Truth confirmed: research proves two more “conspiracy theories” related to vaccine shedding, pregnant women to be true all along
May 25, 2022

The NBC News tool we wrote about last week, Brandy Zadrozny, is now the standard of comparison for vaxx zealots on this blog. This person, who is also a pedophile supporter, tells the vaxx zealot populace at-large how and what to think, how to deny reality, and how to deny indisputable truth.

For example, this blogger spoke with Zadrozny about Pfizer board member James C. Smith. He was the President and CEO of Thomson Reuters until 2020. Smith is also currently the Chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

RELATED: CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest (March 23, 2021)


Thus all Reuters “fact-check” articles are inherently biased misinformation due to the blatant conflicts of interest with Pfizer. Zadrozny said this fact is irrelevant because Thomson Reuters, the Reuters Foundation, and Reuters are all independent of one another. She was shown the bottom of the Reuters Fact Check page that clearly states “Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters.”

Vaxx zealot modus operandi is then to dismiss the indisputable truth as “conspiracy theory” and “misinformation,” followed by ad hominem attacks aimed at the truth messenger.

The following headline is from a Vice News article published on February 28, 2020. The story mocks “anti-vaxxers” and their “conspiracy theory” about forthcoming vaccine mandates.

About 21 months later, in November 2021, risk management firm Willis Towers Watson published a survey. It found that 57% of employers already had COVID vaccine mandates or planned to implement them in the near future. Four months ago, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a preliminary injunction, halting the Joe Biden mRNA “vaccine” mandate for employers with 100-plus workers.

The term conspiracy theory in 2022 is synonymous with truth and/or accurately predicting the truth. U.S. government and mainstream media are incredibly predictable. But a majority of Americans refuse to accept the fact everything in this world is orchestrated by government, mainstream media and corporations. Tribal loyalty is more important than truth in 2022, despite the two tribes being owned and operated by the same nefarious factions.

RELATED: Another “conspiracy theory” comes true as Biden signs Executive Order to create a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (March 14, 2022)


The Washington Post published an article last week showing how Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been close friends with Hunter Biden for decades. Donald Trump has given upwards of $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation through 2020, including $100,000 in 2009 alone.

But in 2022, truth to 70-plus percent of Americans is whatever their tribal leaders tell them. And now with so-called COVID-19, the most powerful human psychological operation in history, millions will die or be maimed as a result of government and mainstream media propaganda.

Pregnant women not included in mRNA, viral vector DNA “vaccine” clinical trials

The Zadrozny disinformation podcast featured an interview with Mrs. Amanda Makulec. We wrote about Ms. Makulec and her infant son who died on September 26, 2021, just 85 days after birth. Ms. Makulec bragged incessantly about the injections being safe for everyone. She was particularly vocal about “sharing [my] immune protections” via the injections while pregnant and subsequent vaxxed breast milk.

Ms. Makulec complained to Zadrozny about this blogger using her story to “spread misinformation,” particularly regarding safety and efficacy with pregnant and breastfeeding women. The New York Times even gave Ms. Makulec a platform to continue encouraging pregnant and breastfeeding women to receive the injections.

Granted critical thinkers who have followed this blog from the beginning know that pregnant and breastfeeding women were excluded from all Pfizer Phase III clinical trials. We published this information on May 7, 2021 via Pfizer’s own documents.  Also by that time, we’d already covered several stories of pregnant women having spontaneous abortions and stillborn babies days and weeks after the injections.

There was even a March 2021 paper published in the peer-reviewed European Heart Journal that confirmed breastfeeding and pregnant women were excluded from Phase III trials for all of the injections. Now we have even more confirmation after Pfizer released 80,000 more pages of clinical trial data on May 1.

RELATED: VAERS: vaccine reporting system has recorded more than 500 spontaneous abortions after experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” (June 21, 2021)


A 265-page document contains data from October and November 2020 related to Pfizer Phase III clinical trial participants. The document says at least five times that pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls cannot participate in the studies.

Pfizer knew all along these injections were dangerous for the unborn and/or embryos resulting from vaxxed sperm and/or eggs. Thus the company even warned sexually-active male clinical trial participants to use condoms for at least 28 days after their second injections. If said males did get a woman pregnant within said 28 days, they were urged to “tell your study doctor immediately.”

RELATED: 5 more young vaxx deaths as Obama admits billions were unwitting clinical trial subjects, while Trump vaxx zealotry swayed his voters to the needle (April 26, 2022)


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as early as January 1, 2021, was even telling the truth. Though the agency discredits itself by using terms like “pregnant people,” it clearly declared on January 1, 2021:

“…the actual risks of mRNA vaccines to the pregnant person and her fetus are unknown because these vaccines have not been studied in pregnant women.”


Despite the foregoing, Fauci said in February 2021 that there are “no red flags” for breastfeeding and pregnant women related to the injections. Women like Mrs. Makulec, Ms. Stephanie Whitmore, Mrs. Ivy Avanessian Fua, Ms. Jennifer Deon, et al. are the unwitting clinical trial participants for pregnant and breastfeeding women, just as Barack Obama said they were.

All of these women have the opportunity to inform other women about their choices and subsequent results. But instead, many of them continue their vaxx zealotry and run to mainstream media for pseudo-validation.

Spike protein shedding from vaxxed to non-vaxxed is real

Again, critical thinkers who have followed this blog from the beginning already know this. Pfizer’s own documents from mid-2020 say that the non-vaccinated can be exposed to the poisonous artificial spike proteins through “unplanned direct contact with the study intervention.”

We still don’t know how long after the injections that vaxxed people transmit their spikes to others. But the best guess at this point is around 30 days, since the United States saw record so-called COVID-19 infections in January 2022, when thousands of employers and schools mandated booster shots. Further, Pfizer uses the 28-day threshold for sexual activity after the injections to mitigate any potential harm to the sexual partner and potential baby.

RELATED: Editorial: my story of potential exposure to spike proteins via shedding from “vaccinated” people, and the potential suramin, shikimic acid, pine needle tea cure and prophylaxis (June 7, 2021)


But now a new study meant to promote herd immunity confirmed that shedding is real. The pre-printed study was published earlier this month in the peer-reviewed journal Science. Researchers collected masks from vaccinated workers who had been wearing them all day. They “identified anti-SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies eluted from surgical face masks worn by vaccinated lab members donated at the end of one workday.”

In other words, the “vaccine” poison was transferred from the workers’ breath, saliva and/or sneeze droplets, to the masks. It’s simply another warning to avoid society as much as possible for at least 30 days after the CDC, Fauci, Pfizer, et al. encourage more booster shots.

Truth hurts feelings, perceptions

Mr. John McEnroe was the number-1 tennis player in the world for four-straight years (1981-84). Granted it was a crush on Ms. Jennifer Capriati, and the majesty of Ms. Monica Seles, in the late 1980s that made this blogger a tennis fan. But everyone tuned in to Mr. McEnroe’s matches just to see what antics he’d pull. He earned 155 singles and doubles titles combined, more than any other men’s player in the Open Era. Mr. McEnroe knows what he’s talking about when it comes to tennis.

He said in a 2017 NPR interview that Ms. Serena Williams, arguably the greatest female tennis player of all time, would be “ranked 700 in the world” if she played the men’s circuit. For the record, this blogger believes she’s be in the top 300 at least. But the point is the same. Mr. McEnroe went on CBS This Morning on June 27, 2017 to discuss his comment. All the radical feminist hosts tried to force an apology. Mr. McEnroe did not oblige, and earned a lot of respect for standing by the truth.

The fastest men’s serve ever recorded and recognized by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) was 157.2 mph (253 km/hr) by American John Isner in 2016. Britain’s Sam Groth had a 163 mph serve in 2012. But it’s not recognized by the ATP.

RELATED: The Casey Anthony Act: California introduces laws promoting abortion tourism, legalized infanticide for babies up to a year old (March 31, 2022)


The fastest women’s serve ever recorded by the ATP was 131 mph (211 km/hr) by Germany’s Sabine Lisicki in 2014. That’s a 26 mph difference versus Isner. Further, there are at least 200 more men’s tennis players who have recorded serves faster than Lisicki’s women’s record. The men also play best of five sets in major tournaments versus the women’s best of three. It’s a completely different game.

Truth is never pleasant. Nobody wants to hear or accept anything that forces them to re-evaluate life, their entire existence. This world is quickly re-shaping itself via The Great Reset. The sooner you accept and embrace truth, the better off you’ll be in this new Human 2.0 world. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

You did not “lose” your baby, Ms Makulec – in my opinion, you killed him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Amen. She can deny all she wants but it doesn’t change the truth. Except she is lying to others so I would say she is a not a nice person. She is a shell of a human being.

2 years ago

Those three bimbos ‘interviewing’ McEnroe (yes including the ‘man’) are nothing but professional paid liars, in my opinion. They can’t have an honest conversation.

2 years ago

Shedding is real. I’ve experienced it first hand quite a few times. More recently my 92 year old grandmother came for our daughters high school graduation. She arrived with a horrible sounding chest cough and then told me she had just got her 4th shot (2nd booster) one week ago. (Something she failed to mention. If she would’ve told me this ahead of time I would’ve recommended she stay home)

Well, everyone in the house got sick. I mean headache, energy depletion, severe body aches, etc. No doubt in my mind it was due to shedding.

Our son has also experienced shedding on two separate occasions after playing basketball with friends that got vaccinated the same day. He came home with a severe headache and committed in both instances. Our children are all homeschooled so they’re not around vaccinated children a lot.

Luckily I’m the queen of holistic remedies so I know just what to do to get everyone well and flush all the crap out our systems.

Looks like I’ll have to start screening people now. This last experience with everyone getting sick was awful. I also think wifi/5g heightens it. So, I turned our Wi-Fi off while we were getting better. (I try to turn it off most nights anyhow until we rewire everything through Ethernet)

Anyhow, thanks for sharing all these very informative articles. It’s nice to know there’s Atleast one website I can go to for sound information.

Be well everyone and think for yourself!

2 years ago
Reply to  CKJ

i think shedding is real too. I got sick twice within 5 months and a i rarely get sick. I am not jabbed but most around me are.

2 years ago
Reply to  CKJ

It is real. I used to work around 700+ vaxxed people and I had many symptoms and even bruises and purpura. It has taken a long time to recover. I now cannot be around vaxxed people, even my own family because they are triple-vaxxed and I get bad reactions. I have to shop at the store when it’s not too crowded and I actually wear an n95 around the vaxxed. Maybe that sounds ridiculous to everyone here. I was always against masking but when I used to go out with nothing on I ended up having seizures and other symptoms.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  CKJ

Yes I think you’re right about the wifi/5G exacerbating it. I also try to unplug wifi every night. How would you deal with shedding after being exposed to vaxed people? Went to a large gathering and some vaxed (I knew they were vaxed) were coughing. There was also a huge 5G tower near the football field.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Terri

I think there’s a number of sites out there that write out it – treatment after being exposed to shedding. I believe it’s pretty similar to treatment for covid/spikes in general, in that, helping your immune system to its job is the way to go. We take IVM, quercetin/zinc, NAC, Vit D&C… etc. Sites like La Quinta Columna and others are helpful.
We’re trying to learn more about combatting the 5G issue, if you learn something, please reply and share! Thank you. We also unplug every night, but these towers are everywhere, and I’m sure they are penetrating homes easily. Brian has mentioned orgonite crystals, I believe, but haven’t looked into those yet. Some write about special pendants, 5G blocking hoods/wraps. I’m sure there are plenty of counterfeit items and snake oil items out there though. God bless.

Last edited 2 years ago by Only God is my Judge
Non gmo human
Non gmo human
2 years ago

I wonder what it’s like to live in the fairy tale world the vax zealots reside in where the truth is right in front of your face, yet you continue to willfully deny it. I suppose that would be easier to do than accept the fact that a horrible decision you made, led to the loss of your child (may he rest peacefully). Some people will NEVER come around to admitting the truth & are willing to die on that hill – but to then encourage other naive moms to be & nursing moms to get vaxxed is absolutely deplorable and appalling. The world has truly gone mad, God help us!

2 years ago
Reply to  Non gmo human

From what I can see God has already helped us on this as the hard core vaxx zealots, LGBTV and compliant sheep will die off from their mandated suicide shots, the surviving coerced crowd will limp and roll over to our side p’d off wanting revenge, we just need to stay strong, and wait it out, be patient, grow spiritually, stay hopeful and creative. The evil elites with their surviving media puppets will lose all their power and influence as they are left with the non-compliant crowd that are fully aware of their evil schemes – God laughs at evil men’s plans

Phil Inman
Phil Inman
2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Alex, Hmmm, Yes, there will certainly be an increasing number of vaxx dead and incapacitated as the months go buy. I don’t think it will be widely publicized. Most of them will never know. But let me be a bit contrary. It doesn’t seem consistent to think those pushing the murderous vaxx are going to tolerate we unvaxxed skipping away. No, they’ll be coming directly after us with a vengeance. We’ve identified ourselves as a threat and exactly who they don’t want around as they initiate their NWO. They’ll be playing major hardball before it is over. It isn’t, IMHO, going to continue on like it is now. They’ve also shown us what they are capable of. They eat kids, don’t they?

9 months ago
Reply to  Phil Inman

Phil: I agree!

Given the lack of appropriate anger and outrage in the vaxxed toward those who harmed them, I think it’s inevitable they’ll misapply it against us.

That’s how marks who won’t admit they were conned roll.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Sadly those evil elites aren’t going anywhere

2 years ago
Reply to  Non gmo human

Well, sadly it has happened, I now personally know someone that got their booster on May 6th, said they felt bad on May 7th, had a stroke on May 8th and died on May 13th. I told my vaxed and boosted sister about this person and without missing a beat or expressing sympathy, she stated matter-of-factly she was sure the vac had nothing to do with it. Their is no way to break through her willful ignorance and denial.

2 years ago
Reply to  JustJenny

Put yourself I your sisters place and also this young woman who truthfully did have a hand in her sons death and ask yourself if they really looked into this and realize what they have done what do you think they would do? If I would have known how bad vaxxines were when I first had children I would never have given them any vaxxines, but I still feel very bad that I harmed my children and there is nothing I can do to change it. These people know in the back of their minds something is terribly wrong, but they just might lose their minds if they admit the truth don’t you think? These people were deceived after the powers that be scared them to death to take an experimental drug and there is no going back. I actually feel sorry for them because one day they are going to have to face the truth they have harmed themselves and maybe their child. Very sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

I wish I could say your statement is probably correct, but in my sisters case, since she has gotten v’d & boosted she also decided she should get a flu shot this year even though she’d never done so before, plus she got her dbl shingles vx. She’s only 51. Now mind you she doesn’t get a mammogram every year even though our family has a history and she’s put off doing a colonoscopy……

Why so scared of viruses but not cancer?

2 years ago
Reply to  JustJenny

Same.. although it took a few more weeks. Astonishingly, the late Booster recipient had bragged about it all over his Facebook Profile pics with those frames!!.. 😮 Good luck to everyone out there!-

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago
Reply to  JustJenny

Their go to statement is: Correlation does not equal causation. I’m not sure how to respond to that.

Phil Inman
Phil Inman
2 years ago
Reply to  Terri

Terri, RE: Vaxxers goto “Correlation does not equal causation” No, but sends a signal. Probability can be calculated. I’ve seen the numbers produced just from graphing probability of specific adverse reactions post injection against normal occurrence w\o jab. Stunningly unlikely. This shows the undeniable footprint of dose dependence. You could point out that Dose Dependence = Causation. Like in the 2 weeks after first jab is a spike in Heart related hospitalizations for an age group. Then after 2nd jab a higher spike. If jab not causing it, how is this possible? But the point that your pro vaxx friends ought most to grasp is that All the vax pushers rely on soundbyte repetition of the approved talking points to coax the public to comply-Not scientific, statistical truth. Accurate, complete, data is not being kept on AR [at least not that is released to the public]. Normal authorization requirements for Pharma to sell their products are often waived. Informed Consent has been made a dirty word. Transparent and helpful analysis about risk/benefit ratio is not available to the public. List is getting long but don’t we have to factor in the med establishment’s near criminalization of doctor’s treating patients with especially early treatments that are nearly 100% effective? However, Information that has been gleened from their own substandard/intentionally misdesigned trials and selective data collection, is still enough to demonstrate from many angles that the Vaxx is exactly not safe nor effective. report on Pfizers EUA trial is a stinging example. I follow the advice of a great teacher that taught us not to worry about how we will respond, just be full of your subject. Ha!

2 years ago
Reply to  Terri

Yes, sadly she trusts NPR news and Snopes more than me and will not read anything I send her.

2 years ago

Misdirected anger. She knows the truth. She WILL be here to read all these comments.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
2 years ago

they knew back in 2016 or so that the spike protein in mrna would shed when darpa made the moderna *vaccine*; it was created for the flu, and then re-introduced for covid in 2020. all the animal study subjects died, and the the studies were ended because of shedding. they KNEW they were leaky vaccines when they began this farce. i’ve read that xiden’s aim for 70% inoculation to achieve herd immunity was because they expected to have a big turnout for shots, and they knew the spike protein would then spread to everyone else. plus, they’ve been seeding us all with graphene oxide for years in chemtrails, food packaging, water tests, and who knows what else, so those of us who refuse the shots are likely still inundated with the bits and pieces needed to kill, maim, begin the transhumanism process in for those who survive, etc.

i appreciate the clip of McEnroe. he always says it like it is and usually gives me a chuckle with his presentation. i’m actually watching the French Open live right now; it’s the third set and Paula Badosa’s holding it together pretty well, though fatigued. unless people play or watch tennis, i don’t think they realize just how big the physical differences are between the sexes. i’m picturing Serena in her prime playing someone like Carlos Alcaraz, or even Rafa as he is today, and there’s just no way. i was an orchestra nerd growing up and despised (feared) sports. tennis was the only sport i could tolerate watching on tv, and when our daughter began lessons, daddy and i started adult lessons. i was enjoying them, until i was finally dxd with a connective tissue disorder in 2013 and had to stop. my husband talked me into playing fantasy tennis with him the past two years, which i enjoy- only now i pick my teams each week and then hope my players don’t die of the spike protein.

2 years ago

Why would anyone these days even get pregnant?? My God! I don’t even want to get a pet, even though I want one, because I’m afraid of what would happen if we all starve or they take me away because of my vaxx status. They would surely dispose of any cat or dog that I’d keep. I just cannot understand any woman right now bringing a child into this freaking crazy and violent world!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Sweetie don’t live your life in the what if’s. If you you want a pet, get one and enjoy every single day because honestly you don’t know what the next day will bring and fearing it just makes you happy. Enjoy the day let tomorrow worry about it’s self.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Don’t be despondent, ppl have been making families in worse conditions for ages. There’s nothing new under the sun

Hal (them,they)
Hal (them,they)
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Transology expert here and I take offense at your using the word woman as the only means of bring life into this world.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Yeah, just help along their depopulation agenda, they’ll appreciate it.

Phil Inman
Phil Inman
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Gwen, you got it right. No babies. No pets. You are a more useful soldier alive.

2 years ago

Why is Ms Makulec getting angry at anti-vaxxers/truth seekers instead of Pzifer?

If Pzifer declared their trails to be unsafe for pregnant woman, then what did she expect to happen to her unborn child?

And if the CDC declared the risks of pregnant women to be unknown then she was selfishly putting her unborn child at risk. Don’t get angry at us, love. We warned you. The difference between us and big pharma is that we aren’t looking to make money by scamming people.

It’s not rocket science to use your brain and do some basic research. In fact amazing and intelligent people such as Brian at the covid blog make it easier to do so. Oh but I forgot, pointing out the truth/obvious is a conspiracy theory along with the flu.

By the way, has the flu came back yet? I’ve been asking the proles this question lately but have only receive either that stupid fluoride stare or some incoherent nonsense.

Great work, Brian. Keep up the good work. It’s helping me to stay sane in these crazy times.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

“…has the flu came back yet?” I’ve asked this question of several people, and the only response I received was, “The mask helped prevent the spread of the flu.” ?
To which I replied, how did the masks stop the flu, but not this Covid stuff? Blank stare.
I don’t even bother anymore.

Phil Inman
Phil Inman
2 years ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

Sin Nombre, Yes is unrewarding often to speak to the vaxxed. But, before God is our responsibility. Besides, you don’t know who will reject what you say and who will receive it willingly and maybe put his/her efforts also into the fight. Print up something simple and small maybe on a few different topics. Stick a few in your wallet to pass out at any opportunity. I found a simple paragraph warning to not vax kids, or criticism of Gov’s failure to publish data are helpful.
You just don’t know “whether shall prosper either this or that or whether both shall be alike good.” Just saying.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil Inman

All good comments! It may not be the best one in this thread, but may be my favorite – “receive either that stupid fluoride stare or some incoherent nonsense”.

It’s a balance, to be sure. Phil is right, we have a duty to help others, but on the other hand, Jesus said not to cast pearls before swine… and elsewhere, to shake the dust from your sandals. We must try to be charitable, and when in good conscience feel that we are wasting our time with someone, move on.

It’s been incredibly frustrating for me at time, dealing the with “proles” and friends/family, being cut out from events (which is bittersweet – no asinine comments to endure!), so see society crumbing (it’s all related), but we must keep on keepin’ on. Resentment is a poison one drinks, while expecting the resented party to die instead.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

Ok so not only did the CDC stop tracking flu in 2020 and 2021 – but they also stopped testing for flu during that time period. They had been incentivised to test only for covid so thats what they did. Now, last 6 months if ppl get tested for covid at a doctors office they also automatically get tested for flu and rsv alongside the covid test. Interesting eh?

Jeremy Edwards
2 years ago

How I see it is, Children will be spared from this harsh evil world, but I fear more for those who haven’t repented of their pried and called upon the name of the Lord to be saved. God is allowing this evil to come upon the world as judgment. But it seems the world is just Harding their necks at this point.

Liz P
Liz P
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edwards

People are cooperating with evil because their minds have been darkened by sin and they love the things of this world. If they acknowledged their Creator, if they loved God and wanted to serve God (instead of desiring the passing material things of this world, or serving themselves, or being slaves to their own sinful desires – including pride) they would have the discernment to see this evil.

2 years ago

Well it took a while for the virus to get us up here in the tropics. Along with my wife and son, I’m just getting over the virus now. Plenty of paracetamol, loads of bed rest and multiple layers of clothing. I think I faired better than my wife who’s been vaccinated. That’s even taking into account my leaking heart valve. Every muscle felt like I’d been kicked around though. My theory has always been to cook myself when suffering from these sorts of ailments. Socks, t shirt, long sleeve shirt, long pants, coat and a feather down cover thrown in for good measure. And I was still shivering.. So yes fear not, you can survive without being vaccinated.

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