Brandon Watt: widow of 34-year-old Canadian man admits “I was a sheep” before her fully-vaccinated husband dropped dead in front of their baby girls
February 16, 2022

Mr. Brandon Watt.

COBOURG, ONTARIO — It seems every few weeks this blogger prefaces an article with “this may be the saddest one of all.” We’re going to stop doing that because it’s still only February 2022. These stories are only going to get more tragic as the year goes on. The only positive herein is that the kids may be too young and/or too traumatized to remember what they actually saw that day.

Mr. Brandon Watt and his wife, Chantelle, were together for 12 years, married for 10, according to several Facebook posts. Brandon wasn’t a big social media guy, at least not with public posts. But Chantelle’s timeline provides a glimpse into the family since the so-called pandemic commenced.

She agreed with Ontario provincial government closing all school on March 12, 2020 when, once upon a time, the COVID-19 narrative was “two weeks to flatten the curve.” Mrs. Watt, like probably 90% of the world at the time, belittled anyone who disagreed with the lockdowns.

She truly believed the “two weeks to flatten the curve” lie.

But the “pandemic” started affecting her life directly a couple months later. Mrs. Watt is an independent photographer. She started getting active in challenging “social distancing” restrictions that harmed her bottom line. Her petition for area photographers garnered nearly 15,000 signatures.

Mrs. Watt, however, was not a fan of masks, particularly for kids in schools.

If Mr. and Mrs. Watt were major vaxx zealots, they either kept it private or deleted it all because the foregoing is the extent of it on Facebook and Instagram. The latter is plausible because Chantelle has only three public posts in 2021 before…

Brandon’s tragic death

Mr. Watt passed away on November 4 at the age of 34. It’s unclear when exactly he received the injections or which ones he received. But context clues point to the summer of 2021 when Mr. Watt received the shots.

He ran bath water for his two little girls that night, and suddenly collapsed, right in front of them, according to a November 5 Facebook post by Chantelle. “I lay here in bed wondering how I’m supposed to tell our beautiful daughters this morning that they couldn’t fix daddy, and that daddy isn’t coming home,” she wrote. It’s best to simply read it for yourself.

Mrs. Watt also posted on Instagram that day.

The next three months of Mrs. Watt’s social media are very difficult to read. The couple should have actually have three kids, but lost one in utero.

Her November 13 Facebook post, after the funeral, is a reminder just how hard it is to find true love in this world, and how soul-crushing it is when you lose it, particularly in this fashion.

“I’m not sure which pain is worse — the shock of what has happened or the pain of what never will,” she wrote. The family was building a house that they were going to move into within months.

Mrs. Watt posted another update on December 10 about the house and her perpetual pain that is unlikely to go away for many years.

The foregoing was her last public Facebook post until February 2022, almost two months later. But Mrs. Watt updated everyone on Christmas Eve via Instagram. Their community came together and, miraculously, finished building the house enough that Chantelle and the girls could sleep there that night. She and Brandon had made a pact to sleep in the house for Christmas whether it was finished or not. Chantelle fulfilled that wish.

Her February 12 Facebook mea culpa post is admirable and laudable. She once again reiterated the shock and trauma that the girls continue enduring, after watching their dad drop dead right in front of them. The autopsy found that Mr. Watt died of “lymphohistiocytic myocarditis.” It’s so rare that the only medical literature on it is individual case studies, with most of them being since 2021.

RELATED: Joey Mishkin: 35-year-old Florida single father receives Pfizer mRNA injection to save his job, suffers massive heart attack, dead 12 days later (November 22, 2021)


One such case was a 62-year-old Uruguay woman who died five days after the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection. The study found, “a potential relationship between the viral vector COVID-19 vaccine and the patient’s lymphohistiocytic myocarditis resulting in severe biventricular cardiomyopathy and death. Her autopsy showed that her lungs were filled with fluid, her heart had “straw-colored fluid in it,” and there were “numerous sites of thrombotic microangiopathy” (microscopic blood clots).

Mrs. Watt described Brandon’s autopsy as follows:

“His heart was extensively damaged. There was so much scar tissue, that it literally couldn’t pump another beat. I had no chance at reviving him. The official report states that his entire heart was damaged — not one ventricle or one area — top to bottom damaged. Fully attacked, for multiple months. The virus that killed him was likely the mRNA vaccine.”

She continued, acknowledging the truth and trying to come to terms with it.

“Until November 5th, I was a sheep. I fully admit that. Brandon and I both believed strongly in the vaccine and would roll our eyes at protestors, conspiracy theorists and all the “anti-vaxx” posts on social media. November 5th onward, my eyes have been opened.

I owe this to Brandon. To share what I believe killed him. What did kill him. What left his daughters without their daddy.”

Mrs. Watt posted an Instagram update yesterday, dropping more truth.

“I chose to share Brandon’s story because I am downright scared for our children and their future. I am scared of what long term affects will come out of the woodwork in the months and years to come, and scared of developmental and fertility issues. Scared of the unknown”

The GoFundMe campaign for Brandon raised more than $90,000 (CA$ 115,000).

Depopulation by destroying families

We’ve lost count of how many families have been destroyed by these injections. We linked the Joey Mishkin story above. Mrs. Emma Tandy died last April, six weeks after the AstraZeneca injections. Now her widower is left to raise their two sons by himself. Now the Watts family is another family tragedy.

A big part of the global depopulation agenda is destroying the nuclear family. Up until 2021, this was accomplished with homosexuality, the prison industrial complex, radical feminism, etc. Now all it takes is an injection to turn previously stable children with a father and mother at home, into psychological messes for the rest of their lives.

This blogger, to this day, acknowledges that the most traumatic and damaging event in his life was his parents’ divorce when he was 12. Many studies acknowledge long-term psychological damage to kids and society at-large as a result of divorce. But think of how much worse it is for, say, the Watt children herein who watched their dad die, unnecessarily, right in front of them. What we cover here is only the tip of the iceberg.

Meanwhile Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is now invoking complete tyranny (“emergencies act”) in Canada. It allows, among other things, cops to more easily arrest people, and allows government to steal people’s money from their bank accounts. Justin is obviously feeling the squeeze from his masters as thee Ottawa trucker protests continue unabated.

Say a prayer tonight for all nuclear families who have lost a mother, father or child to this evil vaccine agenda. Then say another prayer for all those protesters out there in subzero weather trying to prevent situations like Mrs. Watt now finds herself in. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

Brian, thank you for reporting on this. Excellent story, as usual. I had several thoughts after reading this. First, you can talk to people until you’re blue in the face warning them, showing them facts about these “vaccines”, (including the reporting done on this blog), etc. But this story is an excellent reminder that people usually don’t “wake up” unless tragedy strikes them directly. Sad but true. Secondly, I give Mrs. Watt a lot of credit for telling the truth. At least she is seeing with her eyes wide open. There are probably many who would double down on their pro COVID vaccination at all costs beliefs. But Mrs. Watts is using this as an opportunity to warn and educate people. Third, I am so sorry for this woman’s loss. This is no consolation, but at least she had 12 years of true love. This story is a good reminder to cherish each day. Mrs. Watts made the (understandable) assumption that she had many more years left to enjoy and cherish her husband. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. RIP Brandon. I wish this family all the best in their recovery.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I have been a so called ‘conspiracy theorist’ for 20+ years. Most of my family and so called friends, hardly pay any attention to what i say. Even when they see i am right, they keep silent, because of their huge egos. At least the lady in this article was willing to humble herself and admit she was wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  JohnS

Same. Have been saying for 40 years there is patently other intelligent life in the universe (obvious, if you think about it), plenty of evidence for UFOs (now admitted by the US Gov’t), the Fed Reserve is a private entity, 9/11, you name it. This Covid “pandemic” looked like a PsyOp from the beginning, and the more time goes on the more that evidence backs this up. But people don’t want to know. Well, they are going to know now as their health deteriorates.

Last edited 2 years ago by Citizen
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen

People are sure going to figure out what the Fed is also. That shoe is about to drop.

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago
Reply to  JohnS

No eres el único.
A mi tampoco quieren escucharme, aunque algunos se den cuenta de esta farsa y cómo les afecta esas inyecciones no quieren reconocerlo
Creo que lo que dice Brian es lo mejor que podemos hacer , orar, orar por los manifestantes canadienses, orar por familias que quedan marcadas emocionalmente por perder seres queridos a causa de las inyecciones, orar por los que como esta mujer despiertan después de la tragedia de perder a su esposo y por sus hijas que ahora sufren el trauma de perder a un padre tan repentinamente.
Es lo mejor que podemos hacer, orar , orar y orar.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  JohnS

I am the same way John. You can’t be afraid to wear the label meant to slander us. I always hope to be wrong but never am. I remember years ago when the war on terror was in full swing. I told people this will be used on us. This is not about Afghanis or Arabs. At some point we will be the terrorists. Now we see Biden and Trudeau using this to slander patriots in the U.S. and Canada. Just as they tested the depopulation drugs in Africa first.
As soon as I heard about a new virus in China I told people this will be used to push a vaccine. After a while you just know how to interpret the propaganda.

2 years ago

So sick of these people posting their lives for the world to see. I should feel some sort of sadness, but I becoming numb to all these posts.

God wants us to love our enemy and help them, but how can you help those that have given into this way of life? Every moment is posted, catalogued for absolute strangers to ogle–it is not NORMAL. Her eventually epiphany is too little too late.

People have put more energy into posts, photographs, hashtags, netflix, amazon, instagram, vacation plans, etc., then researching, questioning, reasoning, discerning the events propagated to the world.

The devil has pulled off two very important goals: a) he does not exist b) God does not need to be feared–he is EXTREMELY merciful, patient and forgiving. The Bible tells us differently, God is the CREATOR of all things (including Satan), is omnipresent, loving, all powerful and should be FEARED the most. Satan does not rule over GOD–this is happening for a reason. What we are experiencing today, is GOD’s disappointment and disgust with the way humanity has relinquished our free will, faith, love, and discernment for mere trinkets, technology and a way of life.

Get back to praying, enter a truthful covenant, one which you can uphold, with our Lord Jesus Christ, and NEVER consent to this MARK of the Beast injection.

I’m working on fulfilling this in my life as well–very challenging. Rebecca Brown, MD, Prepare for War has opened my eyes to why this evil has been ALLOWED to ravage our world.

-Be strong and remain united with those that walk your path.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

“He Came To Set The Captives Free”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

Yes DOC…that book is on it’s way.

I was told to get Becoming a Vessel of Honor (which was amazing) as the updated version of He Came to Set The Captives Free-. Rebecca Brown was a true devoted Christian.

I wish more people knew about her and her unbreakable mission and faith. Many blessings to you Doc and may the good Lord be with us all.

2 years ago

You are right about Joel 3:9- God is to be feared. And my multiplying words here too often isn’t prudent or honoring that call. Back to work!

2 years ago

Another family, another murderous tragedy. And those in Government are still pushing this killing machine jab.
Justine Trudeau is a criminal, he is carrying out the International WEF agenda. To destroy the Sovereignty of Canada, it’s Rule of Law and to destroy and kill it’s citizen’s. This an International Coup, an invasion and Justin Trudeau was trained for this purpose which makes him a Treasonous terrorist to the Citizen’s of Canada.
He serves to kill and destroy, he is Lawless as all criminals are. People need to stop saying he is ignorant and those in Parliament are not fully aware of what they are doing….do NOT fool yourself, they are ALL evil and corrupt to the core, to glorify their god…….the Devil.
Let’s us see what the Lord has in mind to stop this evil……
I pity their dead and darkened souls to they’ve have sold them for the Love of Money, Power and pedophilia activities.
They are all liars………..

2 years ago

As sad as this is, I’m finding it harder and harder to feel bad for these people, especially when they made fun of us “anti-vaxxers” before their chickens came home to roost. We tried to warn them and we were mocked, relentlessly, for asking questions and being naturally skeptical. NOW, she says “we are the research”….duh…we’ve been saying this since the beginning that there was NO research done. This, while sad indeed, is a case of karma coming back to bite hard as hell. May he rest in peace, but they did not heed the warning and this is the outcome.

2 years ago
Reply to  BlkButterfly

Sadly they Trusted the Science & Propaganda…while mocking Truthers…now they are paying for these mistakes in more ways than one…However, I commend her for being honest and coming around to the Truth, instead of the 99% of Vaxx Corona Cultists that would let pride and ego get in their way…

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago
Reply to  BlkButterfly

as with all genuine truth, sometimes a person can only see it after they discover it the hard way.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  BlkButterfly

Not everyone has access to the right information. There are still people who believe what is on television.

2 years ago

This is horrible. It reminds me of the death of Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar. He died of a massive heart attack months after taking the Covid vaccine. The heart attack triggered while he was doing his routine gym workout. It’s unfortunate that it happened while he was in his prime. His last movie is now James and we won’t see him in Dvitva. I feel sad for his family and his fans and what they have to go through.

2 years ago


The last ones standing will be Refusers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jip

See you at camp, be sure to bring your swimsuit.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

The only people who will end up in those concentration camps are freemasons.
Mark Alan King and his gematria findings, has confirmed this.
The most high is a master of irony, and is going to flip the script on them.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago
Reply to  Jip

I truly want to believe this, but those demons have a plan for everyone.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Jip

Purebloods – yup, we’re all just fine.
And I had predicted all of this more than a year ago. But I sure hoped I was wrong…

2 years ago

I never ever wrote something about ț’stay at home”. Is so good to stay at home. I never believed this is a good thing, I felt is wrong, like a red iron crossed into my chest. i felt it. Also that the things will never return to ”normal” whatever that was (I don’t believe what was before it was ”normal” as many were wrong and we moved toward vil as a society step by step but hey, for many of us it was nice, with lots of perks).
I was upset people couldn’t see that: that the old normal was gone. They really believed everything they’ve heard.
i must admit, I always had ‘țdreams”and ”saw things” so it is not my merit for being warned, or having this perception, but I knew is over and we must make a new life, a new normal, to change it all.
We may have another few good years (not as before, but nicer than now) and then thing will go nuts again, till all these Satanists will be gone. I have 0 doubt in my heart that we will win this, in all timelines, no matter how this will be unfolded, we will win. But the difference will be made in how many of us will remain and how broken will be our civilization (talking about structures, infrastructure etc). We shall see, here we can change a lot with our actions and what we attract, but the Globalists lost the war already – they will win some battles, we will win some, lose others, but at the end we will win – no matter how bad things will be at a certain point and how hopless they can look – yet, if more will wake up, we will avoid most of the bad things they prepare for us and end this pretty much well.
Theyțve lost it when they sacrificed lots of children. They will sacrifice more till we will manage to organize and get rid of this once and for all but they will lose.
Globalists will sacrifice some puppies and will push others so stay alert, this fight will last anywhere between a few years up to maximum 2 decades – depending on our and their actions.

Glad to see a mother willing to stand up for her children, sad to read about the cost of it, but this is life. Yet, i am so happy two beautiful girls will not get vaccinated, unfurtonatelly only that tragedy that happened so soon prevented this to happen. We cannot control what others do, just to try to take the good in all this – this father died but saved his girls, unknowingly. God will give her the power to get through.

2 years ago

almost cried on this one, these demons who kill people need to be impaled, i hope GOD destroy them

Paul Kersey NYC
Paul Kersey NYC
2 years ago

Our Grandparents fought Tyrants.

2 years ago

This must be the best story on this blog. Unfortunately, it’s a deeply painful one.

The journey this woman has gone through is simply heart breaking. Am happy she came out a better and more enlightened person, howbeit a bit late.

Oh! the pain that awaits humanity in the days, weeks, months and years ahead.

You who are the judge of the earth, you said “vengeance is mine, i’ll repay, pls God hasten your fury and vengeance” we solemnly pray.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

It has autopsy evidence and official diagnosis.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

We must all refuse to be pawns of Satan, but instead ask God how he will use us.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Yes this is what autopsies, discouraged by the powers that be, have all showed.
All major organs infested with Lymphocytes and under attack because the tissues have expressed spikes…
So the unfortunate Mr. Watt (my condolences to his family) is definitely not unusual, or alone.
How many people are walking around saying “I feel tired today” because their bodies are at total war and their immune systems completely ravaging them 24/7? There are MANY.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Oh my. I didn’t even connect the “I feel tired today” to possible vaxx side effects. A lot of people at my work have been saying that lately. In my branch office of about 30 people, I am the only unvaccinated person.

2 years ago

I’m grateful there was a cause of death determination even if authorities still want to hide the truth that the clot shot is the cause. And thanks to a good mother that those 2 lovely little girls will NOT be given jabs. God bless them and condolences.

2 years ago

Live and learn eh Mrs Watt? Maybe too many facebook / instagram posts and not enough homework about the poison you had put in you.

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago

i have prayed and will continue to pray for the families of the vaccine victims and the heroes taking a stand for the right of freedom .. God bless you

2 years ago

literally heartbreaking. very sad. and think about it: how many folks are walking around with vaccine heart damage not knowing it? it’s a ticking time bomb.

2 years ago

I don’t feel sorry for vaccine zealots with their smugness who undermined the freedoms and livelihood of their fellow Citizens.

Bye-bye birdie
Bye-bye birdie
2 years ago

And yet you have to provide proof of full vaccination to attend the funeral service!

2 years ago

The last picture in the hat shows she is enjoying her new victim status and social media credit score. She has something new to post about. Her husband has died, and its all about her.

2 years ago
Reply to  Larry

Come on…everybody needs a little facebook tonic for the ego. If it takes climbing on a soap box and playing the hero, then why not. Nothing will bring back the husband anyway.

2 years ago

I get jaded hearing these stories

When “anti vaxxers” tried to tell vaxx zealots the real deal – “anti vaxxers” were shouted down, ridiculed, insulted, beaten up & ostracized

Now that vaxx zealots’ loved ones have suffered…when they want to tell their story of pain & suffering – no one wants to hear it

THEY (vaxx brainwashed zealots) are the reason why we are where we are today (lockdowns, mandatory shots, masks, State tyranny).
Because they not only complied with TBTP but they also supported tyranny & authoritarianism by acting as enforcers on the unvaxxed to enforce TPTB’s policies

Tough sh.t

Zero sympathy, it’s run out

2 years ago
Reply to  Aggro

Yes. While I feel sorry for the jabbed cultists who have lost a loved one, I also feel the discrimination being held over my head at work because I am “unvaxed,” and also the threat of additional state legislative oppression on the working class. Kinda hard to be touchy-feely. There’s a lot of people out there who don’t have a job because they knew better than to get jabbed. That is an injustice which needs to be righted.

I hope some people have learned a lesson in questioning authority, at the very least, from the bitter, rotting fruit of covid paranoia.

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