Brittany Jouppi: 23-year-old Florida woman suffers nine seizures in 24 hours, severe neurological trauma, hospitalized five times in four weeks since Pfizer mRNA injection
September 8, 2021

Ms. Brittany Jouppi.

ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA — A 23-year-old Florida woman and avid angler is coming to terms with the fact her life will never be the same. But she’s still hesitant to identify the culprit of all of her problems.

Ms. Brittany Jouppi received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on Monday, August 9, at a local Walgreens, according to her Facebook page. She survived the “15-minute waiting period” and was sent home. But she developed dizziness and a severe headache while driving home. She also felt numbness and tingling in her extremities. But Ms. Jouppi, like many vaccinated individuals, dismissed it all as normal side effects after the injections. So we went to sleep thinking she’d wake up feeling normal. That didn’t happen.

Ms. Jouppi had fully-body numbness in addition to severe headaches, tingling sensations in her limbs, sharp pain behind her eyes, and confusion the next morning. She went to the emergency room, was tested for COVID-19, and sent home. A nurse told her, “there are too many COVID positive patients in here right now, we don’t want to potentially expose you. Come back if symptoms worsen.”

She laid down for a nap when she got home. Ms. Jouppi woke up two hours later to use the bathroom. Next thing she knew, she woke up in the hospital. Her boyfriend found her on the bathroom, unresponsive, in a pool of urine as she lost bladder control. Paramedics took her back to St. Lucie Medical Center, the same place that sent her home hours earlier.

Unable to speak

Doctors actually performed a CT scan this time. But they said everything was normal despite Ms. Jouppi’s condition being anything but. She had no idea what had happened to her or how she got to the hospital. Nurses kept coming into the room, asking her questions. But she couldn’t speak. Ms. Jouppi described it as feeling trapped in her own body. She was finally, after about an hour, able to blink to signal yes and no. Ms. Jouppi also used a writing pad and pen to communicate. She wrote the following:

“I know what I want to say, I can hear you, and understand you. Just can’t get the words to come out. I don’t know what’s going on.”

Nurses conceded Ms. Jouppi “might” be having a reaction to the mRNA injection. But they still “strongly recommended” she go home because there are a lot of COVID patients in the hospital. The next day, August 11, after realizing St. Lucie Medical Center was a worthless joke, Ms. Jouppi went to Cleveland Clinic Traditional Hospital. Doctors performed a battery of tests – MRI, X-rays, EKGs, ultrasounds, etc. It was the electroencephalogram (EEG) that revealed seizure activity. Doctors prescribed anti-seizure meds.


RELATED: Kirsty Hext: 26-year-old British woman suffers 14 anaphylactic shocks in month since second Pfizer mRNA dose, encourages others to get the shots (May 29, 2021)


Though Ms. Jouppie was discharged again, she ended up back in the ER on August 20 and August 21. She posted a video of her facial twitches on September 4. Interestingly she wrote that it feels like “something is inside my body controlling things.”


RELATED: Bill Gates, Microsoft file patent for dystopian “body activity data” apparatus (April 18, 2020)


Ms. Jouppie is scheduled for Electromyography (EMG), a test for nerve damage and/or malfunction. She is also scheduled for a three-day EEG from September 20 to 23 so doctors can observe her daily brain waves. Ms. Jouppi’s latest Facebook post as of publishing is from September 6 – another photo of her in the emergency room, this time with a bandage wrapped around her head. She reported having nine seizures in 24 hours.

Ms. Jouppi is also well-aware of potential social media censorship if she continues sharing her story.

She regrets getting the injection, but also says she does not know what’s causing her debilitating injuries.

“All I know is this isn’t normal, I’m not normal & this isn’t okay. This past week has been the hardest & most confusing week of my life. I don’t wish this upon anyone. If you want to get the vax, get it. If you don’t, don’t. That’s the great thing… you have a choice to make and it’s YOURS to make! It isn’t about being anti-vax, it’s a CHOICE that matters. Don’t let our choices get taken from us”

Here are a few more screenshots from Facebook for more context as to Ms. Jouppi’s life and condition.

A Give In Kind fundraiser is collecting funds to help Ms. Jouppie with mounting medical bills.

Stay away from injections and hospitals

It is established fact. You are on your own once the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections maim you. Ms. Jouppi got the complete runaround at St. Lucie Medical Center. She lucked into the Cleveland Clinic Traditional Hospital, which appears to be a legitimate hospital. But most people aren’t that lucky.

Australia is the COVID dystopian capital of the globe. Thus it’s no surprise that the most egregious case of hospital deliberate indifference and de-facto murder comes from there. The state-run Royal Adelaide Hospital in South Australia literally watched Mr. Clive Haddon die from the AstraZeneca injection without helping him. Mr. Fred Pye was told by Canadian state-paid paramedics not to mention his Moderna injection if he wished to get treatment. Same thing happened to Mrs. Bonnie Keefe in Canada.

This blogger is not trying to be the bearer of bad news. But the damage done from these mRNA and viral vector DNA injections is permanent. We regularly follow up on adverse reaction stories to see how the individuals are doing. Many report improvements after unorthodox interventions, only to return to their debilitating states days or weeks later. Ms. Tabatha McDonald, who survived post Johnson & Johnson seizures and brain aneurysms, is literally the only one who’s seemingly semi-normal again. Of course, social media is fantasy land. So we really don’t know her true status.

There are many good medical doctors still – Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, etc. But 95% of doctors cannot be trusted in 2021 and forward. Protect yourself. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Junior Becker
Junior Becker
2 years ago

People won’t to know about truth, just following their hollywood’s artist and fake media, it was last month, i don’t believe back then she didn’t know to research about the satanic vaccines. People are so stupid, its just search or google about those vaxx, the fucking modern word consumed people’s brain. They are concern about covid, a litle influenza, but not about the ‘faucines’..oops, vaccines that’s much worse, people denied good sense, denied the truth and then, denied our Christ. All that matter to them is their lives and, ironically, ends up dying by the ignorance that they so much begged.

2 years ago
Reply to  Junior Becker

People have never wanted to admit to themselves they’ve been taken for a ride. That’s why we see obviously vaccine-injured people doubling down in their pro-vaxx stance. The criminal media has so aggressively equated we doubters with every negative trope and meme they can tar us with, so these naïve fools think that to ask questions makes them bad people like all those Internet creations that they think represent “anti-vaxxers”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

It’s either that, or they can’t fathom that anyone would want to hurt their “awesome” selves. I don’t think this person is like that, but many of these victims here in the USA are totally self-absorbed with their youth and their physiques. The Selfie crowd. Not a humble bone in their body. The Scriptures talk about this “pride of life”and how it distances us from God. Young people will be young people, but maybe a little fear of God at a younger, tender age might have tempered some of this vanity with a little dose of reality. Say what you will, but much hurt came upon this nation when they took God and prayer, and Scripture reading out of the public schools.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Amen my sister.

2 years ago
Reply to  Junior Becker

The Scriptures warn not to worship False Idols and False Leaders. Matthew 7:15

2 years ago
Reply to  Junior Becker

I started a blog recently breaking down different things about covid jabs I get most of my traffic from search engines. It’s all Duck duck go, with a little from Bing and yahoo. Google doesn’t even figure into it…

Dr. Ball
Dr. Ball
2 years ago

She looks more like 33, not 23. If she’s really 23, it’s a ridden hard 23.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Ball

She looks very pretty in the top picture. Nine seizures can age you fast.

2 years ago

Lives in Florida, a fine-“free” state, too, generally, in regards to shot mandates. That is ironic. Wish her luck. Add to the list.

2 years ago

Why don’t you people admit the reality that this vaccine hitting your health so bad??? 9 seizure is totally worse at all.. I got only 1 seizure during my period time but I felt I can’t survived that night but having 9 or 20 seizures am sure am dead. Hope this will be a lesson learned and to open the eyes of the people who wanted to get this stupid vaxx,feels like your already ruined your entire life having this

2 years ago

Doctor will keep lying to you and never will tell the truth. Where was your critical thinking skill girl, you got a nice handy phone but never used it to research before taking a stupid vaxxed. Poor you!

2 years ago

Also Dr Kaufman and Dr Cowan

2 years ago

She is grateful to her ” Boyfriend ” & Family for helping her thru all this…Why didn’t any of them have the education and discernment, including critical thinking to warn and stop her? Isn’t there anyone warning these people? She still says get it if you want because its a Choice…Your choice to commit Hari Kari…How come we know about these things and they don’t? It is because they willingly trust False Prophets, and end up paying for their Idol Worshipping in more ways than one…Welcome to the Zombie Apocolypse…

2 years ago

Likely, the nurse left out they are full of “vaccinated” patients at her hospital. Like many nurses are saying on Bitchute.

2 years ago

Thank you for all the reports of factual cases. Sharing with others also.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

The facial twitching is similar to Victor Dominello who was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. I find it interesting that they monitor for 15 minutes after injection then send you on your way. You’d think they would extend the time but perhaps they realize that’s the length of time it takes before the onslaught of symptoms…?

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

“…the general public is being reduced to a state where people not only are unable to find out about the truth but also become unable to search for the truth because they are satisfied with deception and trickery that have determined their convictions, satisfied with a fictitious reality created by design…” – Josef Pieper

2 years ago

So how many people are going to open Go Fund Me sites to get the public to pay for their idiocy after they rejected advice, especially when they STILL REFUSE TO NAME THE VACCINE? Unbelievable. There are people who were forced into taking it and genuinely did not know and who openly call out the jabs. They need help too. She seems okay to post articulate articles or is having someone do it for her. She seems to be enjoying the attention of being extremely injured too…and still will not call out the damned vaccine. I am not glad this happened to her or anyone but I will not support silly behaviour and lack of accountability.

2 years ago

It is unbelievable that these nurses are still claiming unusual injuries in people right after the shot “might” be the vaccine side effects. After so many cases and enough experience but these nurses are not sure?

Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago
Reply to  Observer

These ‘nurses’ are no more healers than the idea that healing comes from a whack on the head with a log. They have prostituted their oaths as a nurse for ’30 pieces of silver’. In due season, these ‘nurses’ will answer to angry and upset relatives. Wonder what they will say then?

2 years ago

I wonder too. My daughter is a nurse, sadly we are estranged and have been for a long time. I have heard through the grapevine that she’s pro vaccine and refuses to see what’s going on. From what I understand she’s a willing accomplice and just got a raise. She’s vaxxed of course with no ill effects so far. In my darker moments I wonder if she’s injected anyone? I pray not. I’ve texted her so much info and it I don’t know if any of it got through. I heard she just got a raise. I am so sad and frustrated.

2 years ago

So many school friends studied nursing in their 30s cuz it pays so much better than their BA. right then I knew they were selling their souls to a sick industry to double their income and I knew how badly it boded for America. I left the USA after college so had some perspective on medical insanity

2 years ago

Interesting as members of Congress, congressional workers, federal judges, staffers, UPS workers, & illegal immigrants, are exempt from the Biden Covid-19 vaccine mandate.
Oh, & our local police have voted to not have any testing, & they’ve decided not to take the shots, although the kids in school must wear masks & have the shots to attend.
Listening to the local scanner there seems to be a lot of people having breathing problems, some women are having bleeding problems, & one misarrange where the woman can’t stop bleeding.
(Not saying that’s connected, it’s simply an observation.)

2 years ago

Debated with a guy today who said he doesn’t care about 5 ppl I know with side effects. So I guess he doesn’t care about her either.

Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago
Reply to  MitziG219

Sounds like a selfish narcissistic fellow who won’t care until he is writhing in pain or gasping for breath. Better to debate with a brick wall than with a fool who has no empathy.

2 years ago

Does this mean we should automatically extend our empathy to all people who refused to listen or research for themselves, and then got injured due to their own ignorance? And now they want your help and sympathy?

At the very least we have to learn how to be highly selective with our empathy or we will get ’empathy fatigue’ and then be unable to care about anyone. Not everyone deserves empathy in equal measure. What about the ones who viciously attacked you and all other anti-vaxxers online, pushed for mandates and then got injured? They now want your empathy too. Are you going to give it to them too?

2 years ago

The truth dawns slowly — we must STOP the medical industry from usurping OUR JOB and taking it for themselves. Good health is achieved by smart eating and fitness. Good health is YOUR job alone, reader.

The job of doctors and nurses is to repair bad health. It is their only job. This horrible event unfolds because 1) people assign the WRONG JOB to doctors/nurses and 2) the FORCE of government has been handed to doctors/nurses on the pretense of “greater good” for our future “good” health ….

The doctor/nurse who says, “Your good health is my job,” should be pushed aside for a presumptive fraud. A true healer says: “Your good health is YOUR job. Come to me when you have bad health that needs repair; otherwise, stay out because others need me more.”

UNTIL this establishment as to the real job of medicine is embraced with regard to ANY government intervention or force, human black widows will continue to poison people in the name of future “good health.” Medicine’s ONLY job is to repair bad health. Good health is NONE OF ITS BUSINESS.

2 years ago

I just read an update she put up on Instagram. She hasn’t walked in 4 days and she said walking isn’t in her near future. She is wheelchair bound until further notice. Unable to walk, legs shaking uncontrollably when standing, she is also suffering 6-8 seizures a day. She is getting an EEG to wear on Tuesday to Friday and also appreciates all the prayers being sent her way.

Jay Ell
Jay Ell
2 years ago

How heartbreakingly ironic that these poor people have to (almost literally) go crawling back to the very doctors that destroyed their health to try to *reclaim* their health. Time to take personal responsibility for our own wellness, folks, because the medical establishment can’t be trusted.

Sharron Fuller
Sharron Fuller
2 years ago

Our 50 year old healthy friend suddenly diagnosed with Afib months after Jab. Any other cases like this?

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Sharron Fuller

I think there have been many cases. Check the VAERS websites and search for a-fib. I’m assuming you are aware of the relationship between S-antigen spike proteins and the cardiovascular system, as well as what MDs have had to say on the matter, like cardiologist Peter McCullough. If not, it would behoove you to look them up. Like uncontrolled diabetes, this experiment from hell will affects all major biological systems, sooner or later.

2 years ago

This person just posted on her Facebook that she is not Anti Vaccine…serious case of Stockholm Syndrome…

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Virtue signalling at its finest.

Loredana Linden
Loredana Linden
2 years ago

The Give-in-kind fundraiser page doesn’t download. I have found a GoFundMe page which Brittany’s family has opened:.

2 years ago

And as of 28 May 2022 she still only has $424 USD raised of $6,000 goal via 13 donors!

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