Jim and Louise Shockey: Canadian television producer, hunting guide develops mysterious post-injection paralysis; wife dies from post-injection cancer

October 20, 2023

Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Louise Shockey (October 2021).

DUNCAN, BRITISH COLUMBIA — A family and their well-established, popular brand will never be the same, in perhaps the saddest story we’ve ever written on this blog.

Mr. Jim Shockey is a 65-year-old hunter, professional big game outfitter, and television producer. He is best known for hosting and producing the shows Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures and Jim Shockey’s Uncharted on the Denver-based Outdoor Channel. The shows also appear on the MyOutdoorTV and DangerTV YouTube channels.

Mr. Shockey was featured in a video game called Cabela’s Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts. Outdoor Life magazine named him “the most accomplished big game hunter of the modern era” in 2017. He co-founded BookYourHunt.com, which provides guided hunting trips, in 2016. More on that in a bit. Mr. Shockey married his wife, Louise, on November 30, 1984 when both of them were 27 years old.

Mrs. Shockey, known in the family as “Nana Weezy,” was a former actress and dancer. She was a refreshingly traditional lady who embraced being a mother to the couple two kids, a grandmother, a homemaker, a nurturer and a wife. Here is Mrs. Shockey in 2018 describing how she was a vegetarian before marrying Jim.

The couple was very public about their entire life. From all appearances, even though social media typically only shows the positive, they were genuinely in love even after 39 years of marriage.

The Shockeys grew their own grapes and apples on their property to make their homemade wine. Mr. Shockey has over 1.3 million total followers on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. The couple lived a near-perfect, storybook life. Then along came 2020.

COVID dystopia and business disruptions

The so-called pandemic brought out the philosophical side of Mr. Shockey.


He tried keeping his guided hunting business going as usual despite the very oppressive COVID rules in Canada.


Hunters are socially conservative for the most part. Mr. Shockey traveled around a lot for his business; and just because he and Mrs. Shockey lived their lives that way. He constantly had to explain to his audience why he was wearing masks in pictures.

Mr. Shockey published an article in Outdoor Life magazine on June 16, 2021. The Canadian border closure severely disrupted his business since a lot of his clients are from the United States.

Apparently many of Mr. Shockey’s U.S. clients paid large deposits and/or full hunting trip fees up to $10,000 in 2019 for their spring trips in 2020. When the so-called pandemic hit, and the Canadian border closed, those clients lost their money because they failed to buy insurance. The fine print on the contract says “no refunds.” The situation led to a moral dilemma.

A lawyer ripped off Mr. Shockey to the tune of $3,500 to explain to him a very common, simple, fairly universal legal theory in the Western world called “Force Majeure” (our COVID Legal USA™ AI bot could have told him that for a couple hundred bucks).

Basically there was no way to foresee the so-called pandemic and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau completely shutting down the border. Thus Mr. Shockey was protected from liability for costs he already incurred from the clients’ deposits and prepayments.

Mr. Shockey wrote that 90% of the fees paid by clients were operating costs, with only 10% being profit. He emphasized that it was “not his style” to do that to clients; and that he’d rather negotiate with them than give thousands of dollars to lawyers.

RELATED: Gabriel Poliquin: AstraZeneca-vaxxed Canadian lawyer suddenly collapses during truckers #FreedomConvoy inquest into government’s use of emergency powers act (November 15, 2022)


Mr. Shockey implied in the article that he filed for bankruptcy. It’s unclear if that actually happened. Reactions to the article by hunters were mixed. Some felt Mr. Shockey was full of it, while others were sympathetic to his plight.

An important quote from the article is as follows:

“The Canadian border will be open soon, but most certainly with restrictions. It is likely that permission for non-Canadian citizens to enter Canada will only be granted for those providing proof of two COVID vaccines.”

Note that said article was published in June 2021. Mr. Shockey was desperately trying to save his business for month prior to that.

Moderna injections, Louise’s cancer and Jim’s mystery illness

Mr. Shockey did not talk much about the lethal injections; and he certainly is not a vaxx zealot. But he had a struggling, public-facing business in one of the top-3 COVID hell countries on the planet. Mr. Shockey confirmed on April 12, 2021 that he received two Moderna mRNA injections. His conservative fan base, once again, needled him (no pun intended), for receiving the injections.


Mr. Shockey confirmed three days later that Mrs. Shockey also received two Moderna mRNA injections.


Granted Mr. Shockey was referencing South Carolina (where the PGA Championship takes place), which was ranked #2 behind only Iowa in 2021 for states with the fewest COVID restrictions; and he completely left out COVID dystopian hell states like New York, California, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, etc. But he fully recognized how Canada was a giant prison like Australia and New Zealand in 2021, despite being “fully vaccinated.”

RELATED: Natalie Jarrett: 38-year-old Canadian woman develops blood clots, convulsions after one Pfizer mRNA injection, joins #FreedomConvoy to warn others (February 9, 2022)


We scoured the Shockeys’ Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles back to 2018. There are no indications of health issues whatsoever. They had no immediate or near-term adverse reactions to the injections, until the worst possible news struck.

Mr. Shockey announced on November 28, 2021 that what the family believed was just a dry cough for Louise turned out to be “lung cancer. Aggressive. Late Stage. Inoperable. Incurable. Already spread.” Mrs. Shockey was scheduled for radiation, mustard gas (“chemo”) therapy and immunotherapy.

There is zero indication in 30,000-plus social media posts and YouTube videos that either smoked cigarettes.

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Mrs. Shockey posted an update on April 15, 2022, saying that “instead of months, there is now a possibility that I may have years to live.”


She had a huge smile on her face in the corresponding photo and seemed to be doing well, considering the circumstances. But this woman was literally smiling big in every photo this blogger has seen of her. Mrs. Shockey had a positive disposition no matter what, as you’ll see. But what happened next likely shattered her physically and emotionally.

Mr. Shockey, suddenly and out of nowhere, suffered severe inflammation in his right knee that caused it to be “double normal size.”


His condition rapidly worsened. By October 2, 2022, Mr. Shockey, the avid outdoorsman and hunter, looked frail and could barely walk. Doctors could only speculate as to what was wrong. They posited both Lyme disease and polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR).

Just a few months prior, Jim was caring for Louise during her cancer “treatments.” Now Louise was caring for her husband.


Mr. Shockey regained his ability to walk a month later, but only with daily drug cocktails.

2023: Jim continues with various treatments as his condition becomes unpredictable

The Shockeys kicked off the New Year with renewed hopes. Mr. Shockey, albeit with the assistance of a lot of drugs, was walking and feeling better. Mrs. Shockey had already beaten her doctors’ prognosis as far as life expectancy.


Mr. Shockey kept a positive vibe while honestly reporting his tribulations. He wrote on March 12 that doctors prescribed him Methotrexate injections that he self-administered into his stomach.


Methotrexate is used to treat autoimmune disorders, cancer, psoriasis, arthritis and other conditions. But it is a very dangerous, last resort type of drug that can seriously damage the lungs, kidneys, liver, stomach and pretty much every other organ in your body.

Mrs. Shockey’s last Facebook post came on April 15. It reads “how fast does time fly,” in reference to one of her growing grandsons. Mr. Shockey, on May 29, announced that he was now receiving experimental infusions since nothing else was working.

He was able to walk, but “only at about 60%” of his pre-Moderna self. That meant no golf, no mountain climbing, and very limited outdoor activities. Mr. Shockey, again, had to defiantly explain to his conservative audience why he was wearing a mask in the corresponding photo.


The infusions were effective, as Mr. Shockey was back to hiking and golfing six weeks later, on July 14.

“Do not hurt. Do not feel sorrow for me.”

Louise Shockey in 2019.

Mr. Shockey had not posted much about Louise over the summer. He shared a photo with his bride on August 22.


About four weeks later, on September 18, Mr. Shockey posted a photo of Louise in a bed, with the caption indicating that they are awaiting the family’s arrival. Several strange replies to the post appeared to be saying goodbye despite Mrs. Shockey still being alive and smiling.


Mr. Shockey has a book deal with Simon & Schuster. He’d been working on his book Call Me Hunter for at least two years. The publishing giant overnight shipped a copy of the book to Mr. Shockey so his wife could see it.

Mrs. Shockey looked very skinny in the following September 19 photo. But she still had her signature smile and appeared extremely proud and happy for her husband’s accomplishment.


The final photo of Mrs. Shockey came the next day, September 20. “Louise smiles to let me and all of us know ‘I am at peace,'” wrote Mr. Shockey.


About 30 hours later, on September 21, Mr. Shockey posted the following.

Mrs. Shockey passed away on September 21. She was 66. We’re only posting the following comment to Mr. Shockey’s post because there were others like it. No speculation and no drawing conclusions. We’ll leave it there.


Mr. Shockey is trying to carry on strong for the rest of the family. But again, the couple was happily married for 39 years.


He’s unlikely to ever heal emotionally.

But at least right now, it appears he can walk and do all the things he used to do again. The family is requesting donations to Cowichan District Hospital Foundation to honor Mrs. Shockey’s memory.

“Murderna” strikes again

Mrs. Shockey only ate meat that was killed by her husband. When she married Mr. Shockey and hung up her vegetarian days, she stressed the idea of eating “clean meat,” meaning with no steroids, heavy metals, etc. like supermarket meat, as the reason. Mrs. Shockey did not smoke.

They lived in BFE with trees everywhere, thus minimal air pollution. And from all appearances, she and her husband were very happy together. Happily married people live longer than single people. Mrs. Shockey had a healthy body weight and looked quite attractive for a 60-something in early 2020.

It took just seven months after the injections for her to develop lung cancer. Only 20% of annual lung cancer deaths in the U.S. are non-smokers. The main causes of lung cancer in non-smokers, according to the American Cancer Society, are secondhand smoke (nope), radon gas (nope), asbestos at work (nope), air pollution (nope), and GENE MUTATIONS (bingo).

For what it’s worth, Mrs. Shockey lived nearly two years after her post-injection cancer diagnosis, the longest we’ve ever seen on this blog.

RELATED: Technoblade: popular 23-year-old YouTuber announces he has cancer, tells 11 million fans to get vaccinated, dies 10 months later (July 1, 2022)


These types of stories are difficult to write because this blogger knew nothing about the Shockeys at all prior to getting started on this article (h/t to The COVID Blog® subscriber Jeannie for bringing it to our attention). The fact that it’s such a sad story made it that much harder to complete.

Moderna destroyed their lives, just like it’s destroyed and ended millions of others. The Shockeys were near retirement age in 2020. They did not need to do this. Happy marriage, home, kids, grandkids, fame, financial stability.

Every normal, non LGBTV-cult human dreams of all that. Growing old and living happily ever after. Plus Mr. Shockey was completely skeptical of masks and injections prior to all this. Now he’ll live the rest of his years with unpredictable health, and without the love of his life. This blogger is vehemently against big game hunting for fun and thrills. You hunt for food, for survival. Whatever Mr. Shockey’s intentions, we still wish him all the best.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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9 months ago

In his post from Oct. 2020, Mr. Shockey mentions the Covid compliance people coming to his hunting camp via helicopter to check if he had social distancing warning signs posted at his camp. How did those officials socially distance themselves in a helicopter?

It was things that didn’t make sense early on that told my husband and me that everything about Covid was a lie. I can’t believe how many people were blind to the clues. There were so many of them! I would list them, but I would be preaching to the choir. If you don’t see it by now, you’ll probably never see it.

9 months ago
Reply to  lin

I wish my family and friends had been likewise intelligent. I tried to tell them. Not one listened.

9 months ago
Reply to  duny

I know. We warned numerous people, and only one changed their mind about getting the shot. Many now have health problems, but they don’t see any connection to the vax.

8 months ago
Reply to  lin

I tried to warn my family members too. At the time I was ignorant to the evil behind the injections, however, common sense told me these things were experimental and had not been tested. Something about the whole covid nonsense didn’t set right with me in 2020. Especially when natural immunity was dismissed, masks were supposed to “work” to stop a virus, and Drs refused to give early treatments or treat people with a respiratory/flu-like virus. The media fear porn was ridiculous and i kept hearing one lie after another lie.
I BEGGED my mom not to get the injections. I told her to wait and see what happens. My parents are old and retired, live on a farm away from large cities and weren’t in any danger of even catching covid.
I STILL haven’t caught it and I am 56 yrs old and smoke. Now my parents health has declined since the boosters, and they won’t acknowledge it has anything to do with the shots. I finally gave up saying anything. They took their 7th shot last month. Some people cannot and will not see what is right in front of them. I’ve never seen that level of fear in my mom until covid. It was unbelievable to me. She and her sister literally stayed in their homes for 3 and a half years because they were terrified of catching covid. They still are… I just can’t live like that. It’s not living

9 months ago

Boy, did I have to brace myself t read it when you said at the start ‘maybe the saddest story I’ve ever had to write on the blog’

Last edited 9 months ago by adrian
9 months ago

For me is not a sad story. I am totally against hunting for fun and big game huntkng for fun to kill and like to destroy innocemt helpless ankmals.The only ethical way to hunt is to go with bare hands to have equal chances the rest is a coward act.Cowards that made laws to let them keep on distroying the lifes of the beings they did not created are here on the Planet and they robb us and future generations of the magic of this world.So is just karma Who knows how many little bears or lions saw the love of their lifes mothers mate getting killed by this monster?Ibwpuld protect more the animals big game then the people as tgeybare in extinction danger..I would give more rights to these animals.Farm animals are a different story protect the circle of life. Now some arecommitted to kill till theybextinct them all. Not right!Also he was not forced to do those shots – he didnt had to say he did it and so on.Nevertheless, karma.Also I do not believe in this thing: standing against hunting or something else but admire the trafituonal family.I admire nothing in ppl that do something that goes against my beliefes. Not preferences.But for me big game hubters are like MAPS, pedo. Same.Would you admire a pedo with a traditional family?Then why somebody that exterminates tge wild life? Hippos, Rhyno etc? Why? For their egobwhat ego to go with instruments and guns to kill a defensless animal?Depictable

8 months ago
Reply to  Maria

And who knows how many bears or lions killed the loved ones of other animals. Bears do not have the mental/emotional capacity you are attempting to place on them. They tear apart and eat other animals while alive.

As for humans, they have to eat. Every time a bear, gator, or lion kills a human, many of you say the same. Too crazy.

9 months ago

I haven’t shed a tear through all of these stories in the past 4 years. But when I saw her holding her husband’s book with that smile ………..

8 months ago
Reply to  Jack

This story and the pictures of Louise brought me to tears.. It is heartbreaking to read…

Last edited 8 months ago by LoveKatz67
9 months ago

Another great article!

9 months ago

Their love story is rare and admirable but his compliance to tyranny is anything but. This guy didn’t even try to push back against the ridiculous mandates that he said were “law!” He is like so many weak males today….they just make excuses so they can continue their cushy lives and not be bothered with confrontation. They have to be tards to not see how that worked out in China and Venezuela! Oh and I love how he wasn’t for taking supplements but was fine having unknown substances injected into his bloodstream. These people are exhausting with their lack of common sense.

Last edited 9 months ago by Denise
9 months ago
Reply to  Denise

Agree. This is what I felt after reading this story. Their deep love for each other and their family is beautiful. Critical thinking and discernment- not so much. His post about how in South Carolina there weren’t many masks but so different in Canada. Their acceptance of all that was happening to them. Willful blindness indeed. They both were smiling and compliant. We can do this! With a lovely smile on their faces. How’s that working out for them now? Their family picture – lovely family but all I could think was “were they all vaxxed and compliant too?”

9 months ago
Reply to  Denise

Yes, Denise is exactly right, “Too many weak males make excuses and cannot be bothered with confrontation.” It’s this exactly!!!

It’s not about being hateful. It’s about refusing to live by lies. It’s about protecting what you love. It’s about doing the right thing and accepting the consequences.

9 months ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

His lack of discernment and unwillingness to push back ultimately caused his wife’s death and his health issues. If he had trust in God…the maker of our amazing immune system along with a lick of common sense this man could’ve protected his family.

Last edited 9 months ago by Denise
9 months ago
Reply to  Denise

You captured my thoughts exactly. Esp. the admission that he wouldn’t take vitamins but would take anything possible from Big Pharma.

7 months ago
Reply to  Denise

Their “love” story is just for public consumption to hassle for a buck. It took hold with the naive public, because everybody has been conditioned to be longing for something of that kind.

Everybody is longing for somedy to come along with a castle so they can live in, instead of building their own castle.

Did I say fook them ?

Clown World
Clown World
9 months ago

I know far too many people like Mr. Shockey. Not far left and seeming to espouse traditional values. Decent people on the surface, but then using runaround logic to justify their compliance to tyranny. “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” The COVID social experiment certainly has put that doctrine to the test for every single soul on earth. I just wish the vaccine-injured would admit when they’re wrong. I think we would have a collective catharsis.

9 months ago

With all due respect . Cowards

9 months ago

They may have to do whatever the people in the helicopter tell them to do but at least canada doesn’t have mass shootings . I FolLow thE rulES made by the murdering pedophiles sO iM a gOoD pErSon

Harold Crapper
9 months ago

I just cannot understand why/how the masses have lost the ability to critically think. When has any government done anything for your benefit, government only does things to make more and bigger government.

9 months ago

As the poster said, “don’t be a sheep, Jim.” It’s all about depopulation…..and living in a parallel reality as an observer. Bizarre, to say the least. People seem to be virtually incapable of deducing that 1 + 1 = 2, when it comes to receiving the injection, and then manifesting horrific illnesses and death. Perhaps Jim wanted to be hunted, himself.

9 months ago

I don’t really blame ordinary people here. It was really hard in Canada to go against the flow – the pressure was intense and unrelenting. That being said, I consider most of the politicians and doctors here scum. Two of my daughters were forced to get jabbed to keep their jobs, and others in my extended family, unfortunately, succumbed to the lies. My son and I were two of the very few who stayed strong, but it was horrible. My immediate family did not go along with the draconian restrictions, and kept up our usual interactions which were forbidden here. Even though the government asked people to report any infractions, nobody informed on us lol. They expected me to stay way from my children and grandchildren – as if!

9 months ago

I’m sorry for his loss, but I’m so sick of hearing people like Mr. Shockey justify their promotion of government-sponsored propaganda. It’s such b.s. I mean, just go ahead and admit you loved the lies more than the truth and you couldn’t be bothered to defend truth and reject the lies.

Those COVID lies came clomping onto the scene as conspicuous as a six foot man in fishnet stockings and red stilettos yet we were all commanded to treat him like a lady. Those of us who refused to go along with the lies were called mean, rebellious, haters and worse.

I keep hearing that COVID was an intelligence test. I disagree. It was a test to see who would live by lies and who would refuse.

Mr. Shockey can no more pretend he can put on a mask and not be promoting lies any more than a person can put on a gay pride pin and pretend they just really like rainbows. Or wear a black t-shirt with BLM written on the front and insist they’re only wearing it because of its soft, cottony feel.

Symbols mean something. To say you can wear the symbol without promoting the bullsh*t movement it represents is just more b.s.

Whether Mr. Shockey, and folks like him, want to admit it or not, they were (are!) part of the problem. All evil needs to flourish is good men to be silent. Mr. Shockey was more than silent. He actively promoted the propaganda. I’m sorry it meant his wife’s early passing. Truly I am. It’s sad.

Dana Clark
Dana Clark
9 months ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

Excellent comment. Every word.

8 months ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

Excellent comment! Everything you said is 100% truth. There are so many people I know that are still asleep and refuse to wake up to reality

Sean OConnor
Sean OConnor
9 months ago

Hasn’t Trudeau’s net worth gone into the hundred millions territory since the jab came out? One time I accidentally got into a Canadian chat room about jab discrimination thinking the CA stood for California. I was at a hotel messaging a woman claiming to be u jabbed from Canada. The hotel phone rang and it was a hang up call…that was mad big brother!!!

Jens Petersen
Jens Petersen
9 months ago
Reply to  Sean OConnor

Same with Sunak, thanks to Murderna. They will not get away with it, they have left a paper trail, and when the autopsies are done, a body trail.

9 months ago

Your compassion about this family is a balm though I am teary-eyed here.

9 months ago

Its sad he didn’t just retire and close his business down when they locked Canada down. Write the book and spend quality time with his family. Free will and choices. He choose poorly.

Jens Petersen
Jens Petersen
9 months ago

“. And I will protect you from harm.”

But he did not protect her from harm. And, if he had anything to do with her decision to ‘vaccinate’, he put her directly in harm’s way.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jens Petersen

A lot of us had no idea early in 2021. I didn’t know to tell my spouse not to take it and she has suffered harm as a result. I feel quite bad about that but the information wasn’t publicly available in January of 2021.

Thanks Brian, a touching story with the usual cautionary tales that others have mentioned.

8 months ago
Reply to  Enrique

Agree. So many people had lifelong trust in the medical profession when covid came along. The medical profession traded their trust to shill for Big Pharma. The lie was exposed and their credibility is gone — It won’t be the same again — the trust has hugely evaporated now. But I can’t totally blame them for falling for the scam from medical sources they traditionally trusted. Covid was the watershed moment.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jens Petersen

They are/were both grown up human beings…responsible for their own choices.

9 months ago

Brian you are an outstanding journalist. In every way. I appreciate you and the work you do here. May our Father in heaven bless you.

9 months ago
Reply to  justice4world

And keep Brian and his staff safe. I worry about Brian and others brave enough to speak truth in the face of all these lies. It’s not easy.

7 months ago

So, regarding the assisted suicide comment, Mrs. Shockey chose to commit suicide as has been made legal in Canada?? That makes this story even worse.

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