Every major triple-vaxxed Democrat tests positive for COVID-19 in two-week span, encourage everyone to get the shots

March 30, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Democrats in Washington openly and proudly promote vaccine dystopia from Capitol Hill. Meanwhile their Hollywood liberal minions reinforce the narratives via television and social media.

We wrote about Kathy Griffin in August. The 61-year-old comedian announced that she had post-injection lung cancer, and insinuated the situation could have been worse if she weren’t fully vaccinated. She is a loyal vaxx zealot, however, and cancer was not going to stop her from further sacraments. Ms. Griffin received a booster shot on October 5.

But that’s not all. She announced on March 25 that she received her fourth booster shot. In addition to that, she received eight free COVID-19 tests after receiving hr fourth shot. It’s unclear why she would need tests for a disease she’s been quadruple-vaccinated against.

Of course the biggest “news” (distraction) this week centered around actor Will Smith slapping comedian Chris Rock at the Oscars, after Rock told a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s bald head. The whole thing was a farce. Pinkett Smith gets on television repeatedly and humiliates Will Smith by telling the world she sleeps around with other men and is still in love with Tupac Shakur. But Will Smith slapped no one for sleeping with his wife.

That all said, Pfizer sponsored the 2022 Oscars. Pinkett Smith suffers from a disease called alopecia, which causes her hair to fall out. Pfizer recently completed Stage 3 trials for a new drug that treats alopecia. The company is also testing a second drug that treats alopecia.

RELATED: Mainstream media, government using Ukraine propaganda to distract from mass post-injection deaths, maimings (February 28, 2022)


We know that vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. Thus it could also be a coincidence that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized fourth booster shots for emergency use this week, after Pfizer’s Oscars shameless advertising for its alopecia drugs.

It appears, for now, that big pharma has given up on trying to convince the 30% or so of Americans who have received zero injections. Instead the strategy is to keep engaging the low-hanging fruit, their repeat customers. What better way to do that than dusting off liberal icons who command the attention of that crowd.

Coordinated COVID-19 March Madness

Either this blogger doesn’t pay much attention, or former President Barack Obama has been quiet for much of 2022. He is still the most popular and loved Democrat of all, according to YouGov. They use him in times of desperation, when they need to mobilize their base. Right now it appears third and fourth booster shots are the Democrats’ top priority.

Obama announced on March 13 that he tested positive for COVID-19 despite being triple-vaxxed. His message to everyone was to get vaccinated even though the shots did not work for him (unless they are still using the “you won’t be hospitalized” narrative).

That same day, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, D-New Hampshire, also announced that she tested positive for COVID-19 despite being triple-vaxxed. She lauded the shots for making her COVID-19 a “mild case” and urged everyone to get the shots.

The next day, March 14, U.S. Representative Madeleine Dean, D-Pennsylvania, announced that she tested positive for COVID-19 despite being triple-vaxxed. She said her symptoms were “mild” and encouraged everyone to get the injections.

The next day, March 15, Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, tested positive for COVID-19 despite being triple-vaxxed. Harris encouraged everyone to get the shots.

Democrats waited a week before bringing out a few more of the big guns. Hillary Clinton announced on March 22 that she tested positive for COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated. Her message: “please get vaccinated and boosted.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has reached clown levels at this point. She announced testing positive for COVID-19 on the same day as Hillary Clinton. This is the second time in five months she’s tested positive for COVID-19 despite now being triple-vaxxed.

And don’t forget the Republicans

Democrats are open vaxx zealots and are facilitating the genocide here in the United States. Republicans are the controlled opposition to make it look like this good guy/bad guy thing. We’ve written about Senator Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, who is still the most powerful Republican in the Senate. He’s still out there pushing the injections, while attempting to sound like he cares about freedoms and liberties (similar to how Donald Trump operates with his vaxx zealotry).

Further, 80 Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to pass H.R. 550 – The Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021. The bill aims to “expand, enhance, and improve immunization information systems.” That means a government database that tracks everyone’s vaccination status. The $1.5 trillion government spending bill that passed on March 10 includes funding for Biden’s vaccine mandates for military and healthcare workers. The Senate vote was 68-31, including 18 Republicans.

We’re entering Phase 3 of The Great Reset. It was COVID-19 and fear in 2020. It was vaccines in 2021. Granted they still want first-time vaxx customers and as many boosters as possible in their current fan base. The injections are meant to kill and maim. But there is more than enough evidence of metallic radio transmission materials in the injections. We also know that the entire Western world is now 5G-enabled. They didn’t do all that for nothing.

None of us knows the exact next phase or the end game. Ukraine and the Oscars are still distracting the masses, while Republican voters believe their party is anti-COVID dystopia. But these obviously-coordinated vaxx campaigns by government and Hollywood should raise eyebrows as to what may be coming in the near future.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

The one positive I take away from this is that there will be less “low hanging fruit” – the Covidians who actually believe this crap and take the 4th booster. Otherwise I agree that the evil in this world is not done yet. Stay strong and faithful. ❤️?

2 years ago

I have feared Kathy Griffin for some time. Who knows what this unhinged woman is capable of?

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Apparently Kathy Griffin has no brain cells. She was diagnosed with cancer last year, and she still got the 3rd shot and a flu shot. Her cancer diagnosis should have been a red flag, and a sign to take no more shots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

She’s addicted to the attention. Good or bad. She will do anything to give her life relevance. It’s sad and disgusting at the same time.

Amy Durick
Amy Durick
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

This made me LOL. I’m in bed with a a head cold and reading comments cheers me up. Thank you. No jabs here. Heck I’ve never taken a fake test,

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

3rd shot? Osa, you were looking at the October post. Look below that one to see the March 25th one and that we are talking about the 4th jab now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I thought she was dying of lung cancer.
Well, quadruple vaxxed and flu shots at the same time will only promote her cancerous condition.
What a mug.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The bastard “daughter” of the Vanderbuilts, allegedly the sister to Anderson Cooper. There are some dark Phoenician connections this one has, if you dig deep enough.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

“According to the Talmud, when they want to know whether you’re from God, they poison you. If you withstand the poison then that’s the sign you are from God.”

Anyone wanna guess who was poisoned and withstood?

I’ll give you a hint..Power is when you can withstand death and then convert it for your enemies. But guess what evil does when it knows it’s time is up? It figures out how to convince others to suffer with them.

2 years ago


I thought major politicians only got the saline shot?

Is this a false flag to elicit sympathy for those politicians who “tested positive” & to gaslight the masses into getting their boosters?

2 years ago
Reply to  Aggro

Biden’s doctor publicly declared he has neuropathy which is a common vaccine side effect. I personally think these politicians believe their own nonsense, so they do take the shots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ankur

They could have given Biden the real thing because they want him out of office. What better way to bring in the next batch of evil?

2 years ago

Politicians are gonna boost their own financial portfolio regardless if it kills them. Many Democratic AND Republicans are on the pharma teat. Exposed when Dick Durin made a statement in 2020 that pharma owns the hill. That was actually discovered over a decade ago when parents were trying to get them to listen to what happened after their child was vax damaged by the vaccines on the childhood schedule. Ex: Trump. Rumors have existed for years that his son is vax damaged and when he was running for office he said all the right things to convince people he would do something about the mandated childhood schedule. Never said what he would do but they bought it. Many people gleefully announced on numerous blogs they were voting for Trump because he was going to change the vax mandate. They would repost an old comment he made about children getting too many shots. Once in office, he did nothing. To this day there are people who still believe, despite the fact that he has actively promoted, while in office, getting the kids shots. I occasional read where people are so embedded in what he said they will remark when questioned about it-they wouldn’t let him do anything. Trump has taken the shots & boosters, now promotes the C-19 shots & booster.

My point is it’s about maintaining the money flow. It’s about protecting their personal finances (Trump owns pharma stock & I’m sure Dems do also), the donations to the Democratic Party and whatever else dark money is floating around out there. I notice that everyone is dishing the democratics but other than a couple of Republican Senators challenging Fauci and Rand Paul is the primary aggressor, you don’t see too many Republicans on a soap box telling the country that the C-19 shots are poison and will make them sick. Rand Paul has even said in his hearing that vaccines are safe & effective and people should get it. He just doesn’t like the gain of function and Fauci control of the situation. He’s not trying to stop the shot. Republicans are playing it politically safe:

Not all Republicans are embracing McConnell’s vaccine push.

2 years ago

And nobody’s willing to question the safe and effective part of their lie. They don’t seem to work, but it would really be worse without them. The covid religion, where dogma trumps truth everyday. This is like a bad dream.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

They’re not safe, but they’re certainly and obviously effective for their purpose, which is to kill people either quickly or slowly. In the case of Kathy Griffin, I’m surprised it’s taking quite a bit of time. Very often, it’s a faster process. This blog covered the passing of an 18yo woman in Italy. Camilla Canepa got the 1st dose of the Astra Zeneca gene therapy on the 25th of May, checked into the ER June 3, was declared healthy and asked to return in 2 weeks for a check up. She went back to the ER June 5 with the same symptoms that drove her to seek medical care June 3, but now also reporting paralysis on 1 side. She was diagnosed with CST, had 2 surgeries and died June 10.

Unable to withstand the grief of living in the same home where they’d raised her, her parents sold their home, moved to a different home in a different city. On Friday afternoon, Camilla’s 53yo father was walking with some friends when suddenly, he grabbed his chest and collapsed. An ambulance came almost instantaneously, but those med. techs could do nothing for him. He was buried yesterday.

When his daughter died, the authorities speculated that she must’ve had underlying/ore-existing conditions. An investigation concluded in October that she did not. She would’ve had her 19th birthday in December. Now her mother and sister will go all their lives missing her and also her father. I wonder how much stress her big sister is experiencing right now, reflecting that her mother also has more than likely been vaccinated with that same AZ gene therapy. I’m also worried about what all is going to unfold in my orbit this fall and winter.

2 years ago

I doubt any of these politicians are ‘vaccinated’ and I doubt any have tested positive for ‘covid’. This is more fear mongering that only the gullible will fall for.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

Congress and all their staff are exempt. As are the wealthy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wim

Duh. The shots are for the lower classes, who they consider to be “useless eaters” that need to be culled. With the recent advancements in technology, they don’t need as many human plebians they can exploit and fleece from as they used to, so they’re forcing the injections upon the masses to slowly kill off more of them so as to make way for humanoid robots to take over the work force and make more money for them – no questions asked.

That’s what the ‘Great Reset’ is all about: it’s basically the NWO but with technology. By 2030-50, they hope to fully realize their plans documented in publications such as Agenda 21, which also calls for a carbon tax, thereby providing the ruling criminals more stolen revenue they can pocket from their slaves.

Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago

The cult of COVID, where the zealots are spiritually enslaved and brainwashed. I’ve noticed so many looking extremely pale and unwell but they clutch their dogma tightly and will not think critically or engage in a civil conversation. I’ve also realized that these cultists cannot be reached and that they spiral downwards to worse levels of spiritual darkness. A few jabbed friends I know have developed serious changes in personality, so much so I am limiting my contact with them as much as I can.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

Good strategy. I refuse to go anywhere near my relatives, and this high cost of gas is a good excuse to stay away.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

Dogma versus karma to all those who worship at the alter of collective stupidity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

I have noticed the same thing with friends and family. They are not the same people they were before they took the jabs. Some of the people that I would have NEVER imagined falling for this, have taken the bait and are completely different in personality, appearance and health.

2 years ago

I notice control freak Hillary tells everyone else to get vaccinated but does not say whether she actually got the jabs or not. Only the ones the Dems deem expendable will have fallen for this scam, and her hellishness is too smart to fall for this. Plus, she’s a pal of Fauci. Also, I am going to take a big guess that Jada Pinkett will not get her hair back with the Pfizer pomade.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Maybe she has not got alopecia at all, it’s just a huge marketing scam by Pfizer for their new drug and millions of mugs will look at the Smiths and buy into it.

It will be interesting to see any comments from Smith about how the new drug has helped her with great new pictures of her with her “new” hair….or a wig.
They will have earned a few more million as they clearly don’t have enough money already.
So, great idea, let’s con our fans into buying this new expensive drug from our sponsors, Pfizer who have just paid us millions for this fake bit of Oscar drama.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

All the lower level Stars and Elite, low hanging Fruit and other expendables will be Hangin with Saget…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Elite are the 1%. Royal and noble families. They’re most assuredly NOT getting the self-assembling nano routers injected into their bodies. Hollyweird celebs might be wealthy but they’re expendable to the ruling families, beyond being useful tools to promote their agendas. In other words, there’s no invitations extended to celebs for housing in any of their underground cities. Many, if not all of those A-list actors and entertainers are mind controlled and have handlers. I stopped watching tell-lie-vision years ago. People openly mocking these puppetheads while still subjecting themselves to one of the most powerful mechanisms of mind control are the ultimate hypocrites. It’s not just entertainment, there’s subliminal programming taking place and whether or not you realize it, you’re in a hypnotic trance while viewing it. In other words, it’s not harmless fun. It’s bread and circuses. A distraction. Geared to keep you glued, passive and completely controlled.

People need to read the Operation Domestic Nano Quell dossier. These clot shots go hand in hand with the synthetic nervous system that’s been clandestinely placed inside every living creature. It’s the 1%’s contingency plan against dissidents.

As for the plandemic, we seem to be in the continual crises phase. Their use of weather weapons should be obvious to anyone paying attention. Tornadoes in the South West and ‘wild fires’ blazing thru parts of Australia. Nevertheless, I refuse to live in fear. Detox. Supplement with quality Glutathione and seek ways to disable the nanotech in your bodies while there’s yet time.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Pfizer Pomade? Brilliant! ?

Danny Darwish
2 years ago

Long time reader, usually a non-commenter.

I went to an event with a friend, a 22 y.o. brilliant artist/painter/speech therapist who I found out, had had her booster shot. She fainted in my arms at the event! No one even noticed. I just thought we were just hugging, but she lost consciousness. We went outside for air and still returned to dance and party (I didn’t know she fainted ‘til I drove her home), but it was nuts. This is no joke, man, the jabs. Despite the danger, I figured the insane bass frequencies and hotbox pot smoke would obliterate the vax shedding, spikes, and cancers in peoples bodies. And I’m glad I went! It was incredible, like heaven on earth, a room full of broken young people raised in a dystopia, refusing to go along with the program and be miserable, or a corporate copy. We can embody a unique, blissful spirit in spite of it all! We don’t have to produce loosh for these archons! And we can help others to do the same, to vibe on a frequency that pierces through the darkest shadow with light. Life is a miracle, and we are already in heaven…some people just try to make it a hell. Nature is beautiful. You can go on a hike and see for yourself! Nature is wise and decentralized: no bush runs all the bushes, or bird all the birds. The ugliness of centralization and anti-nature will inevitably dissolve back into the beauty. Just like with Meta if it ever gets off the ground, the root of the virtual is the real, which the virtual will always dissolve back into. Same applies to the physical and spiritual planes.

One last thing: Too many people project their own sensibilities onto God. That is true blasphemy and idolatry. The divine reveals itself, if you allow it…but revealed on its own terms, not your own or what some other human has written. ???

2 years ago
Reply to  Danny Darwish

The Divine is not an “it”. He has revealed himself in His Son who came to seek and save the lost. And we are all lost without Him.

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

My family has just recovered from a cold, none of us got vaccinated, and we didn’t get tested. But we got over it within a week. I’m not chicken little, I don’t fear colds, and I will not get a vaccine from companies which have the largest criminal fines issues against it for fraud (Pfizer) or for placing asbestos in baby powder (J&J). I’m certain that within the next year, those who took the vaccine will soon test positive for VAIDS.

Sc scwd
Sc scwd
2 years ago

They literally copy paste thier twitter vaxx propaganda lol total insanity

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

These demons are falling behind schedule. Need to get the 4th jab asap!

2 years ago

Lets hope she gets the 5th shot soon !

2 years ago

Something happened today that gave me a bit of hope. I live in an ultra-blue neighborhood in Oregon, a state so extremely leftest that our government just announced they will use our tax money to pay for out-of-staters to come here for free abortions. We were the last state to drop mask mandates, and most people still wear them. I never have…and yep … I’m working on getting out of this hell.

Last October I covered my entire garage door with a sign that says: Let’s Go Brandon Just Say No To The Clot Shot. Since then I had a few cars honk and wave as they pass. Last week I found a gift bag on my doorstep with a LGB jacket, mug and stickers. Today when I picked up my mail, a car stopped to tell me the loved my sign.

The Democrat machine has ruled Oregon with an iron fist for 36 years, but we actually have a chance to elect a Republican governor for the first time since 1986. Our virtue-signaling, proudly Bi governor, Kate Brown; became a petty tyrant as soon as the scamdemic started. You can tell a person’s character, if they abuse power as soon as they get it. Polls show that she is the most unpopular governor in the country; inspiring the motto: If it’s Brown…flush it down. We have a Republican who quit his job as a school district superintendent, to run for governor. He had openly defied Kate Brown about masks and lock-downs in his rural district. He is Oregon’s last hope.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kris
David does not back down
David does not back down
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

This is an awesome story. I have a shirt that shows Jesus on the cross and says Jesus is my vaccine. Everywhere I go everyone always tells me they love my shirt. I even where it to work in front of everyone and still same result.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Hope your election isn’t fraudulent!

2 years ago

It’s pretty clear that there has been fraud in Oregon elections for years. We have had three petitions calling for a recall vote of Brown, and each time we gathered way more signitures than were needed…expecting some kind of fraud. Each time, at the last minute, Oregon government stopped the recall with a slight-of-hand. What we need in November, us such a huge margin that they will not be able to get away with fraud.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I thought you knew already that there is no political solution to where we are now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Upvoted in general, but the “flush” comment clinched it! 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Politicians won’t save you . Look within

2 years ago

What is a virus? Biolabs are cooking GMO pathogens (most likely inserting COVID and HIV genes into pathogens) that are parasitic organisms (a virus is not an organism and cannot self replicate). When a “virus sample” is tested in a lab, the other pathogens are not filtered out (which would be easy to do because of viruses smaller size), therefore other pathogens must be creating the viruses. A virus is therefore just dead genetic material with a protein wrap. A virus is therefore not a major threat because it cannot self replicate but can still make unhealthy people sicker when over exposed to unhealthy people spewing out viruses. It is foolish to argue that viruses do not exist but the science behind viruses must be urgently corrected to escape this COVID fiasco and the majority of the people must be educated on the corrected science.

2 years ago

I’m sorry, not sorry! But Kathy Griffith is so creepy to me! And NOT funny at all.

Honey Bee
Honey Bee
2 years ago

Hollywood is actually Hollyweird nowadays. I don’t care anything about celebrities. They’re an evil, godless people and they don’t impress me at all. They have helped to bring this country down. People need to get back to God and start living for him again

2 years ago

Thank you for this article. It is amazing to me how blatant the propaganda is at this point in time and yet many blindly buy into it. I have a question for anyone who reads this. At this point, do you bother taking the time to try and show people how dangerous these vaccines and boosters are? Do you discuss the censorship of early treatment? Or do you just feel like you’re wasting your breath and precious energy? I ask because occasionally I respond to internet posts that I know are outright dangerous with disinformation, but I know these people’s minds are already made up. Occasionally, I hope someone who’s on the fence will read my occasional comments and consider the information. Mostly, at this point, I feel like people’s minds are made up one way or the other. Just wondering how others handle this.

Tante Lisa
Tante Lisa
2 years ago

– Depesche

Pathologen setzten dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut kurze Frist, das Impfen unverzüglich zu stoppen
(Überschrift des Artikels)

Da eine d r i n g e n d e Gefahr für Leib und Leben,
ein u n m i t t e l b a r e s Todesrisiko s ä m t l i c h e r Menschen bestehe,
die eine mRNA-basierte Injektion erhalten,
forderten Prof. Dr. med. Burkhardt und seine Forschungsgruppe das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut auf,
s ä m t l i c h e betroffenen Arzneimittel unverzüglich zurückzurufen
und die b e d i n g t e n Zulassungen auszusetzen.

Von Herbert Ludwig.

Quellenangabe: ‚Politikversagen, vom heutigen Datum

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

Hitlery looks like she can barely fit on that chair.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

my guess is that few if any actually had Covid, it was just a propaganda reporting to push the vaccine……

2 years ago

I don’t think 3 shots of saline count as “triple vaxxed.”

2 years ago

There will be a “reset” of sorts, only it will not be the one the World Bank criminals and their puppets anticipate. They know this. They also know that humanity as a whole is awakening to the psyops, the lies and the darkness at an exponential rate. Always remember, there are no “two parties.” They are both corrupt and both play for the same side. Neither is honest and both want us dead and or enslaved. How will we respond collectively? How will we individually respond? Hint: forget about race, forget about socioeconomics, forget about social standing. Any man or woman who rejected this posion is your friend. Talk to each other and find common ground. We outnumber “them” by many millions to one. Our determination and our focused will is enough to derail this, but we have to all be on the same page.

2 years ago

My auntie who had adverse reaction after her 2nd pfizer shot, still ended up near death in ICU due to covid (according to the doctors) anyway, so I don’t believe it protects against hospitalization. However, it is interesting to note she did not have to go ICU in approximately 1.5 years before her 2 jabs. Doctors have written her an exemption from any further tests or jabs for 180 days btw/

2 years ago

I can’t wait for all these Dems promoting this vaccine kill shot to get sent to hell …. I especially can’t wait to see Hillary on Flames crying out in thirst…. These ppl are DEMONIC LIARS… to the core…. Foolishly they think they’ll escape GOD’S vengeance… they won’t?

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago

One can only wonder if these “COVID19” diagnoses are actually related to the experimental vaccines instead. For instance, a health care worker told me everybody who he has ever known to take the “shingles” vaccine – later came down with “shingles”!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x