Sang Ho Baek: George Mason University baseball player is first in history to die from Tommy John surgery if you believe mainstream media
June 21, 2021

Mr. Sang Ho Baek.

FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA — This article is prefaced with pure frustration. We’re sick and tired of reading mainstream media articles that conjure ridiculous causes of death for young people suddenly dropping dead in disturbing numbers. Mr. Sang Ho Baek died from one of the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” And we’re making that case herein.

Who is Sang Ho Baek?

Mr. Sang Ho Baek was born in South Korea, but was raised in the United States. He played high school baseball for James Bennett High School (Clippers) in Salisbury, Maryland. He is a right-handed pitcher with an 89 mph fastball. The Clippers defeated the C. Milton Wright Mustangs 5-3 on May 25, 2019 to take home the 2019 3A Maryland State Championship.

Mr. Sang signed his letter of intent to play baseball at George Mason University (Patriots) in February 2020. The so-called COVID-19 pandemic forced the NCAA to cancel most of the 2020 baseball season, including the College World Series. The Patriots were 1-14 after a 5-3 loss to Virginia Tech on March 11, 2020. The rest of the season was cancelled.

The 2021 NCAA Division I baseball season commenced on February 19. Mr. Sang, as a freshman, saw this first action against the University of Maryland, Baltimore County on March 12. He pitched 1.1 innings and struck out one batter. The three other pitchers gave up 14 earned runs. Mr. Sang gave up zero in his time at the mound. The team lost 14-10. His next action came against Saint Louis University. Mr. Sang faced two batters, struck out one and walked one. The Patriots lost 7-0.

His last action came on May 1 against Virginia Commonwealth. The season ended on May 22 and the team finished with a 14-29 record.

Who is Tommy John?

Judging from his stats, Mr. Sang had decent potential. He didn’t get much playing time in his inaugural season. Mr. Sang was the proverbial project, a guy who could turn into a good pitcher with the right coaching. He also had issues with his elbow that likely impacted his performances. Mr. Sang required a common surgery among baseball pitchers, a surgery with an interesting backstory.

World War II veteran Frank Jobe became a doctor after the war. He co-founded the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic 1964-65 and became a team doctor for the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1968. Tommy John was a Major League Baseball pitcher for 26 years and six different teams. He had a 13-3 record for the L.A. Dodgers in 1974 before he felt “the strangest sensation” he’d ever experienced in his elbow.

John permanently damaged the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) in his left elbow. The UCL is essentially 70% of the “meat” that ties together the upper and lower arm.

What is Tommy John Surgery?

John figured his career was over. But Dr. Jobe told John about an experimental surgery that he could try on him. John accepted, figuring he had nothing to lose since it was just elbow surgery and would not kill him. Dr. Jobe removed a tendon from John’s right forearm and used it to graft a new UCL for his left elbow.

Keep in mind this was done at a time with no MRIs and no CT scans – just X-rays. Dr. Jobe drilled holes in John’s humerus and ulna bones to attached the graft. As complex as it sounds, the entire procedure is done in 90 minutes or less. John sat out the entire 1975 season rehabilitating and praying for the best. What happened from there was a miracle at the time.

John returned to the Dodgers in 1976 and won 10 games as a starter at age 33. He had three 20-win seasons in the next four, including two with the New York Yankees. John won 164 games in his post-surgery career, with 288 wins total. He played an incredible 26 seasons, which was a record until Nolan Ryan broke it in 1993 (27 seasons). In other words, the surgery, under 1970s medical conditions, was a success. Dr. Jobe named it “Tommy John surgery” thereafter.

Tommy John surgery stats

A total of 2,003 baseball players at all levels (professional and amateur) have had Tommy John surgery since 1974, according to baseball writer Jon Roegele. Some of them had multiple Tommy John surgeries. A 2018 study published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine found that 84% of Tommy John surgery recipients return to baseball after surgery. Granted most of said players have/had shorter careers and never quite performed the same, unlike the namesake recipient. But many of those pitchers, frankly, weren’t very good before their surgeries.

We scoured baseball history books and every internet crevice possible related to baseball. Not ONE single player in history has died from Tommy John surgery.

Vaccines required at GMU

George Mason University announced on May 26 that all on-campus students must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 by August 1, 2021. The university has a website where students can schedule appointments to get the experimental Pfizer mRNA injections for free at the Johnson Center on campus.

An online portal allows students to upload their proof of vaccination. George Mason University also has a sweepstakes of sorts. All students who upload their proof of vaccine are entered in drawings for bookstore gift cards, parking passes, sports tickets and other stuff. Religious and medical exemptions are in place for a few students.

Faculty and staff are “encouraged” to get the experimental injections. All employees were expected to disclose their vaccination status to the university through an online portal by June 11. The university also encourages everyone to get their first dose by July 4 so they can be fully vaccinated before the deadline. Non-vaxxed people must take PCR tests upwards of three times per week and wear masks at all times.

Sang Ho Baek: Pfizer or Moderna shot?

George Mason University held a vaccine clinic at EagleBank Arena in late April. Approximately 4,000 students received the first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA. The school started scheduling Pfizer appointments in late May. The NCAA has a complex system as to who pays for student athletes’ medical expenses. But ultimately the athletes’ families are stuck with the bills in many cases, whether the student athlete is on scholarship or not.

Tommy John surgery costs upwards of $50,000, including the physical therapy afterwards. NCAA baseball does not generate revenue like football and men’s basketball. So Mr. Sang’s family likely paid for a majority of his Tommy John surgery. Recipients wear a splint for up to two weeks to keep the elbow immobilized. After that they do range-of-motion exercises with a brace. It’s safe to assume that George Mason University wanted Mr. Sang working with their team trainers after surgery.

Mr. Sang had the surgery on June 8, according to the New York Times. The George Mason vaccine mandate went into effect on May 26. A two-birds-with-one-stone situation is plausible – he got the experimental injection at the same time of the surgery. He also may have received the shots before that. Bottom line, he needs to be on campus as a student athlete majoring in biology.

It’s safe to say Mr. Sang received an experimental mRNA injection. The only question is which one and when.

Death of Sang Ho Baek

Mr. Sang passed away on Saturday, June 12, four days after his surgery. Every mainstream media outlet reporting on his death, including CNN, NBC and People magazine, say he died of “complications from Tommy John surgery.” Remember, Tommy John surgery is elbow surgery. What possible complications could lead to death?

Let’s say, worst-case scenario, Mr. Sang got some kind of serious infection. Amputate the arm and end the threat. Again, if you believe mainstream media, Mr. Sang is the first person EVER to die of complications from Tommy John surgery.

But things get interesting when you look beyond mainstream media. Ben Upton and Dimitri Kourtis of the 11Point7 College Baseball Podcast reported that Mr. Sang died from a blood clot after Tommy John surgery.

We know for a fact that both Pfizer and Moderna experimental mRNA shots cause blood clots and subsequent death. Again we scoured every baseball reference website, medical journals and even blogs. There is not ONE record of anyone developing blood clots after Tommy John surgery, let alone dying from blood clots after the surgery.

Johns Hopkins University lists the worst complications from Tommy John surgery as permanent numbness, nerve damage, or infection. Tommy John himself, in fact, experienced numbness in his left hand after his procedure. He required a second surgery to restore feeling in said hand.

Mainstream media want you to believe that Mr. Sang died from elbow surgery. No mainstream media outlet, as of publishing, even mentions blood clots. But let’s say they did. That would mean Mr. Sang developed deadly blood clots in his brain, heart or lungs because his elbow was operated on. That sounds more ridiculous than “masks stop the spread of coronavirus.”

Mr. Sang died from experimental mRNA shots. The only question is which one and how many doses he received. A GoFundMe page is raising money to help support the family.

No more insulting our intelligence

We wrote this story out of anger. These CDC/WHO/MSM/big tech people will no longer insult the intelligence of critical thinkers. The COVID Blog has a policy of not reporting vaccine deaths unless we can prove the victim actually received the shots. But this one may alter the policy a bit.

Tommy John surgery does not kill people. Tommy John surgery does not cause blood clots. It took a while to piece this one together. But it’s important in the long run. We cannot be scared of the truth. We cannot run and hide from the truth. Last year, this blogger was called “tin-foil hat” and “conspiracy theorist” for saying the novel coronavirus was created in a lab, and that Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein are BFFs. Now both premises are pretty much mainstream.

Don’t let these people shake your confidence in what you know is real. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles for tea and order them here.



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3 years ago

Excellent article. It’s true, the media are definitely trying to gaslight the public into believing it’s normal for healthy young people to just drop dead for no apparent reason, or to die from the most trivial of things, all in the desperate attempt to divert attention from the tyrannosaurus in the room.

3 years ago

Out of all the stories that have been posted on the Covid Blog, this one is the one that makes me the most angry — I am LIVID, boiling with rage at the betrayal of “journalists,” especially as I earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and enjoyed a career as a writer (now happily semi-retired) and I KNOW EXACTLY how arrogant and self-deceiving so-called “journalists” and their more powerful editors (the real gatekeepers) are. They are worse than idiots, worse than the stupider front-of-the-line idiots, and even worse than double-maskers. And frankly, I didn’t think anyone could possibly outdo double-maskers for rank stupidity and arrogance, but American journalists make double-maskers look like Einsteins.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I have read that the CIA delberately began to infiltrate the media many decades ago. Their agents were placed in editorial positions, gatekeepers, with precisely the function you allude to in your comment. Their job was to select and spin articles in the direction desired by the authorities.

It is easy to see that any journalist with editorial ambitions would then be a target for the CIA to subvert and train for their purposes. I imagine that by now the mass media is entirely under their control and this is obvious from the clear bias that is displayed in all the dominant print and visual media channels.

Any journalist with integrity and inclinations to tell the truth would be unlikely to remain in the mass media. Most would gravitate into the alternate streams. Knowing this I never read or watch mass media. It is a waste of time.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Robertson
3 years ago

You are very wise to stay away from mass media consumption. It’s possible to earn a living in it and not be a consumer of it. Since 1975 I have never owned a television with cable, although between then and now, I lived in homes with one for a total of four years? Something like that. Nor were newspapers more than a starting point for truth seeking.

MAY I SUGGEST that the mass media is at least under obligation to its heaviest advertisers. In ALL media, print, television, even radio, billboards, busses, online, the three-armed medical industry complex of insurance, hospitals/clinics, and pharmaceutical companies, is constant, 24-7, ubiquitous, everywhere. That represents billions of dollars in revenue for those media. Judging by the proportion of ads dedicated to medical issues of one type or another (marketing illnesses to perfectly healthy people, meddling with constant tests), the medical triad must represent a sizeable percentage of their income.

In my growing personal first-hand experience, having a lifestyle where mass media consumption gets low priority for any of a number of reasons, is the ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR among those who reject the whole Covid charade. Political leaning right or left has ZERO bearing — nearly every die-hard Republican I know has gotten the jab, the same with the Democrats I know.

I have faith because of the younger folks I’m meeting, teens and twenties, who have ZERO intention of the damned jab and who get the picture. One guy said, “My girlfriend and I want to have kids.” This worthy generation will be truly liberated when the magic smoke runs out of their “smart” phones and GPS. Jubilant!

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
None Yun
None Yun
3 years ago

Operation Mockingbird. They admitted it was infiltrated back in the 70’s during a congressional hearing. You can probably find the video on Ytube.

Nancy Bryson
Nancy Bryson
3 years ago

When I read that a young college pitcher had died as an aftermath of Tommy John surgery, I was very suspicious. Excellent article presenting enough evidence to change my suspicion into certainty. Thank you.

3 years ago

If a dictator does take power in America; the FIRST THING HE OR SHE SHOULD DO IS RAZE AND LIME OVER THE “UNIVERSITIES”.


3 years ago

All these stories of healthy youngsters even children being murdered for a jab to prevent a cold with 100% recovery for them. My blood boils.

I have 2 teens who are being brainwashed into this death cult by my ex their parent. I hear they’re now recruiting kids to turn in parents who are ‘conspiracy theorists’ or ‘domestic terrorists’ for questioning ‘The Science’. It may be that even my kids can’t be saved. At this point I just pray fervently, but I recognize God’s sovereignty in all things.

None Yun
None Yun
3 years ago

You made the right call! This is as ridiculous to believe as that nurse that fainted afterwards, and they showed us a picture of a girl in a group photo that clearly wasn’t her but they claimed it was. The MSM shills have no morals or conscious. They will burn in hell in the end for the lies and damage they’ve caused. The murder of babies in Syria. The suicides of kids because they lost their direction in life when sports ended and schools closed. The numerous people now addicted to drugs/alcohol thanks to their deception. The MILLIONS that lost their jobs thanks to their fear mongering. I don’t care how they justify spewing their lies. They are part of the collective and the fuel destroying our world.

3 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

My favorite protest sign seen: “Media is the virus.”

3 years ago

The mainstream media ran out of elbow room on excuses for this one.

3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Owch! And duly upvoted! {^)

3 years ago

Yes the media always seems to have their agenda except for the local news. That’s because just like in Germany and every other country the jews infiltrate the media. It’s common sense but also provable if you look into the owners. Why would jews who believe they’re god’s chosen, and you second-rate citizens ever have your best interests at heart? They don’t care about you or your country. Even the jewish bible attests to their global plans of world domination. But all you have to do is look at current events to see for yourself the purposely driven corruption and who benefits.

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