Cienna Knowles: 19-year-old Australian horse trainer received second Pfizer mRNA injection “to keep my job,” develops numerous blood clots, can no longer work
November 8, 2021

Ms. Cienna Knowles.

GOSFORD, NEW SOUTH WALES — A 19-year-old equestrian is accepting that her life of Instagram modeling and horseback riding is likely over after caving to pressure and coercion.

Ms. Cienna Knowles received her second Pfizer mRNA injection on October 21, according to her Instagram account. Her entire existence flipped upside down later that evening. Ms. Knowles said she woke up with myriad adverse effects, including heart palpitations, muscle aches, headache, vomiting and blurred vision. She knew “something was seriously wrong” with her that night.

She went to the emergency room the next morning. Doctors discovered blood clots in her legs, stomach and lungs. Doctors also discovered internal bleeding. Rebecca Donnelly, Cienna’s mother, posted an updated three days later via Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick. The latter is one of the very few Australian politicians who tells truth about the injections.

Ms. Donnelly said Cienna was diagnosed with portal vein thrombosis (PVT) – blood clots in the portal vein. The portal vein “is the main vessel of the portal venous system (PVS), which drains the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen to the liver.”

Doctors admitted the obvious – that the blood clots were caused by the Pfizer injections.

“No jab, no job” ultimatum

Ms. Knowles posted another update on TikTok from the hospital. She was scared to get the shots and held off for as long as she could. “But I toughed it out and did what was right to do,” she said. Ms. Knowles reported chest pains due to the blood clots in her lungs and other adverse effects that she’s keeping private because she’s “struggling to come to terms with them.” Doctors told Ms. Knowles that she is the first person from Australia to develop blood clots after the Pfizer injections.

Ms. Knowles is on several medications, including blood thinners, to mitigate the symptoms. Doctors told her that the symptoms are likely to persist for 6 to 12 months. But Ms. Knowles said in both her TikTok video and Instagram post that this is likely her “new normal.” She’s already reminiscing about her former life from just two weeks ago.

A few days later, she posted another update seeking people to take care of her horses. Ms. Knowles also conceded that she’s “at super high risk of brain bleeds,” essentially admitting that she could die at any moment.

Her last update is from November 5. Ms. Knowles frequently posted swimsuit, gym and modeling photos, complete with a huge smile, prior to Pfizer. She barely looks like herself in the most recent picture. We’ll update in due course.

Booster shots begin in Australia

And that means we’ll be busy sifting through death and maiming stories down under. The creepiest part of the Australian “booster rollout” is that those who received AstraZeneca for their first two shots must get Pfizer for the third shot. Thus they’ll have both the viral vector DNA and the mRNA formulas in their bodies. As of today, this blog has yet to cover a case of mixing the two types of shots. We can only imagine what that’s going to look like.

Australia is now 80% “fully vaccinated,” according to various sources. That’s hard to believe considering they were at about 12% in July. But perhaps the vaccines equals freedom psy-op is working as planned. Prime Minister Scott Morrison is again moving the goalposts. First he said the country will re-open completely at 70% vaccination. Then he changed it to 80%. But Sydney and Melbourne have only eased restrictions by “allowing” people to eat in restaurants and re-opening schools. Cops are also still going door-to-door asking people if they know anyone who attends protests.

It seems we’re going to be covering lots of stories of individuals who caved and received the injections despite their own personal objections. Ms. Knowles is at least the fourth case in the last two weeks of someone receiving the shots to save their jobs, only to be maimed and unable to work. Bottom line is that you cannot save those who don’t want to be saved. You just have to let them meet their fates. We’re all going to start losing people close to us soon. This blogger has already lost one.

Make sure you hug all the people you love tightly this Thanksgiving and Christmas, as it could be the last time you see them as “normal.” Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

At least she is protected from the deadly rona (at least that is what joe normie thinks).

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Right, nothing else for her to worry about, really! (again, per Joe Normie) And of course, she “did her part” with her “act of love”.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

Australia and New Zealand are clear examples of how to turn humans into Sheeple…..

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

And, unfortunately, half the US.

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

“A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves”
___from my 2019 book

2 years ago

Sincere condolences to you Brian. Losing a loved one is never fun, but to lose them in such a manner just makes it that much worse.

2 years ago

I always enjoy your aftermaths, Brian, but I wouldn’t hug any vaccinated person, and for that matter keep my distance. Shedding is a real and harmful phenomenon. I’ve gone through the cycle of exposure/cleansing several times now. Usually, 20 minutes of intense exposure will be followed by 10 days of cleansing. The spike protein will adversely effect your blood circulation, heart beat and mental acuity, including headaches. Gradually, the immune system corals the invaders to a region of the body, where it tries to dissolve them, leading to intense local pain. Those spikes are hardy bastard, and the body moves them from the skull to the chest several times. Unpleasant, to say the least. Nowadays, I’m extremely cautious with my daily activities.

2 years ago
Reply to  admin

I also believe gut health may help too. I am not sure if there is scientific evidence to prove that gut health helps with Covid-19, but it makes sense because the immune system starts in the gut, and there is what they call a gut, and brain connection.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

You are concerned about hugging any vaxxed person? May I ask the following items?
Do you think it would be more harmful in the first week or two after vaxxing, or is it just as risky even months later?
What do you do for a cleanse?
What do you see as intense exposure?

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

Shedding may be real, and it may be harmful, but I am still going to live my life. My grandkids have not been vaxxed, but their mother (my DIL) has. I am not going to let fear drive me to the opposite extreme that the vax zealots have gone. History is full of the diseased being shunned, like lepers (pun intended), and while we all should take reasonable precautions, I will hug my grandkids and all my family members who need it. I trust in the good Lord to watch over me, but even if not… again, don’t let fear and disease-mongering drive us to the same fanatical extremes we see on the other side.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Fear also decreases the immune system, which could make folks more susceptible to illnesses. Hopefully God can save the vaxxed even the ones that took it despite the warnings. My mom was double vaxxed, but she took the booster shot anyway even though I told her not to. She took it before she traveled to Africa for protection because she was worried about countries like Nigeria not taking Covid seriously or to the extreme like western countries. You don’t see everybody wearing masks constantly or social distancing. Also Africa has the lowest Covid vaccination rate in the world. Most people don’t want the vaccine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I agree. Fear and anxiety suppress the immune system, especially prolonged fear and stress.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Everyone should follow their own heart, Ron, and I wish you to be safe and healthy. However, I take issue with characterizing my comment as fear-based or anti-vaxxer mongering. It was a warning to others. I suffered acutely 5 times from intense exposure to spike protein, including a few blood clots, that taught me a hard lesson. If my experience can benefit even one person, then all for the better.

BTW, I won’t be surprised if the “vaccines” were designed to turn their recipients into shedders and thus potentially damage anyone around who refuses to take it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

I’m sorry you took my comment that way, I totally understand. I was only trying to take the position that I want to live a certain way and deal with the shedding a certain way. I’ve seen far too people on “this side” of the covid debate go to the extreme end of the continuum, completely the opposite of the fear-mongering of the covid cultists.

I do not doubt you are right about the reality of the shedding potential to hurt others. And I don’t mean to imply that “you” are fear-mongering. Both of us believe that the shedding stuff is real. We just have different ways of dealing with it. So my comment was directed at the issue in general, not against you specifically.

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

that concept crossed my mind as well– i definitely would not be surprised the vaccine was designed to affect others through shedding.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

There are doctor formulated Covid supplements that work in fighting the shedding. I have bought them before. Dr. Stella Immanuel has her own brand called CoviVitis, and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has is own brand called Z-Stack Vitamins, which has all the vitamins in one used to protect against Covid. There is another Covid supplement called Viro Spectrum Shield I discovered through Mammoth Nation even though I am not a member. Viro Spectrum Shield has been antiviral tested effective against C-19, which is funny because it was originally created to help fight the flu not Covid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

Glad you mentioned this since I work with primary aged children and some of them I know are going to be injected here in CA. I’m a little wary of working with them now whereas before I felt like we were comrades, the healthy vax-free (except for the face diapers).

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

“I always enjoy your aftermaths, Brian, but I wouldn’t hug any vaccinated person, and for that matter keep my distance.”

. . . things that make you go, hmmmm.

We have a neighbor whose very large dog we puppy-sit in our fenced 1/2 acre yard while she is away at work, or when she travels.

She’s vaxxed, and just got her booster the other day. I was near her outside that evening when she came to pick-up her dog.

The next morning I had the worst headache I’ve ever experienced, and I never get headaches. It took me down for an entire day; no other symptoms, just the headache.

Thankfully it subsided after 24 hours, but I can’t help but hate that this is the world we live in now – that I have to wonder about these things as I go though my day.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
Carole Murdoch
Carole Murdoch
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I experienced a very similar reaction a few months ago after spending a couple of hours with some family members one afternoon — 1 out of 5 of us had the jab.

That night I felt slightly unwell, by 5 am I awoke with a slamming headache, fatigue, short-term chills. After about 6 hours of this painful headache, it passed but I was fatigued and weak the rest of the day. I thought it could’ve been from vax shedding. Now I worry about the upcoming holidays… don’t want to risk a repeat of that misery. I’ve warned my husband that I’ll likely not participate.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Yes! We think this all the time – we hate this is the world we live in and hate these are the things we have to think about. I try to be optimistic, but it is challenging.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I can’t help but think that this type of exposure is good for the immune system of the un-injected in the long run. Unpleasant in the short term though.
It might be an ‘unnatural’ pathogen being shed but at least we’re all being exposed to it in a natural way.
Meaning that we encounter it with our front-line innate immune system just like every other pathogen, and our second-tier adaptive immune response is not even roused. Unless there’s big trouble.
That’s why (people don’t understand) ANYTHING injected into you just ‘appears’ before your adaptive immune system, with no warning at all from the front lines!
Huge shock to the system, which (suspecting it is about to die) flies into an enormous panic…
And any immunities gained in this manner will never be as good as the old-fashioned natural immunity where the pathogen properly came in the front door.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

“I can’t help but think that this type of exposure is good for the immune system of the un-injected in the long run. Unpleasant in the short term though.”

Brief moments of sub-clinical exposure would seem the best way to adjust to ‘The New Normal™’, but who knows at this point, all the rules seem to be out the window.

My wife had something similar happen after a cross country flight last May. Woke-up the next morning after a 14 hour flight, and had 6 or 8 silver-dollar sized yellow bruises on her body.

That’s when I started looking for answers on this . . . it’s creepy AF.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

I’ve been exposed 5 times, and each was worse than the prior. My body sure hasn’t developed any “immunity” to it. I suspect the designer of that bioweapon made sure collateral damage, in the form of shedding, will reach far and wide.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

shedding?? What do you mean by rhis? And why wouldn’t you hug a person who’s had the jab??

2 years ago
Reply to  Becky

Shedding in this sense refers to either the synthesis or the excretion of the spike protein by a “vaccinated” person’s skin. Since the spike protein is a toxin, exposure to shedded spike protein can lead to some of the typical symptoms: headaches, fatigue, unusual heart and circulatory issues etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  Becky

“Shedding” is colloquialism for transmitting. People who got either mRNA or viral load shots produce billions upon billions of spike protein, which their bodies work hard to exude, given that it’s poisonous and attacks their blood and organs. Their saliva, urine, excrement and sweat are all saturated with spike protein; a transmittable “aura” that comes off them. Those nanoparticles penetrate the skin or enter the airways of people in close proximity and poison their bodies. A long enough exposure will result in heart palpitations, poor blood circulation, blood clots, headaches and brain fog. From my experience, it can take weeks for the victim’s body to purge it. Brian has an interesting write-up about the subject.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

Hello, new here but I needed to respond to your post. Everything you said is true as I have experienced the exact same thing three times now. The worst exposure took 10 days to purge out of my system and YES, it only takes about 20 minutes to start feeling lousy from the initial moment of exposure. It really can be that fast.

For my first two “exposures” it was due to contact with someone who had just taken the shots…within two weeks each injection, each time. The second exposure (after the second shot) was MUCH, much worse. But we now know that the second injection is abut 30x stronger than the first one.

Now here is the scary part: the third exposure came three months AFTER this person’s second shot. It was no where near as intense but the fact that after three months they were STILL emitting something toxic is very alarming. But it is consistent to what Dr. Peter McCullough has said.

I have kept a journal of my exposures. The symptoms match every single time…dull headache that takes 10 days to go away, followed by severe intestinal issues, dizzyness, fatigue…and then shortness of breath for about two days..which then goes away and is replaced with the need to cough up phlegmy stuff for a couple more days. The onset of shortness of breath is quite alarming.

This has happened to me THREE times now. You do NOT build an immunity to this as you are being POISONED. Liken it to touching someone who is on chemotherapy…it comes out of every pore on their body and it WILL make you sick.

2 years ago

Makes me wonder if any of these maimed realize this is and always has been a depopulation agenda. Sadly, they may have enough spare time now, between convulsion and spasms, to read up on it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vix

Most of them were looking at our warnings as extreme conspiracy theories…they would rather trust experts…now conspiracy theories are once again becoming conspiracy facts…now the sheeple can reflect on all that…

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Most of their brains are irrevocably warped, and there will probably be no worthwhile reflecting. Instead, a display of victimhood and generalized hate.

It’s funny, you could show people all of the video evidence of the elite talking about the depop agenda, yet they would still cry “fake news!” and “conspiracy!”.

2 years ago

1) “Doctors told Ms. Knowles that she is the first person from Australia to develop blood clots after the Pfizer injections.” Bull crap. I don’t believe anything New Zealand says about their lipid nano particles, not for one nanosecond. For every “coincidence” a government or med establishment admits to, you can bet there are thousands more under the radar.

2) Brandon is true to form, moving the psy-op goal posts again, saying that we should be in the all-clear once we hit about 97% vaxxed. Good luck with that, Brandon.

3) Cienna can still model for Instagram, so all is not lost. She can post updates on her hospital clothing, her IVs, and other medical accessories. Who knows… maybe she can get some ventilator companies to sponsor her.

4) New Zealand and Australia, you used to be something special. But then you had to go and give up your right to bear arms, so I’m not really surprised that nations so quick to give up their guns were also the quickest to fall into a police state. Once upon a time, you virtual signaled about how America had become like the wild west, with all our guns and all. Now look at you. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

5) Hold the line, people, and don’t give in an inch. Do not give up your guns. Do not give up your right to bodily integrity. Do not comply!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Yep they practiced a very dangerous religion which is Statism…they drifted away from the Scriptures…and now paying for their Idolodry in many more ways than one…

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

What I have been wondering about is rumors of many rich people having bunkers in NZ. Is Ardern simply going to look the other way while these people come in the country and start to make use of these bunkers, or are they going to be able some entrance fee for the ability to navigate around restrictions? I don’t know if major events happen for another year or two because I happen to be convinced that perhaps all but 5% of the shots could be placebos, that we are a couple of boosters away from the main event. In any case, I won’t be taking a jab, despite this thing coming to my roost this week.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

yes, that would be the way to lull the public into a false sense of security- administer saline solution to a majority- which might also account for the virulent antagonism levelled at those against…looks likely that the worst is yet to come

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

“Doctors told Ms. Knowles that she is the first person from Australia to develop blood clots after the Pfizer injections.”

Complete bullshit. This is one that percolated to the surface and they couldn’t deny it and cover it over. They forget their own stories, as this is far from the first to be acknowledged publicly.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Great points, Ron. I have to admit, I stumbled when reading “Brandon” – but only for a moment! When I used to work at a hospital belonging to a major medical institution, I really noticed the difference when they offered early buyouts to the experienced nurses, in order to cut costs, and this was pre-covid. I shudder to think about having to go to any hospital nowadays. Hold the line, indeed!

2 years ago

My husband works for a government contractor. They are forcing these people to receive the jab. A couple of weeks ago two people at the plant he works at caved and got the shot to keep their jobs. Both of them died. Their families listed the cause as natural to receive life insurance. A woman at church yesterday was telling someone she just got her booster. She was telling about having a bad headache.

One if the most ridiculous things people who receive these shot say is I wanted to do the “right” thing. The powers that be have convinced people that to sacrifice their lives so that someone else can live without actually telling them the may be sacrificing their lives is evil. May each one of these people who perpetrated this on the people without their informed consent receive the rewards for their actions and soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

I had not thought about the life insurance issues. Interesting. Another reason why reported vax reactions are nowhere near reality.

I have a coworker whose husband took the J&J shot a couple months back before he had surgery, a condition he had to meet before they would operate. He now has extremely high blood pressure and, as far as I know, hasn’t gotten it down to a normal range yet.

I’m noticing lots of people with blood pressures higher than I’ve ever seen, even when I worked in critical care units in hospitals. I’ve been in the field a loooong time, an RN for more than 35 years, and I have never seen as many super-high blood pressures as I’ve seen since these gene therapy drugs were started. I’m talking about BPs well over 200+ for the systolic (and cases >240), and the docs have a hard time getting them lowered.

One common thread I’ve seen woven throughout almost all of these vax reactions is the difficulty doctors are having in fighting the symptoms. All this is completely uncharted territory for them. Making matters worse, they are fighting symptoms induced on a genetic level, but are using normal, non gene-based symptom treatment therapies and protocols, which are almost useless.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

The saddest element of all (for me) is that the injured are going from dr. to dr. to dr. because they don’t get that the protein synthesis machinery of their cells has been hijacked. Now, because they’ve had the shot, their cells are expressing foreign proteins, which is a conundrum for the immune system whose ONLY task is to distinguish foreign from native and destroy/eliminate that which is not native. They get frustrated when drs. won’t take their cases, but what can any dr. do for them?
The reality is just as you put it: They’re using normal, non gene-based symptom treatment therapies and protocols, which are almost useless.

I’m telling myself that the drs. are trying to be kind, sparing the feelings of these desperate people; but in my view, they should also spare their wallets. Try to provide relief, but to give them false hope adds insult to injury.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Like I said in a comment on another video, a $25 shot can turn into tens of thousands of extra $$$ for all the scans, tests, diagnostics, screenings, therapies, blood draws, hospitalizations, ER visits, ambulance rides, and all the medications they order, trying to chase these vax injuries, while denying (the vast majority of the time) the vax implications.

The problem with a great many of them is that they have already ruled out (because of fear, denial, vax zeal, or simply following protocol) that the vax could be causing these “coincidences” and therefore will not even include that possibility in the differential diagnosis. Although to be fair, they can only treat the symptoms anyway, since they have no idea (nor the capability) as to how to treat the underlying gene damage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Add to that the fact that a majority of these doctors are advising their once healthy patients to take these jabs. That’s adding massive insult to these injuries.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Wow. Wow. Wow. You make a lot of good points. Thank you for the work that you do as an RN.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Reminds me of the VA letter I received a few months ago asking me to “sacrifice one more time….” for nation and get “covid 19” “vaccine”-translated, we want you to sacrifice your soul and health to Satan for the the “greater good” (“greater bad” really).

2 years ago

LOL. “First case” to develop blood clots in Australia! Not only this type of clot but others, I’m sure, have occurred. Deceiving doctors.

Good luck to the girl. Animal lovers I have a soft spot for but at this point you gotta think outside the what-I-do-for-work box unless you want to be injected with garbage. Toxic garbage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

It seems to be a lie of omission/obfuscation by these demons, I mean doctors. They probably mean it’s the first clot in this specific location, but make it sound as if it’s the first clot occurrence ever from the oh so safe Pfizer jab.

2 years ago

“Bottom line is that you cannot save those who don’t want to be saved. You just have to let them meet their fates.” Sadly, I agree with this. I have tried multiple times in multiple ways to present the other side of the picture to these vaccines being “safe and effective” but I’m finding most simply don’t want to hear it. Then there’s the group who knows there’s something off about these vaccines, but they’re willing to play Russian Roulette so they don’t have to make any changes in their lives. I feel like I’m living in the Twilight Zone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christine
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

It’s true you can’t save those who don’t want your help. You may just end up getting pulled under with them.
And as for you feeling as if you’re “living in the Twilight Zone”, I feel as if I’m living in that other Rod Serling masterpiece the “Night Gallery”.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrMonkeyShines
2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

“It’s true you can’t save those who don’t want your help. You may just end up getting pulled under with them.” Yes. This is really true. There was one person in particular whom I really wanted to help. I warned him about getting his 12 year old son vaccinated. His son is really healthy, plays sports, etc. I had to back off of the whole situation. This adult man that I warned had COVID himself then received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. He told me he experienced side effects and “hasn’t been right since.” Despite all this, I feel like there’s a good chance his son will get vaccinated…I pray not but it’s not up to me. I had to let it go because it’s not my son and it’s not my life. But there are a lot of people like this…they kinda see the light but prefer walking around in the dark. You’re right. It’s best to stay away.

2 years ago

an anecdote from an on-line comment by woman in Australia. Her brother had severe reactions after 1 jab of AZ. But the doc just told him to switch to Pfizer. Not only that, he has to start from scratch — i.e., 2 jabs of Pfizer. so total of 3 jabs just to be considered “fully jabbed.” psychopath, sadist.

2 years ago

The people behind this are evil. The leaders are following orders and now are equally as evil.They might not have known at the beginning but shortly afterwards it became obvious and they still get up and talk climate change like the 10,000s of their citizens are injured, dying and disabled do not exist. This 19 year old girl is done for life. Boosters on the way soon. My job gone soon. My ability to buy and live gone soon. My death soon – but not from that juice.

Last edited 2 years ago by covid1984pl
2 years ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

You’ve got conviction, foresight and fight in you….you’re not dying pal, you’re a fighter

2 years ago

Bottom line is that you cannot save those who don’t want to be saved.

Just as you cannot free a slave from slavery…if a slave wanted to be free; he would be either free; dead; or in shackles.

Jess Hansen
Jess Hansen
2 years ago

Man she was a hottie. Now she is going to be dead in 10 years or less. Very sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jess Hansen

3 years or less

2 years ago

I feel for this poor girl. I am Australian, grew up in Gosford and rode horses there in my teens. It is becoming unbearable here at the moment. My partner and I are both resisting getting shots but we are being treated like second class citizens – everyone who is vaccinated is out at pubs and restaurants but we can’t do any of that and can’t leave our local government area. Many shops need proof of vaccination to enter so we just have to order everything online and get it delivered. I refuse to wear a mask 99% of the time but had to twice when I couldn’t order things online, refuse to get the jab and won’t download the Service NSW app that you need to scan all the QR Codes. Our employer looks like they are forcing my partner to get vaccinated by mandating his role. I feel like I am in a parallel universe – Nuremberg Code!!!! Nobody is accepting this is experimental, no full list of ingredients, the MSM is hiding vaccine deaths and injuries and our reporting body the TGA makes it so onerous to fill out a report that nobody does it. There is therefore no informed consent and we are being coerced into getting it! I am going to stand my ground though as the booster shots are now being rolled out so I am expecting the S… to hit the fan!

2 years ago
Reply to  Liz

TELL them you have natural immunity….far more effective than man-made toxic jabs….tell them natural immunity is far superior at preventing COVID19….tell them to fck off….good luck, you’re not alone….there’s millions in Australia who are with you

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Liz

So sorry you’re under so much pressure, but also: so proud of you. Rooting for you. Hang in there!

2 years ago
Reply to  Liz

Liz, I really wish you all the best. I don’t say that lightly. We need more people like yourself to stand up and fight.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

Sad Australia gave up their guns years ago. Perhaps if they didn’t maybe their fascist police wouldn’t be doing a Gestapo on everyone.

Linda N
2 years ago

I find a lot of these comments very judgmental. Keep in mind that the goal of these governments (the US included) is to MAKE it impossible to refuse these jabs, and they are doing just that! People make it sound so easy to just quit a job and find a new one. How is that possible when ALL of the employers in a country are requiring the jabs to work? It is deliberately being planned this way. And you have to get the jab now to get any kind of medical care.

This is why I am now seeing many holistic physicians coming up with protocols of supplements etc. if one is forced to take these shots. No guarantee that any of these protocols will work but they are at least looking at the mechanisms of damage and trying to come up with stuff. And they are doing this because, like the rest of us, they are seeing the writing on the wall. I pray every single day for the OSHA mandates to be overturned in court, but I am not holding my breath. As a family member said to me, “The only way to stop this is for EVERYONE: Employers, Employees, Unions, Police, Medical Personnel, Truck drivers, EVERYONE, to just stop going to work, stop delivering stuff, closing hospitals, etc. etc. etc. all over the country and the world to get these criminal governmental elites to stop their mandates.

Yet what are the chances of this happening? There are still way too many people who are lining up for these jabs because they either believe what they are being told, or they know they will lose their job (and house, and have nothing to eat etc.) if they do not. And they have children to feed etc. as well.

These criminal governments know exactly what they are doing, and it was planned long long ago. What is going to happen when the government says we will take your social security check if you do not get the shot and it is the only income you have?

I don’t know the best way to fight except to also hold off as long as I can as well and keep sharing information and keep praying and praying that some court fight somewhere wins this big time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

The courts are all rigged…I thought people would have noticed that by now.

Amy Coney Barrett…the “darling of the conservatives” turned out to be yet another traitorous whore.

The only thing that will save you is when your tormentors are removed from their situations; and the whole rotten edifice of “western democracy” (lolz) collapses like a wet taco; and an honorable strong(wo)man assumes power as dictator.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

I think the stock price for guillotine mfg. companies are really going to skyrocket!

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

“Slowly the cynicism builds and builds until one day, sick to the teeth of the corrupt, bogus and empty institutions of state and the utter meaninglessness of a isolated and empty existence, the people cry out for a savior in the form of a great and heroic leader who will smash the rotten edifice of democracy and purify the world. Hail Caesar (or Semiramis)!”

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

Good post…hold off, don’t comply….courts won’t have anything to do with the outcome…zilch….this is trending to a global showdown between govts and the people….when the guns go off in the US is when it really starts….fck the vax, stay strong

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

I have one simple but important question for you Linda…where do you live?
If you live in one of the west coast states, well, you kinda should have seen this coming, don’t you think?
Since you have shown you have some reasoning ability, I will let you in on a little secret: there are a few freedom-loving states that have had less masking than other states, less concern for covid in general and also do not have a state income tax. Those states are Texas, Florida and Tennessee. As an added bonus, they all think that law abiding citizens should be able to carry firearms. If you wanted a reasonably priced house in one of these states, good luck, they are going up quickly.
In any case, your current house is surely worth more than you paid, you could sell and buy a small travel trailer (not trying to be funny, it is what I have considered).
I really don’t know how things are going to play out, the one thing I know for sure is that I am not going to submit to this jab. Whether I have to live in my car and rarely get to eat, I am going to stay a pureblood.

Linda N
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Hi Indomitable (and everyone else who responded to my post. I wrote it in haste last night, and I think I was not clear about a lot of things. First of all, I have no intention of taking this jab. They will have to hold me down and do it against my will, because I will never willingly sign to get the shot. And, so far in the US anyway, one still has to sign a release form to have anyone jab you. I live in AZ which is also a decent state to be in in these horrific times and also pro 2nd amendment.

My comments were not necessarily about just what is going on in the US however. Ms. Knowles is from Australia, and it is fast becoming a police state, if it is not already. Look at Italy and Israel and others. And the US just increased the mandate amounts in the infrastructure bill to insane amounts that most businesses cannot afford. And it just passed! The goal obviously make it impossible to businesses to stay open if their employees are not given the jab and every single booster there after into infinity. We are right behind these countries. One of our saving graces is our state’s rights system, but if it goes to the Supreme court, I don’t necessarily trust them anymore to do the right thing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

One of our saving graces is our state’s rights system, but if it goes to the Supreme court, I don’t necessarily trust them anymore to do the right thing.

The US Supreme Court has been a lying P.O.S. institution since the great James McReynolds retired in the early 1940’s. He was the last honest judge.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

I agree that your comments are valid, but I think there is one thing that you are missing. There is no shortage of people getting the vax, it is up to the business to pay enough to entice them to work. Businesses should be able to survive, even though they will likely continue to experience disruption going forward.
And for those of us that are unvaxxed, we may end up with less negotiating leverage, as there may be a more limited set of positions available to us. However, that could be true for a limited period of time, as the vax starts doing what we know as the real mission.
I hope that you will be able to maintain a laser focus on what is truly important. If you are vax injured, you are not going to be any help to your family, you could end up a burden.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

I find a lot of these comments very judgmental.

The notion that “being judgmental” is somehow bad is a Red Flag that society has chosen to abrogate rational thinking in favor of “politeness”; or more precisely; a means to avoid legitimate conflict.

An intelligent person is always making judgements and being judgmental. Only a fool enters into a business agreement or partnership with a person who appears dishonest; a failure to judge the person before entering into the agreement will almost always lead to victimization via fraud.

If you are seeking a marriage partner; it is normal to make judgements on the person’s character; if they appear abusive and immoral and dishonest or prone to narcotics addiction; but you “don’t want to be judgy!” and still marry them; your sorrow and regret down the road will be profound.

Politicians with a laundry list of horrific misconduct are continuously re-elected in America; for we do not wish to be guilty of the Great Sin: Being judgmental! When they later enact horrific policies to harm their own constituents; the chickens come home to roost for the willfully ignorant “voter”.

The people who happily take the vaccine without “judging” the potential side effects are likewise foolhardy souls.

So I suggest America start being a little more judgmental; lest they descend into The Abyss; never to climb out again.

Linda Mayberry
Linda Mayberry
2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

People are getting the jab because they “need to work to feed their children.” But as a result, now the governments are coming after those very children saying they need the jab too. Where do you draw the line? How soon will it be before newborns have to be jabbed before they’re allowed to leave the hospital with those same parents? Pregnant women already have to have the jab before they can go to some hospitals to deliver their babies.

Linda N
2 years ago
Reply to  Linda Mayberry

My points exactly! The governments (ours included) are indeed now coming after the children, who are at extremely low risk of dying from Covid. This is so horrific I have no words for it. These people are following the path of the Nazi Medical experiments, and it is crystal clear to anyone who does even a small amount of research that they are manipulating numbers, ignoring side effects, ignoring natural immunity, and willingly
committing murder, Not to mention this thing was most likely let out on purpose in the first place. And for what? Looks like for money and control. They are already making plans to jab newborns.

Other posters here talk about doing basic research and we should have seen it coming. Oh brother! So many of us, me included, DID see it coming! We have been doing research for decades and writing our representatives etc. etc. and fighting in which ever way we could what we saw was coming for just as long. Agenda 2020, Agenda 21, Now Ajenda 2030. We all saw this medical police state encroaching and did the best we could to educate and get others on board. Most of it fell on deaf ears. People always want to believe what the medical profession (I call it a Cartel) and their physicians tell them. They just did not want to believe it was as bad as we were saying.

The thing is, TPTB also knew that we would wake up someday, but by then they would have in place all the laws and tools they needed to force us to do their evil will, and for the most part it would be too late.

Well, maybe it is, but maybe it isn’t,

I draw the line at not mandating anyone of any age, to be required to get the jab for anything anywhere. If the people give in to this, we already know that this is not the end.
The critical question is how now do we get everyone globally to collectively stop this madness?! One answer, to me anyway, is to continue to educate people as to what is really going on. To fight back adequately, people need to see the truth. Protests, and Walkouts as are happening now, are also part of fighting back. As is Robert F. Kennedy’s book exposing Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Breggin’s book detailing how they planned this and how we got here.

Also electing leaders who also see the truth of what is going on so we can change laws to reverse these mandates and laws to never allow this to happen ever again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

Linda N,
Very good post! You seem to have a lovely spirit and recognize as I do that the majority of these people are not aware of the dangers. Only some of the adverse reactions are getting out to the masses. The mainstream media (which most people rely on) report just some of the adverse events; and even then they say it is a rare occurrence.

I happened to be in target a few weeks ago, buying vitamins near the pharmacy and overheard a young man saying that he was there to get a vaccination. The pharmacist asked him which one and he said the Moderna and she told him to take a seat. I was overwhelmed with the desire to warn him. I did. I told him don’t do it ( even as I knew that it was not my place and that I was invading his privacy).

He responded that he had to for his work. I told him to go to this blog and stated what good would it be to him if he had an adverse reaction and couldn’t work after. He looked up this blog right then and there on his phone and told me he pulled it up and was looking at it. I said a prayer for him.When I went back around to see if he was there, and to share some other info; I did not see him. He had left. I do not know if he left immediately or decided to go ahead. But I suspect he left, and pray he continued to research and look at alternatives and possible ways out…such as “NO JAB JOB postings.

What some people here are forgetting is that most people do NOT know that there is alternative information out there and that big tech is sensoring a lot of the alternative information. They are busy with work and children and life obligations. Heck, I can’t even remember how I came to this blog, but am glad I did. First chance I get I will send financial support to you Brian.

I fear for the people that are being judgemental on each side. The ones that wish death on the unvaxxed and the ones that call the vaxxed stupid and wish death on them. They each are calling a fate unto themselves. We should remain humble and save those we can and let go of the ones we cant. But never, never wish bad on others lest the intent rebound.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

Great information and truth throughout your post. I saw a few people at the grocery pharmacy ready to get the jab and filling out the paperwork. I have wanted to say something so bad but I was not sure what to say because my warnings and words have not changed one single person I’ve tried to ‘wake up’. I will share this website next time. I also did not know about the site NOJABJOB website..awesome resource! Thank you..

This is ‘Transhumanism’ being rolled out and it is straight from the pit of hell and satan.

Prayer and God is how we survive this. Matthew 24:13 . . But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chrissy

Amen Chrissy! Amen, and Thank You.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

Amen on your comment on wishing others to die whether vaccinated or not. This also includes being happy when vaccinated or unvaccinated die or are severely injured and continuing to judge them. Though some-who are not dead, still are deceived, arrogant and ignorant of vaccines (all) and esp this one as a weapon-preferring to believe Reality as it is defined for them by corrupt evil “experts”, governments/corporations/agencies, I have only compassion for them – although I am sad at all the ones they also influenced to let themselves get injected with this Mark of the Beast Great abomination witches brew vile concoction.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

Judgements are just decisions, not superpowers. They can be changed as more information comes to you re: any matter one is being “judgmental” about. It’s how we get through the day and survive. No need to get all emotional about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

Linda N.
I thought your post was well written. I responded to you, but I think I clicked under a different comment; because my reply to you appeared under a different post that you made. So I decided to post here and hope you find/see it and my original reply.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

The false conflation of “moral” with “vaccinated” is beyond my comprehension.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

It’s incomprehensible to you because you’re a rational human being who is able to reason things out. And vaccinated = moral is illogical; a false equivalency if you will.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrMonkeyShines
2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

My Christian nephew got talked into the J&J vax by members of his own church, combined with a bit of pressure from his employer.

The church folks sold him on the line of ‘caring for your community’ and ‘caring for your neighbor’.

It’s insidious, the gaslighting that’s taking place in the culture.

I tried to quietly talk him out of it, didn’t come-off too strong as I didn’t want him to rebel.

I said, ‘Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus say that you need to accept an experimental untested gene therapy injection to show that you ‘love your neighbor’.

. . . such is life, *sigh*, I’m old and tired.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I don’t really care about my neighbors; they are mean and inconsiderate, loud and rude. I’d like to move but am afraid I’d find more of the same. Out of the frying pan and into the fire! Sorry about your nephew. I warned mine off the jab and don’t want to know if they finally were blackmailed by their jobs into taking it. If so I just hope they shy away from boosters.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago

My sadness at this point is equaled only by my rage.

2 years ago

This is truly a sad case. This healthy young woman was mercilessly coerced into seriously maiming herself. The criminals in Australia who have done this must be held accountable. Lesson for young naive people, never trade a job for your health and your life ever.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

The moronory is stunning. They give in to ‘the jab’, apparently not realizing it will be every 6 months to a year until they are dead.

I wish someone would hack the red army’s computers and find their contigency plans and see if there’s one for Australia once Australians are 80% dead. Maybe its tied in with invading Taiwan.

Mandy Jarvis
Mandy Jarvis
2 years ago

Clotting can respond to enzyme therapy, e.g. serapeptase.

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
2 years ago

Cienna Knowles, will need to be financially supported by the company that ( verbally threatened her to get ‘The Jab’ ) <<for the rest of her life>>; no matter the cost, after all they brought her problem upon themselves. She bowed and submitted to their – coercion – into getting ‘the jab’, and NOW LOOK AT HER. I bet their proud of doing that to her, not one person from the company she worked for has come to her hospital room to see if they could do something nice for her to make her stay as comfortable as possible. That makes them as diabolical as “The Jab” itself, go figure, God help that lady with all your mercy Lord, she doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. To be spat on after doing what they told her to do. That’s how heartless folks like them are and always will be. And now the ones that coerced her into getting ‘The Jab’ are probably and most likely watching and waiting for her – “TO DIE” – because after all, what use is she now, she took “The Jab” and SHE IS REAPING THE RESULTS OF getting “The Jab” and NO ONE from the company that she worked for has done anything to come by to give her comfort for what she’s had to endure after getting “The Jab” and that’s only a example of what should be done for her, go figure.

2 years ago is mentioned here:
“…Yet there has been virtually no coverage in the mainstream media. US website reported on Cienna Knowles, a 19-year-old Australian horse trainer who only got vaccinated with the Pfizer mRNA injection ‘to keep her job’ and will be unable to work for the foreseeable future because she has developed so many blood clots; Valerie Milford, a 20-year-old Australian developed pericarditis three days after her first Pfizer mRNA injection and has been virtually paralysed since, and Casey Hodgkinson, a 23-year-old New Zealander…”

kieran osullivan
kieran osullivan
9 months ago

I believe in the shedding, a fellow i worked with and talked to often [until I got terminated] got his vax and was sick for days with diarrhoea ,when he returned to work ,I then got sick for a week with one of the worst bouts of diarrhoea i ever had.He laughed and said ”I must have shed it onto you ” hmmmmmm

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