VAERS: vaccine reporting system has recorded more than 500 spontaneous abortions after experimental COVID-19 “vaccines”
June 21, 2021

ATLANTA — Mainstream media smugly and without shame dismiss all facts, science and observations about the experimental COVID-19 injections as “conspiracy theory.” CNN, which has more commercial time for pharmaceutical products than all the other networks, is notorious for this.

We’ve all seen the thousands of videos of vaxxed people sticking metal objects on the site of the shot. All of them feel the magnetic pull. But CNN, of course, wants you to dismiss what you see with your own eyes, and simply believe what you’re told by them.

Dr. Michael Yeadon is the former Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Pfizer. He warned everyone in December that these experimental mRNA shots will lead to mass infertility. Women will no longer be able to form placentas and thus, cannot carry babies. We’ve also seen frightening menstrual cycles from non-vaxxed women who were in close proximity of vaxxed people.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, a British pathologist, found that the spike proteins in the experimental mRNA shots effectively sterilize men. He stated the obvious, in that the 2-3 months of so-called clinical trials were not nearly enough to know the long-term effects of these shots. Of course mainstream media “fact-checkers” say they have “debunked” Dr. Hodkinson.

Disturbing VAERS patterns

There is also now a coordinated campaign to deflect attention away from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The system, managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration, has been around since 1990 and existed in relative anonymity until 2021. That’s because the number of deaths related to vaccines in the first six months of 2021 stands at 5,888. The highest year prior to 2021 (which still has six months left in it) had around 500 vaccine-related deaths.

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care found in 2010 that less than 1% of all vaccine adverse reactions are reported to VAERS. Thus VAERS numbers must be multiplied by 100 to get a good idea of the real situation. That means at least 588,000 Americans have died after experimental COVID-19 shots. But there is another highly disturbing pattern in VAERS that does not get the same amount of press as deaths.

VAERS recorded 522 spontaneous abortions

You read that right. As of June 11, there are 522 cases of spontaneous abortion after experimental COVID-19 shots reported to VAERS.

Again if we use Harvard Pilgrim Health Care extrapolation, that means there have likely been well over 52,000 spontaneous abortions after vaccines since January. Abortions, spontaneous or otherwise, are very personal events for women. Thus few are going to report it publicly.

Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce posted about her spontaneous abortion on Twitter in February. Pediatric nurse Mary Voll posted about hers in March and threatened us with some sort of legal action for re-posting her own words. We hope that our coverage of these stories stops the virtue signaling. The VAERS accounts of spontaneous abortions all sound very similar.

A 40-year-old woman miscarried 30 days after the second Pfizer shot. A 36-year-old New Jersey woman was 16-weeks pregnant when she lost her baby three weeks after the second Pfizer shot. A 26-year-old South Dakota woman with a history of healthy, full-term pregnancies, lost her baby six days after the second Moderna shot.

Then there’s the 27-year-old Pennsylvania woman. She received her second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on February 23. That same day, she discovered she was pregnant. Four weeks later, doctors found that her baby had no heartbeat.

Nearly all of these spontaneous abortions resulted from Pfizer and Moderna shots. Read more of the case here.

“Pro-choice” lies

Society needs to eliminate manipulative terms like pro-choice and pro-life. All pro-choice means is pro-abortion in the United States. These same people (liberals/Democrats) say you have no choice but to receive experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections, wear masks, etc. It makes sense that this crowd is pro-vaxx because these shots cause abortions.

Meanwhile, pro-life simply means anti-abortion. That is all fine and commendable. But this same crowd (Republicans) are mostly pro-death penalty and pro-military. It’s no secret that Republicans are pretty much the last hope for reasonable resolution with this COVID-19 agenda. But let’s not forget that former President Donald Trump not only encourages his followers to get the experimental shots, but also wants credit for creating them.

Trust no politicians. These people are all bought and paid for. Pfizer will bring in $26 billion in 2021 alone from these “free” experimental shots. An entire generation of college-educated kids is likely to be sterilized this fall as virtually all U.S. universities are mandating experimental shots. Don’t let this happen to yourself or your children. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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James Occonor
James Occonor
3 years ago

The desecration of human life is demonic in nature. satanic. We are made in GODS image and the enemy seeks to destroy that image by death, desecration or slavery. I have been struggling with my faith as I see this throughout history however one people have failed these kids for millennia – the church. sure many christian fight against these things and the cv destructive lockdowns but overall the organised church are accountable.

John Brennan
John Brennan
3 years ago
Reply to  James Occonor

My (ex) pastor and his wife were the first to get the shots. She got Bell’s Palsy within a few days. Nearly everyone there followed their example and got the jab. I have to look for a different church. This issue is a great divider.

Kelly thyben
Kelly thyben
2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

I am amazed at the amount of Christina’s and believers that run for this shot… this shot has been either made with aborted fetal cell lines or has it in the shot like the J&J… defile your body yes God forgives through his grace but we pay the consequences for sin… abortion is murder period.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

Stop looking for man made temples, you are the Temple God made for you!

Barbara McKenzie
3 years ago
Reply to  James Occonor

This should be a point where Christians and atheists agree. Even if you don’t believe that man was made in God’s image, but you do believe in evolution, you must see that homo sapiens is unique as the most intelligent species that we know of (I’m not saying that other species aren’t special in their own way). But all that stuff about “biodiversity” suddenly doesn’t matter when it comes to humanity.

Jess Hansen
Jess Hansen
3 years ago

this should be a point where Christians and atheists agree.


Kelly thyben
Kelly thyben
2 years ago
Reply to  James Occonor

I am very surprised myself that the church is silent on this issue… it reminds me of the time of Hitler when the Germans looked the other way as Jews were headed on the train to the camps and the gas chambers. Are we going to continue to be silent when people are outright willingly headed to the bioweapon death shot? Let’s call
This for what it is a bioweapon… genocide by Fauci protocols giving remdesivir to patients knowing it kills most people. We are commanded by God to stand for truth always….

Cindy Brown
Cindy Brown
2 years ago
Reply to  James Occonor

The organized church is mostly apostate and they’re just following along with these evil dictates. There is no Godly discernment. At the worse, the churches are mandating masks and encouraging the jab. Many other churches are just saying nothing. There is certainly a lack of Daniels in our midst.

3 years ago

I’d there is any silver lining to this story, planned parenthood will be driven out of business.

3 years ago

So, the jab working as planned … (but I bet not nearly fast enough for billy goat and his fellow moloch worshippers)

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
3 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy

Seems to me that Biden has been pushing these test vaccines very hard and we will know within 4 months, when the winter season begins if these test vaccines save or destroy those who have had them, which makes Biden a savior or well, the opposite, right?
I hope for a successful ending to this, but I fear for what I think will probably happen.

Joe Freeman
Joe Freeman
2 years ago

I verified that the numbers look really bad in table 4 of this article, when you do the math given the provided notes..

96 abortions before 13 weeks,  with 700 out of 827 participants receiving their first dose in the 3rd trimester.

Which would mean that out of the 127 that received their doses in the first trimester,  96 out of 127 resulted in an abortion = 75.6%..

The studies conclusion seems to lump all the population together to average out a mortality rate of 13%, but this seems like a distortion of what the data actually says about the risk to women in the first trimester.  

2 years ago

Nanoparticle loading with cholesterol and phospholipids (LNPs -which the Pfizer and Moderna transfection-vaccines are) leads to accumulation in steroid-rich organs (adrenals and ovaries)…

the greatest concentration was found in the corpus luteum (which plays a crucial role in early pregnancy because it produces the hormone progesterone) and in the adrenal cortex (where DHEA is produced, an intermediary for the synthesis of male sexual hormones like testosterone, which plays a crucial role in puberty for a boy to become a man) ..

The numerous reports of severe menstrual irregularities and – sadly – miscarriages / spontaneous abortions after the gene-transfections (they are NOT vaccines) could be explained with these effects ..

In Europe 72% of vaccine damage occurs in women (Eudra-Vigilance database) – what do the US-data in VAERS say?

Coercing people to take these vaccines is a crime against humanity and giving them to children can only be described as diabolical…

Lynn Kenedy
Lynn Kenedy
2 years ago

I had heard reports about these high numbers, but I hadn’t seen the actual proof. This is so frightening. My youngest niece is pregnant right now. I believe my son and I are the only ones in the family who haven’t gotten the shot, so we’re “anti-science and not doing our part.” Nobody wants to tell me if she was injected or not. I’m on ignore. For the baby’s sake, I pray she hasn’t been injected with that poison.

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