Casey Hodgkinson: 23-year-old New Zealand woman suffering uncontrollable convulsions, loses ability to walk, talk days after first Pfizer mRNA injection
November 3, 2021

AUCKLAND — A 23-year-old warehouse worker did what her employer and government told her to do, in order to keep her job. Now she can no longer work and her prognosis is grim.

Ms. Casey Hodgkinson received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on September 25, according to her Facebook page. The adverse effects were severe and immediate. Her tongue went completely numb within an hour, followed by minor convulsions. The next day, her arms and legs went numb. Despite all that was going on, Ms. Hodgkinson tried to maintain normalcy. She went to work at Mighty Ape, an online retailer in New Zealand, on Monday, September 27. She works in the warehouse as an order picker and packer via a temp agency.

Co-workers noticed something was wrong with her. She somehow finished the day through sheer exhaustion, pain and weakness in her limbs. Ms. Hodgkinson arrived at work on Tuesday, but left early as the convulsion and weakness in her limbs worsened. She checked into the emergency room on September 29, according to Mike Wilson, who appears to have conducted an interview with Ms. Hodgkinson and her mother. Mr. Wilson made clear that he is “not anti-vax.”

Doctors admitted that Ms. Hodgkinson was having severe adverse reactions to the mRNA shots. But they also said it will “settle soon” and was a sign of “a really good immune response.” All the while, Ms. Hodgkinson was in a wheelchair because she could no longer walk on her own. By Friday, October 1, the convulsions were completely debilitating and extremely painful. Ms. Hodgkinson went to her regular doctor that day. He also exhibited completely aloofness, telling Ms. Hodgkinson that she should “try to go for a walk.”

At this point, a regular day for Ms. Hodgkinson looked like this.

Worsening symptoms, no help from medical establishment

By mid-October, Ms. Hodgkinson could no longer do anything on her own. She suffered ongoing full-body convulsions, vocal tics, muscles locking into place for hours at a time, excruciating joint pain, headaches, and numbness in between all that, according to her mother, Anna Hodgkinson. Anna made clear that she “is not anti-vax.” But she said Casey only got the injection to keep her job, which she can no longer do now anyway.

We’ve covered some egregious post-injection medical indifference by doctors in Australia, Europe and the United States. But this case is perhaps the most blatant display of evil and contempt for human life by the global medical establishment. Casey visited North Shore Hospital a total of four times. The first visit is described above.

RELATED: Clive Haddon: 74-year-old Australian man dies in hospital after doctors refuse to treat him for AstraZeneca blood clots (May 25, 2021)


On the second visit, Casey was told that she might be the victim of “TikTok hysteria” and that her adverse effects are all in her head. Doctors referred to her inability to speak as “conversation disorder.” She tried a second general practitioner since the first one wouldn’t help her. But the second one was even worse. They took her off the neurologist referral list and referred her to a psychiatrist. Both North Shore and the two GPs pushed the fallacy that Ms. Hodgkinson had a family history of tics and that’s what she’s experiencing now.

The situation was scary at North Shore. They would neither allow Ms. Hodgkinson’s boyfriend to stay with her, nor even contact her by phone. She finally spoke out for herself via Facebook on October 18. The update is a microcosm of the sad reality for people who shares their stories of “vaccine” adverse reactions. Not only did Ms. Hodgkinson reiterate that she only got the shot to keep her job, but seemed to concede that her life will never be the same. The saddest part, unfortunately, is how her own family laughs at her and belittles her situation.

What has hurt me most of all.. is family members have treated my issue as if it is nothing.. trying to make themselves feel better. Because they believe in the Vaccine. I don’t care if you are against it or not.. all I wanted was support from family.. not issues.. I’ve had family members laugh at my ordeal. . . I’ve had family members tell others to push my mum and sisters into getting the vaccine. And family members are saying wrong information. And I am sick of it..

RELATED: Eve Dale: 20-year-old British woman went from “normal fun young girl” to having full-body convulsions, unable to walk 24 hours after second Pfizer mRNA injection (September 2, 2021)


Meanwhile her condition is worsening by the day. Ms. Hodgkinson was rushed back to North Shore Hospital on October 26 in severe pain and suffering a “really bad episode.” But once again she was discharged without being helped at all. She was essentially told to deal with it because doctors there are operating on the fallacious notion that Ms. Hodgkinson has a family history of tics and it’s simply hereditary. Anna, the mother, provided the update.

Anna posted another update on Casey’s deteriorating health on October 29. Doctors gave Casey schizophrenia and anxiety medication for “help.” Casey is essentially a shell of her old self and her mother also seems to be accepting that there’s nothing that can or will be done.

The most recent video of Ms. Hodgkinson is hard to watch. The interview with Ms. Hodgkinson by Mike Wilson can be seen here. He concludes the video asking Casey and Anna, “are we anti-vaxx?” Anna shook her head no. Casey, as best she could, said, “No. If I was anti-vaxx, why the hell did I take it?”

High-risk of this happening to all vaxxed people

These uncontrollable convulsions are the second-most common adverse reaction to these injections covered on this blog since January. Of course death is the leading adverse reaction to these injections, with blood clots coming in third.

No objective, pure human being can call post-injection convulsions and seizures “rare” anymore. Anyone using that type of language to describe this condition is the enemy. Don’t bother exerting energy trying to communicate with those types. We can also definitively conclude that this specific adverse reaction happens immediately in all cases, meaning within hours or days after the shots. Thus if you escape the first few days or weeks without it, you’re likely in the clear.

As evil as mainstream media and big tech are, you have to give credit where it’s due. These people have literally monopolized the narrative and disseminated these “vaccines are safe” and “vaccine equal freedom” fallacies globally. Despite all the indisputable evidence and stories of death and maiming, the cult stays loyal. The only “zombie” movie or show this blogger has ever seen (haven’t owned a television since 2008) is the Will Smith one (“I Am Legend?”). Is that really where this world is headed, like really soon?

Keep dried beans and rice in your home at all time in case of emergency. This blogger filled a 260-gallon water storage tank in three months just by filling the 5-gallon ones at grocery stores and dumping them in. Guns and ammo are also vital for those in the United States. No more time for lollygagging. Drop the dead weight in your life (i.e. zombie-like people) and look out for your own.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Robert Henry
Robert Henry
2 years ago

Anna, what the H. is wrong with you❓ Any normal person seeing this is now @nti-st@b❗

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Henry

I wonder if she said that so that at least she’ll get some treatment.
If you show up at the hospital and openly say you’ve got a reaction to the clot shot, they’ll either send you home saying that you’re making it up, or put you in a psychiatric ward.

2 years ago

These injuries as listed in the UK are 1 in 67. Close enough to the autism numbers. If you haven’t yet realized it is all vaccines. If some in the past were legit who knows, but there is clearly evil intent behind all of pharma. Every week there are new ads on tv for new drugs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vix

the nonverbal sure reminds people of autism, which of course they will claim is not related to the quackcines.

2 years ago

“How did we come to this?”
___Sol Roth / Soylent Green / 2022

Sloan Anderson
Sloan Anderson
2 years ago

Brian. I’ve been following this website since April. I’m about to get evicted from my apartment that I’ve lived in for 15 years. I was fired from my job as an underwriter in June because I refused the shots. Missed November 1 rent. My six-month emergency fund is gone. Fuck it. I’ll guess I’ll die of hunger and homelessness than from the vaccines.

God Bless You and I hope we meet on the other side at some point.

Sloan from London.

German Reader
German Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  Sloan Anderson

Hi Sloan, I’m sorry to read about your troubles. It is part and parcel of the current end times scenario. I have also lost my job, but am fortunately still doing fine, My experience has been that God provides for everything if we trust Him completely and live according to what Jesus has taught us. This is promised explicitly in the Gospel, and God keeps His word if we are loyal to Him. I’ve had to let go of my old job, apartment, and other things, but was guided into new circumstances where I can live frugally but without hardship. Reading the Gospel and asking God for help might also lead to some open door for you. God bless you!

2 years ago
Reply to  German Reader

“My experience has been that God provides for everything if we trust Him completely and live according to what Jesus has taught us.”

For god’s sake stop, please – tell the man you’ll pray for him, ask him to turn to Jesus if you wish – but STOP with the “if we trust Him completely” crap.

By saying that, you’re BLAMING HIM for problems NOT of his making, for not ‘trusting God completely’.

By the logic of what you said, the ancient Christians thrown to the lions ‘had it coming’ because they lacked faith.

Slone, if you’ve had the guts to lose everything standing against this, then this isn’t your fault – you didn’t do this to yourself, remember that whatever may come. I have hope for all of us that God will make this right in the end, in this life or the next.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I don’t see any blaming in GRs post. The man said “My experience has been…” Are we not allowing people to say their experience now? Sounds like what certain websites and media outlets are doing in my view.
God said through Paul “All things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose”. It does not say bad things will never happen to good people. As a matter of fact, elsewhere Paul wrote “for me to live is Christ and to die is GAIN”. For a person of sound logic, those quotes actually sync up just fine.
I think very few could possibly see any blame for Sloan. I admire their fortitude and hope they will stay strong. IMO, going out like a Kazmarek would be a humiliating way to go – I would rather resist and starve to death in the streets. Your opinion may differ.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I think she’s just sharing something that works in hoping others might give it a try. I’ve lived my whole life in total dependence on God through faith. I never look at my bank account. I let God worry about money. I let God place before me where I lay my head. I’ve lived both very poor and very rich. I’ve traveled all over the world for free simply by learning to obey God and follow Him. In fact, twice I got to travel first class! God in His mercy killed off all materialism inside me and taught me to be content in all circumstances and not to worry. When I need something I go to Him and then wait in hope for Him to provide. He’s never failed me. The best part is when I’m going through the hard times, the poor times, that’s when I’m closest to God, filled with supernatural peace and joy and happiness and strength. Sometimes I find myself preferring those times. God is alive. He’s ready to prove Himself to all who seek Him. You just have to believe. And obey. So long as you walk with God nothing is impossible, nothing is out of reach. It’s an exciting journey that shows you what true freedom really means.

German Reader
German Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I think you misinterpret what I wrote. Life and faith is a journey, and the current situation is a challenge, which can be an opportunity for strengthening faith. This is also true for people who already have faith in God. Not that long ago, I myself was stressed and frightened by many worldly troubles. I certainly applaud Sloan for doing the right thing and simply wish for him to make the same experience I and others I know have made: the stronger faith and trust in God become, the easier it is to get through these hard times. Concerning the ancient and new martyrs: this might be part of the fate of some of us, and who endures it will certainly receive corresponding divine support on earth and reward in the afterlife.

2 years ago
Reply to  German Reader

I get what you’re saying, and apologies if I came off too strong – it’s a sensitive issue for me.

Decades ago, when I was a young man, I spent many years as a professional firefighter/paramedic in a major metropolitan area.

As you might expect from the vocation, I saw more than enough garbage both to challenge my faith in a loving god, as well as sink any optimism I had in mankind.

My experience reaffirmed the passage from Matthew:

“for He make His sun to rise upon both the wicked as well as the just, and He sends rain upon those who do good and those who do evil.”.

Unfortunately, evil seems to get the better part of that deal in this world.

My point being, is that I can no longer make an association between a person’s material circumstances in life and their walk with god – much less who they are as a person, or in their heart.

Obviously, I’m not a fan of ‘prosperity gospel’.

Slone, not unlike the Christians to the lions, to me is heroic in standing for what is right, his faith (whatever that may be) is exemplary.

I suspect that he will be among a handful of humanity to whom god one day says:

“Well done my good and faithful servant, your race is run, rest easy now my child.”.

. . . best to you my friend.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
German Reader
German Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Apology accepted, and I agree with everything you write, as well as with Candace‘s reply.

The material circumstances can be as different as the responses to them. There are those who regard wealth as something God gave them to help others and those who develop greed in their heart, and also different reactions to scarcity. Some have to be rich to be able to help others who are poor. Everyone has to face a different situation and has received different gifts, and only God knows the real reasons.

Yes, the sun is shining on the wicked as well, but that is only during our lives here on earth, where wickedness can give material advantages. The fate of the wicked and the children of God after death will be very different. And given that we are living in the end time, this is a special situation where the wicked will face punishment very soon.

With this in mind, I‘m praying for everyone on the right side to stay strong, patient, and help each other. God bless all of you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I don’t generally upvote “Boo, hiss!” (aka “downvoting,” a dangerous fallacy), but I did on your comment. Why?

Because God isn’t the One Who made this wrong right now — men (including deluded Christians) defying wholesale one of His two most important commandments, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is what has made this wrong right now.

HUMANS are the source of this problem, so blaming God for it, means you’re built too low, the fast ones go right over your head.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago
Reply to  Sloan Anderson

Is there any possibility of doing some kind of private consulting work? My apologies if I’m far off base regarding your profession. Alternatively, is there any hope of finding some other firm in another area of the country that doesn’t require vaccination? One way or another, I hope something works out for you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sloan Anderson

I’m so sorry to hear that, too.
If you can help it, please try to avoid being homeless. Almost always it’s a one-way ticket, and a dehumanizing experience in the long run.
Go on the dole, have a side gig and milk the system as much as you can. You were let down by this corrupt system, I don’t see why you should have any qualms about taking advantage of it.
I wish you all the best! God bless.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sloan Anderson

This is all a ploy to further destroy the economy, forcing companies to fire people for no legal reason, and it will take them years for the courts to rule on it. It’s sickening how people didn’t protest when the healthcare workers were being forced to take this, and now that it’s trickling down to everyone. You will find work! May not be the job you had before, but stay positive and look at this as A PURPOSE! Everything happens for a reason!! You were meant to move on, and grow.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago
Reply to  Sloan Anderson

Dear Sloan hang in there. Don’t give up, find any kind of work just say upfront you won’t take the jab. There are still vacancies. Move to a small place in a cheaper town or with parents/relative. Also post a GiveSendGo or other fundraiser (not Gofundme theyre evil) and I’ll definitely give in solidarity and I’m sure others here will. I’m facing the same fate soon so I sympathize.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

What’s happening here is an example of illogic, a logical fallacy. Her doctor is being illogical. I’ll try to explain simply…

He’s assuming a set of conditions described by logical statements, i.e., two conditionals: If you take the vaccine, then you will not have symptoms. If you do not have symptoms, then you are safe. (“safe and effective”, have you ever heard that before?)

But now, let’s modify that 2nd conditional, and get what is called its contrapositive in logic: If you do not feel safe (i.e., you are stressed), then you will have symptoms.

Ok, if you’ve followed along so far, then you should get a strong feeling that there is something wrong with that contrapositive statement. And you’re correct, it is illogical. It is a logical fallacy. But the doctor believes it !!! He says that she is stressed out, so therefore she is experiencing horrible symptoms !!!

This lack of logic is getting to be par for the course in our society. Our education system is to blame, along with the “educators” who deliberately muddy the waters. For example, woke leftists use this kind of fallacy all the time. And since most of us are not trained in logic, and also because the left NEVER defines its terms so that we can closely examine them, it means that many of us are fooled by the illogic. I hope I’ve made this clear. If not, please think about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

This lack of logic might also be described as the doctor expecting his patients to heal by having faith in him and his ju-ju. They believe the shot works, so they have no symptoms; if patients lack faith in the shot, they will show symptoms. That is what modern medicine has become in terms of a belief system. People believe in the logical fallacy “preventative medicine.” Medicine would not exist, doctors nurses would not exist, if not for bad health. ONLY bad health. To use medicine to prevent illness or injury yet to come is pure screwball logic.

Science is a method, science and medicine are beliefs in themselves, just like any religion. What doctors and scientists believed 200 years ago, are things laughed at and scorned today. Arithmetic, mathematics, is consistent and carefully employed tells the same pure truth whether you are man or boy, girl or woman, in Africa or on Pluto, 340 years ago or 700 years in the future, the arithmetic will be a truth teller. Science, medicine, religion will look different but arithmetic will still tell the truth.

Because science and medicine can replicate certain things, they therefore claim the same right to regard as arithmetic, that it is certain, just because they can replicate it. It is a fallacy to think that science and medicine are anything BUT beliefs based in faith in men.

2 years ago

If you’re not anti-vax, you simply aren’t paying attention. Typical vaccines are designed to be antagonistic to the body and contain all manner of poisons and contaminates. This crap “science” is pushing autism rates thru the roof.

The mRNA bioweapon is designed to kill and maim and it’s doing exactly what it was designed to do. The behavior of the medical establishment towards Trump’s-clot-shot is simply beyond belief. Worldwide, it appears most of our doctors are “good Nazis” now.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

It’s just a “rare coincidence”.

Notice how all these broken vaxxers start out saying how they’re not anti vax and they believe in the science before apologizing for their adverse reaction to the IQ Test jab???

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

The Stockholm Syndrome runs deep with the programming…how could anyone say they are not anti Vaxx after being maimed?

2 years ago

1) Doctors said her response to the vax was “a really good immune response.” What a retarded answer. Either the docs have no idea how the immune system functions, they are lying through their teeth, don’t care if the vax is killing people, or grossly incompetent, or any combination of the above.

2) The vaccines don’t care if you are “not an anti-vaxxer!” The gene therapy juice does not discriminate between political ideas. The vaxxes will take you out no matter what you believe. But you can count on people saying it, I guess because it seems to give more weight to their post-vax complaints. The day you see people stop trying to virtue signal about being pro vax is the day you see death and disability rates so high, the population will come to hate those deadly drugs and turn on those who promoted them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

It has been acknowledged that doctors only receive one half day of training on vaccines in medical school.

2 years ago


. . . the new rallying-cry of the mortally wounded & dying, apparently.

2 years ago

These uncontrollable convulsions side affect of the Covid shot is literally like somebody being possessed. Like an out of body experience. It is so scary.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Mark of the Beast. Satan trying to come out of their convulsing bodies. Now when their heads start spinning around 360 degrees and green slime shooting out of their mouths will be time to get worried.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

It is coming at the speed of light…they will be turned not only into Litteral Transhumanist Cyborgs but also Ax Murdering Zombie Canibaals…Rwanda 1994 was there trial run…now once again a Conspiracy Theory will become a Conspiracy Fact…and all the Statist Corona Cult members trusting the Science can all choke on it….

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Scary, indeed. Motor neuron damage. Whole body vandalization. Why more women in these cases or do more women share on social media?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Good Question!!! I wonder that too. Or the men just have heart attacks and die immediately?

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

Amount in the jab? Is it adjusted by weight like many pet drugs? I know when I read a package insert for any drug there is no mention of a male v. female dose. Men got a lot more muscle in that deltoid for the jabs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

The Zombie movies were Predictive Programming for these convulsions…search CDC Zombie Preparedness Manual…they are not even trying to hide it anymore…nothing can stop what has already been put into place…expect to see a lot of Horrors in the next six months…Can we say Thank You MAGA? I’m from ameriKa…where the Cult wanted to Make the Synagogue of Satan Great Again…I’m sorry, meant to say Make ameriKa Great Again…these are the things that happen when millions of people belong to a Cult…

2 years ago

Hi The COVID Blog, There are similarities of the jab’s severe effects and radiation poisoning, radiation can be injected. Maybe some of these people can be treated and helped some if it is radiation sickness.

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

I respectfully disagree. I see little overlap between radiation poisoning symptoms and the side effects being reported on this site (and also elsewhere). Diffuse thrombosis, and/or possibly bacterial contamination in some cases, seem more plausible to me.
Besides, if the vials (or the vaxxxed) were radioactive, it would have been picked up already (like with the fact that some are magnetic, or contaminated with metals like the Japanese authorities officially reported).

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

The only thing that has the same severity & acuteness of the onset of ailments is comparable to high dose radiation exposure, e.g., super cancer.
But i agree that it’s a totally different thing.
To me some of these people don’t seem have an “off” switch.
That is worse than radiation damage, as there is hope to detox once the source is “off”, as long as the injury is not irreversible.

2 years ago

The family needs to try, on top of the vits and herbals/homeopathy, getting her away from all wifi and gadgets. Take her to a misty mountain area or into the sea, see if her side effects lesson

2 years ago

This constant scripted “I am not anti-vax” is a neon sign as to the next major hurdle. It is time to be anti-vax, loud and proud, it is the only way to salvage what can be salvaged. The sooner the quicker, the better, more are proud to declare realization that jujujabs over the past four generations have caused a lot of damage, while claims of how many they have saved are like the Mrs coming back from a shoe sale talking about how much money she saved …… speculation at best, self-interested certainly.

Again, if not for illness or injury, there would be no hospitals, no doctors, no nurses, no medicine. Bad health is the reason for medicine. GOOD health has zero relationship with medicine … one must seriously re-think prescription drugs that you’ve been told are saving your life. Nature has other ways to treat things like high blood pressure, seek them, they are there, the Lord provides, but effort is required. Trusting in men who specialize in bad health, to secure your good health, is … why I am an anti vaxxer, loud and proud!! Preventative medicine is fraudulent medicine.

2 years ago

I had 1 Pfizer in July and it gave me small random muscle ticks, although minimal. I realized I made the wrong decision immediately after. It felt subconsciously like something evil went in my blood, like I betrayed my body. It’s a sad feeling.

There’s no way I’m taking the second and none of my kids will. I’ll live in a forest to avoid this if I have to. It was a rushed decision that I regret. They can kill me if they want, isolate, whatever, but I’m NOT taking this thing. Doctor said it’s probably psychological! Lol! How do they know? What a joke. How about doing some investigation, like Dr. Hoffe did?

If they listed all side affects properly this clotshot would’ve been stopped. Because that’s worse than bad case of Covid. They don’t want that! Covid can’t take out and cripple that many people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kate
German Reader
German Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  Kate

It felt subconsciously like something evil went in my blood, like I betrayed my body. It’s a sad feeling.“ This is just what a Greek monk described after he took it (the video has been circulating on different sites). He also reported that after a period of suffering and repentance, he felt that God forgave him. I hope the same happens to you, God bless you!

2 years ago
Reply to  German Reader

Thank you. I’ve seen the video. I’m also an Orthodox Christian like the monk. I’m a bit sceptical of that video, because they are referring to the dialogue with a demon. Some people and exorcists do that, but we know he’s the father of lies, yes sometimes they may say something partially true…but also Christ didn’t have any lengthy conversations with demons, He basically shut them up immediately. So I generally ignore these kind of videos. There’s plenty of trash masquerading as part of Orthodox Christian tradition/practice so you have to really filter things.

Some people in our church asked or the priests blessing prior to getting the vax and the procedure did not happen once they were in the waiting line (broken lot…). ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kate

Kate, thank you for the happy ending. Sincerely glad you did not take the 2nd jab. Support each other to not take it! People in my family still get jittery if they see an MSM (LIES!) news report. My mother especially. I gave her the stats for the hospitalizations for the week in our county—the percentages are way down contrary to the news. God bless you, take care.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  Kate

Check out Dr Carrie Madej’s channel on the Telegram app. One of her video clips from just a couple of weeks ago talks about how to detox from the shot. All the best to you! Please take this time to turn to Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, if you haven’t already.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kate

I am even now praying for your healing, Kate.

2 years ago

“…show she had a really good immune response. Doesn’t preclude her from having second dose…”

Josef Mengele

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
abinico warez
abinico warez
2 years ago

Made it clear not anti-vax. What will it take for you to see what is happening and act accordingly.

Bill hanna
Bill hanna
2 years ago

NZ PM Said she is the only source of truth , All over news is fake news (Her words)

2 years ago

My son, 2nd dosed, ends up with alleged meningicical sepsis, organ failure, nearly dies, over 2 months in hospital, now both lower legs amputated due to blood clots… Co incidence???

2 years ago
Reply to  Paula

Oh I’m so sorry. What a thing to go through, for you both.

fan of flowers
fan of flowers
2 years ago

it’s time to stop calling them “side effects” and call them “intended effects” because that is what they are. we are under demonic attack.

Albert españa
Albert españa
2 years ago

Y luego dicen que si los nazis eran malos que si los experimentos japoneses de la ww2. Al menos en esa epoca experimentaban con 4 o 5 no con toda la poblacion de bajos recursos. Hay que ser enfermo para llamarte medicoen 2021 vaia verguenza de profesion

Serious health impacts and death after mRNA
Serious health impacts and death after mRNA
2 years ago

Per VAERS reports in people under 30, many serious neurological impacts happen soon after mRNA injection with symptoms such as this young woman is suffering. Symptoms may worsen over days or weeks. One is never “in the clear” after an mRNA injection. “adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” see EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION (EUA) OF THE PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE TO PREVENT CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) pg 13 Revised: 29 October 2021 Healthcare Providers for 12 years of age and older, purple cap (must dilute) (

2 years ago

very very sad. The family that mock Casey Hodgkinson are demon possessed sickos!

2 years ago

Many years ago I worked at a special needs school in Auckland. Having watched the video of Casey took me right back to those years I was there. Seeing the characteristics of autism staring me in the face. I remember back then, early 2000s, there were a considerable amount of parents who told me their children were born heathy and whole, until the childhood shots were given. Immediately their health deteriorated. There lives were changed in an instant. Changed for the worst. I think it’s high time we human beings all wake up. This is real. My heart breaks for Casey, her family, and all those who’ve gone before

Michael E
Michael E
2 years ago

Praying for Casey and her Family?‍♂️??

sylvain gibson
sylvain gibson
2 years ago

SAD thing.DR ZANDRE BOTHA started to clean the blood of people that had the shot and got very good effect on them…



2 years ago

When will humans understand that they are now ruled by a group of satanists !

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