Ohio judges sentencing probationers to experimental mRNA and viral vector injections

July 8, 2021

Ohio judges David Matia (L) and Richard Frye.

OHIO — We’ve seen the depths of lunacy that the COVID overlords sink to market their poisonous injections. Several cities, states and private businesses offer free burgers and fries to anyone who receives experimental mRNA or viral vector DNA injections.

Washington State offers free marijuana to vaxxed people. Private organizations in Arizona and Washington D.C. are doing the same. And of course, there are the lotteries. New York, Maryland and California offer vaxxed people a chance to win thousands and even millions of dollars with their vaccination cards. These programs even have cute little names like “Vax & Scratch” and “Vax-A-Million.”

Ohio governor Mike DeWine started the dystopian vaccine lottery trend. The city of Columbus, Ohio is even offering people $100 to get the experimental shots. Now Ohio is using its criminal justice system to force experimental injections.

Franklin County Judge Richard Frye

Mr. Sylvaun Latham acknowledges that he broke the law. He faced gun and drug-related charges, according to his own account. Mr. Latham told ABC 6 News in Columbus that his plea bargain stipulated no jail time and three years probation. But everything changed at his June 28 sentencing hearing.

Franklin County Common Pleas judge Richard Frye said in open court that he would not honor the plea bargain. Frye told Mr. Latham he would be sentenced to the maximum five years probation. But the sentence would be shortened to only one year of probation if Mr. Latham received experimental mRNA or viral vector DNA injections within 30 days.

Mr. Latham said he contacted the ACLU for assistance. Watch the full report below.

Frye told the Columbus Dispatch that sentencing people to de-facto lethal injection is reasonable because “these folks need to be encouraged.” He has sentenced at least three people to Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson injections. Mr. Cameron Stringer was another one. He pleaded guilty to cocaine and gun charges.

Frye sentenced him to two years probation on June 21, on the condition Mr. Stringer receive an mRNA or viral vector DNA injection within 30 days. If Mr. Stringer fails to get the injection, he will serve two years in state prison.

Cuyahoga County Judge David Matia

Cleveland-based judge David Matia is also sentencing people to lethal injection. Matia oversees the drug court in Ohio’s most populous city. He told WKYC 3 News that he was cutting probation sentences in half for defendants who receive one of the experimental injections.

Matia said he is offering drug offenders the opportunity to “better themselves” by being injected. He positioned his vaccine sentences as a choice and not as something being forced. Matia called the option an “incentive” and believes he’s doing drug offenders and society a favor. This appears to be a disturbing pattern in that area.

Judge Peter Corrigan is another Cuyahoga County judge.

Judge Peter Corrigan.

He told Fox 8 News in Cleveland that he is shortening probation sentences and waiving court costs and fees for defendants who received experimental injections.

Ohio Supreme Court would likely side with defendants

It does not appear the ACLU will do much for these victims. Gary Daniels, an ACLU lobbyist, told several Ohio media outlets that sentencing people to experimental injections “appears to be problematic.” But he provided no action plan. These strange Ohio sentencing quirks are nothing new, however.

The Ohio Supreme Court reversed a sentencing condition for father-of-11,  Mr. London Chapman, in 2020. He owed over $200,000 in back child support. He was ordered not procreate further as a condition of probation. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the condition was unconstitutional. The Court also ruled that Mr. Chapman was in compliance with Ohio law as long as he paid what he could afford in child support.

Interestingly or otherwise, the judge who wrote the decision is Richard Patrick DeWine. He is the son of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. Regardless, this decision is the precedent that renders these vaccine sentences unconstitutional. Judge DeWine wrote, in part, that the Court will determine:

whether a community-control condition reasonably relates to the offense at issue, furthers the twin goals of rehabilitation and justice, and does not cause a greater deprivation of liberty than is necessary to achieve those penological goals.

If the ACLU and/or some other attorney is serious about challenging the unconstitutional nature of these vaccine sentences, then State v. Chapman, Slip Opinion No. 2020-Ohio-6730, is the precedent.

Courts across the country assisting COVID overlords

These phenomena extend far beyond Ohio. Trinity County, Texas judge Travis Kitchens ordered Mr. Chris Staley to receive an experimental injection as part of his divorce case. Mr. Staley would be prohibited from seeing his kids if he refuses the injection. The Massachusetts Department of Corrections offered to reduce prison terms for inmates who receive experimental injections. But Governor Charlie Baker struck down the program before it started.

It’s easy to dismiss the plight of prisoners and others within the U.S. criminal justice system. But there is a lot wrong with the prison industrial complex. The United States has 5% of the world’s population, but nearly 25% of all prisoners in the world. The United States and the Philippines are the only two countries in the world with for-profit cash bail systems. Nearly half of federal prisoners are convicted of victimless drug “crimes.”

Further, about 16% of federal U.S. prisoners are housed in private, for-profit facilities. About 7% of state prisoners are housed in private, for-profit facilities. Corrections Corporation of America (now called CoreCivic) and GEO Group are the two largest private prison companies in the country.

Nuremberg violations by Ohio judges

These vaccine sentences are also clear violations of Nuremberg Codes. Texas federal judge Lynn Hughes dismissed a lawsuit filed by 117 employees at Houston Methodist Hospital last month. He shot down arguments that the hospital policy mandating experimental shots violated Nuremberg Codes.

Hughes reasoned that said codes only apply to government entities, not private employers. Thus, he essentially found all these Ohio judges guilty of violating Nuremberg Codes. Hughes’ decision is likely to be overturned on appeal anyway. He is one of the most reversed judges in the Fifth Circuit.

Unfortunately, unless you’re wealthy, there isn’t much you can do once you’re in the jaws of the U.S. criminal justice system. About 1,100 Americans were sentenced to lethal injection from 1976 to 2015. But nearly all of them were convicted of murder. Now people face lethal injection for pretty much any and all crimes. Just remember, five years of probation is better than one year plus lethal injection.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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3 years ago

What comment can be made? This is a well done and deeply disturbing article. I’d already seen the video with a clearly highly intelligent Sylvaun Latham, in trouble with the law for drug and gun-related items (a far cry from violent or persons crimes like robbery or assault). And I’m thinking, “Good, stand strong, because when this is done we’re going to need smart folks like you, Sylvaun.” But this is the first I’ve heard of such things as a judge requiring being injected with an EXPERIMENTAL DRUG as a condition of divorce … jaw-dropping. I don’t know who is stupider, the folks who allow themselves to be bamboozled or extorted into taking the jab, or the public figures who do it? They have no idea what or who they are messing with.

3 years ago

These judges may not have taken the vaccine and are not doctors. They are not helping society or the people. They are playing god and doctor. If anyone dies/gets hurt they should be held accountable for pushing this on people.

3 years ago

This is an outstanding piece of true journalism. Thank you for your time and efforts on putting this information together.

3 years ago

This is crass abuse of power.

3 years ago

Richard Frye needs to be jailed, soon. Actually, he needs more than that, but that’s coming too, soon.

2 years ago

This is blackmail! Can’t people see how desperate our government is to get these deadly shots?

Glen Alan sewell
Glen Alan sewell
2 years ago

wow, getting a death sentence with the vaccine.
Not a fan of criminals, but I am also not a fan of Judges pretending to be doctors. OMG!!! such corruption.

Anne Beckett
2 years ago

I suppose this judge, Corrigan, doesn’t comprehend the (illegal) concept of coercion? Time to take this judge to a different court. He needs to be charged and tried.

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