Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. escaped what appears to be an assassination attempt by man impersonating a U.S. Marshal; mainstream media silent
September 21, 2023 (updated September 22, 2023)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. with his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, in the Oval Office (1961). Public domain photo.

Mr. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (“RFK” or “RFK, Jr.”) published an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle on December 8, 2021. The California Parole Board granted Mr. Sirhan Sirhan parole after serving more than 50 years in prison for the alleged assassination of former U.S. Senator and 1968 Presidential Candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Sr.

RFK, Jr., along with his brother Douglas Kennedy, wrote letters in support of Mr. Sirhan’s parole. Six other surviving children of RFK Sr. opposed parole for Mr. Sirhan. The op-ed by RFK, Jr. stated unequivocally why he supported Mr. Sirhan’s parole – because Mr. Sirhan did not kill RFK, Sr.

The real killer, according to RFK, Jr., was a recently-hired security guard on RFK, Sr.’s team named Thane Eugene Cesar. RFK, Jr. laid out the fascinating details justifying his belief in the op-ed. It was later discovered that Cesar hated the “race-mixing Kennedys.” California Governor Gavin Newsom ultimately reversed the parole board’s decision; and Mr. Sirhan, now 79 years old, remains in prison today.

RFK, Jr. was just nine years old when his uncle, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by [we’re not going there for this article] on November 22, 1963. He was 13 years old when his father was killed by Cesar less than five years later, on June 6, 1968.

This blogger ominously wrote on April 18, 2023:

“Let’s cut to the chase. [The powers-that-be] will NEVER allow another Kennedy to be President of the United States.”

The powers-that-be (“TPTB”) killed JFK because he told and lived far too much truth. They killed Bobby Kennedy Sr. for the exact same reasons. And now 55 years later, RFK, Jr. is in their crosshairs. But you wouldn’t know it if mainstream media are your primary sources of news.

Assassination attempt on RFK, Jr.?

Mr. Kennedy was in Los Angeles on September 15. He was scheduled to appear at a National Hispanic Heritage Month event at the Wilshire Ebell Theater. Police received a call at 4:30 p.m. that day from RFK, Jr’s security team, saying there was a man wearing a fake U.S. Marshal badge, fake federal ID, and was carrying a gun. He was also wearing a shirt that said “EMS” (Emergency Medical Service) on the back.

Security did not recognize him. But the man, identified as Adrian Paul Aispuro, claimed to be part of the security detail and allegedly demanded to be taken to RFK, Jr. immediately.

Adrian Paul Aispuro.

LAPD showed up within 10 minutes, arrested Aispuro, 44, and charged him with carrying a concealed weapon (which is illegal in California without a permit). He was carrying three guns, extra clips and several knives in his backpack. The Kennedy campaign posted video of the arrest and a statement from RFK, Jr. via TikTok shortly thereafter.

Aispuro is still in jail as of publishing, on a $35,000 bond. RFK, Jr. mentioned his hope of receiving Secret Service Protection for the remainder of the campaign season. But the White House has already refused to grant such protection. The following tweet is from July 28.

Public Law 90-331 was passed June 6, 1968 – two days after RFK, Sr. was assassinated. The law allowed all major Presidential candidates to receive Secret Service protection based on a “threat assessment.” Apparently a heavily-armed guy showing up at an RFK, Jr. event, pretending to be a federal agent – and at an event for a man whose uncle and father were killed as president and as a presidential candidate, respectively – is still not cause for Secret Service protection.

More on Adrian Aispuro

Mainstream media covered this story for about 36 hours after it happened. They have been completely silent since that time. The Daily Beast mocked the entire situation, and minimized the gravity thereof.

The publication said they spoke to Aispuro’s brother (we won’t be linking the story). He allegedly told them that Aispuro is unemployed, lives with his parents, and does not own a car. They also tried to label him as a Q-Anon, Trump-supporting, anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist.

Aispuro posted the following very bizarre video via TikTok on July 31. He’s wearing a near-identical outfit that he wore at the RFK, Jr. event.


Aispuro said he was in communication with Icons2020 host “Sarge Sovereign” and Alex Collier. The latter is a UFO guy who claims to be an “Andromedan Contactee.” The foregoing is the only video Aispuro ever posted on his TikTok account.

Further, if you look closely at the flags in said video, they look brand new with the creases still in them from being folded up. Make of all that what you will.

Adrian Aispuro’s brother, Raymond, posted a GoFundMe page for Adrian on October 13, 2021. It claimed that Adrian “suffered permanent injuries” while working as an EMT. The campaign raised $100. For the record, Aispuro does in fact have an active EMT license in California.

There’s no real consensus as to what the tattoo says on Aispuro’s left hand.

For whatever reason, Aispuro is still only facing a gun charge despite clearly impersonating a federal officer. The latter is a crime carrying a maximum penalty of three years in federal prison. We’ll continue updating as we learn more.

Future of RFK, Jr. campaign

This Aispuro guy is a perfect CIA patsy, based on everything we currently know about him. Mainstream media are barely talking about this at all. You’d think at least the Democrat establishment would have commented with a canned response by now. But they’ve been silent too. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Suzan DelBene called RFK, Jr. “unfit for public office” in July. It’s almost as if the two tribes wouldn’t mind at all if RFK, Jr. turned up dead.

It’d be in RFK, Jr.’s best interest to stick with private security even if he is offered Secret Service protection. Ms. Lisa Pease, author of the book A Lie Too Big to Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, also posited that Aispuro is a CIA patsy.

Aispuro sounds like another Sirhan Sirhan. The fact Aispuro was pretending to be on RFK, Jr’s security detail, and RFK, Sr. was likely killed by a security guard (Thane Eugene Cesar) on his own team, makes this all the more eerie.

This blogger has said several times that JFK is the only president in history that he respects. Bobby Kennedy Sr. is one of a handful of U.S. Senators and/or Congressmen in history this blogger respects. They listened and learned versus trying to tell people their own realities. Even this blogger’s great grandmother, who had every reason in the world to hate every White American after being born in Mississippi in 1903 (and died in 2001), loved Bobby Kennedy. “He tried,” she once said.

The elder Kennedys were willing to die for truth and justice. RFK, Jr. appears to have a similar mentality. But it’s very difficult to follow in the footsteps of two American legends. It’s frankly a little unfair that he has to operate in the shadow of those two men.

RFK, Jr. will ultimately have to run as a third-party spoiler. Democrat organizations will never support him. Reform Party candidate Ross Perot was the last third-party candidate to make any noise at all, in the 1996 Presidential Election. He received 8% of the vote, much of which would have likely went to Republican Candidate Bob Dole otherwise (and perhaps could have been enough for Dole to beat Bill Clinton).

RFK, Jr. is going to face more controversy as he gains more traction. His private security team did a great job protecting him already. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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10 months ago

What I find unbelievable, (If true), is his support of Israel.

10 months ago
Reply to  paschn

Show me one single politician who would call out Israel. Yup, none. If you hold contrary views, you won’t get a shot at congress or any semi public office for that matter.

Crazy Cabbage
Crazy Cabbage
10 months ago

RFK, Jr. Does appear to listen and learn, and he has an incredible memory. I feel he answers questions without guile. He appears to me to have this ancient idea that the purpose of government policies should be for human thriving rather than raw power or depopulation.

Except for that whole Chippendales-esque deal, which seemed crafted for a shallow generation, I think he is one of the more serious and probably the most intelligent of candidates. So far he is the only candidate addressing my top concerns with reasoned policy suggections. Even if I disagree in other matters.

It seems that, due to our fake, rigged system, the only way thoughtful people can make a difference is outside of political office.

It would be great if RFK, Jr could get trustworthy secret service protection, but the current administration is most brazen in its political persecution.

10 months ago

I seriously doubt Kennedy is in any danger. He is controlled opposition. He plays his role.

10 months ago
Reply to  kay

Controlled opposition…that is getting so old.

Sean OConnor
Sean OConnor
10 months ago

Hallucinations have been part of the vaccine adverse event spectrum as it’s anyone’s guess what is in any given shot. He’s likely had lots of contact with all kinds of agencies given his past life. Anyone embellishing their credentials like that has serious issues

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