Karen Croake Heisler: 67-year-old former Notre Dame professor says “damn the unvaccinated,” dead 12 days after third Pfizer mRNA injection

September 22, 2021

Mrs. Karen Croake Heisler.

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — A 67-year-old former Notre Dame professor is dead, in what is fast-becoming a pattern of quick deaths after “booster” shots.

Mrs. Karen Croake Heisler received her first dose of Pfizer experimental mRNA on January 13, according to her Twitter account. Her age allowed her to be one of the first to receive the injections in December and January. It’s unclear when she received the second injection. But Mrs. Heisler declared on April 9 that she and her husband suffered only sore arms after their second injections.

Mrs. Heisler was a passionate, hardcore supporter of anything related to masks and COVID-19 mandates. She also displayed consistent animosity towards those who refuse to receive mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. She called non-vaxxed people “selfish” and ordered them to stay home “until you come to your senses.”

Ms. Heisler loved masks so much that she even made her dog wear them.

For reasons unknown, Mrs. Heisler received a third Pfizer mRNA injection on September 7.

Her health apparently deteriorated very quickly thereafter. Mrs. Heisler tweeted from Orlando Regional Medical Center on September 14. She was there to see a cardiologist. Mrs. Heisler tweeted three times that day, with all of them blaming the “unvaccinated” for her deteriorating health. She went out swinging, telling everyone to “get the damn vaccine” and “damn the unvaccinated.”

Mrs. Heisler died from “cancer-related complications” on September 19.

RELATED: Jovita Moore: Atlanta news anchor develops two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection, still recovering from surgery (May 31, 2021)


Mrs. Heisler was well-respected by the Notre Dame community. She worked in the university’s Film, Television and Theater (FTT) department from 1993 until she retired in 2018.

Mrs. Heisler authored the book Fighting Irish: Legends, Lists and Lore in 2006. The FTT Television Studies Award is named after Mrs. Heisler and given to one graduating FTT student annually for outstanding academic performance.

Mrs. Heisler is survived by her husband and two sons.

Two dubious lists for Karen Croake Heisler

An advisory panel spoke today at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to debate who should receive third Pfizer mRNA injections and when. They recommended that only senior citizens and “those at high risk from the virus” receive third injections. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel rejected the Biden Administration’s wish to inject everyone with third Pfizer shots last week. The bureaucratic tug-of-war will continue for weeks. Meanwhile many vaxxed people are receiving third injections without FDA approval.

We’ve covered three stories thus far about people receiving third Pfizer mRNA injections. Michael Mitchell received a Pfizer injection after already receiving two Sinovac injections. He died six days later. James Cooper Sawyer died eight days after his third Pfizer mRNA injection. Now Mrs. Heisler is dead 12 days after her third Pfizer injection.

These three individuals were ages 65, 77 and 67, respectively. The average time it took for them to die after the third injection was about nine days. Yet the aforementioned CDC panel is recommending third injections for all seniors. Note that mainstream media are also pushing for Johnson & Johnson “booster shots” after the company touted its own studies on its own product. The original product was marketed as “one-and-done.”

Unfortunately Mrs. Heisler was also a hardcore virtue signaler who died after mocking and belittling the non-vaxxed. It’s a disturbing, common trend among vaxx zealots. Ronald Babb, Louie Knuxx, Jason Maurer, Jordan Hayes Dr. Witold Rogiewicz, Dr. Thomas Flanigan – it’d be overkill to keep listing them. It is what it is.

If you love your parents and grandparents, you will not allow them to get viral vector DNA and mRNA injections. You most certainly will not allow them to receive the third, guaranteed-lethal injection. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones. S/O to commenter “dddd” for the news lead.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

So a literal Karen Croake-d.

I just don’t see myself losing any sleep over this one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

This comment is priceless!! Well done!

Never in my life have I seen such hysteria from the “educated” community.

If someone would have hypothesized this scenario to me, two years ago: only one unvetted, experimental shot, would be the impetus for the reestablishment of segregation, unconstitutional treatment of patients, broken families, illegal immigration, depopulation, massive unemployment, social divide, fake medical claims, etc.. I would have said the American public is just too smart to fall for this propaganda, BUT, here I am today, no extended family left to talk to, children pulled out of school, planes flying over head literally every minute (most likely carrying immigrants), medical community ignoring hippocratic oaths/common sense and killing patients in hospitals, racial and medical segregation is acceptable, and EVERY country is in on it—-

Bottom line: NEVER CONSENT to this jab, arm yourselves, get food, and move (if need be) next to people who are like minded.

no name
2 years ago

One thing I loved about the lockdowns was not having to interact with any idiots for a whole year!
(Trouble is – obviously I’m plugged-in to social media channels etc. and I’ve never seen or heard so MANY idiots in one year in all my life!
“EVERY country is in on it” – yup, we don’t call it the plandemic for no reason.
No way this is an organic cultural shift.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

You have an “immigrant” issue in your head. Get professional help.

Assuming you are in the usa, the spilled blood of the massacred native indians hasn’t dried yet, nor has the blood of millions of stolen africans, and you are still acting as the same hungry settlers who descended like a curse upon the land we now call america.

More recently, the blood of millions of arabs/muslims hasn’t dried yet, thanks to 9/11 and the massacres that ensued, and AH like yourself are complaining about “immigrants” while flying the flag on their petty porches, trying to justify their hypocrisy.

Enlightened people approach life trough the angle of abundance and generosity, not through the angle of scarcity, worries and fear.

Poor soul.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Americans will take care of our sins. You take care of yours wherever you are.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

While I don’t disagree with everything you said, my first comment speaks for it. I for one am sorry our ancestors treated the Indians shamefully. But, I was not there. I am not responsible for what they did.
Also, 9/11 was not the fault of all Americans — only our corrupt government. I am devastated for those who have suffered and died and promise to do all I can to bring light to the truth.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie

I am not trying to inflict a guilt complex on everybody who identifies as american, far from it. And yes you are right, on Judgement Day, you will have to answer only for yourself, what those you are related to, did or did not, is not of your responsability.

That said, those who go around pointing the finger at other humans who are trying to improve their lives and that of their loved ones, as if they were sub-humans, are the spiritual complicits of the psychopaths of this world. Just like those who pretended and are still pretending that the official version of 9/11 is all there is, or still prefer to look the other way because the status quo is where their petty comfort lies.

Read the comment of the AH I replied to and you might better understand my comment.

Personally it warmth my heart to see those immigrants happy and enthusiastic about working hard. Just today, one of them – barely speaking english – helped me with some heavy load with a big smile on his face, while everybody else around was grumpy, fake and worried.

The God I believe in, is the God of abundance and generosity. He Gives how much He wants and to whomever He wants and whenever He wants. Everything is His. Hating on other humans will not change anything to that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

It’s that tribe that has taken over America that is responsible for the killing. We’re a subverted nation unfortunately. Global suffering is caused by the rabid death cult that thinks it’s just fine to murder any people’s that are not them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

I’m going to bet that you live in a terrible city. You see, where I live, everyone is very nice… Your anecdote about “immigrants” is worthless.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lucian

No more so than your assumption of where he lives and the utopia where you claim you live.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Then quit hating!

2 years ago
Reply to  Tommy

I don’t like hate, either, but I prefer to police my own “hating” and let other folks police theirs. The USA is supposed to be a free country, you know. If I were to choose to hate, then I’d hate without asking another soul, such as yourself, for permission. Only prob is, I don’t know how to hate, so the point is moot. But I do entertain some strong dislikes, such as that for folks who try to police my thinking and would take it out of my control on the assumption that I am not bright enough to police my own thoughts. Kapeesh?

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Even the natives immigrated here. Tribes have been pushing other tribes off their land since the beginning of time and it will continue as long as there are humans. I’m a native American – born here even though my ancestors came in the belly of a ship. They stole land from no one, enslaved no one. What is the name of this god you serve?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie

Like most cases, it wasn’t all Americans who killed the natives. It was a few mostly from the tribe that lives to kill all over the world. That serpent race. And you know what? Before the Native Americans there was a whole different race in North America. Whatever happened to the mound builders? The giants? Lincoln spoke of them in one of his speeches. It was common knowledge in his day that the giants were here. Farmers and town builders kept digging up the remains. The Smithsonian always swept in and carried them off, never to be seen again.

There’s quite a history of peoples being annihilated, now it’s our turn.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Excellent comments. Those people who massacred the native tribes of this country, mostly out west, so they could build their Empire “from sea to shining sea”, are the ancestors of the same greedy punks that stink up the halls of Congress today…..and no, they were not the English settlers of the 1600s or 1700s. I really never looked into it, but perhaps Canada has similar skeletons in their history closet also. I heard that coverup about the Smithsonian also and I am glad I never went to that museum even though at one time it was on my bucket list. They are not just covering up this country’s early peoples, they are covering up Genesis 6:4 of the King James Bible.

Last edited 2 years ago by liz
2 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie

Of course you don’t disagree. You’ve been indoctrinated from birth to be a self-flagellator, too.

En Passant
En Passant
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

An ancestor of mine was one of those massacred in Glencoe in 1692. I will never get over it (but $1M in compensation would help …)

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  En Passant

The psychopaths do not care about who they impovrish or kill. Just look up for instance the Ludlow massacre in Colorado.

Slaves in love with their cage and their chains, always tend to think that they are the favorite children of the masters and if it weren’t for other slaves, the masters would love them even more. Morons.

2 years ago
Reply to  En Passant

I,ll bet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Personally, I feel no guilt about “the blood of indigenous people or arabs/moslems.” Nobody should ask me to take on guilt about something that happened . before I got here. Live and be happy, or not, your choice. Don’t expect me to get involved.

If it were up to me, all illegal aliens would self deport bc I would cut off all funding for their illegal lifestyle. I don’t want them here bc they offer nothing but a bill, and a hand out, and are incapable of making life better.

The USA has no duty to fix other nations, esp when it has homeless people of its own to take care of. Besides, foreign aid is how the swamp gets its kickbacks. ie Clinton Foundation, etc.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  katz

Indifference is the way of those dead at heart.

“…they offer nothing but a bill”

Obviously you never worked in the physically-taxing construction field, hospitality business, farm business…etc. Those immigrants are the backbone of those industries, documented or not. They are hard working, honest and loyal. Any small entrepreneur will choose them over a local AH with his eyes closed. Besides, they don’t come with the bureaucratic chains that you and the many “documented” slaves are in love with.

Some job ads on CL, they are just in spanish. It is like the business owner’s way of saying : “feeling-entitled local, please do not apply. Go take selfies, watch netflix and seek attention on facebook”.

Stuck in the bubble of hate, jealousy and hypocrisy, you are parroting the hate that the demagogues have instilled within you. Maybe you are one of those rotting individuals depending on money your beloved ruling class stole from other people and you are anxiously waiting every month for your SSI check.

After all, maybe what’s happening now in the west is divine justice. The rulers are only a reflection of those they rule. Go worship your flag and your SSN, slaves in love with the plantation and their chains are such a big turn off for me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

People who legally immigrate to the USA & become citizens are Americans. Illegal aliens who are breaking the law, by criminally border jumping have stalled that wonderful process and ruined it for many people who have been lawfully waiting. Globalist communist politicians don’t give 2 sh*ts about any people–lawful citizens or illegal border crossers. Those endorsing this political agenda and lying propaganda of the MSM and globalist politicians, that push the lie that the people illegally crossing our borders are all poor people coming to the USA for a better life, either hate America, approve abuse of children, human trafficking, drug smuggling, and murder or they are not using their critical thinking skills, or are still young enough being naively brainwashed.

2 years ago
Reply to  CFaith

CFaith: Well stated reply to Amin Abdullah

not ashamed
not ashamed
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Lots of words with no meaning.

Come here legally or stay home. No country is under any obligation to allow everyone in.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Whining seems to be your forte. It smacks of self pity and narcissism. I don’t associate with whiners because they won’t pull themselves out of their pit, so they determine to pull you in with them. You are a misery I wont have any of.

2 years ago
Reply to  katz

They’re the replacement population and will be our future murderers.

2 years ago
Reply to  katz

Israel should be forced to open up its borders and assimilate non-Jews. They must embrace diversity and tolerance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Immigrants and diversity for thee,but not for me….Oy Vey

2 years ago
Reply to  katz

You’ll be happy to have the illegal immigrants back when lettuce is $10 a head because Americans won’t take jobs in the fields.

I’m sure you have the documentation to prove all of the huge sums you claim are being spent on illegal immigrant’s lifestyles and can identify the source of those funds?

Proud American
2 years ago
Reply to  MTB

You’d sell your birthright for a pot of beans…. Genesis 25:29-34 to satisfy your “now” without any care for how it will affect you and others later. You are a product of years of indoctrination.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Minus 95 ?. Why you all still hate me too much ?. Is this the new national hobby or what ?. Please, let’s have some MAX HATE quota in the comment section.

My reply ; 2 songs.

Jackson Browne – The Rebel Jesus
The Eagles – The Last Resort

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Because you’re painting with a super-broad brush. I neither own any slaves nor have I ever. I come from immigrant family from Mexico, documented–yes those horrible pieces of paper! Good people don’t like to be stereotyped.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

I’d be willing to bet that, with this crowd, 80% of the hate is simply because of the name with which you post. Keep posting – thanks,

Actually, with these idiots, a large negative score is something to take pride in.

1 year ago
Reply to  MTB

Keep flailing, MTB. It’s comical!

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Body, you have a chip on your shoulder. The hate is oozing from every of your sentences. USA is not for you. Why would you live in country you hate ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Wealthy Jewish merchants had a leading role in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. All of the slaveships were owned by Jews. They are dishonest by nature and they self-project their crimes onto Gentiles. Louis Farrakhan, Dr Tony Martin and other free-thinking black figures have acknowledged that the main players in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade were Jews.

Orwell Knew
Orwell Knew
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

There is no culture or group of people on the planet, except perhaps Buddhist monks, that has not done as bad or worse in their history. However pious you might feel, it is my bet that you would have been right in there with the egregious majority because you display an inability to formulate an independent thought. A most common trait of the mob.

I want you to try very hard to understand that no one is responsible for the sins of their ancestors. Nor is anyone responsible for an act they had nothing whatsoever to do with. Sharing the same ancestry, nationality or skin color with a guilty party does not make a person guilty by association. Not at all. Any belief that it does is simply warped logic, no matter how popular it might be among virtue signalling, useful idiots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

History is called that for a reason. To consider the past sins as forever in the present will get you nowhere but an early grave. Life moves on and the blood has indeed dried and blown away in the wind. We remember the holocaust to never repeat it, not to replace those responsible then with those who live in the present. We have a nation that has every right to its borders. That is law. If you don’t like that you can wander as a nomad and die in the desert, and your life will not be remembered and your hostility will die with you having had no significance.

Fred Quinter
Fred Quinter
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Nothing unusual about any of that, it’s just the way the world has operated for as long as people have been people, so no reason to be uptight about it although we should make an effort to do better.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

I would take your current tally of -341 down-votes(!) as of Oct 4th 2021 as a huge badge of honor.

As some egghead once observed; “When you speak the truth you piss everybody off.” Truer words were never spoken.

Over the years, I’ve noticed that even on truth-seeking websites such as this, when the truth hits a little too close to home, most so-called “truthers” just can’t handle it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Boris

You wear your ignorance like a badge of honor.

2 years ago

Re: the educated – it happened in Nazi Germany as well. History repeats itself, just not in the exact same way so people don’t recognize it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

one thing man has learned from history is that man does not learn from history.

2 years ago
Reply to  evilbughead


2 years ago
Reply to  evilbughead

Amen. That’s biblical.

R. Williams
R. Williams
2 years ago

Move where? The US has intervened and rescued MANY nations from tyranny. Who will rescue the US?

2 years ago
Reply to  R. Williams

When I say move, I’m referring to moving to a community that has the same mind set and will defend each other. No state is safe, but the true power is in the community and neighbors.

2 years ago
Reply to  R. Williams

If you think the US rescued anyone from tyranny you are a fool.
US is the tyrant and dropping bombs on kinds and droning civilians is not charity work. It’s charity for the defense industry and its fake terror.

2 years ago

If you move near like-minded people, you set yourself up to be the victim of a drone strike. If you think that sounds crazy, just reflect on the past year and a half.

2 years ago

Crazy to think that we’re at a point in time where that is very much a real scenario!

2 years ago

Yeah. Kind of destroys your (misguided) “faith” in hoomanity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The media all happily gloat over “antivaxxers” dying from COVID, so this kind of balances things out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Sorry she is dead. But what a way to go!
Many of my loved ones got the jab. But they don’t act like her. They assume they’re protected and let others do their thing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

What a sweet and considerate person. Or at least desperate to be called that on SM.
Wearing her virtue rag everywhere. Screaming curses at every smiling face.
Getting vaxx selfies to post on SM and brag. (Probably got an early booster just to show off on FB.)
This Karen Croaked cursing half of Americans. What a wonderful legacy to leave behind.
RIP Karen Croake.
Your survivors should put “Damn the unvaxxed!” on your stone. What so many will remember you by.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ren
2 years ago
Reply to  Ren

She came, she got vaccinated, she died (a.k a. The Hag).

2 years ago
Reply to  TravelAbout

Actually she died from covid injections induced cancer.
That’s one of many side effects.

2 years ago
Reply to  Evelyn

Induced or is it the way the viral vector injections are set up to train your immune system to only deal with coronavirus but ignore the rest, therefore letting cancers grow and take over? People have been complaining that their immune systems are shot.

Gregory Racer
Gregory Racer
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I like your comment – you beat me to it! All I can say is damn the vaxxed. They’re clogging the medical system, much in the same way their capillaries are clogging with spike proteins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory Racer

Here this woman is in the ER triple vaxxed mind you, and not with Covid symptoms, and she still cannot put the puzzle together. She is looking at all the people clogging the ER and just assumed because msm tells her that they are all unvaxxed. My guess is that probably most of them are vaxxed as most nurses are saying. This is the level of insanity we are up against.

2 years ago
Reply to  Macnucc11

I cannot believe the level of cognitive dissidence.

2 years ago
Reply to  Macnucc11

It’s sad too that these people are dying never knowing the truth. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

R. Williams
R. Williams
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Every unsaved soul lost should be mourned. Stupidity, however, should not.

Igor Izhchenkov
Igor Izhchenkov
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Lose sleep because Croake croaked?


2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Roger that. Good riddance as well.

Snow Dog
Snow Dog
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

She taught theater so I guess we should have expected the truckload of drama she dumped onto everybody enroute to the grave. The unmitigated gall of some of these ill advised vax freaks is something to behold. What, pray tell, was her cardiologist going to tell her? To read the label next time before you get jabbed?

2 years ago
Reply to  Snow Dog

Except that the warning label is left blank. Nothing at all suspicious about that!

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Copy that!

2 years ago

S/O to commenter “dddd” for the news lead.

Thank you for the acknowledgment.

2 years ago

I (sarcastically) love how if you review her twitter feed, about 25% of her entries are related to complaining about DeSantis covid policy, and another 25% or so was about correcting grammar or spelling errors.
Yet, observe the second to last tweet she ever made above:
“Had to go ER route. Place is a teaming and the waiting room stretches into hallways.”
Uh, the word would be “TEEMING”, and as an adjective, “a teeming” is grammatically incorrect. Unless she meant the ER was teaming together with something else, and even then, it is only grammatically correct if she includes the object of “a teaming”, otherwise the ‘a’ has to be left out. But she did not say that and it is pretty clear she meant the place was simply full of people.
Petty, I know – but this is literally what this (again, literal) Karen spent her life doing, so I just wanted to let her know:
We see you Karen! Proofreading matters!

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

You vindictive sob


2 years ago
Reply to  Junipar

Junipar, this comment had a +3 after my upvote. Thanks for the chuckle.
It seems that there are at least three people who did not get you are joking, since this is down to a 0 again.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The whole thread made me chuckle thank you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Thank you. I noticed the spelling error and was planning a comment until I saw yours.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I completely missed that , but for someone who is correcting other people’s grammar as she is, it is egregious.

2 years ago

What is it with the vaxxed? They morph into radical zealots with bizarre personality changes. Anecdotally, there are lots of unvaxxed people commenting that they’ve noticed personality changes in their loved ones. As well as altering DNA, this vax appears to alter the mind as well. Thoughts?

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

Mad cow disease is caused by the vax!

2 years ago
Reply to  Truthbknown

Best comment

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

It does alter behavior…it is an Operating system…there are so many evil things in this death serum, including Peptides in trace amounts which are actual Scorpian and Snake Venom…Luciferase…also Graphene Oxide infinitely stronger than Titanium and used to hold the Lipid Nano Particles, & is one of the most dangerous chemicals known…Also on the ingredients list is Potassium Chloride, which has been used in State-Sponsored Lethal injections…this salt compound is used to calm the Heart…which is needed for obvious reasons…The Elite have done all their homework on this one…Yet the Corona Lemmings say it is a miracle of Modern Science…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

interesting…so the vaccines contains stuff which is used for the deadly jabs in prison/jail? To calm the heart…? Now that might explain why there are so many heart-issues lately…

Lucy Goosey
Lucy Goosey
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Maybe buyers’ remorse makes them vindictive towards those not so determined to die prematurely? I think may think that if they are going down, they are going to take as many down with them, as possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lucy Goosey

That’s how Satan feels with this genocidal plan-wants to take as many of God’s creation-Humans with him since he is going down very soon to fiery lake of sulfer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Where to you get this stuff? “scorpion and snake venom” in the vaccine?!

Wow. Get the torches and burn you some witches….

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

psst: great post. you forgot to mention the trypanosoma cruzi, a parasite from the tropics which creates major health issues after a time.

2 years ago
Reply to  kat

Yeah, and T.Cruz protozoan blood parasite results in Chagras Disease which affects the heart……another ingredient that harms heart.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

Microclots in the brain causing symptom akin to early onset dementia? Patients with dementia can frequently be confused and angry.

Kelly Sexton
Kelly Sexton
2 years ago
Reply to  Daz

That sounds like Biden.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Sexton

and Trump, and a whole lotta other US politicians.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daz

Its like they lose all sound thinking ability. Very disturbing to witness the soul takeover.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daz

This is a sound thought and one worth considering. We know this jab causes clots. We know that clots can cause dementia like symptoms due to brain tissue starvation of oxygen and other essential elements carried in the blood.

Another serious concern for those who have or are going to take this jab.

If you have, or will, please start a regimen of aspirin to thin the blood to protect yourself, if you’re not unable.

2 years ago
Reply to  dg54321

I read somewhere that a supplement, nattokinase is used to open blood vessels as well a beet supplement. But the people who take these shots become zealots and often reject natural treatments. This is why they took such a thing in the first place. The graphene particles have been found in not just the vaccine but in the masks and PCR tests as well. Seems like someone really wants us to get our daily allowance of carcinogenic, electromagnetic, clot causing material. Umm, put me down for none.

2 years ago
Reply to  Macnucc11

Yes, much better than aspirin! I started it when I had what I suspected was a shedding from people who helped at a store. With so many taking “the shots” (not a vaccine) I am treating myself as if I did get the shots and taking all the recommendations , natural alternative health recommendations! Nattokinase was the first. I am not a doctor so I can only refer people to sites like Health Ranger Report and Common Sense Show.

2 years ago
Reply to  Macnucc11

You do know that you can wear any mask that you want? I’ve worn just plain cotton masks when I’ve had to wear one, nothing untoward there. I’ve stayed away from all testing, Sticking anything up your nose is always a bad idea.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

I work with one, as soon as I mention sites like this, she goes into a rant chanting bible verses. A real cuckoo bird.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Farmerz– my father started doing that too. Whenever I would bring up things about the Covid Operation that werent the official presstitute Mockingbird narrative, he would go into accusing me of being overtaken by Satan. I kid you not. It seriously must be the effects from the frankeninjections.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan

I’m sure many people who received the jab don’t really want to admit the may have made a bad choice. As to this woman in the article exactly how does she know that all the patients in the hospital were unvaccinated? Did she go and ask all the patients or did the hospital staff tell her all the other patients were unvaccinated? Seems there might be some ethical problems going on in that hospital if the staff so Willy nilly tells their patients medical records to another patient.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Agree. I wondered how she knew all the patients were unvaccinated.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Because sleepy joe biden told her it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

My father in law was the same. Hospitalized 4 months after getting his 2nd vax. Ranting about the unvaxxed filling the hospitals. Which wasn’t true. Hypoxic. Rehospitalized 2 weeks later and died.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lorelei

This is really quite scary for the future. I am not vaccine resistant, I made a decision early on before “the shots” were available, I would not take the shots, it has cost me several very very long term friendships much to my astonishment. It was a decision it is not a resistance!

Rob Meldrum
Rob Meldrum
2 years ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

My older brother “ghosted” me after he found out I hadn’t taken the (experimental) vaxx. Last week a friend for the past 20 years ghosted me after telling me he was angry that I hadn’t been vaxxed. Interestingly, the (text message) conversation started when he asked whether I was planning to get the “booster” shot. He’s a very bright guy, but never read the EUA paperwork he signed. He trusted NYT and NPR instead of his own eyes…

2 years ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

I feel the exact same way you do. These vaccines are not safe and effective.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

I work at a hospital and every week they put out an email to all staff stating how many inpatients are Covid patients….also listing how many are vaxxed/unvaxxed (I dont believe the numbers are accurate or true as far as vaccination status) What happened to HIPAA laws? Can you imagine if hospitals were to announce how many patients were HIV positive and how many had full blown AIDS??

Of course they say that most Covid inpatients are unvaccinated and are pushing anyone who hasn’t already to take the jab.

2 years ago

The definition they use for “vaccinated” has been shifted a few times to push more deaths back into the “unvaccinated” column.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

also, too, hospitals will label one as unvaxxed if their vax was within the last 14 days.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

The reason you might not believe the numbers on vaxxed/unvaxxed status is because I heard the CDC only counts someone as fully vaxxed 14 days or more after their second shot of the two dose series. So anyone coming in before then (including very near vax deaths) is, well, unvaxxed…

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

Now you’re not considered fully vaxxed unless you’ve had the booster.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

Since it opens the blood-brain barrier, that they are affected by the jab in the head isn’t a stretch. Prion disease, etc., micro-clots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

Depends on how they acted before. Many have lost their minds months ago and mistakenly think if they could force us all to be guinea pigs the virus would disappear.
My parents got it. Dad is a lot more tired. But both seem normal otherwise. Ditto for my siblings. But none were ever true Covidians.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ren

My girlfriend is also a lot more tired dude! This is the first sign of somebody´s death. It begins slowly…with simptoms like: Bad sleep. Which leads to heart-death in the end. You know: What typically happens if you cannot sleep. And your sleep gets worse and worse. Your heart will begin produce stress. Stress kills!

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago
Reply to  ThebigOne

I was super tired every time I was pregnant, so I’m not sure it’s a sign of somebody’s death. :- That said your girlfriend might be thinking too much about why she did this and how she’s been conned…

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

Well maybe its true, the long swabs and/or the ‘vaccine’ has grown their pineal gland over with a nano-self-constructing antenna, they’ve had a wifi link established with the nearest cell towers/satellites, and have been receiving instructions from an AI controlled supercomputer somewhere. Maybe at the big supposed NSA facility built in Utah.

Look up the lyrics to “The Sound Of Silence” by Simon and Garfunkel.
Less than a five years after the invention of a device called the neurophone which could put information directly into a persons head, and less than seven years before the Soviets used microwave devices to instill depression in the minds of American S.A.L.T. negotiators, this song was written by these two. They were both sons of military-industrial complex parents.

Read those lyrics and think about a technology wherein songs (or scripts) can be beamed into the head of someone. This was 57 to 58 years ago, and they were apparently announcing a technology then that could broadcast things into people’s heads.

The part about the flash of a neon light, may have been the person seeing a glimpse of what was going on, due to a break in transmission due to the static and interference of the signal due to the neon light flashing, just like a lightning flash or driving under a power line can interfere with an AM radio signal.

The prophets writing on the tenement halls and subway walls, were probably the earliest victims of tests.

The sound of silence is the silencing of citizens who would otherwise be up in arms about things the government was doing.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

Early on I heard people reporting they felt as if they had lost their soul. I haven’t heard that lately.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

It’s even worse than that. Why do you think they’ve come out with all of these zombie movies? They’ve been doing test on mice that can control their hunger using a virus and nanotechnology.. Sound familiar? You inject humans with this virus and nano technology and using 5G, you can control how hungry people get. I think they’ve been experimenting on homeless people. There was a story awhile back about one homeless man attacking and eating another.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

Madamcynique– This has been my experience with my frankeninjected father. Exactly as you described it. He morphed into a mindless angry mob zealot. There might be something to this phenomenon in the injected.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

The vaxxed are the radically zealots. They are one in the same.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

If only everyone did it they wouldn’t be fools for having rushed into it. The vaxxed will come to resent the unvaxxed in the way the “dead” envy the living.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madamecynique

From just a rare interaction with a vexed person, I think they hallucinate and then carry on like nothing happened.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Vaxxed. I’m so vexed with this autocorrect

2 years ago

The clotted are getting what they deserve, good riddance to bad rubbish!

2 years ago

She cursed Vax Refusers and her middle Middle Name is Croake? Really can’t make this stuff up…Unbelievable…

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

“Heisler is dead 12 days after her third Pfizer injection.”

Pfizer should be put on trial : that’s too many days if you ask me, in this particular case.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

I know 😂, and they say it is effective?

2 years ago
Reply to  Macnucc11

Well apparently it is effective in making people more sick and then the hospitals are completing the job with wrong medication and venilators ~ this is stunning beyond belief!

2 years ago

These triple jabbers are going down fast. I think this lady was more brain dead than Jason the bartender.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

More mRNA vaccine is not necessarily better. We have no data to support these governmental decisions.

2 years ago

A friend of mine is eagerly waiting for his 3rd Moderna. He has multiple factors of comorbidity (age, weak heart, overweight, etc). The only adverse reaction was soreness the injection arm. not even a slight fever. i suspect he was in the control group & got saline both time. i have tried to talk him out of it as diplomatic as i can. i worry that he would not be so lucky the 3rd time. 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

Keep him in your prayers, Pam. I’m thinking he received the real cocktail both times, no placebo. Any saline injection, done halfway properly in the deltoid muscle, causes no residual soreness. I know this from giving many shots myself as a nurse years ago. Saline injections will not usually make the arm sore.

Most likely, the vast majority of those who get these kill shots feel little to nothing with the first injection or two, but the spike protein formation is cumulative and probably exponential, so the odds of acute or sub-acute severe illness or death greatly increases with each succeeding injection.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Saline is ONLY given to politicians and celebrities for looks , so they can say I got the shots!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Pfizer published with the FDA that some vials were saline and others contained either 5mg, 10, 20 or 30 for spike protein. The company is planning on 8 booster shots, 10 in all. Assuming your chances to die are 1% per shot, by the end of it, the likelihood of death is 10%–and that excluding the accumulative effect, which would make it much worse.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

This sounds too outlandish to be true.
Do you have a URL where this was published?
Otherwise, I just cannot believe it.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The Moderna substance contains 40 trillion lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in a 100 µg (microgram) dose. The Pfizer substance is 30 µg/dose, which would equate to 12 trillion LNPs given a similar LNP density to Moderna.

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

many die after the 2nd jab allready or get severely injured… But if you survive, then the 3rd, 4th or the 5th will finally kill you.

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

I’m just wondering when it became de rigueur to snarf up vaccines and boosters like candy passed out at Halloween.

2 years ago

it’s better these vaxers are gone, they are always telling others what to do as if they have no life or a perfect life and see themselves as a higher class than those that don’t follow their idiotic ways. Take your poison and die, dummy.

2 years ago
Reply to  dave

If they would just allow themselves to be guinea pigs I would pity them. Some fit that category.
But the ones who want to force their dangerous poison into us infuriate me.
Drink your grape kool aid that smells like burnt almonds. Volunteer to become Josef Mengele’s test subject.
But quit endangering my health and safety by forcing me to undergo a medical experiment just to humor your insane hysteria from too many hours in front of your idiot box.
They say they don’t want us near them. A lot of us feel the same about the unhinged vaxholes.

2 years ago
Reply to  dave

This! Hahahhaa! Sadly: My parents are also such assholes. Gladly this time i did not hear on their stupid advice.

2 years ago

Thanks for darwinizing yourself hateful b*tch.

2 years ago

Sorry, NO COMPASSION for this IMBECILE of a Woman!

2 years ago
Reply to  Brian

And this person was a university professor that some student is in hock for thousands of dollars of student loan debt. No compassion for the prof or the ones that supported this stupid cow.

2 years ago

It’s getting pretty darn hard to have any feelings of sympathy for these auto-terminating anti-anti-vaxxers. Or just call them vax-tards.

And who gives to the American Cancer Society? It just sucks down the research funds and goes along with all the suppression of cures.

Wow people are ill-informed and stupid.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

The American Cancer motto: cut, burn, poison

White Hornet
White Hornet
2 years ago

I have no sympathy for this woman, stirring up hatred for those of us who bothered to do our research and have declined the so called vaccine or who are anti vaxx. Serves her right one less a-hole on the planet

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago

This woman died in full devotion to her religion – The Cult of Covid, otherwise known as the cult of sacrifice to Molech. Having rejected the cleansing blood of Jesus christ, she chose instead to define her righteousness by a “purity” offered by the high priests in the white coats. These injections were her sacraments; they were how she worshiped her false god. And having received her sacraments, believing herself to be ritually cleansed, she then turned her cold religious hatred on those who remained “impure”… Her hatred being as much a part of her religion as her sacred injections were.

I highly recommend everyone reading the column by Allan Stevo which describes the modern day sacrifice to Molech that we are witnessing today. You can find it easily by looking up “the juice of the cow Allan Stevo” on google. That will bring it to the article where he describes how doctors’ offices and pediatricians’ offices became the temples to Molech where we offer the sacrifices of our children and ourselves.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

I never thought of it this way but you make some really good points. It’s like it’s a cult of intellectualism which allows people to feel superior.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

It certainly has taken on a religious fervor on the part of the left. Like you said, it could be construed as their substitute religion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

I found it but had to search about a bit. The word search to use is “Pediatric Offices and Elementary Schools — the Temples Where American Children Were Sacrificed to Molech-” By Allan Stevo on LewRockwell . com
V interesting read. Thanks for mentioning it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jen

Thank you. I’m going to read this. I appreciate you posting.

2 years ago

Spain high court ruled against vax passports for people to go anywhere in the country. Spain is exceptionally xenophobic because even the criminals are Spaniards first, Spaniards second, and Spaniards third. The EU is only tolerated for the money. The commies have been voted out here and the populists are in, so it may take the JWO killing half the country [predicted by Deagel for 2025] to win them over. Happy to see Romania has stopped all vaxes. I met a woman yesterday at a cafe who said she was an Inspector with the London Police on a two-week vacation. She said she was glad to get away from the riots she’d been dealing with for the last two weeks. I mentioned this to a pub friend from England later and he said she must be lying. He said he watches the BBC every night and there were no riots at all. I said, they probably weren’t reporting them, to which he scoffed at me, calling me a ”conspiracy theorist.” No, I said, there’s a new name for us now. I am a ”PUREBLOOD.”

2 years ago

Hi, Romania didn’t stopped all vaxxes. Is true half of the vaccination centers are closed. Because ppl don’t want them. Authorities do everything to force us, to impose mandates etc. But all of them are cancelled because of fierce opposition from ppl. They tried a few months ago to force doctors to have the vaccines or pay tests yet they withdraw bc doctors sent letters to say should they be forced they wil resign. And we ar already in shortage of personel in medical care. Yet they do some weird stuff: they vaccinated the children in ”state care”and other categories, they do a lot of bad things yet oposition is strong.
Also, becasue we had such a low rate of vaccination all summer it was crazy in Romania, all full, beaches everywhere. No rstrictions.
They try to impose things but we organise with lawyers that are also against and politicians that are against and we get rid of mandates right after they impose them.
Moreover, almost 30% of the vaccines made in Romania are fake. Either fake certificates altogether or ”sink vaccination” – they caught many but still there are so many others that did it: they go to the doctor give a little ”attention” and they throw the content and register the ppl like vaccinated.
I am so proud of my country! And hope to soon end this forever. Lots of ppl do get vaccinted the ”progressist” many also died young bc of brain hemoragy and others. Happy vaccinated of course no conection with the vax. They also vaccinate now their children. No words. But the others don t care less of the vaccines. Many say: I better die of my own death than take this poison that is a seal of Satan. So they see it. Some mobile teams that went to the villages to vaccinate people were met with lots of rezistance and here they are not so keen to try vaccinate by force as sometimes Policemens are beaten by ppl and it happened a lot. Also because of the corruption a lot of policemens are not trained, for I dont know what exam they all missed the physical and fight tests. ALL. Lots are fat no training whatsoever so let them try vaccinate ppl by force! In a country that is champion in alcoholic beverage consumtion.
Also some MP’s are so against vaccination and make campaigns, go in villages to inform ppl and even stop the vaccination caravans. Look here one example: at the end they closed the center and all the ppl were calling them (the Mayor and doctors in the centers” traidors, you want to kill us. https://www.facebook.com/DianaSosoacaOficial/videos/539703817265625/
Also Youtube closed temporary the official channel of the Romanian Senate as there were sessions where politicians that were against the vaccination spoke openly about this 🙂
There are so many sindicats that are fighting against vaccination.
I can write a book with what happens here but generally we are oposing it. Authorities want us vaxxed but they are so corrupt and don t do anything but steal so we don t trust them with our health. This is the reason we opposed them as we cannot trust them to bring something good for us. And this is why we are over 70% unvaccinated official, but unofficial there are more as there are lots of fake vaccinations as i said before 🙂 I hope more and more ppl in all countries wake up and stand against this fascism / depopulation agenda.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Thanks for your post, it moved me in many ways.
I laughed, I cried (ok, teared up a little), I got angry, I cheered and clapped my hands.
Overall, it gave me a little more hope.
I would move to Romania right now if I could work it out. My employer has a large office there in Bucharest, do you think an American would be as safe as a citizen in that city? Or is it only in the smaller towns and villages?

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Hi. We are now in the middle of some kind of war. They announced starting with some months ago when precisely will be the 4th wave. And now is exactly as they said. They manioulate with television stars that say they have covid and is so bad but all are good and doing interviews – of course there are alternative medicines, treatments that they don’t give.
They try to put mandates, but oposition is strong: lots of sindicates (SANITAS – doctors, some Police sindicates – yes policements the majority don t want the vaccines or to impose the mandates either) the former People’s Avocate – I don t know the function omologue in US, the former director of the house of inssurance, the public one) and many more. Doctors, lawters.
They give the worse treatments in hospitals, they lie as they breath.
I hope we will win this and they won’t be able to impose the mandates.
In order for us to have numbers we started the 3rd dose – figure it out, 30% vaccinated, only 38% ppl over 65 yet they started dose 3.
It is possible to come to Romania, we have lots of issues yet a lot of expats live well and happy here abeit they have to get used with the buoreaucracy. Everything has a solution but you need patience.
Yes, in towns is also OK, especially the ones with low vaccination rate. Even when there were strong mandates in some towns, some other were free, bars open, no masks, full. As they impose mandates after a certain incidence per 100 ppl and in some cities they keep the rate low bc politicians local don’t want the restrictions.
I hope we will pass this well and we will win.
Fortunatelly the Church, BOR – Romanian Orthodox Church is not pushing vaccinations. And if they will ppl will turn their face from BOR and through God as we know the job of the ppl that serve God and the after life and the soul is not to mess with telling ppl to Trust in The Vaccine!!
We trust in God first and we have lots of monks that are regarded as Saints that spoke against the vaccination so no matter what some Priests can say pro vaccination (some tried but they were put down by the ppl cursed as worshipper of Satan) so others didn’t tried further. At least in public.
We are not fanatic in out Faith. And we make a clear distinction between the Faith and our life here on Earth. We also have lots of superstitions that don t come from the Bible and the most faithful old ladies are performing some clearing chants to get you rid of diseases :). I know is a contradiction but here you go: most of the ppl go to Church only for Easter, Xmas, Weddings and Funerals and baptism yet try to take this from us: we have it in our hearts.
We have some prophecies from ancient Romanian marthirs and the ones in Communism times that suffered lots of persecutions.
And they said about these times decades ago: that lots of romanians will leave Romania (what did happened) and that there will come a time when our country will be surrounded by a circle of fire and the ones that left will want to come back but they will not be able to do it.
I believe that in what is about to come here we will be more protected, all of the ppl that are here. I have friends that are doctors and came from Syria, from iran, they are now Romanians in everything maybe except faith but very integrated as we also had Musilms since forever and live well along without problems and in frienship as when the politics don t mess ppl live in harmony.
So consider lots of things, maybe it is the time now to move here, maybe the time is after a year or two.
Anyway what was good was that we travel a lot overseas, in the summer more ppl than ever went in Greece and there were hours long queues of cars from Romania in the Greece boarder, many went in Bulgaria and everywhere they can. I hope EU will get out of the pandemic faster than others: Denmark, Norway already ended Green pass inside their countries and said it is the time to get back to normal.
Maybe this pandemic will be over in spring and ppl around the world must fight to make this happen but also for what will come next: pure blood ppl will be asked to donate blood, maybe by force in some areas, climate change other things. And maybe new pandemic in 2-3 years time. So consider lots of things but most important: if there is to change everything where do you want to be? As a temporary job here it can be a very good idea. Some anti vaxxers from Italy took tickets to Romania not return tickets they said they want to stay here forever 🙂 We welcome them, maybe we can make a country for non vaxxers along with Bulgaria as they also have a very low vaccination rate, lower than Romania and is very nice in there too, maybe nicer in some things.
We also have festivals we had 2 weeks ago music festivals with tens of thousands of ppl Untold, Electric Castle, Saga. Yep, no masks. And now we will have some ”pilgrimates” that are traditional and tens of thousands of Faithful ppl will go as they bring out the remains of some Saints that make miracles. We cohexist here wil modern and DJ music and Religious Celebrations that are a lot.
And above all the nature is amazing in Romania. Also lots of beautiful cities. Bucharest is not my no 1 favorite. Iasi, Oradea, Brasov, Sibiu I like more. And many other medium size.
So for you it can be an experience why not? If your heart tells you to do it, just do it, in life we must do thins, get experiences, live. But right now maybe we will have some restrictions for a while, but will not last long, none did here as ppl don t want them and start to revolt. Some mde heist in Politicians homes and stole lots of money in cash and then Politicians some are now under investigation as from where did they had those money! And some ATM’s were blow. So they cannot put some harsh restrictions for long periods as it won t be nice for them. And many politicians want now to change constitution so as to forbid forever technologies that alters the brain with internet-brain connection and others. I trully hope we will be better here and we were, thousands of years we stay in the same territory and we faced so many dangers but we are still here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

I wanted to say thank you for your additional perceptive post. I hope you and family and friends are able to life your life as you see fit.
I had a 5 country vacation planned to Germany, Italy, Greece, CZR, and Romania in Sept 2019 that I had to cancel at the last minute, and I knew it was possibly my last chance. However, even I could not imagine the insanity that was about to transpire 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I count my lucky stars that my wife & I got to do a self driving tour of both the North & South Islands of New Zealand in Oct 2019. What a trip that was and I would have never imagined that it would probably be my last overseas trip ever. Very sad indeed and it pisses me off to no end.

2 years ago
Reply to  TravelAbout

We were supposed to be on a cruise March 2020. I was going to see Spain and Portugal for the first time. Everything was cancelled and now I’ll never get to see anymore countries or even my family I left behind in the US because I can’t fly.

2 years ago

There will always be an empty chair for being a good system follower, because the previous user got used up and disposed of.

2 years ago

That’s Karma!

2 years ago

What an ugly covid fascist. I wonder if he must wear a mask and get regular booster shots in hell too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Critical_Mass
2 years ago

Karma…always watching she is.

Lady Val
Lady Val
2 years ago

When you see people becoming emotionally and even physically violent when things they support are rejected, you can bet that there’s far more to it than their concern about either your health or their’s. These people have a RELIGIOUS belief in the government narrative regarding this “pandemic” and, like all religious bigots, those who refuse to comply are worthy of death and damnation. Sometimes, however, they get hoist by their own petard as in this case. I’m sorry for the woman, but better people like her than people who have more trust in their own commonsense and the testimony of TRUE doctors and scientists. Forcing “vaccinations” on people who don’t WANT them is no different than executing them given the morbidity rate of these bioweapons.

2 years ago

It’s spelled “teeming”, not “teaming”, professor.

Mary Janis
Mary Janis
2 years ago

You have to give me a copy link to share or a Gab button. Im boycotting fb and the twit censors. You’re bad.

2 years ago

What’s interesting is that she keeps blaming the unvaccinated for there being no beds available in the hospital. How does she know this? And yet, she Tweets it out and I’m sure people believe it.

Lady Val
Lady Val
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

The hospitals are NOT filled! There is enough video testimony to that fact. It’s another lie that was put in place in the beginning. NYC let a hospital ship sent by President Trump to help with the supposed “crowding” simply sit there. It was never used. Why? Because there was no need.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lady Val

Yep, exactly.
I have a personal doctor contact who posted to FB at that time with pictures of their NYC hospital, saying I don’t know what the press is going on about or why the medical ship is here, we aren’t that busy.
He must have received some admonishment, by the next day the post was gone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

it’s become clear that silencing people is pretty commonplace for this manufactured crisis. If you work in an industry like healthcare that would have some authority to say these things, and you dare say them, you’re silenced, or deplatformed if you won’t recant.

Same has been true for cops blowing the whistle on their corrupt fellow cops, for years. Now I guess the medical industry is equally as corrupted. I really don’t see that there is anybody you can trust, any longer, in any position of authority. And that’s sad, because there are far too many quacks on the Internet making baseless claims as well, so it’s impossible to know what, or whom to believe. There are no good answers anymore, but it’s clear just “trusting the experts” isn’t working either.

Christine Hughes
Christine Hughes
2 years ago
Reply to  dg54321

Great comment.

Gregory Racer
Gregory Racer
2 years ago
Reply to  Lady Val

Hospitals are not crowded, instead the patient/nurse ratio is at a breaking point as so many nurses have been removed due to rejecting vax mandates.

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I worked as a registration clerk in a hospital emergency ward throughout the “pandemic” until I went on Maternity leave in July 2020. I can tell you that our hospital was deserted. They were sending clerical and nursing staff home because we had nothing to do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

Ah, I do the same job in a hospital, howdy fellow registrar, lol. My hospital was “overrun” early into the pandemic, but since then, there’s been much ado about nothing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I worked in healthcare and I can say for sure that hospitals still have COVID patients. I know this from my friends who work in various hospitals. I think it’s hard right now to tell what percentage are vaccinated verses unvaccinated. The irony is early treatment is key for everyone yet this will never be discussed in America because the vaccines could never have been approved for emergency use had there been effective early treatments. I spoke with a friend of mine today who works in healthcare at a hospital. She had no idea early treatments even existed and had never heard of Ivermectin. It’s unbelievable to me that this is happening in America. We could knock out COVID with proper education, early treatment for all, and vaccinating the vulnerable. Yet, we’ll never do this because it’s not about health. It’s so frustrating to me that people don’t see this.

2 years ago

It’s the injected like her filling up the hospitals

Tamale Lopez
Tamale Lopez
2 years ago

Good RIDDANCE Sheep!!! 🖕

2 years ago

This seems to be a case of being hoisted upon one’s own petard, and not without a bit of irony, as well. I don’t crow over someone else’s death, but this is part of why they recommended NOT approving a 3rd shot for anybody under 65. And frankly, shouldn’t have approved it for over 65, as we’re seeing in cases like this.

So if it’s doing this with 3 shots, are the effects cumulative? Would someone susceptible to clotting, etc, be a problem with 2? 1? What are the lines? Where are the facts? All I see is rhetoric and vitriol from the supposed “experts” for the peons daring to ask these very important questions.

2 years ago
Reply to  dg54321

These are great questions and I agree with you. We have no idea if the spike protein is cumulative. More mRNA vaccine is not necessarily better.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

No mrna bio weapon satanic transhumanism juice is best. This is the hill I will die on. I will not play their satanic game.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

We have no idea if the spike protein is cumulative. The damage caused will be cumulative, and worse. In nearly all cases, the 2nd shot will be worse than the first, not least because the killer lymphocytes will be more aggressive. Also antibodies present at the 2nd jab will attach to the spikes, which admittedly will clear circulating spikes quicker; however, the antibodies will also attach to spikes protruding from the endothelial cells, causing the *antibacterial* complement system to also attack.

2 years ago
Reply to  dg54321

You can be sure she would have died as well, een when you didn´t receive a 3rd jab 😉 The 3rd jab just kills you faster! In weeks/months instead of 1-2 years.

Those, who have allready vaccinated 2 times (or received a dual-injection) will also die. Just not so fast. They will die slowly and painfully…in the next year. bad sleep (my gf has bad sleep now) also KILLS dude. You die of heart-weakness then. Your heart gets attacked each time you get bad sleep or don´t sleep at all. The longer this situation lasts the faster your heart will begin malfunction. Until death.

2 years ago

Good riddance. If people want to get the jab and wear masks, suit yourself. But if they place themselves on a pedestal over it and think that makes them entitled to tell others how to live their lives-go to hell. And then they turn around and blame the unvaccinated…as if that has any basis in science whatsoever.
My husband made a recent trip to the ER due to a freak accident and had to make sure he wasn’t seriously injured. Yeah the ER was busy alright and it was taking awhile for folks to get seen but it had nothing to do with covid. Turns out it was because they only had 2 nurses on shift that night. So this ignorant Karen just assumed it had anything to do with unvaccinated covid patients. Sitting in a hospital, on death’s doorstep days after getting her jab, complaining about the unvaccinated. I can’t offer a shred of sympathy for these willfully stupid people. Jab each other until you look like porcupines then, and if you die because of it, well at least the rest of us are better off for it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

Sorry to hear your story, but I think it is worse than you might be seeing it.
They may have only had 2 nurses as an outgrowth of the covid policy of everyone needing to be jabbed. But to make it worse, these may have been the nurses of lesser intellect, because the smart ones already departed to avoid the policy.
Honestly, I welcome doctors or hospitals that upfront say they don’t want to serve the non-vaxxed. I would rather not place my health or my life in the hands of someone who does not have the common sense or ability to acknowledge the basics of acquired immunity. To say “we don’t know how long it lasts” is a cop-out, because you know even less regarding the vax. In my mind, they are incompetent or intellectually dishonest (bowing to Big Pharma), perhaps even both. Outside of an extreme emergency, I would go many, many miles to find someone more qualified.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes that’s what I meant, the long wait had nothing to do with covid insofar as it wasn’t unvaccinated covid-sick patients waiting to be seen as some like to suggest. And good point, the people who are left working at these hospitals probably aren’t the most trust worthy. The COVID and vaccine narrative is what created these situations of hospitals and emergency rooms being understaffed, I fully agree. Such a shame.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

Hospitals are understaffed and the media is not covering this. Hospitals have always been understaffed. Add to that many older workers retired due to COVID (they no longer wanted the stress of working in healthcare). This was followed by people who were terminated or quit because they refused to be vaccinated under the current mandates. We have a healthcare shortage that the media will never cover. And you’re right. People like this deceased woman (RIP) will attribute all of it to the unvaccinated.

2 years ago

They are doing their best to obfuscate the issues. The hospitals are not even asking patients if they have been vaccinated. If their own records show that the hospital did not vaccinate them, they are being put down as vaccinated. Clever devils.

2 years ago
Reply to  anastasia

they are being put down as vaccinated.

I assume you meant “unvaccinated”, correct? If not, can you elaborate, because I don’t understand.

Ned Baker
Ned Baker
2 years ago

They say that the third time is the charm.

2 years ago

Ooooops! That didn´t went as planned…but i just hahaha@ such dumb persons.

En Passant
En Passant
2 years ago

I do not fear Covid, but I fear what covid has done to the governance of totalitarian Australia ad its petty psychopathic political tyrants
Day-564 of the two-week lockdown to flatten the curve. Yet there is no end in sight, nor can there ever be until ‘The Great Reset’ has been fully implemented and anAustralian Gauleiter appointed.
As requiring the unvaxxed to wear a ‘Yellow Star’ would conceivably draw unfavourable comparisons with a previous totalitarian regime, might I suggest Pink Mickey Mouse ears for ease of identification of the unvaxxed and the passing of a law that allows them to be spat on with impunity, pelted with rotten fruit, stripped of their assets and sent to special camps?

I sent the following to my parliamentary ‘representative’, but received no reply.

Is it a crime against humanity to withhold an effective treatment from those who contract the Wuhan Virus?
Is it a crime against humanity to lock down your nation for 564 days resulting in a huge increase in mental health and depression issues?
Is it a crime against humanity to lock down your national economy for 564 days with a huge increase in business ruination and bankruptcies?
Is it a crime against humanity to threaten to permanently lock down a specific group of people within your nation based on a false medical claim and in contravention of the Australian Constitution and international laws and conventions?
Can you explain the following, or is the destruction of society and the creation of the New World Totalitarian Order your plan?
Options & Answers:
1.      Can a fully vaccinated sheeple still contract Covid? = YES
2.      Can a fully vaccinated sheeple still contract Covid from another fully vaccinated sheeple?= YES
3.      Can a fully vaccinated sheeple contract Covid from an unvaccinated Libertarian = YES
4.      Can an unvaccinated Libertarian contract Covid from a fully vaccinated sheeple = YES
5.      Can an unvaccinated Libertarian contract Covid from another unvaccinated Libertarian = YES
So, how exactly is this toxic vaccination going to save us – or make any difference for that matter?
Are we ever going to return to the pre-covid free travelling ‘normal world’?

Are you complicit in these crimes by supporting any of the above?

2 years ago
Reply to  En Passant

If the Great Reset psychopaths have their way your travel will consist of living in cities where everything is within a 15 minute walking distance. Doesn’t that just sound peachy?

Oh by the way, you’ll own nothing and be ecstatic about it. Whoopie!!!

Joe Gibralter
Joe Gibralter
2 years ago

I’m just curious why her obituary says she died of cancer? Are opposing views welcome here? Or is this an echo chamber?

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Gibralter

What they say is just a cover, seems to me she died from complications of the jabs. But of course no one will say that. Especially since she was a vaccinated person they’re not going to attribute death to that or Covid.

Joe Gibralter
Joe Gibralter
2 years ago

Ok, well thank you for letting me post. Most people I know well (50+ people) are vaccinated (most if not all with mRNA vaccines) and no one has had any side effects aside from some mild immune response symptoms similar to after a flu shot. None of these people have knowingly contracted COVID/ tested positive. On the other hand, I know a handful of people that are/were unvaccinated and have had COVID. My parents just got their 3rd shots over a week ago and have had no side effects aside from a sore arm from all 3 shots. Just throwing that out there. Reading this blog is terrifying. I can definitely see why someone wouldn’t get vaccinated after reading most of these entires. I’m sure there is a rare chance of adverse reactions to these vaccines, as there are with any vaccine. It’s far from a perfect antidote but my wife is a Harvard- trained physician and the data looked good enough for her so it’s good enough for me and likely good enough for our two kiddos when they are eligible. Seems like there is fear-mongering going on on both sides? Wish you all well regardless.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Gibralter

Welcome to the community. I doubt many of us will agree with you, but we all believe in free speech. Especially if a counterargument is made factually and respectfully, like you just did.
For what it’s worth, I also know many people, vaxxed and unvaxxed, who had the wuflu and all recovered. One caught an opportunistic bacterial pneumonia that was successfully treated with antibodies. All are fine now.
Meanwhile, I know of at least 4 cases of significant side effects to the injection. So much for anecdotal evidence.
As an engineer (and most importantly, as a critically thinking person) I’ve also looked at the data and it’s definitely NOT good enough for me. I can elaborate more on specific points if you’d like me to.
Kind regards,

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

I am interested in your elaboration, if you don’t mind, thank you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Struggler

Thank you very much for your interest!

1) It has been shown by multiple biodistribution studies that the “vaccines” do not stay at the injection site, but cross into the bloodstream and even pass through the blood brain barrier. [1],[2],[3].
2) It has also been shown that the spike protein, also in isolation from the whole virus, causes blood clots to form through several mechanisms. [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]. This is further confirmed by evidence from autopsies [9], [10], as well as from the exploding numbers in vaccine injury reporting systems (such as VAERS) all over the world.

Therefore, I conclude that the vaccines are unacceptably dangerous.

3) Natural immunity is better, broader, longer lasting, and has better cross reactivity against other strains. By contrast, the antibodies induced by the vaccines are oligoclonal and tend to be non-neutralizing for different strains, raising concerns for ADE. [11], [12], [13], [14]

Therefore, I conclude that the vaccines are ineffective in the long term. possibly even detrimental.

Considering that, at this point, there are many highly effective treatments available, especially if started early on, I see no point in investing in these questionable “vaccines” as opposed to therapeutics.

[1] A. Ogata et al: “Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients”.
[2] European Medicines Agency (EMA): “Assessment report – COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna”, Procedure No. EMEA/H/C/005791/0000; page 47/169, last paragraph.
[3] K. Bahl et al: “Preclinical and Clinical Demonstration of Immunogenicity by mRNA Vaccines against H10N8 and H7N9 Influenza Viruses”; page 1319, Table 1; and page 1325, “Biodistribution Studies”.
[4] S. Theuerkauf et al: “Quantitative assays reveal cell fusion at minimal levels of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and fusion from without”.
[5] Y. Lei et al: “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impai0.rs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2”.
[6] S. Zhang et al: “SARS-CoV-2 binds platelet ACE2 to enhance thrombosis in COVID-19”.
[7] E. Avolio et al: “The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein disrupts the cooperative function of human cardiac pericytes – endothelial cells through CD147 receptor-mediated signalling: a potential non-infective mechanism of COVID-19 microvascular disease”. [8] P. Solopov: “SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone may cause lung damage”.
[9] D. Wichmann et al: “Autopsy Findings and Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With COVID-19 – A Prospective Cohort Study”
[10] T. Hansen et al: “First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against
[11] S. Nielsen et al. “SARS-CoV-2 elicits robust adaptive immune responses regardless ofdisease severity”
[12] L. Wang et al: “Ultrapotent antibodies against diverse and highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants”
[13] A. Israel et al: “Large-scale study of antibody titer decay following BNT162b2
mRNA vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 infection”
[14] S. Gazit et al: “Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections”

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Gibralter

I meant “antibiotics”, not “antibodies”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Gibralter

I don’t disagree with you but the problem with these vaccines is that we don’t know the long term effects. In the short term, things could seem all well and good. I know many people who are “fine” like you and your wife, but will this be a different story in 10 years? I am especially concerned about vaccinating children and what the effect will be on their fertility. There is so much to this story that is never covered. All the best to you. I pray you and your wife continue in good health.

Rob Meldrum
Rob Meldrum
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Gibralter

It is difficult to determine the actual risks involved. Many doctors refuse to make a connection between the vaxx and other illnesses that crop up afterterwards. In terms of anecdotal evidence, I have four friends (unvaxxed) who had COVID. One was hospitalized for five days and recovered, one went to the ER and was sent home with standard meds (not HCQ or Ivermectin) and survived, and the other two had a “standard” case of the flu. On the other hand, I now know two people (with comorbidities) who recently died a couple of months after getting vaxxed, one health-conscious neighbor (no alcohol, mostly vegetarian diet) who just got diagnosed with an extremely rare blood cancer a couple of months after getting vaxxed, and a good friend being treated for prostate cancer who got vaxxed a few months ago, had been complaining of being tired all summer long and went to the ER last week. They found a large blood clot on his kidney, diagnosed him with leukemia and his blood work was like nothing they had ever seen before (screwed up platelets or something – I didn’t have the heart to ask for more details). He had a massive stroke two nights ago and is not expected to survive. I don’t trust this vaxx and the more the powers that be try to push it on us the more strongly I’ll resist.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

Re: the vaccines – I completely agree with you. So sorry to hear about your friends. I fear many people won’t wake up about these vaccines until they or a family member suffers an adverse reaction or death. And even then, some will go to the grave with their delusions.

James M Ferris
James M Ferris
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Gibralter

My problem with mRNA vaccines is that any negative discussion about them is either being suppressed or outrightly banned by the MSM. That’s my problem with what’s going on right now. Since your wife has Harvard connections, what is her, and really your opinion too, on Fauci and Gain of Function research, if you don’t mind me asking? No, I’m not conservative either. Even liberal and moderate voices raising legitimate concerns about the mRNA COVID vaccines are being silenced right now, much less conservative ones. To me, that is troubling with at capital “T.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Gibralter

There can be fear-mongering on both sides. This blog is not part of that but other sites I go to are way out there for me as far as conspiracies, mark of the beast and weird theories about what’s really in the jabs. I don’t have time to sift through speculations. I only want the facts, the debated science. The harder it is to find a study, the more you know the pro-C19 jab police have been censoring its appearance. Yet this site, like CHD and LifeSite News, are helpful in posting links to scientific sources that would be hard to find on your own because the search engines only bring up the propagandic narrative which drives the obsession to coerce people into allowing a poison injection into their arms. You and yours are very lucky to have dodged the bullets so far. However, long-term effects of the jabs are still to come particularly if people allow themselves to become booster pincushions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Gibralter

You must not read too much. I know people everywhere who either had someone like family or friend or coworker who got sick or died after being jabbed. The stories and data are out there, and testimonies and investigations from doctors and scientists and whistleblowers. Just give it time because no one knows the long-term effects, there sure are plenty of short term effects. And statistics worldwide are just staggering, well beyond what any pharmaceutical company should tolerate in a trial and we are the guinea pigs.

Dr.Josef Mengele
Dr.Josef Mengele
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Gibralter

Truth to the masses Joe. We not only share the same name but the same tremendous knowledge. Wife Harvard trained, excellent. I once mentored a young Cornell trained doctor named Antonio Faucci who would be quite impressed by you. Keep up the good fight Joe. Remember that that work will set you free

Michael Fisher
Michael Fisher
2 years ago

Damning the unvaccinated was probably not a good thought. “Hi Karen, I’m Kharma. I’ve been waiting for you>”

Grasshopper Kaplan
2 years ago

So I have this problem
I can’t really wear a mask I feel ill and can’t breathe with a face diaper. And I ain’t getting no jab to be needle-raped

This means no way to find work and no way to exist in this brave New world order false flag reality

How many “excess” suicides are occurring during this IsoLa lockdown Damm thing don’t want to end and open up the friegin jail for flutes sake

How many more propaganda garbage newscasts? How much more fear can we all swallow and wallow in

Let’s be totally scared to face each other at all and exercise any freedom

Why did they call it an exercise when Trump said “I wish someone’d told me”

I heard him say it sideways on the mic

How do the folks who are conducting this false flag feel like it is going ?

We can change the name to Flu-buh and reduce our fear by laughing at it even if it kills me I think that is less a problem than living in the Fear and Lies

2 years ago

The tragic irony of a brainwashed godless hypocrite. The only ones guaranteed to be damned are the chimeric abominations created by these injections she so willingly lined up to receive.

2 years ago

I have yet to ru into anyone like her since the whole covid madness started. I have yetto meet anyone genuinely afraid of the virus.

2 years ago

Good riddance. Vaxx maxxed right to the grave. KEK

2 years ago

My, my, what a loss to humanity of this jackass chronicler of the jockstrap class. How will we recover? she asked sarcastically

R. Williams
R. Williams
2 years ago

Even as recently as 20 hours ago, NOTHING in the news states that boosters have been authorized, let alone distributed and administered. What am I missing?

2 years ago

Does anyone have any information on how I can help my only son . He serves our country in the army and he really wanted to come home in July but the only way they would let him is if he took the vaccine and unfortunately he thinks his mom is a bit of conspiracy theory person and doesn’t always believe me so he would not have listened to me . Is there anyway to undo this mess that has been put into his body ? Please God I hope so because I need him for my future. I am moving to the town where his base is to be near him and I hope I can get him to see what’s really going on , he’s a good smart boy and deserves a good bright future .

2 years ago
Reply to  Colleen

There are. I don;’t know to what degree they help but I think they work well for ppl that didnt had a serious adverse reaction. NAC, vit C, D, selenium, intermitent fasting, sauna. Antioxidants. Water fasting – this is the strongest. But ppl that do believe in the vaccine don t want to hear about these things. Good luck in convincing him. You can only wait for him to ask for your help. I have the similar situation with some in my family took the vax and don’t want at least to take a d-dimer test! Although they started to have heart issues – high pulse, tired all the time etc. And one bad annemia. They say is not the vax even if they didn’t had these problems before. I am so frustrated they don’t want to listen but I have to pray and hope they will get back to senses in time, till is not too late. Some will do it, some don t . this is why I hope to end this plandemic hoax asap as to have a chance to help all these people that are injured and have a chance to get back to health maybe not as previous but to be well! Also I do believe that some effects are reversible as otherwise there is no chance they needed to put up to 7 vax in ppl, the boosters. They would of left only two. But the plan is with 7 doses or 8 in some passports in ISrael and UE they have place for 8 boosters. This makes sense as the human body has a infinite ability to get back to its original DNA. With big efforts though, I am afraid that the strongest is the water fast for long periods of time (till 40 days) but this can only be done if the person is also a believer. The Religious ppl can do it, the ones that do it without faith have problems after some time, so they can do it for 5 days, max 10-12. Max. If you have faith in this treatment your body will eat the waste and rubish. If you don t and focus on being hungry as the ones that strike for different reasons and punish themselves with this won’t do well. But the ones that know is for their good have high level of energy, don t feel hungry adn are very calm and happy after the first 3 initial days when the hunger strikes 🙂 Good luck, pray your son will have time to get back to health, or to be one of those not affected so hard by this initial 2 doses.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Not sure this water fast is good for those (many-most unaware they are source/or part of issue)with parasite infections. Maybe it works if you just acquired one but if you have many and chronic long-term hyper disseminated infection, I’ve read that the worms just start eating you instead of food. The issue is to destroy and root these out of the body -very hard long process (I am still enduring with hope/faith in GOD I will see the light soon in purifying my body and ridding of all abominations) as well as restore the body-all the organs that have been damaged-can help also get rid of parasites once functioning correctly (and other abominations, the parasites contain many toxins too).Many have become super resistant to being killed/rooted out- I believe a lot has to do with these parasites being weaponized in bio labs and inserted into vaccines (for years now, not just this one) and sprayed on us (in micro sized ones like morgellons and the eggs/start of them…like rope worms & weaponized large roundworms-Ascaris-they are more aggressive/resistant).

2 years ago

This is why you should not spend your money on a college education. She still died and didn’t understand the reason she died? The vaccine causes, among other things, heart problems. The programming, via TV and Media, that it’s because the Unvaccinated. It’s not the Unvaccinated, it’s the Vaccine Stupid. Wake up!

2 years ago

See, here’s the problem. Subversives, leftists, communists, agitators, USA haters, they can all say anything they want. I say what we all know is true and I’m censored. 

Carole Murdoch
Carole Murdoch
2 years ago

And she allowed the vet to give her beautiful puppy 4 shots at one time. That seems excessive to me. I don’t allow multiple injections for my pets. The vet has always agreed, for the health of the pet, to space them out.

It’s one thing if Karen wanted to be a pin cushion for experimental jabs, but couldn’t she give that poor puppy a break?

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Carole Murdoch

No vaccine for pets, whatsoever. They have been around for 1000s of years without vaccines. Go to youtube and read the comments of naive/stupid pet owners who vaccinated their cats/dogs and immediately saw the dire consequences on the poor innocent animals.

Delayed toxicity is not the absence of toxicity. NYC is full of poor dogs walking with their owners while covered with tumors all over their body. When I start a chit-chat, the owner replies “Oh he had a good life”.

I used to do the back flip to have the feral cats that I rescued spayed/neutered without vaccines (cat rescue organizations would do it for free but they insist on vaccinating their health out of them). And I found a vet who was accomodating, God bless him.

When will people finally snap out of their trance state and trust the Creator and not the demons who think they should and can rule and manage Creation ?.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Well said. I feel the same way. It was difficult finding a vet that didn’t push the vaccinations or require for next visit or so. Found holistic vet but unfortunately I could not afford to keep seeing. Never got the cat vaccinated though – but however, I am not sure about what the new owners did to him – a family. Out of my control though. I feel bad for those animals/pets taken to get covid 19 vaccines now and the helpless zoo animals with no voice as well being injected. Read about a lion and giraffe already died prematurely this past year who were injected…sad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Violetta
Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

How frustrating. So she goes to the hospital (herself obviously vaxxed) notices overflowing ERs, which may be due to other fully vaxxed folks like her, staffing shortages due to vax mandate, et cetera, and immediately latches on to the MSM talking point: it’s all those unvaxxed around me why I can’t get a bed! Damn them! Do healthy people need a bed in a hospital? Is there a point where people look at what they know, have experienced personally, or have heard personally to parse the truth from the lies? She sounds brainwashed

James M Ferris
James M Ferris
2 years ago

I ditched Twitter this June just like I did Facebook. This is the reason why.

2 years ago

no, damn her. forever.

James M Ferris
James M Ferris
2 years ago

It’s sad to see the vaccinated and the unvaccinated wish death on one another. Never thought I’d ever see the day when I’d ever see that. I never dreamed a dispute over vaccines would be the main catalyst for division and polarization in our country and the world. Social media sucks. Yes, I know I’m on it now.

2 years ago
Reply to  James M Ferris

That was the whole intention of the cabal, to divide us pit us against each other and they do it through brainwashing and the main stream media, and this is how they take over, divide and conquer.

Steve Williams
Steve Williams
2 years ago

I might be selfish but at least I’m not dead

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