Danielle Duduit: 33-year-old Ohio occupational therapist was “afraid I’m going to die” after post-Pfizer heart problems, no help from doctors

December 6, 2021

Ms. Danielle Duduit.

WHEELERSBURG, OHIO — A 33-year-old wife, mother and occupational therapist is learning in real-time about the damage mRNA injections do to the human body. She’s also learning that doctors cannot and will not help her.

Ms. Danielle Duduit (aka Danielle Prater) told The COVID Blog that she received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on August 28. Three days later, she experienced shortness of breath, “shakiness” and a sensation like her throat was closing up. Chest pains, heart palpitation and numbness on the left side of her body followed thereafter. Ms. Duduit believed she had several heart attacks.

She reported on September 24 what she’d been experiencing in the month since the Pfizer mRNA injection. It included three trips to the emergency room, one trip to urgent care, one visit to her family doctor, and one to a cardiologist. She reported having to wear a heart monitor and feared that she was “going to die.” The ER doctors continually prescribed anxiety medication and essentially told Ms. Duduit that the adverse effects were all in her head.

RELATED: CDC says anxiety is causing adverse reactions, not the experimental mRNA and viral vector shots (May 7, 2021)


Ms. Duduit is now learning the truth about mRNA and viral vector DNA post-injection. She’s discovered 10 other people in her local area who suffered similar heart problems after the injections. She’s also starting to understand that the monopolized mainstream media, big tech, the CDC and Fauci censor all reports of adverse reactions to the injections.

Doctors beholden to Pfizer

Ms. Duduit went to another doctor on October 7. This time she was told that her thyroid gland is the reason for all her problems. But when she told the doctor that her cardiologist already diagnosed her with a vaxx-induced injury, the doctor grew silent and left the room. A nurse told Ms. Duduit that she’s seen many patients with similar vaxx-induced injuries. Ms. Duduit said doctors won’t admit their own errors since they are the ones telling people to get these injections.

Ms. Duduit is also mistaken in her belief that people only believe this is happening when it hits themselves or their families.

RELATED: Neil Astles: British inquest confirms post-injection AstraZeneca death seven months later; family urges others to “get vaccinated” (November 15, 2021)


She reported some good news on October 10, being symptom-free for a week. Ms. Duduit also suffered no permanent heart damage.

The COVID Blog reached out to Ms. Duduit last week to learn how she’s doing now. She made clear that she was not mandated by her employer to get the shots. “I got the first [injection] basically because I knew I’d eventually have to,” she said. “My family had all gotten it so I thought I’d be fine. Well obviously I wasn’t.”

Ms. Duduit’s employer did issue a mandate last week, but exempted her from the second shot because of the adverse effects from the first. There were a total of three doctors who acknowledged her vaxx-induced injuries. But when she asked them for a written exemption, they all said they never diagnosed her with vaxx-induced injuries and that her problems were caused by anxiety.

RELATED: American Heart Association abstract concludes that mRNA injections “dramatically increase” heart attack risks (November 24, 2021)

“My cardiologist who diagnosed me with vaccine induced inflammation of the chest said he couldn’t give me an exemption because I didn’t have permanent damage. Like, ok,” she said. Ms. Duduit said she will not get the second injection. She’s also lost faith in the U.S. medical system.

“These doctors are protecting their licenses, not their patients,” she said.

Censorship is killing people

This blog is completely censored by Google now. Back in May, you could at least start typing “The COVID Blog” in their search bar, and the predictive searches would say “The COVID Blog Brian Wilkins,” “The COVID Blog website,” etc. But Google still did not show The COVID Blog in search results in May. Today nothing comes up at all, predictive or otherwise, in Google.

RELATED: Google confesses propaganda agenda, bans all Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine information (April 26, 2021)


Ms. Duduit is not some mindless, Fauci-worshiping liberal. She frequently posts about God on Facebook. Ms. Duduit also frequently posts support for police and Israel. That all said, she genuinely tried researching post-injection injuries, to no avail. The problem is that the masses believe the terms “web search” and “Google” are synonymous. They are not. Search “The COVID Blog” in any other search engine. Pictures of this blogger come up, as does the homepage link to the site, as the first result.

Perhaps Ms. Duduit can provide hope for those who’ve had adverse reactions. She appears to be improving. But the bottom line is, don’t get the second injection if the first one hurt you. Ms. Duduit had one final message for The COVID Blog readers:

I’m doing much better. I had been symptom-free since around mid October. But here lately I feel like I’m having flare ups with heart palpitations and aches in my chest. My message is don’t get [the shots]. I truly do not believe people are even getting the same doses of the same thing/medicine. I think some are basically getting nothing and others are getting the vaccine and those are the people who are hurting. We’re the test subjects.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

Maybe her love is causing her to underestimate who is friend and who is foe?
Unfortunately, the mRNA does not need to be fixed, it is working exactly as intended.
Also unfortunately, she believes the doctors really care about something aside from their own bank account. I am sure there are some who are genuine, but really, it seems the ratio is rather low.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Unfortunately this nice lady may not be out of the woods just yet. Anyone who has taken these experimental vaccines should get a D-dimer test. Canadian cardiologist Charles Hoffe discovered 62% of his Pfizer-vaccinated patients had elevated levels on that test. Ruling out gross causes of this such as a pulmonary embolism or a blood clot in the legs left only the incredible idea that the elevation was caused by microscopic blood clots throughout the entire body!

Dr. Hoffe is a thoughtful man on the subject.

Be safe, people. Maybe millions will not die or be disabled from all this but that frankly remains to be seen.

2 years ago

This story feels different than most. I pray that she will recover and use her story to bring others to know Jesus.

In the grand scheme of things, whether you die of ripe old age, a car accident, a drug overdose or a COVID vaccine, whether you contributed to the overall good of the world or you were a vile, despicable human being, the end result remains the same for you if you’ve not taken the FREE gift Jesus provides.

1 John 1:8 “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgives us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word is not in us.

This applies for everyone. Whether you’re a “good” person or a “bad” person, we all need Jesus.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

That is true Wisdom from the Scriptures…but sadly, that does not apply in this case, because the Covid Jab is the Mark of the Beast…it alters the DNA which has the Creator’s signature embedded in it…and changes the DNA to make one Unrecognizable to the Creator…Those with real discernment and who are grounded in Scripture would not have made this mistake…That is why it is so crucial not to Trust False Prophets such as Pastors, Doctors, Politicians, and Witch Doctors at Big Pharma Corporations…How many professed believers would follow those commands of Scriptures? Not many that belong to organized Denominations or who praise Charismatic Tel Lie Vision Evangelists…that’s why they are all immensely rich…they are rewarded for delivering Souls to Lucifer…the One that they Truly Love…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

The death jab is evil and nobody should get it but it’s not the mark of the beast. When the beast comes, everyone will know who he is and he makes it law later on that everyone must receive either 1 of 3:
Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the markor the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Also, Jesus is supposed to catch up the Church before that time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anon

The Mark the Number and the Name are three different things. Having any one of these makes one part of the Beast system. It says OR, a word indicating three different things. If you take even one of these things, you have willingly entered into the Beast system. I think this vax is the Number, because people who use the Bluetooth app say that each vaxed person who walks by them, is identified by their own personal number, which pops up on the Bluetooth app.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kris
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

“I think this vax is the Number”
I think a lot of people missed my point, the vaxx is deadly and nobody should get it but my point is that I don’t believe it is the mark of the beast because the sequence of events is all wrong. The Beast and the false prophet(the second beast) are supposed to appear first but all the Believers are supposed to be caught up before they arrive. In other words we’re left behind if this is the mark of the beast which it isn’t. Also where is the temple where the beast is supposed to “show ​himself as God”? Or the False prophet making fire come down from heaven in the sight of men? I’m glad people are vigiliant but they need to study their Bible more or they will jump at every leaf that rubs up against the window so to speak.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

I don’t know if it’s that bad as of yet, but it will be soon enough.

It’s so bad, so astonishingly bad, how many denominations believe the Mark is anything but what the Bible says it is, even in the face of the first time in history the technology is there to pull it off, AND THE PLANS ARE IN ACTION, THE SYSTEM IN EXPERIMENTATION.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

So suddenly Jesus can’t recognize His own creation? It’s a shell. The SOUL is the only thing that matters and the clot shot does not change ones belief system, but it certainly does show who is lacking in discernment and trusting of demonic entities.

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago

Of course the doctor won’t help her. He may even ridicule her and pretend that her problems don’t even exist, and send her away. That is the reality of American patients.

2 years ago

Another post that is out of the ballpark with the bases loaded, well done, I hope this one really makes the rounds.

These stories, and each one seems to have more sensibility of awakening to being had by the medical industry at least, remind me of a snowball rolling downhill and getting bigger … bigger … I suggest that in the next few months we will be wise to sit tight while these folks go out into the world and express their rage. There will be zero we can do to stop them or to interject justice — they will be out for their own justice.

Our best place will be to wait it out, stock up, stay home. National chain pharmacies will be the first to feel the wrath of “preventative medicine” victims, I expect. This is like watching a tidal wave come in, from a hopefully high and dry place with kindred spirits. God bless Brian Wilkins and all his loved ones.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I’ve had this thought since they started rolling them out. Every time I pick up a prescription I look at the pharmacists and wonder, just wonder. I did ask one young guy how many he thinks he’s murdered by now. I couldn’t help myself.

I’ve been researching and going down rabbit holes for years. Its fascinating.

One of the sites I frequented announced in Jan. 2020 the that DHS recommended people stock up on supplies I figured why not. Then the news from China and lockdown propaganda hit. I was scared, never of the virus but the maniacal government. I know well the story of the Bolsheviks.

It’s tyranny. The gulags are now the hospitals. The bullets are the injections. Same perpetrators. Different tactics.

Poor woman. I wish she had continued to hold out.

John E. Brennan
John E. Brennan
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Nearly fifty years ago I met a man named Andrew Zakala. He told me that he grew up in a small village in the Ukraine. When he was a teenager in the early 1930’s, the Red Army took away all the grain and livestock. Millions starved to death. He was the only one in his village to survive. He left, and walked to Europe and eventually made it to the United States. I believe that massive famine is in the plans for the U.S. Stock up now. Buy seeds. Plant a garden next spring. Get a few chickens. Prepare to defend what you have.

2 years ago

Classic case of a professed Christian violating the Scripture of Matthew 7:15…which warns us not to put our Trust in False Prophets…in this case Government and the Witch Doctors at Big Pharma…she continues to pass on that False Worship by saying that the 666 Jab can be ” Fixed ” and that she is not against these shots altogether ( which is a further endorsement of Sorcery instead of the Creators gift of Natural Immunity )…My heart goes out to her…but tragically no One Can Serve Two Masters…We all have to make that Decision…We all have to be Vigilant as the Scriptures demand…How many of these people would have dismissed or even ridiculed this advice from us, before they rolled up their Sleeves? I contend the Vast Majority…Which is more Proof that Satan has infiltrated the Churches and also has the Majority of Pickpocted Pimping Pastors on the Take along with the Politicians, Doctors, and Hospitals…all with their hands out for those 30 Pieces of Silver…Money…the root of all evil…How many times have I heard Statists say ” But, we pay the Doctors and Scientists to think and research for us “…Wrong…The Devil Worshipers at Big Pharma are the ones paying them off…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Could not have written it better. I agree 100%. She also seems snookered about a certain country that the vile globalists flee to, so they can’t be extradited for their crimes.

Wow, Brian! Even with your blog being totally shadow-banned, vax-injured folks are still finding it. You are making huge difference

Broken Pottery
Broken Pottery
2 years ago

She’s right. Anybody who takes one of these jabs is a test subject. I warned my 23 y.o. daughter not to take these but she felt it was necessary for her employment/schooling. I prayed and prayed that she would get a vial full of saline. She had no negative reaction whatsoever after the first shot.

Three weeks later it was time for the second. I again prayed for saline but mostly that God would give us the strength and wisdom to deal with any negative affects. Same thing. No negative outcome for her, even no fever or fatigue. Believe me when I say I know she was stupid to do it, but it was out of my hands and I could only put it into God’s. She does take Quercetin, zinc, C, and D on a daily basis at least.

2 years ago
Reply to  Broken Pottery

I did the exactly the same for my 98-year-old dad. He didn’t want it, but he could not take his wife’s constant nagging. Also, no reactions at all. He says now, no more vax. However, he has been in hospital with a broken hip for seven weeks. I am terrified he will be jabbed again when he can’t defend himself. He would never survive the real thing. I keep praying.

Broken Pottery
Broken Pottery
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Wow 98! That is amazing! He is in God’s hands so don’t be terrified. Fear is from Satan.

Both of my parents passed before all of this insanity. Thankful they didn’t have to deal with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Broken Pottery

He’s a pretty tough old bird…survived a Nazi labor camp in occupied Europe…so I don’t think he will go down without a fight. You are correct…God has not given us a spirit of fear.

2 years ago

Some doctors (Dr. Zelenko, Tepenny? sorry, i forgot) estimate that it takes 6 months ~ 1 year to detox (assuming it has not done permanent damage).
This makes sense to me, the body would try to get rid of invaders that does not belong there! i wonder blood clots could be a reaction by clumping & wrapping around the “stuff”

Kyle Warner reported 8 – 9 months seems to be the time when most injured people start to turn around.

Anyway, take good care & hang in there.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

The Covid cultists should compose an official prayer to the Vaxx god, to help save them from the omicron devil. They can repeat this prayer everywhere they go as they submit their QR codes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

Omicron is a fallen angel isn’t he?

2 years ago

This blog is censored, for sure.

The only way for me to find it is to type thecovidblog altogether in one word.

Thanks for this blog and for spreading real information about the said vaccinations.

This blog is a bright candle in the dark night surrounding us.

Thanks ???

2 years ago
Reply to  Thefrenchone

This is the only way I can find it as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thefrenchone

This is true. I had an iPad I had not used in awhile and could not get any hits for this blog on any search engine. It’s like it didn’t exist! This and a few other of my favorite blogs and sites. I ended up emailing the links to myself from the laptop and saving them. The suppression of the truth is real as can be. Interesting that the typing in of thecovidblog as one word works.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thefrenchone

You can try another search engine other than Google and find it. Try duckduckgo.com . Google is obviously censoring. Time to dump Google, gmail and all other Google services.

2 years ago

I’m an occupational therapist as well. I thank Danielle for telling the truth. It’s going to take extraordinary people like this woman who are brave enough to stand up, speak the truth, and stop this evil. I’m glad this woman is seeing things with a clear head. So many people have received these injections, suffered side effects, and they never connect it to the vaccine.

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago

My prayers go out to Danielle… God bless her for speaking out regarding her experience.. Praying for her and her family and coworkers.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

Doctors have proven that doctors as an industry and about 95% of them individually are no better than WW2 German death camp guards.

2 years ago

“Ms. Duduit’s employer did issue a mandate last week, but exempted her from the second shot because of the adverse effects from the first.”

Since when people that we volunteer to help in exchange for a compensation (“employers”), hold our medical decisions between their fingers ?. It probably feeds their ugly hungry ego. Fook them.

Personally, I tell them up front that I do not partake in the mask wearing ritual. Once I didn’t, so they said “bring your vaccination certificate to the interview”. I replied “LOL” via email.

2 years ago

It is funny how almost everybody in the comment section is turning into a pontificating jesus-worshiping dude and dudess. Does that make you feel better than the ordinary man and woman ?. A little ego stroking doesn’t her nobody. Or does it ?.

2 years ago

Maybe because there is nothing secular about this war. It is purely good vs evil. If you are so offended by the comments…don’t read them. I considered this blog a freedom-from-PC safe zone. Brian keeps the energy here at a very high level…and most readers get it, even if you don’t.

2 years ago

Does that make you feel better than the ordinary man and woman?.

Nice try, but you’re projecting.

While I find many folks of organized religion to be psychotic, they don’t tend to get their dopamine fix by virtue signaling – that is the purview of the left who worship the works of man, and worship themselves.

Given those two options, the religious are generally better company, better neighbors, better human beings.

But, hey, good luck with your boosters, Genius, you’re gonna’ need it.

2 years ago

“Why don’t they fix the vaccine?”.

Umm because it was meant to be broken to begin with. Also is still in experimental trials and has emergency uses. It’s part of the depopulation agenda. Not to mention how quick it was rushed out. Also big pharma is unable to be sued if someone is injured by their shots. You know the usual anti vaxx stuff that we tried to warn you about.

And oh yeah it’s not a vaccine. It’s an mrna injection. Gene therapy.

What a stupid question to ask.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Maybe injured people should try another tact in their battle to be heard. The Government and big Pharma may currently be exempt from lawsuits but the media is not.

All the biggies from CNN to MSNBC, USA Today to the New York Post to LA Times, Facebook, Twitter, etc have all been lying and conspiring to cover up the truth – encouraging the public to place themselves at a risk they would not have done otherwise if the truth was disclosed allowing for an informed decision – maybe those corporations should be sued first…massive class action.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

I like that. Basically sue any news entity that moves that has been lying and exaggerating for months on end (and still is). The sheeple have been profoundly misled by them as well as the social media gawds who suppress anything they do not even realize they do not comprehend.

2 years ago

I am a retired RN and am sad to see how the medical profession has changed. The hypocratic oath is perfunctory vs practiced. We all need to understand that BIG PHARMA owns the medical schools, vet schools, the medical associations via donations, Media via advertising dollars and politicians via campaign contributions! I am sure I left something out!
I am so thankful I no longer practice because the pressures to conform are tremendous. There are good practitioners out there. But please notice that for the most part, the ones speaking out have gray on the roof and likely medical school paid for! Corporate practice is HUGE along w the rules. Many are employed as hospitalists and therefore beholden.
My best advice is to stay away from the medical system unless in serious need. Take Vit D3, Vit C w2 quercetin, and zinc.
There is now a lot of info out there on treating symptoms as well as eliminating spike proteins post jabs. My heart goes out to all those who have been put in an untenable position. God Bless!

2 years ago

Notice she gets prescribed anti anxiety meds for a heart problems, but doctors won’t prescribe anti anxiety meds for people who have actually have anxiety because of addiction concerns. Hypocritical scum whose corrupt system will soon collapse.

2 years ago

@Danielle : “They” want you DEAD. DUH !!!. What is so hard so understand about that ?. You say “why don’t they fix the vaccine ?. I say “why don’t you snap out of your BS trance state ?”. Some doctors and researchers put their life on the line to go public and warn their fellow human beings. But you – and the many like you – prefer to look the other way and throw yourself in the arms of those demons. You are not only harming yourself but also harming everybody, for every obedient idiot like yourself is a drop of fuel in the gas tank of those demons.

The time for compassion toward those cretins has long passed. They are the ones giving life to the demons’ dreams of enslaving and destroying lives and souls.

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