Israel subterfuges: the powers-that-be break out heavy artillery propaganda to cover the vaccine genocide; commence the Second Great Genocide earlier than expected
October 13, 2023 (updated October 14, 2023)

A 2017 study published in the journal Psychology & Sexuality found that normal men seeing pictures of two homosexual males kissing, elicited the same physiological stress response as seeing pictures of maggots. This blogger has avoided regular blog research for the past several days to prevent that same vomit-inducing feeling due to the ad nauseum, ubiquitous, coordinated global propaganda campaigns surrounding the gods of the Western world.

Critical thinking is crucial when talking about Israel since the U.S. government, media and the majority of Americans fawn over Zionists like horny 80s teenage boys around any girl who paid attention to them. It’s already difficult existing in a country where two cults (MAGA and LGBTV) control more than 80% of the population. But both cults worship the same Zionist god, rendering truth an entity with no homeland.

For this article, we must put aside the fact that Israel had murdered at least 6,407 Palestinians from January 2008 to September 2023, versus 308 Israelis killed in Israel’s ongoing apartheid endeavors, according to the United Nations. Everyone must cry when an Israeli dies, while Palestinians are “terrorists” and subhuman. If you don’t cry for Israel, you are “antisemitic,” “holocaust deniers,” niggers, Nazis and nihilists.

RELATED: Gay is the New Jew, Not the New Black (May 21, 2009)


We must put aside the fact that Israel openly and proudly admits to being a safe haven for Zionist pedophiles and sexual predators to flee to, in order to escape criminal prosecution in the U.S. or elsewhere. And we must put off the Talmudic Rabbinic tradition of metzitzah b’peh – when infant boys get their penises sliced with razors, and a male religious leader orally sucks the blood off. It is what it is – bloody baby blow jobs in the name of their god.

Forget finding any true, objective reporting as to what is happening now on that little strip of land north of Egypt. All mainstream media are owned by members of the Zionist cult. They openly admit that. But you’re not allowed to say it for whatever reason. We’re already banned from every mainstream platform. And even if we weren’t, we’d never sacrifice journalistic integrity for a cult.

Western media obsessed with beheadings, destroy what little credibility it had left

First, notice how mainstream media refer to the weapons Palestinians allegedly fire from the Gaza Strip into Israel, as “rockets.” Not missiles. Not bombs. “Rockets.” That could mean anything from Black Cats to baking soda bottle rockets.

These are actually pretty fun.

The point is that if Palestinians in Gaza want Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), it must be smuggled in from Egypt via underground tunnels because Israel blocks off the entire perimeter; and Palestinians have zero freedom of movement.

Thus it’s interesting how Palestinians (“Hamas,” or is it “Hezbollah”) allegedly and somehow got military-grade weapons into Gaza to allegedly attack Israel when they cannot even get a 3-piece meal with mashed potatoes into Gaza.

Further, this conflict is so serious and heart-tugging, that Zionist-owned CNN is broadcasting these blatantly fake, intelligence-insulting productions “live in the war zone.” This one is from October 9.

Not that this propaganda technique is anything new. The following intelligence-insulting video was taken in Houston on March 19, 2020 to show “how serious [COVID-19] can be” (except back then it was called “coronavirus”).

And who can forget Weather Channel reporter Mike Seidel faking like he was about to blow away during Hurricane Florence in Wilmington, North Carolina in September 2018.

The fake “ISIS” beheading videos (which were actually produced by an Israeli company because the powers-that-be love associating beheadings with Muslims, as you’ll see), the ABC News fake crime scene incident, and now the latest one from Israel: “40 babies beheaded by Hamas” in Kfar Aza.

RELATED: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? (January 17, 2022)


The original source of this now infamous tale was i24NEWS Israel “reporter” Nicole Zedek on October 10. Her source: a Zionist soldier who said “40 babies were killed.”

Global mainstream media turned that into the more dramatic, sensationalized “40 babies were beheaded by Hamas.” Here’s a Murdoch Media version of it.

Not trying to pick on CNN, but they are what they are.

The tale quickly unraveled. Bel Trew, a “reporter” with The Independent in the U.K., was named Foreign Journalist of the Year at The Press Awards back in March. She published two stories on October 11 about women and babies being decapitated by Hamas.


Later that day, both stories were removed from The Independent website (or at least we cannot find them). Trew took to Twitter later that day to splain why she said 40 babies were decapitated and why she deleted the corresponding tweet.

Oren Ziv, a journalist for +972 Magazine in Tel Aviv, on that same day, said the entire incident was a war scene, but there was no evidence of “babies being beheaded.”

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The Anadolu Agency in Turkey said it contacted an Israel military spokesperson who said they have no information on “Hamas beheading babies.” The Gray Zone journalists Max Blumenthal and Alexander Rubinstein reported that i24News was told “40 babies were beheaded” by David Ben-Zion. The latter is a deeply-loved Zionist loyalist who recently declared that the Palestinian village of Hawara should be “wiped out.”

i24News is a state-run Netanyahu propaganda channel, along the same lines as the U.S. foreign propaganda channel Voice of America. That all said, the “40 babies were beheaded” thing is propaganda. But that doesn’t matter to Western media or Zionists like Joe Biden, who has made clear many times who he actually serves.

Joe flat-out lied on October 11, saying he “saw pictures” of beheaded babies in Israel.

The White House quickly cleaned up that mess, and said Biden hadn’t seen or confirmed anything.

Now the story has shifted from “40 babies beheaded” to “900 Israelis dead and being taken as hostages.” First, this blogger was reminded of the “funny because it’s true” Dave Chappelle hostage joke.

And then when you see reports like the following from Channel 12 in Israel, you also have to question all this “brutal hostage-taking terrorist” propaganda. An alleged terrorist who allegedly entered this woman’s house, literally told her, “I am a Muslim. I will not hurt you.”

Further, human Israelis are on the side of Palestine, not Rabbinic Talmudic Zionism.

RELATED: Israel research organization accuses government, Pfizer of unauthorized human vaccine trials (January 22, 2021)


There’s simply no reason to embellish an apartheid conflict unless the goal is subterfuges and propaganda. If 40 people were killed in that incident (which is now questionable too), then just say that. Journalism 101. Once you tell one lie or embellishment, then everything is a lie and/or embellishment thereafter. But Zionists will never let this go, and will continue tripling and quadrupling down on “40 babies were beheaded.”


Note that Netanyahu published the above AI image first.

Moral of the story: everything global mainstream media, Western governments and Israel say about this “conflict” is propaganda, just like Ukraine. The only difference is that Zionist worship is near-universal, while Nazi Ukraine worship has about a 60-65% market share in the U.S. You cannot believe anything mainstream media say about Israel or anything else for that matter.

World War III is happening now

7News in Melbourne, Australia reported on October 2 that cardiac arrests incidents are “at the highest ever recorded in Victoria” in 2023. The news segment was meant to bring awareness to the importance of learning CPR. Of course there is no mention of the why and how this all happened (and it sounds like they shot this segment at a racetrack).

We’ve said the peak of the vaccine genocide would come in mid-2024. But the new “vaccines” released last month are speeding up that timeline. Post-injection cancers have reached levels this blogger hasn’t seen since the vaccine genocide commenced in 2021. The medical industrial complex knows this is happening as well. But their “studies” deliberately focus on 2010 to 2019 to report rising cancer rates, and deflect from the giant pink syringe in the room.

It’s particularly bad in young people due to college and military vaccine mandates (and they all start GoFundMe pages after diagnosis). These are all from just the last few weeks.


The only possible way to cover this up is war and Israel. This blogger knew he could never make it in mainstream media or corporate America in general because he’s a terrible ass kisser. It’s just not in the genes. But in the U.S., when the word “Israel” is mentioned, everyone must pay attention, obey and get in line, no questions asked. And the vast majority of Americans do so willingly and subserviently. It’s a very strange, bizarre master-slave “we sick, boss?” relationship.

El Dorado County, California recently cancelled its American Christian Heritage Month because a few Zionists complained about it. Israelis, beginning on November 30, can travel to the U.S. anytime they want without a visa. The following happened in San Francisco on October 8.

Most of the people in the foregoing video will drop dead or have cancer within a year or two. San Francisco is over 90% vaxxed. But these people are protesting about Israel and Palestine. Mission accomplished by TPTB. And if that didn’t work, we’re still talking about Western humanity, where videos of dogs eating food garner 2.2 million views on YouTube.

Here’s what is happening that you don’t know about

The other reason for World War III is this secret “mega-deal” between Biden, Israel and Saudi Arabia that nobody is talking about. The pact would normalize relations between the Saudis and Zionists as long as Israel agrees to “the possibility” of a two-state solution versus the current apartheid arrangement. But the Saudi crown prince kid doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself. The Israel concession provision in this deal is just window dressing to get the deal done.

The Saudis would also get nuclear weapons, despite the deal on paper calling it a “civil nuclear program.” The craziest part of this pact would be a security guarantee from the U.S. to Saudi Arabia, a la Ukraine. Keep in mind, 15 of the 19 alleged 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. The Jerusalem Post reported on September 30 (right before all this current drama started) that this mega-deal is basically done. Biden officials were in Saudi Arabia last week to discuss the deal. There’s also Netanyahu criminal corruption trial that is expected to wrap up in 2024.

None of the foregoing is discussed in Congress, mainstream media or, frankly, any circles at all. It’s also important to note that Israel is the only “country” in the world with nuclear weapons that is exempt from international inspections. Thus when World War III is over in 2030, China will replace the U.S. as the global economic leader, while the Saudis formally join Israel was the kings of the Earth and the 500 million people left on it.

Pure evil

This blogger wrote about Ms. Rachel Corrie back in 2019. The article was about how nearly all U.S. police are trained by the Israel military (which is why a lot of U.S. police act like robot mercenaries just like Zionist soldiers). Ms. Corrie was a college student in Washington state. She traveled to Palestine to protest against the Zionist apartheid regime.

An Israeli soldier ran over Ms. Corrie, 23, with a bulldozer, killing her instantly, on March 16, 2003. No national outcry in the U.S. No punishment to Israel. But that’s not surprising. The Israel military killed 34 Americans aboard USS Liberty in 1967. Nothing happened to Israel in retaliation.

Zionism is the root of all evil on Earth. It’s the political philosophy that is at the heart of The Great Reset and the vaccine genocide. Subterfuges, manipulation, propaganda and murder equals Trump, vaccines, Ukraine and homosexual culture. Earth is the Biblical hell.

The AI comment moderation for this article is turned up high since we expect Zionist bootlickers to attack us relentlessly. Zionists believe they are gods, not humans. Nearly all of Western humanity reinforces these delusions. And since they believe they are gods, they need not repent. Pray that your soul is freed from this Hell when your earthly body no longer functions. Free the Shministim.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Sean OConnor
Sean OConnor
9 months ago

Really great point about bloody felatio. The procedure marketed as circumcision has adverse effects on male victims, one of which is higher sensation seeking behavior through drugs or sex. All contrived around 200-600AD

M P Castro
9 months ago
Reply to  Sean OConnor

Didn’t know about the bloody blowjob aspect of circumcision. Yeah, I’d rather watch maggots eat dead meat, too.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sean OConnor

Legalized pedophilia by a rabbi performed in front of the parents and all family and friends, but remember it’s only Catholic priests that do this to children. I still have yet to find anywhere that this is allowed in the Catholic church nor any parents and friends that would support such.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
9 months ago

That photo at the top is perfect! I learned more about Israel in this article than I knew in all my years alive. I’ve heard the 40 babies beheaded thing like 50 times in the last couple days. You can’t log onto social media or turn on the TV without seeing or hearing it. They sure are bold to try and pass off AI as real. And thank you for writing about that secret deal. It’s beyond my understanding. But it doesn’t sound good and makes me want to learn more.

9 months ago

They indeed are keeping most people diverted & distracted via their trash outlet known as the MSM.

Guess who created Israel, it was none other then the Satanic Rothschild:

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
9 months ago

I enjoy studying military history, especially what led up to a specific war. What happened recently between Israel and Hamas is part of a long list that started a war. For most wars, the so called “good guys” portray the opposition as evil, the enemy and these so called good guys create a narrative that you either fully 100% support these good guys or if not then you support the enemy. 100% compliance or else. It’s been this way for the 1898 Spanish American war, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1, Iraq 2 and now this. Notice how it’s always their enemy that starts something. Of course the good guys are the victims. Of course they had absolutely nothing to set up their enemy to strike. All these wars, the US played a major part in creating a situation for their eventual enemy to strike. Add UK too for their typical behind the scenes undermining. Read the 1917 Balfour Declaration re: UK and Israel. Also read how the UK backstopped the Arabs after getting their support to fight the Ottoman Empire during WW1. On a side note, Israel has always had their sights on acquiring 100% of the Palestinian land. They even approved Egypt in dumping the Palestinians into Egyptian land along the Sinai Peninsula so they could annex Palestinian land which yhe Egyptians said no.

9 months ago

Israel/Palestine is the PERFECT wedge.
If the aim of the global powers is to get us all divided and bickering amongst ourselves, they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
9 months ago

The dead babies is nothing new. Our own vets were called baby killers in Vietnam and more recently if you remember Saddam allegedly had babies in the incubators in Iraq. I knew it was BS when I first heard it. Unfortunately many people believed it. And many people were scared when supposedly they called for a day of Jihad on Friday the 13th. And what a surprise nothing happened. That just was so obviously BS it reeked. It goes to show that people will believe anything that is reported.

9 months ago

Just because it did not happen on Oct 13, doesn’t mean it will not happen. If the aim is to provoke another round of patriot acts and/or war, you can bet your last dime that “something” WILL happen Whether it will be by actual jihadists is another question.

9 months ago

Alleged atrocities against babies goes back at least to the first world war when the headline was Germans Bayonetting Belgian Babies. It was nonsense then and nonsense now.

9 months ago

It was the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S. who was groomed by a PR company to make the lying testimony before congress.

9 months ago

Zionism, a plague on that region. Christians need to stop supporting Israel, and their one sided about the Bible, and the Talmud. What have they done for us? Do any of them pray for us? My whole life is hearing about this conflict. Did you know that more reporters are dispatched there then any place else in the world, and the reporting as the AI pictured showed is just more propaganda! They just cost us a lot of money. We contribute (USA) loads of monies to Israel every year. I will never understand it, all the while they spit at us.

Meanwhile, no 21 year old should be battling stage 3 cancer, and this girl, own military, having to get a Go Fund Me. They are so young! What were you doing at 21 years old? What an inverted world. Not to mention our own wide open border! Why is Israel allowed to so vehemently secure theirs and not us?

Clown World
Clown World
9 months ago
Reply to  Cat

The path towards healing in this world will only begin when the Christian majority breaks free from this black magic spell cast by Zionists. I don’t think they comprehend how important their thinking and state-of-mind is in how good or evil manifests in our reality. If it were not the case, the Zionists wouldn’t invest so much of their resources into Hollywood, MSM and medical propaganda.

The liberal left and alphabet people can never be saved, as their pride will not allow them to admit they were ever wrong. So it’s best for semi-conscience peoples to depart from the unconscience and let them rot in their communist-becoming cities. Once they are free from the grip of this low vibration, there may still be hope for light seekers when they decide to reject Zionist programming and embrace truth and truth alone.

9 months ago

If the media says the sun is shining I pop my head out the window and check with the squirrels to make sure.

9 months ago

The world has become so simple: If something is reported on TV, it’s a LIE. What you see on the news is a LIE. Covid, climate change… A LIE. All celebrities are a LIE (they are hand-picked at birth and deeply traumatized till the day they die; every single one of them). If a media segment has the word “True” in the title (True Crime, True Hollywood Story), it is 150% a LIE.

Harold Crapper
9 months ago

Lets see, the Ukraine War is a complete failure, 90,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead in the spring offensive, total about 500,000 dead in total. The Vax death coverup has been exposed, the Vax cultists I know are avoiding the new shot like the plague. Lets start a war to make new headlines.

9 months ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

Agree. 100 percent correct. And the fact that millions of casualties occur from these wars – so much the better for tptb. Death and depopulation is their goal.

9 months ago

It’s strange how American media focuses on alleged ‘beheading of babies, but says NOTHING about the multitudes of unborn babies ripped apart in the womb under the LEGAL process they call ‘abortion’, or ‘women’s health care’ …

9 months ago

Acts 7:43 ‘You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan’

No Jewish scholar can tell you what the link is between the ‘star of David’ and David – because there is no link, it’s a lie to cover up the truth and they know it. Zionism is satanism and is at the root of all evil in the world today

Matt 7:16 ‘Ye shall know them by their fruit’

Alex K
Alex K
9 months ago

The thing I find most baffling and scary is how the “If it saves only one life” crew, these grandma-saving, nazi-hating, empathetic Science believers who wanted civilization shut down forever to protect all these so very precious human lives turned suddenly into a bunch of primitive screwheads clamoring for genocide and destruction, including the kids and grandmas they were supposedly so hell-bent in saving.

Same with the other band. They were so skeptic of everything in the press until it said 40 gorillion babies were beheaded. Then their skepticism went through the window and are now consooming the press with the same zeal as the most devout covidian in their time.

It’s scary because I see how easily they can be controlled to think and do literally anything.

9 months ago

1. “Remember the Maine; the Hell with Spain”

2. Lusitania sinks

3. Gulf of Tonkin incident

4. “Weapons of mass destruction”

5. Babies heads

They always come up with something new.

And the people; who have the memory of Alzheimer’s patients; fall for it EVERY TIME.

It is like watching the cows go in for their daily milking.

Though the cows are quite a bit smarter!

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