7 stories in June mainstream media buried and big tech censored

June 28, 2021 (updated July 3, 2021)

Let’s face it – there is no way our small blog can report on every event related to COVID dystopia. We didn’t even have time in this article to write about California McDonald’s restaurants now offering vaccinations. Some locations are offering a free Big Mac right after you get the experimental “McVaccine” in their super-clean, sanitary dining rooms. Of course the Centers for Disease Control admitted long ago that nearly 80% of COVID-19 hospitalizations are overweight and obese people.

Regardless, in our efforts to keep you up-to-date on all the latest happenings, we do one of these summary articles every month. Here are seven stories that were suppressed and/or censored by mainstream media and big tech in June.

Israel: 57% fully-vaccinated, reimposes mask mandate

Clown world continues. The super-scary, extinction-level COVID-19 “Delta variant” is causing the latest outbreak in Israel. But the super-ironic part is that at least 50% of these cases are fully-vaccinated people, according to a Haaretz report. Pfizer is the only experimental shot administered in Israel. Further, only Malta (61%) and Bahrain (58%) have injected a higher percentage of their respective populations with experimental COVID-19 shots.

We already know that the so-called vaccines cause the variants. Nobel Prize-winning virologist Luc Montagnier said that Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is the phenomenon creating the variants. He also described a phenomenon called “antibody mediated selection” that accelerates COVID-19 variants in vaxxed people. But Montagnier is no saint. He is listed as the inventor of the HIV virus on its 1989 patent documents. Trust none of these people.

Israel reimposed its mask mandate on Friday. It’s only a matter of time before the United States follows suit because of “Delta variants.” But the CDC will still urge people to get the deadly injections despite clear evidence that the shots cause the variants.

Israeli human rights groups have already accused the government and Pfizer of running authorized trials on the unwitting populace. We covered the story of Shir-el Hilel, the 22-year-old Israeli who died of heart inflammation after the Pfizer shot. Israel is tight-lipped about vaccine-related deaths. Thus we rarely hear much from their media or bloggers about what’s happening on the ground there.

Young people dropping dead while playing sports

We covered the story of Mr. Sang Ho Baek, the 20-year-old George Mason University baseball player who mainstream media say died of Tommy John surgery. The story was ridiculous on its face. So we dug into it deeper and concluded Mr. Sang died from one of the experimental mRNA shots.

Mainstream media are now trying to condition the world into believing that young, healthy people just drop dead for no apparent reason. There were two more stories in June that smelled very similar to the Sang story.

Mr. Josh Johnson was a 16-year-old football player for William Monroe High School in Stanardsville, Virginia.

Mr. Josh Johnson.

He and his father were on a fishing trip on June 7. Josh collapsed a few hours into the trip and died. There was no warning, no reason. But critical thinkers who read this blog know exactly what happened here.

Mr. Ethan Trejo is the other 16-year-old healthy athlete who just spontaneously died.

Mr. Ethan Trejo.

The Princeton High School (Cincinnati) student was doing routine conditioning drills for soccer practice this past Thursday. He suddenly collapsed and had a seizure. Ethan had no history of epilepsy or any other condition that causes seizures. He passed away about an hour later. We cannot confirm if the young man received one of the experimental shots. But if it barks like a dog, smells like a dog, etc…

We covered the story of Ms. Maggie Williams last month. The Oregon high school track star collapsed during the 800-meter event because she was forced to wear a mask and could not breath properly. Luckily, she survived.

From vaccine envy to COVID “survivor’s guilt”

Many of these mainstream media propaganda campaigns are in the “must see it to believe it” category. We covered “vaccine envy” back in April. This reverse-psychology operation trains un-vaxxed Fauci fanatics to say they are jealous of others who have already received their experimental injections. But this new propaganda campaign is even creepier, and explains a lot.

CNN wrote about “survivor’s guilt” on June 23. People apparently are guilty for being alive because the Centers for Disease Control manipulates statistics and says 600,000-plus Americans have died from COVID-19. They go to “support groups” with others who suffer from “survivor’s guilt.” These people essentially believe they should be dead because so many others have allegedly died from COVID-19. The quotes from the three women interviewed in the story read like someone else wrote it for them.

Lauren Nichols said she was “robbing someone else of their ability to get care” because she got treatment for COVID and lived. “Why am I even alive,” she said. A woman named Kelly said she is suicidal because she recovered from COVID while others died. Perhaps all of these COVID zealots subconsciously want to die, which is why they volunteer for experimental injections.

Read the whole story here if you can stomach it.

Huge anti-lockdown, anti-vaxx weekend protests in London ignored by mainstream media

Both the BBC and The Guardian were forced to write little blurb stories about the massive protests in England over the weekend. But somehow the protests failed to trend on Twitter and other social media platforms. Neither the Guardian nor the BBC bothered to estimate the vast number of people that showed up. But an educated guess from the aerial view of London is likely well over 10,000 people.

These protests literally happen weekly across the globe. But mainstream media and big tech suppress coverage. The Telegram channel World Wide Demonstration has 57,000 followers and informs people of forthcoming protests. Make sure to follow them to stay up-to-date.

Peer-reviewed study: COVID vaccines kill two people for every three lives saved

The international, peer-reviewed journal Vaccines is about to make a lot of enemies in big pharma. The study, entitled, “The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy” was published on June 24. German scientists crunched statistics from adverse reactions databases to determine the number needed to vaccinate (NNTV) against COVID-19 to save one life in Israel. The conclusions are clear and scathing:

For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination. This lack of clear benefit should cause governments to rethink their vaccination policy.

The researchers noted, as Harvard Pilgrim Health Care has in the past, that less than 5% of vaccine adverse reactions are reported to these databases. Thus the real numbers are likely far more ominous. Researchers dropped some more hard truth thereafter:

The present assessment raises the question whether it would be necessary to rethink policies and use COVID-19 vaccines more sparingly and with some discretion only in those that are willing to accept the risk because they feel more at risk from the true infection than the mock infection.

The study is sure to be attacked by mainstream media “fact checkers,” Fauci and CNN doctors. But as of now, it appears dissemination is scant.

UPDATED July 3, 2021: Right on queue, the foregoing study has been retracted by the journal Vaccines. A bunch of compromised scientists who are likely being paid by Pfizer, Moderna, et al. quit the journal after the study was published. The journal not only succumbed to pressure, but retracted the study essentially because vaccine deaths were/are calculated the same way as COVID deaths.


Vaccines editors essentially repeat the “VAERS is not real” and “the reports do not imply causation” subterfuges in relation to the Lareb system in the Netherlands. Thus the entire study is wrong because it used reports from the Dutch version of VAERS. The paper was retracted despite three reviewers saying nothing negative about the paper. Reviewers simply criticized minor cosmetic flaws due to language barriers.


The authors responded and said they stand by their research.


Anonymous “vaccine” deaths across the globe

There is an uptick in media outlets reporting on deaths after experimental shots. But the victims are ultimately faceless and nameless because of shoddy reporting and/or censorship. There’s really no telling how many of these deaths happen on a daily basis.

A 56-year-old woman received her second dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA at Kalavryta Hospital in the mountainous Achaea region of Greece on June 18, according to The Greek Reporter. She received the shot at 10 a.m. local time. Ten minutes later, she complained of a burning sensation in her chest. She was dead by 11 a.m.

The Times of India reported another near-instant death by experimental injection. A 37-year-old woman received her first dose of AstraZeneca (known as Covishield in India) viral vector DNA on Monday afternoon, June 7 in the Thoubal District of Manipur. She almost immediately complained of “uneasiness.” She died less than eight hours later. The report insults everyone’s intelligence by saying an autopsy is needed to determine her cause of death.

Finally, there’s the story of the nameless, faceless South Korean Air Force officer. A senior master sergeant received the second dose of experimental AstraZeneca viral vector DNA on May 24, according to The Korea Herald. He was declared brain dead on May 31 and officially pronounced dead on June 3. Of course, the report says that his cause of death is unknown.

Post-Pfizer autopsy finds viral RNA in “every organ of the body”

Many good doctors, scientists and common sense journalists have declared that everyone who receives the experimental mRNA shots will eventually suffer adverse reactions and die. Some believe all vaxx recipients will die within five years. Some think it will be faster than that. But now we know for certain that these shots cause major damage to all organs in the body.

German researchers published their finding in the June 2021 volume of the International Journal of Infectious Disease. An 86-year-old man died four weeks after the first Pfizer shot. His kidneys and lungs completely shut down. The man tested positive for COVID-19 before he died, but had no symptoms. Researchers found the spike proteins and viral RNA in nearly every organ of the man’s body. They also suggested that the man caught COVID-19 after he was dead and the virus spread faster than normal.

In other words, the spike proteins, which are what cause the damage and induce blood clots, will eventually bind to Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors throughout vaxxed people’s bodies. This is also a proof-positive case of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), in that the virus spreads a lot faster in vaxxed people versus non-vaxxed people. Read the entire study here.

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3 years ago

Unless we see massive numbers of dead bodies each day, they will continue to fool the clueless about the poison jabs.

3 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Better those clueless sheep than me. But yes it would require massive numbers of dead bodies to cause such a thing. The masterminds behind this are clever as they are not wanting all people who get the vaccine to die. Some will die, some will have a saline solution and some will have magnets in them and become 5G transmitters (and eventually die).

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I feel the same way, especially since appointments were set up prior to getting the jabs, with an accompanying questionnaire to be filled out. Vaccines have always been administered on a walk-in basis, even in the throes of flu season. So if some are getting saline solution, it could be because they fit a demographic these vaccine monsters do not feel threatened by. Profiling is alive and well, it seems. When I ask some of these vaccinated morons what kind of questions did they have to answer, most of them have forgotten, like the unwitting sheep that they are.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Personally, I am not convinced that this 5G conspiracy is actually ‘a thing’. I think that some far-fetched conspiracies are promoted to discredit those who have more plausible and believable concerns: “ah, listen to those tin-foil hat anti-vaxxers”. With that being said, reality is often stranger than fiction.

The mRNA experimental covid ‘vaccines’ are highly dangerous and should never have been approved. I suspect that the covid ‘vaccines’ may wear down the immune system over the longer-term, so come the flu season, the vaxxed will fall very ill. The unvaxxed will be scapegoated. It will be interesting to see the fertility rates in the coming years.

The vaxxed would be well-advised not to mock so-called ‘anti-vaxxers’. These experimental mRNA covid ‘vaccines’ are not conventional vaccines. When I was at high school, I was vaccinated against tuberculosis. Whether or not it was really necessary, I will never know. However, one thing is certain: over my dead body will I have any of these dangerous covid ‘vaccines’!

Life is too precious to risk. At my young age, and considering my good health, I stand a far greater risk of life-changing injury or death from the covid ‘vaccines’ than covid itself. We all meet the grim reaper eventually, but I am not tempting fate. These ‘vaccines’ can be likened to Russian Roulette.

I feel for those who have succumbed to peer pressure, social media, government propaganda and an ‘expectation’ to be an obedient conformist. By the way, I have not watched TV for over a decade. It is very liberating. Throw away your television. As per the song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

“Personally, I am not convinced that this 5G conspiracy is actually ‘a thing’. I think that some far-fetched conspiracies are promoted to discredit those who have more plausible and believable concerns: “ah, listen to those tin-foil hat anti-vaxxers”. With that being said, reality is often stranger than fiction.”

Why aren’t you convinced the conspiracy on 5G is thing. Have you even done any research on it? 5G is part of the globalists plan to watch over us. Think about why smart cities are becoming a thing? If you have 5G and smart cities you can control and watch over the populace similar to a 1984 dystopian society. Not to mention the harmful effects 5G has and will cause.

Yes 5G is already causing serious health issues. And it will only get worse when more cell towers are built and they ramp up the power on the already exisiting cell towers.

The above link is of mark steele explaning the issues with 5G. There are also plenty of videos on brand new tube and bitchute. Don’t even bother using google to look up 5G.

You say that some far-feteched conspiracies are promoted to discredit those who have more plausible and believeable concerns. They know people are waking up to 5G and its dangers and are using this pathetic attempt at mocking those who have concerns to make it a so called conspiracy a thing. It’s called propaganda.

If your awake to the idea that these vaccines are killing those who take it then why won’t you believe 5G is deadly. Again do more research.

On a side note I detest mobile phones and their cell towers. In my opinion mobile phones should never exist. We were fine without them. And I miss the days when the internet was only basic HTML, was only available on a computer and a fixed internet cable link and it was for research and education. Not stupid normies posting crap on tik tok. Not to mention the radition exposed on mobile phones, wifi and cell towers,

Asking the vaxxed not the mock us unvaxxed is never going to happen. They are too stupid to do otherwise. During this scamdemic I have seen the evil from the sheep and their unwillingness to stop this tryanny. They deserve all the pain and misery they recieve.I’ll be mocking them to their grave. If we are going to have to live in a 1984 hellhole then there better be a lot of vaxxed sheep taken down. At least we will have a chance to fight back.

I’m also a young person like yourself and there is no way in hell I’m taking a vaccine which is untested, unapproved, unlicenced, killing and injuring thousands and thousands of unlucky sods, for a virus with a 99.8 percent recovery rate and doesn’t kill young people.

Well done for not watching TV for that long. I have reduced my TV screen time but it would be good to let it go. Nothing but junk.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

The ONE common denominator in people around me who either fall for the Covid lie or reject it, is media consumption. The more media consumed, the more likely to believe in the Corona hoax.

It is pure and I am beginning to believe deliberate misguidance, this is a political divide but that is a lie. Politics have ZIP to do with what makes the dif between Vaxd and Clean.

Two people in my household think pretty much EXACTLY the way Aidan does about phones and all that tech. Living without television, as my better half and I have done for more than 30 years and did even before we met, we two see with eyes what constant media consumption and tech pursuit of perfection, does to people, how it thwarts them and stunts them and blinds them.

It is so refreshing to read the comments here.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

30 years without TV? Damn, that’s impressive. It’s good to know other people think the way I do about tech. I wish I could meet someone who wasn’t consumed by technology. All the young people I know are obessed with it. When I was out with friends or on a date and when the smartphones came out I lost my temper and scolded my friends about being sheep consumed by tech.

And you’re spot on with your comments about media consumption. Those who blindly follow mainstream media are dupped into believing this hoax is an actual pandemic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Well my friend, if you are ever in California you can sit at my campfire any time, you will always be welcome. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could shake hands some day and smile directly into each others eyes. So for now we must settle for wishes, but my heart is with you and I am so encouraged and cheered by the knowledge of such as you. God keep you and yours, and someday we might walk side by side on the beach and count our blessings together.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

That campfire sounds nice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Are you in SoCal? We need a meetup for like-minded, concerned individuals.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Thanks, Gary, for your voice of reason. I’m in great internal distress and turmoil over all of this. I am from a family of six, and all of my family has gotten the vaccine. I will lose all of them. Your well-thought comments help me to remember to see each other as human beings before allowing the distinction of vaccination to divide us.

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

I too had my entire family take the vaccine. I fear I will lose all of them as well. They keep pressuring me to get it, but I will not. They made their choices and I have to respect that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

I got you beat my friend… No TV for me since 2001! Its the most liberating thing ever if only people knew. It also helps you become a more critical thinker because you are not being “programmed” by TV Programs.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

5G microwaves are dangerous, as are 4G, 3G etc. We are not used to these frequencies, until recently we were subjected to more or less zero amounts. Now we are being overwhelmed. Couple with glyphosate in denatured, radioactive (polonium from phosphate fertilisers) ‘food’, together with millions of chemical contaminants in the environment, and it is a surprise we’ve made it so far. THANKYOU, Capitalist Class.

3 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

But The CDC reports over 5,000 people have died after they got one of these vaccines and I’m sure the numbers will increase.

3 years ago

This was an interesting article. And I wonder if dandelion leafy extract would Aldo help those who have been vaxxed.

3 years ago

“Operation Warp Speed is ‘one of great successes in American history”:
___Sen. Mark Rubio


If that man’s lips are moving; he is probably lying….

2 years ago

Was going to comment that the article had been retracted after following the link, only to see that you had already reported the retraction. Not surprised at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrMonkeyShines
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