Stacee Tiemeier: 40-year-old Ohio woman loses friends, gains enemies for chronicling her declining health after second Pfizer mRNA injection
August 12, 2021

Ms. Stacee Marie Tiemeier.

TROY, OHIO — A 40-year-old mother and long haul driver fears she will die any day now. But she is bravely telling her story and warning others to stay away from the government and media-coerced injections.

Ms. Stacee Tiemeier received her second dose of the experimental Pfizer mRNA injection on April 20, according to her testimonials on TikTok and Facebook. The adverse reactions were immediate. She developed a full-body rash hours after the shot. By April 23, she developed a fever of 102 degrees that has persisted ever since. Steroids provide temporary relief, she said. But the fevers are “part of [my] new life.” Extreme fatigue, brain fog and general malaise have also persisted ever since.

Doctors finally admitted in mid-May that Ms. Tiemeier’s sudden and drastic health decline was caused by the Pfizer injections. She’s had every medical test known to man, from the D-Dimer (which indicated blood clots in capillaries) to MRIs and spinal taps. Ms. Tiemeier was exclusively telling her story on TikTok until May 16 when she first posted about it on Facebook.

She let it be known that she has “big regrets” and compared humans getting these injections to lab rats.

Ms. Tiemeier was immediately met with scorn and belittling by people who were apparently friends.

Trying everything, nothing working

Ms. Tiemeier posted a “Day 50 update” on June 9. Swollen lymph nodes, swollen face and appointments with rheumatologists were the [low]lights. She posted a partial photo of her face, obviously because she didn’t to share it, but did anyway.

Her doctors even prescribed Ivermectin on June 13.

But now Ms. Tiemeier was dealing with more issues beyond her health. Despite doing this great public service by sharing her story, trolls have belittled and harassed her on both TikTok and Facebook. She spoke about trolls telling her “rest in peace, dumb ass” when she shared video of herself in the hospital.

Ms. Tiemeier posted another video that day, June 14, about trolls telling her she’s faking and/or already had underlying health issues that are causing everything. This seemingly sweet woman was forced to say on the video that the only health issue she has and ever had is that “I’m fat.” When July rolled around, she started trying everything from fasting to detox foot baths to improve her health.

Most recent updates

Ms. Tiemeier’s condition simply has not improved. She posted another video on August 7, Day #107. Again, she addressed trolls calling her “a sheep” and accusing her of lying. A CT scan indicated that she had a stroke. The gut-wrenching video shows Ms. Tiemeier break down and cry. She said she’s going to keep sharing videos because “[I’m] afraid I’m not going to make it sometimes and I feel like people deserve to know.”

But forget the trolls for a minute. Her so-called friends continually abandon, belittle and block her on social media too.

She, again, reiterated how difficult it is for her both physically and emotionally to do this noble deed for humanity. But she is persevering.

There’s one more video we’re sharing that is currently posted on Youtube. Note, this video will likely be removed from Youtube. Please comment if you read this story and it’s gone, so we can re-upload it elsewhere.

Her last Facebook post as of publishing promotes a peaceful protest this coming Saturday at the Miami County Courthouse in Troy, Ohio. It appears unlikely that Ms. Tiemeier will recover. There is a GoFundMe page collecting funds for her medical bills and treatments.

True whistleblower and ally

Look, we get it. There are dead vaxxed people who called the non-vaxxed idiots, mocked the non-vaxxed, and even demanded we get the shots because they did it. Further, there are vaxxed people who are maimed for life, yet still encourage others to inject themselves with these poisons.

Ms. Tiemeier is in neither of the foregoing categories. She is trying to save lives and show others in her position that it’s ok to tell the truth. Granted we have lots of commenters on this website who, understandably or otherwise, feel absolutely no sympathy for the mockers and facilitators. In fact, it is those mockers, facilitators and Fauci worshipers who are making things easier for the dystopian overlords.

Mods here have specific instructions – respect free speech, delete irrelevant/promotional hyperlinks and posts, and disallow mainstream media/big tech propaganda. Readers will say what they want about Ms. Tiemeier. But this blogger respects and appreciates her. We’re praying for a miraculous recovery. But as a critical thinker and realist, that is unlikely.

Hopefully Ms. Tiemeier’s story saves a few lives and lights enough fires to help freedom warriors fight this global tyranny. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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2 years ago

This lady is a freaking hero! Shame on her “friends”.
If the ivermectin is not helping, things certainly do not look good. Hopefully she will have inner peace in continuing to fight to the best of her ability.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I heartily support this blog and am very moved by Stacee’s story and her bravery. But how is it that Big Tech hasn’t hidden or deleted her posts by now???

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes, if the iver is not helping, most likely her poor body just has too much going on for it to handle.

2 years ago

It’s not really meant to be a cure for vaccine effects anyway.

Logic & Research
Logic & Research
2 years ago

Iver needs to be taken if and when you start to feel sick and run down pre- jarona bologna, or as a provo if your going to be around lots of people. To prevent a large viral load and getting sick..Same goes for hydroxy. It’s not meant to counter the poison pin. People, I’m sure you’ve researched and educated yourselves by now (over a year).
Pray for this person she was fooled, But to her credit at least she is speaking out against the poison pin, in contrast to many I’ve seen with Stockholm syndrome saying they would take it again! WTH , this is a russian roulette INSANE death wish?!?
How is it, that so many people can’t think linear and logical. Watch the videos of the doctors about mRNA, graphene,spike proteins, reduction of 1/3 of your neutralizing anti-bodies (T cells) after the poison pin. Focus on your health, diet, exercise,restful sleep, sunlight, detox, sweat and get healthy!, Vit D3, Zinc, B, C and Ivermec..Masks carry bacteria from your mouth (bacteria pneumonia) Come on people! Then share and educate others that will listen. This is a Darwinian intelligence test for your longevity. Sadly some are too far gone, but it is their body their choice..When you see important videos..Over ride big tech censorship, copy and send / post it = distribution by proxy!

Last edited 2 years ago by Logic & Research
Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago

Ivermectin has shown to be one of the few treatments that can still be very effective even after one has been sick for some time.

2 years ago

Oh boo-hoo-hoo! Cry me a river, love. You are getting what you deserved. You solded your soul as a soon as you complied with big brothers lockdown regime.

You actually thought that getting this so called vax was going to get you your freedoms back? Rubbish. Typical modern snowflake that has no resilience. If you really wanted to see your friends and family then there was nothing really stopping you. Oh wait your stupidity stopped that from happening.

This woman deserves all the hate she gets. She is a bully who would have shamed others for not getting the vaccine and been in support of denying unvaxxed their basic freedoms. Sounds like a bully to me.

If she doesn’t want to get anymore hate then get offline. But no she is another dopamine starved trendie that wants validation from her pathetic life choices and wants pity from making a stupid life decision.

Screw you. Enjoy the spike proteins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I fully understand that you are feeling the pressure from brainwashed and fearful people, people who are responding with pure hate and totalitarian impulses towards those who refuse to go along with the covid charade. However, I have seen you on here numerous times cheering the deaths of human beings. Do you know what is worse than Spike proteins? A hateful heart. If you are truly this filled with hatred, then you are in real trouble. Evil pharmaceutical companies can make physical toxins that poison the body, but the poison that wells up from a sinful heart is the poison that causes eternal death (spiritual death). I challenge you to read the Gospel of John in the Bible, in the New Testament. Jesus Christ can give you a new heart.

2 years ago
Reply to  Erin

I have watched this ladies videos from the beginning. She does some sort of delivery long distance driving. This is a dangerous person to be around while driving, as her side affects are rather serious at times.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

I don’t think she’s working now. You do have a point though, the vaxxed are ticking time bombs.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

One thing I do have issue with is the one selfie picture where she is showing her inflamed cheek, in her glasses reflection she appears to be driving down a 4-lane divided highway, albeit with not much traffic. But yeah, your comment could be correct for another reason 🙂

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

80% of airline pilots have been vaxxed. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I get on a plane again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Erin

Call me hateful. I call myself a realist who understands that this a war we are in. Vaxxed vs anti vaxxed.

So people like this don’t deserve to be ridiculed after bullying others into taking the vaccine and wearing the mask?

In the end of the day I’m right and she is wrong.

People are afraid of the truth I speak. So what, you can all go on ahead and comfort these dumb spike protein riddled sheep while they are on their death bed. Their ignornace has resulted in millions of deaths worldwide as a result of lockdown measures. People have lost jobs, are dying of hunger, unable to recieve healthcare because of lockdown measures.

And I’m the one with a hateful heart? Wake up.

People who make stupid choices and cause harm to others get what they deserved. Reap what you sow.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I feel the bitterness and fear in your posts. Remember however that it is evil itself who wants us divided by vaxxed and unvaxxed. Though you blame ignorance for this mess, it is merely one portion of the problem. The answer is to use these victims as a rallying cry to discredit and bring down an evil system – step by step. Every victim that is helped brings down their wall of lies. Every victim that brings their story helps the cause – can’t you see this?

Blaming victims does not help the cause, but maybe it makes you feel better, or less helpless. If you think these people so horrible, then why act surprised since you know full well how many people are ignorant? Its beating a dead horse. It is enough that ignorant people learn the hard way – they don’t need you to escort them out of this life though – and you do no help to the cause by acting as you do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Seer

Maybe we could use these people to help us. Maybe

But I’m not comfortable helping out traitors who left millions to die because of lockdown.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

You have anger issues and no mercy!

2 years ago
Reply to  Seer

Even then I don’t think these people can help us. Promoting their stories won’t do anything. It won’t discourage others to take it who were going to take it because they are ignorant and would have their children take it.

Look at what’s happening in europe. Protests against the covid passports are happening? Why? Not because people are being destroyed by the vaccines. It’s because those who choose to be free don’t want to be discrimated against and are standing up to tryanny.

All these stories do is confirm that I am right and the pro vaxxers are wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Your heart is between you and God. Erin was simply inviting you to introspection.
We have seen a fair share of authoritarian bullies on this blog, agreed. However, we have also seen a couple of other types of people. Some people were “go along to get along” types, people who did it because other people were saying it was important. Some people were set against the shot, but then did it anyway because of some major inducement, such as a job they dreamed of or at least felt they really needed. I don’t see any evidence Ms. Tiemeier was a bully or even virtue signaller. She simply announced a personal decision she made. After she encountered the very adverse effects, she did not attempt to explain away her decision, she has owned up to it and is obviously trying to help others avoid a similar fate. In my mind it would be easier to just give up and shut down, so the fact that she is making these efforts makes her a hero in my mind. She is certainly far from Jason Maurer and Jordan Hayes, so to paint her with the same brush is a disgrace in my opinion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

So if push comes to shove and the sheep couldn’t have any of their freedoms back unless EVERYONE gets the jab, do you think they would support policies such as locking up those anti vaxxers or pinning them to the ground and shoving a vaccine in a so called dissenter?

I would think so.

The sheep haven’t stood up for the rights of the unvaxxed who have been denied their freedoms. If someone was forced to take the shot for a job and they didn’t want it. do you think they would stand up for that person’s right not to take it?

And why haven’t the vaxxed joined us in protest.

No no. Not for one second am I going to think that these sheep are nice people because they would bully others to take it because they can’t see granny again.

The sooner they are wiped out the better.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aidan
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Fully-vaccinated protesters in Italy are [symbolically] burning their vaccine passes in a powerful display of solidarity against the tying of civil liberties to vaccination status.

You can pound your chest and declare how right you are, but don’t think that has any meaning. We live in a culture which vastly over-inflates the value of opinions. Your words are hate filled incitement, and the only thing they accomplish is to solidify the wedge our overlords are perpetually trying to drive between us. Populations enslave themselves, and whichever side you fall on, it’s people like you who are indispensable in this task. If I were of a suspicious nature, I might look up your IP address to see if it came from Langley, because you’re doing a bang-up job. Now kindly cede the floor to more productive discussion.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  WaffleStaffel

They are trying to drive wedges between people because it’s leading to the final deception, world unity which is the opposite end of the spectrum and far worse because that is the NWO under the anti-Christ. So please, don’t fall for the solidarity, we are one world, united as one etc stuff because that’s every bit as bad and they peddle out buzzwords like “solidarity” in particular, its a strategy called order out of chaos, aka Problem – Reaction – Solution.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

The antichrist? Jesus. Is no one capable of coping with reality?
FYI, they weren’t my words, it was a hyperlink the mod removed from my post.

2 years ago
Reply to  WaffleStaffel

The “symbolical gesture” of burning vaccine passes is nothing more than that: a “symbolical gesture”.

Showing an act of solidarity isn’t going to cut it. Just like we keyboard warriors are doing right now in our echo chambers doing nothing.

I was skeptical at first about these vaccine passes being burned. I mean yeah it’s a nice gesture to the oppressed unvaxxed. However the vaccine passports being implemented are DIGITAL. Even if hard copies of passes are being used DIGITAL will be the way forward. So burning these passes makes no sense, unless the vaxxed scrapped their smartphones all together and didn’t follow their new authortatian regieme. Which I doubt because people are gullible and weak (as we have seen during this scamdemic).

Again it is a nice gesture. And hey I might be wrong. Maybe italy will come together. It it would nice to be proven wrong in this case.

More protests need to happen. Their government needs overthrowing. Then something might happen.

You hate my words because they are filled with the truth. People don’t want to hear the truth because it hurts.

I’m not the one causing division. The vaxxed sheep will be dead soon and then it will be only us left to battle with our overlords. At least we have a shot. Their a fat chance in hell that most of the sheep will join us. Just as long as they keep on beleiving the lies. And this woman will be no use with her detorating health.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Indeed you are spitting the truth and it’s cold. It’s time for more people to take this stance if there is anything left to save of humanity. These people who are blindly taking an injection are sealing our fate for being excluded from societies we helped build. Aidan is angry and we all should be and correct on many levels.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Nazi ideology all around these days. Calling people animals only helps…

2 years ago
Reply to  WaffleStaffel

And in the regards to the link you sent: you think I’m one of these anti lockdown terrorists.

Hold on second I just need a minute:

*Walking outside the room laughing uncontrollably*

Ok I’m back.

How thick are you? Now why would I want to cause terrorism? Because you haven’t done a clear job on explaining it. Just sending a me link.

Do you honestly believe a mainstream media source is correct on this? Or do you think it’s to cause division? Or is it to smear anti vaxxers as terrorists? Or maybe when push comes to shove and when the 1984 lockdowns happen that people will finally crack and fight back. No but you believe these people to be terrorists and not ordinary people fighting for their freedoms. For goodness sake this is the USA a country founded on liberty. The fact that you trust a msm news source and think of freedom fighters as terriorsts shows that your the idiot who is too lazy to do anything about it.

Enjoy your vaccine passports.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I do kind of understand where you are coming from in the things you say and why you say them, you do have a point or two, just the original comment comes across extremely cold hearted for this particular woman who is doing what she can to inform others not to take this poison. All in this thread make valid points.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

“The sooner they are wiped out the better.”

You are a totalitarian misanthrope. You are on your way to joining the ones who kill us all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Yeah, I’m with Aidan on this. These vaxxed people are the reason why we’re all still stuck in this dystopian mess. Think about it — the agenda requires many gullible people to believe in it, in order for it to be able to exist. We know that none of the vaxxed people are ever going to become awake and aware.

Plus, we also have to contend with the ones who are still alive, who are unwittingly shedding/transmitting the jab’s pathogenic spike protein to the unjabbed and causing health problems for us.

So, is it acceptable for the rest of us to suffer or die (thousands of murdered elderly people and patients on killer ventilators in hospitals), because of the gullibility and stupidity of the vaxxed COVID believers?
As Jeff Berwick, from The Dollar Vigilante, said recently, I feel like a kid at Christmas waiting excitedly for the ‘gift’ of accelerated genocide of the vaxxed.

Like it or not, when all these sickness-spreading vaxxed idiots are deceased and out of the way, the rest of us can actually return to a genuinely normal, enjoyable life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zeke

“We know that none of the vaxxed people are ever going to become awake and aware.”

Uhhh, it is quite sad, but there are actually people who are aware, yet discounted the risk of getting the jab. My brother and his wife took it because they figured it would be required to attend concerts, which they are constantly doing. My brother now has regret in doing it, especially when none of the upcoming 4 events they have has asked anything about vax status.
My sister and her family took it because they have an RV and love to travel. They figured they would have to be vaxxed to travel to other states. My nephew has a government job as well.
I thought we were all on the same page about the fear being overblown and the lies behind everything. None of them said anything to me before taking the jab, and I was shocked to hear the news in all cases. I am hopeful they all got placebos, no reported issues as yet.
My brother has told me that he will not get another vaccine in his life, so classify this however you would like.

Jeremy Edwards
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Being a dick works if you are returning to sender.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

A lack of empathy is also a disease, Aidan. Be sure you don’t let self righteousness get the best of you. A suggestion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Seer

I’m sure Aidan needed to hear you explain how he shouldn’t feel the way he feels when people, who most likely would trample his right not to be vaccinated in an instant, get to suffer instead.

How about instead you do something more productive? Your sanctimonious, “higher principles” of fraternity are damned unless douchebags like yourself stick up for the more basic principles like freedom of choice. Who cares we damn them all to hell? Shut up.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

My post wasn’t just about Aidan. I can talk tough or soft, eloquent or gutteral. Expressing anger about fools being foolish is its own waste of time. Do you know that the people who want to kill foolish people are the very monsters we fight against? would you become such as they? Its easy and LAZY to be angry at fools. I will not be silent. I’ve heard bitter people like you my whole life.

Once you go bitter you never come back. Why? because you do not want to. Speaking of productivity, blaming fools for why freedoms are lost accomplishes guess what – absolutely NOTHING.

2 years ago
Reply to  Seer

Excellently well said, Seer.

Jeremy Edwards
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. Proverbs 10:12

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

People like you with no regard, compassion for human life – please get the shot…. your disconnect we can do without.

Mary Lou
Mary Lou
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

JESUS upon the Cross cried out FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO…we are commanded to do the same.
Stacee will be BLESSED for her part in making people aware of this evil bioweapon!!! I hope for your sake, that our Heavenly Father will be as generous with you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Dont be so mean!! STOP!!!!!! She didn’t deserve this AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Logic & Research
Logic & Research
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

She is speaking out against the poison pin to help bring awareness to others. I give her credit for that! Because I’ve seen numerous people have horrific side effects and refuse to admit they have been fooled.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Aidan – I’ve read a few of your ubiquitous posts. I have yet to see any real vitriol directed at doctors, scientists, virologists etc. who have, in great numbers, extolled the virtues of the death jab.
It is these people the sheep look to, when making medical decisions. It is them that are most to blame. I cannot wait for The Reckoning… maybe afterwards the (few remaining) sheep will realise that Capitalist agricultural practices, Capitalist microwave radiation, and Capitalist medicines, have been slowly killing them over decades. Just not quickly enough for the Capitalist elite.

None Yun
None Yun
2 years ago

With her being in Ohio, I would check out Dr, Issam Nemeh! I’ve had to take my kids to him when other doctors were worthless. The local media has covered him, he was on Dr. Oz and they tried to make him look like a quack but that’s when his patients and medical records proved he wasn’t. To understand him more check out Blind Faith Live podcasts

2 years ago

With all this we know, a friend took her mother to get her second junk shot this week. Ignorance is bliss, they say, and knowledge ruins your day, and so does V.I. illness. Good luck to this gal for cure or relief. Like a lot of people, she made a big mistake. The question for me right now is, why are some people escaping (so far) any ill effects? It’s that escape which convinces people to still take the shots–everyone they know is “fine.” That and blackmail.

2 years ago
Reply to  kriss

I am guessing a lot of them are placebo. It’s an experiment after all. Those are the lucky ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jenifer

The thought process is that the left has known about the pending horrible side effects of the vaccine for years and not expecting side effects so soon. Side effects were not expected for years, thus being able to say that side effects are not related to the vaccine. However, as we know, side effects can be immediate and therefore related to the vaccine. I am a proud anti Covid vaxxer!

Mary Lou
Mary Lou
2 years ago
Reply to  Janet

Hi Janet, right back at ya, my kids, and other family are WIDE AWAKE, I have also refused to wear the coffee filter and NONE of us will be anywhere near an injection facility!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jenifer

Yes, I could believe that, that there are placebos. Also possibly the differences in the “batches” and company (maker). I wonder also does the shot not escape the deltoid muscle and so some people are spared the spread of trillions of LNPs throughout their lymphatic and vascular system. If so, they are darned lucky also.

2 years ago
Reply to  kriss

Agreed!!.. Some seem lucky, some not so much!!…

2 years ago
Reply to  Toots


John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  kriss

Well if every single person dropped dead or had serious adverse effects, the depopulation plan would be far too obvious, so like everything else, they do it gradually, one step at a time, easing or conditioning people to accept things and go along with things they otherwise normally would not. So they take out a certain number of people, they already have their scapegoats, those of us who are unvaccinated, we will be to blame because there are all these magical different variants now too. That along with purposely allowing the easing of restrictions and simultaneously the so called ‘delta wave’ is increasing (what are the odds? impeccable timing by the virus, wouldn’t you say? Lol), so people going out to pubs, restaurants etc, going on vacation, those zombies all fell into the trap set out for them. Now the powers that be will pump out the delta wave propaganda and use the easing of restrictions and people doing things aswell as the unvaccinated, as the justification for more restrictions, another lockdown, more fear, hysteria and propaganda and a 3rd jab, there has even been discussions of people requiring a covid vaccine every single year. Once that’s in place, then another amount of people die off, and they will have their excuses ready, oh they didn’t die from the vaccine, covid got them, or they died from (insert bs here),so they have an answer and cover for everything.

Meanwhile, the average person is kept clueless because they wont know if, say, 10,000 or more people suddenly dropped dead in another country, all of which got the jab. The average person wont know or care if say, they live in California, they wont care what’s happening in Nigeria or The Philippines or wherever. They just see and focus on what’s around them (aswell as the ridiculous stupid stuff of today, like what Kim Kardashian tweeted), they may hear of one person here, one person there who died but it wont be enough to raise any serious red flags, they will just shrug it off and go, oh well, people die every day, I guess maybe they had some other health issues or perhaps covid got them and they will think no more of it and continue on in their willingly ignorant zombie state. The mainstream media along with social media giants will continue to censor and suppress the truth, demonize anyone that tries to get the truth out, label it “fake news” and all these disgusting made up terms they already have normalized in the world and tell everyone, dont mind the ‘misinformation’ or the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers or right wing nutjobs, trust us, we have our fact checkers here to tell you the truth. The stage is set for the greatest genocide in human history, thanks to human stupidity. I could say much more, but I hope this helped you understand why it’s happening the way it is.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

There’s little we can do to stop it. Selfishness and a thick skin to mentally process the large number of deaths coming is the only way. Even if we make it to the end of this scam virus there’s the issue of the police state that rode in on the excuse of this virus.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane


Mundus vult decipi.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Good phrase Kris – I had to look it up! Perhaps by the end of this year I’ll know a little Latin.

2 years ago

Well, learning Latin and about pathogens has kept me sane at times during this covid paranoia craziness.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
Mary Lou
Mary Lou
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

No argument here you are 100% ?…keep spreading the word!

Shaman Chris Gaylord
Shaman Chris Gaylord
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

LMAO: Spooky2

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  kriss

Our bodies respond differently. Some people die within hours, some start to have aches/pains/strange things weeks later. My sister-in-law had her 2nd Pfizer dose April 16, had no problems till July 6. And since then, she’s had no relief. First she had some severe gastro-intestinal discomfort. Then her knees blew up – first one and then the other. She started on an oral prednisone taper after having it injected in both knees. Right when she was supposed to go one step lower on the dosing schedule, her inflammation kicked into high gear again. And she’s advising everybody to get the shot. 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  kriss

Some people are getting saline shots. They caught a nurse doing that in Germany, which means thats the tip of the iceberg. This is absolutely a war, big war behind the scenes.

Mary Lou
Mary Lou
2 years ago
Reply to  kriss

Hi, I believe it was on this site that I read about 80% of the satanic syringes are actually saline placebos, in addition, some health care professionals are secretly switching them for harmless injections…which could explain the inconsistencies.

2 years ago

“when you are depressed from isolation”

I’m a little short of age 60; have been alone for time immemorial (never married); and to tell you the truth; I like it that way…most people (though not all) you interact with in America (or anywhere) have ulterior motives for the interaction (mainly to separate you from your money or simply to obtain something from you) and keeping to oneself protects you from these profoundly negative entreaties.

I’m not completely friendless out here in the hinterlands; but nearly six decades of life has taught me not to get to close to *anyone*; because when you do; you usually end up getting hurt.

I guess some people cannot live like that; the subject of the above article being case in point.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Almost 31 years ago I dropped out of society, without moving to a cave. Due to issues beyond my control, I could not move from where I was living. The last 18 months have demonstrated to me how wildly successful I have been in dropping out. The Plandemic has merely been a blip on my radar screen. I have not worn a mask, used hand sanitizer or had one argument with anyone. I don’t know anyone who has been sick. I even took a two month road trip to Mexico in Nov.and Dec…and no, the land border is not closed, dispite what the msm says (these days pretty much everything they say is a lie). I crossed back into the US three times, and the auto lane wait time was the same as it has ever been…possibly longer. All those things folks are carping about giving up…I gave up decades ago…BY CHOICE.

In 1999 I got a Yellow Fever vaccine that almost killed me. It had a live virus, and I developed Yellow Fever. My immune system was destroyed. It took four years to claw my way back to good health, and most of that time I didn’t think I would make it. I became a vegan, and I used only herbs, nutrition and suppliments to regain my health. On the way to the county health dept. to get the Yellow Fever vaccine, my inner voice was screaming at me: Don’t Do It!!! However, I ignored this, because I just had to take that trip to Africa. By 1999, I had already been red-pilled for nine years. I knew that at some future time, travel would be impossible, so I saw all the countries I wanted to see in the 1990s. Later, I learned that some GIs who got the Yellow Fever vaccine in WWII, were sick for the rest of their lives.

As wonderful as the Africa trip was, if I had it to do over again I would not. The agony from the vaccine was not worth it. I have PTSD from my illness. If I had to chose between a vaccine and a bullet in the head, I would choose the bullet…because it would be a more merciful death. I won’t even vaccinate my pets. I had a pug that almost died from a rabies vaccine. I am praying for this poor woman. I can relate.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Thanks for your story; I wish you the best.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Thanks, Kris, for your testimony. I wish you the best as well. Also, why do you think that travel will be impossible in the future? Government? That is up to the people. People need to stand up everywhere, and stop letting them dictate to us.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

It was in 1990 that I realized we were entering biblical End Times. I knew the coming Mark of the Beast System would prevent anyone refusing the mark, from traveling. Although I don’t think the vaccine is the MARK, I do think it is possibly the number, or the name. It’s clear to me that it has something to do with the Beast System. At any rate, nothing could induce me to get on an airplane now, with all the Kool Aid drinkers shedding their spike proteins. Back in the 1990’s I had a friend who kept telling me I would regret spending all my money on travel. He died 12 years ago. Too bad I can’t say: “I told you so”. Actually, I’m surprised things have taken so long to get to this point. Originally I thought we would be this far along in 1998.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Thank you for sharing your story, Kris. We wish we could do some things over, especially regarding the ‘traditional’ vaccines. Although we suffer, it really sounds like nothing compared to what you have had to go through. The medical establishment and the military really do love their magic potions. I wish you better days ahead. It sounds like you have done wonderful things to try to restore your health. We’ll never get anything ever again. I’m just glad we woke up when we did. Especially since there is so much more afoot than just this ‘juice’ they are pushing on us.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

We both have the benefit of life experience to think like we do, but this is a young, once very energetic young woman (you can tell by the amount of time used to plaster all that eye makeup on her face) enjoying her prime of life. If she survives, she will hopefully have garnered wisdom well beyond her years….the kind of wisdom some never experience.

2 years ago


What is the old joke from the cartoon Daria?

English teacher quoting Tennyson: “Tis better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all!”

Daria: “Yes; but that was before the advent of community property laws!”

Lolz. Daria was great.

2 years ago

La ivermectina es un antiparasitario por lo que dificilmente podria ayudarla, mas bien deberia investigar sobre el dioxido de cloro queha resultado esfectivo para casos de envenenamiento con metales que es probablemente lo que ella tiene como consecuencia de las vacunas. El dioxido de cloro lleva siendo investigado por decadas por el cientifico aleman Andreas Kalker y tambien ha sido corroborado en investigaciones en varias partes del mundo. Sin embargo, por presiones de las todopoderosas farmaceuticas no se usa para fines medicos porque es un producto muy barato. En latinoamerica, Bolivia lo utiliza desde el año pasado en la lucha contra el covid con excelentes resultados.

Beth H
Beth H
2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

“Ivermectin is an antiparasitic so it could hardly help her, rather you should investigate chlorine dioxide that has been effective for cases of metal poisoning, which is probably what she has as a consequence of vaccines. Chlorine dioxide has been investigated for decades by the German scientist Andreas Kalker and has also been corroborated in research in various parts of the world. However, due to pressure from the all-powerful pharmaceutical companies, it is not used for medical purposes because it is a very cheap product. In Latin America, Bolivia has used it since last year in the fight against covid with excellent results.”

2 years ago

It sounds like she’s having some blood clots on her brain. There are so many other cases like this, unfortunately. Kudos to her for sharing her story!! She needs to have her doctor report it to the U.S. VAERS Database.
Has she tried some of the other mechanisms for addressing these Rogue spike proteins, such as NAC supplements or Shikimic acid? I also saw a woman healed from mRNA vaccine tremors by merely one visit to a special IRT (inflammatory response treatment) practitioner in rural KY!!.. She should look that up, since she is in very close proximity in Ohio. Wow, good luck!!.. Her body is strong & if you Survive the first 30 days that’s actually a good sign. Most of the sudden fatalities seem to occur in the first weeks only!! She is strong!!-

2 years ago
Reply to  Toots

Speaking of NAC supplements, I have read that the FDA is on a campaign to have those supplements taken off the market. Just like Suramin, a drug claimed, by Judy Mikovits, to be an antidote to these injections (and to autism) is illegal to obtain in the United States. Yet the media is hanging on with eager anticipation for the FDA’s approval of these poison injections, when in reality the FDA is just as corrupt and maybe even more than the CDC. And once these MRNa “vaccines” are approved, how many more morons out there will line up for these clot shots, completely oblivious that every year numerous products approved by the FDA have to be taken off the market for their horrible effects on the people who use them. Direct effects…….not “side” effects, a stupid phrase that should be eliminated from medical parlance.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

I like your point about “direct” effects. I’m going to use that instead of “side effects” as often as possible.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  liz

The FDA approval is as good as written! I found the Pfizer whistleblower regarding the cherry picked efficacy data illuminating. Yes, I too like your use of “direct effects”!

I think Amazon removed it from their site 1-2 mo ago. I bought the last two bottles on the shelf a couple weeks ago. Wonder if they restocked by now? I will definitely be buying more.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

The irony of this Covid lunacy is off the scale, the very people who think or claim they are “saving lives” are actually the one’s hurting or killing people. They are doing and guilty of the very things they accuse unvaccinated people of. What do you do as the World crumbles around you? Laugh or cry? I give this woman credit for dong the right thing and warning others of her story. May God help her.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Yes! It is truly the greatest hoodwinking of my time (for whatever that’s worth!). Regarding laughing or crying, on good days, I try to think that ‘seeing behind the curtain’ and only partially comprehending the depth of all the evil going on has brought us closer to God and stronger in our faith.

2 years ago

I encourage the author of this blog, and all the readers, to go to Anthony Patch’s website and scroll to the free downloads. This man has done years and years of research on how the mark of the beast will be implemented. He has tied it all together with these injections and the nanotechnology that is being introduced into the human body through them.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

I hate to say it but based on the persistent fever and eye drooping it’s likely that she’ll end up with clots in her brain, possibly a tumor.

2 years ago

I have a lot of friends and family who were awake to the scamdemic from the beginning. I never suffered loneliness and isolation. I disobeyed the tyrants and continued my life. I feel bad for people like her who don’t have critical thinkers in their lives. They succumb to the pressure. Hopefully she will survive and bless her for telling the truth.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

We are jealous! We are very much in the minority in our (ever-shrinking) circles. Oh well, we were never ones for pandering to others to belong and to be liked.

hi inseel
hi inseel
2 years ago

too much information is out there to claim ignorance. Or you are just meant to be ignorant and suffer.

2 years ago

My heart goes out to this lady…. Regardless of her choice to get the injection, I hope she can at least remain alive as an honest witness and example of the damage these injections can do to a person… It’s saddening seeing the hate spewed from both sides vaxxed/ unvaxxed… I feel this way about it…. Many of us (not all) are playing rite into what the cabal wants, “us at odds with each other” as they attempt to ride off into the MF’in sunset unseen? … reminder my fellow souls, THE CABAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS CALAMITY FROM THE START …Not us on either extreme …..

2 years ago

Yes, and it’s not just this calamity. The weather warfare raging around the world is destroying lives as well. Food is going to be very expensive and scarce. We are all going to be affected by the Kabbalistic destruction of life on earth. They hate Life. Mankind in particular.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Agreed… eventually the facade the cabal was able to create via the money system (beast) was gonna come to a dreary end as it is now… in the mean time I’ve just been practicing camping/fasting 10+ days on water alone for what’s coming next… wish there were others around me where I live who could see it too but sadly they don’t want to give up this fairytale we all been living… that movie “They Live” hit it right on the nail the money is the god .. now they rather die over it via the injections than to say no and keep their life…

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

The cabal does not make anyone do anything. Just like Satan, the cabal merely suggests, whispers and threatens. Those who obey, comply, disregard their God-given conscious and kneel to the cabal, are the real conduit of pain, fear and suffering on this planet. If nobody obeyed the cabal, the cabal would be as troublesome as a pickpocket at worse.

So yes, the blame is on that female and her likes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Well, I agree with you we all have a choice to go along with the cabal’s deceptive illusion or not … we as you said have a choice…. I just don’t understand the self righteousness among some though who ridicule people like the woman featured in the article just cus they see the truth about the injections … I wrote this before and I’ll write this again some of the ones not failing for the covid deception sound just as cold hearted as the cabal when they speak about those who went and got these injections…. IMO … they may have brains but many seeing through the cabal’s deception lack the love for fellow man as does the cabal….. the comments here CLEARLY show it….

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Very good points on people throwing away their autonomy, Amin.

John Stone
John Stone
2 years ago

NO ONE should wish ill will on this woman. She made a mistake, she was probably neither pro or against and went along with the media, goobermint mouthpieces, i.e. beaurucrats and politicians, who are thoroughly owned by the deepstate… If you want to wish ill will, wish it on those in high places that have been thrusting this B.S. incessantly, namely the small hats, as there is nothing wrong with that in the least. Fire is best fought with fire, but I would leave this woman out of it lest you have something dire happen to yourselves…

Contact CEOs, local politicians, and word your messages smartley, but forcefully… Call them out, challenge them to a one-on-one fist fight with signed waiver releases, if you are manley enough and if they are willing, ask questions with question marks, use opinions, all legally acceptable… Make them think and let them know in so many words that you know exactly what they are doing…. This starts to make many of them paranoid in my belief, which is what they deserve…

She seems as normal as can be based on the amount of brainwashing that has occurred to her generation. Get off the social media, i.e. FakeBook, Twatter, TicToc, etc.. and things would probably somewhat normalize pretty quickly…

2 years ago

I just saw a new video she made within the last few days I guess. Headed back to the Cleveland clinic. Appears to have stroke like symptoms now. Looks like she’s going downhill.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

I would have an extremely hard time trusting any of these major medical institutions now.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

I feel very sorry for this female. Ok, just kidding.

These AH all seem to have the hero complex : before the jab while being drunk on propaganda, they want everybody masked, obedient and jabbed to save the world, the gran-maz and the gran-paz from “the evil virus”. Once they feel the poisonous sting of the demons they worship, they want to be back again on the center stage, but this time to save the world from the poison they just got.

Any excuse to satisfy their hunger for attention, will do. They need psychological help. I am not fooled by their “because I want to save the world” BS.

They are reminiscent of that teenager in england a few years ago, who managed to get himself stabbed for the sake of the attention and pity that he was craving for.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Minus 4 !!??. Why you hate me too much ?.

2 years ago

Well said, thank you!! These days, to my mind there are two kinds of people — those who’ve had the shot, and the rest of us. Many of those who’ve had the shot will stand by it to the end, blaming anything but the shot. They are “them.” But there will also be those who repent, like this gal, and act to warn others against it — she is one of “us,” in my mind, she’s on my side of the river.

On second thought, “river” isn’t the best analogy. It’s more like a ship that has left port for a four-year voyage, with the shot folks both passengers and crew, it’s just that they don’t know it. We can only wave them off, hope for the best and wait. As for ourselves, preserving our own bodies from the shot that is worse than Russian Roulette … well, that is becoming another matter.

I believe going on offense is in order. Mask-wearers who tell me they’re doing it “for the sake of others,” I reply with the statement that they are scaring children by wearing the masks because it legitimizes the Bogey Man. And they knows I mean it no matter how gently or lightly I say it, and it puts them on defense. I make my contempt clear in public when I see people wearing masks next to the ocean, outdoors. Anywhere, in fact. I tell children that it’s okay, the masks are just a big game, and it puts any who disagree on defense. The best, however, is to steer clear as much as possible of people wacky enough to wear masks outdoors or in their cars, and work toward finding and sticking to those of us who elected to stay on shore. I am surely grateful for this site. God bless you.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Janyuary, very good points. For too long, society has been advocating for this PC and inclusive culture. We have found ourselves speaking out loud near strangers with their face diapers on, or when we see people committing child abuse by covering their children’s faces. Playing defense, or ‘playing nice’, has helped get us into this mess. I will have to remember to tell that to children (“it’s okay, the masks are just a big game”)! We are trying to find other like minded-individuals, but have not been very successful yet. If you have insights, please let me know. Being in the control group is one of our 3 main criteria for finding new friends and support groups.

Yes, God bless Brian.

Paul Cavigliano
Paul Cavigliano
2 years ago

Its ashame that she felt pressured to get the jab. I feel bad for her.
I get not wanting to be lonely, but death is a much deeper issue.
I pretty much keep to myself, not because Im afraid of getting sick but because I hate people.
I dont have a problem with people who want to vaccinate THEMSELVES, but I do have a huge problem with being told I have to do something I really dont want to do. Im not a lab rat!
Im gonna decide how I go out, not the govt or any pro mask/vaccine zealots.

2 years ago

Pray for this girl.

Justinians Flea
Justinians Flea
2 years ago

“But now Ms. Tiemeier was dealing with more issues beyond her health. Despite doing this great public service by sharing her story, trolls have belittled and harassed her on both TikTok and Facebook. She spoke about trolls telling her “rest in peace, dumb ass” 

I think that its really important to keep in mind that the entire strategy is to get us to fight one another and hate / fear one another. We should not fall for that trap when it comes to the average person who may believe differently from us, and have followed the propaganda from media that encourages this infighting, hatred and blame.

I have noted that in the many articles I have noted in the past 24 hours of fully vaccinated deaths, now being reported in the mainstream (local) media, it almost always ends with a statement to the effect – “the family believes that she may have been infected by an unvaccinated individual”.

This is the last barricade they have to divert attention from the fact that the vax does not work as originally sold, and instead of actually covering this fact, they seek to obscure the vax failures by finding a blame magnet. We need a clean sweep of all the HC industry figureheads who have potential involvement in this matter, or who have financial conflicts and business ties with the drug industry.

I noted this video over the weekend –

Surgeon general reacts to anti-vaxxer’s claim about natural immunity (

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, claimed that ‘though people can gain some immunity protection after contracting Covid-19, it’s “not nearly as strong” as the vaccine.’ 

CNN failed to mention that Murthy – “disclosed at least $2.6 million in consulting fees and speaking engagements since January 2020, in addition to serving as an adviser to four companies that focus on health services and products”

Or that – “Murthy is also the co-founder and chairman of TrialNetworks, a cloud-based Clinical Trial Optimization System for pharmaceutical and biotechnology trials..”

“TrialNetworks fits with DrugDev’s vision to provide a comprehensive suite of standardized services to simplify the life of the investigator and to make trials easier, cheaper and more effective to run. TrialNetworks will join:
DrugDev Site Services – 
Investigator Databank – A global collaboration platform hosted by DrugDev and used together by Merck, Janssen, Pfizer, Lilly and Novartis..”

In an honest society, someone would mention that a guy who apparently owns a company which does business with Covid vax manufacturers, would have a conflict of interest when it comes to those who already have recovered from Covid without any vax produced by said business interests.. This went undisclosed in the interview, and this type of treachery is what our fellow citizens are facing when they follow the diktat of this sort of propaganda.

People are entitled to full and complete INFORMED CONSENT on all facts pertaining to what is being coerced into their body.. which means that you do not simply let Murthy do a puff piece interview, but hold him accountable for disclosure and proof.

In reality –

Michel C. Nussenzweig et al

Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, The Rockefeller University, New York

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

“We conclude that memory antibodies selected over time by natural infection have greater potency and breadth than antibodies elicited by vaccination.”

“memory B cell evolution differs in important ways between infection and mRNA vaccination. Both natural infection and mRNA vaccination produce memory antibodies that evolve increased affinity, but the increase in affinity is more modest after vaccination. This difference is consistent with the observation that vaccine-elicited memory antibodies fail to show the increased neutralizing breadth that developed after natural infection.”

Even if you give Murthy the benefit of the doubt (I personally do not) that he is not simply a financially motivated schemer, he should have done the right thing and either divested his vax related holdings, which I find no media mentions of, or step down from a govt position advising the general public to pursue his drug trials business.

No one could reasonably trust that someone who has a business nexus with vax manufacturers is likely to admit that no one needs their products, and is going to be fine due to their own immune system, but most of the population who saw this softball interview have no knowledge of this appearance of a conflict, and I doubt that is accidental.

2 years ago

My hat is off to this poor woman. What a horrible way to find out who your true friends are. It’s a sobering reminder that those who try to force or coerce ANYONE to get ANYTHING unwanted put in their body for ANY reason-are NOT their friends.
I’m looking at you, men who want your girlfriend to go under the knife for breast implants.
My mother almost died getting hers removed after suffering for years from infection.
And shame on you v*xxed, who demand your own family get toxin injected just to visit you: you are a detriment to yourself and all those around you.

SHAME on you for inflicting emotional pain to get your way in the name of LOVE;
You are operating out of fear, and PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR.
Stop the manipulation of those who love you, or you are no better than the snitches of Auswitch.
Hopefully that truth sets your loved ones free from your misplaced control-complex and delusions of “safety.”

Force is the enemy.
And the ugly trolls calling this girl a “sheep” are cowards. She is baring her soul to save others! ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris
2 years ago

I had the vaccine. For 6 months, I’ve not been in the presence of God. I live off of memories. I want to be saved. It’s lonely here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tara

I am praying for mercy for you, Tara, and any like you. The Lord God is so unfair, He is not fair one tiny bit! But He is merciful, mercy is the opposite of “fair.” God works His miracles in such wondrous ways, His mercy may come to you if you ask through Jesus, it is worth a try. Jesus is one Mighty Dude.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
2 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing your story Stacee and I am so sorry to hear about the attacks you’re receiving when you were sharing your story. As if the effects from the shot weren’t bad enough, there are the psychological attacks that you need to deal with too. I applaud you for your bravery and your desire to warn others about the shots. Keep on sharing and spreading the word.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
2 years ago

i just checked on her gofundme; she regularly posts updates, and just shared that she just hit a full year of this hell just the other day. her story hits me harder than some of the others, as i deal with several issues similar to what she describes due to a connective tissue disorder that affects multiple body systems, and it can be utterly overwhelming, lonely, terrifying, not to mention soul-crushing, to realize you’re losing control of your body. one update says that she will have a remote job with the American Frontline Nurses starting in a month or so; they’re hiring vaccine-injured folks so they can continue to work and earn a living. isn’t that wonderful?! i’m think it’s likely she will still have to depend on the kindness of strangers with her gofundme due to the debt she’s gone into over the past year of being sick, being a single mother, and to pay for alternative therapies. it really sucks that she’s also having to rely on the clown medical community; they’ll almost certainly drag things out for as long as they can to milk even more money out of her. argh, i detest the big harma medical model we have.

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