Lee Mallinson: 51-year-old British swimming coach was “waiting for internet signal to get stronger” after Pfizer booster shot, dead four months later

April 3, 2022

Mr. Lee Mallinson.

READING, ENGLAND — A 51-year-old swimming coach is dead, after mocking the non-vaccinated with regurgitated, tired aspersions.

Mr. Lee Mallinson was head swimming coach at the Reading Swimming Club. The organization trains everyone from young children learning to swim to highly-experienced water polo players. Mr. Mallinson was the head coach since 2016. He was an assistant coach with the organization for six months before being promoted, according to his LinkedIn page. Mr. Mallinson was previously a coach with Tewkesbury Swimming Club and the Great Britain National Team Staff at Loughborough University.

He also worked for 10 years at Virgin Atlantic airlines between his coaching jobs.

Whole lot of virtue signaling

Mr. Mallinson was a COVID fanatic. He played along with every narrative, and peppered his social media profiles with free advertising for the pharmaceutical industry. He was one of the early cheerleaders for the Novavax insect virus vector injection.

Mr. Mallinson wanted his mother to receive Novavax. But he still celebrated her receiving a Pfizer mRNA injection on February 26, 2021 since Novavax was unavailable.

Mr. Mallinson received his first AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection about three weeks later, March 26, 2021.

A week later, he advocated for the U.K. government and the E.U. to close borders and coerce the people into injections.

Mr. Mallinson received his second AstraZeneca injection on May 23, 2021.

For the next two months, he posted frequently about “COVID bingo” and “eyes down” related to all the so-called variants. It’s unclear what the punchline means for these jokes.

Mr. Mallinson received a flu shot on September 18.

He apparently lost a significant amount of weight in 2021; and talked about how he paid close attention to his health all year.

A few days later, he announced his forthcoming Pfizer mRNA booster injection.

Mr. Mallinson received the shot on November 23, and said he was “waiting for the internet signal to get stronger.” He also said “no pain yet” when a friend responded to the joke.

One of his final Facebook posts in 2021 came on December 12. It simply said #GetBoostedNow.

Sudden and unexpected death

Mr. Mallinson’s final Facebook post came on March 17. It is a short drowning prevention video, promoting swimming lessons for young kids. Both his Twitter and Instagram profiles are locked, so it’s unclear if he posted anything after March 17 on those platforms. The official Reading Swimming Club Twitter account announced “the sudden and unexpected passing” of Mr. Mallinson on March 26.

A close friend of Mr. Mallinson also announced the death.

The only media report, from an outlet that solely covers swimming, said that his cause of death is unknown.

Less frequent virtue signaling deaths

There is absolutely zero pleasure in writing these articles. This blogger practically begged people in March 2021 to stop posting their virtue signaling “I got vaxxed” band-aid photos and insulting the non-vaccinated. That article is one of the most-read on The COVID Blog™ so perhaps people got the message. Once you put it out there, all claims to privacy are gone.

Mainstream media always make certain to highlight the non-vaccinated status of anyone who dies of so-called COVID-19. But again, nobody has ever died or even been hurt from the experimental injections, according to said media.

Mr. Mallinson was nowhere near as egregious as some of the other virtue signalers covered here. But he’s at least the fourth one to use that “internet signal” joke in some form on his way out. Whether the vaxxed like it or not, it is indisputable fact that these injections contain graphene oxide, a metal known for its powerful radio transmission properties.

Further, Microsoft filed a patent application for that body activity data apparatus in 2020. None of us knows exactly how the powers-that-be plan to execute this technology on humanity, or if they’re already using it. If joking about it makes the vaxxed feel better about their decisions, then more power to them.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Ted Virus
Ted Virus
2 years ago

The worst thing about these “suddenly and unexpectedly” deaths is that we can’t tell those people “we told you so”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ted Virus

I keep checking on a FOURTH boosted friend. They know I think they will croak any moment.

2 years ago
Reply to  kittysmooches

4th boosted FRIEND ?. No way. I try to be polite, courteous, kind of nice, I certainly withdraw myself from any con-vid discussion if it pops up (I am not in the business of convincing anyone of anything), but having a thorn in the flesh of existence as a friend, no way. Those who used to wear a mask(or still wear a mask) too, I got rid of. Viva la solitude.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Ted Virus

If it is indeed true that these experimental vaccines are part of a global depopulation program, then the operative phrase with regard to these deaths should be something like “died too suddenly for plausible deniability and not unexpectedly given the intent of the vaccination program”.

2 years ago

Well done reporting. I have been reading this blog for several months, and find your writing style very pleasing (and similar to my my own–I guess you could call me an ex journalist). Thank you for your dedicated work to exposing this satanic lie upon the world.

Frank S.
Frank S.
2 years ago

All deaths are tragic, especially those smug lemmings who are their own worst enemy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank S.

They’ve dragged too m any others down with them for me to have any sympathy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daz

They were dangerous in life as they pressured and pushed people to take the harmful injection. That is why it is a good thing that they are no longer alive and can at least, in death, serve as a warning to not take it.

2 years ago

I can’t stand virtue signaling. They are acting like they are better than you. I want to ask “Who are you trying to convince?” They look stupid. Especially these vaxxers. If I wasn’t going to bear witness to these vaxx tragedies, I would skip the virtue signalers ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

That’s because it’s all about “going with the crowd” for them.

2 years ago

You try to warn the vaxxed, but they just won’t listen or are so afraid of Covid-19 to the point they think everybody will die if they don’t get vaxxed. They think everything you tell them about Covid and the vaxx is a joke or conspiracy theory. They just have to learn the hard way. All of a sudden the joke is on them, and it is too late.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

It’s going to really show up next year and in 2024. I read on a blog that deaths are up 100 to 1000 percent over the average of 2015 to 2020. Depending on locale and age group. Worst is in under 50’s

Last edited 2 years ago by Wim
2 years ago

I gotta say, this poor fella worked hard for his demise. The poster boy for compliance. Condolences to this mans family and loved ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I wonder how his mother is?

2 years ago
Reply to  Daz

I was wondering the same thing.

2 years ago

What’s with the weigth loss? I know at least 8 people that were way overweigth before the vax and all of them lost a lot of weigth last year in a matter of months. I mean, to know somebody that tried for more than 12-16 years to slim down with no success (the ones I know are not even fluctuating they had constant weight) and then out of the blu almost all I know vaccinated lost weigth last year. I also saw famous people in my country praised for they ”dramaticlly weigth loss” and how in shape they are now. It is a while since I observed this and as I don’t believe in so much coincidence, I wonder if it is really a pattern.
With people virtue signaling the vax: I think many took out their previous posts. I saw comments to some people that ”I am vaccinated but for a certain reason I regret now things like this, not so close to ask what happened, but they are not cheering the vax anymore, guess many that have some issues went and deleated the vax spree, also because now many unvaccinated avoid being romantically involved with vax people.
It is sickening to see them signaling so happy, thank you for the jab that take their lifes! It really gets me chills, a very un pleasent feeling.

Last edited 2 years ago by Maria
John G
John G
2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

When people virtue signal like that is like praising your murderers for shooting you in the back of the head and dumping you in a mass grave, the only difference is it happens in slow motion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Rapid, dramatic, unplanned weight loss is often a sign of cancer or some other potentially mortal condition. Many who die ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’, had they managed to hang on a couple of months longer, might have been confronted with a cancer diagnosis, and a particularly aggressive variety at that.

One way or another, these jabs will get you. That much is certain.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Vaxx regret. Having to come to terms with reality is painful and embarrassing. It may be too late to change what their actions have caused them. Sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

The weight loss could be as simple as people hearing about the supposed high percentage (CDC said 78%) of covid deaths being in those who were also obese or overweight. Perhaps it gave some jab jockeys the motivation to lose excess pounds. Ironic. Doing something healthy like slimming down while at the same time getting toxic shots, so unhealthy.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

I think the weight loss comes from. Rhadomyolosis (sp).

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

I think the last 5 letters in the word are “lysis” from a Greek word meaning cutting – a muscle wasting condition associated sometimes with the statin drugs used to “control” cholesterol.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

I’ve noticed the weight loss in people too! My mom is a petite woman and there’s nothing left to her and she doesn’t see it!

2 years ago

Pharma Karma

Brayoda on Bit-chute
2 years ago

What can I say! A wise man once said, “stupid is, stupid does.”

Many hu-mans are starting to redefine what “high IQ” truly means….what “Intelligence” truly means. All one has to do is sit down with someone and hear how they live their lives and their personal thoughts on various topics. A lot of sheeple are not as intelligent as they may seem.

Advice: Find the crowd you belong in. “Family” has got nothing to do with blood.

Ty for sharing!

2 years ago

True. My ‘family’ has everything to do with what’s NOT in blood!

2 years ago

A high IQ means nothing without a higher Level of Consciousness (LoC). Our cosmic reality has different levels that are assessed by different levels of cognitive sensitivity. Higher levels of conscious are only accessible in the state of deep meditation. Most people stay for all their lives on a very low materialist level. High IQ people with low LoC-Levels are often psychopaths and cruel dictators.

2 years ago

Maybe he will have a chance to test his internet connection if they put a 5G cell tower near his cemetery.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Dancing and sparks coming from his corpse. Zombies.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Damn there’s some cold mf’s here lmao

2 years ago

Hopefully his death will deter his students from getting any more shots.

2 years ago

Another bugman bites the dust. You may not get pleasure writing these articles but I sure like reading them

2 years ago

I can’t feel any sympathy for arrogant know-it-all’s like Malliinson.

These people all seem to be of the same mindset.
They can’t do anything without putting it on social media.
Even posts a pic of himself drinking a coffee in a plasticated cup!!

Narcissists like Mallinson prove they have no respect for other people, they ridicule and mock and then call themselves “liberals” without having any idea what that means.

100 years ago in the UK a liberal meant somebody who wanted more freedom of choice and to live their lives the way they wanted to without the government or anybody else telling them what to do.

Today’s “progressive liberals” are just a bunch of Little Hitler’s.

2 years ago
Reply to  turpin

Yup, zero sympathy from me either. It’s mind blowing that the masses can’t figure this out, the vaccines are killing people.

2 years ago
Reply to  911Truther

The frequencies we’re surrounded by probably contribute to sheep like behavior. People NEED their phones. Pretty sure a lot of that is frequencies altering our normal brainwaves.

2 years ago
Reply to  turpin

Well, that is because at present, the word “progressive” is being used for a political movement that seeks to REGRESS to the most primal tyranny, rulers and subjects, he who has the gold makes the rules golden rule … a mindset that accepts the term “progressive” and labels “conservative” that which seeks progress in increased individual liberty and self ownership via limited government, will get a very confused outcome. Language misuse, willingness to go along with using the wrong words for things, “progressive” for regress to ruler/subject in government,” “conservative” for progressing away from subject ruler toward self-ownership and individual freedom and responsibility … “pandemic” for the opposite … “gender” for “sex” … language is second only to music in how powerful it is as a non-material force.

2 years ago

I wonder if jerks go to a special place when they die. Lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Hell – they have the Mark of the Beast.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

“Mum had here vaccine this morning. Novichok wasn’t available…”
Freudian slip?

2 years ago

Has virtue signaling ever made anything better? Asking for a friend.

Last edited 2 years ago by FNFAL
2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Isn’t the whole situation absurdly hilarious? People who are taught in school that they are the most evolved, smartest beings to inhabit earth. And yet they proudly and arrogantly post pictures of themselves getting killed by injection. I never imagined in a million years that human beings would stoop to such a low level.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Wow, just wow…
He must have suffered after Xmas in January and February (his Mum knows).
I do wonder if these unfortunate people figure it out before the end – or are they as ‘surprised’ as everyone else?

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

They are programmed brain-washed and indoctrinated to blame Fake Con Vid 19-84 and/or Critical Thinkers that would never fall for the Hoax…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

The critical thinkers are here to survive the fallout. These types are strong willed and resilient. We will create a world where truth is revealed and lived every day.

2 years ago

No one forced him…he was begging for it…got what he deserved…

2 years ago

I’ve never known people to get so excited about receiving flu shots or any other kinds of injections. It’s weird that people gush with enthusiasm so much that they call themselves Moderna groupies or Pfizer groupies, etc. This shows the psyop effort has had remarkable success. Take away people’s freedoms for an extended period, offer them a way out, possibly offer them incentives, like beer and donuts (do they think we’re all Homer Simpson?) and they’re slobbering to get something toxic jammed inside them.

And then to top if off, these nuts get mad at the rest of us because “things can’t go back to normal until EVERYONE is vaxxed!”

They might as well get used to being mad at us because the rest of us aren’t going to comply.

2 years ago

How many bars have you got now idiot?

Geraldine Muir
Geraldine Muir
2 years ago

Regardless of whether graphene oxide (GO) is actually included in the ‘formulation’, graphene oxide is quite toxic: several typical mechanisms underlying graphene (oxide) nanomaterial’s toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, toll-like receptors (TLR), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent-pathways are involved in the signalling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways.

I think that it can be agreed that, whatever is in these ‘vaccines’, be it an ‘active’ ingredient like m-RNA or spike proteins, or ‘fillers’, preservatives and adjuvants, it does not benefit Human health in the slightest. Quite the contrary.

These ‘vaccines’ are a Human population cull. A tool of mass murder.

2 years ago

“vaccine hesitancy”. I hereby ask the blogger if he can write an article about that term and how the vaxx zealouts use it so much.

2 years ago

Your signal better yet bro?

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

If it is true that 5G causes more “oxidative stress” in the body, it may be that he got one of those “strong” Internet signals after all …

2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

Graphene Oxide + Virtue Signaller = Human Antenna.

2 years ago

I dont feel sorry for people like him. Brainwashed sheep. Its awesome that he passed away and gave a great example how the retarded jabtards are going to finish….

2 years ago

Why did this prole not tell his mommy to put her mask on properly when taking the photo? Did he forget about the deadly rona and shout at her karen style about killing granny?

Stupid Joe Normies and their stupid masks. Biggest bunch of hypocrites ever. Wear a face diaper and can’t put it on properly. Yesterday I saw a young male prole with a mask on and his glasses were fogging up. Wouldn’t that have been alarm bells for him to put it on properly.

If these idiots want to wear a mask then fine but at least do it properly. Otherwise you just look like a dumb twat who lets a simple mask get the better of them. Absolutely pathetic.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

I am genuinely puzzled why anyone would consider taking the Jab given there are so many unexplained deaths and injuries associated with it. Apparently there are more boosters to come and I wonder how many will line up to take them.

2 years ago

I bet his boyfriend is devastated. Well, at least he avoided monkey pox (which is probably from the vaccine). Oh well!

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