New peer-reviewed study finds that mRNA injections lower sperm counts, motility in otherwise healthy young men
June 29, 2022

TEL AVIV — At least two U.S. propaganda outlets, known as “fact checkers,” already declared the following study “mostly false.” Neither article mentioned that the study was peer-reviewed. Both propaganda outlets relied on one quote from the study to conclude that all of the data are false:

“Since misinformation about health-related subjects represents a public health threat, our findings should support vaccination programs.”

It behooves young potential fathers to avoid the injections at all costs if you’ve made it this far without succumbing to coercion.

The study was published on June 17 in the journal Andrology. All published articles in said journal have been peer-reviewed. Researchers from Tel Aviv University collected sperm samples from 37 men at three different sperm banks. The subjects’ average age was 26 years old. All participants had negative PCR tests at the start of the study, and were double-vaxxed with Pfizer mRNA.

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Each subject provided 1-3 sperm samples during three time intervals: T1 (15-45 days after their second injection), T2 (75-125 days after), and T3 (145 days after). All of them supplied a sample before the study commenced (T0). Researchers measured semen volume, sperm concentration, motility (swimming ability), and total motile count (“TMC”) at each phase of the study.

Proof of male sterilization, infertility

The results are disturbing and should worry all young and otherwise mRNA-injected men who once dreamed of being fathers or want more kids. Semen volume and sperm motility both increased during T1 by 10% and 2.7%, respectively. But sperm concentration and TMC dropped by 14.5% and 2%, respectively. Note that all of said values are in comparison to the T0 value. Things got worse from there.

All values were down in T2, with some experiencing dramatic decreases:

  • semen volume (-4.5%)
  • sperm concentration (-15.4%)
  • sperm motility (-1.9%)
  • TMC: (-22.1%)

T3 wasn’t any better. Semen volume returned to nearly the same values as T1. But all other T3 values were in the negative, with two of said values worse than T2:

  • sperm concentration (-15.9%)
  • sperm motility (-4.1%)
  • TMC: (-19.4%)

The so-called “fact checkers” concluded that the reductions in all categories “seemed to have recovered” by T3, which is categorically false. The same fact-checker tried to say another study, published in June 2021, showed no decrease in sperm volume. But said study also concluded that all post-injection sperm count increases in the subjects were likely due to “normal individual variation.”

RELATED: Charade is over: New South Wales, Israel data confirm that the fully-vaccinated and boosted are vast majority of deaths and serious cases of so-called COVID-19 (February 9, 2022)


The instant Israeli researchers concluded that the aforementioned June 2021 study was “without convincing scientific rationale for their observations.” All other similar studies measuring post-injection sperm concentration only took two total samples from each subject, with an average of 71 days between them. The Israeli researchers further concluded:

“The current study, composed of 37 SD and 216 semen samples over four time points, demonstrates selective temporary deterioration of sperm concentration 3 months after vaccination resulting with impaired TMC without alternations in volume and motility, followed by later recovery.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal research that continuously examined semen analysis after vaccination over 6 months – beyond the spermatogenesis period in human.”

Read the full Israel sperm count study here.

From 8 billion in 2022 to 4 billion 2024?

Most of the popular world population websites report that the global population is increasing from 2021 to 2022. Said sites also claim that Earth has about 7.95 billion people as of June 2022. Hogwash (always wanted to use that word in an article).

It’s not out of the question that Earth has already lost 100 to 150 million excess lives thus far in 2022. We’re at least 70% confident that women who have received at least one injection will either never be able to carry a baby to term or get pregnant at all. Now it’s fairly certain that vaccinated men, who account for at least 65% of the Western world, are shooting blanks and/or producing bad swimmers.

We haven’t even mentioned the homo/pedo LGBTV agenda. Unless their babies are concocted in test tubes, at least 25% of American men and 25% of American women have no intentions of procreating anyway. Further it seems every other day that one of these males dressed as female clowns (“drag queens”) are exposing themselves to kids, arrested for child pornography or being arrested as sex offenders reading books to kids. Post-generation Z will either all be conditioned homosexuals or too traumatized to even be interested in sex. They’ll also be mRNA babies, so it won’t matter anyway. The depopulation agenda is firing on all cylinders.

RELATED: Israel research organization accuses government, Pfizer of unauthorized human vaccine trials (January 22, 2021)


The male subjects in the Israel study deserve praise. This blogger had a semen analysis done in 2005-ish after the girlfriend at the time was worried about us not getting pregnant. That lab allowed the woman to accompany the man into the specimen-collecting rooms. The Talmud calls for the death penalty for any man who “emits semen for naught.” Thus its unclear how the process works in Israel. But all those double-vaxxed Israeli men, just like all other vaxxed men, are emitting semen for naught regardless, since there’s nothing swimming in it anyway. At least now there is concrete evidence of this fact.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago

This study from Israel has come as no surprise. Making the world’s human population sterile through these fake vaccines is another sick and twisted objective of this agenda. What the study is telling us is one or two years down the line, these vaccinated men will be completely sterile. Already miscarriages and still births have gone through the roof with vaccinated women. There will come a time in the near future, no human being will be able to conceive. The children of the vaccinated will be genetically modified. It is doubtful even if a vaccinated woman does successfully give birth, the child will go on to live a normal and healthy life. Personally I think infertility is the least of of our worries. The vaccinated are a ticking time bomb. If they are lucky they will keel over with a fatal heart attack. God help the ones who will linger with cancer, violent seizures, strokes, painful auto immune diseases and the human form of Mad Cow’s disease. The Great Cull is happening. How did we as a species allow this evil to creep upon us? The reality of this Great Cull will only hit home for everyone vaccinated or unvaccinated when we are all forced to incinerate the innumerable corpses lying everywhere. We will ask ourselves, how did the world come to this so soon?

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

How did it all come to this? The 10 Commandments were removed from public life and the Georgia Guidestones replaced them. The commandment forbidding Idolodry was thrown out the window and replaced with the worship of government, big pharma, and false leaders…now the results are in…there is a price to be paid for Idolatry and this world will be destroyed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

It all comes to this because we keep on accepting unacceptible things and we are still doing that. The other side is willing to do whatever it takes to have their evil kingdom. We are not willing to do whatever is needed to make this world a beautiful place. And They, the others count on that and we do not dissapoint them. That is why things are the way They are. We are not willing to die for our believes. They are fully commited. The situation is a do or die one awakened friends.wake up. Fully. Not partially.

Last edited 2 years ago by Longrider
2 years ago

What’s interesting in this whole diabolical plot is not everyone who had the jabs have been effected by them. My husband works for a government contractor. They were told when the odious little toad biden tried to force jab everyone or they would lose their jobs if they didn’t get the jab. Almost everyone of those people are jabbed. One man in particular got jabbed along with his wife. I couldn’t believe it when my husband told me they were pregnant. She had the booster after the pregnancy so I was waiting to hear she miscarried. Nope she successfully delivered the child a couple of weeks ago. Child appears to be fine because we haven’t heard any different. When my husband asked for her name there was a week pause in texts so I wondered if the child was ok, but later they texted her name and said everything is good. I’m not sure the long term effects on the baby, but I’ve been really anxious for these young parents, but so far they are ok. It’s weird because as I’ve said the majority if the people at his work are jabbed, but so far only two have died after they were jabbed. As a matter of fact no one close to us who had been jabbed has died or been significantly injured like the stories I’ve read here. It’s so weird.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Say what? “… so far only two have died after they were jabbed.” Out of how many? The (older) people we know (5 or 6 except one who allegedly died from the virus when the hospital would not give him Ivermectin) are still walking around but they are not in athletics stressing themselves. I do think that will “speed up things” which is why younger people are dropping like flies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

Gosh I’m sorry I wasn’t very clear. There are hundreds of employees where he works and the majority of them are jabbed. The threats are what really worked for the holdouts to get the jab, the other volunteered. Only one guy that I know of told my husband he wished he had not gotten it. Another friend of my husbands was sitting at lunch with my husband talking about getting his booster recently when he got a text on his phone to remind him to get his flu shot and off he went to get that shot. My point is that a lot of people who my husband works with have gotten the jab and he only heard of two who died shortly after the jab and all the others are still around. It’s weird because the consensus is that all who took the jab would be dead within two years. Im hoping those who said all these deaths would be coming are wrong.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Pulmonary arterial hypertension and myocarditis can take 5-10 years to kill. mRNA blood clots are different from normal clots, and appear to be made up of proteins. No one knows how long one can live with those, maybe a long time if the clots are confined to non-essential capillaries. We have nearly 100,000 km of capillaries so it could be many are ‘lucky’, for now. But none of them will live as long as they would have without the injections.
There is also cancer and hyper immune response to another similar virus such as the common cold. The injected can easily drop from either of these, but again cannot say within a set time – it can hit them at any instant. Same with prion disease.

Last edited 2 years ago by KarlM Alias
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

It’s been theorized that some batches of the vaccine are placebos. In addition, it’s possible they weren’t stored at the correct temperature and this might have inactivated whatever deadly ingredient(s) are in them. Also give it some time. Those who planned this operation know that it has to be a *slow motion* genocide or it would be too obvious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

Just wanted to update with telling you I asked my husband how many people work where he is and he said about a thousand.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Just tell them not to start training to run the Marathon or whatever – seriously. Now to be sure a certain number of that group would die anyway, sitting in a chair at home, or jogging for 5 km (3 miles) but the supposition is that number will be increased by the side effects from the experimental vaccines – meanwhile there will be plausible deniability until the trend is very clear by which time it will be too late for the decedents.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Bret Weinstein has a good analogy for this phenomena. He says (I’m paraphrasing): “Imagine walking into a room and you see a gun on the table. You pick up the gun, aim it at your head, and pull the trigger but nothing happens because there is no bullet in the chamber. You are unharmed. Is putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger a safe action to execute if you are unharmed?” (assuming you don’t know if there’s a bullet in the chamber). The answer is obviously, “no”. It’s not safe to do that. Same with injecting yourself with these “vaccines”. It’s still early. And, more importantly, it’s really a dangerous chance to take, especially when there are so many effective repurposed drugs like Ivermectin and Fluvoximine (just two examples).

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Right – and the next person in the room thinks “I can do that too because it was safe for you”. In “Russian roulette” there is only one bullet in the cylinder of a 6 shot revolver and in “Jadoo!” John Keel and an Arab chieftain actually played that game in the 1950s and neither one died after only one trigger pull each but you could not pay me to do it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

I’m not sure why Zoe got so many downvotes. She was just describing the situation in her area. It sounds similar to mine. My family is about half and half vaxxed and unvaxxed. So far, we haven’t been directly affected by adverse reactions, unless there are people having symptoms that aren’t ‘fessing up.
If there are many vax side effects or deaths in our city, the media is doing a darn good job of covering it up. And that’s frustrating, because I know these shots are harmful but there’s no proof because it’s all being buried. I’ve never seen such censorship, both by media and by some family members! My 20-something nephew who got the shot recently told me off and said that we’ll never agree on this topic so we’re not going to talk about it. Ouch. His whole life, my sweet nephew always looked up to me and we had such a good relationship. Now it feels like the damage is irreparable. Damn this plandemic and those who designed it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Emjay

From what I’m reading, it has a lot to do with the batches. Some are significantly more toxic than others. Nearly everyone in my extended family has had the injections, and so far, no one has had any problems, thankfully. The same can be said of the many people in my circle of friends. A few look a little older or more tired than before, but that’s all.

What’s unusual is that I no longer see fellow middle-aged guys showing up for pickup hockey. There used to be plently of guys in their late 40s showing up every week. Now I’m the only one left, except for two of the goalies. All the guys who play now are in their late teens to early 30s, with the average age being somewhere around 22. It’s been that way since Christmas. I don’t know what this means, since I’m not on social media and haven’t been privvy to any communications among the guys. Hopefully, people are not getting sick.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Yeah, that’s what I’ve been reading, as well. Perhaps my area was strangely blessed and got all the placebo batches. There were 2 high school kids that died in their sleep back in Feb, but of course the conclusion was quickly drawn that one of them was on antidepressants and perhaps took too much, and the other I didn’t hear what the story was.
Same here, I’m not on social media. Some days I wish I was just so I could get an inkling of what the heck is going on, but other days, I’m thankful not to have that burden. I’m sure I look like I’ve aged in the last 2 1/2 years, but that comes from the stress of knowing this whole thing was a scam right from the get go and trying to warn people who instead decided to believe the govt (who obviously don’t give a crap about them) and being labeled a conspiracy theorist and a kook.
Sorry to hear about your hockey buddies. I hope they are able to recover and come back and play. Stay safe.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Another interesting aspect is that maybe even in the same batches, it can affect different people differently? Unfortunately, the rest of my family has taken the jabs, aside from me and my ex and daughter. My late 70’s mother got the jabs on the same days and batches as my brother and his wife. My SIL has now entered stage 4 pancreatic cancer 🙁
My sister and her husband both got jabbed as well, I don’t know for a fact that they got same batches, but I would assume so. She has been ok, but he went into A-fib a few months after the shots. There was no cause found as yet, despite multiple doctor appointments.
It might be just a coincidence, so far it has hit my family, but not my bloodline.

2 years ago
Reply to  Emjay

The broken relationships from this scamdemic are one side effect. The level of anger, disregard and even hate from the vaxxers is high. And most are not talking about their issues as to them it doesn’t relate to the vaxx at all. For the ones not “affected” I am starting to see repeat illnesses or coughs and symptoms that linger much longer than before. The media which they resolutely believe and follow has prepared them to accept the side effects as things that normally happen. No biggie just move on.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

“It’s pollen”(!), that’s what I’m hearing from family members (juiced), who sound like they have pneumonia when they cough. No sneezing (from the “pollen”), mind you, just wet coughs in June. My brain must not work, I thought people got more sick in the winter, not the summer… Hmmm…

2 years ago
Reply to  Emjay

I think you hit the nail right on the head.. “unless there are people having symptoms that aren’t ‘fessing up.”

along with,

“I’ve never seen such censorship, both by media and by some family members!”

YOU’RE NOT ALONE as far as the family members are concerned. Mine threatened me for refusing it, then told me they weren’t going to be the ones to take care of me when I got sick (from not taking the jab). They even went as far as to try to convince me that they felt SOOOOO GOOD after they got jabbed, which I knew was nothing more than a bunch of HORSE-FEATHERS, so I quoted: “MY BODY – MY CHOICE,” and that really set them off!!

Afterward, when they finally gave up – they stood outside my front door screaming that Byedumb (really, they have no idea that the kenyan is in his 3rd. term but haven’t figured that one out, yet) is the BEST PRESIDENT America has ever had. etc., etc. After that, it was followed up with complete silence for months on end, including all of the past holidays.

So, if they were ever to have any symptoms I’m sure I would be the last one to know it – then it wouldn’t be until after they’ve dropped dead from it!!

Sad to see how our own government is not only destroying this country as we speak but the family unit as well. All from within.. Without firing a single shot!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Zoe, I see your point clear as day. It is called frustration.

In my area, the young athletes who have taken this shot are thriving; their parents are walking around as if they have fought a war and returned victorious. It is sickening to watch the pompousness of these individuals. The anticipation of hearing the fatality of a jabbed individual sounds morbid, but it is completely normal considering all we have heard for the past two years.

I do not wish harm to people, especially children, but I see the ones who took the shot as jeopardizing MY healthy children’s futures. My kids have a mental check list they have to ask BEFORE they consider asking someone out for a date. How is this living?

Personally, I do not believe there are placebos, only dosage experiments. Eventually all who have succumb to the propoganda will pay, but the question is when? At the end of the day, no one knows anything, and we can only pray to Jesus Christ to forgive us, guide us and help us decipher lie from truth.

Stay strong Zoe and pray–sounds completely corny, but I believe this is our only way out of this mess. We all need to get back to GOD!!

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago

Good call on the dosing, vs placebo… they want to get whatever dose they can of this stuff into as many people as they can. But, one can at least hope that loved ones got placebos. That said, we still assume in practice that we can get the “stuff” from them.

Women's health
Women's health
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Women’s health. Menstruation cycles are messed up. Media gaslights it as minor. It’s anything but minor. More articles and research are coming out about it. Any article that allows comments, people are commenting. Many women are silent about it. Imagine being a single woman telling your prospective partner that you haven’t bled in months or your cycle has been screwed up since the shot. It’s scary and I know a few people who felt fine after the shots only to find out later on they’re exp issues, but have been very quiet about it. I’m unvaxxed and functioning like clockwork. Thank God. Only time I had a hiccup is when it first rolled out and I was surrounded by people that took the shot. I knew right off the bat that it was bad news. Plus, basic common sense. Stumbled on this blog after. The women’s body doesn’t get enough credit for harmonizing with nature beyond our comprehension. Both men and women alike should be more in tune with the women’s body and how it responds to everything. Mother nature at its finest.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

I was on a small sales team of 6 people, for a large Fortune 150 company which required the Jab (I was the only one who refused to take it and as a result I was let go in May) The 6 of us were spread across the country from Florida to me in CA. Since submitting to the Jab starting in 2021, ALL 5 of the others got C (However, I did not get Covid because I had Natural Immunity having had Covid in January 2020,). Post-Jab: One man on our “team” had to be hospitalized and received antibodies to recover. Another guy in his early 50s was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer which is incurable. He is now dying. Another guy in his 40s had a heart attack and is trying to recover. The sales manager in his late 50s had to have a stint put in his heart as he had been a prior heart patient who started experiencing new issues. I am the only one who is healthy, pure and did not get Covid however I no longer work for them lol. Its OK I am better off now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

Wow! That is serious! Good for you for saying “no”. All the best to you.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

Wow, must be a coincidence that all of the others god sick. What does Brian say – “vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences”? Glad you are doing ok.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

A blessing in disguise and you’re without all of those health issues!!
Has anyone said that they regret falling for this jab hoax?

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

My experience is similar, some vaxxed seem completely unaffected, but others definitely have, including strokes and nerve damage and I know of one death, my take is that the plan was for people to take up to 6 shots, probably with varying doses of the poison in them to spread out the deaths and hide the genocide , but God is ultimately in control, I’ve been praying since the beginning of this attempted genocide that the plan would backfire on the perpetrators and that the outcome would be completely unexpected and disappointing to the evil planners, maybe I’m wishful thinking but in my country they seem to be dropping the plan at 2 – 3 shots, as most people seem to be over the whole scam, even those who were vaxx zealots, now when I ask them it’s almost like “what pandemic?”

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Here is my report from south america. A very different experience then yours. All from the last 7 months.
1. Two cousins dead. 1 murdered by the hospital with remdesevir. She was not vaccinated. The other cousin was vaccinated. He suddenly died in his house of a heart attack and was found 3 days after this death. A gruesome sight.
2. 1 co worker her husband died in his sleep suddenly of a heart attack. He was a fireman. The co worker herself has something like needles stinging her constantly in her upper right leg. Sometimes she cannot stand on her feet from all the pain in het leg. Both were vaccinated. Now she went and took the beastershot. The dots are not being connected.
3. One co worker lost both her parents in their 70s. within weeks from each other. Both were vaccinated.
4. Another co worker lost mom and sister. Both where vaccinated. The sister her dead body was swollen with fluids and turned dark. She was light skinned.
5. Another co worker recently started working again. She was home for a whole week with crushing chestpains which had her in tears for a whole week. (Her won words). She said will not go to see a doctor. She is just glad the pain is gone (very strange that one does not want to know what caused such an enormous pain.) She is vaccinated.
6. Then there is another co worker who twice already fell flat on her face at work for no reason. She raid she was dizzy and tired suddenly. She too is vaccinated.
7. Other co workers are ill on and off all the time. Cause. Just not feeling well. That is what They say. All of them are vaccinated.

We are with 47 employees of which nine are not vaccinated. It crazy.

8. A good friend of mine (62) died recently. Sudden agressive liver cancer. He was dead within 3 weeks.
9. Another good friends his sister (57) also died within 3 week grom sudden liver cancer.
Botje where vaccinated as well.

10. 4 days ego my wife was outside. Some lady in het 40s suddenly dropped 2 bags with groceries and collapsed. While laying on the street blood was gushing out of her mouth ( something happened internally) and her pupils dissapeared completely. Before anyone could do a thing she was dead. Don’t know if she was vaccinated. But as a none gambler i am willin to bet on that. Wife was very unsettled by the experience for days.

11. Another co worker. Both parents hit by strokes. 1 week apart. Both vaccinated. She is an only child.

No one even wants to consider the shot as the culprit. I just watch it happening all around me. Extraordinary and truly revealing time to be alive. Si many humans are do do dissapointing to me in terms of their behavior. But…………..
It is what it is. We go our separate ways then.

It’s not only in the traditional western nations, brazil and Israël that this crime is happening. It is worldwide. This is a report from Surinam ( a northern neighbour from brazil).

This is my close by experience with vaccinated people. And the government and medical criminals are not investigating anything. The media just makes a tiny report. Thats it. The murdering and maiming happens worldwide.

Do not take any vaccination. Ever. This has spiritual consequenses. We are not the flesh but inhabit the flesh. Take care and much love to you.
The saga continues.

Last edited 2 years ago by Longrider
2 years ago
Reply to  Longrider

Thanks so much for your detailed comment. All the best to you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe


People LIE ~OR~ they’re just refusing to say whether or not their loved one who just happened to UP & DIE in the middle of the night IN THEIR SLEEP’ was jabbed or not!!

There are many dying in their sleep like we’ve never witnessed before, and all of their deaths are ruled as ‘NATURAL’ deaths.

In my case.. My brother who was feeling fine just up and died in his sleep and his (always so secretive-sneaky) wife refuses to even talk, much less, tell anyone if he received the vax or not!!

Her silence is deafening and my guess is that he did upon her demands since she is the big know-it-all ‘of all things’ and was the one who wore the pants in the family.. PLUS, had a million-dollar life insurance policy on him.

Now that he’s gone.. her LIPS ARE SEALED tighter than a drum!!

SO, in a nutshell, don’t believe everything that you hear ~OR~ don’t hear..

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Howbadismybatch site is a wealth of info wherein are listed long lines of toxic shot batch numbers, some more deadly/harmful than others. Indeed, the evil powers that be experiment on humans out in the open everywhere now, not just in poor countries.

2 years ago

All of this depopulation and lower fertility is mind blowing 🤯. And I think I am becoming numb to it because all I can think about is the Darwin quote of “survival of the fittest.” The people buying into all this crap are the ones being eliminated – another quote “useful idiots ” comes to mind. I am going to have to pray and ask for The Lord’s guidance through all this. I committed myself to bearing witness to all this suffering and evil. God Bless you all ❤

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Yes Annie this depopulation agenda is very disturbing and mind blowing. I found out about this depopulation agenda about 20 years ago. Prince Philip and Stan Johnson (Boris Johnson’s father) were always on the British mainstream media going, on and on about depopulation. Of course the discussion about depopulation was always centred around ‘climate change’ and ‘environmental’ issues. How the world needs to be depopulated if the world wants to divert a climate disaster. Of course, back then I didn’t realise ‘depopulation’ actually meant mass murder of the world’s 6 billion people. I did the maths and realised if the UK’s ruling elite wants to reduce UK’s population to 15 million by 2025, there was no way this could be achieved through birth control. It was impossible. The only solution to achieving this number was extermination. Still I didn’t believe the extermination programme would go ahead. It would take years to exterminate billions of people worldwide too. Exterminating this amount of people would require huge man power and bullets. Of course when I learned years later the globalists intended to achieve this goal through fake vaccines, it all made sense. Also. some members of the British Royal Family began to brag about something they had dubbed the ‘Great Cull’. These members of the Royal Family told a few select people the globalists intended to exterminate 90% of the world’s population because we were using THEIR non-renewable resources. Now of course we are right in the middle of this ‘Great Cull’.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

What you are saying is in line with what the ChiComs discovered. There was a 1995 conference of globally significant people like Tony Blair, George Soros, Bill Gates, George W. Bush and many others. At this conference it was said the world economy could be run by only 20% of the population and the rest could be “gradually eliminated through high tech means”. You will find this in the 8th paragraph from the bottom of a J. R. Nyquist blog entitled “The secret speech of General Chi Haotian”. He gave the speech in 2003 as he was retiring. The ChiComs are not the ones behind this – in fact they said “Since the enemies are secretly planning to eliminate our population, we certainly cannot be infinitely merciful and compassionate to them.” It appears our own people are behind this! Good grief! Can you see WW III just over the horizon??

2 years ago

As a single, PureBlood eligible bachelor living in Los Angeles, I have made the decision to never sleep with any “vaccinated” woman. Spike Protein shed is too risky to come in intimate contact with.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

Good luck finding a sane person in LA. Hopefully another anti lockdown protest of some kind might come up in your area. Find yourself a fellow pureblood to hold your hand while seeing people drop on the streets.

I’m from Northern Ireland and it’s a choice between mentally ill, vaccinated, lefties or hypocritical, happy clapp, vaccinated, christains who follow false leaders.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

I do feel bad for those who are unjuiced, yet sleep with their juiced spouses.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

I’m a female and I’m concerned about the shedding of the spike protein as well. Plus, if someone’s vaccinated and they’re still believing in the whole psy-op, that’s a major stumbling block.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

LOL. I didn’t think there were any Purebloods left in LA, after they mandated vaccines to patronize restaurants. Most normal people have fled to Orange County or San Diego or areas in between. For your own sanity, just move out there. Or leave CA completely as I did when the craziness exploded in 2020.

2 years ago

Good, We dont need the offsprings of the weak men, stupid etc. Even of they are good, in their heart. We really dont. We will have very rough times ahead and these weak persons that comply out of fear losing something are the traidors to be, the ones that stab you in the back to save their skin, so bye bye, not a real lose.
Humanity … we were 500 million then in 1950 2,5 billion and now as many as we are. We will prevail, lets not forget there were times when God wiped out most of humanity, now it is just a mild clean, as iq was lowering, dna was degeberating, so… we dont really need the dna of those that are cowards

2 years ago

So the vaxxes cause infertility. Did you not believe Bill Gates when he publicly stated they were going to reduce the population with vaccines? Sterilization is a far more effective way of achieving that goal long-term than straight up killing people with them. Although they are doing that too.

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