January 6 Committee, abortion replace Ukraine as primary distractions from global vaccine genocide – and here are 10 more sudden deaths of young people

June 29, 2022

Jump to NFL Jaylon Ferguson


A Fox News poll released earlier this month found that 60% of American voters (n=1,002) support the U.S. supplying money and weapons to Ukraine indefinitely. The New York Times reported that total U.S. taxpayer-funded Ukraine aid reached $54 billion by May 20. Another $450 million was authorized last week.

RELATED: Mainstream media, government using Ukraine propaganda to distract from mass post-injection deaths, maimings (February 28, 2022)


Americans are getting their wish. But Kyiv is nearly 5,000 miles away from Washington, D.C. It’s easy to become out-of-sight, out-of-mind for most Americans, despite perpetual mainstream media coverage. Liberals love Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s drag queen acts and thus, love Ukraine in general. The powers-that-be, however, understand that domestic tribal wars are far more effective at keeping the masses distracted, angry and fighting with one another.

The January 6 Distraction

The U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, aka January 6th Committee, has been front-and-center news for most of June. Democrats refer to the happenings on January 6, 2021 as an insurrection and an attempted coup d’etat. Republicans call it a protest. Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon is potentially the biggest fish who may serve a few months in jail. But the bottom line is that these hearings are for political division, distraction and fueling tribal wars.

A total of 185 of the 840 people arrested in connection to January 6 have gone through their court proceedings as of last week. Only 80 received actual prison time, with the median sentence being 45 days, according to Time magazine. The longest sentence thus far is five years for a guy who assaulted a cop. The most infamous defendant, seen below, received only 41 months in prison.

Photo via Flickr.

Dr. Simone Gold is one of the highest-profile defendants from January 6. She received only 60 days in prison.

RELATED: Howard Liebengood: Father of U.S. Capitol Police Officer Who “Committed Suicide” had close ties to Paul Manafort, Roger Stone (by Brian A. Wilkins, January 10, 2021)


It stands to reason, particularly with a Democrat-controlled Justice Department, that the January 6 rioters would be receiving decades in prisons for an insurrection and attempted violent overthrow of government. But with many of them receiving only fines and community service, critical thinkers are left to deduce that January 6 is not as serious as mainstream media are portraying it. The entire episode strikes this blogger as contrived political theater, just in time to deflect attention away from the newly-authorized “vaccines” in 2021. But we’ll leave the tin-foil kufi in the closet on that one.

Gun rights expanded

What a week for the U.S. Supreme Court. The June 23 New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, 597 U.S. ___ (2022) decision struck down the “proper cause” provision in the 111-year-old New York state Sullivan Act. The 6-3 decision essentially means that New York and all other gun-shy states, if you will, cannot force anyone who passes a background check to jump through any additional hoops to conceal-carry handguns.

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Justice Samuel Alito, in a concurring opinion, noted the following:

“And how does the dissent account for the fact that one of the mass shootings near the top of its list took place in Buffalo? The New York law at issue in this case obviously did not stop that perpetrator.”

Democrat governors and their voters were loudly upset about the decision. But the reaction therein was nothing compared to the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 597 U.S. ___ (2022) decision released the very next day.

Roe v. Wade overturned

This case could have been prevented altogether had the lone abortion clinic in the entire state of Mississippi agreed to lower its threshold for abortions from 16 weeks to 15 weeks.

Instead Jackson Women’s Health sued the state over its 2018 Gestational Age Act. It banned all abortions after 15 weeks except for cases of medical emergency or severe abnormalities in the fetus. The 1992 Supreme Court decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992), among other things, established the “fetal viability” standard and struck down the trimester analysis from the 1973 Roe v. Wade case. Thus since 1992, a “viable fetus” is one that is 24 weeks old, versus the Roe 28-week standard.

A Mississippi federal judge enjoined the state from enforcing its 15-week gestation law in 2018. Appellate courts had upheld the injunction for four years. But the Supreme Court reversed both Roe and Casey, reasoning that there is no mention of abortion as a civil right in the U.S. Constitution. The states have the power to regulate abortion as they please, according to the Court. Roe was decided on the legal philosophy of substantive due process, meaning rights not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

RELATED: The Casey Anthony Act: California introduces laws promoting abortion tourism, legalized infanticide for babies up to a year old (March 31, 2022)


Privacy is a substantive due process civil right affirmed in the 1965 decision Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965). That case established that married couples can buy contraception without police and other state interference. Roe was decided on similar substantive due process grounds. But the Supreme Court, in the Dobbs decision wrote:

“The Court must not fall prey to such an unprincipled approach. Instead, guided by the history and tradition that map the essential components of our Nation’s concept of ordered liberty, we must ask what the Fourteenth Amendment means by the term “liberty.” When we engage in that inquiry in the present case, the clear answer is that the Fourteenth Amendment does not protect the right to an abortion.”

Abortion mayhem

Hypocrisy and manufactured anger have engulfed the United States and world since the Dobbs decision. The most egregious example of hypocrisy came from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

It’s well established at this point that “my body, my choice” only refers to abortions in liberal politics. Their prize demographic is now LGBTV for “vaccines” and all liberal politicians must promote mandatory injections for all, including children. That said, the aftermath brought exactly what was expected.

Shortly after the decision was released, protests erupted across the country. A pickup truck ran through a group of pro-abortion protesters in front of the U.S. District Court of Northern Iowa in Cedar Rapids that evening. Two people were injured as a result. No arrest have been announced as of publishing. There were also major disturbances in Los Angeles and Phoenix that night.

Of course the race element always enters these types of distract and divide campaigns. Representative Mary Miller, R-Oakland (Illinois), is a freshman member of the U.S. House of Representatives. She appeared at a Trump rally in Mendon, Illinois on Saturday. Ms. Miller thanked the former president for “the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday.”

Note that 38% of U.S. abortions are Black babies, 33% White and 21% Latino. Of course later that night, Ms. Miller’s campaign said she “misspoke.”

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-Bronx, then continued the Democrats deliberate confusion as to what is a woman. She declared the Dobbs decision was an “attack on birthing people.”

Abortion outlawed in half the country

Abortion was immediately outlawed in 13 states after the decision was released due to so-called “trigger laws.” At least 13 more states are likely to ban abortion or severely restrict it in the coming months. The banned and soon-to-be banned states are orange.

California declared itself the national abortion sanctuary state.

Several corporations, including Dick’s Sporting Goods, issued statements saying that they will pay up to $4,000 in travel expenses for female employees wanting abortions but living in banned states.

So what does all this mean? We know for certain that the news cycle will be centered around abortion, guns, January 6, and Ukraine for the foreseeable future. No mainstream media outlet will mention any of the following 10 young and relatively-young people dying suddenly and/or unexpectedly, continuing what is now an unwritten rule. Some of these deaths are from back in March, as we’re still trying to catch up on reporting all of them.

Philip Carollo: 49-year-old New York high school principal dies of heart attack

Mr. Philip Carollo was the principal at PS 56 The Louis Desario School in Staten Island. He was assistant principal at PS 22 and a teacher at PS 44. Mr. Carollo received at least one mRNA injection in January 2021.

He suffered a heart attack and died on March 1, 2022, according to Staten Island Live. He is survived by his wife and two teenage children.

Arden Jiaxin He: 19-year-old University of Wisconsin student dies quietly

Good luck finding any details about this one online. Ms. Arden Jiaxin He was a 19-year-old senior, triple major in data science, economics and mathematics. She was a Mensa member at age 13, and was admitted as a freshman to the University of Wisconsin at age 16.

Ms. Jiaxin He died on March 2. Zero local newspapers, not even the two student newspapers, covered the death. She is at least the second University of Wisconsin student death on this blog.

Ms. Sarah Shulze died on April 13 of apparent post-injection suicide. As covered in that story, the university had a vaccine mandate in place since at least September 2021.

Ingrid Silva Távora: 17-year-old Brazilian beauty queens dies of “massive heart attack”

Ms. Ingrid Silva Távora was crowned Miss Cezarina at a youth beauty pageant in 2019. Cezarina is located in the central part of Goiás, Brazil. News portal Metrópoles reported that Ms. Távora died on March 16 from “a sudden illness and a heart attack.”

We’ve been covering stories from Brazil quite often lately. And it appears the people there are becoming more vocal about these deaths.

Sarah Henschel: 28-year-old New Jersey woman “dies suddenly”

Ms. Sarah Henschel was a lifelong resident of Whitehouse Station, New Jersey. She received her first mRNA injection on April 27, 2021.

There’s no social media record of further shots. Ms. Henschel “died suddenly” on June 8, according to The Daily Voice.

Georgia Solanaki: 22-year-old Greek student dies during track-and-field training

Ms. Georgia Solanaki was a long jumper and a sprinter at the Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini, Greece. She was training at the university stadium on June 15 when she “felt discomfort” and laid down on the track. It started raining heavily, but Ms. Solanaki still laid there on the track. When other students and faculty approached, she was unresponsive. Ms. Solanaki was pronounced dead on the track.

She suffered from “a heart attack of unknown cause,” according to Libre.gr.

Jessica Jacho: 24-year-old New Jersey student dies while playing soccer

The Instagram page for Ms. Jessica Jacho says she was a pre-vet and psychology major at Monmouth University in New Jersey, Class of 2024. She was from Belleville, New Jersey. Ms. Erika Viviana Jacho, Jessica’s sister, reported on June 19 that Jessica died that afternoon while playing soccer.

A GoFundMe page is raising funds in Ms. Jacho’s memory. Monmouth University required booster shots for all students.

Justin Reale: 12-year-old New York 6th-grader dies in his sleep

Justin Reale was a sixth-grader at Warwick Valley Middle School in New York. He had a normal Saturday for a 12-year-old on June 18. His parents told the Hudson Valley Post that Justin said before bed that he was looking forward to all the end of school year activities coming up that week. He never woke up. Justin “passed away unexpectedly” on June 19.

Ted Sanderson: 14-year-old British student collapses and dies at school

Ted Sanderson was a popular student at Woodham Academy in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham. He went to school as usual on Tuesday, June 21. His family received a call during the day, informing them that Ted suddenly collapsed to the floor in class. He was pronounced dead hours later at James Cook University Hospital.

A GoFundMe page also says Ted died “suddenly and unexpectedly.”

Alicia Monahan: 41-year-old Virginia firefighter dies while teaching a rescue class

Ms. Alicia Monahan worked for Chesterfield County, Virginia Fire and EMS since 2011. She was teaching a water rescue course in North Carolina on June 25 when she unexpectedly collapsed and died, according to ABC 8 in Petersburg, Virginia. Ms. Monahan was engaged to be married, and had two sons.

Jaylon Ferguson: 26-year-old NFL player dies at his home

This one had the potential to poke holes in several tenets of COVID-19 and “vaccine” propaganda. So the subterfuges came fast and furious in hopes of controlling the narrative.

Mr. Jaylon Ferguson is the all-time sack leader in Division I (“FBS”) college football. He played four seasons at Louisiana Tech University. Mr. Ferguson was selected by the Baltimore Ravens in the 3rd round of the 2019 NFL Draft. He’s played in a total of 38 games for the Ravens since that time, with 10 starts. The Ravens completed their mandatory minicamp on June 16. Players are off until full training camp starts on July 26 for veterans.

Baltimore Police responded to a call reporting a “questionable death” on June 21. They arrived at the home at 11:25 p.m., where medics were treating the unresponsive Mr. Ferguson. He was pronounced dead at the scene. All reports said police found no signs of foul play or trauma. In other words, he likely died of a heart attack. Note that 90% of Ravens players reportedly received the injections before the 2021 season. Many NFL players against the injections have been very vocal about their opposition thereof.

RELATED: Vinny Curry: career likely over for New York Jets (NFL) defensive end after post-injection blood clots, “rare blood disorder” (September 1, 2021)


An NFL post-injection heart attack would send shockwaves not only throughout the NFL, but the American sports world at-large. So a newspaper called the “Baltimore Banner,” which just launched in 2022 and has a Twitter blue-check, reported that Mr. Ferguson was “xanied up” and died of a drug overdose. The reporter said there was “pink powder” found at the scene, implying the young man was using pink cocaine, also known as “tussi.” Now that’s the narrative mainstream media have adopted.

NFL players can technically be tested for drugs over 20 times every season due to the random draws. Marijuana is no longer prohibited by the league. Players who fail drug tests are suspended for any number of games. Mr. Ferguson had never tested positive for banned substances in the NFL. The aforementioned newspaper appears to be blaming this alleged recent drug use by Mr. Ferguson on depression.

Who benefits from all this?

Mass sheep awakenings and vaxx zealot mea culpas at this juncture would be absolute disaster for the powers-that-be (PTB) and The Great Reset. Social media posts like the following are becoming more common every day.

Good ‘ol “divide and conquer” is the tried-and-true method to keep the lambs grazing on the playground. But this time the PTB really needed to make a splash to ignite the current wave of tribal wars.

Democrats could have passed a federal law making abortion legal in the 1960s, before the Roe decision. The 89th U.S. Congress (January 1965 to January 1967) featured 66-68 Democrat Senators and 288-295 Democrat House members. They had two-thirds majorities in both chambers; and they had the White House with President Lyndon Johnson. Thus if abortion was that important to them, they could have passed a law protecting it back then.

The Senate map from the 89th Congress is interesting, however.

The mid-1960 is when the “Dixiecrats” became the Republicans. That’s why you see all those blue and purple (one Dem, one GOP Senator) states in the south. California had two Republican Senators at the time. But both (Thomas Kuchel and actor George Murphy) would be considered liberals today.

Regardless, no federal abortion laws were enacted during that time when Democrats could have done so. Democrat god and former President Barack Obama even signed an executive order, affirming that no federal funds can be spent on abortion via the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”). He received little to no blowback from Democrat voters for that E.O. All the foregoing points to Democrat abortion fanaticism being exaggerated, and even fake.

RELATED: Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (October 15, 2021)


Some argue that striking down Roe and Casey are precursors to mandatory injections for all. But the Supreme Court has already struck down Biden’s mandates for most American workers. Chief Justice John Robert and Justice Brett Kavanaugh helped liberals uphold the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. Thus there doesn’t appear to be any relation between abortion and vaccines, at least as it relates to the Supreme Court.

Perhaps Democrats wanted this abortion decision to fire up their base for the November elections. But this idea is misguided. Many Black American voters equate abortion with Planned Parenthood and mega-racist Margaret “we want to exterminate the Negro population” Sanger. Further, a Latina woman just turned a blue House seat red in Texas, in an 85% Latino district. The Dobbs decision only fires up White liberals and homosexuals. That’s not enough to win elections.

This is The COVID Blog™. And ultimately everything we cover circles back to the injections. An article like this is published every week. It’s now well-established that a global genocide is happening right now thanks to the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. And nobody is talking about it, even as the deaths and maimings start hitting politicians and other high-profile people.

Frankly abortions will become less necessary in the coming decades anyway. Some surveys say Generation Z is as high as 40% LGBTV. They won’t be procreating. We have enough evidence here on this blog to declare that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections sterilize and/or severely damage sperm, ova and uterine processes. At least 65% of Americans have received at least two shots if you believe the data.

RELATED: Fauci Blues: U.S. courts continue ruling on the sides of freedom, liberty while striking down tyranny (December 6, 2021)


No Constitutional scholar can legitimately argue against the two major Supreme Court case last week. Both are Constitutionally sound. Liberals argue that Roe was well-establish, 50-year Supreme Court precedent and thus de-facto law. But the landmark 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision, which upheld “separate but equal” laws, was also well-established. Brown v. Board of Education overturned Plessy in 1954. That’s how the judicial system works.

It took three Constitutional Amendments (13th, 14th and 15th) in the 1860s and 1870s to overturn Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1856). That case declared Black people are property and can never be U.S. citizens, even if they were “free.” It would take similar action at this point to codify abortion as a Constitutional right. That is practically impossible in this day and age.

The gun rights decision matters a lot less since it really doesn’t change anything in the grand scheme. The Dobbs decision made a huge social impact. It guarantees heated, tribal culture wars through election day. Nobody will even notice the millions of young people dying suddenly and unexpectedly. And that is the only obvious purpose of Dobbs. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

It pains me to say it, but how utterly moronic has our country become when a Congresswoman can continue in her seat by seriously invoking the term “birthing people”, as opposed to women?

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

We do live in a clown world now, so it’s par for the course. Birthing people, Latinx , migrants and the many freak identity pronouns are the new vocabulary of the intelligence challenged woke. Painful indeed.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I am a Black American woman. But according to liberal clown world, I am BIPOC (what does that even mean), POC, people of color, etc. I guess these people also call me “BIPOC ciswoman,” which I also have no idea what that means.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

LOL IKR?! I think they call us actual females CIS instead of women so they can call themselves women..? They are the CIS not us, WE ARE WOMEN HEAR US ROAR!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Sam
2 years ago

So Justine Turdeau is clearly “transphobic” or maybe just a little bit more normal then he lets on in public as he clearly stated in his tweet:
“Millions of American WOMEN blah blah blah…”

Oops Justine….shouldn’t that have been American “people”?
Because as politicians like you keep reminding us these days…..men can get pregnant too right?

Gigolo Joe
Gigolo Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  turpin

I guess “bodies with vaginas” went a bit too far and they reeled it in. I rather like it, as it sums up the ludicrous mindset of these people.

2 years ago

I am pro-life, but I don’t consider this ruling a miracle. I knew they would do it to throw more fuel on the fire they are trying to fan into the Civil War 2.0. Abortion has pretty much been decided by each state for years. This does not change much. Clearly it was done also for the coming election. What were they sneaking through last Friday?…because they also dusted off the totally bogus Brian Laundrie story and brought out another installment in that saga. Riots for the politically brainwashed, and bread and circuses for the extremely stupid masses.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Exactly! Just another distraction. But what’s funny is they are not saying the pro abortion states taxes will have to go up to fund these abortions. You just got to be smart and look through all the bs.

Insert name here
Insert name here
2 years ago

It made me very sad to see the faces of the young people who passed.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
2 years ago

The mass killing of our kids/teens/college students is utterly heartbreaking. The schools and universities have let them down and their parents have let them down. My wife just told me on our evening walk that a family we vacationed with this past March (all vaxxed and double boosted) have all come down with covid a second time – all at different times since the start of May. All bouts much worse than their first rounds. Then she showed me pics of her vaxed, double boosted sister who is a doctor. She is on vacation in Europe and was stung by a jellyfish – now has welts breaking out all over her body. Also has a toe infection from a pedicure before leaving the US. Basically, compromised immune system – but it isn’t the vaxes!!! Also, another month and another employee or friend with cancer. On top of that my college kid’s friends are all coming down with viruses this spring and alot of pink eye. It is all being reactivated. Absolute medical crisis going on before our eyes and 80% of the country pretends nothing is going on.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago

I don’t think it’s heartbreaking. It’s simple cause and effect. It’s a culling. A thinning of the herd. If you were stupid and guillible enough to take these shots and/or give them to your children over a fake pandemic then you get what’s coming to you. These people are weak and defective. They are also dangerous. They would have gladly let me and my family lose our jobs and STARVE for not taking the poison shots. So F em.

2 years ago

At first I thought you were being heartless but then I recalled how the jabbed weren’t content to get it themselves, but wanted to push the rest of us to get it. So you have a point.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Angelfire

I AM BEING HEARTLESS. Heartless toward people who wished me starvation and death for 2 years for refusing a poison injection over a fake pandemic. Covid changed me. It made me see clearly how vicious and dangerous these sheep can be when they’ve been programmed to attack. The sooner they all depart this Earth the better.

2 years ago

I fully single that. I wish al of them well on their journey whatever their faith might be. They had the same chance as we all had and choose vaccination. After that…. it is up to the law of cause and effect. So long then. That is how i see it.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago

I’ve noticed that the now sick and maimed are the vaxxed. Even in my daily life at work or home. The unvaxxed ( all of us) are doing fine. Imagine that…

2 years ago

Being book smart or even gifted means nothing if they are not true critical thinkers, and the ones who really are have dropped or are taking only online classes or are sitting out of college for the time being to avoid the vax mandates.

2 years ago

If women in this country were taught to understand and align with mother nature and how their bodies actually work, they would have full reproductive and family planning control for themselves. The power to bring life forth would sit with women, where it should lie, without government/western medical interference. This would be a nonissue.

2 years ago
Reply to  TD M

Very well stated, your innate equilibrium is in fine tune with reality.

2 years ago

Right & Dwayne Haskins (the former Steelers QB) took Special K & decided to walk down a Florida highway. Do people really believe this?

2 years ago

“Good ‘ol “divide and conquer” is the tried-and-true method to keep the lambs grazing on the playground”. Agreed.
This rather meaningless ruling would only further polarize the country. I live in a deep blue state, and some folks here are already organizing abortion-vacation-packages for residents from pro-life states ! I am neutral on this pro-life/ pro-choice issue, but is sickened by how this issue has created a circus. Yuck.

2 years ago

Thanks for the work that you do. The Jaylen Ferguson cover up is insidious. His family came out and said point blank that he was not a drug user and did not die of an overdose. The shameless media will go to any extent to protect Big Pharma who has filled their pockets with blood money. Off topic, the NY Post today had a story about a teenage girl in Ireland who suddenly became covered with psiorisis all over her body. They did not mention the “vaccine” however Ireland is over 90% vaccinated so go figure.

2 years ago

Ms. Arden Jiaxin was a member of Mensa and yet still took the gene therapy. Shows how little an IQ score has to do with real intelligence. I know quite a few people who are allegedly intelligent and took the jab.

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