Paul Bainbridge: 46-year-old British software developer mocks “anti-vaxxers,” diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome three weeks after second AstraZeneca shot
June 11, 2021 (updated June 13, 2021)

Photo via Facebook (2012).

UPDATED June 13, 2021: Paul Bainbridge was asked if he was aware of this story on Facebook and if the story was fake. He replied “No idea.”

But then he wrote us directly, in part:

You have a libelous post on your official blog about me which is fake news.When dates in your post are out by over 10 years this is not possible to be correct.

It’s unclear what he means by “dates…out by over 10 years.” All of the dates are still on the screenshots and his Facebook page. Further, the “Last Tue” deleted post was published on Tuesday, June 1 or Wednesday, June 2, depending on your time zone. It’s like these dates on a CDC Memorial Day post.

That all said, Mr. Bainbridge, as many others have, is threatening The COVID Blog with “libel” lawsuits for disseminating his own words. We’re going to leave the link to this editorial here and simply wish Mr. Bainbridge the best.




NOTTINGHAM, EAST MIDLANDS — A 46-year-old British software developer has been a loyal, unpaid spokesperson for experimental COVID-19 shots since 2020. His prognosis and future are now uncertain.

Mr. Paul Bainbridge received his first dose of experimental AstraZeneca viral vector DNA on March 13, according to his Facebook page. The United Kingdom government provides very ambiguous guidance as far as time between the two AstraZeneca doses. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the U.K. equivalent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, recommends the second AstraZeneca doses “4 to 12 weeks” after the first.

Mr. Bainbridge received his second dose on or around May 15, as he declared himself “fully vaccinated” on May 29. This assumes that Mr. Bainbridge is a loyal, obedient “pro-vaxxer,” which is not a stretch based on his history. The U.K. considers you “fully vaccinated” two weeks after your second dose of AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Moderna.

Mr. Bainbridge mocked so-called anti-vaxxers after his second shot.

A friend of Mr. Bainbridge named Paul Oxley asked “are you glowing yet” after the second AstraZeneca dose. Mr. Bainbridge responded, “No. But I have 3 arms and metal keeps sticking to me.” We’ve pleaded with the public to stop posting these mocking, virtue-signaling Facebook/Instagram/TikTok posts. Karma continually rears its omnipotence.

Unfortunate turn of events

Mr. Bainbridge has posted many statements since 2020 showing his loyalty and obedience to anything the World Health Organization and big pharma tell him. He confirmed that he received the AstraZeneca shot in a comment on his March 16 post.


Mr. Bainbridge commented on Facebook or around June 2 about several medical issues. A reader emailed us a screenshot that has since been deleted from Facebook.

Mr. Bainbridge felt “pins and needles” in his hands on Sunday, May 30. He said “two spinal taps confirmed it” by Monday, May 31. His whole body was paralyzed on Wednesday, June 2 and he was placed in a medically-induced coma that day. He was also diagnosed with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), pneumonia, and sepsis.

A primary symptom of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is the “pins and needles” feeling Mr. Bainbridge described. Spinal taps are required to diagnosed GBS. Mr. Bainbridge has GBS. What’s worse is that he apparently kept needling (no pun intended) non-vaxxers after his diagnosis. This June 3 post is his last, as he has not updated Facebook since.

Virtual signaling gone wrong again

At this point it doesn’t matter how much we plead with the public to stop the social media “I’m vaxxed” photos. Mr. Bainbridge is at least the fourth case of instant karma we’ve covered here. Ronald Babb, Dr. Thomas Flanagan, and Dr. Witold Rogiewicz are the others. Obviously this blog cannot capture every case like this. We know it happens far more often.

The United States reached its voluntary vaxxed plateau last month. Now they are conning people with burgers, weed, lotteries and other incentives to inject themselves with poison. Colleges and universities are the next battleground, as virtually all of them are mandating experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA shots for all students in the Fall 2021 semester.

As of today, about 42% of Americans are “fully vaccinated.” At least 57% has received one shot. Thus a large percentage of the gene pool is forever altered. They will never reproduce, never have children. This is a new GMO species of human. We’ll continually see the effects of these gene alterations in real-time. It’s up to you to preserve your humanity and dignity. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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Jennifer Dendy
Jennifer Dendy
3 years ago

There is nothing to say anymore. The cult members will remain cult members until they see the light. And we cannot MAKE them see the light no matter what. It’s so depressing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer Dendy

All we can do is laugh and say I told you so. Well that is what I am doing. Gotta try and stay sane in clown world.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer Dendy

I reached out to him, and he said that the same thing would have happened had he caught Covid! WHHHAATT!?!?

3 years ago
Reply to  Shayna

I think the phrase at this point is “in denial.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Shayna

He most likely would have got only a very mild infection if he had caught Covid. Lol

Andrew John Brough
Andrew John Brough
3 years ago

Let them virtual signal, lessons must be learned.

3 years ago

Upvoted. Indeed, let them stupid signal as we sadly step aside.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago

The mortality rate for Guillian-Barre Syndrome is 4-7%. Covid-19 is about 0.1% -0.3% for someone in their 40s.

3 years ago
Reply to  Daz

I remember that GB stat. Pretty surprised that it goes as high as 7%.

John Brennan
John Brennan
3 years ago

“The science” has been lying to mankind since at least the beginning of the Renaissance. All standing water is level. Never curved. Provable with the naked eye over long distances. The North Star is in the same position, century after century despite the claim that Earth is hurtling through the galaxy at hundreds of thousands of miles. The exact same strategy is used to control the pandemic and vaxx narrative. You will never wake up the masses to the dangers of this poison. People have been writing books like the poisoned needle since at least the 1950’s to no avail, trying to warn the public. About the dangers of ALL vaccines. My 18 month old nephew was killed by the MMR, Our only hope is that the ruling class will kill off their best people and then have to face a sizeable group of angry, well armed survivors.

Mutlu Ky
Mutlu Ky
3 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

Search Eric Dubay my friend.
Once you go flat theres no going back

John Brennan
John Brennan
3 years ago
Reply to  Mutlu Ky

Yes, I read at the IFERS site once or twice a month. My F/E sister, who is a tenured professor at a U.S. university, sent me a copy of Dubay’s Flat Earth Conspiracy about four years ago. Once I absorbed the information, there was no going back.

Frank julian
Frank julian
3 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

The “ruling classes” do not take any of these “vaccines.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank julian

Those who have supposedly taken a shot on live TV (obviously a propaganda stunt) had something innocuous injected, such as vitamin B or saline.

3 years ago

Now we can mock this pro-vax Moron.
And this mutilated Moron is not the first.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jenny

s’pose he’ll be lining up for the booster shots…or maybe not…let’s see…

3 years ago

Ha ha ha! If this pricks wants to mock us anti vaxxers then fine, but that also means he is fair game when it comes to others mocking him.

Take that you dumb sheep. Look what a year of virtue signalling and blind obidence has gotten you. Gullian barre syndrome. Ha. No more cycle trips to shed off the pounds. Enjoy living through the pain for the rest of your miserable life. And I hope you are not going to quit work and go on the dole. We need your tax money to pay for a NHS service that you have been shallowly virtue signalling for.

And does he honestly think those calculations on the occurance of blood clots is even remotely correct? Fat chance. Those so called calculations are created by people who are paid to promote the agenda that vaccines are safe. Many people will die and suffer as a result from this prick promoting this poison jab.

Enjoy the little of your life that you have left.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Thanks, i lol’d. Sardonically. Which is really good sometimes.
Had to.

3 years ago

More Little Vax Helpers came by our door today (always on weekends) trying to get the poor folk into a shot appt. I so wish they’d go away. This man: Brainwashed is just not a big enough word for some pro-vax people’s attitude. Not even a tiny consideration to the possibility that they are wrong and all those protesters he made fun of might have a few salient points. What suffering.

3 years ago

That guy should have been a comedian!!

Paul Bainbridge
Paul Bainbridge
3 years ago
Reply to  Farmerz

I did consider becoming a comedian, but the pay is a joke. I should say I had gbs 13 years ago. No vaccine involved. In fact it was about 10 years after I had my last jab. Yes I have had my covid jab. But that’s because unlike you I understand science and didn’t sit at the back of class messing about in the lessons.

3 years ago

Time will tell who understood and who didn’t.
As for sitting in the back of class messing about in the lessons, kids like that often grow up to be some of the most productive smartest leaders and THINKERS around, while timid followers who live to impress their betters by believing that they “understand the science,” end up being obstacles for smarter folks.
Just for grins, Paul, is it science, medicine, or plain physiology that makes it so that NECESSARILY, if you frustrate CO2 exhalation (wearing a mask), your blood oxygen levels WILL drop and your heart rate WILL rise. Rather like holding a match under something will NECESSARILY heat the surface where you’re holding the match. Mask wearers may think they understand “the science,” but in truth all they understand are instructions.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago

Yep you got the jab and look what it gave you. You understand science but you don’t seem to have common sense

3 years ago

If you understood science as you say, you would know that a history of GBS makes you a very high risk candidate for this particular treatment. I hope you’ve at least taken the time to read other articles here. You may even understand “science” even more by the time you see what is happening outside of your virtuous bubble.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Fascinated,, cult members they never believe they have been deceived, 2 friends exact same one now has stents in his heart after 1st dose struggling to breath now has a mobile scooter and the other believes they have long covid no energy and hair falling out after 2 dose’s

Frank julian
Frank julian
3 years ago

Paul, just admit it. You really screwed up. Big time. You are a shining beacon of stupidity to the masses.

3 years ago

I’ll be reading your obituary here soon Paul

3 years ago

The professor becomes the guinea pig, well… I guess we’ll make the observations while you’re contorting around on Twitter lol

3 years ago

What ‘science’? Do you mean the continual flip flopping of Fauci? Or the words of former CDC head Robert Redfield admitting covid deaths may be ‘over counted’, and that the ‘virus may have escaped from the Wuhan lab’? The funding of these injections by Bill Gates, who has NO medical degree whatsoever? That’s the science you trust? The inconsistencies of the ‘science’ should cause alarm if you think for yourself. Instead, you became a victim of massive brainwashing via the media, a technique borrowed from Hitler, and believed them as they programmed your brain through repetitious lies. The continual onslaught of misinformation was believed by many, we are seeing the results of that in adverse reactions and death. It will get worse.
These evil people want the masses dead, they called anyone who exposed their demonic agenda conspiracy theorists. It worked, the sheeple lined up for their injections, trusting in wicked mankind rather than their God given immune systems. We are seeing the aftermath of trusting in the science, which is a magical hocus pocus ever changing invention of man.
“Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD” Isaiah 2
Fools put their trust in science, it’s a costly mistake. Christ has been sacrificed, His finished work saves His people. His sheep trust in Him, by grace they are saved. This evil world is under the sway of the evil one, see 1 John 5:19. There is no one that is trustworthy, none. May God have mercy on you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Laurie

Considering that you mentioned Hitler: he was not the ’embodiment of evil’ the ‘approved narrative’, such as the controlled msm and Hollywood (propaganda films), portrays him as. I used to believe the ‘approved’ narrative, until it eventually dawned on me that the victors write the history books and set a biased narrative that everyone is supposed to accept and without questioning it or subjecting it to scrutiny. The truth fears no investigation. Watch the following documentaries: “Europa the Last Battle”. After watching this, which might take time as there are several parts to it, then watch: “The Greatest Story Never Told”. It may also be worthwhile to read up on the following ‘charming chaps’:  Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich (Kogan), Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Blank, Matvei Davidovich Berman. PS: don’t use Google as a search engine, as it filters out (censors) ‘unapproved’ results. You see, they don’t want the masses realising that the ‘approved’ narrative we are all force-fed is quite far from the truth.

You’ll never hear this in a Hollywood film, but WW2 was to restore the Rothschild banker’s status quo: their predatory and exploitative practice of Usury. Hitler, just like Muammar Ghadafi, Abraham Lincoln, John F Kennedy, and others, dared to devise a finanancial system that was a threat to the ill-gotten profits of the central banking cartels, such as the Rothschilds. In response to Germany’s flourishing economic prosperity once Hitler severed dealings with the Rothschild banker ‘middleman’, Zionist puppet Winston Churchill, got his anti-German propaganda machine into action to prepare the British people, who’d be used as expendable cannon fodder, for a war against Germany at all costs (Hitler’s repeated calls for peace were rejected by Churchill. Hitler actually admired the British and viewed them as cousins). WW2 was a war for Judea: the bankers: the international financiers who effectively own our subservient puppet governments. In fact, most wars are. Of course, the military-industrial complex also benefits from wars.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Thank you, I will look into it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Laurie

You could do that. Or you could read “William L. Shirer’s “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” if you really want to know what happened. Hitler was guilty of everything they say he was. But he was a schoolboy compared to the other socialist mass murderers. But whatever. Youtube videos are what passes for scholarship these days.

3 years ago

You don’t understand simple arithmetic never mind science. Your IFR is around 0.02%, look what you went through for an experimental shot that doesn’t prevent infection and is only authorized for emergency use. All you understand about science is lab rats, because you’re one of them.

3 years ago

I hope you overcome your illness and get back on track soon.

regardless of who is right or wrong, I and I suspect many others who are against the “vaccine” only care about the health and well being of those who took it.

if you are right, then Im glad you took it. And if turns out you were wrong we will do everything we can to help


3 years ago

It reminds me of that cult leader that got all of his servants to drink poison and die with him because they thought he was Jesus. Yes, people are devout religious followers of the Democratic, or should I say ‘Masonic Satanic Cult’. Either way, rest in peace… even though you were another one of those bullies online that closed your eyes and covered your ears to the world full of screams and crying around you. Now, you are just another statistic, welcome to the club liberal.

3 years ago


Jose Renato do Amaral
3 years ago

Eu não acredito nestas vacinas. Meu cartao de vacinas esta completo, mas estaa vacinas de COVID eu não confio e não irei tomar ou receber

3 years ago

That these people can encourage others to get these shots even after suffering what can only be described as the most horrific side effects, can only be possible if they have a cult-like mentality.

Karen j. Decker
Karen j. Decker
3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

I had stroke and guillain barre 3rd day after getting second moderna shot. Woke up 3nitrs after shot paralyzed fell backward have several compression in back. In hospital for 50 days includes nursing home. Went home for month home therapy nurse hospital bed Walker commode and one month after had another stroke in guillain barre g
Leg. In hospital and therapy 2 weeks. Going home today but can only walk with a walker scary

3 years ago

I hope you get better! Keep fighting!

2 years ago

Unbelievable. I hope you recover.

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago

hope you are getting genuine help- praying for you dear… hang in there .. hugs

Kimberly Holmes
Kimberly Holmes
3 years ago

Thank you for this forum and much needed information.

Greg Grimer
Greg Grimer
3 years ago

Give him a water burial in Egypt.

Then he’d be in denial.

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago

While I don’t like his sarcasm and cynicism against those who , for personal safety reasons do not want to be vaccinated with something that hasn’t been fully tested yet and is merely being pushed on everyone, I don’t wish Guillian-Barre on anyone. I hope that he gets better, but I also pray that if he still has this, that his heart will soften and he will see both sides of the argument- not just the self-righteous “I’ll never be an anti-vaxxer” stance.
Most of my family have all been vaccinated – but i will not tell them, “I told you so” nor gloat no matter how arrogant that person’s attitude was against those they term “anti-vaxxers”. I’m being led to pray for basically the entire population on this planet… God help us all

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