Petra Mayer: 46-year-old National Public Radio book editor “died suddenly” from blood clots
November 15, 2021

Ms. Petra Mayer. PHOTO CREDIT: Allison Shelley/NPR.

SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND — A long-time National Public Radio (“NPR”) editor is dead as mainstream media continue the agenda of normalizing sudden death of relatively young, healthy people.

Ms. Petra Mayer began her career at NPR in 1994. She’s essentially worked for the organization ever since. NPR reported that Ms. Mayer, 46, “died suddenly” at Holy Cross Hospital this past Saturday. Fox 40 in Sacramento also reported that Ms. Mayer “died suddenly.” Of course we know that “died suddenly” and “died unexpectedly” are mainstream media code phrases for post-injection deaths.

There is no concrete evidence that Ms. Mayer received mRNA or viral vector DNA injections. But there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that would effectively meet the preponderance standard in civil court.

Occam’s Razor strikes again

First, Ms. Mayer was a die-hard liberal. Her Twitter profile says “she/her,” and she frequently tweeted about “trans” stuff. A September Gallup poll found that 92% of self-identified Democrats have received at least one injection. An August survey by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, the self-professed “largest LGBT rights organization in the United States,” found that 92% of self-identified “LGBT” have received at least one injection.

Ms. Mayer appeared eager to receive the injections back in March. She utilized a sad-face emoji in expressing disappointment that she wasn’t yet eligible for the shots at that time. Another Twitter user mentioned the vaccination site at Six Flags America in Annapolis that commenced in February.

Ms. Mayer attended The Monkees Farewell Tour in Washington D.C. on October 18. She happily took photos of herself wearing a mask.

The event was held at Warner Theater. The venue required all attendees to show proof of “full COVID-19 vaccination” or a negative test within 72 hours.

Finally, Ms. Mayer reportedly died of a pulmonary embolism, aka blood clots that formed elsewhere in her body, but broke loose and blocked arteries in her lungs.

Pulmonary embolisms are a common and known adverse effect from the injections. Of course zero mainstream media outlets mention the mRNA and/or viral vector DNA injections in their reports.

Ms. Mayer was the book editor and reviewer for NPR. She was also known for reporting at Comic-Con, a cosplay event in San Diego where people dress up like comic, cartoon and movie characters. It was cancelled last year. Comic-Con 2021 takes place from November 26 to 28. It requires proof of vaccination or negative test within 72 hours to attend.

There’s no mention of surviving children in any threads related to Ms. Mayer’s death.

Information tyranny accelerating?

We know that vaxx zealots will deflect all attention away from the obvious with this story. It simply doesn’t matter what corner of the globe you live. Dystopia is fully executed at this point. A 36-year-old woman from the southern India state of Karnataka died on Friday, October 22. She received her second Covishield (AstraZeneca) shot just 30 minutes before she died. But local police say they won’t know what killed her until an autopsy is done.

The upcoming generation of children is completely indoctrinated thanks to obsequious, obedient parents. Generation Alpha (born after 2010) will be, for lack of better term, interesting to observe 10 years from now.

Alpha is also the first letter of the Greek alphabet and apparently signifies the first generation of full GMO humans. But don’t forget the vaxx-hesitant adults. There’s a brothel in Austria offering free 30-minute sex sessions with the prostitute of your choice in exchange for desperate men receiving the injections.

Pfizer’s executives are trying to get people like myself arrested. CEO Albert Bourla said that anyone spreading truth (which he calls “conspiracy”and “misinformation”) about the lethal injections are “criminals.”

Forget Pablo Escobar. Pfizer is perhaps the most notorious criminal drug dealing organization in world history. Yet this guy can get on television and not even be questioned about the history of his criminal cartel. Both he and Fauci get free passes to lie and deceive on television. Further, Project Veritas journalists had their homes raided by the FBI earlier this month for reporting truth about the injections.

Truth is the new terrorism, as is the slogan on another website run by this blogger. As Malcolm X once said, “the price of freedom is death.” There will be no raids on this blogger. If death is now the penalty for true journalism, then bring it on. Unfortunately that’s where we’re at, folks.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

The more the vaxxed die, the less the world can ignore it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

It feels it will get to the point they do not care and will eagerly sacrifice their own lives for their cult (science, covid, etc.)

2 years ago
Reply to  Justice

That’s not true. Most people are not part of the vaccine worship culture, many just got it because they didn’t think it was that big of a deal and figured it was a way to be able to live normally again. I live in one of the most compliant areas and people don’t want more vaccines and many realize something is wrong. Believe me, one of their loved one dies and it changes things. I have seen it happen to a person who lost her husband post vaccine. The news media will flip as they people they care about die and wait for it – they will be the ones who scream the loudest about being deceived and victimized.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rose

The news media will never flip. Big Pharma is the largest advertiser on all forms of media. And when that isn’t enough, Big Pharma then bribes, threatens and blackmails the outliers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

Yeah, you would think, right? TBH, I am seeing only the slightest indication of that myself, but we’ll see.
This blog provides a great reference for anyone who starts to have questions, hopefully they will continue online.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

You’d think that but…….

2 years ago

This is just one chapter in the story of reality. I pray that as many as possible would see the reality right before their eyes. There is a God, both life and the universe did not come from nothing.

That same God has revealed Himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ. Who you believe Jesus was and your decision to be a follower of Him have eternal consequences. He was not the New Age Guru Jesus, the Mormon Spirit brother of Lucifer Jesus, the Hindu Avatar Jesus, the Muslim prophet Jesus.

He is the Son of God, the Lamb of God, the Way, the Truth and the Life, the Saviour of mankind, He is Christ.

He is also the free pass that we get to escape God’s perfect judgement.

Yes that’s a hard part for a lot of us. People like the cuddly all loving God that they think just forgives us no matter what and everyone who dies goes to heaven unless they were obviously a “bad person”.

The part they (either intentionally or not) tend to overlook is that God is equally Loving and Just. He must judge sin and He will. This physical life is your one and only chance to be reconciled to God.

Hebrews 9:27-28 “just as a man is appointed once to die then the judgement, so also Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await him…”

Heaven is the place that all evil will be vanquished for eternity. It won’t exist. And in the presence of God the Father it cannot exist. Therefore he must judge sin aka evil and quarantine it to one place FOREVER. I put that in caps for a reason.

God the Father sent Jesus as a rescue plan for us. It’s a free gift. You don’t deserve it and neither do I. But that’s how He can be equally loving and just.

He judges all for their sin. A penalty is paid for all who have sinned before a perfect God who is the Standard of morality. Jesus took the penalty willingly on himself to pay that fine. He paid it for whoever willingly accepts his payment in their place.

Those who reject the free gift have to pay the fine themselves.

God won’t force you to want to be with Him. He gives you what you choose.

Just like Brian says here on the site so often, now that a person has been warned about the consequences of these death shots if something happens to them, it’s on them.

Well the same applies here in the spiritual battlefield as well.

Romans 1:20 “since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood by his workmanship so that men are without excuse.”

If you’re a truther, or are starting to wake up about all the insanity in our world, the Great Reset, the NWO, the lies the evil, please don’t stop there. Know that the God who made you loves you and has laid out a free pass to eternal life with Him. Open a bible and starting praying to God to reveal himself to you and He will. Through Jesus.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

He is also the free pass that we get to escape God’s perfect judgement.

Christians are bereft of their senses and arrogant beyond all human comprehension.

They think that just because they muttered a “Sinner’s Prayer” when they were 18 AND committed a few less sins than the Queers commit; they have an automatic Get out of Hell Free Card.

Newsflash: You are ALL participants in the American Beast System since you reached the Age of Reason; and have ALL violated God knows how many of the Biblical injunctions; being a “Good Christian” has been reduced to not being a queer in 2021; lolz.

The surprise of your life awaits on your respective check out days; take it from a woman who knows.

“No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.”
____John 3:13

So what makes you think you’re so special?

Anthony William
Anthony William
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

I don’t detect any arrogance in Andre. He is just trying to guide people to Jesus Christ so that they will be saved from the judgement to come.

True Christian faith is not just “muttering the sinners prayer”, as you put it.
True Christian faith is caused by an act of God when the Holy Spirit causes a person to be born again .

The eternal life a Christian receives is the very life of Jesus Christ. It is not a mere concept or momentary experience as you seem to suggest.

A Christian must live in the world whilst doing their best to live a holy life and avoiding sin. They render to Caesar what is Caesar’s but they are not of this world. They are a new creation born of God.

What makes a Christian so special is that we are chosen by God from before the foundation of the world.

Ephesians 1:4 
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

With salvation, comes a change of expectation, The Christian now lives for God forsaking the sinful ways of the world in obedience to Jesus Christ. I can assure you that this does not lead to arrogance but to a humble life of service to Jesus Christ.

You have judged Andre and have been abusive to him, as he seeks to serve Jesus Christ and help others.

I don’t know what caused you to be so bitter. You have made a conscious effort to oppose God and His gospel.

You quote the word of God, so you are not doing this out of ignorance. So, I think it is you who will be surprised upon leaving this world, unless God intervenes and saves you.

2 years ago

I don’t know what caused you to be so bitter. You have made a conscious effort to oppose God and His gospel.

I am the Daughter of Babylon; mentioned so prominently in Isaiah 47 and Zechariah 5. I am here to oppose Jehovah in the sub-lunar realm; that is the region under the Moon.

Patmos John goes on to inveigh against Me in Revelation.

If you think I write satirically; think again. You will know Me when you see Me; so keep your eyes peeled.

37. For I am BABALON, and she my daughter, unique, and there shall be no other women like her.
___Liber 49

As far as the balance of your post goes; you misinterpreted essentially every point I set forth in the original dispatch; and I have not the inclination to refute you seriatim


Derek Felton
Derek Felton
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

If you are quoting Isaiah 47 then you know very well what awaits the “daughters of Babylon”. You seem quite chuffed about your impending doom ? I can’t for the life of me make sense of what you are trying to say other than you have spent too much time in the moonlight ! There is no such thing as a “free pass”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Derek Felton

I can’t for the life of me make sense of what you are trying to say

If that be the case; then you would be wise to refrain from commenting on that which I profess.

“If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?”
___John 3:12

The Nazarene and I have more in common than one might think…

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

I think it’s more complex than thinking Jesus is the only way. Only a part of the planet is Christian, whatever that means. I don’t believe God will toss loving honest people of other faiths away. That’s about the most arrogant and repulsive thing that Christians say. And repeat. No “Christian” is so perfect he’s in a position to condemn anyone else. That’s a completely totalitarian mindset and as bad as the government pushing the vax. You’re supposedly elite status is in your mind only. You drive people away with that judgmental crap.

Louise Gallagher
Louise Gallagher
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Your “non-judgmental” let’s all get together idea may be ideal but only that. The Bible is clear concerning Christians versus the “non Christians. Severing oneself from the unholy isn’t arrogant nor judgmental. We are given a conscience to tell the difference between right and wrong. You might like to evaluate yours.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Most of this judgemental crap is why many in the United States and elsewhere have become self-identified atheists and Satanists. They are in reality running away from the judgemental crap and the holier-than-thou attitudes.

Mark Passio reveals why dark occultists currently run the world. One of their key ‘sins’ is Stupidity, to keep themselves on top and maintain a knowledge/power differential over the masses they call ‘The Dead’ (including those who think they are ‘Saved’) for their ignorance.

For this reason they have been very successful in past operations like infiltrating and promoting solipsism in the New Age movement, hijacking and promoting the brand of Feminism that has destroyed man-woman relationships, and infiltrating all the organized religions, because they have vastly superior knowledge of our psychological mindset than most of us do.

They told all this to Mark Passio in the 1990s, and when they say it, they actually make sure to go ahead and do it. While the dark occult’s actions goes against Creation, the Universe respects someone whose thoughts, (dark) care and action are aligned.

This is why the entire operation to get most of the world population injected was even allowed to get off the ground, because they knew better than most of us how many would run for it with sleeves rolled up ahead of time.

The case of people virtue signalling and making excuses for their own seemingly illogical decisions would come as no surprise to a high level dark occultist.

They said as much in ‘Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars’ in a 1954 uber-elite meeting that a human not willing to use his intelligence is no better than an animal, and are only worthy as beasts of burden or steaks on the table by choice or consent. They also decided that wars, while good for culling, would also lead to wholesale destruction and therefore chose to push for ‘benevolent slavery and genocide’.

This lends credence to the idea by some that this injection is a global test for our ability to use intelligence and critical thinking in spite of the fear, propaganda and coercion.

What we have, we hold the line.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

God makes the rules, not you. God is very clear, salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ only. Your suppposed kindness and goodness means nothing in terms of your salvation. It’s arrongance and pride that makes you believe you are entitled to be with a perfect and Holy God. Also,there is nothing unfair or elite about it. Massive church growth and the acceptance of Jesus is occurring everywhere. Westerners and other developed nations, who have had the Gospel for years are the ones foolishly rejecting it now!

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Okay, so you think Jesus is a liar. There’s people like me who believe Him and you think it’s crap.
You’ll find out some day soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Christians are people. People are sometimes arrogant and repulsive. Belonging to a religion often confers a holier-than-thou attitude.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Hi Wim,

You bring up a great point about how only part of the planet is Christian and how God wouldn’t toss honest people of other faiths away.

This is a similar argument to religious Pluralism. This is the idea that all religions lead one to God. Although this is a very nice idea, it doesn’t really add up.

Although many religions in the world have similarities, their differences are what cause a problem for that argument.

Christians believe that one can only get to God through Jesus and what he did on the cross. They believe that because Jesus himself said this. And if it’s not true, he willingly was tortured and crucified for nothing. His sacrifice meant nothing if all one has to do is be a good person and follow the religion of their choice or upbringing.

Judaism rejects that Jesus was who he said he was, so does Islam.

Hinduism and Buddhism don’t believe in theism which Judaism, Islam and Christianity do.

Those are just the main world religions. We could go on about the differences, but in the end two religions could both be wrong, but the way things are, they cannot both be true.

So if the Muslims are right then all the Jews and Christians, etc are wrong.

If the Hindus are right then all the Muslims, Budihsts, etc are wrong.

I know a lot of people don’t like this, but it’s a basic argument that doesn’t take a lot of thought to wrap our heads around.

The important thing is to get it right. Especially if there seems to be a time sensitive aspect to getting it right (I.e. before you die). It’s my view that the historical Jesus is who he said he was. After looking at the evidence I don’t have any good reason to think otherwise.

I hope this helps.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

Amen 🙂
Anyone who believes in Jesus to give them the free gift of eternal life has it.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

Great witnessing. And, as for the person below, “Newsflash” We know all have sinned and deserve God’s judgement, however; “Anyone who calls on name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13. Of course, this is referring on calling on the only name by which we are saved, “Jesus” At His name, every knee will bow. He and only He, God’s Son can save us. We are not to continue in sin, of course, but, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So, the Sinners Prayer is for those who do not know how to ask Jesus to save them, it’s like Kindergarten child. He does well then, he moves forward on to higher education if he desires. We can’t just state the sinner’s prayer and go on lying, cheating and hurting others intentionally. We have to mature and move from baby’s milk to a continual relationship with Jesus Christ. It is an awesome experience. You will have a Best Friend, someone who knows your heart, accepts you just the way you are. He created you and He already knows who is going to accept the FREE gift of salvation. The right to choose either heaven or an eternity in darkness where there is no light, ever. See you in Heaven!! He will be here soon. All that is happening right now in the earth, He predicted all of this. Read Matthew 24:3-48.

2 years ago

Brilliant article, so much to cover.

As soon as I seen her profile pic I knew she was one of those SJW type wankers (and I was right).

And typical normie behavior of her wearing a cloth mask and not a medical mask (and probably denouncing us anti maskers for not saving granny yet she can’t be bothered to wear a proper face mask)

It’s good to hear that 92% percent of the lgbt crowd have at least one death shot pumped into their aids riddled bodies.

Keep strong my fellow dissenters. I love you all so much. This blog and everyone commenting keeps me both sane and happy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Thank you for your comment…the more awake you are to all this wickedness and madness in this world, the more you need others like-minded to remind you that you are not alone in this Zombie Apocolypse…Those that worship the Death Cult and partake in their Witchcraft will surely reap what they sow…unless they come to their scenes, wake up and repent…there is one pathway out of this madness…the LGBT have that invitation…but it is a choice of ” Free Will ‘ if they want to repent or keep taking the 666 Soul Snatching Kill Shots…may they all choose wisely…but we know most of them won’t…

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I thought I would get an organic cotton mask to wear because I heard somewhere that the medical masks(and tests) were contaminated with Graphene Oxide.

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

Huh I never knew that. I’ll take your word for it.

But i wouldn’t wear a mask anyway. Infact you shouldn’t wear a mask. If we wear masks we are contributing the NWO. I like to breathe and keep my immune system in top shape.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aidan
2 years ago

The stupidity has ramped up to egregious proportions these days. Last week while driving I passed by a business with a compounding pharmacy inside. They had put up a roadside sign that read
“Now providing Covid anti-bodies”. I sh*t you not; not shots or vaxxines, but “anti-bodies”. Can’t even shake my head anymore, my neck hurts from doing it so much.

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Remember that movie ” Idiocracy “? That was Predictive Programming for what you described…Welcome to the Corona Zombie Apocolypse…search CDC Zombie Preparedness Manual…I kid you not…

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Maybe the pharmacy was not advertising the vax, but something called monoclonal antibodies used in covid -19 treatment.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

They prob meant monoclonal antibodies like Regen-Cov.

David does not back down
David does not back down
2 years ago

I do respect everyone here. It shows there is hope and there are people fighting back. We are not alone. As for douchebags like piers Morgan here I pray that they open their eyes but I know its already way too late

2 years ago

I’ve stepped into things that I had to scrape off my shoes, that I still respect more than Piers Morgan.

2 years ago

I don’t believe that is is ever “too late”. As long as you are breathing air, you have a chance. God can turn anyone around that asks Him. I pray for those who think they are beyond forgiveness. The only thing that is unforgivable is rejecting the Hoy Spirit. You would do that if you are absolutely determined you hate God and want nothing to do with Him and you do that so many times that He will turn His head from you. But, look at Paul. He hated Christians and persecuted them until one day, God spoke to him and blinded him. God asked him, Saul, why do you persecute me? He then repented and his name changed to Paul. He has written the most wonderful and interesting books in the Bible. New Testament books. Very wise and comforting information.

2 years ago

So pervasive and entrenched is the propaganda, they don’t even care if their own die off. They question nothing except the truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

They’re not their own really, just bots they control and ultimately despise. The satanic liars know they are lying. These poor fools don’t.

2 years ago

If all was right and just in the world, these deaths would be investigated, but of course that won’t happen because this pro vaxx at all costs narrative is like a bad relationship. In a bad relationship, red flags are usually evident in the beginning and become more pronounced as time goes on. Some will see the red flags and get out but a certain segment of the population will stay in a bad relationship for a variety of reasons ~ perhaps they’ve already sunk a lot of time into it or they don’t want to be alone, etc.

The pro vaxx at all costs narrative is similar to a bad relationship. There are red flags everywhere. In an ethical world, our government and medical establishment would be investigating possible vaccine injuries and deaths, but they’re not unless absolutely forced to do so. Early COVID treatments are deliberately suppressed in favor of a vaccines only agenda. These are just a few of the many red flags.

I always wonder when people like Petra Mayer die, will her family and coworkers question what happened or will they just chalk it up to happenstance and carry on with business as usual? If you would have told me in 2019, that the cognitive dissonance was going to be this steep, I wouldn’t have believed it.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

So, she was liberal, pro LGBTQ etc etc, well… good riddance 👋, next….

Most LGBTQ got at least one shot? Good, hope they get all the rest too, but their damage to humanity is irreversible, so nothing would be a good enough punishment for them as it changes nothing. Yeah I know, its mean, but I’ve had all that I can take of them and I could say much, much more.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

I feel your pain…this is one of the few forums where you can speak your mind…I also think they have it coming…no matter what Logic, Facts, or Documentation you give them…they will rebuke you…so let them enjoy their ” Medicine ” out of their own ” Free Will “…

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

It’s so funny that they are willingly injecting this poison of their own free will too lol

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

“Yeah I know, its mean, but I’ve had all that I can take of them and I could say much, much more.”

Nothing to feel bad about my man, they want you and your family dead – mine too, for that matter.

Turning a blind eye & ‘the other cheek’ is a recipe for a good life . . . and quite possibly a free cot in a FEMA camp while you await your disposal.

2 years ago

For all the vaccine injury/death deniers… you should be freaking out right now because people are collapsing and dying for no reason at all! Blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, myocarditis at 10x rates of last year!

THAT should worry them.

2 years ago
Reply to  RedPillSociety

Comment Gold…you would think a few of them would be having nightmares and buyer’s remorse by now? Sorry LGBT…Albert Bourla, Kill Gates, Fraudci, Wolensky, just to name a few of Lucifers chosen Tribe do not offer any refunds for what you foolishly believed was for ” Free “…you let them change your DNA and forfeited your Souls…the Creator can no longer Recognize you…the moment the Luciferase Death Serum entered your bloodstream…Your body, Your choice…

2 years ago

Bourla and Fauci are Jewish. What were you guys expecting when you tolerate Abrahamic religion? That we could all get along? The Jews are known to be liars, and Christianity (as well as Islam) has been a support base for the Jewish Agenda.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

Fauci is Jesuit.

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

. . . someone needs to do a little reading on the foundational underpinnings of the Jesuit Order.

Lower Tones
Lower Tones
2 years ago
Reply to  J H

“Jesuit” is NOT a religion

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Lower Tones

He is an Italian Catholic.

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

Doesn’t matter. Jesuit is another jesuit sector.

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

Heck we haven’t even gotten to a year of these vaccines being available and they are already dropping like flies. It is clear that many are without any discernment of the truth, and have blindly obeyed their masters and took the clot shot. Interestingly, it seems the godless are the most effect by these jabs, since they don’t Trust in God, and instead trust in Man (who is corrupt). Interesting days ahead.

2 years ago

I think it’s more than that, it’s not seeking truth. God is truth, and truth is love. One has to understand there is a just God in the first place. Many who indulge in the lgbt life know it is against God and lose their spiritual way completely. They’re hiding from God, so they aren’t oriented toward truth in the first place. Can’t recognize when it’s in front of their faces. They embrace lies instead.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

And the opposite of that is: “You can’t fool an honest man.”

2 years ago

As horrific as these deaths and side effects are I believe the real horror will be those that do not die and become gmo-humans. Transhumanism, humans 2.0. 😥🥵

2 years ago

It seems the leftist, authority loving crowd is marching full steam ahead into self elimination. They are useful to the agenda…

Looking at this girl who rejected a normal hetero life and still plays dress up at 46 looks like a woman suffering from arrested development. No marriage, no family. Perpetual child. With pronouns.

The leftists like authoritarian regimes because they are either that way themselves and desire power or they are still children and desire to be controlled.

In the end she was just another useful idiot who took herself out by believing socialist lies.

2 years ago

And those of us who have eyes that can see and ears they can hear We’ve been saying this was going to come for months and sure enough here it is people falling dead from a poisonous pile of junk liquid.Can we say the great see you LLING

Last edited 2 years ago by Tony
2 years ago

This woman worked for NPR, which is a liberal news source, so she definitely fell for the Covid propaganda hook, line, and sinker. She did not realize the Covid jab was a kill shot until it was too late, and now she is gone from this world.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

Very sad. R.I.P. If there’s any silver lining, there’s one less person working at NPR.

Maggie Kay
Maggie Kay
2 years ago

Another beautiful human taken from this world too soon because of the “jab.” RIP

2 years ago

The same Pfizer CEO who said ‘I am 59, in good health and not in the frontline I don’t need this ‘vaccine’.’

But its been forced on children as young as 5.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

I’m not sure where to place this comment, but I think it needs to get said…

Don’t just protest against vaxx policies themselves, because to do that is to play only defense. An offense is necessary… protest against the people who inflict these diktats on society, attack them as being immoral, impugn their motives, ridicule their behavior, typify them as brownshirts, goosesteppers, prison camp guards, dirty vaccinated spike-shedders. In other words, create a message that gets through to them personally, because otherwise they will just ignore your blather about inanimate passports or lockdowns and what it’s doing to you. Make the issue about them, not you, and always attack, never defend.

2 years ago

“Petra Mayer: 46-year-old National Public Radio book editor “died suddenly” from blood clots”

Aww, another little Bolshevik angel got its wings into commie heaven – I love these feel good stories, keep ’em coming, Brian.

2 years ago

Has the Pfizer guy gotten a shot yet. He keeps claiming he doesn’t get around that much and therefore, doesn’t need one. Barf.

2 years ago

Those who die from the vaccines will become Holy Martyrs in the maniac quest for a fully vaccinated world.

2 years ago

Resist! Resist! Resist! Unless it’s purely Vitamins and Zinc..

Skip winters
Skip winters
2 years ago

Yawn…No remorse for these sheep that were warned and in return only mocked

2 years ago

Epic reporting here, Brian. I want to personally thank you for all your hard work and dedication to delivering humanity with truth!
I read day & night for months to warn family & friends away from the killshots; your site/pictures are a great help in “the Valley of Decision”-whether texting pictures, or dropping your link in chats!

You may not know how many lives you snatch from the reaper, but ONE makes the struggle worth winning.
TV & fear snatched some back, so GREAT CALL listing the 3 Trump supporters wrecked by the slow burn, or “job.” No job is worth suffering/death!

This is a lonely call: One old friend considered me a “possible threat to him if war broke out” during the height of Jan 6th deceptive MSM insanity! Broke my heart:

He’s triple jabbed, & masks up driving ALONE to a prestigious job.:
The idea that I could harm HIM, when I’m now marked “terrorist” for my beliefs is a glimpse into the powerful kaleidoscope of mass psychosis.
The overreaching indoctrination & fear power is disturbing!.

Intelligence and “Christianity” are shockingly no match for this Zionist-lead death cult; their roots stretch deeply into the bowels of Mi5, Mossad /Israeli intelligence/China blackmail or death threats that keep most USA politicians, judges and Media neatly in check.
How else can Pfizer thrive after promoting Lyrica as a pain reliever-or psychiatric aid~??

I didn’t see a peep in the O’Keefe link about him reporting on the shots- the raid was about Biden’s daughter/diary drama.
Another issue you state is a high % of vaxxed in the USA- I believe those #s are falsely inflated to deject truthers.

Several reports I’ve read place our sheeple around 40% (vaxd, -if that). There are more of us, & they are the ones whose immune systems are shot!

The “Dark Winter” BS is what concerns me, as “Build BACK Better” insinuates destruction of what IS; We have to survive the accuser’s manufactured chaos without getting sucked into war!

Thank you for all you do & I hope you have some land/indoor farming/water back up to sustain you if the prion sheeple & 1% gang up on us pure bloods to create their freaking satanic Borg dystopia!
Light triumphs in the end.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris
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