Jennifer Livingston: Wisconsin news anchor posts photos of whole family receiving injections, news anchor husband Mike Thompson hospitalized days later, blames COVID-19
November 28, 2021

Mr. Mike Thompson and wife, Ms. Jennifer Livingston.

LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN — Two so-called journalists are obediently and loyally defending the pharmaceutical industry in yet another sad case of extreme denial.

Ms. Jennifer Livingston posted several photos on November 6 from a Walgreens pharmacy. She, her husband, Mike Thompson, and from what can be gathered, their 5-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter, all received injections that day. Ms. Livingston is a morning show anchor for WKBT News 8 in La Crosse. Mr. Thompson co-anchors the 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. newscasts for the same station.

The November 6 Facebook posts reads, “Boosted, little kids first dose, flu shots, yay for science!” She and Mr. Thompson received booster shots. They both previously received Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injections, according to a subsequent post. It’s unclear which brand they got for boosters. But the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) continually confirms what this blogger has been saying all along. There’s no difference between these shots. All are equally lethal and dangerous.

The CDC website says you can get any of the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections for boosters regardless of which ones you received initially. It appears Ms. Livingston and Mr. Thompson received booster mRNA injections and flu shots, while the kids received their first Pfizer mRNA injections (only one approved for kids that young) and flu shots. The CDC also says, “you can get a COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines, including a flu vaccine, at the same visit.

All four posed in a photo, showing the bandages on their arms.

Unexpected rabbit hole

This was supposed to be a quick story to publish and go on about my day. But when the layers are peeled away, you discover some interesting and unexpected stuff that somewhat explains the “why” in this entire story.

Ms. Livingston is the baby sister of Ron Livingston, who played Peter Gibbons in the 1999 comedy film “Office Space.”

Her other brother, John Livingston, is also an actor. They are all from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the same hometown of Ashton Kutcher (and this blogger’s home state). The foregoing is likely why she kept her maiden name. Take all that for what you will.

Ms. Livingston became a viral story nine years ago when someone emailed her and said she was fat and setting a bad example for the community. The messenger told her that she must lose weight because obesity is “a dangerous habit to maintain.” He also, ironically, said that she has a responsibility as a local public personality to “present and promote a healthy lifestyle.”

Watch a 2012 report from ABC News that include Ms. Livingston’s on-air response to the email.

ABC News tracked down Kenneth Krause, a personal injury lawyer and fitness advocate, who sent the email. They tried shaming him into saying he should have handled it differently. But he apologized and stood his ground regarding the message of his email.

For the record, it appears Ms. Livingston lost a lot of weight between 2019 and 2020.

Let the subterfuges begin

The second extremely ironic part of this story is Ms. Livingston’s November 10 Facebook post. She wrote that people informed her of interesting stories that she otherwise wouldn’t know about. Ms. Livingston said, “If we don’t know of a problem, achievement, controversy, etc…we can’t bring it to light.”

Again, take that for what you will.

Ms. Livingston posted another update on November 21, 15 days after the family injections. She hadn’t hugged her husband in 11 days because of “a scary battle with covid [sic].” She called it “very unfortunate timing” and said Mr. Thompson “already had” COVID before the booster injection. Mr. Thompson’s symptoms – “unbearable headaches, fever, chills, body aches, nausea” – are quite familiar to this blogger and anyone who regularly reads this blog. Mr. Thompson was hospitalized and treated with monoclonal antibodies. The treatment apparently provided some relief, but then he developed a cough.

But perhaps the most bizarre part of this entire story is this quote from the Facebook post: “And I truly can’t imagine how much worse this could have been if he weren’t vaccinated.” Ms. Livingston conceded that her husband’s new cough could last “for weeks.”

We’ll update in due course.

No respect for these two

This blogger began his career in broadcasting and journalism in the mid-1990s right out of high school. A true journalist takes no sides, and has no vested interests in anything they cover.

One of my first newspaper jobs reprimanded me for writing about President Bill Clinton and the Mena, Arkansas airport. Clinton allegedly, according to witnesses and reporters, trafficked cocaine at the small airfield. Two teenagers, Kevin Ives and Don Henry, were killed because they witnessed something going on there in 1987.

I was told “cool it” after my story about Saddam Hussein divesting of U.S. dollars and only trading his oil in euros in 1999. Of course 9/11 happened shortly thereafter, the U.S. invaded Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9/11), removed Saddam, and Iraq was once again trading their oil in U.S. dollars by 2003.

George W. Bush was too easy. Barack Obama lied about almost everything, particularly his stance on marriage in 2008, just to fool Black American voters into supporting him.

Obama is without question the biggest warmonger thus far of the 21st century, and that’s saying something with Bush II in the competition.

Donald Trump, even if only 25% of the accusers are telling the truth, sexually assaulted at least 10 women and one little girl. Trump abused power like no President in my lifetime. He said of Jeffrey Epstein in 2002, LONG before it was a political issue, “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump has also repeatedly encouraged his fans to get the shots.

RELATED: LGBT are 92% “vaccinated,” by far the most likely people to be vaxx zealots, virtue signalers


The point is that journalists have to tell the truth no matter what. Ms. Livingston and Mr. Thompson are nothing more than corporate prostitutes for the pharmaceutical industry. But they are not alone, as more than 95% of mainstream media fit that bill in 2021. It’s a disgrace to the profession, to Edward R. Murrow, to Walter Cronkite and all the greats who inspired this blogger. Of course they will get fired for telling the truth. But that’s the price you pay for a true legacy.

The press is the de-facto fourth branch of government. It’s the ONLY profession specifically protected in the U.S. Constitution. Ms. Livingston and Mr. Thompson are failing at their duties and until they change that, this blogger can neither respect nor show sympathy for them. Journalists, especially those in powerful positions, must tell truth no matter how much it hurts. Rant over.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Screw your damned science!!! You stupid, stupid woman!!! God will not be replaced nor mocked!

2 years ago
Reply to  Cat

No doubt about it this Talking Head is just a programmed Robot with severe Stockholm Syndrome…Miss Livingston you took the Kill Gates poison out of your own ” Free Will ” not because you are a learned person or cared to do even a single hours worth of research, you are just a Script Reader ready to sell out the masses at any given moment for your paycheck and lifestyle…you are of no value to humanity…the sad part of it is that you murdered your Kids in the name of Science and your worship of the Cult of Pharmacia…at this point please do just one thing right…swallow your pride and use your huge platform and following to at least warn the others not to make the same mistake that you and your spouse have made…it’s time to save a few lives…please don’t drag any more others into the Pit with you and Kill Gates…leave the world some form of an Honorable Legacy…

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Correct, you cannot replace, mock, or anything else come to that; a figment of humanities imagination.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Humanities? As in the subject at a university? Not sure what your point is.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

You’re a fool if you think FauXi is science in the flesh. He is no more science than Josef Mengele was science in the flesh

Non GMO human
Non GMO human
2 years ago

So even with THREE shots, he got COVID huh? the science alright.

Anyone with common sense can deduce he vaxxx injured, but that’s not the acceptable narrative – so COVID it is. Unbelievable how gullible some people are. And the powers that should not be, are counting on that to continue the farce…

2 years ago
Reply to  Non GMO human

I call the vaxx injured ‘vinjured’ or in the case of multiple injuries ‘vinjuries’. I thought of a new acronym for the word ‘COVID’ = Confirmation of Vaxxine Injury Diagnosis. So now all the freaks who are in denial and blame ‘COVID’ when they get sick after taking the lethal injections are correct according to that definition.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Howdy

Be careful. You’re going to trigger the vaxtardian elite.

2 years ago
Reply to  Howdy


John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago
Reply to  MICHAEL P

Remember, V is for Vendetta

2 years ago
Reply to  Non GMO human

You are absolutely right. However, he had two shots, not three. The J&J “vaccine” was a single shot instead of two. Otherwise your post is the truth.

2 years ago

The point is that journalists have to tell the truth no matter what. Ms. L. and Mr. T. are nothing more than corporate prostitutes for the pharmaceutical industry.

Remember the original meaning of “whore” is not so much one who exchangeth sex for money; but rather one who *knows* the truth and yet willfully disregards it for personal gain.

When expedience and truth meet eye to eye; truth will blink nineteen out of twenty times. This is the great shame of the world.

I do not think there is anything I despise more than a liar.
_____From My 2019 Book

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

In this case, these Journalists turned out to be $5 Whores for the Multi-Billion Dollar Killing Machine of Big Pharma and the Synagogue of Satan…they should have demanded more for the price of their Souls, for coming this way…and for sacrificing their own kids to Molech…This level of brainwashing, indoctrination, and stupidity is a monumental crime against humanity…will they ever come clean about the truth before they roll over? I doubt it…the Medicaid reimbursement that the hospital will receive for the Fake Covid Death Certificates will be worth much more…in this case four for the price of one…courtesy of the taxpayers of course…

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

“The point is that journalists have to tell the truth no matter what.”
They quietly removed any legal requirement for the media to do this in the USA (in 2013 I believe) but many Americans are unaware.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012:

It basically authorizes the use of propaganda (lies) on the domestic population.

The government is basically like a gay man who lived in the shadows of society, and wanted to come-out and be embraced for his deviancy.

In the government’s case, pretending to tell the truth all of the time was just too much emotional effort – it wanted to come-out in the open and be loved by all for its innate mendacious & murderous nature.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

“We immediately quarantined him (her husband) to our basement”
___The Psychopath

Gee; I wonder if he had a choice in the matter? Nah; he js the “husband”; and his only right is to go to work every day and pay the bills his wife and kids run up at the mall. Does he get a cot to sleep on and meals delivered down there?


Moderna Pfizer
Moderna Pfizer
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

She works, too. She’s the morning anchor.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Many Cuckish men are looked at as no more than modern-day clowns by modern Feminist women…but they still need sperm donors and taxpayers…On a side note…has anyone heard yet? Unvaxxed Sperm is the new Bitcoin Hahaha…

2 years ago

Hope they did the early d-dimer test on him right away to see if he’s got clots–anywhere. Covid, yeah, whatever.

2 years ago

Boy does that husband sound and look like a milquetoast in the obesity interview…absolute template for the 21st century American “man”.

I will say; in fairness; the critic who said she was fat was a nasty person; if she is fat it is her own business and no one else’s. So I will give the tv woman a break on that one.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

I think that criticism actually spurred her to improve her lifestyle and now she looks a million times better for it. She would never admit it but that episode stuck with her and gave her all the fire power she needed to turn her life around. He did the right thing. That email was made public by her. She humiliated herself for public sympathy.

Liberty Mike
Liberty Mike
2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

Facially, she looked better before the weight loss.

The truth is that some formerly fat folk look a lot worse after substantial weight loss.

Statistics Jason
Statistics Jason
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

You are in synch with the gender trends I have noticed in recent years. Men are told to change, to man up. Women are told they are wonderful the way they are, everything about them is fine including their obesity. As taboo as fat shaming women is the fact is obesity is very unhealthy, Not to mention unattractive.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

It’s fine until they roll over on their husband in their sleep and crush the breath out of his lungs.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Correct me if i have anything wrong, but we have the Alpha Variant, Beta Variant, Gamma Variant, Delta variant (same 4 names of the Quadrants in Star trek), Lambda variant, Mu variant and now the Omicron variant?? Gee, this so called virus seems to know when to keep mutating and improving itself as it always seems to be just one or two steps ahead of humanity and mutate at record speeds. What are the odds? Either it’s self aware or the powers that be keep peddling out their predetermined rhetoric to maintain control over humanity.

It’s also worth noting that the mindless zombies were allowed to go on vacations earlier this year, once they got their jab, so many rushed to travel and what do ya know? All these new variants started popping up in the news, hmm, it’s almost as if it was all planned and they were all used as excuses to bring about more Covid propaganda and justify more control and restrictions, gee, such people fell right into the trap, who knew… lol. Same with places reopening, everyone was duped into thinking the end of the covid stuff was here, they could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and they had their miracle cure of the vaccines, they were saved, but nope, here we go again, its still ongoing and it will be next year (2022) and the year after (2023).

I wonder if these two poor excuses for parents would be saying, ‘yay for science’ if one of their children ended up paralyzed from the waist down, like that 13yr old girl named Maddie.

2 years ago

Science is “vaccines thoroughly tested”. Anti-science is “vaccines not tested”. I guess she is Anti-science.

2 years ago

98% of journalists these days are worthless leftists parrots.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  WisestGrip

Worthless ‘leftist’ parrots, in a worthless capitalist world run by elite psychopaths.

Ned Baker
Ned Baker
2 years ago

I continue to be amazed by the cringe-worthy grandstanding of the vax worshipers. Plastering their bandaged-arm photos all over the internet. It is as if they are pleading “please accept, love, and admire me”. There is something deeply unnatural about this craving for attention and affirmation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

they stopped worshipping God to start worshipping themselves

2 years ago

She has led an interesting life.
Not for much longer I imagine, but at least so far.

She is welcome to abuse her own body if she wants, but quite a shame what she did to the innocent children that she purports to love.

2 years ago

are you too stupid not to shoot up your children??

2 years ago

Hooray for science! More brainwashed idiots marked for death!

2 years ago

Oh my, Brian, you just blasphemed against Trump !!!. How dare you, you need to repent !!. He is the savior to restore trust in the government. All the folks with “clean yards” are waiting for his second coming.


2 years ago

Likely wrecked their kids lives as well.

Clown World Observer
Clown World Observer
2 years ago

“their 5-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter, all received injections that day.”
I stopped reading here.

2 years ago

Don’t stop! The Clown world needs your continued observation ?

2 years ago

now funny enough, didn’t her “fat shaming” news piece say she has THREE daughters? What happened to the other two if the picture of the kids was one boy and one girl?

2 years ago

I laugh at people who get Booster Vaxx injuries. They only have their utter stupidity to blame for what ails them. I’ll just continue to relax and enjoy the crock show till all the cast become too maimed or self aware to perform anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

When it hits someone that we personally know not to be a bad person, appreciate and/or love, then the attitude is different. One realizes that their naivete is being taken advantage of by those demons posing as the father-figures of mankind and that is nor fair nor something to rejoice in.

Those demons tend to find the best prey in those naive ones who tend to project their own goodness on them.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
2 years ago

This plandemic is totally different from all the psy-ops that have come before, in that the elite are using the brain-dead masses as the main mover of this clown show. I could find compassion after all the other psy-ops for those who were duped, because most were innocent bystanders. I even had compassion for people who attacked me for trying to enlighten them. I remember the absolute terror of people after 9-11, when they thought a Muslim fanatic was hiding behind every bush, waiting to kill them. When I advised to calm down, it was just a psy-op, don’t worry, don’t cancel your trip to Timbuktu…I was the one who was cancelled… UNTIL it became obvious in their pea-sized brains… that they were not going to be murdered at the grocery store by Osama bin Laden. Still, I had compassion. NO MORE.

This pandemic is Satanic, and the opening act in the last stage of End Times. You are on the side of good, or the side of evil. Anyone who complies in even the smallest way is doing the devil’s work. With the internet at the center of society now (as it was not in 2001) TRUTH is a click away. There are no more excuses. People who fall for this scam are being WILLFULLY blind. There is something deeply disturbed and evil in people so willfully blind, that they will sacrifice their children on the alter of “go along, to get along.” In this situation, patience and compassion have ceased to be a virtue.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

The govt admits to it all in their own words…National Center Biotechnology Information Center:

2 years ago
Reply to  Dusty

That was an excellent article you linked to. However, it is anything but “The govt admits to it all in their own words…”.

The article analyzes the phenomenon of mass hysyeria, proposes some healthy ways to release tension in order to not fall prey to mass hysteria, links the size of government and its tilting to being a welfare state to predisposing people to be swallowed up by mass hysteria…etc.

It is a great article and not from the enemies of humanity as you strangely misunderstood.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Hat off to you for seeing what 9-11 was and for having tried to pull some folks out of their trance state.

As for severly judging up front everybody who falls for this con-vid BS, I think it is not being realistic and it is a bit arrogant to say the least.

I have been wrong many times and I, too, used to be gobbled up by the propaganda. When in that state, one just do not know any better.

2 years ago

I am a Christian, so I can’t state that this is true, it’s just something I read; that in one Islamic scripture it is written that the worst human sin is willful ignorance, because God gave humans reasoning power…so to willfully refuse to use it is like throwing it back in God’s face.

People who fall for this scam are not good people, they have the spiritual development of a slug. You can bet they are totally up-to-date on the latest filthy slime from the cess-pit of pop-culture…but they can’t take half an hour to research a drug they are going to have injected into their children? Nope, not good people… lazy and evil, they should never had the responsibility of raising children

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

And, if you have been wrong many times, I think you should ask yourself why you were wrong. For most people the answer is that they allow msm and Pop-culture into their homes and lives.

I think the reason I am able to see the BS from day one, is that I got rid of my tv 31 years ago, and I have not set foot in a cinema in 40 years. I feel physically repulsed by msm and Pop-culture. What one puts in their body, and what one puts into their brain is a CHOICE. Choices have consequences. People set themselves up to be duped, and then they cry foul. Only the children are innocent victims

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I also gave up the TV 31 years ago, one of the best moves I’ve ever made. There’s no excuse for the ignorance and cognitive dissonance of the vaxinatics, especially when someone provides them with the facts, on a platter, and they still won’t ”get it.” It’s happened with me more times than I could ever imagine, with people who I could never imagine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I will let God judge them. When all is said is done, It is between them and their maker. I don’t pretend to know what’s inside people’s heart,

That having been said, I will try to use my very limited understanding to continue trying to warn people, share pertinent information and not be in the business of convincing anyone of anything.

Interpreting scriptures to judge people and to dictate your relationship to them, is the recipe to becoming a fanatic, swimming in the ocean of obscurantism. Scriptures should be primarly a guide to one’s relationship to the Creator. Those who go around pointing the finger, are in fact begging to be humbled by the Creator.

2 years ago

Maybe you should ask yourself why you and your loved ones have been duped so many times, and seemingly ( in the case of the folks you write of) still are being duped. “Fooled me once, shame on you. Fooled me twice, shame on me”.

Choices have consequences. If one fills their body with junky food, they will be sick. If one CHOOSES to fill their mind with filthy sludge from msm, movies and television, their very soul will be sick. People sent themselves up to be duped and then cry foul.

2 years ago

Yes. Just because they care about others and have empathy, they automatically project this onto everyone else, including our corrupt psychopathic “leaders” who have cheated, scammed and murdered their way to the top. “Oh, they wouldn’t do that”….”And WHY would they do that?” Are their general responses.

2 years ago

Must disagree. Such people know me. Do they ask my advice? Do they follow it?

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago

Presstitutes they are called or so I hear – BTW a great list of the psychopaths in the Presidency.

2 years ago

Love how the first thing she did was toss her husband into the dark, damp basement when he showed signs of being sick. I can hear her now “STOP COUGHING!!!! I can hear you through the walls”!!! If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

Her faith in the vacc-obscene is so strong ain’t it?

2 years ago

A significant majority of commenters here are incredibly judgmental. I seem to recall someone who said “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” I see this esteemed Teacher’s name bandied about here quite often in comments. More than likely your cruel remarks have been noted by powers greater than any of us.

Whether you agree with the actions or beliefs of the people who took the thing, you can have compassion and wish them well. That you disparage them, call them names, and wish judgment on them for being blind or acting out of fear, indeed that says more about you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kieron

Exactly. These people who kill their own children are absolutely ok and we should have compassion and wish them well.

2 years ago
Reply to  hes

That’s just it …what an extreme response hes, why?

…As Kieron posted; they are blind and acting out of fear. They think they are protecting their children. They are deceived.

Those who we do not wish well on are those that WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY sacrifice their children.There are actually people who know their child is being abused by a family member, priest etc and they look the other way. There are those who actually sell their children into prostitution and child trafficking. or other peoples children (Gislane Maxwell) THOSE ARE WHO WE DO NOT SAY ARE OK AND NOR GIVE THEM any COMPASSION.

2 years ago
Reply to  hes

But in their own little brainwashed hopelessly conditioned minds they truly believe the BS, and that they are doing the right thing. So they are not aware they are murdering their children, they believe they are saving them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kieron

Thank you Kieron for your wise comment. Tighten your seatbelt and expect a lot of negative ratings. But don’t expect to surpass me : in some of my earlier comments, I proudly got more than -400.

2 years ago

It’s refreshing to read donthatemetoomuch and Kieron’s words here, I agree with them. I am very suspicious of up/down scores after many years on internet comments sections. Remember that because here comments are screened, these comments sections are difficult for organized disruptors who strive to stifle discussion and distract.

On such a forum as this, their ONLY tool to hurt morale, is the downvote that disappears upvotes — we could see a post at zero that may have been read indifferently by only five people, or highly controversial with 1,000 upvotes being cancelled out by 1,000 downvotes, we cannot tell. So a gazillion downvotes on a sensible comment on a sensible forum … hmmmm. I rarely downvote, which is actually UPVOTING “boo hiss.” I smell “manipulation” anytime I see “downvoting” as an option. I understand that it is NOT the option of the host of this website, but rather the protocol of the platform.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

This woman put her children on a path to destruction, and we should be ok with that? What are comment boards even for, if you think that criticism has not been earned? Maybe it is you who are here to “strive to stifle discussion and distract”?
Amin had ONE comment in the Karen Croake thread that got over -400, where he was basically shaming living Americans for wanting any kind of border control and for events that happened over 100 years ago. I don’t usually downvote either, but I may have there. It was an amazingly clueless comment in the context of the discussion, and if the R word meant anything anymore, it could apply to that comment as well. Since leftists have driven the meaning into the ground, I will leave it out. Amin can be proud of his comments all he wants, he will have to answer for his own heart. The simple fact is that this administration is basically blackballing citizens of over 200 years heritage in this country to instead cater to and enforce nothing on people breaking the laws to enter. (yes, I know Amin is going to come back with thousands of years for Native Americans, but natives here and in Australia are getting the same shaft too, so he would still be proving my point). “They” are getting away with anything they want due to hordes of authoritarian, anti-thought leftists doing the heavy lifting with the aid of unscrupulous social media censoring out uncomfortable truths. There are few places on the internet where these things are talked about freely, so yeah, some people are venting as we have a chance. The pretty platitudes of yourself and Amin (and perhaps Kieron if he were to weigh in) seem to be ignoring all of that, so it is not a surprise they don’t have positive ratings.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

You lost me at “… and we should be okay with that?” Because that was FAR AWAY from anything I wrote or implied. That you read it there, says a lot about you.

I WARN you and others here that indulging in anger and vengeance, which is what such bitter comments, glee at seeing people die, will lead to. You can interpret that as meaning “… and we should be okay” with people killing themselves and their children, and that is a pity.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

“Border control” is for retards. If it wasn’t for the monsters whom you have been giving shelter to and allegiance to, these past 200 years -and are still doing so- , everybody would be content to stay with their loved ones where they were born.

“State worshipers” are slaves in love with their chains, their masters and every concept the ruling classes impose on them (borders, taxes, permits, licences, certifications, schooling…). They can not imagine life without a ruling class and without boots over their necks. They are junkies in dire need of their daily fix of servitude, obedience and pseudo order.

Go talk to Marco Polo or Ibn Batuta about “borders”. They will die laughing if they weren’t already dead. You’ve got a bullet in the head,

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

By all means, keep enabling the murderers of your children.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kieron

Well said Kieron! I feel the same way about the trend I am starting to see regarding the postings. Some are still posting very insightful information and /or opinions. I appreciate that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

Clueless folks, always need a sacrificial lamb to slaughter on the altar of their frustrations, worries, feelings of emptiness, addiction to obedience and servitudes, lack of faith in The Creator and the decree of Destiny.

If it is not “the immigrants”, it is “the leftists”, if it is not “blacks”, it is the mexicans, if it is not the muslims, it is the russians or the chinese…etc. Never once do they roll their sleeves up and try to clean the sludge and the sewer inside them. Nor do they once point the finger at the demons posing as the father-figures of mankind. To them, it is always other people’s fault and those who have no regards for “the laws” of their masters. The ruling class and its institutions are their surrogate father, surrogate husband and surrogate pimp. They bow and pray before the demigods they worship.

Those kind of people do not bother me anymore. I just fly very high, just like when the eagle fly very high to avoid the pestering of annoying crows.

‘Rachel’ is a very beautiful name. It is said to be the name of the very handsome prophet ‘Joseph’. I am sure you are beautiful in many other ways.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

Maybe attorney Kenneth Krause needs to send her a followup email re: being a slimmed down, lousy parent who jeopardizes their kids health with suicide jabs.

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago

What more to expect from journalists? They are loyal members of the cult of the news, the cult of the television.

2 years ago

Good rant!

When they say “trust the science,” they are actually only saying “trust these people.” They have zero idea what the science is, they trust another person’s word, and call it the same thing!

Science employed is science trusted. Lt. William Bligh (the one whose crew mutinied on the British ship Bounty) trusted the science. On an overloaded 23-ft launch with 18 men, he navigated 3,600 miles on the open sea to safety.

Bligh trusted the science, his men trusted him as at least the great navigator that he was! These two media propaganda shills trusted other shills. The only science employed was that of manipulation through human psychology.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

That’s right! Trust the censured science they say acutally, the science that is approved by these lunatics that rule the world today!
Bc brilliant scientists (the best epidemiologists and Nobel prize winners) said a total No to these gene therapy!!!
All the brilliant scientists that actually discovered something amazing said NO! Then they becomed pariah and then some ”approved” scientists tell us how we should think: obey!
If you actually believe in science you take a look at who speacks what!

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

I think the premise “believe in science” is becoming a false religion. Science is forming a hypothesis, conducting an experiment with a dependent and independent variable, recording data, and reporting the results whatever they may be. There is no “believing in science” unless you are following only certain scientific opinions and not being open to results that could disprove the hypothesis. This is apparent when people get censored from social media from sharing information with cited sources that goes against the narrative. This has happened to people like Steven Crowder—censored from sharing information from the CDC website even.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I mean let’s not forget the ppl that said the Earth is round were burned to the stick once in a day and that also the ones that performed authopsies were considered evil and also burned alive.
That was also the official science of that days 🙂 The same now, nothing changed

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

These extreme vaxxers are idiots, how do they not see the vaccine caused the illness…..not helped it!

2 years ago

Frankenstein was a product of science too…

2 years ago

TV journalist make decent money, so many of them are afraid to tell the whole truth because they want to keep their job, and keep getting the millions of dollars especially the so called top journalist nowadays. Anderson Cooper, and Chris Wallace as an example.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Anderson Cooper had an actor father and Gloria Vanderbilt was his mother. He was born a millionaire, and had everything handed to him on a silver platter because of his family.

2 years ago

“I truly can’t imagine how much worse this could have been if he weren’t vaccinated.” She’ll be on her deathbed (very soon) still kneeling at the alter of evil emporer Fauci.

2 years ago

If she isn’t already, this female cult devotee should be a given a high position on Satan’s Welcoming committee: Giving her children over to the darkness and sending hubby to the cellar chamber to cough up blood and languish in isolation, these are the things that make the demons smile. This woman has secured her position as a Handmaiden to Evil.

2 years ago

Covid is Virtual Insanity.

2 years ago

It is ironic how vaccines are exempt from most protection laws; vaccines are meant to protect us but they are exempt from laws made to protect us.

2 years ago

“The people who took the shot are waking up, and Omicron sped up that process.

I am seeing on social media a lot of posts from the vaxxed now wondering what the hell they did. They are asking what the shot was for now that the government, which promised them full immunity from even one shot is nullifying their vax passports after getting two shots, demanding a third.

Many of them are seeing vaxxed friends who were supposed to be protected now catching Corona, plus having tons of other problems and they are also realizing they don’t feel the same anymore.

There are still quite a few who “feel fine” but the numbers that are realizing something changed and they are not “alright anymore” is starting to look like a rolling snowball . . . .

Another thing I am seeing is people complaining about how “Omicron”, which is an anagram for “moronic” has nullified all previous vaxxes. This time around however, they are questioning how the government could have a brand new vax ready for this totally changed virus so quickly.

The changes (as seen on TV) are so drastic it is practically not even the same virus. According to myth. And in the past, “as seen on TV” was not always a hoax. That’s where Dyson got started . . . .

They are failing with their plan to murder whoever they want. I guess years of autism woke people up to the vaxxes and enough were skeptical enough just because of that to plant a seed that may just grow into the future of mankind.

Klaus, Gates, and others were smart enough to launch this campaign, but not smart enough to model out the victory they wanted. Here is the future:

Their future is now one where they maimed and murdered an ENORMOUS pile of people, a majority who have yet to die from what Klaus and others did, but will die. Everyone is going to see these people die, they are already dying in large numbers, and the survivors are going to know who killed off half of humanity.

The enforcers are predominantly vaxxed. Even the enforcers who were stupid enough to allow themselves to be vaxxed are waking up. Gates, Klaus, Fauci and more are going to lose the support base that was going to enforce their mandates, partly because they killed it and partly because it woke up.

They will soon be living in a world where everyone knows what they did, while their support dwindles for doing it. How long until the mobs mow them under?

Perhaps that Antarctic base was not done so they could escape a disease they throw out to the masses, perhaps it is there just in case their plan fails and they have to run to it. Yes, it is there.” – JS

2 years ago

I am truly hoping and praying that the powers of the individual states of the USA using the constitution and our sovereign rights, and with states together, bring a stop to this freight train of evil & tyranny.

Last edited 2 years ago by TyroneB
The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Just… wow.
The thing is, I really feel sorry for these children and other innocents in the situation.
How appalling – an intelligence test for your parents, with you as the prize…

2 years ago

This has become my favorite place to come for the news of the fallen and the brainwashed in this information and bioterrorism war on humanity. It’s top shelf and each story is thoroughly investigated. Well done on the articles and attached info. Excellent.

2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

It is a good site. I almost never found it. I have an old ipad6 and googled The COVID Blog recently, and this site did NOT come up, only armada-sized boatloads of “take ye vax, praise yon vax, or how wonderful are the vax” hits. It makes me realize how well the tech biggies censor this site. It’s no wonder some people say they did “research” on the jabs before they were jabbed. Real information is so well hidden and kept from us. They never saw the truth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
Mike In California
Mike In California
2 years ago

“We of course chalked it up to a booster reaction.” YES, idiot. You almost understood what happened.

These people could literally drop dead 5 minutes after receiving the injection, and if a doctor gave the corpse a positive Covid PCR “test” they’d believe it.

2 years ago

“She hadn’t hugged her husband in 11 days”

That’s one lucky guy !!.

2 years ago

PLEASE STOP calling TALKING HEADS, ‘Journalists’!! If these two Zombies were ACTUAL JOURNALISTS, they would KNOW that these are BIO-WEAPON INJECTIONS and that the ‘Big, Bad Virus’ does NOT EXIST!

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
2 years ago

I am so waiting for the day that people are finally – AWAKE – and SEE with their eyes and hear with their ears and realize how much they’ve been – LIED TO – and that finally terabytes and terabytes of data can be unleashed to the public where when they finally see HORROR was unleashed and at the same time SUPRESSED from the public eyes and ears. I get the impression, that those finally awakened will be storming every capitol and city hall across this country – for Justice. And that’s only putting it lightly.

And little Fauci – and NO I don’t call him ‘doctor’ – when you compare his real credentials to Dr. Judy Mikovits; he can’t hold a candle let alone know what to do with a stethoscope, or if he actually knows what to do with it. He ‘Fauci’ will have no place to run or hide, his goose will be cooked.

2 years ago

WOW. What a loving wife this poor cuck has.

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