Ryan Campbell: 50-year-old triple-vaxxed Australian cricketer turned coach in critical condition, coma after suffering massive heart attack

April 19, 2022

Mr. Ryan Campbell.

LONDON — No sport has been hit harder by vaccine de-population than soccer. But high-profile Australian cricketers are trying to play catch-up, and don’t mind virtue signaling on their ways out.

Mr. Ryan Campbell is head coach for the Netherlands national cricket team. But before his coaching career, the Perth-born cricketer tried making a name for himself on the pitch. Mr. Campbell, known as “Cambo” to friends and fans, never played Test cricket, the game’s oldest, most-prestigious, and longest form of the game. But he arguably invented the “scoop shot” (or ramp shot) where you pop the ball in the air in a baseball bunting-type fashion. He did it twice in 2002 against Sri Lanka while playing for Australia A, the second national team.

Some credit Sri Lanka’s Tillakaratne Dilshan for inventing the shot in 2009 and re-naming it the “Dilscoop.” Regardless, Mr. Campbell was a talented batsman in his own right.

Unfortunately he played in an era when the Aussies had an embarrassment of riches in cricket talent. Of course that crop includes Mr. Shane Warne, who is the perhaps the greatest cricket player of all time. Of course, Mr. Warne passed away last month in Thailand after suffering a post-injection heart attack. Mr. Rod Marsh, another talented Aussie cricketer, passed away one day prior to Mr. Warne. Mr. Campbell acknowledged both men’s deaths.

Mr. Campbell played for the Western Australia men’s cricket team from 1995 to 2006. He also played in the Indian Cricket League and in Hong Kong before retiring. Mr. Campbell worked as a television and radio commentator as well. He was appointed head coach of the Dutch national team in January 2017.

Cambo was not in the same stratosphere at Shane Warne as it relates to cricket. But he could hold his own in the battle of virtue signaling.

“Get a grip you moaners and groaners”

Mr. Campbell was never shy about his enthusiasm regarding the entire COVID-19 agenda. It started in March 2021, when he presumably received his first mRNA or viral vector DNA injections.

Mr. Campbell really loved showing off his COVID-19 “tests.”

He started his “get vaccinated” campaigns in July 2021.

That continued through the end of the year.

Mr. Campbell even administered COVID-19 tests to his elf on the shelf during Christmas.

After the New Year, Mr. Campbell grew even more aggressive with his virtue signaling. “So to all of you moaners and groaners, get a grip…get on with it, get vaccinated, and find a way to put a smile on your face,” he wrote.

Mr. Campbell, in February, tested positive for so-called COVID-19 despite being triple-vaxxed.

Mr. Campbell was back in Perth last week visiting family. He returned to Europe this past weekend.

Critical condition

Radio 6PR presenter Gareth Parker broke news last night that Mr. Campbell was in London playing with his kids at a park. He suddenly collapsed and could not breathe. A random person performed CPR until an ambulance arrived. Mr. Campbell was taken to a nearby hospital and placed in a medically-induced coma. Mr. Parker said he saw Mr. Campbell last week and he was “fit as a fiddle.” Mr. Parker also said Mr. Campbell has a pacemaker. Listen to the broadcast from last night below.

Doctor are attempting to bring Mr. Campbell out of his induced coma today, according to Mr. Parker. The story is still developing. We’ll update in due course.

What is up with Aussie cricketers?

This blogger knew absolutely nothing about cricket prior to the death of Shane Warne. There’s still a lot to learn about the game, its intricacies and fundamentals. As a young sports reporter on radio, the program director assigned only hockey games for the first several months as an immersion program to abate ignorance of that sport. It’s easy to appreciate cricket. But the virtue signaling from the country that practically own the sport is disappointing.

Mr. Campbell, from all appearances, is a good family man and a good friend to many others. So many good human beings are throwing their lives away in the name of the most powerful human psychological operation in history. And in doing do, they’re endearing themselves to the vaxx zealot population, which in the present, is the crowd du jour. But history will ultimately be the judge. Granted that premise depends on humanity retaining some semblance of its natural form after the year 2024. As long as GMO humans and the facilitators are writing the history, then these types will be regarded as heroes.

The foregoing is why The COVID Blog™ and its first two years will be a book by the end of 2022. The powers-that-be can always take away the internet. But hopefully this little piece of history provides a “Book of Eli” type salvation for future generations. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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J Far
J Far
2 years ago

So he had three shots. And, he had that giant q-tip coated with god-knows-what jammed up his nose how many times? Dozens? Hundreds? Just basic common sense says that’s a bad idea.

2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

I am with you on this J, but “common sense” just isn’t as common as it used to be.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

It’s almost become a super power. Very rare to find it these days.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yep, common sense seems long gone for most.

2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

and then he got ‘covid’ LOL. Guy is/was a lunatic!

2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

It’s like that Cotton Swab Addiction skit on MadTV.


2 years ago

“Get a grip you moaners and groaners”

Another dumb jock (i.e. ‘Alpha Male’) white knighting for an evil & corrupt establishment . . . chicks just luv ’em.

Enjoy eternity, @sshole.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Even Hoggy the elf tried to run away from home.

2 years ago

Virtue signaling by a covidiot. Hopefully the kids aren’t vaxxed yet.

2 years ago

“Mr. Campbell, in February, tested positive for so-called COVID-19 despite being triple-vaxxed.”

This statement says it all about the stupid shots: Worthless masks, worthless tests, worthless distancing, worthless shutdowns, worthless handling of the situation from authorities, and worthless reasoning in people allowing themselves to be...triple-jabbed! I do really hope he makes it.

Thank you for the hard work and hours spent on this blog. Appreciate the updates.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Worse than stupid and worthless, these things maim and kill ! Wonder what would wake them up?

2 years ago

In a coma? Just quit moaning and groaning, thatll fix ye

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago

Perhaps there’s a correlation between playing professional cricket and signing a deal with the devil. Like there’s a specific initiation they have to go through much like freemasonry’s.

It seems like one of the terms of the contract “Be a vaccine enthusiast and be willing to die for it” have already been fulfilled by three of their members.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clown World

There’s quite a few Australian Football players getting sick too. Ollie Wines won the medal for best player in the league last year. Now he has heart issues. He’s 25.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

This is really becoming weird. I mean the cancer cases alone where the person gets diagnosed and is gone less than a year later.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kim Karma

This is what I’m thinking as well. My daughter just emailed me this morning that a friend from elementary school was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Straight to stage 4. Testicular cancer and he is 30 years old. It’s mind boggling. He died yesterday. Just a couple months after the diagnosis. I am so thankful that all three of my adult kids have refused the jab and the testing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawna

YES!!!.. So glad for this blog!!- THANKS!! You guys– ALL my friends & fam (but, 3 & their little kids) are C-Vaccinated to the hilt!!.. People I love & would have SO MUCH Fun with!!. The last of my family line. And they are some incredibly talented, hard-working, highly educated, and interesting people. I no longer have a personal life, except to send condolences and field requests for rides to the hospital, home deliveries of meals, and listening to their stories of bad diagnoses, surgeries, chemo, medical tests, appointments, & weird symptoms (only after the vax/boost); and then the constant stubborn denial of any correlations or any preventive efforts (except I convinced 2 to hold off on more/get heart testing/&/or use low-inflammation foods & supplements & they’re doing better)-??!!… It’s STUNNING. From the barely 40-something friend suddenly stricken with Stage 3 Brain Cancer (incurable variety) after job-mandated booster, to the 40-something friend’s boyfriend who dropped dead (“heart-related”) shortly after bragging about his Booster on facebook–by the way, he went to Harvard & had expertise in Patent Law-!! 2 Long-time Friends gave this shot stuff to their young teen kids & at least 2 of those kids are now in the hospital/wheelchairs–very weird conditions like POTS, neurological problems, kidney failure syndromes. SO sad!!.. BUT, hardly any of these folks can connect any dots here.. It’s an Overwhelming Phenomenon in my life now though!!!.. Most of my friends are always tired, sick, can’t even walk too far, etc. Every conversation- I’m scared to hear the latest sad tale!!..

Last edited 2 years ago by Schrre
2 years ago
Reply to  Schrre

I’m in the same position. This year will be difficult seeing all these vaxxers and their health issues and deaths. Just bear witness and give thanks to the Lord for His guidance through all this. 🙏❤️

2 years ago

Pretending to Covid test the Elf on the Shelf is ridiculous! Those elves are really creepy, and I think they are a way to get children used to constant surveillance. Elf on the shelf today and the government tomorrow.

2 years ago

I’m sick of hearing people who are completely ignorant when it comes to vaccines, telling all the rest of us we need them, when they don’t know what the heck they are talking about, even to the point of their death.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

Not even their ” Doctors ” take the time to find out what is in them…Just drink the Kool-Aide…nothing has changed since Jim Jones in 1978 till Trump in 2020…

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

I’m still impressed by the stupidity of the situation. All of these so-called social media influencer “experts” telling everyone else what to do with their body. I’ve always said the left (mostly the left) lack a sense of humor or irony. They’re literally drones for whatever the god of the day is without ever realizing it. New world idol worship.

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

We’ve been suffering under the yoke of liberal thinking for many years now. Perhaps this death shot is karma from God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clown World

I know vehement Right-winger Trump-worshipers who take these Vaccines like holy Water & they ALL have wound up with a Bad case of Covid-19+. I personally know 5 Trump Voters & apologists who have been struggling with covid cases after being “vaccinated” to the point of winding up in the hospital!!.. It’s like they don’t even expect a vaccine to confer Immunity from the given disease?… nah, that would be too much common-sense!!-??.. And they still LOVE this plan!!..& Trump, apparently-??.. “All-Time Warped Full-Speed Ahead!!”.. & they’re SO thankful to have been ill-???…
There’s something MORE than “Politics” going on here…in a BIG way!!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Schrre
2 years ago
Reply to  Schrre

How dare you not bow your head and shiver in awe at the mention of holy Trump ?. Repent before his second coming to fulfill the long ago annouced prophecy of saving amerika and its flock of good christians.

oh come o ye faithful morons….

Sc scwd
Sc scwd
2 years ago

It is sad that they didn’t get to live long enough to realized that the jab killed, that the people they thought thier saviours are actually thier murderers

2 years ago

You have to travel a lot to be a pro athlete. Gates wants you to have zero carbon footprint. A huge amount of the pro-vax propaganda was “you cannot travel if you do not jab”.
(That propaganda did not move me at all. Canada better make it extremely fun for me to want to travel there. Not threaten me. )
Anyway, the jab is killing the high-carbon footprint crowd. Mission accomplished, I guess.

2 years ago
Reply to  kittysmooches

Agree. Anyone who wants to travel is more than likely going to get the jab. We all have to realize we’re in a new world, but most don’t want to acknowledge that. I thank God I was able to travel extensively previous to this time in history. Now I am content to stay in one place. But younger people (understandably) want to travel globally and get caught in the spiders web that is the global psychological operations. There is no easy answer for this as most don’t understand the consequences until they are affected.

2 years ago

Way to go Cambo-19…how is that pacemaker working out for you? Maybe you can mention it in your next Virtue Signalling promotion for Big Pharma…too bad they have no liability and won’t be helping you out with your medical expenses, or of those that were persuaded by you to follow your misguided advice…I suppose your Fans that took the Clot Shot are also on their own? Please give my best regards to Hoggy the elf…better a swab up the nose than a needle in the arm, Eh? So will you be recommending Booster number four now?

2 years ago

Invented the scoop-shot, not so effective with the clot-shot. Poor old Warne be spinning in his grave watching all this now

2 years ago

May he Test in Peace.

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