Joel Kallman: 54-year-old Oracle APEX software developer who designed CDC vaccine tracking system, dead two months after first experimental mRNA shot
June 2, 2021

Mr. Joel Kallman.

DELAWARE, OHIO — A 54-year-old husband, father and long-time software developer is dead as mainstream media and big tech desperately try to blame COVID-19.

Mr. Joel Kallman started his career at Oracle in 1996. He was the Senior Director and Vice President of Software Development for the company’s Server Technologies Division.  He led the team that created Oracle APEX, an app development platform that streamlines processes by eliminating complex coding and utilizing simple computing architecture.

The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) teamed up with Oracle APEX, under Mr. Kallman’s leadership, to create the v-safe After Vaccine Health Checker. V-Safe is a “smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after you receive a COVID-19 vaccine.” The CDC says in its literature that it calls people who report serious side effects via v-safe and fills out VAERS reports for said people.

All v-safe data are administered and stored on Oracle servers. Becker’s Health IT reported security risks with v-safe back in December. It’s unclear how many Americans are enrolled in the v-safe program. But the CDC reported that 1.6 million people enrolled as of January 13, 2021. A May 4 press release indicated that the system has over 100 million records.

Joel Kallman coincidental, ironic death

Mr. Kallman received his first injection of experimental mRNA on March 26, according to his Twitter page. It’s unclear whether it was Pfizer or Moderna. He praised his team for creating v-safe in the tweet. The Oracle APEX Twitter account retweeted Mr. Kallman two days later, further gloating about how they created the v-safe platform.

Mr. Kallman tweeted or re-tweeted someone just five more times, with his last tweet appearing on March 29. He completely vanished thereafter. Mr. Kallman averaged 44 tweets per month since June 2020, with a low of 13 in August and a high of 64 in October, according to Social Blade. He averaged 50 likes per month in that same time period. He had -1 tweet and -4 likes in April 2021. Thus his disappearance is unusual as it relates to his normal social media activity levels.

The Moderna experimental mRNA shot requires a second dose 28 days after the first. Pfizer experimental mRNA calls for a second dose after 21 days. That means the second injection would have come between April 17 and April 24. So-called “full immunity” would then be on May 24 at the latest.

Mr. Kallman passed away on May 25. He is survived by his wife of 27 years and their 16-year-old son.

Let the deflection begin

Oracle APEX tweeted on May 27 that Mr. Kallman “passed away from COVID-19.”

That excuse presents several problems for the entire COVID-19 agenda. First, they are once again admitting the obvious – that these experimental mRNA shots neither prevent COVID-19, nor mitigate its symptoms. Second, why are they just now “announcing” his COVID-19 diagnosis? Throughout 2020 and 2021, announcing positive and negative COVID-19 cases for both prominent and semi-prominent people is modus operandi, almost as important as announcing weddings and child birth.

Further, all so-called COVID-19 deaths are questionable. The average U.S. COVID-19 death had an average of four comorbidities listed on the death certificate, according to the CDC. Only 5% of U.S. COVID-19 deaths were solely COVID-19. There is also peer-reviewed data proving that the CDC massively inflates both COVID-19 deaths and cases.

What’s happening here is the new modus operandi since issuance of all the emergency use authorizations for experimental mRNA and DNA viral vector injections. If someone got shot five times in the back and had a piano dropped on their head, but tested positive for COVID-19 two months earlier, they died from COVID-19 in 2020. Now if someone receives one of these lethal injections two months prior, the cause of death is anything except Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, et al. That is where we’re at.

More on Oracle

It appears Oracle is getting in on the scary, ominous COVID-19 “mutant variant” game. The company recently announced a partnership with Oxford University (of Oxford-AstraZeneca experimental viral vector fame) to “speed identification of COVID-19 variants.” Oracle is also trying to make these shots sound safe (or at least not as dangerous as originally thought) for pregnant women to receive.

Big tech, big pharma and mainstream media are the most dangerous, malevolent enemies of all humanity. No super bug (unless created by big pharma), nuclear weapon or extinction-level meteorite is near as deadly as the aforementioned triad of evil. Be unapologetic with your truth and critical thinking. That is our pathway to victory. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

“Be unapologetic with your truth and critical thinking. That is our pathway to victory.”
100% agreed. But we humans are actually not as powerful as we like to think. I pray to the Almighty for protection from psychotronic attacks that have rendered many remote-controlled zombies. I don’t take the capacity to think critically for granted.

3 years ago
Reply to  14days

I do agree
ive lost 3 friends in 2 weeks over pfiezer

this is still warfare

3 years ago

“The CDC says in its literature that it calls people who report serious side effects via v-safe and fills out VAERS reports for said people.”

Should we expect to find Mr. Kallman’s adverse reactions (death) in the upcoming VAERS report? Would he be counted as a “break-through” case, as the cause of death on his death cert is COVID-19?

3 years ago

Sounds like V-Safe tool is another lucrative faux nursemaid and placebo.

If I were to use that tool, I’m certain no one would show up at my door with help after I’d got a jab because the side effects don’t seem to be taken seriously till it’s too late.

Can’t say for sure from this end how this gentleman passed away. I am sorry for his family and him. What an irony if it was the C19 shot.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kris
3 years ago

Thanks again for revealing the truth!! I read your latest articles everyday about the sad deaths & awful side effects, of innocent victims of the experimental vaccines. Makes me soooo sad but sick to my stomach too.

John Brennan
John Brennan
3 years ago

This seems odd. Why are they allowing their own people to take these shots? He must have been a valuable resource for them.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

I’ve been wondering about that too, especially celebrities like Bob Saget and so on. You gotta figure the trillionaires aren’t getting the real shots, but many of the billionaires are. Are some of these fake deaths meant to discourage smart people from getting vaxxed?

It’s also fishy that Trump was allowed to talk about Ivermectin in the beginning, but later revealed himself to be a puppet by promoting the shot. It’s hard to make sense of what’s going on. They’re killing all the most gullible people so shouldn’t that make governance harder? How are they going to have their fascist dictatorship when they’re forcing all the military to take the shot? Are those mostly placebos?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dreamblade

I have wondered the same & come to the following conclusion: (at least for now ;)) Those running the show are the only ones who know the truth. They cannot tell anyone else. You could never pull off a genocide without people believing what they are doing is “good”. Look at kids- praise and especially public praise can get them to do almost anything. Same thing here. Lots of accolades and pats on the back and creating a “good guys” team has lead to people willing to jump off a cliff if it was said to help stop Covid. (Or throw their neighbor off!) There will be casualties, but that is to be expected.

3 years ago

Sounds like his used his (fairly considerable) talents to create more stuff that unwittingly tracks and enslaves and benefits the Orwellian Police State.

America was far better off when the technology consisted of a rotary phone and a tv set with rabbit ears.

99% of the stuff that is sold in stores; no sane person would ever have need to avail themselves of.

A microwave; a stove; a refrigerator; and a washer and dryer should suffice for most everyone.

It is amazing; how genuinely stupid some fairly intelligent people are.

But their intelligence is narrowly focused (like this guy; with math / computer science); and they cannot see beyond that narrow realm.

3 years ago
Reply to  cccc

Sounds like his used his (fairly considerable) talents to create more stuff that unwittingly tracks and enslaves and benefits the Orwellian Police State.

Talk about psychic…

I went to the guy’s blog…just out of curiosity…and right near the top (that means quite recently) he brags about a deal his company Oracle made with the Chicago POLICE DEPARTMENT for more surveillance and tracking and what not.

Probably made a small fortune from it.

Hope it was worth it!

Eternity is a long; long time….

Mary Lou
Mary Lou
3 years ago
Reply to  cccc


3 years ago

There are many people (such as this man) who truly believe that by endlessly organizing; defining; compartmentalizing; rationalizing; and drawing up spreadsheets to express the human condition; well; then and only then can we have Heaven on Earth.

This is of course absolute madness; for such efforts actually yield the polar opposite; Hell on Earth; but they never figure it out until it is too late…

3 years ago

Ignorance is not bliss. No matter how intelligent a person is, they cannot know and understand everything. Trust has nothing to do with intelligence; it has to do with wisdom.From the beginning I trusted what most people think is just an imagination and does not really exist; it’s called God who tells us over and over to Fear Not and Trust in Him and that without Faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him. God gave us a mind to critically think, but if you are judging yourself by human nature and not what God has already told us about us and about Himself in Christ, you are doomed. So very sad

3 years ago
Reply to  typinggurl

God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. Psalm 146 warns against trusting in man. People fear death, using that fear is a powerful tool for those who want to control others. No vaccine or mask will prolong a person’s life. “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” Hebrews 9:27
America is rife with false religion and pseudo christs. No wonder we see this nation crumbling as we speak.
“Even so, come Lord Jesus”
Only the finished work of Christ appeases a thrice holy God. It isn’t Christ plus your free will, or Christ plus your church membership, or Christ plus any work or thing you do that saves. It is Christ alone, by the grace of God.

3 years ago
Reply to  typinggurl

4 days and gone was one very nice elderly man
Sudden brain bleed

now gone

a week ago he felt fine put Memorial flowers on graves ?

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
3 years ago

I am not opposed to test vaccines, as they appear to work in the longer term, however, what else they might do to the body is an unknown factor and that, to me, is a much scarier issue and what their long term impact will be on those who have been “test” vaccinated.
Coronavirus Achilles Heel: A Coronavirus is a virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. It can lead to pneumonia (4)(5). Most Coronaviruses are not dangerous. Some types of them are serious, such as MERS and SARS (6). The name comes from the crown-like appearance the virus displays. Mercola
1 heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water, (can be cold) cup a hand and sniff or snort the whole lot up, spitting anything which comes down into your mouth – no reaction fine, blow out your nose, flush away, washing your hands afterwards, you don’t have a virus .
A reaction, you have a virus – retain the salt water in your head for as long as the soreness lasts (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose, flush away, washing hands afterwards and do this treatment 3 times a day, morning, noon, night, or more often, until the soreness goes away, when you have killed off the virus in your head and you won’t get the disease it will become, as I have done these past 26.5 years and to this, I add those virus related diseases which remain unknown to us, but are delivered by a virus, as in (unspecified) air pollution. Simple.
Try it, if you are satisfied with the results, pass the cure along, if results are not excellent, there are still the untested, trial vaccines to fall back on.
I never have Flu shots, or this vaccine either. No point doing the above salt water cure and then having vaccine shots too – like Duh!!
About 26 years ago, I read the report from a posh Research Center in America, where the author suggested, in his research paper, that his experiments with Salt Water cured flu type colds and he in turn referred to the Swedish or Norwegian Army (I think), who had barrels filled with Salt Water, attached to a hose, out of the bottom, which soldiers used to flush out their heads, when they thought they were getting a cold – and their troops never got colds.
I have been doing it ever since and neither do I, from any virus related “thing”.
There are weak salt water spray preparations you can buy from your local chemist, to clear your head. To my way of thinking, (as above) you need a stronger salt water solution to wash out your inner head and no spray is ever going to be enough to do that, which is proof of safety concerns, regarding salt, as above.
If you are allergic to salt – don’t do as I suggest!!
Virologists are not interested in the head, they are only interested in Covid, once it is in the body (10 to 14 days of self isolation later), but I say, kill off the Coronavirus in the head, before it ever gets to become Covid in the head and body, which makes total sense to me, because never getting Covid or whichever new variant it has become like Duh!! and “my” salt water cure is free and easy to do and 26.5 years never ill, against test vaccines.
It comes down to choice. Yes or No, as simple as that. Your life, your choice!!

3 years ago

This is what doing the devil’s work gets you…

3 years ago

Live by the sword,
Die by the sword.

Stan Young
Stan Young
3 years ago

And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he’s made on your dreams
But today you just read that the man was shot dead
By a jab that didn’t make any noise
But it wasn’t the Covid that laid him to rest, was
The low spark of spike proteins.

Daryl Hoffman
Daryl Hoffman
3 years ago

You may or may not be aware of a gentleman named John Cullen. He is the guy who also ,worked for Oricle and did the data mapping program that is the bleeding red global Covid map used by athorities to scare people. He has donegreat work on the misuse of data by athorities . Can be seen on the John E Hoover YT and Jason Goodman Crowd Source the Truth Chanel. He would be interested to know this.

Kimberly Deese
Kimberly Deese
2 years ago

The government is killing people with this jab mass murder!

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