Chanelle Wilkinson: Australia woman receives second Pfizer mRNA injection despite severe adverse reactions to the first, now suffering uncontrollable convulsions, autoimmune issues
January 10, 2022

Ms. Chanelle Wilkinson.

UPDATE January 11, 2022 – We received an email from Mr. Ben Daniel, Channelle Wilkinson’s boyfriend, and owner of Always Livin. He informed us that Always Livin is not the employer that forced Ms. Wilkinson into the lethal injections. It is her other employer who forced it.


Though he told us the name of the employer who placed Ms. Wilkinson in this situation, he asked that we don’t publish it in the story, as it may cause further difficulties for Ms. Wilkinson. We will respect his wishes. We also removed all references to the vaxx mandate employer from all comments.


The story has been corrected and updated accordingly. #AlwaysLivin is apparently one of the good guys and a company to support.




CORNUBIA, QUEENSLAND — Just two-and-a half years ago, the biggest concern for Ms. Chanelle Wilkinson was turning 30 years old. Now the self-described “South African living in Australia” is uncertain about her health and future because she listened to mainstream media and not her inner voice.

Ms. Wilkinson received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on November 28, according to her Instagram page. She got the shot despite being hesitant based on her own research and information she received from nurses and friends. Ms. Wilkinson also has a preexisting condition called pleurisy – inflammation of the tissue surrounding the lungs. It’s essentially pericarditis for lungs. But the condition was apparently dormant for many years. The mRNA injection changed all that.

Pleurisy returned with a vengeance just 24 hours after her first Pfizer injection. Ms. Wilkinson, 33, also suffered from memory loss, brain fog, nausea and shortness of breath. But she returned to work the next day. Her second injection was scheduled for December 8, just 10 days after the first shot. Even the Centers for Disease Control recommends at least 21 days between Pfizer injections. It appears Ms.Wilkinson was in a rush because her company gave her a deadline of December 15 to be “fully vaccinated” or fired.

Ms. Wilkinson received the second Pfizer injection sometime before December 15. She rescheduling the original appointment because the clinic was closed that day, almost as if God or some other higher power was trying to tell her something. Her life has been completely altered ever since.

Shawn Skelton Syndrome

Ms. Wilkinson reported stiffness in her legs just 30 minutes after the second injection. But again, she went back to work as if everything was fine. The situation quickly escalated at work. Leg stiffness morphed into uncontrollable, full-body convulsions. Paramedics arrived and performed an electrocardiogram (ECG) and a blood sugar test. She was transported to the hospital, where she received a crash course in Great Reset medicine.

RELATED: Numerous cases of Shawn Skelton Syndrome


Doctors placed Ms. Wilkinson in a wheelchair and left her alone for six hours, while she convulsed uncontrollably. It wasn’t until her boss called the hospital that medical personnel finally acknowledged her presence. Doctors diagnosed Ms. Wilkinson with a “post-vaccine injury,” prescribed valium and discharged her. A general practitioner prescribed more valium the next day and referred Ms. Wilkinson to a neurologist.

In the meantime, she’s been seeing a naturopathic doctor, whom she says has helped mitigate the symptoms. Ms. Wilkinson posted several videos on Instagram of her new normal.

Ms. Wilkinson said her main goal is to spread about how things can go wrong with the injections. She’s also appears to be accepting that her life is never going to be the same.

Tempting fate

It’s hard to put into words why people who know better received the injections anyway. We’ve written about mass formation psychosis already. But there’s another psychological phenomenon at play called tempting fate. In the simplest of terms, tempting fate is when someone does something knowing that the activity is dangerous and risky. People take unnecessary risks or display hubris when tempting fate.

A 2008 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology is a fascinating read, particularly when applied to these dystopian COVID times. But the conclusion provides a snapshot:

The studies presented here document a widespread belief that it is bad luck to tempt fate, even among those who would deny the existence of fate. And when they don’t follow their intuition, they think about how they might be punished. All the while, they shake their heads and roll their eyes, knowing that their behavior and worries are unwarranted.

We’ve lived in vaccine dystopia for over a year now. There are no tangible benefits of receiving the injections. There are only risks. At least with cocaine and heroin, you feel some sort of high (note this blogger has never used either one). These injections are like drinking gasoline. You’ll definitely get sick, you’ll probably be permanently maimed, and you’ll likely die. Apply this line of thinking to mRNA and viral vector DNA injections, and preserve your health.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

Wait, hold up?

She said she did her own research and that made her not want to get the first clot shot. Then she bows down to “work mandates” and takes it anyway. How thick can someone be? Oh wait we already know.

Do these people not realise that they can sue these bastards or even just not take it?

If there is need for a great reset (not a schwaub one) then it better come soon?

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I would have found another job.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

Not finding excuses for this woman’s stupidity, but finding another job is not always easy for everyone. Also, in the past 10-20 years, many people put themselves in reckless financial situations and now they are in unenviable positions. In my neighborhood, 3 out of 5 people have large bank loans to repay. The reason I know is because they thought it was something to boast about, a status thing that the bank let them have so much money.

2 years ago
Reply to  EzraPound

Exactly, same here in Europe!!
Most people have bought homes with prices way beyond their own ability to pay… and also gotten contract/ deals for renting (expensive) cars. With around €500 each month to pay off.
They’re in too deep.

I don’t know if this was the same for Chanelle.
I do know that also a lot of people are too kind in their heart to “just say no” to a company or friends or family, that they care about, while they need to care about themselves at least!

2 years ago
Reply to  EzraPound

There is a lot to be said for living within your means.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

But here’s the thing – flash forward 6 months or a year…these other companies with ridiculous mandates requiring participation in the scientific medical experiment injections.
I suspect that only un-injected purebloods will be reliable and competent employees within these organizations as time passes… LoL
But employers everywhere have apparently been drinking up the Kool-Aid and getting their Science from CNN! And in fact their witlessness is a direct threat to all corporate shareholders everywhere, is it not?

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Agree with your comment, except for one thing;

  • I don’t believe the un-injected are “pure bloods”.

We all have used products (maybe drugs, like weed or xtc or molly or etc.etc.etc. and also former vaccines – that DID work though….nevertheless..) i DO believe the un-injected are much, much, much more healthy and strong (mentlly and in their immune system as well – strong spine so to say!) than the ones who have “choosen” the jab(s).

This is truly a very sad situation for the people who can’t say no or don’t dare to. I wish them all strenght they need. And it’s a lot…. whole bodies are being killed slowly with the jabs… it’s a unnatural p o i s o n that the bloodcells immediately want to abort… but not possible… oh my…

2 years ago
Reply to  Lee1990

We’re purebloods.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee1990

It’s Pureblood, friend – all one word, capital P.
I haven’t taken a needle in 50+ years. Slim, strong and fit, I coddle my all-natural immune system and my blood is rich in Vitamin D. I even quit drinking (when I recognized what a potent neurotoxin alcohol is).

2 years ago
Reply to  Lee1990

I think most vaccines ruin your immune system. Three years ago, I got the Hep A vac and have had nothing but problems since. Started with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the injection site and have now acquired multiple immune disorders.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

I can’t wait to see what will happen 6 months to a year. It will be very interesting.

Only the purebloods will be left to do the work.

Robt Clemente
Robt Clemente
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

You left out a “NOT”, as in CANNOT $ue, right?

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

the thing is many don’t suffer at all or only minimally, which sooths resistance – i know 2 people who felt nothing at all, neither from the injection itself nor afterwards

2 years ago

A friend of mine succumbed to the coercion. She said she felt like she was playing Russian Roulette by taking it. She was well aware of the risks. We had spoken about them often.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wollio
2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

That’s exactly what everyone is doing who takes this gene therapy. IT’S NOT A VACCINE – let that sink in so you have the right to refuse it.
They cannot force you to take a vaccine that isn’t a vaccine…where are the lawyers in all of this…in fact, according to several laws they cannot force you anyway.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ziva

Fook the “laws”. No vaccine, end of the story. If you want to argue, debate and bargain, you have already caved in.

A bullet before a vaccine, very simple.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

So, Ms. Wilkinson, is your boss and all those at work or elsewhere who encouraged you to get it by the cut off date or anyone who sort of shunned you for being hesitant (they’re out there), are any of them going to take responsibility? Where are they now? Are they going to look after your every need from now on? Such people are every bit as responsible.

2 years ago

People from ages ago had some ego and honor. They would never have complied with something they didn’t trust. In the Japanese culture there was even self-sacrifice. The same with the Greek culture that many so adore. All of that is gone now in a civlization that worships the body and ignores spiritual integrity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tony

“People from ages ago had some ego and honor.”

At some point in the past 5 decades, people decided that death was the worst thing in the world that could happen, to be avoided at ANY cost – it was then that the door was opened, and Hell said, ‘Hold My Beer.’.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Well said. The fear of dying! Nobody gets out alive. No one.

Ian Allan
2 years ago

Someone was looking for a word corresponding to ‹ pericarditis › where the organ concerned is not the heart but the lung. I accordingly derive the word ‹ peripneumonitis › in exactly the same way from the Greek, since curiously it does not seem already to exist.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian Allan

Pneumonia is inflammation or infection of the lungs.

2 years ago

And just like that, youth & beauty evaporate into the mist . . . these shots really are majik. I hope she receives a miracle, and in the meantime, wakes-up a few of her friends.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

There are three fears these Luciferians are using to make you take the jab, she suffered from the second one:

  1. Fear of loss of life
  2. Fear of loss of livelihood (job)
  3. Fear of loss of social status (friends and family alienation)

People need to abandon these fears and embrace the truth of Christ.

2 years ago

Amen to that. Lucifer also gives you entertainment, news, attractions, etc just so you don’t go out looking for God.

2 years ago
Reply to  No1

All the more reason to look for God. The Luciferians are afraid of true Christianity which for English-speaking people is found by reading the King James 1611 Authorized bible, which is the Reformation bible, which was the ticket away from tyranny. Don’t bother with the other “bibles” that came after that…..the opposition watered them down little by little to make it of no effect. That is why the Church is in shambles today and act more like social clubs and Club Meds, run by hirelings and infiltrators who serve Satan. Lucifer does not even exist anymore. Lucifer was the cherub until he fell and became Satan. Those stupid Lucifereans worship an entity that is no more. And they are afraid, afraid, afraid of the true power of the Word of God.

2 years ago

Amen. That’s what leads me through all of this.

2 years ago

Truth of Christ?

What about firt need to love themselves enough to say “no” ?
The closer we get to ourselves, the closer we get to God.

Forgot about the nons and monks?
Peace of mind and love for All there is, is being one with God.

The people who are living in Ego = fear of loss, are worth being loved, by themselves first. They don’t…. because if you do.. you’dd NOT be taking a poison jab in the first place.

We need to stop the whole religion stff….this is about Selfworth first…before we even can talk about God. Let Him and Jesus Christ, out of this and start seeing we all need to love ourself first instead of sacrifice our lifes for others…. family.. company’s.. friends… the only One who we need to sacrifice ourselves for are ourselves a.k.a. God!

2 years ago

I will never get over how willfully blind people are. It is unreal that people can be this stupid. Until people start demanding that Satanic NWO-controlled MSM is shut down worldwide for crimes against humanity and the people behind all of this are held accountable millions more will be injured or killed by these lethal injections they are calling “vaccines”.

2 years ago
Reply to  A.B.

In the meantime, they need to not listen to the talking heads and talking news whores, because this system in place has no intention of listening to any demands from the people they are trying to kill.

2 years ago

So sad for this beautiful young woman. She knew the answers but failed the test. Again, seemingly intelligent people with the knowledge at their fingertips yet blinded by the bullshit. Hard to explain or comprehend this phenomenon. I do wish this poor woman the best and hope she finds some comfort

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Beautiful??? Definitely in the eye of the beholder. Creepy, vampire eyes and raised by European apartheid people in South Africa?? And still cannot think for herself with all that privilege? I hope she heals but her upbringing is part of her downfall.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

How dare you critisize a good looking slim blonde female ?. Hater.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

She is gorgeous. A sad situation indeed… and don’t forget, she was lied to!

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Where did you identify the ‘seemingly intelligent’?

2 years ago
Reply to  Betticus

Lol. You certainly have a point.

2 years ago

“where she received a crash course in Great Reset medicine.”

That was funny. I hope when they left her at the hospital twitching and convulsing for 6 hrs on a wheelchair, they played that song “move that body” by technotronics.

AUssie pub` brawler
AUssie pub` brawler
2 years ago

silly girl…
in AUssie, you cannot be ‘sacked’ for refusing the Vₓₓ ;
there are, in fact, several laws and ‘statutes’ which say so…
☞ Fair Work Act/Fair Work Commission;
☞ Privacy Act 1988 ;
☞ Constitution of the Commonwealth of AUstralia, S51 ssXXIIIa ;
if you are, in fact, so ‘sacked’ , then you can, in fact, SUE under any and all the abv. provisions;
although it is important to have the ‘notice’ in writing ;
✯ only exception✯
the Vₓₓ is a part of yr ‘contract of employment’ ….
( but: that is, pretty much, AFAIK, non-existent )

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

They say that ALL human rights are suspended when they declare an official “Health Emergency”.
But hey don’t ask me (I’m a Biologist not a Lawyer)…

AUssie pub` brawler
AUssie pub` brawler
2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

They say that ALL human rights are suspended when they declare an official “Health Emergency”
well.. the Constitution of the Commonwealth of AUstralia ain’t suspended;
that’s, pretty much, why they had to have no less than THREE referendums a century-or-so ago to try and introduce compulsory conscription…..
‘medical mandates’ being a form thereof….

Frank Hambling
Frank Hambling
2 years ago

Well I can tell you it can happen because it happened to my wife and me. We both said No to the jabs and lost our teaching jobs because of the NoJabNoJob government policy.
Meanwhile the government has not mandated itself for the Jabs.
We are following the Fair Work process but waiting for that isn’t paying any bills.
Also how can anyone Not feel sorry for this poor girl? It’s the government that did this to her too, and many more like her. It’s hard to stand against this tide. Nearly everyone we know disagrees with our stand and some even mock us for it. Seeing through the government and media lies is both a blessing and a curse!
God bless Chanelle and her family xx ❤

2 years ago

It seems to me that what they are getting in Australia is different from any other part of the world. It seems like they really wanna empty Australia of its people and make room for the billionaires who bought most of the land there and in neighboring New Zealand.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

That also explains why massive wildfires were set there a few years ago, with DEW…Direct Energy Weapons…to clear out a lot of land on behalf of the criminal Billionaire Industrialists…Similar destruction has occurred in Northern California where land is being cleared out by these weapons…

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

Sad…..all these pretty women murdered or with severe health issues after the suicide jabs.

These women have learned the hard way that great looks alone won’t get them through life. A well informed brain with critical thinking skills is important too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

A spine….. a strong spine is the most sexy a human being can have.

2 years ago

I’m noticing a pattern with some of these people that claim they’re only getting the injection because of a mandate, or to ‘feed my family’. They experience an adverse event from injection number one, moan, and then claim that they need to get injection number two ‘because of work’ or ‘to feed my family’. These people are performing a weird type of martyr-dom, and the rest of us non-vaxxers need to know how to identify them because they will consume and waste your energy with their self-pity and refusal to see the light of day. If you’re dead or maimed beyond any normality you’ve ever know, how are you going to ‘feed your family’ or do ‘your’ job? If those are the risks you’re presented with is it not better to face being illegally fired and figure out what you’re going to do with a healthy body and intact mind? I have no tolerance for these people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Betticus

Do deal with the general public as part of your work? Most people are 100% deluded and committed to this fraud.

Robt Clemente
Robt Clemente
2 years ago

Sad to learn, no way she should’ve gotten that second one after the adverse effects from the first one but Oz is like Na3istralia now, one of the worst countries around, although I think Austrina3ia is in the lead.

2 years ago

I just read that many of the neurological effects can be a result of thrombocytopenia-so sad to see young people being harmed this way. Prayers for this young lady.

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