Melody Rain Palombi: 15-month-old New York baby dies two days after receiving three vaccines on same day; mother wants to spread awareness
November 17, 2023

WARWICK, NEW YORK — A 15-month-old baby girl is dead; and the mother refuses to let her die in vain.

Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren was born on July 13, 2022. She’s the daughter of Katherine Palombi and Jesse Malmgren. Ms. Palombi has one other daughter as well.

She took Melody to the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick, New York on October 17 for a “15-month well-visit.” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends a total of 24 injections of 10 different shots for all babies by that age.

RELATED: Massive meta-analysis finds definitive link between autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria; “vaccines” were the catalysts that precipitated it all (December 29, 2022)


The perfectly-healthy Melody was injected with at least three different poisons that day: DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), Hib (meningitis) and IPV (polio) “vaccines,” according to News 12 Westchester reporter Blaise Gomez. Screenshots from Ms. Gomez’s report also indicate that Melody received a varicella (chickenpox) vaccine.

If Melody’s parents were following the CDC schedule, this would have been her fourth DTaP injection, third or fourth Hib injection, third polio injection, and first chickenpox injection. Melody suffered severe adverse reactions after previous rounds of the injections when she was two months old. But the medical industrial complex ensured Ms. Palombi that the rash and high fever were the result of a viral infection, not an allergic reaction to the shots.

RELATED: Debate Over: all vaccines, including the new JYNNEOS monkeypox concoction, harm human physiological functions (July 25, 2022)


Two days later, Ms. Palombi went to work as usual, leaving Melody with grandma. Just minutes after Ms. Palombi arrived at work, she received a call from home. Melody was not breathing. Ms. Palombi rushed home, but an ambulance had already taken her baby girl to the hospital.

Doctors said they were doing everything they could for Melody. Ms. Palombi told the doctors “she had vaccines a couple days ago.” But the revelation was apparently brushed off. Melody died from sudden cardiac arrest and organ failure within an hour.

The following is Ms. Palombi describing the events that day.

Vaxx zealots attacked Ms. Gomez, the reporter, on Twitter and Instagram for doing her job.


Again, these people have no choice but to play the big pharma shill role for their own mental health and well-being.

Ms. Palombi had this message for other parents:

“Trust your gut and don’t let them push anything onto your children.”

Help Ms. Palombi spread her message

Regular readers of The COVID Blog® have probably noticed that we no longer link GoFundMe pages. That company is profiting big-time off the vaccine genocide, and most of the people asking for money blame #ABV for their loved ones’ deaths. But Ms. Jessica Rose, Melody’s aunt, had a clear message on the family’s GoFundMe page:

“This is not the time nor the place to change anyone’s opinion on the medical necessity for vaccinations. That is for each of you to decide on your own at your own time. The only lesson I hope to bring here today is that nothing is one size fits all. It is now our job to spread awareness. To educate. To question. To make sure that changes are made so that babies and children are safe.”

Meanwhile it will be very interesting to see what happens to News 12’s Blaise Gomez in the coming months. She’s been at News 12 for 16 years, so firing her will likely cost them a hefty severance (and silence) package. Further, News 12 is owned by Altice USA, which is owned by Israeli billionaire Patrick Drahi. Altice implemented a vaccine mandate for all workers in September 2021. This whole story (i.e. News 12 allowing it to air at all) could also be a controlled opposition ploy.

The Washington Post never fired its young writer, McKenzie Beard, after she accurately reported that most so-called COVID deaths are among vaccinated people in November 2022. WAPO changed the headline of said article, and likely lectured Beard about her “mistake.” But she remains employed today with one of the loudest big pharma shilling publications in the U.S. Make of that what you will.

This blogger had no position whatsoever on so called “vaccines” prior to 2020. He’d also not been to a doctor’s office or hospital since 2007, so the subject matter was irrelevant to life. The easiest way for government to turn neutral people into dissidents is to force thoughts and ideas (see Israel). There is no rational reason to inject babies with any of these poisons. But the chickenpox one is by far the most absurd.

Everyone this blogger knows (over age 40), including himself, got chickenpox as a child. It’s an itchy, ugly rash that you endure for a week and then never contract it again. Nobody suffered complications and nobody died. All you’re doing by injecting children with these poisons is needlessly placing their lives at risk. It makes zero sense. But this is humanity during The Great Reset, acting like their “elite” masters.

End these child sacrifice rituals

Barbara Marx Hubbard died in 2019 at age 90. She’s considered the “godmother of transhumanism” by the powers-that-be (“TPTB”). Hubbard co-founded the World Future Society, along with people like Herman Kahn. The latter also founded the conservative think tank, Hudson Institute, in 1961. He told us that year exactly what the world would look like in the 21st century – mass surveillance and “making sure everyone’s drug levels are right.” That means vaccines.

Note that Kahn mentored Klaus Schwab at the first CEI symposium in Davos, Switzerland in 1971. CEI became the World Economic Forum later that year. Back to Hubbard. She gave a speech at the International Forum on Consciousness on May 7, 2015. Hubbard openly and nonchalantly talked about “the babies we eat” while rambling about human evolution.

That was not a Freudian Slip. These people (TPTB) have been sacrificing and eating babies for centuries. It’s their culture, their ritual they feel is necessary to stay in power. Humans naturally imitate other humans, particularly those they revere and worship. Oftentimes, the imitation is subconscious.

There’s no other reason to allow 24 injections into your own baby before age 15 months unless you want to kill or harm them. It’s okay to do so because TPTB do it. At least that’s what your mind is saying, consciously or otherwise. TPTB even eat the babies after they kill them. You’re either one of them, or you’re human. Take your pick.

Rest In Peace, Melody. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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7 months ago

im older so my kids, son and daughter, didn’t get that many shots. But I’m raising my grandson and I waited till he was older and made the pediatrician break up the shots. No way was I going to let him get 6 in one day. The dr was not happy with me but I don’t care. I wasn’t going to be bullied. When Covid hit there was no way I let him be jabbed. Thank God I didn’t.

7 months ago
Reply to  Cheryl

Cheryl, good for you! Now, take it the next step and refuse ALL vaccinations. None of them are necessary. Vaccines have ALWAYS been a lie, including polio and smallpox which are often touted as saving us from those diseases. Nonsense.

Lou Pelegrino
Lou Pelegrino
7 months ago
Reply to  Sandman

At least refuse all vaxxes that contain anything other than specific vaccine components. No toxins, no venoms, no poisonous adjuvants!

7 months ago
Reply to  Cheryl

I agree with Sandman! Vaccines are classified by US Law as unavoidably unsafe. Never ever let another one into your grandson’s body. I speak from experience, I was vaccine injured many many years ago after my high school and college shots. I, thank the Lord, healed myself naturally. My brother, not only injured, but he passed away in 2018 after an 11 year battle with brain cancer. He had even more vaccines than me because he studied abroad in Asia. My beautiful 12 year old has never had a single one EVER. Protect your precious grandson!!!

7 months ago
Reply to  Cheryl

Wow, so cool Cheryl, you knew there was risk, and you got them vaxxed anyway . . . grandmother of the year you are.

7 months ago
Reply to  Kiel

I know! Right? I got 3 vaccines as a child, they now are recommended 72 shots? So, we just, “break up the shots” to appease them? These people are just working for their jailers. I would of told that doctor to go to hell and never go back.

7 months ago
Reply to  Kiel

This is so UNNECESSARY. Cheryl was just like everyone else, believing vaccines to be good (well, prior to 2020 anyway), Her only concern was the number of shots spaced so close together, with multiple shots given on one day in some instance.

7 months ago
Reply to  xxxxxxxxxxxx

“Everyone else” do not believe “vaccines to be good”. Some of us spend time and effort scrutinising and educating ourselves to learn about the harms and maimings that others expect us to accept willingly and without question. BTW, “belief” is fa1th, rel1g10n, not Science. Belief means diddly squat. (Intention is another matter altogether.)

6 months ago
Reply to  Kiel

Indeed. There is no shortage of retards flaunting their imaginary “coolness”.

It almost makes me want to respect that guy with a bumper sticker that reads : “CARBON TAX ME”.

John McClane
John McClane
7 months ago

That Paul Franz person and routineriot, i know exactly what i would do to such people, an innocent child dies and all they care about is propping up a poison jab nobody needed and they want to try and say others are being shameful? UGH, these people are beyond despicable.

RIP little Melody, gone way too soon, the photos of her, particularly were she is smiling, remind me of my niece when she was that age. The innocent always suffer and children are deemed expendable in a world were the evil of abortion is not only allowed, but praised and celebrated. When God destroys this world by fire, a lot of these people will be taken by surprise and get exactly what they deserve for the various forms of evil they give approval to (Romans 1). People reading this should consider getting out of the cities before you get trapped there with every building around you being destroyed by brimstone when God’s final wrath is unleashed, it’s only a matter of time now.

7 months ago
Reply to  John McClane

John, I have prayed to be released from the city my husband and I currently dwell in. We are in a suburb that is more rural, however, we are surrounded by military installations that will be targeted on all sides. When nukes drop, we will be casualties. There is just no getting around this immutable fact. It is hard to know this and still be kept here. Not all of us are going to live, I just have to accept this. God Bless.

7 months ago

What goes on with vaccines is so evil it has to be a Satanic project and indeed we see the racket’s major end goal seems to be the Mark of the Beast.

7 months ago

The Palombi family want money? You must be joking. How dare they!

Michael McNulty
Michael McNulty
7 months ago

I get irritated by people who ignored all the warnings that were out there for a long time, then after a personal tragedy they want to warn “others”. She doesn’t understand that the people she is trying to warn now are just like she was until recently, not open to warnings about the dangers until personal tragedy makes them see the light. Neither she nor they listened to us before but she thinks maybe they’ll listen to her now? Why would they?

7 months ago

Hey, after poisoning one’s child, an opportunity to play hero is just as good as any other. Call it morality car-wash.

7 months ago

Imagine how confused that poor baby must have felt as her organs failed. Mommy herself delivered her to receive sharp prickles and stood by. Her baby mind must have been crushed and confused.

In fairness, Katherine’s response to this tragedy does honor baby Melody.

I sympathize with all parents duped into mass-poisoning their young. The lies are despicable, but their power largely comes from lack of common sense!

Why be so unbelieving in the little miracles’ God-given immune system?

Thanks, Bryan. You may be the best investigator and dot-connector of this age. Certainly the best at uncovering the world’s biggest scandals.

7 months ago
Reply to  Cornelius

Yes! Why more parents don’t put faith in their children’s God given immune system bewilders me! Especially the ones that follow Jesus. But other family members and especially doctors are really great at scaring people. I’m beyond grateful my eyes were opened before my child was born, even though it was through really really hard lessons learned. At least they were learned in time! So I spread the word, but sadly not many friends or family listened or even wanted to talk about it. So I just keep praying!

7 months ago

Someone should tell ‘Mommy’ that the word was out on vaxxes long before she was even born, much less when her child was born. All she had to do was look, instead of taking the doctor’s word for it.

Lisa Blacklock
Lisa Blacklock
7 months ago
Reply to  Kiel

A bit harsh, don’t you think? She just lost her baby girl. So many people believe in what our governments and doctors say. I used to believe as well, but I started to lose faith in our medical system and the horrors of losing my job for refusing an untested experimental drug during the pandemic tipped me over the edge. Now I won’t let another needle go into my arm ever. And as a nurse, I applaud my kids for not vaccinating my grandchildren.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lisa Blacklock

Not harsh at all. I’m totally with Kiel! I wish I knew him and we could have a real life conversation. Why do the Amish have a low autism rate compared with the the rest of society? Yes, they have their own issues with inbreeding but not vaxes.

Reagan signed the no immunity clause for pharma vax makers in the 80’s. Since then what did we have? Problems. Since the 1980’s! They want you dead or transhuman. You think these these parents get a clue? Fools.

Brian ending all his posts with stay vigilant is not for nothing.

The meek will inherit the earth, yeah, right, I’ll just roll over and play dead?

7 months ago

Rest in Peace, adorable baby. What an awful lesson to learn. As much as I despise the entire COVID moron brigade, I just can’t berate a woman who lost her child. There is no doubt she is well aware of the fatal choice she made for her daughter. That is going to be punishment enough to live in that neverending hellscape.

7 months ago

But why did you allow not one, two but three lethal injections into your healthy bundle of joy? Even 1 is dangerous. Please accept my condolence!

7 months ago

I wonder why people here are so critical of this poor woman. No sense of empathy or kindness whatsoever. Not Christ-like in the least. She had misgivings, but trusted her doctor. Many people do, until they are the victims of medical malpractice….. many of us learned the hard way. Don’t knock us with your holier than thou condescending attitude. Remember the meek will inherit the earth.

7 months ago
Reply to  xxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh, give it a rest, boring x, you silly Christian. You know well why! Shut up! This is not the time for Christians to be naive. Your not even a real person, no one can be this dumb.

What happened to us when we were born? We were smacked on the bottom twice to get the blood moving, we cried and the doctors said, all good. We were washed up for the dad to look at who had been smoking cigars in the waiting room and delivered to mommy for a the first meal.
Now they jack the kids up with gels and shots the second they are born! And continue thereafter!

7 months ago
Reply to  Cat

Downvoters, I’m pushing 80. I am without a doubt the oldest person commenting as evident of the above comment from the better time line of humanity. I earned the right to be a crab! Deal.

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
7 months ago
Reply to  Cat

I agree, Cat. My siblings and I were born in the 1950’s and I don’t think we ever got more than 3 vaccines from birth through high school and we and our peers grew up extremely healthy and even athletic. The CDC recommendation of 24 injections of 10 different vaccines for a 18 month old is nothing more than a pharmaceutical money making scam.

7 months ago
Reply to  xxxxxxxxxxxx

I am a Christian; however, we are also taught to “beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves”. In addition, “money is the root of all evil”. I, also, have lost a child (not to vaccines, but to an accident). So I know how horrible that is. This mother has learned that physicians are not to be trusted.

7 months ago

A gentleman by the name of Wakefield published his Lancet paper in 1998, for which he should receive the Nobel prize.

All the vaccines are poison, children’s shots or Covid, doesn’t matter, and no amount of spacing them out or administering prophylactic histamines will change that.

Let’s face it, we’re in a war with our own government and billionaires across the globe. They’re the ones killing our babies, mothers, and grandmothers. They killed hers and I’m sorry they did.

7 months ago

It was revealed recently that they now put the MRA technology in the measles and the other 2 diseases shot, the one that has 3 things, MMR or how it is called.
So you wanna tell me people avoided covid shot and now they vax the children and themselves with things that contain the same posions as covid shot?
Did I got that clear?
Do people never wake up, really? Never? Continue to be naive and easy to be manipulated?
Never learn, I mean, I dont get it! All vaxxines should be avoided!!! None was ever necessary. After people got clean water, shelter, food and most of all hygiene, all diseases faded away. Or were no longer deadly as the body was able to deal with being stronger than before, when all people including children drinked beer and wine (lower alcohol than today) because it was the safest!!!

7 months ago

Very sad to hear Mum say “she was dancing to Alexa”. Did she not realise that she was allowing an uncontrolled dose of rad1ati0n to spew 24:7 on her babe? As well as the rest of the family? When will people start scrutinising and educating themselves about what toxins and toxicants they allow into their homes and bodies???

Frank Georges
Frank Georges
7 months ago

Welcome to holocaust 2!

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