Young, sudden post-injection deaths continue, while Ukraine distraction propaganda has a Nazi problem
March 20, 2022

Once upon a time in the United States, like two years, when little kids died in their sleep for no apparent reason, it was national news. But today it’s just normal and glossed over by cable and network news. Thanks Ukraine.

Logan Gagnier was a normal, healthy 9-year-old boy from Eagle Mountain, Utah. He loved Oreo cookies, Doritos, BYU football and Utah Jazz basketball. He played football and basketball himself.

Logan was hanging out with his grandparents on Friday, March 11. He returned home and went to sleep later that night. The next morning, Saturday, March 12, the family was worried when he was very late to wake up and emerge from his room. Logan’s older sister went to check on him, only to find him unresponsive in his bed. He had been dead for hours, according to his father, Garth Gagnier.

Here is a report from KSL News in Salt Lake City.

Of course the so-called journalists skipped the most important question in these times when kids are dying unexpectedly at very disturbing rates. KSL-TV is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (“Mormon Church”). Said church publicly and vehemently forbids religious exemptions from the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. The Gagnier family is Mormon.

The Mormon Church also owns nearly $650 million in Johnson & Johnson stock, and $1 billion each of Google, Apple and Microsoft stock.

RELATED: Madison Taylor: 22-year-old Mormon missionary and college student suffers 94-straight days of vaginal bleeding after first Moderna mRNA injection, emphasizes “this vaccine isn’t dangerous” (January 10, 2022)


Angelina Please.

Granted there are inherent health and safety hazards working in the pornography industry. That said, 24-year-old Angelina Please was dead for five days before being discovered in a Las Vegas apartment on March 15. The body had already started decomposing, according to reports. Please, a “transgender” pornography performer, used meth and other drugs. Mainstream media appear to be blaming the death on drugs. But as we’ve reported numerous times, 92% of self-identified “LGBT” adherents in the U.S. had received at least one injection by August 2021. They are by far the most loyal vaxx zealots.

Dr. SaraBeth Hartlage.

Another young doctor, and extreme vaxx zealot, died this past week. Dr. SaraBeth Hartlage was the 36-year-old associate medical director for the Louisville (Kentucky) Department of Health. She had held the position since September 2020. Dr. Hartlage was essentially the Fauci of Louisville. She told WLKY-TV in November that she got her 6-year-old daughter injected, despite the child having congenital heart issues. Dr. Hartlage even had a website dedicated to her daughter’s struggles.

RELATED: 4 more utterly ridiculous mainstream media propaganda campaigns to continue normalizing post-injection heart attacks (February 16, 2022)


Dr. Hartlage’s March 17 death was described as  “sudden and unexpected.” Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer tweeted, among other things, “we are so grateful for the opportunity to have known and worked with [Dr. Hartlage]. As a result of her leadership, knowledge and planning, thousands of our Louisville residents received life-saving COVID-19 vaccines.”

Ms. Lisa Ngunda was a Tanzanian sophomore at Cornell University.

Ms. Lisa Ngunda.

She worked late on a group project on March 12. The group adjourned for the night and agreed to meet up the next morning to finish the project. But Ms. Ngunda didn’t show up. The other students went knocking on her door. There was no answer. Administrators unlocked the door and found Ms. Ngunda dead in her bed. She is at least the fourth Cornell student to die unexpectedly since 2021. Cornell University has a booster mandate for all students and staff.

Mrs. Cora Faith Walker.

Mrs. Cora Faith Walker was a former Missouri state legislator until 2019. She resigned her position and became chief policy director for St. Louis County Executive Sam Page. She held that position until one week ago.

Mrs. Walker, 37, wished St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones a happy birthday via Twitter on March 10 at 9:44 a.m.

KMOV 4 in St. Louis reported that Mrs. Walker joined the mayor and friends that day at a local events center for the birthday party. The next morning, March 11, an ambulance was called to the Live! by Loews hotel at 8:58 a.m. Mrs. Walker had apparently collapsed or never woke up from her night’s sleep. She was rushed to the hospital, but pronounced dead less than an hour later. KSDK reported that Mrs. Walker “died unexpectedly” of cardiac arrest.

She was a dedicated vaxx zealot.

Of course none of the foregoing stories received much national attention, except maybe Mrs. Walker. Instead mainstream news promoted the following video, that you can watch for yourself.

New York City’s “no jab, no prom” policy for high school students ensures that these sudden, unexpected deaths of young people will only accelerate as the year progresses. The good news is that Ukraine propaganda is keeping everyone distracted, divided and even united in some circumstances.

Ukraine: Nazi capital of the world

The latest Ukraine propaganda falls into the “don’t know whether to laugh or cry” category. The Toronto Star published an article yesterday that talks about “a link found between vaccine resistance and sympathy for Russia.”

In other news, the New York Times admitted last week that the “Hunter Biden laptop” story from the 2020 Election cycle was real. The Times also admitted, among other things, that Joe Biden did meet with executives from Ukrainian gas company Burisma in 2015. It’s a long, tangled story involving the Bidens, Donald Trump, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and a Ukrainian oil and gas company. It raises more questions regarding both the current state of affairs in Ukraine and a coordinated effort by mainstream media to discredit the Hunter Biden story to ensure Trump lost the election. But there’s yet another issue raising very serious questions about this whole Ukraine agenda.

Russia co-sponsored United Nations Resolution 75/169. It is entitled “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” The Resolution passed overwhelmingly and was adopted on December 16, 2020. Only two countries voted against the Resolution – The United States and Ukraine. There were 130 yays, with 51 countries, including Australia, all of the E.U. and Canada, abstaining from voting. This has been a pattern for many years.

RELATED: News Briefs: Wendy Williams update, young people dropping dead daily, Australia military forcibly injecting aboriginals and more (November 24, 2021)


The U.N. voted on a similar resolution in December 2021. Here’s the video footage of the vote.

Below is a map of the vote on a similar U.N. Resolution in November 2018.

Canada, along with the United States, Ukraine and Palau, voted no on the Resolution in 2014. This blogger had never heard of Palau until this moment. It’s a kind of, sort of U.S. territory (island) located between the Philippines and Guam. Some argue that Russia is only against Nazis and neo-Nazis because said position gives Russia an excuse to attack pro-Nazi countries like the Baltic States and Ukraine. Further, it’s clear that the Western world is supportive and/or indifferent about Nazis and neo-Nazis, while simultaneously bowing to Israel. But prior to February 2022, mainstream media narratives left little doubt about the who and what of Ukraine.

Ukraine Nazi headlines

Newsweek published an article on December 27, 2018 entitled “Ukraine Makes Birthday of Nazi Collaborator a National Holiday and Bans Book Critical of Anti-Semitic Leader.” The article is about Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian Nazi militia leader who fought with the German army against the Soviet Union during World War II.

The Times of Israel published an article on April 30, 2018 entitled “Nazi symbols, salutes on display at Ukrainian nationalist march.” NBC News, on September 9, 2014, published photos of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi symbols on their helmets. Jacobin magazine reported on January 15, 2022 that the CIA trains and arms neo-Nazi terrorists in Ukraine.

The Week magazine in the U.K. reported on March 2, 2018 that Britons were moving to Ukraine to join neo-Nazi militias. A Ukrainian human rights organization wrote on April 23, 2018 that Ukrainian neo-Nazi vigilantes burned down a camp in Kyiv occupied by Roma families.

We could keep going. But the foregoing exemplars are more than enough to make the point.

Zelenskyy Nazi symbols

President Zelenskyy directly addressed the U.S. Congress last week. He successfully begged for an additional $800 million in U.S. taxpayer funds, in addition to the $13.8 billion that they’ve already received from U.S. taxpayers. Many Republicans are demanding the U.S. send even more money to Ukraine. The t-shirt Zelenskyy wore during the address received some attention.

The Iron Cross symbol was first used as a military award in the German Kingdom of Prussia on March 10, 1813. Adolf Hitler added a swastika to the center of the cross in 1939. Hitler awarded over four million German military personnel with the Nazi Iron Cross.

One of the two versions of the Nazi Iron Cross awarded by Adolf Hitler to German soldiers during World War II.

Germany outlawed public displays of swastikas in 1957. The West German government “de-Nazified” all the Iron Cross awards by removing the swastikas and reissuing them. Thus the Iron Cross is/was a Nazi symbol. But neo-Nazi sympathizers around the world dismiss Zalenskyy’s t-shirt as “the logo of a skateboard company.” Even ultra-liberal Snopes said the Iron Cross is not a Nazi symbol. Note that the Iron Cross is also the official symbol of the Ukraine military.

RELATED: All of our Ukraine coverage


U.S. right wingers are typically sympathetic or indifferent about Nazis. But the t-shirt debacle could have been a disaster for the powers-that-be, in trying to keep the left wingers loyal to the Ukraine narrative. Mainstream media were proactive and started the damage control propaganda a week before the Zelenskyy Congressional speech. They re-circulated a 2014 video of former actor Zelenskyy, featuring him wearing high heels and dancing with a bunch of homosexual-looking dudes.

Newsweek published an article in early March reporting on numerous TikTok and Reddit comments from homosexuals declaring their love for Zelenskyy after watching the video. Granted it’s no big deal that Zelenskyy was an actor prior to becoming President. Ronald Reagan was an actor first. Trump, also a television performer turned President, had a similarly-weird video with him and Rudy Giuliani from 2000.

Zelenskyy’s acting experience made him attractive to the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset agenda. It’s just more proof that the whole world is a stage.

So the U.S. loves Nazis?

Whether we like it or not, Nazism is Americana. It’s deeply-ingrained in U.S. culture. It’s the cool choice for young, “alt-right” kids while the KKK is old and obsolete. The FBI first reported in 2006 that many U.S. police forces and U.S. military are overrun with neo-Nazis and other right-wing extremist groups. And it’s only gotten worse since that time. Note that the United States refused to sign the anti-Nazi U.N. Resolutions during the Obama, Trump and Biden Administrations. It’s not a partisan thing.

Granted Nobel Peace Prizes mean nothing. President Obama won the award in 2009. Then he proceeded to invade and completely destroy at least three countries. Adolf Hitler was once nominated for the award. The nomination was eventually withdrawn and dismissed as a joke. But the whole charade just proved how fake and phony the Nobel Peace Prize truly is.

We’ve written at least one article similar to this one in each of the last 3-4 weeks. Most of the engagements are about the Ukraine propaganda, not the 3-5 victims of the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. That means the propaganda is working, even on websites like this. U.S. right wingers sympathize with both Ukraine (because of the Nazi factor) and Russia. Liberals love Ukraine because 1) Russia equals Trump, 2) Biden tells them too, and 3) Zelenskyy wears stilettos. It’s the absolute perfect propaganda mix to ensure vaccine carnage is never a lead story on cable and network news.

There are obviously a lot of Great Reset moves happening with all the Ukraine stuff. But by the end of this year, at this rate, the United States will be visibly less populated. The empty streets of New York, Dallas, San Francisco, etc. during the March 2020 lock down were eerie. But we haven’t seen anything yet. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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All Truth
All Truth
2 years ago

This saddens me to the core. It’s dystopian when you think about it. I don’t know about how people can so dumb and numb.

2 years ago
Reply to  All Truth

Damaged brain cells from fluoride, alcohol, cigarettes, human drugs filled meat, fast food, toxic music frequency programming, tell-a-vision programming, radio programming, ai nanobots in chemtrails to hijack the mind, etc. all leading to severe lack of critical thinking skills.

2 years ago

“former actor Zelenskyy, featuring him wearing high heels and dancing with a bunch of homosexual-looking dudes”

So it might be reasonable, to assume that he is not monogamous after all.

2 years ago

Yes, there are would leaders that use their wife to hide the fact that they are gay or bisexual. Barack Obama comes to mind. What is funny is that Zelenskyy was put in place as president of Ukraine by the Obama administration.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Lots of truth here! I guess we can’t just look away from it – it is what it is, apparently – although I blink and shake my head (and often doubt my sanity).
BIG lead story on MSM gets it wrong seven words in! Putin’s “unprovoked” attack. They say it like that to make certain that you get it. Ukraine good.
Unprovoked attack! Just in case you might wonder “gee, I wonder why Putin would do that?”
I guess he was just bored, heheh… right MSM? Pinheads.
All the hordes of injected people here in Canada are beginning to suspect that they have been flim-flammed by their provincial Health ministries and doctors. The health of the people is not good.
Anyway… my Toronto is uncomfortably close to the District of Columbia.
(That’s our nation’s insane siamese twin, doncha know.)

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Yes, I think the vaccinated are starting to look around and are slightly suspicious. Of course, the silence from the MSM keeps them from getting to suspicious. In their minds, if there were really a problem, MSM would be exposing it.

2 years ago
Reply to  911Truther

At church, a friend of mine told me that her 28 year old niece was hospitalized with a very serious and rare disease that I couldn’t possibly have heard of – Stevens-Johnson Syndrome! I didn’t have the heart to tell my vaccinated friend that I knew exactly what that was, thanks to Brian’s excellent reporting. She said that her niece came down with this as a result of taking antibiotics for an infection, but I wonder… As more and more people get these strange diseases, or die “unexpectedly” in their sleep or by collapsing suddenly while playing sports, it will be harder and harder to deny that something is wrong. I’m not sure if these vaccinated people will make the connection that it is because of the vaccine, though.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

I think people are still not connecting the dots. At church yesterday, someone mentioned that three people had died in a church. No explanation as to the cause, but they were truly baffled. I just sat there with my head knowing more than likely what the cause was. People are so deluded that they can have people dying around them for no real reason and they are puzzled.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. Luke 21:26

I ponder this verse a lot these days. I know it doesn’t talk about dying from an illness or “jab”, but it just seems like so many are literally “fainting for ever and ever” because they took a jab out of fear.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

SJS aka toxic epidermal necrolysis… Caused by reaction to medication. I think the emphasis should be placed on “Necro”…if the skin is dying, what’s going on underneath? Complications include sepsis, dehydration, pneumonia and multiple organ failure.
Services for dialysis and kidney transplants are going to skyrocket

Last edited 2 years ago by Lisa Espinoza
Luis Martinez
Luis Martinez
2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Interesting- MSM fake news can convert surgically precise attack, into unprovoked attack, with the swipe of a crayon!

2 years ago

Straight from the demon’s mouth–

“Once the herd accepts mandatary, forceable vaccinations, it’s game over! They will accept anything–forceable blood and organ donations–for the greater good. we can genetically modify children and sterilize them–for the greater good. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions, and many of you in this room are investors. It’s a big win-win! We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing experimental services.”

-Henry Kissinger in a speech to the World Health Organization Council on Eugenics. February 25, 2009

Brice Taylor (aka: Susan Ford/Hope and Kissinger’s personal mind controlled slave) reiterates Kissinger’s above view in her book, Thanks for the Memories.

Everyone please read, BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley if anyone wants a glimpse of where humanity is headed on this earth. This book was banded by schools for a reason.

–Never consent, be strong and remain united with like minded people (so hard to find, but with every new day, comes new possibilities).

2 years ago

Everyone please read the Bible and all sections that refer to the end times. There are more than just The Revelation and Daniel. Of course there are many other resources that can give you an idea of what will go down, Manly P. Hall, Albert Pike, Alice Bailey, Crowley, Bill Cooper, Orwell, Huxley, William Guy Carr, etc. But ultimately the Bible is the best resource because it comes from God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

Ok. What you are saying is : “sit on your hands and wait for jesus to come clean the stables for you”.

What you are doing here, is administering your own predictive programming and trying to pass it on to others.

So called “religious” people always try to use scriptures to justify their cowardice. Muslims do it too, but they can NOT find anything in the Quran that justifies or encourages passivity and cowardice (on the contrary). So they go to alleged sayings of the prophet collected 200 years after his death, to justify their stupidity and cowardice.

I don’t blame those who do not like “religious” people. They are always the first ones to point the finger and almost never the ones to roll their sleeves up and do something useful for the dwellers of this planet.

2 years ago

Do something then. other than fedpost on every article

2 years ago

There’s a difference between working the system and breaking the system. The chess board is both black and white. Attempting to break the board may backfire. What’s that little thing about, “give to Caesar”?

2 years ago

Okay. If, after all the centuries of man’s inhumanity to man, things are just as they always have been, nothing has changed. So what do you suggest?
There you are, your sleeves are rolled up and you are ready to gung-ho. What are you going to do first? Do you think people haven’t tried? Do you really think that the powers that be will let you get anywhere?. But anyway, I’d like to hear what you are going to do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

Also Satanist know the Bible better than most Christians. They basically read and do stuff from the Bible in reverse. They have also corrupted Christianity, and there are many Satanic pastors globally that would shock people. For example Joel Osteen, and Bishop T.D. Jakes is one of them. There was a big one in Nigeria named pastor TB Joshua that past away last year. These are the folks fooling the masses.

All truth
All truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

Very true about the bible. People trash the bible but it literally condemns everything the world praises. All the wickedness going on has been foretold. It’s hard to find people in real life to talk to about these topics. I find solace on blogs like this and other truth seeking videos/pages. Peace

2 years ago
Reply to  All truth

Quite so, as it is written, people will not put up with the healthful teaching, but will accumulate teachers to tickle their ears. The bible is not a book of condemnation, but one of God’s laws; it teaches us that obeying God’s law benefits us, and it also shows what happens when we don’t. We are not forced to worship God, we have a choice. Many people don’t want to worship God, and not only that, they don’t want you to either, because they get shown up for what they are by people who do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

Unfortunately, the devil has blinded the eyes of people that the good news will not shine through – he is after all the ruler of the world; don’t forget he offered the kingdoms of the world to Jesus, as he said, it has been delivered to me and I can give it to whom I please.

David does not back down
David does not back down
2 years ago

Or even check out Demolition Man which is loosely based on A Brave New World. Its like looking into the future. They have it right on down to the electric cars, no handshakes, social distancing, can’t eat red meat or anything spicy and even the government controlling what you can say. Those who fought back( like all of us) end up in the sewer living off of rat burgers and whatever they can steal. I still love this quote. ” People should not be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of the people.”

2 years ago

My wife’s friend is just back from her 2 day stay at the Hospital for her cardiac ablation procedure. Heart rate was all over the place shortly after booster, along with several other booster symptoms. She is in complete denial. Time will tell whether this procedure worked or not. Will update as needed.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

The denial comes from not wanting to accept that they were duped into accepting illness. Once you believe otherwise the body and mind follow suit….dis-ease.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

Approaching the final chapter of the American Empire.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I agree. I thought I would be more upset over thinking this but considering the lack of morals, reasoning, intelligence and faith in a large segment of the American people – end it. It’s broken. They won’t survive. Rebuild a new America with the survivors. And if I and my family don’t survive we will be with our Lord. Not that I want any of this but I feel like it is going to happen and I and mine must be true to our faith and each other. All I can do. May God bless you all and we are in His hands. ?❤️

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Yes, sir!

When the Saudis won’t take the U.S. President’s phone calls, when the Saudis spurn a request from the U.S. Secretary of State, when the Saudis start talking about accepting the yuan for oil purchases instead of the petrodollar, it’s ‘Game over, Man’!

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

They intentionally vaxxed the military…to Prep the arrival of Chinese and other foreign troops to enter…why else would there be a Mandate for the Military…

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I don’t want to agree with you, but sadly, I believe you are correct.

2 years ago

The death of 9 year old Logan touched my heart as I have grandchildren that age. It sickens me how his community and church promoted the very thing that killed him. The doctor though is where she needs to be. She can no longer influence people towards their deaths. It’s too bad it didn’t happen earlier.
The distractions from reality will continue because it has work so well for the last two years. Society is being systematically groomed to accept untimely deaths and horrible injuries as normal. This propaganda campaign cheapens life, as if a child or young person passing in their sleep is normal. Even the good doctor from Louisville gets a sympathy tweet from the mayor and then is forgotten. Many other idiots to fill her shoes. I sure wish I can get off this ride, it makes me nauseous.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I agree. That doctor was evil. She’s where she belongs. Sooner forgotten the better. And what she did to her child giving her the vaxx. Uggh.

2 years ago

Nothing new under the sun. I can only imagine the shame and guilt many sheeple will carry on their backs for the rest of their short lives if they live long enough to realize they’ve been had to the max! The moment they recognize, “darn, maybe I got all A’s in school indoctrination prison camps not because I’m a high iq truly intelligent hu-man, but because I cannot critically think outside the box & question reality logically. I was just good at FOLLOW ORDERS even when they made no sense; I followed along and made nonsensical propaganda make sense.”

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Brayoda

Nothing has happened to my family members all of whom have had the 2-shot protocol (1 Moderna, all the others Pfizer) and the booster. They all seem fine, and most often I put the details out of my mind, but I’m still so conscious that things could change on a dime. My family includes people with DVT, some young mothers (one of whom was poisoned during the pregnancy), etc.. So far, everyone is well. And I hope all the time that I’ve misunderstood the entire argument.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

All of those who suddenly dropped dead, seemed fine until they became 100% dead. Besides, delayed toxicity is not the abscence of toxicity.

At this point in the human history, only fanatical retards still see governments and their corporations, as friends and protectors, to the point of putting BS in their bloodstream and in the bloodstream of their children and pets. They are the real problem of humanity and the real obstacle to freedom, peace and prosperity on this planet, not the handful of deluded wanna-be tyrants. Please forgive my brutal honesty.

2 years ago

Agreed..I just had this exact conversation. The ones who took the shot will be dead/severely maimed before they even know what their careless, faithless, cowardly actions have done to humanity. Those of us who saw right through the sham, had faith in our immune systems and God are going to be left to suffer the consequences and deal with NWO/communism/total enslavement.

2 years ago

It’s also toxic to us. I can no longer be around vaxxed. I have had bad reactions. I would advise everyone to be careful of being around them too much and limit exposure to the ones who were vaxxed recently. Even if you don’t get reactions doesn’t mean it’s not damaging you. Some of us are just more sensitive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

I work from home and nobody in my immediate family is injected. The only one in my extended is my elderly father and sadly he is the one whose health has deteriorated the most in the last year. I think the shots hastened his dementia. He was much healthier and robust a year ago before he got those stupid shots. I live in one of the least injected counties (49.5%) in my state so I think I can avoid them in public pretty well. However, over the last year, I have developed tinnitus. Sometimes it’s pretty bad and I wonder if it’s due to increased exposure to the zombies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Ive been getting pins and needles in my hands and arms for months now. Not constant but usually occurs daily especially when I’m in bed waking up during a nights sleep. I suspect I had a very mild case of covid in 2020. I also have slight headaches lately. I believe the pins and needles are probably from either the covid I had or from being around the vaxxed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Gwen, I’m so glad to see you mention this! I am of course unvaxxed, and yet for months have been dealing with major heart rate fluctuations, palpitations, shortness of breath…this began after a large holiday party I attended, came home and felt like I couldn’t breathe, palps, nausea. Made the mistake of going to see a band a few weeks ago, so in very close quarters with many people, came home and heart was out of control for days. I live on LI, full of vaxx obsessed and boosted people, and have learned to stay away from crowds, they are MOST DEFINITELY shedding something extremely detrimental. What angers me is that I didn’t take this poison, and yet these people are causing harm to me, and ultimately everyone anyway!!
The real danger is the ignorance of the common man or woman who did this.
I do believe they are self-spreading vaccines.

2 years ago

Do not ask to be forgiven. The first step towards freedom is truth even of it unpleasent. Truth sets free. What you wrote is true in an objective way. So it is an absolute truth. the masses not using their free will in combination with common sense are the problem. Anyone with tiranical aspirations is powerless without them. Truth sets free and it can be found by using common sense in an absolute way and follow that path wherever it might lead to. There you will find truth. Do not apologize for truth. Absolute truth is sacred. It is another name for what is known as god as welll. Take care.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Go to if you have their shot batch numbers and compare the number of deaths. Even if you don’t have the numbers you can see how some batches had more fatalities or caused more SAEs than others. Russian roulette. Capillaries may still be permanently damaged even with no obvious symptoms.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

I’m the only sane one in my family. I keep waiting for ‘the phone call’. Maybe they’re lucky, or maybe their time is approaching.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

The Covid Vaccine disables the immune system by decimating White Blood Cell production…If you or they really want to know the Truth, if they have been poisoned or not, have them do a simple blood test…or apply for a Life Insurance Policy…Also I highly doubt that any one of them would pass the Magnet test after the third Booster…

2 years ago
Reply to  Brayoda

The valedictorian of my high school, who went to Yale and became a nurse is always posting pictures of herself getting vaccinated. And a few months ago she posted photos of herself administering the vaccine to her husband and both of her children!! The valedictorian! The person who is supposed to be the smartest in our class is poisoning her own family and is proud of it. When I saw that I it confirmed for me that intelligence has been replaced with obedience in our society BIG TIME.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicnac

There has always been a delineation between knowledge and wisdom…we can see which one is at play here. To be acknowledged by the world, means you have to do the world’s bidding. After all, it takes lots of beasts to till the field. But you know what they do out back when the animal loses its usefulness. Our Lord pays better than most people thing.

Last edited 2 years ago by FNFAL
2 years ago

I saw that Don’t Get Vaccinated truck billboard and took it to mean “don’t get vaccinated or you will end up in the funeral home!” Funny how one’s perspective changes the message, haha!

2 years ago
Reply to  Emjay

It looks like it was a bait and switch. People saw the truck and immediately googled it and then they are met with a pro vaxxine message and encouragement to get the jab. Great marketing because people who were on the fence will see it and feel hoodwinked and get the jab just because the van told the, not too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Emjay

I think they purposely had it say “don’t get vaccinated” as a way of absolving them from guilt. The funeral home doesn’t exist so it was most likely created by the vaccine companies/government as a decoy for them to tell the truth yet still lure people to the website which ultimately holds a different message. It’s also a test of willpower. Those that are strong willed won’t be deceived into taking it, but those on the fence might be.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago

Excellent analysis of the dissonance and propaganda that goes from one globalist fake crisis to another propagandist crisis. It’s also blatant now.
The vaxxed people I know including my brother, shrug their shoulders and say people die of heart attacks all the time etc. when I reply children, 20s, 30s, they don’t say anything. Just like the gas prices, they can’t or won’t connect the dots ie blame Biden, they say, wow gas has gotten expensive, or food. I didn’t realize there were so many sheep.

2 years ago

I agree, they won’t connect the dots. Until this plandemic I didn’t realize how many fools reside in this country.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I realized it a long time ago, after 911. I tried to wake people up, family and friends. The building collapses were obviously controlled demolitions. And then there is WTC 7, the third building that collapsed that day without a peep from the mainstream news. I believe I woke up ONE person who woke up immediately after I showed him the evidence. The rest REFUSE to look at the evidence, or wake up. Those people are now vaccinated. I gave up trying to wake anyone up after ten years of trying.

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthBKnown

I understand how you feel.

Me too, I used to be naive (borderline stupid), thinking that this planet will be a better place if only people knew. Not realizing that in fact, it is not that people didn’t know, but people went out of their way to not know or to pretend that they don’t know.

If I could take back my wasted time, wasted emotions and wasted money, I would.

Most people are cowards and pretenders. It is better not to waste one’s energy anymore in trying to turn them into the folks that they are not. They would betray you for a sack of potato because you are a reminder of how utterly cowards and self-centered they are. Family members included.

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthBKnown

What you did was worthwhile. Waking people up doesn’t work instantly, but I’ll bet there are people you have saved. A few words, a comment or a post of yours affected someone. I was one of those who needed to be awakened, and I thank you for doing exactly the thing that woke me up. Someone listened, and you saved them. And now they can wake someone else.

2 years ago

The guys he’s dancing with in the video are comedian actors from ‘Kvartal 95’ ( Квартал 95) show. He’d be better off staying there and not becoming a president.

Zelensky is a Jew who lets Nazis parade in the capital Kiev. How low can you go?

I’m Russian and my husband is from the nazi nest Western Ukraine region.

Before, I thought this was a minor movement. I came to know these people closer through relatives and their friends. Not all,but many of these people just hate Russians. Meanwhile, Ukraine has a huge Russian-speaking population.

They are real Nazis. They talk about being pure Ukrainians. I know firsthand.

Of course, the MSM will not tell you the true story just like they’re not telling it about the vax dangers.

I can go on about the reasons for this, but let me just say anyone posting a Ukraine flag ?? is showing allegiance to their nazi corrupt regime.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Katya

It is just ignorance. Most people are simply stupid. They have never questioned anything in their entire lives. They believe everything they are told and for a long time this has worked for them.

Now they have no resources with which to survive the Cull and they will not know what is happening to them. It will be incremental and there will always be a justification for what is going on, promoted by the mass media. Those who resist will be called crazy and by the time the conformists wake up, if they ever do, it will be too late. Sadly the sheep outnumber the goats by a large margin.

It is interesting that the Bible favours the sheep in the parables of the end times although that is referring to those who believed the Gospel and were disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. He opposed the religious authorities of His time who also sought to oppress and enslave the people. The opposite is true today. The sheep are those who believe in and obey the government, their oppressors.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

Zelensky wasn’t just an actor, he played a character who was a teacher who became president of Ukraine. He was obviously selected for the job a long time ago, to do the same thing Trump did: make people thing they are “draining the swamp” while in reality it’s just another puppet.

2 years ago

Only a minority of the world is backing Ukraine. Basically the U.S, western Europe, Canada and Australia. Those happen to be the same places that had the the most draconian Covid restrictions and mandates. The countries formerly known as the free world.

2 years ago

I’m thankful for your work and continued reporting on the jab victims and scamdemic lies. Yes, it’s hard to maintain that focus with all the Russia/Ukraine propaganda flooding the web and MSM, however, they are tied together in a sense: The globalist elite are engineering these events, and the response to them. I’m sure they have planned the next event to follow the Ukraine invasion to advance their “Great Reset” agenda. Prepare, pray, and stay close to God through Jesus Christ.

2 years ago

I don’t understand why Justice is not working. If it is not working then is clear, democracy is dead. We are living in a lie. We must protect and save the next generation, otherwise our children will never be free.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Ion

I believe we have been living in a lie for a very long time. Democracy has been used as a deceptive veil to hide what has always been an Oligarchy. The same class of people have ruled us since time immemorial. Occasionally new blood has been recruited to their ranks from the hoi polloi but the fundamental nature of the ruling class has remained the same.

The history we have learned has supported this regime so we believe we live in a free society when the opposite is the truth. I came to this conclusion many years ago and have had no reason to change my mind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ion

You just have to understand the context is exclusive: “We the people…” doesn’t apply to Us. slaves, surfs and consumers are property. Not people. In reality, its government by the entitled (people), for the entitled. The law serves and protects the status quo from us infringing on their exclusive right to profit. Free enterprise means free of competition from us. It’s not liberty & justice. It’s Liberty for JUST US.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ion

Democracy is just an illusion. They have been running this rigged system for a long time. We have whatever rights they allow us to have for as long as it suits them- They want you to think it’s all about power and money. You think you are witnessing tyranny for the sake of tyranny. But it’s only “all about the money as a means to an end”, and the time to fight for our freedoms is long past. The blatant absence of “justice” going on right now is the undisguised REALITY they previously kept hidden – evidence that pretense is no longer necessary. Once you make the realization that we were already enslaved and powerless, it’s impossible to deny what their intentions are. Automated services are already standing by and poised to replace the rapidly shrinking human workforce. You’re dead wrong if you think it’s too incredible to be true. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just the end of a lot of people. Saving the world. This IS the end game. The “vaccines” are doing exactly what they intended them to do.

2 years ago

It’s so weird that some Ukrainians are Nazis. I thought that Hitler viewed the Slavic people as being inferior. Then again I also learned that many German soldiers were actually half Jewish or Jewish to some extent. It makes you wonder how many lies we have been told about history.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Bolshevics, the ”Russians” that were responsble for killing tens of million of Russians in the first comunist era in URSS (Stalin, Lenin times) were actually Jewish that came from US at one point. They also destroyed Churches.
They don’t see Russians as inferiors, but fear them as they are so strong and able to survive with little and have such a strong faith! They tried to destroy them. Also Jewish were the ones (plus Jesuits, Pope Francisc is the first Jesuite Pope, they are also behind French Revolution and many more), that installed Communism in this part of the world, it was the first test for the NWO.
Zelenskyy and almost all his Gover are Jewish, most of Ukraine and Russia Oligarchs are Jewish.
I don’t know what are they after there are suppositions but as always, regular people, normal Jewish people have no clue about this and all the times they suffered for the deeds of some. These some were always safe of course.
There is much to this matter, yet Ukrainians were the crudest with the Jewish people in WW2. Even the Germans left them as they couldn’t see the horrors they did to the innocent Jewish. Maybe sometimes is just karma that hit back with some help. I don’t know, but Ukraine is very natzi at this point.
Very sad for all the innocents suffering, yet they were kept clueless and got along with the genocide in DOnbass and much more. Yet children and teens and so many others are totally innocent, the good people that don’t get involved in these things, that are just working to make their ends meet.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

The History we have learned is for the most part a complete fabrication, created to support the ruling regime. The ONLY truth is the Gospel and that is spiritually discerned. “Put not your trust in princes.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

I often ponder what might be the truth concerning Hitler and Nazis. Granted the official narrative can be eschewed outright but the right wing vision of him as a hero that tried to save the world from the tribes tyranny also doesn’t add up really, as much as I’d like to believe it…

2 years ago

After reading so many stories of vaccine related sickness and death on this blog I now know two cases among my friends. One is definite, one I suspect. The one I am sure of is a lady I worked with for many years. I haven’t seen her in months and finally messaged her to see what’s going on. She was in the hospital with Covid despite being fully vaccinated and boostered. They had her on oxygen. She survived and they sent her home. A month later she is back in the hospital with a blood clot on her lungs.

As I messaged her I saw her profile still said “I was vaccinated for Covid 19…We can do this”. I don’t think she has a clue how the vaccines are the cause of her medical issues. Sometimes when I read stories here I lack compassion for the victim, especially if they were an angry crusader for the vaccines. Yet this lady was not the crusader type at all, despite having that stupid “we can do this” by her picture. She never told anyone else what to do. She was just too trusting of what the media and her doctors told her so she went with the flow. I am upset about this because she was always nice to me and I hate to see her suffer.

The other case is a good friend of mine who just told me he was diagnosed with a degenerative nerve disorder in one of his arms. He is now having trouble lifting it and I take it “degenerative” means it’s going to get worse from here. I’m not positive if this is one of the conditions you can get from the vaccine. I don’t recall but it sure sounds like it. Maybe someone here would know.

He’s another guy that just goes with the flow. The TV and his dad told him he better get jabbed so he did. When I told him I am unvaxxed it surprised and confused him. He was surprised anyone would not get vaxxed. He’s very conventional, always does what the media says and never does alternative research. I am pretty much the opposite so his personality type frustrates me but he’s not a bad guy at all and once again I am saddened this is happening to him.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Curious whether your friend’s degeneration is in the arm he received the shot?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

Good question. I will ask.

2 years ago

Unfortunately it took childhood trauma caused by family members to make me understand how screwed up and evil the world is at an early age. It made me not trust anyone and question everything. In a screwed up sense, it saved me from the shot because I questioned and researched. I also trusted my gut. There are some sick, sick people out there and nothing surprises me.

It’s good to be kind and caring in a cruel world. Good people don’t deserve it and we need good, genuine people in a world full of evil.

I’m sad for your friends and all the good people out there. I understand.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

These are kids who have no reason not to fully trust their parents and authorities. They’re not in the same category as the evil vax-pushers like Dr Hartlage or the Aussie senator.

2 years ago

Absolutely not normal for little kids to die in their sleep like what has been happening a lot since the vaccines were released. The vaccines are experimental and those taking it are the guinea pigs.

2 years ago

I’ll tell you what. It’s really grievous & irritating to see people like Mayor Greg Fischer make the statement suggesting “the vaccine saved lives”. That’s a big LIE !! There is ZERO proof whatsoever that this so-called Covid ‘vaccine’ has saved anyone from anything. Because it ISN’T a vaccine, it’s a soft-kill bio-weapon. Ms. Hartlage and the others listed in this blog article went along with this LIE and paid for it with their lives & that should tell anyone all they need to know.

2 years ago

Wow you are very intelligent! Not many people here picked up on the ‘iron cross’ emblem on his green T-shirt, and you are one of the few who did!

  1. Yes, I myself am disgusted to see he was wearing the same iron cross emblem, on the same side of the chest that the Nazis, Hitler, Bandera and all the others used to… Exactly what message is this fellow trying to convey?
  2. Also, the Ukraine government released some tweet (they were forced to delete later due to complaints from US state department) in early March bragging about their Slavic ‘racial purity’. Doesn’t that obsession with racial purity sound ‘familiar’ to us?

Initially I doubted the Azov and Nazi stories, but after seeing that official tweet I realized those are likely true, and that regime is very racist. BTW I read weeks ago that Zelensky signed the first steps for vaccine passport into law there (now we know why the energy grid is still UP). He’s introducing the Diia app which seems to be a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport there.But since less than 34% (many have fake certs according to the news) is likely vaxxed, no idea how that will work out. Interesting to see IF he makes it mandatory.

Lisa L Denney
Lisa L Denney
2 years ago

So many poor young children murdered by their parents ignorance.

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