Dave Menchinton: 46-year-old Canadian “vaxx-hesitant” man has severe adverse reactions, partial paralysis two hours after second Pfizer injection, hospitalized ever since

October 1, 2021

Mr. Dave Menchinton.

KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA — A 46-year-old British Columbia DJ and cruise ship worker spent much of 2020 and 2021 mourning the loss of his two dogs and advocating pro-choice for “vaccines” and masks. He now regrets going against his convictions and has an uncertain future.

Mr. Dave Menchinton received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on August 6, according to his Facebook page. But the story starts long before that. Mr. Menchinton is the proverbial “right-winger” who posted memes and updates like this in 2020.

Mr. Menchinton is anti-Fauci, anti-Trudeau, anti-Gates, anti-mask, anti-liberal, etc.

But his last public post in 2020 came on July 2 that year. He reappeared on April 16, after a nine month absence from Facebook. His birthday is April 16 and he received a lot of well wishes.

He posted about five more times publicly until July 29 when he shared that his two dogs, ages 14 and 13, both died in 2020 or early 2021. Mr. Menchinton reported that his mental health declined as a result. He described his situation as “rock bottom.”

He posted another update two days later, thanking everyone for their support. Mr. Menchinton again grieved the loss of his dogs and referenced his emotional state.

He informed everyone of his August 6 Pfizer injection on August 12. It is a mixed-bag post that calls COVID “a money grab for big pharma” and encourages pro-choice. Mr. Menchinton also made clear that he received the injection so he could work on cruise ships again.

Mr. Menchinton posted another update on August 21. Mental health professionals advised him to refrain from using social media and watching television.

He did not post again until September 24, when his life changed completely.

Hospitalization and uncertainty

Mr. Menchinton received his second Pfizer mRNA injection on September 23.

The adverse effects were swift and harsh. Mr. Menchinton reiterated that he only got the injections to work on cruise ships again and travel to different provinces to see family. But two hours after his second Pfizer injection, the whole left side of his body went numb. Stomach cramps and diarrhea followed the next day. He referred to the injections as “trash” and again, said the whole agenda is a money grab.

His condition continually worsened. He went to a doctor’s office that day. But they transferred him to a hospital to see a neurologist.

Mr. Menchinton was discharged early the next day. Doctors said he possibly had a stroke. They also found “spots” that may be cancerous. Mr. Menchinton, again, expressed regret for going against his convictions and receiving the injections.

The sarcasm, animosity and regret continued the next day. Mr. Menchinton said it’s great he can now use his “awesome vaccine card” to go shopping. But his experience in the hospital is typical for everyone having these types of reactions. The neurologist found nothing wrong with him, despite Mr. Menchinton being partially paralyzed, in severe pain, and unable to hold down food or liquids.

The severe pain, partial paralysis, nausea, etc. continued. Mr. Menchinton was back in the hospital the next day. Unfortunately he started experiencing something that is a pattern across Canada.

RELATED: Fred Pye: 39-year-old Canadian man suffering convulsions after Moderna injection, self-medicating with horse Ivermectin (July 21, 2021)

Mr. Menchinton was screaming in the hospital due to the pain and sheer agony. But medical personnel refused to provide him pain killing medication. Instead they discharged him again after just two hours. But medical personnel apparently grew a conscience in that time and re-admitted Mr. Menchinton about an hour later.

He was finally given pain killers and an MRI. But they still couldn’t figure out why the pain was so excruciating or what was causing it. They even monitored his heart to see if he had a heart attack, only to find nothing. He updated everyone again on September 29, with a very down, distraught tone.

His latest update is perhaps the most disturbing. Doctors changed his diagnosis from “vaccine injury” to “unknown.” When he asked the nurse to clarify why, she got angry and left the room. Mr. Menchinton was discharged again, but even the nurse said he likely shouldn’t be discharged.

RELATED: Bonnie Keefe: 61-year-old Canadian woman develops painful skin disease following Pfizer mRNA injection, told “don’t talk to media” by health authorities (September 1, 2021)

They prescribed only one pain killer when he was on seven of them just to be comfortable while in the hospital. Mr. Menchinton woke up on Thursday at home in severe pain, no appetite, and can only walk with a cane.

This story is obviously still developing. We’ll update at least every two weeks.

Powerful psy-ops persuading anti-vaxxers

It’s safe to say Mr. Menchinton was anti-vaxx and anti-mask before his dogs died and his mental health completely deteriorated. Also like many others, he equated travel, his job and visiting family with receiving injections. So he conceded. Everyone picks on liberals as being the “sheep.” But that’s not the case at all.

A man named Scott Law from Maine is staunchly anti-Fauci, anti-Biden and anti-vaxx, according to his Twitter feed. He describes himself as a “proud patriot.” But he succumbed to pressure and a false positive correlation between freedom and mRNA injections. Mr. Law received his first Moderna mRNA injection on or around September 7. He’s regretted it ever since.

We wrote about Ms. Jessica Turner in August. The 34-year-old Massachusetts woman is a die-hard Trump fan and Republican. But she succumbed, got the first Pfizer injection, and almost killed herself and kids when she had a seizure while driving five days later. Mr. James Cooper Sawyer is also a Trump guy. He died eight days after his third mRNA injection. It all just shows that even the staunchest anti-vaxx critical thinkers can be persuaded, and that Donald Trump is nothing more than a puppet who persuades his followers to receive the injections.

Get rid of your televisions. Unless you work in media, get rid of Facebook and Instagram. Let go of former friends and family who refuse to think critically. You could be the next staunch anti-vaxx critical thinker rolling up their sleeve and experiencing god-knows-what thereafter.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

Never sell out your convictions, no matter what side you are on. Why sear your conscience? Once you have made up your mind to reject this gene therapy cocktail, never, ever let yourself be talked out of it. If you give in, NONE of those who pressured you will be there to take care of you when you suffer for it. Stay strong in your convictions! Do not comply!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

dam good advise , stay true to your gut feeling

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Thanks for the heads up Ron. It really helps.

PS. how do you explain “virtue signaling” in layman’s terms.

Last edited 2 years ago by dmitry
David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  dmitry

Virtue signalling used to be called hypocrisy practised by…hypocrites, aka play actors.

2 years ago

thanks David.

Nancy Bottomley
Nancy Bottomley
2 years ago
Reply to  dmitry

They’re telling you what a good person they are, how much they do for others.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

This! The more I read, the more I pray, the more my convictions are solidified.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Damn true, buddy!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Nobody jumps in that grave with you! Well said!

2 years ago

I also see that these injections don’t seem to clear up people’s potty mouths. If they “f” bombed before, they seem to go into overdrive afterward. Several reasons for this, including the virtue signaling, self-regret, etc., but you see this tendency in folks with cognitive decline and loss of inhibition. Look for those declining mental faculties in people who’ve been vaccinated as time progresses.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I also see that these injections don’t seem to clear up people’s potty mouths. If they “f” bombed before, they seem to go into overdrive afterward

The effectiveness of profanity is inversely proportional to the frequency of its invocation. If an expletive is invoked at a timely moment once in a blue moon; it can be highly effective in conveying thought and emotion.

But anyone who peppers their writing or their speech with expletives every other word is basically low class trash; and certainly not worth listening to.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

my 6th grade teacher used to say that using curse words shows how stupid you are. I rarely used them after that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

“Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.”
-Mark Twain

As pertains to you directly, however, I offer this quote:

“You’re so concerned about morality, that I can’t help but think how essentially immoral you are underneath.”
-Sinclair Lewis

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

Whoever posted the altered images of Obama & his wife makes me not want to come back to this blog. Politics should be kept out of it and to inform peopl don’t need to be malicious. Very disappointing.

2 years ago
Reply to  admin

It is so good to see an administrator stand up to people who can’t handle the truth!

2 years ago
Reply to  Redpill

perhaps you should,ve had the blue pill, ignorance is bliss after all

2 years ago
Reply to  Redpill

To me, the photos are shown precisely because this should be about health, not politics & both sides, succumb to the same lies!

(most of people around me, left & right & middle, all took the jabs & still wear masks!)

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

Most of the people I know who are liberals have been vaccinated. Outside of that, it is those who’ve never had to have much backbone in their jobs, or who get their news from a three letter station.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

Yes CNN is having a huge affect on Covid-19 vaccine narrative worldwide because most people worldwide watch CNN. CNN International is very powerful. People outside the USA view USA based on what they hear or see on CNN International.

2 years ago
Reply to  Redpill

Dear Redpill,

You being redpilled seems to be a delusion. You are evidently not redpilled enough if you can’t see that everything about this covid plandemic has been politicized to the hilt. True redpilled people can handle the truth. White pilled people who stand around waving the “Can’t we all just get along!?!?” flag all day long makes y’all look like concern trolls.


2 years ago
Reply to  Redpill

‘Redpill’. The jokes in this increased bizarre world keep writing themselves thanks to clowns like you.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

SpecOps: The old Bizarro world Superman comics are nothing compared to the clown world morons like RedPill live on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Redpill

Yeah, I don’t think the intent was to mock anyone or to make a political statement, but to show how anti-democratic party he was before succumbing. All this is above politics as it affects everyone irrespective of political or religous beliefs.

2 years ago
Reply to  XOXO

All can succumb to foolishness and horrid consequences if they are not anchored in truth. That is why I stay in the Word of unchanging Truth..The Bible.

2 years ago
Reply to  Redpill

You don’t think that those deceiving us are malicious? I invite you to take the Red Pill…

2 years ago
Reply to  Redpill

Wow, Obama, and his wife are no longer in office, but altered images of them on a blog offends you. Politicians should not be treated like God. Also it is hard to keep politics completely out of the Covid topic because it has been politicized by the left and right whether we like or not. They have politicized it for different reasons, and there is a bigger agenda behind this Covid-19 pandemic. They want the vaccinated and unvaccinated fighting each other when we really should be coming together, and fighting for humanity.

2 years ago

I’m pro choice, unless they make me. sigh

2 years ago
Reply to  Tyrson

I’m pro choice, unless they make me. sigh

The average American bears little resemblance to those 2nd century Christians who would bravely go to the lions rather than renounce their faith. Today many would probably renounce it if the cost became more than putting 3 bucks in the collection plate on Sundays.

Mr. Menchinton’s wounds are entirely self-inflicted; so his cries for sympathy do not reverberate in my ears.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Look, it is easier to “bravely go to the lions” if you did not have children who are your responsibility for bringing into this world. Maybe why the most dedicated amongst them were celibate and childless.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  XOXO

Celibacy was not a practice of the early Christians or their apostles, evangelists, pastors and teachers. That was introduced much later by the Roman Catholic Church when they Judaised the Church by creating a separate priesthood that was celibate. The Romans, and before them the Jews, were quite indiscriminate in their persecution of Christians, killing men, women and children.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

He took a death serum in exchange for begging the government for travel privileges…not very strong convictions…In addition to exercise his right to work…It looks like he will not be working any longer…People need to draw the line…it should have been with the Slave Masks…now the People need to tell Big Daddy Government to take their Needle and Shove It…

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

The most energetic persecutor of Christians was Diocletian who ruled at the beginning of the fourth century. He was followed by Constantine who made Christianity an official religion of the Empire. Another persecutor was Nero whose reign was in the first century, which was the time of the greatest slaughter, killing all but one of the apostles, John, who was banished to the island of Patmos.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

They have the tech to control your mind via wave signals. David Icke said in a video he posted 2 weeks ago that an anti vacc friend of his who lives in the same neighborhood as his, clamed that he experienced a feeling of joy out of no were while laying on his bed, followed by a thought that popped out of no were in his head, thinking of how great it will be if he JUST TOOK the vacc, he said he saw himself being at a vaccination center taking the vacc, and he said he still does not know to this day how he got there to the vaccination center.

2 years ago
Reply to  Morgan

Just sounds like someone who caved to the pressure. We all have the power to imagine “What if I were to go down there and do it, then I could keep my job and be happy again?” Then you remember Israel and all their boosters and how their passports become void if they are not made into human pincushions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

He also was brainwashed & believed that a “real lockdown” could have stopped “Covid”
Aug 12 “I also believe we could’ve eradicated it at the beginning by Investigating the source and completing a real lockdown”
So just because he (also) keeps harping that it’s (more about) money, doesn’t mean he wasn’t buying a lot of the propaganda and some of the governments’ methods.

2 years ago
Reply to  Morgan

Maybe this friend was long-swabbed and received nanotech that grew an antenna over his pineal gland.

Troy T
Troy T
2 years ago

The whole game the World Controllers enjoy to see is breaking people’s free will to get this shot. Most people’s conscience tells them it’s no good but they do it anyway through persuasion

2 years ago
Reply to  Troy T

The Mark of the Beast must be taken out of Free Will…the very first dose is the Mark, because, from the very moment of injection, it begins to alter the DNA which makes them unrecognizable to the Creator…It is a question of Worship, and it has to be of Free Will…those that cave, are giving in to the Government, and worshiping Government ( the Beast System ) as their God…if they were grounded in Scripture and had a morsel of Discernment, they would not Cave In…This guy described here Kneeled to his Master in exchange for ” Privileges ” which should be his Human Rights…Now he has to Reap what he has Sown…If everyone stood firm and refused the Slave Masks, and did not ” Compromise “…it never would have gotten this far…The Eve of the Apocolypse…

2 years ago

He does not seem to be a bad person, despite his temper, at least he speaks his mind.

His mental issue could be due to loss of income + social isolation (friends & family, dogs).

Travel industry normally require workers to be jabbed. Some cruises line even impose such draconia rules for guests (jabbed + neg. test PCR nasal)

The pressure is tremendous, if the employment or school requires it.

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

He does not seem to be a bad person
The pressure is tremendous, if the employment or school requires it.

Nietzsche wrote a long essay on “beyond good and evil” asserting their inherent simplicity and noting how everything assertive in man has been beaten out of him; converting him into a sublime abortion.

He also stressed the horrific toll that psychological weakness and cowardice has taken on society; a cost that goes almost completely unnoticed in the West…where “being a victim” is a badge of honor in an upside-down world.

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

His is a tragic case. As I know what experiencing mental breakdown feels like, I can’t dismiss this guy like others.

At that state your mind can be like a naive child, a malicious guy or influence can enter your life and its over. Most people who make life changing mistakes did so because at the time they were in that state, like investing in a shady big bank financial scheme they shouldn’t have.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

” I can’t dismiss this guy like others”

Nor can I – for after he lost his two dogs he really seemed to have fallen into despair.
Someone should have pointed out to him, that there is hope – for those who put their trust and faith in Jesus -> read: G.H. Pember, Animals – Their Past and Future !

Instead of putting his trust in Jesus he went to get the injection – but it is not too late –
Jesus can save him now and forever – that is, if the man agrees.

2 years ago
Reply to  Leonie

Do not put your Trust in False Prophets ( in this case Politicians and Scientists ) just put your Trust only in the Most High. Matthew 7:15. The Wisdom here is that False Prophets will let you down every time. Never Trust Government…Never Trust the Sorcerers & Witch Doctors…

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

How much longer will they be able to work if they are Paralyzed or in a Cadaver Bag because they trusted Government and Big Pharma? Even a Life Insurance claim does not pay out on an experimental Jab. People can not be Uneducated and Free…it has to be one or the other…problem in the age of Idiocracy, people refuse to educate themselves…Just give them enough Circus Maximus and Pornographic Plays, and they will never revolt…worked for the Ancient Romans as it does till this day…

2 years ago

Not to be overly critical; but the man sounds like a big baby. My goodness; I have been in the hospital multiple times during my long life time; I never once posted a single comment on social media about my stays there; that would be unseemly; and I do not even recall getting visits or a phone call or even a post card; and I never thought anything odd about it. I was there for treatment; not to cry like a baby in need of a pacifier.

I recall when I was hospitalized for a few days about a decade ago; at the end of the four days the nurse remarked to me; “in 25 years of nursing; I never encountered a cooler customer than you”.

He is only in the hospital because of his own capitulation and weak-mindedness; and he has no excuse that he “did not know” the danger of the vaccine; he knew far more than the average poor soul who “believes their government”.

Better luck next time.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

To be fair, you had not just been injected with a poison capable of causing extreme pain. Maybe the pain he felt was 100x compared to yours. Pain tends to be caused by dying cells, which is why most cancer pain is a result of the ‘meds’, rather than the cancer itself.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

You are a manly man. A rare breed today. God bless you. Well done.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

The comment that nurse made does not surprise me. You come out through your comments – to me at least – as being intelligent, mature and comfortable in your skin and mind.

I don’t expect to read from you, anytime soon, a comment echoing a great number of idiots here, of the kind ;

“Those [immigrants] are our next killers”, “he hasn”t been saved by the blood sacrifice of jesus” (sounds like a roman pagan human sacrifice cult to me)…etc (other statements stemming from fear, insecurity and love of the prison with invisible walls).

Best wishes on your earthly journey.

2 years ago

As far as wavering of any anti-vaxx convictions, it’s going to depend on whether you think this vaccine crusade is deliberate genocide or if you’re trusting in [non]science and coincidence theory. As far as this man’s pets go, they were at an age where they normally pass on. But this vaccine shedding is killing perfectly healthy younger K-9s and other animals, too. If this person was aware of that, he might have stuck to his convictions and not expose the pooches to any harm.

Last edited 2 years ago by liz
KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  liz

is killing perfectly healthy younger K-9s….
I do not doubt; shedding may also harm/kill other humans, depending on dose. Do not go close to the vaxxed, especially the first 2 weeks post vax. However, in this case it looks like his dogs died (July) before he got vaxxed (Sept.).

2 years ago

Its not a money grab, they already got paid for those shots, its genocide!

2 years ago
Reply to  Truthbknown

That’s the front-end payment. Think of all of the injured and permanently disabled who will need Big Pharms meds and potions going forward. So I’d still say it’s a money grab, just multi-tiered.

2 years ago

He has permanent damage. Never make a big decision when you are very stressed, grieving, overworked and tired. There is just nothing good that can come out of it. Still maybe he’ll slowly improve to a reasonable state of health. I hear of people months down the road and they are still not back to their old selves.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

I am starting to get persuaded to get the covid vax…for my mother-in-law. The wife too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Uh…doesn’t stop transmission. If you get a virus. Recovery rate 99.75% unjabbed. Shots failing everywhere. Limited antibody life. Dr. Malone states in UK seeing reduction in disease in jabbed yet majority of fatalities are the jabbed, that this should be addressed. Yeah, no kidding, doc.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Stay strong and don’t.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

I think he means he wants his MIL to die… and doesn’t love his wife anymore either.

2 years ago

Wow so much truth here.

2 years ago

I would just like to say that, just because ‘some’ Trump fans are caving in and getting this jab, it doesn’t mean that Trump is a puppet. Trump only originally rushed the vaxx, because he knew that the ‘deep state’ would have kept the world in lockdown for years until they had developed the vaccine, which may never have appeared. In this time, the world’s economy would have been destroyed and millions more would have lost their lives (As per the Great Reset).

Everyone has a choice and Trump DID come out last year and tell everyone that there were already safe and effective cures like Hydroxychloroquine.

As I said, people have a choice…….

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Sally

The capitalist economy is gonna crash anyway. Trump could’ve saved billions of lives – instead he gave Big Pharma a pass on animal trials (also for other ‘new and innovative’ drugs). Ok it was probably Kushner who was the driving force, but DJT put him in charge. DJT is a killer of men.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sally

You are being played and you’re practicing False Idolodry…Trump was Celebrated when the first people got Jabbed…it amazes and bewilders me how the MAGA Kool-Aide drinkers fall for the deceptions…Trump, including Obama and Biden, are all Hard Core Luciferians…Trump just read the Fake Corona Script that was planned out over fifty years ago…Even several years before Con Vid arrived, Trump said it was the calm before the storm…that’s when hundreds of high-level CEOs resigned also…Traitor Trump knew about this entire agenda for decades…It is Idol worshipers like you that give the mass murderers like Hitler Stalin Trump and Biden the cover they need…perhaps one day you will realize that when some of your friends and family members become their victims…

2 years ago

This is another case of Sergeant Schultz Syndrome. Neurologists are catching it wherever vaxtards can be found.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

Dave Menchinton is learning the hard way that the medical system is permanently dysfunctional and run by drug dealers in white coats, who don’t know how to diagnose or treat anything. They do know how to kill people however, that is their speciality. I hope he isn’t one of their selected candidates for the Care Pathway leading to Lala land. It sounds like he might be.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

A century of wars, the sexual revolution, abortions and the consequent 50% dysfunctional families without fathers has killed off the strongest men and radically degraded the moral fibre of society. Small wonder then that everywhere in our institutions, decisions are guided by death rather than life. The ONLY solution is a wholesale return to God in Jesus Christ who IS Life. Nothing else will work. Until God turns the hearts of humanity to Himself we shall continue to slide into the Abyss. That return to God is what I pray for.

2 years ago

Just finished reading this post. I wish I could give it 1,000 upvotes. EXACTLY.
We as a nation and even world are heading NOW directly into the froth of heavy strife I believe, time-wise. Much of this contempt and anger will be but a faint memory to us in coming months because SADNESS and GRIEF from loss of life will change our responses. I hope and pray that throughout we will still be able to reach out to each other here. Seasons.

2 years ago

I wish there was more inquiry into the rise in pet deaths; I feel pets are being affected by individuals shedding the spike protein and their smaller bodies being unable to handle it. My dog got ill and we almost put him down after he spent time playing with my Uncle who was vaccinated with Pfizer. My Uncle also has a dog but much younger and he complained his dog was lacking energy and seemed tired all the time.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlP

I heard they want to start vaccinating pets for Covid too. They have realized pets can catch Covid, spread it, and die from it just like humans, so don’t be surprised if your Veterinarian asks you if you want your pet vaccinated for Covid once they have one available for pets, but in the meantime I think using Ivermectin for pets would be the best or safer option. I would not trust a Covid vaccine for my pet if I had one. I believe they originally tested Covid on animals, and all the animals died, so they stopped it, but they are now using it as an experiment on humans even though it was not successful on animals originally.

2 years ago

I am surprised somebody that was vaxx-hesitant did not do a Covid antibody test before considering taking the Covid-19 vaccine. There must be a lot of folks taking the Covid-19 vaccine unnecessarily when they don’t need it, and ignoring the research. If you have Covid-19 antibodies or have blood type O then you don’t need this shot. Blood type O folks are least likely to catch Covid, and that blood type seems to be protective against the Covid-19 virus. The spike protein finds it hard to attach to blood type O folks. Also blood type O folks cannot give blood anyway, but they can receive, which may play a role in it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

They can give blood, as far as I know, but I agree that Type Os are best suited for fighting this disease!!.. Several studies had that conclusion!.. Type O- is the Best. Sadly, I know 2 Type O- individuals, including one who had Covid Antibodies, but they both got persuaded to take the vaccine course & I couldn’t talk them out of it!!- People need more information, that’s for sure!!..

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

I’m blood group O rh negative, and back when I was giving blood I was forever receiving letters because our blood is so valuable; anyone of any blood type can receive O- in an emergency before cross-matching (we O-‘s are known as ‘universal donors’)
However, were I to need a transfusion I can ONLY receive blood that is my own, or from another O- person
Someone with AB- blood group, otoh, is known as a ‘universal recipient’ as they can receive blood from ANY blood type, including their own

Have definitely read that it’s difficult for us group O’s to catch covid (or anything viral for that matter)

Last edited 2 years ago by Eva777
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

I had an interesting conversation with my 15 year old daughter about how rapey the whole vaccine push is. Every one of these jerks on MSM reminds me of some useless SOB at prom trying to convince the girl that it needs to be her first time because everyone else is doing it, or the pimp lowlife who arches his eyebrow and shrugs like it should be no big deal what goes into the gal’s body and under what circumstances. Trust that they love you long time, baby, until you’re thrown in the trash. With this it’s even worse because a lot of people feel ridiculously coerced by the gross violation of their human rights, but they want to make it look like they made a free decision. So they desperately wanted to see their grandma in a different place or start a new job? We’re going through the same thing here if we leave Phuket for my husband’s visa interview in Bangkok according to the news we can not come back here. If his medical exemption doesn’t go through, he can’t come to America either. Neither of us will take this mark, even though my personal family situation with international travel is a nightmare over it. It’s just too rapey. I think I’d prefer it the old way instead of with a needle…

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

Yes, many who took it to travel end up barely being able to get out of their own or a hospital bed.

2 years ago

Giving in to the Mark of the Beast so you can go to work is foolish on multiple levels. Not only is your job – any job – not worth your life and health; it’s also counterproductive from a financial perspective because, after the blood clots kick in, you’ll be left unable to work anyway AND saddled with horrendous medical bills to boot.
It’s a trap. I’m very sorry that the gentleman in this article had to find out the hard way.

2 years ago

But one can see, even before he was vaxed he believed Covid was real and that it could have been stopped with a complete lockdown:
Aug 12 “I also believe we could’ve eradicated it at the beginning by Investigating the source and completing a real lockdown”
So he definitely was buying and regurgitating a lot of what the government propaganda and liberals pushed – one of those who think it the government applied more tyranny “Covid” would have been “stopped”. So really he is none too bright.

2 years ago

Never yield to medical tyranny!. As Steve Quayle says ” a shot to the arm, a shot to the head..either way you are dead. “The main reason I will never take the clot shot is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ created me with His God given DNA. I will not change it to Satan’s control mechanism. Secondly, when it is my appointed time to go see Him (to die), I choose not to go through the intense suffering that Dave Menchinton is going through (prayers with him). Furthermore, if a jack booted thug tries to forcibly inject me ( or any of you out there) then he is assaulting you with a deadly weapon under law. We have both the God given right and the legal right to defend ourselves from such a deadly heinous assault.

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