let them lots of indications and advices and prepared them. He said he is prepared to go.
Maybe he wanted to go as to stop endanger his family as to silence him.
Anyway he was ready and I pray for his soul and thank God he allowed us to have people like him as models.

I also like Dr. Carrie Madej a LOT, I am so happy she made it and hope she will refreain in using things that can be sabotaged and covered up easily, I pray for her!

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Men like Zelenko, true heroic men.
Women like Madej, true heroic women, and the super-rarest of God’s gems.

2 years ago
Reply to  DavidB

Why simp for zelenko? He is a jew and a doctor, nothing good. Ill mock him as him and his kind mocked jesus “he saved others but he cant even save himself”

2 years ago

I have more questions then answers when it comes to Zelenko. He said he was tRUMPs doctor and from this article it seems he only sent him a letter. Zelenko was against the jabs yet tRUMP said he took “3” (3,30,33 are fakery codes) Surely tRUMP was lying as usual. Why wouldn’t Zelenko try Ivermectin to cure his cancer??? Surely with his connections he could of gotten his hands on some. And there’s the Noahide Laws.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago

Brian great work as usual. I think your estimate of 150-200 million is pretty conservative. I am seeing a lot of people dying suddenly, or being hit with cancer. Cancer killing someone in two days is just nuts I saw on Lew Rockwell site that someone showed a post from someone claiming to be in the coffin business for 30 years. They have recently taken two bulk orders for coffins under 5 feet long. The post stated that in 30 years they had never filled a bulk order for child size coffins.
I wish I had more details on who posted this, where they are, etc. A co worker of mine went home feeling sick on Friday and it is reported he has “covid”. He has the J and J. Have not seen him all week. Will try calling today and tell him to get some Ivermectin and by all means avoid the hospital. There used to be a show of n some cable channel calle Life After People. It was about what happens to the world when all of us are gone. Without immigration most of the west would already be facing life without people, and this was without covid shots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

The Dutch site, FrontNieuws, had a story on child sized coffin sales… two bulk orders, a hundred coffins apiece.
(correct me if I’m wrong)

2 years ago

“Nature” has a way of taking things back!

2 years ago

I am leaning toward the lightning explanation for the damage done to the Georgia Guidestones.

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

Same. Maybe the Almighty Himself decided to remind everyone He’s still here…

2 years ago
Reply to  Kelly

Just North of Cincinnati was a mega church started by a former horse trader. For years they had a massive ostentatious statue of our Lord near the highway. One night lighting so too struck that structure and burned it to the ground when nobody was around. Later it was replaced by a more respectful graven image and if one looks carefully you can see a lighting rod on the crown.

#FBA Saha
#FBA Saha
2 years ago

That was disappointing to read that Dr. Zelenko supports the racist Proud Boys (and nobody has commented about this). Even the people you want to like have issues. But then again, I’m not surprised. A lot of the “anti-vaxx” community is far right wingers and do not like Black people just because they are Black. That’s just life being Black, Christian and conservative.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Saha

Actually I have seen (on tv) black members of the Proud Boys speaking so I assumed they were inclusive of all color of folk. You’re painting “anti-vax,” among other groups, with a broad brush but go ahead and stereotype; some folk here aren’t “anti-vax” only anti-C19 clot shots. I personally am still investigating older so-called “vaccines” which the mRNA jab most certainly is NOT.

#FBA Saha
#FBA Saha
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Did you seriously just use the “I have a (pet) Black friend” excuse for the Proud Boys?

2 years ago

I had to wait a day before I read this update a second time. The overwhelming impact it had on me – I am trying to comprehend and deal with it. Your ending statement of why we are here at this time and bearing witness to these horrible evil acts hit home. I feel Dr. Zelenko’s statement of being prepared by God and fearing nothing on this earth sums it up. We must stay strong and use all our resources to counter this evil. The tide is turning. I read less than 2% of parents have vaxxed their under 5 children. That is great news! ? For the vaxx zealots and pushers of this evil – nothing but you will reap what you have sown. For those who caved under pressure – I hope you’re going to be okay. For the strong who held fast – God bless you all ❤ for I have taken comfort from you knowing I was not alone.

Maggie J.
Maggie J.
2 years ago

Hi Brian. I’ve been a subscriber since May 2021. This is my first comment ever. I just read your updates on Telegram that were added to this article regarding Dr. Zelenko. You might truly be the last real journalist on Earth.

You have a lot of integrity and courage to point out the whole truth. Dr. Zelenko was a good man for saving lives with HCQ and zinc. But as a Christian, I’m absolutely appalled by his support of Noahide Laws. I was completely unaware of Noahide actually being U.S. law since the 1990s. That is sickening. I also see a lot of people downvoting “#FBA Sasha” because she pointed out Dr. Zelenko’s support for a racist white supremacist group, the Proud Boys.

I’m white, a young 53 years old, non-vaccinated, and I’m equally appalled by Dr. Zelenko’s support of the Proud Boys. I want Sasha and all my black American Christian brothers and sisters to know that we are all God’s creatures. Please know that the far right Christian faction (who are Zionists themselves) do not represent white American Christians. God is all we have to bring us together in what seems to be the End Times. We are all flawed creatures, and Dr. Zelenko is a prime example of someone who did good things, but may not have been the greatest human being.

I’m now donating to this site as well, for the first time, and will try to do so monthly. God Bless you, Brian and your team!

2 years ago
Reply to  Maggie J.

Yes, thank you, Brian, for posting that picture of the signing of the H.J. Res 104. I didn’t realize Dr. Zelenko supported this. He did great work in saving lives with his protocol, but I’m appalled and saddened at the suggestion that he supported the noahide laws. Masonic at best, satanic at worst. If you look at the second dude from the left who is looking creepily at the camera, he is giving the “hidden hand” sign. (I love how googley is suddenly fact checking the hand signals and saying they have nothing to do with certain satanic groups. Kinda like erasing the guidestones – hoping they’ll go down the memory hole. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.)

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago
Reply to  Maggie J.

I find Zelenko’s passing suspicious. If you’ve ever seen a cancer patient at death’s door, they are usually very weak, thin and appearing like a wilting flower, ie. Steve Jobs. Zelenko was none of those. In just one day, he made a video saying he’s in the hospital and then later that night we find out he died. All very strange and unusual.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maggie J.

The noahide laws which the doctor supporter is a very bad thing for all won are called goyim and that goes for most of is. He is not a servant of love. Deception and misleading has many layers and many faces. Some deception comes as good and does so called good things. Whoever supports the noahide laws walks the path of service to self. What we call evil. Decapitation will follow for all who do not accept evil as their master. All. That is not specifically meant for christians , fake or real. That is is a hidden part within us law , the noahide laws. C19 and all other disasters are created on purpose to being jou to a point where you are totally brokken and de moralised to make jou wanting to accept anything. Then the solution inclusief the noahide laws will be presented to you as an active law. ( it is already, the time to act is not ready yet). Part of the solution will be either accepting evil as god or experience decapitation. The whole c19 business and other evils are meant to lead to that point. That is what the doctor zelenko supported. Evil has many layers and deep layers. Some appeaer and might be even good for an individual human. But is always about the bigger plan. You might be saved from a so called covid death by the doc gis protocol to later die in a famine created on purpose or lose your head because of these noahide laws which he supporys. Anyone who supports the noahide laws supports evil. Period.Sorry mr zelenko. Off with him. You have been warned. Evil comes in many layers and under many diguises. Take Care. Truth sets free.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maggie J.

Dr zelenko was a double agent. Anyone who supports the noahide laws supports evil and tiranny. Anyone who does not accept evil as god will be decapitated. The time is just not right yet. C19 and other men made disasters must bring us to that point. What is the point of saving a life when you support forcing that saved life to accept evil as god or decapitate that person.that is what zelenko supported. Evil has many layers and many disguises even so called good ones. Truth sets free.

2 years ago

A large number of contacts in my online and offline circle have reported positive vibes when CERN’s LHC began its activities July 5th and nostalgic vibes of a better time long gone, some of them pre-9-11 2001 vibes. The creatively inclined have seen a surge in their ability and inspiration.

Looking for a mere particle for $40 Trillion of investments, a massive thirst for power and the facility’s website design that resembles an online shop for cookingware to satisfy idiot science ‘experts’ at the MSM suggests something much more serious going on.

Those who believe in the Parallel Timeline Phenomena aka Mandela Effect say while too early to say the LHC appears to be merging a rift in timelines caused by the global trauma of 9-11 and when CERN’s LHC first powered up in 2008.

This latest activity appears to be at this stage behind the more positive vibes and nostalgia.

(2008 and 2009 were known to be bad years in the personal lives for most people.)

Some here may be familiar with the channel Suspicious0bservers. Lightning is powerful enough to split trees in two, and his rationalizing of a bluish flash, millions of volts pulverizing granite into ‘smoke’ sits right with me.

If there was an actual terrorist act the none of the CCTV video would have been released as part of evidence, he says.

Either way given the main subject of this blog the intended goal of the Guidestones has at least been partially fulfilled which is the likely reason why they demolished the remaining structure.

2 years ago

Also, Georgia guidestones is bullshit. They will just “build back better.”

Last edited 2 years ago by CKJ
2 years ago

So Malaysia’s “Health” Minister actually went on record saying “we will make life very difficult for you if you’re not vaccinated…” ?

It’s absolutely mind-blowing that in 2022, a government official can make that kind of a public statement, which amounts to a threat, and not be reprimanded or replaced.

Personally, I would love to have at least ten minutes with that official. I would leave a lasting impression.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

He’s not the only one, French president Macron said the same, that he would make the lives of unvaxxed people a living hell.. They will have to answer to God someday, this vile satanists!!

2 years ago

I’m in a highly vaxed area. Although I’ve noticed an uptick in “sudden death” announcements at church, everything seems… normal. Nobody in my neighborhood has dropped dead, at least 3 women had babies, and most of the kids have been injected.

So I don’t know if I’m in the “saline injection area”, or it’s gonna take another year or 2 for the vaxed people in my hood to drop dead?

2 years ago
Reply to  anybody

Yeah I told a lady other day people vaxed were still getting cov and her response was well it seems there are a lot less hospitalizations

2 years ago

Ye ole Georgia guidestones. Never taught of em in school in the 70s n 80s. Never knew anything about them till recently in my near 50 yr of age. So if they were resurrected as a monument to the sick and corrupted then that’s likely what it was. I don’t think thos sickos can do their torture without dragging everyone else along.

2 years ago

I’m thinking that the guidestones were destroyed by a professional hired by the globalists. No big surprise there. But I can’t help but think that the reason is because it would have become a gathering point for millions of vaccine damaged/killed and their families and friends—a major thorn in the pro-vax and died-by-anything-but-the-vax narrative crowd. And I don’t think anyone would have been able to stop their destruction anyway. It’s the same reason they had to murder the 16-year-old son and beautiful, innocent 8-year-old daughter of Anwar Al-Awlaki. They would have grown up to be major propaganda pieces against the war machine and the globalists.

2 years ago

The Georgia guidstones thing is to keep you occupied and busy and distracted . Murdering trough injections continues and all the misery is not reported. That continues ass well. The great divide op people continues and gets worse. Preparations to create mass famine are in progress. At least in Holland laws are put into effect regarding the climate lie which will decimate Dutch farmers and help those who want a famine. They give you talking points while carrying on with murder and destruction in plain sight. Forget about the stones. I have family who died, friends and relatives of co workers also . Suddenly for all of them and 2 trough rapid developing 3 week liver cancers and They are gone. Real quick. And i saw someone suddenly collapsing , suddenly dropping 2 shopping bags. The collapsing Blood crushing out of her mouth while laying in the street. The g stones thing is to distract . what does it matters now if it stands There or is destroyed? Other things should matter now.i am a witness of the effect of the so called vaccination.

2 years ago

I just learned that a client had a blood clot go to her lung, she went in for tests and they found she had blood clots in both legs. They also ran tests for various cancers and found she has markers for many. She’s scared. But she is a vax zealot, vaxxed and boosted, and parrots every single leftist media talking point, I always have to bite my tongue around her.

1 year ago

Unfortunate about Dr. Zelenko. Last I’d heard he was recovering well enough from his illness. Though he’d probably have shunned the accolades, he’ll certainly be remembered as a hero. I understand his life was threatened on multiple occasions – the fact that he carried on treating patients and trying to warn the public regardless of the potential danger to himself showed the type of person he really was.

As for Dr. Madej, when I first heard of the incident in question for some reason I couldn’t help thinking of what happened to investigator Gary Caradori. After obtaining some shall we say sensitive documentation from an informant, Caradori proceeded to call his wife and tell her of this recent accomplishment shortly before flying his single engine plane out of Chicago with their 8 year old in tow. The plane supposedly “fell apart” mid flight, at least according to the NTSB report. There were no survivors. Naturally the documents Caradori retrieved were nowhere among the wreckage. He’d been threatened and knew his mission was a dangerous one. Journalist Wayne Madson wrote about the ones he believed responsible (the more things change the more they stay the same, isn’t it? Albert Bourla likes to powwow with them, so he’s said). I think it possible Caradori grew a bit too careless. He was a professional par excellence, a master of his craft; perhaps it was a combination of this, his dogged determination, and the closing in on something he’d been working at tirelessly was the reason he’d relinquished his usual caution and circumspection. A fantastic man. His anniversary just passed on the 11th, in fact.

Yes the seemingly panoptic, machiavellian nature of evil can be quite a sight but there is one who is greater still, who makes all their silly little games look like mere child’s play. Oh to have the bird’s eye view.

1 year ago
Reply to  Basara

Agreed. Humanity is rather limited. At best he can go up within a tall building and see a traffic accident waiting to happen yet in the future. We are at a great disadvantage to the familiar spirits that oppose and guide this world-

“I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind”

No group, country, people, organization, company, political affiliation, or religion, etc. will give the much needed full truth to overcome. Ultimately, only Christ can straighten our plumb-line.

1 year ago

The joke of an online obituary linked to in the article for the 27-year old young man from Minnesota is insulting, but most who read it are probably to dumb to be insulted by it. It says that he died doing what he loved, playing basketball. What would have probably otherwise have been a healthy, normal 27 year-old died needlessly, but family and friends should smile through their tears, because it was while he was “doing what he loved.” As if, when he was collapsed, gasping for air, choking out his last after the safe and effective injections he received had finished their work with his body, it mattered if he was sleeping, reading a book, playing basketball or scratching himself. Actually, I expect the Twin Cities area of Minnesota to be absolutely decimated – unless it is one of the saline areas. The CDC devil people could have patterned their zombie apocalypse blueprints from observing city-dwelling Minnesota lemmings, even well before the scamdemic.

You made your bed
You made your bed
1 year ago

If other intelligences exist in different dimensions which is what CERN was actually designed to look for then those intelligences would be NANO in nature. So isn’t it interesting that that is what they are injecting humans with…NANO? We also need to ask why there have been satanic ceremonies at the CERN. Multiple times. WHY? Has a demon been summoned?

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