Kristen Manwaring: 56-year-old Upstate New York cop gets double vaxxed after dad dies of so-called COVID, has biopsy months later, dies in hospital
April 19, 2022

Mrs. Kristen Manwaring.

ROCHESTER — A 56-year-old cop, corrections officer, wife and mother is dead after believing she was doing a good deed in honor of her father.

Mrs. Kristen Manwaring was a sheriff’s deputy in Madison County, New York. She also worked for the county jail. She’d held those jobs since 1988, according to her Facebook page. Mrs. Manwaring shared a few interesting moments from her career right when the so-called pandemic commenced.

She wrote about her deceased mother at least four times from March 2020 to the end of that year. Mrs. Manwaring’s mother passed away in 2005.

Her remaining 2020 post history was all about cops, family and the Buffalo Bills. She took several photos in masks. But it’s New York, she’s a cop, and it was likely mandated in their hometown.

Father’s death, daughter’s vaccination

Mrs. Manwaring hinted that her father was sick on February 6, 2021. She didn’t provide many details, but ended the post with “stay strong.”

Her father passed away on March 1, 2021.

Two days later, Mrs. Manwaring wrote that she is “fully vaccinated for you Dad.”

Mrs. Manwaring said her father died of so-called COVID-19 on March 5, 2021. She ended the post with “Please get your vaccine. COVID-19 is real.”

A few days later, she acknowledged all of her friends sending “I got my vaccine” photos. Mrs. Manwaring referred to said people as the “let’s kick Covid’s butt group.”

The spring and summer of 2021 were mostly normal. Mrs. Manwaring went to her son’s high school graduation in April. She paid tribute to her mom several more times. Mrs. Manwaring also posted many photos of her dogs. Then things turned for the worst.

“I will fight this and win”

Mrs. Manwaring posted a semi-cryptic message on August 26. “Why me? I am a good person. I will fight and win this,” she wrote. Nearly all the comments said something to the effect of “you will beat this” and “praying for you.”

She celebrated her oldest son’s 21st birthday three weeks later. But Mrs. Manwaring could not attend the Buffalo Bills game that she normally would have in early October. The next health update came on October 30. She was doing “round 2” at Strong Hospital in Rochester. And again, all of the comments were similar to the August post.

Her additional comment to the post provided the first definitive evidence as to what seemed fairly obvious.

Mrs. Manwaring talked about jaundice, liver drainage, scar tissue, a biopsy and blockage. Jaundice (yellow eyes and skin) is a symptom of many ailments, including hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. But jaundice and bile duct blockage are symptoms of pancreatic cancer and rare liver disease, according to WebMD.

RELATED: Jovita Moore: Atlanta news anchor develops two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection, still recovering from surgery (May 31, 2021)


Biliary drainage is when a stent is placed in the bile ducts of the liver to drain the excess bile causing the blockage, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Cholestatis (when bile clogs the ducts) is, again, a sympton of hepatitis, cirrhosis and tumors in the pancreas, gall bladder and/or liver. A biliary tract biopsy is performed to determine the presence of tumors in the liver or elsewhere. The result is either no sign of disease, a benign growth, or the presence of cancer, according to Mount Sinai.

RELATED: Dom Busby: 53-year-old BBC sports reporter develops brain tumor, dead 11 weeks after experimental AstraZeneca shot (June 12, 2021)


Things worsened by mid-December. Mrs. Manwaring said that she will be in and out of Strong Hospital “going through numerous procedures.” She expressed fear, and said, “the outcome may not be what we want to hear.” The tone was ominous, as she simply prayed to see the day her two boys have her grandchildren.

Reminiscing and death

Mrs. Manwaring celebrated her 56th birthday on December 31. Despite all that was happening, she and one of her sons went out to celebrate that day.

The February 22 update was “not so good news.” Mrs. Manwaring said doctors will be “picking up the pace” in her treatments.

She went to a high school basketball game on March 6. There were no more Facebook posts until her final one on April 3. “Take me back to the good times” is all it said.

Mrs. Manwaring passed away on April 15 at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester. She is survived by her husband and two sons.

New post-injection cancer category forthcoming?

Ms. Mary-Louise McLaws is the Australian epidemiologist, World Health Organization advisor, and vaxx zealot who announced her post-injection brain tumor on January 14. There’s been one update since – a February 1 tweet thanking her medical team. A few people have written us saying her condition has worsened. But there’s no confirmation thereof.

We’ve now covered at least eight post-injection cancer cases. Actress Kathy Griffin is the only one still alive. She contracted lung cancer after her first two injections, and still got third and fourth booster shots. Our  coverage alone, complete with all the doctors and scientist statements, leave little to no doubt that that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections cause cancer. Heart attacks, strokes and blood clots are what’s killing most vaccinated people now. But the cancer cases are just beginning.

RELATED: Truth Bombshell: 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude that Ivermectin is a powerful, highly-effective anti-cancer drug (April 11, 2022)


Again it’s sad to say. But the lucky ones will die in their sleep. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

you can be a good person but dumb. Actually most good people are dumb and gullible. Do not blame God for this. God has given us many signs and warnings, and the Word, the great book, the Bible.

2 years ago
Reply to  ck10

I was talking in church about the vaxxines being deadly and one fellow there said “if the vaxxine saves lives they you should take it and let God take care of the rest”. I didn’t say it out loud, but on the way home we were talking about the comment and said it’s so funny that you say take a vax then trust God with the outcome, but you can’t trust God if you get the bug? Sometimes people say very stupid things.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

If checking out a church to possibly attend and maybe join, good litmus test questions would appear to be whether a) that church held any ‘vaccine’ clinics, b) if it pushed the mRNA injections, c) how many people there got injected. That’s a pretty good indication of how many would take the Mark of the Beast, as well as how liberal that church and its members are.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

God does not always save you from your stupid self. As I was taught as a child, never test God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

God promised Noah he woudl never intervene in man ‘s affairs again. We have no one to blame in God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

most of the time people say dumb things. My client in Manhattan have gotten sick from the jabs and tell me to get jabbed asap. They can not make the connection. It’s as a spell has been casted on them. It’s very bizarre.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  ck10

They can’t admit they were lied to and they bought the lie. They would mean admitting to the increasing demonic evil that is slithering around the world like the goo in Ghostbusters. It is very sad. You can try to tell them. But if they won’t listen, don’t waste your time anymore. Deep down I think many people know. They just can’t face it.

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
2 years ago
Reply to  ck10

It’s bizarre indeed. I was running with a group of people and 2 of them were talking about getting COVID right after getting the jab and yet for some reason they couldn’t make the connection. It’s almost as if Fauci and the MSM has people hypnotized.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  ck10

ck10 this is concise and more profound than it first appears.

2 years ago

why would people post their life on social media? I do not get it. Everyone wants to be a celebrity these days

2 years ago
Reply to  ck10

It’s the best kind of black humor. Would you imagine that in 2020, people would enthusiastically post pictures of themselves online getting injected by a death serum? All gungho, with a smile and two thumbs up. And then hundreds of people cheering on this behavior, thinking they are somehow helping humanity. It makes even the most dystopian Black Mirror episode look sane.

2 years ago
Reply to  Septimus

It is the darkest of the darkest humor indeed. and it gets even darker. the people who happily let themselves being murdered and the people supporting this and cheering it on are mad at who is not in favor of getting themselves murdered. and then it gets even darker. the ones who do not want to cooperate in their murder are considered very dangerous in relation to life by the ones who fully support being murdered believing that they to the best thing to extend their life. meanwhile in reality their life is cut short. as long as you do the right things you can make – most – people believe anything you want. this is the proof. refusal to apply the free will with common sense leads to disaster. their free will has been taken over trough clever midgame’s where they believe that they are masters of their free will but they are not. their mind has been taken over completely. slavery at is finest. the slave believing he is not a slave. perfect wickedness.

Last edited 2 years ago by longrider
The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  ck10

OT but I was just pondering that myself…
I mean what on earth would compel this Depp guy to air all his complaints with his wife in public (in a Courtroom)?
There’s a huge dearth of common sense these days. But it’s probably just a coincidence.

2 years ago
Reply to  ck10

I’ve never understood this either. I’ve never participated in any social media and didn’t know these things went on until somewhat recently. I prefer to keep my family business within my family ,but everyone is different. Mrs. Manwaring seemed like a decent person and a loving mother and I’m sorry for her suffering. Condolences to her husband and sons.

2 years ago

Your dad was likely in his 80s. People of all ages die, but old people more than most. It looks like your dad loved you, he certainly would not have wanted you to injure or kill yourself over some perceived guilt.
Now your children get to mourn over your entirely preventable death.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

He was also obese from the pictures

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Yes, sorry to say it. He had co morbidity. Most likely died with so called Covid, not of. My 84 year old dad obsessed and got 3 Covid injections. A year later his dementia has progressed, he has lost weight….it’s not good. He kept saying all these people he knew died of Covid. They were all in their 80s and 90s. He could not understand why we didn’t want to get the shot.

Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago

It breaks my heart to read of so many families who have lost loved ones because they ‘believed they were doing the right thing’ by taking the experimental and toxic mRNA shot. So many people have been and continue to be deceived. Loving families torn apart needlessly. Those of us who have resisted propaganda and coercion are indeed blessed. We thank God daily for His protection, and we pray for so many who have been injured from this jab. We are fighting a massive spiritual battle, so keep on praying, keep on holding on.
Thank you, Brian, for your posts. I don’t know how you do this, but know we pray for you too. I have sent many people the links to your articles.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

no doubt this is a spiritual war and that’s what most people do not understand. You can’t have discernment without the supernatural.

Hermann von Heinken
Hermann von Heinken
2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

we pray for so many who have been injured from this jab
might be too late for them IF it is the actual ‘Mark of the Beast’ ;
see, for instance, a site called ‘Revelations of Jesus Christ’ ……

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

None of us truly know the satanist real intentions of these injections, are they simply to depopulate?, To make people sick to generate more big pharma business?, To alter our DNA and remove our freewill?, Don’t know, but I have been praying that everybody who has been fooled or coerced into getting these poisons injected be filled with His Holy Spirit and that they are used to grow our kingdom, it would be the most devestating slap to the satanist

Hermann von Heinken
Hermann von Heinken
2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

 these injections
from my some-what limited under-standing of it all, once yr ‘jabbed’, God, pretty much, washes His hands of you, as it were since, in effect, you are no longer human and no longer ‘eligible’ for redemption apropo Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross @ Calvary….
i have heard of only one, single case involving an Orthodox monk who was able to get back in God’s good graces….
but: he had to repent in dust-and-ashes and his renewed relation-ship with God was less than it had been….
☞ tinyurl(dot)com/dhf3xnrc ;
God may have given him ‘another chance’ b’cs he took the ‘jab’ in total ignorance, fear and confusion…..
again: my under-standing of it all is that, normally, God will NOT do this….

2 years ago

Just today – I was told of 2 new brain cancer cases in our friend/ neighbors circle. Diagnosed in the last few weeks. But of course it is the water supply that maybe contaminated. This is the excuse they use. I know of people who got cancer before but the rapidity and numbers are increasing too much to be “the water supply.” They are all vaxxed and I would not be surprised boostered as well. There is no getting through to them. Frustrating.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Saturday, someone i knew died. liver cancer which developed with amazing speed. that someone was double vaccinated by the way. But the connection is not being made at all. there was nothing wrong with her. some months after the vaccination she developed a skin disease. something like the scales of a lizard and she became very weak and ill. she then recovered to develop liver cancer which took her out within 3 weeks. her church encouraged vaccination, saying it was the Christian thing to do to prevent the spreading of the deadly covid 19 and save lives. now she has lost her life instead, in the process of saving lives as her church told her. churches are most definitely places of evil. they also told her she could trust doctors because god gave them the knowledge. she trusted the church and she trusted the medical profession and as a result she was removed from the planet within 3 weeks .in her 50’s. it is sad to see but t is what it is. all this because of the refusal to apply critical thinking to guide the free will. if you become just a follower you might think you are using free will but your free will is being guided with you thinking that you are making an independent choice. she was murdered trough the vaccinations and choose to be murdered in that way. nothing short of unbelievable. the saga continues and i carry on and watch and learn.

Last edited 2 years ago by longrider
2 years ago
Reply to  longrider

Sadly, many churches have been corrupted and are not filled with the Holy Spirit but something evil. Thankfully my church has never even mentioned the shot. I think most of the congregation has not been vaccinated. Although it’s not something I ask people about.

All truth
All truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Most churches are synagogues of Satan. Personally, I have had discussions with pastors and church-goers who just behave like robots. They don’t question anything at all. All they do is continue regurgitating what they’ve been told. I think most people in “church” have gotten the jab. If not, there mindset shows no resistance whatsoever

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

They have been lied to. And convincingly too! (got to give credit where it’s due).
But it is like the old saying – it’s far easier to fool someone, than it is to convince them that they’ve been fooled…
It’s just sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Again today another client called. She has pneumonia and sounds horrible. Vaxxed and boostered. And her health has been declining since the booster especially. She’s upset over her friend/colleague groups who are now ill, dying, suffering with new health issues. All are vaxxed. She’s tired of going to viewings and funerals. I listened and bore witness. I just couldn’t say that it was the vaxx. Why bother. A lot of days left this year to go through this. Makes me thank God for his blessings especially His guidance through these times. 🙏✝️

2 years ago

Condolences again to a nice family, misled and blackmailed by the bureaucratic “health” monster… if it was the jabs. Heard a saying the other day in a discussion, something like, “Emotions don’t make good advisors.” I try to remember that, first.

2 years ago

. . . no doubt cracking skulls in Heaven now, for Jesus.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Caption of first photo: “The highlight of my career, the day I arrested the Dalai Lama for public loitering in women’s clothing in Western New York!”

2 years ago

It finally happened…and I have been wondering how long it would take…Last week TWO former classmates showed up in the local obits. Of course, they died peacefully, which is the newest fad in dying.

Reading all these obits has got me pondering. All of these folks were loved so much, had done so much, many felt they had left the world a better place…but none of that matters in the end. If they took the vax, they failed the biggest test of all. They ALLOWED evil dna to change their gift from God…what made them created in His image. They made a deal with the devil when they had aborted baby cells injected into their bodies. Moloch is the demon that requires dead babies. They turned to Moloch instead of God. This is why it is so important to go to SOURCE documents when reading the Bible. Translations will result in errors. Pharmaekeia (medical drugs) is SORCERY. The goodness of these departed souls was all washed away with one spineless decision. I would call it a wasted life.

It does not come down to ONLY intelligence. I have a close friend who is not, shall we say, the sharpest tool in the toolbox. We don’t have much in common except for a strong faith in Christ Jesus. He has stubbornly held his conviction never to be vaxed, in spite of his job being threatened and being ostricized by family.

Shipwreck Survivors
Shipwreck Survivors
2 years ago

You’re doing a great job with all of the posts today. Thanks for covering all these stories. They’re all tragic tales of institutional murder of the populace. Don’t stop spreading the word.

2 years ago

“wish you were here to see how good we have done.”

Useless eaters consider becoming an enforcer for the ruling class or a parasitic bureaucrat working for the government, as the highest point in their life. Not even a little doubt or sense of guilt that would make her not advertise herself online.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for her likes ?.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

I know of several people who are currently on steroids for various issues (back have out, possible shingles) and I’m pretty sure it happened after their booster but I dare not imply such nonsense. It’s like big pharma created a way to feed more people into their grasps.

Hermann von Heinken
Hermann von Heinken
2 years ago

holding hands with the Dalai Lama….
more likely than not: not a Xtian…
OTW: God may well have ‘warned’ her off the death ‘jab’…..

2 years ago

“more likely than not: not a Xtian…”

yeah…infidels get what they deserve !!!…god DEMANDS it !!!. (lol).

You are reminding me of one of my favorite movies : ‘Black Death’ (2010).

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

I don’t care who in my family could have died from Chyna flu, I never would have taken the vax, just sued the hospital for not giving them hydroxychloriquine or ivermectin.

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
2 years ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

And unfortunately many of these people didn’t even die from COVID but from the treatment. The hospitals are giving them Remdesivir which does damage to the organs and then they intubate them and blow out their lungs. There needs to be class action lawsuits against some of these doctors.

2 years ago

lets all take the jab for dad ,while you have all the information available now ,what the jab really is and does. in honor of dad she got herself killed , freely. she went and made an appointment to get murdered and was encouraging others to do so. let’s kick covid in the but. something which does not exist. nothing short but amazing. speechless. really

You WideAwake
You WideAwake
2 years ago

My family:
first family member

early 50’s , Moderna. 2 shots. After first started declining, after second shot severe difficulty breathing, zero energy. Diagnosis, severe pneumonitis in both lungs, been struggling since last summer, they cannot seem to get rid of it. He was also diagnosed a few months ago with adrenal cancer and cancer in lymph nodes surrounding abdomen. In addition recently hospitalized with bilateral blood clots in lungs and legs. NO PREVIOUS underlying conditions. Doctors admitted it was all from the shots, yet they aren’t filling Vaers report. We are going to file one. The nurses at the hospital said they weren’t surprised, they’re seeing a lot of this.

Second family member:
return of prostate cancer after being cancer free for a decade. Psa climbed slowly after first 2 moderna shots and then RIGHT AFTER booster psa was off the charts . More tests show it also spread to lymph nodes. Happened so quickly. Now getting chemo and radiation.

Third Rd family member:
2 shots of Pfizer. Diagnosed with bladder cancer tumors that spread. Came out of nowhere, age 50’s . No underlying conditions, previously healthy.

4th family member:

heart arrithmias shortly after first shot Pfizer, got second shot and it worsened. Now on meds for it. Declined booster. No previous health problems.

Fifth family member:

pfizer . 2 shots and boosted. Shortly after diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer with metastasis. Dead . Came to quickly to treat. No previous health problems.

6th Family member:

2 shots of Pfizer and booster , died 2 weeks after booster of massive stroke. No underlying conditions.

7 th family member:

pfizer , 2 shots and boosted. Few weeks after booster, Stroke. Survived. No previous underlying conditions.

None of these family members are elderly. None overweight, none with underlying health conditions.

In my community there have been A LOT of young people who got the shots dropping dead suddenly. Most recently a local teacher in her early 40’s.

  • Most of my family declined any shots . I have been warning all of them since before the “ vaccines “ were rolled out. You only had to look at the original animal trials to know these shots were going to be dangerous.
  • Sick with worry about the ones that didnt listen.
  • We are going to see a lot more cancer popping up, this is the tip of the iceberg.
  • People are getting blood clots months after getting the shots, it’s not always immediate. These clots are NOT from Covid.
  • Disgusted with the medical community who are turning a blind eye. I no longer trust them. You must be your own advocate and demand certain tests, like troponin levels after vaccination. Do NOT take no for an answer. You can sue them later if they refuse and something happens. Make them aware of that!
  • These “ vaccines “ should NEVER HAVE BEEN GIVEN A EUA!
  • and for Gods sake, do NOT allow your children to get them. EVER.
2 years ago

This one really pulled on my heartstrings. Poor woman. Naive and mislead. She injected poison into her body without being aware that her own government would ever poison her for profit. I hope her case is an example to other naive citizens the world over.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

She is not a “poor woman”. She is/was an automaton working for the ruling class, bragging about the comfortable living she was making “enforcing the law” (ie : breaking the working class back, on behalf of the bureaucrats who give her a paycheck).

If she was young, I would give her a pass, because nobody knows any better at a young age. But she wasn’t young, she ought to know better.

terry jones
terry jones
2 years ago

“THE LAW” You mean how they selectively enforce the “law”? I wonder when the last time was when they arrested illegal aliens for being here illegally? THE LAW, WHAT A JOKE!

2 years ago
Reply to  terry jones

There is no such thing as “illegal aliens”. It is a concept that has been implanted in your brain as a hate switch by the ones controlling your environment.

You readily embraced that concept because – like so many others – for some reasons (probably wisdom & spiritual defficiency), you feel more entitled to the basic necessities of life than some other humans trying to provide for their families and themselves.

Your attitude is no different than the cattles in the field who have been branded and put a number on their ears, complaining that some cattles are not branded and do not have an ID number on their ears.

Any pragmatic small business owner will hire one of those that you – and many – would like to see imprisoned, rather than a local with his/her slave number around the neck and his/her sense of feeling entitled just because of where he/she was born.


Hat off to Brian for being so tolerant and patient with so many AH commentators on his blog.

2 years ago

OK, she took a paycheck from a group of oligarchs which deliberately conspired to sabotage the fabric of a once far-superior civilization and bring it down, partly by allowing it to be hamstrung against its being freely overrun by elements of inferior civilizations. Do you like that characterization better?

2 years ago

Thank you for underlining the feeling of superiority that you all AH have. Do you still wear white bedsheets over your heads ?. I tought it wasn’t fashionable anymore.

2 years ago

Well said, thank you!

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

But the cancer cases are just beginning… yes. Sad but true?
“…my body’s anatomy is not set up to fight anything on its own.” There’s the Big Lie right there !!
They lied to you Ms. Manwaring. And (as usual) the exact opposite is true…
It is only our healthy immune systems keeping each and every human alive.
And as soon as one accepts unsolicited ‘help’ with their immune systems – created by chimps playing with hand grenades, mind you – there will be big potential for troubles.
“Just say no!” with apologies to Mrs. Reagan

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

“…my body’s anatomy is not set up to fight anything on its own.” 

That statement popped out at me also as so wrong. I wonder where she got that idea—CDC? That’s the real “misinformation.”

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

It is all to remove God from the world which will never win in the end.

terry jones
terry jones
2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Well, in 75 or so years we will know the truth when the drug companies release their results. FJB

Sc scwd
Sc scwd
2 years ago

I feel sad that she was doubly victimized and conned, first, that covid killed his father, and vaxx would have saved him, second, by the vaxx that ultimately killed her, just because she thought “doing the right thing”

terry jones
terry jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Sc scwd

How many illegal “laws” did she enforce thinking she “was doing the right thing?” I bet the nazis felt the same way

2 years ago

My neighbor’s daughter in her 40s ended up with pancreatic cancer last year 2021. She’s not doing well even tho the tumor was removed…still so many complications. They’re all jabbed. I haven’t even wanted to ask the father what the sudden big brown mole looking spot is on the side of his head 🙁 hopefully just age spot..but regardless even tho they are super good people, I feel they will always be supporters of the jabs etc as long as the media keeps supporting it.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

Her father must be very proud of her and her vax status.

2 years ago

No one could have stopped this death, as well the many more that will follow.

Some poor dolts will eventually wake up when they have taken their 666th clot shot but most will not.

The reporting of these deaths is proof of the REAL DANGER of these shots.

Interesting that this dummy didn’t mention that daddy dearest didn’t recieve his clot shot. It probably wouldn’t have been available to him yet (since his death happened in early 2021). But this dummy could have said for the shots to be released sooner to have stopped da-da and the grannies from dying of da rona (flu).

These scumbags were the same useful idiots that helped the elties to further push their great reset. But trying to explain the great reset to them is a big challenge. No point casting your pearls upon the swine for they will trample you under foot and attack you (or just give you that dumb flouride stare and then proceed to do whatever joe normies do).

And what is the point taking a stupid mask selfie in a car. ALONE! Just proves how thick they are.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Recall they made vaxxes available to elderly in late 2020 and I suspect that this guy got his first jab sometime in January 2021 and it killed him.

2 years ago

I’m from the UK so I didn’t know exactly when the elderly group in US got theirs. Thanks for clarifying.

2 years ago

I found this article in the LA Times, it’s from 1988! – Sense of Smell Can Be Victim of Bout With Flu – If you recently suffered from the flu and have not recovered your sense of smell, you aren’t alone, researchers say.
Some patients complain that they are unable to smell things or to taste food after a bout of influenza. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Connecticut first reported the problem and have been looking into it.”I do not believe there is any deadly ‘coronavirus’ other than what we’ve already had for decades- the flu. They manipulated the masses with lies and deceit to push their bio weapon – the vaccines.

2 years ago
Reply to  lyn

We already knew this but everyone went crazy when it was associated with covid. It’s ridiculous

2 years ago

This woman is from an area that has seen a huge number of “sudden and unexpected” deaths since early 2021. I know this because I read the Central NY obituaries, and week after week, month after month, Oneida shows up over and over again. Sometimes the person passes away at home, and other times it happens at Oneida Health. There is also a town called Camillus that is located in a neighboring county where I’ve seen an unusually large number of “sudden and unexpected” deaths.

Thank you, Brian, for posting this article. Another tragic end of what could’ve otherwise been a happy life.

2 years ago

I don’t care how lovey-dovey people are on social media, or how much they claim to love each other “to the moon and back”. If they are recklessly undiscerning and entirely apathetic when it comes to protecting each other and would rather believe comfortable lies, then there is no love or goodness in that household! Reading this whole thing was painful, due to all the deranged idiocy. It appears her father was a cop too, I don’t remember if that was stated, but either way, it appears this family was/is big on obeying authority and probably viewed that as a virtue. Well a monster was created with that by NEVER allowing themselves to question the established authorities. As far as I’m concerned (and I REALLY have and do TRY, but I just CAN’T in this case because I’m SO DISGUSTED) they got what they asked for and what they deserve.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x