Charissa Klamn: 43-year-old Canadian woman with preexisting chronic pain develops autoimmune blood disorders after second Moderna mRNA injection
October 10, 2021 (updated October 11, 2021)

Ms. Charissa Klamn.

LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA — A 43-year-old emergency medical technician and medical director suffered myriad preexisting conditions that screamed “avoid mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.” Now her future is completely up in the air.

The story of Ms. Charissa Klamn dates back to 2017. She gave birth to her only son and child sometime in February that year. She developed preeclampsia, a potentially fatal complication, during the pregnancy. Preeclampsia causes unusually high blood pressure and vascular endothelial malfunction, meaning the largest heart arteries constrict instead of dilate when they’re supposed to. If left untreated, preeclampsia causes severe damage to organ systems, including the kidneys, liver and heart. It can also cause serious complications to the unborn baby.

The most common treatment for preeeclampsia is induced labor to end the pregnancy early. Ms. Klamn referred to her son as a “premie” in subsequent posts, indicating labor was induced in her pregnancy to mitigate the preeclampsia.

She and her son came through; and Ms. Klamn was posting photos of herself and newborn at home by April 2017.

Medical issues and “single mom”

Ms. Klamn suffers from chronic pain. It’s unclear what exactly the issue is. But she mentioned “the accident in Texas” where she was “hit head on a 70 an hour [sic]” on an interstate.

She receives regular spinal injections and spinal ablations. The latter is a procedure that temporarily blocks pain signals from reaching from brain. Thus the patient gets relief from chronic pain that apparently cannot be treated in any other way. Ms. Klamn posts regular updates about her injections and chronic pain.

Ms. Klamn also makes certain that everyone knows that she is a single mom and “doing it alone.” There are at least 20 more of these in her Facebook timeline.

Her son has “behavioral disorders,” according to her Facebook posts. But she continually reiterates that she has no regrets having a child the “nontraditional way,” meaning without a husband/father. Ms. Klamn has also been unable to work for quite some time due to her chronic pain, further exacerbating the situation. She also suffered from an infection as a result of one of her spinal injections.

Moderna and “vaccines” for her son

Despite all these preexisting conditions, Ms. Klamn received her first Moderna mRNA injection on May 14, according to her Facebook page.

It was apparently a family event. Her 4-year-old son received vaccines on May 13, the day before Ms. Klamn received the Moderna injection. The man in the photo is named Chris, who is Ms. Klamn’s boyfriend.

It’s unclear when she received the second Moderna injection. But if Health Canada protocols were followed, she received the second injection 21 to 28 days later. Coincidentally or otherwise, Ms. Klamn spoke of her son’s “peak ADHD” just two weeks after his vaccine photos.

She reported losing a total of 24 pounds by August 23, in hopes of mitigating her chronic pain. Ms. Klamn also posted several photos of her and Chris out on dates, and “family photos” of all three of them, over the summer. She also referred to Chris as her son’s dad at least three times in Facebook posts. Her summer appeared to be all peaches, cream and vacations based on Facebook posts. But social media is not reality, as she soon revealed.

The truth comes out

Ms. Klamn posted a call for people to donate blood on August 28. It seemed a bit out of the ordinary based on her post history.

That same day, she posted an article about Pfizer mRNA injections causing Bell’s Palsy. She also hinted that she suffered adverse effects from her own Moderna injections.

She became more and more defiant thereafter. Ms. Klamn reported having a blood transfusion on September 3 and spoke her mind about the Centers for Disease Control and other billionaire-controlled organizations.

She finally revealed the full truth on October 7. Her doctor diagnosed her with hemolytic anemia, an autoimmune disorder that causes your body to recognize red blood cells as pathogens, and thus destroys them. That is why she needed the blood transfusion a couple weeks earlier. She was also diagnosed with macrocytic anemia, a condition that causes red blood cells to grow larger than they should be. Doctors told Ms. Klamn that both conditions were caused by the Moderna mRNA injections.

She’s “felt like death” for two months, but said she uses spray tans and happy photos to push through.

Ms. Klamn is accepting the fact that more blood transfusions are forthcoming, and that this is likely her new normal, in addition to all the spinal injections. Now she wishes she never received the Moderna injections.

We’ll update this story in due course.

No turning back after the injections

We know for a fact that blood clots are a near-formality in vaxxed people. But post-injection blood disorders like Ms. Klamn’s are nothing new either. Johns Hopkins University researchers found in a July 2021 study that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections cause paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. It is essentially the same disease Ms. Klamn now has, plus blood clots and bone marrow ailments. A June 2021 study published in the Journal of Hematology & Oncology found that mRNA injections also cause hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, yet another life-threatening autoimmune blood disease.

Once your blood is contaminated with these injections, there really isn’t much you can do other than live with your decision.

RELATED: Hijama aka “cupping”: desperate workers, students forced into vaxx mandates turn to ancient treatment to remove the injections after administration (October 6, 2021)

Further, it appears your immune system is forever damaged after the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections. The good Dr. Nathan Thompson is the latest medical professional upholding his Hippocratic Oath. A chiropractor trained in sports medicine, Dr. Thompson ran several tests on the immune systems of a post-injection patient. His video was originally posted on YouTube, but of course, it was removed. Politifact also “fact checked” his video. Thus we know Dr. Thompson is telling the truth.

It’s best you watch the whole video (about 16 minutes) and understand how these injections essentially destroy your immune system. Dr. Thompson tested the immune system of a former diabetic who lost weight, changed his lifestyle and essentially cured himself of diabetes. But then said patient received the mRNA injections and his outlook changed dramatically. Dr. Thompson is now the third medical professional to imply or directly state that the mRNA injections destroy cancer-prevention proteins in the body, thus increase the chances of vaxxed people getting cancer.

You literally have a choice with all the data out there. Rolling up your sleeve for these injections is a choice to kill yourself quickly or slowly. That’s all. It’s your choice.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved one.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

WOW. This poor lady brought all of her problems onto herself. Critical thinking is not her strong point even at 43 years old. That said, I will pray that God will heal her body and instill some wisdom for this poor woman.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Conceiving a fatherless child, having underlying medical conditions that could hamper any child rearing, should tell you a lot about her mental shape .

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I really don’t like piling on people who are down on their luck. She didn’t bring on pre-eclampsia onto herself. Neither did she cause another motorist to speed through a red light and crash into her. She was fooled by the Covid propaganda just like a lot of well meaning people have been. Let’s try and be considerate of the position a lot of people find themselves in. Don’t gloat over other’s misfortunes.

I hope people continue to learn from other people’s experiences. These vaccines are not the answer to the Covid disease. They are just as bad as Covid.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

With the exception of a few words, I agree with everything you said in this post. I would switch out 3 words in your last sentence. If I had written that post, it would’ve concluded thus: They are much worse than Covid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

COVID is a lie! End game global depopulation/Genocide through injections! There never was a Pandemic!

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

“These vaccines are not the answer to the Covid disease. They are just as bad as Covid.”. Respectfully, I must ask if you are serious. “Covid” is a disease so bad, apparently, that you have to be tested to even know you have it…a virus that causes either no symptoms or mild flu-like symptoms in those the majority of those who are infected. Covid also has a survival rate of 99.998%, and the average age of those who die from it is 85 years – and even then, those people have 2.5 co-morbidities. For you to equate this mild, extremely non-threatening virus with a toxic, gene-altering, poisonous “vaccine” that is currently maiming and murdering men, women, and children all over the world, shows that you are either misinformed or else not thinking critically.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

It is not just a mild flu-like symptoms to people. It is actually like a Super flu made in a lab. Not everybody has a strong enough immune system for it to be mild flu-like symptoms. People that claim they had Covid say it was like they were hit by a truck, and the recovery process varies. I saw a video on Brighteon of someone talking about her experience with Covid. She said it took her 14 days to recover or feel like she was back to normal, but she did claim that maybe she did not take enough Ivermectin because there is a certain amount your supposed to take of Ivermectin based on your body weight.

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  osa

For a “super-flu”, this virus sure does act exactly like the old garden-variety influenza. The regular flu killed thousands of people every year, but we didn’t completely reorganize society because of it. The regular flu barely affected some people and yet other people felt like they were “hit by a truck” when they had it. Some people were able to get over the regular flu in a few days, but for others it lingered much longer.

Have you noticed that the regular flu had magically disappeared from all record keeping in the past 18 months? Were you aware that “covid-19” has never been isolated in a lab, but is rather a “virus” made up of computer models?

2 years ago

Sounds like the poor woman has been through hell; with more hell pending.

“Life is sorrow; here today; gone tomorrow”
___Mel Brooks / The Twelve Chairs / 1970

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

End times! Jesus is coming! 🙏❤️👍John 3:16, John 14:6, Romans 19:9-10, Matthew 24, Revelation 13! Do not get tested nor take these evil injections!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Correction Romans 10:9-10

2 years ago

“Macrocytic Anemia, a condition that causes red blood cells to grow larger than they should be.”

I’ve read of a lot of SAEs but not this. Wish her a healing, a stabilization of health. I’ll never take it and will be losing my job likely. Thank you for highlighting the condition links for further study on the blood conditions. I have friends who are giving in (jab or job) in CA and I like to know what I’m talking about (as much as possible for a woman of letters, not science) because we have a hell of a fight in front of us.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Today, as I write this, it is the 11th of October, the day the Boston Marathon will be run. There were flight delays out of my city and into Boston this Saturday. It was a beautiful summer day in my city, and Boston had great weather, too – sunny, high in the upper 60s. But out of my city, there were air traffic delays. My running mates were delayed twice out of our local airport. The delays were ascribed to weather. I’m not a woman of letters, so permit me this once to say what I’m thinking coloquially: Weather, my butt! People who’ve wanted to take the vaccine have taken it. Those who won’t be taking it, the two of us included, will simply not be swayed. Likewise across all industries. What happens when pilots, flight attendants, gate agents, etc. quit rather than renounce their bodily autonomy, you ask? Weather! Weather happens and delays ensue.

Hang in there. We’re not all in the same boat, but we are in the same storm. You’re right about the fight in front of us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

It’s crazy how the press spins these things. “Weather”? Right. Stay the course.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Are you joining any class action suits? It’s overwhelming looking into any. We’re taking it week by week. Funny, as slow as the government is, the VA system is moving pretty darn quick on this!

2 years ago

Big Pharma has covered this! No one can sue them for death nor injection injury! Come Lord 🙏 Jesus! John 14:6

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

Well, it’s about the job losses and discrimination, not the liability from vax injury.

2 years ago

This lady is what’s known as a “spoonie.” It’s similar to Munchausen’s and most self described “spoonies” are middle aged women. They very much enjoy receiving sympathy and attention in a medical setting and their complaints are always vague and chronic. Most of them are over the moon malingering over the coof but are probably just as happy to seek attention for vaccine injuries.

2 years ago
Reply to  Motobote

Correct. No matter what happens in their life, medical is the most dramatic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Motobote

You really think she enjoys getting spinal injections and Blood transfusions? Get real and get over yourself. Just because she likes to share her life on social media doesn’t mean she enjoys the pain she has to go thru via medical interventions.

The world is so cold and people from both sides just want to mock people suffering to make themselves feel better than others.

Linda N
2 years ago
Reply to  Motobote

This is blatant nonsense! |She has a bonified diagnosis known to be a side effect of these jabs. Are you perhaps a Big Pharma shill?

2 years ago
Reply to  Motobote

Ah yes. It’s all ‘anxiety’ Nothing to see here despite this woman’s obvious horrid medical conditions. Hope those Fauci dollars are paying off for troll friend.

2 years ago
Reply to  Motobote

WOW! No compassion! 🥺 In the last days the love of many will wax cold!

2 years ago
Reply to  Motobote

Who complains about being a single mom THAT much. Very strange. Millions of single moms that don’t feel the need to post about it. Most of them don’t have time to post. To busy working. Without a nanny even. Who is this offensive woman?

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago

I am wondering how many people took/will take the jab, not because of fear of Covid or even because of coercion, but rather because they jump on the newest “virtue-signal” bandwagon and can’t wait to get that sweet, sweet hit of dopamine and ego-boosting from seeing those Facebook/Twitter “likes”.

I’m not saying that is the reason this particular woman got jabbed…but the way many people have to breathlessly report their jabs on social media, complete with masked selfie, makes me wonder about a whole other evil influence that may be driving this rush to get “vaccinated”.

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: FOR MEN WILL BE LOVERS OF THEMSELVES, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

You get attention on the way up, and attention on the way down (adverse reactions), it’s all about the negatives.

Some of them write that they literally feel euphoric, giddy, after their clotshot. Definitely dopamine rush that they continue to feed through social media, and they feel like rock stars. They constantly seek validation from social media. It becomes an addiction, and very encouraged now.

The social engineers know the evil they are doing, but where does blame really lie if you keep using it?

2 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Years of psychological study and observation have been put to use in making this project work.

2 years ago

This is absolutely a case of a “spoonie”. Her history suggests that she has been constantly and consistently looking for attention on social media for years. She know just enough to be dangerous, her medical background gives her the language to play it up and sound legit. The Covid cause is the perfect venue to elicit never ending sympathy. Attention vampire. Who dis credits the real issue. Serious mental issues.

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