Liam Mildenstein: 19-year-old Florida Mormon collapses and dies in front of his family
August 7, 2023

Liam Mildenstein.

PROVO, UTAH — A 19-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka LDS, aka Mormons) is dead; and we fully expect said church members to attack us as they have in the past.

We published the story of Mr. Tshiama Anaclet Tshiama on December 31, 2021. He was the 24-year-old Mormon missionary who died in his sleep while on his mission in the Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire), Africa. We reported several facts in said article that a lot of people did not like.

Dr. Russell M. Nelson, the President and Prophet of the LDS Church, is a diehard vaxx zealot who did the vaccine on camera thing. The church implemented a hybrid vaccine coercion policy and mandate in January 2021. It urged all members to be “good global citizens” and receive the injections. Missionaries traveling to other countries are required to receive the injections, in accordance with church policy.

We also learned that the LDS Church owned $646 million worth of Johnson & Johnson stock at the time of publishing.

RELATED: Tshiama Anaclet Tshiama: 24-year-old Mormon missionary dies “unexpectedly” as LDS leaders mandate injections and invest in big pharma (December 31, 2021)


A little over a week later, we published the story of Ms. Madison Taylor. The 22-year-old Mormon missionary suffered 94-straight days of vaginal bleeding after her first Moderna mRNA injection. She was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease in September 2022.

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the thyroid gland like it was bacteria or a virus.

RELATED: Anniken Jørgensen: 25-year-old Norwegian beauty entrepreneur suffers menstrual bleeding everyday for a year since her second Pfizer mRNA injection (July 22, 2022)


The Mormon Church is responsible for all of the foregoing and for what happened last week.

Collapsed after learning his mission location

Mr. Liam Mildenstein resided in Miami, Florida. He was born in the Bay Area, and lived all over the country due to one or both of his parents being in the U.S. Coast Guard. Mr. Mildenstein played the drums and loved gaming. Most importantly, he was a devout Mormon.

Mr. Mildenstein reportedly drove from Miami to Provo, Utah for vacation last week. He received his mission assignment in an envelope. Mr. Mildenstein opened the envelope and yelled, “Tokyo, Japan!” That was apparently his dream mission destination. Mr. Mildenstein collapsed straight backwards to the floor a second or two later. He was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Someone purporting to be Mr. Mildenstein’s brother published a lengthy post in an “ex-Mormon” Reddit forum. “I don’t want misinformation floating around,” the post says. The brother believes Liam died because “he got so excited it put stress on his heart.”

Mr. Mildenstein obviously died from post-injection sudden cardiac arrest, as we’ve seen thousands of time on this blog. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

Churches and preachers are not God

Most of you know that this blogger’s mom was a preacher in the Church of God In Christ. Our family went to church (and Sunday School for the kids) every Sunday until 12 years old. This blogger and his mom had somewhat of a rivalry until her death in 2014 because of God. But as both parties aged, the rivalry became a respectful, mutual journey towards truth.

This blogger fully believes that his mother would have refused the injections on his de-facto order, despite the other siblings all being vaccinated, liberal and somewhat vaxx zealots. She would have asked for Biblical proof as to why she should not receive the injections. Mom would have been a false prophet like virtually all other U.S. speakers of God if she received the injections and encouraged her congregation to receive the shots.

“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Peter 2:1-22.

This blogger convinced his mom that abortion was wrong based on Biblical text, and would have used the same text to stop her from receiving the lethal injections.

“If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life.” Exodus 21:22-23

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5.

“When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them ‘Mankind’ when they were created.” Genesis 5:1-3.

RELATED: Matthew 6:24 – thousands of U.S. Christian churches are serving the wrong god by facilitating mRNA and viral vector DNA injections (December 14, 2021)


Either you believe the word of God or you don’t. God is not of the Earth. Every religion in the world failed their believers during The Great Reset. The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding found that by March 2022, 76% of Muslims, 83% of Jews, 84% of Catholics, and 75% of Protestants in the U.S. had received at least one shot. Black Muslims refused the injections at a 42% rate, but that’s still not even half of said group.

Mormons are actually the most critical thinking religious group in the U.S. as it relates to the lethal injections. But missionaries in foreign countries are required to receive the injections because the Prophet Dr. Nelson says so. Again, you either believe in God or you believe in humans. It’s really that simple.

The Great Reset has proven that the vast majority of so-called people of God are actually people of people, and more specifically, people of one person. Pastors are omnipotent because of humanity’s faith in a higher power. And they’ve abused that power. May every religious leader who promoted, encouraged and mandated the lethal injections burn in hell.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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11 months ago

I have been a member of the LDS (“Mormon”) Church for 50 years. I support the leadership of the church, although I recognize that they are imperfect humans and that not everything they say is revelation from God. I did not get the COVID injection, many of my family members (all LDS) did not get the injection, and many members of our local congregation did not get the injection. (In fact, many within my family are against most of the vaccines pushed on us.) We were not ordered, pressured, or coerced by President Nelson to do so, although we were “strongly urged”. We are expected to use our God-given agency and make our own decisions. We were never shunned, shamed, or ridiculed for our decision. Many of our LDS friends got the injection in order to keep their jobs, which is deplorable. Many members of my family also did not wear masks at church, even when we were “supposed” to.

A. Lakenne
A. Lakenne
11 months ago
Reply to  Dawn

It’s very commendable that you and so many around you were wise to the fact that the injections were something to be avoided most strenuously. Still, I can’t help but think that if “President Nelson” were a true “Prophet, Seer, And Revelator”—(those are LDS titles, not mine!) wouldn’t he have known from “On High”, directly, of the deleterious effects of these mRNA bioweapons?

I have to think that any serious-minded, critical thinking LDS member has to pause and wonder.

Last edited 11 months ago by A. Lakenne
Clown World
Clown World
11 months ago
Reply to  A. Lakenne

Aye. The purpose of shepherds is to warn the sheep of danger. Feels like 80-90% of pastors and religious leaders have failed their congregation spectacularly. What other purpose does a rabbi or priest have if not this alone?

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
11 months ago
Reply to  Clown World

To keep The People subjugated, under whatever ruling class/caste happens to be in power at the time?

11 months ago
Reply to  Dawn

LDS believe that native Americans are the lost tribes and that God turned them dark as a curse. You actually believe this racist garbage?

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
11 months ago

This is what astounds me, why are the majority of Christians ignorant to how the Covid-19 fake pandemic, and the Great Cull (aka depopulation) are all part of the Anti Christ’s Plan? How could they not connect it all to the Book Of Revelations? The Book Of Revelation is playing out right in front of our faces, why are Christians so blind? The Mark of the Beast will be ushered in using Digital Currencies, yet still the majority of Christians are pig ignorant. Christ warned all of humanity to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. But Christians were the first in the UK to line up for the killer jabs. Churches were turned into ‘vaccine hubs’. Almost 80% of most church goers in the UK took the killer jabs. I am speechless. It seems at though Satan has seduced them too.

11 months ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Because they are not true believers in their heart. They can be habotnic, whatever, but not true believers. I shall give some examples:
– Christians (and others) that dont respect the Books in various issues. They cherrypick things.
– Christians that do bad things because they love Momona also. In these times, you cannot have two Gods, is either one or the other.
– Christians that practice idolatry. Can be toward a Priest, thinking that one gives the afterlife, not G-od.
– Christians that opress others, take benefits they dont deserve. Christians that are not what they supposed to be in their family, towards the spouse and children.
_Christians that made abortions. Christians that cheat their spouses. Christians that practice too much love for the children, we know what I am talking about and most are not exăposed, but play the very respectable role.
And the list can go on an on.
So farisey. Not true believers. Going to church, in pilgrimages and do other things than you suppose to, because you are weack and let yourself be corrupted, lead to disconection.
Thus, they believed more in a jab that was made using human fetuses, rather than in Jesus Christ.
They made too many compromises and thus they will lose their souls. If they dont repent for real. And change ways. At this time and age we must live in Truth and make no compromises that are against G-od’s word.

11 months ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Because the devil is doing his job diligently. That is also in the Bible.

11 months ago
Reply to  Tina

There is no “devil” in the Old Testament. We need to start blaming people, not demons and devils.

Clown World
Clown World
11 months ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I’m going to get downvoted by many devout Protestants, but let truth be truth. It is my belief that Apostle Paul has done a large amount of damage on Christian ideology. And what I find most alarming is how so many churches put Paul’s words over Jesus’. I bet most churchgoers would agree that the majority of sermons they have heard over their lifetime were based on Paul’s letters instead of the gospels.

Most significant is Romans 13.

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established… Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”

This passage alone is responsible for the majority of Christians’ submission to the CDC, FDA and the government mandates. Jesus never told us to blindly follow the government. He just said to give to Caesar what is Caesars, what is God’s to God. Which ironically churches aren’t even doing, as their Satanic 501c3 (5+0+1=6, c=3, 3) categorization has made them believe they need not pay their taxes, aka give Caesar what is his. And the result of this is, they are not able to give God what is God’s, aka speaking truth in church without fear of consequence.

11 months ago
Reply to  Clown World

I think that’s cherry picking, no offense. By reading the whole Bible and even continuing in Paul’s words, it’s very clear that we are to obey God before men. Peter defied the Jewish authorities to their face when beaten and told not to teach on Jesus. And Paul goes on to say right after that, we should lead peaceful lives with all our neighbors so long as that peace is dependent on us. If you look at Christian early history in Rome we see this play out as many Christians chose death in defiance of orders to burn incense to pagan gods in the name of loyalty to Caesar.

10 months ago
Reply to  Clown World

Because they censored and added things in the Bible in 4 th century AD when they invented Christianity. Till that point ones that believed in Yeshua didnt eat pork, also practiced circumcision and other things. Like invent celebrations that were taken from the pagans. As Yeshua said we are all equal and all one I dont have anything against anybody of no matter faith including Pagans3 as long as they are good people. But instead of love and acceptance they made a culture of hate and habotnics. And did so many crimes genocides and i justice in Jesus name. Which is so obvious so they dont do what HE said.
They altered things to make population accept the new control instrument. The perfect one.
Paul never said that things, they invented them.
Gnostics do it as it was transmitted by Jesus/Yeshua.
Christians are lead into deceival. They actually practice idolatey and eat pork and other blood rituals and they hate so much. Not all of them of course but they say somebody is infailible and God on Earth, idolatrised, this is crazy Jesus didnt put the Pope in this role neither God.
There were TPTB of that time.

10 months ago
Reply to  Maria

As the late Sinead O’Connor stated : “All scriptures lead to Islam”.

The Quran being the last brick of Divine Revelation in the house of Divine Revelations.

Sure muslims are corruptable just like any other humans are. But that’s a completely different issue.

A. Lakenne
A. Lakenne
10 months ago
Reply to  Clown World

No complaints here! It’s an interesting change to see Protestants take heat for some things here in Protestant America.

10 months ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

To be fair, if you look closer, some of them were merely “Social Christians,” as they say, or better yet, even phony Christians altogether-?!!.. And the ones who did not hesitate to condemn or discriminate against the unvaccinated folks missed a very large, extremely critical chunk of teachings from Jesus about the lame, ailing, & Lepers!!.. Not to mention, key lessons on being a Child of God, and not a mere imitation via genetic manipulation!!-

11 months ago

I was at church one day discussing the vaxxines. I said they were poison. One of the men in the congregation said if they save lives get the shot and leave the rest up to God. I was just about ready to jump all over this guy and say “so God and save you and protect you from the deadly shots, but can’t protect your from the virus”? Do you even listen to yourself. But I didn’t want to start a fight, but I did talk to the pastor later about it. He didn’t like me very much so we don’t go there anymore, and we skipped almost a year in physical church because they forced all to wear a mask.

Clown World
Clown World
11 months ago
Reply to  zoe

I don’t go to church much, but I hear stories from my mom who still does. There seems to be this phenomenon where whenever she and someone else begin to discuss vaccine damages, the pastor subconsciously finds a way to butt into the conversation to change topics. Many of these pastors have allegiances to Satan. They are pastors purely for their own kingdom because they know no one would respect and listen to them if it were not inside the confines of a religious institution.

11 months ago
Reply to  zoe

I suppose the thing that gave me the chills the most was that it was targeting our DNA. Even when people explained, oh, MRNA doesn’t change your DNA, I was like….I don’t want you to sniff my DNA, let alone send it messages, or anything else. God gave me my DNA and no man is ever going to improve on what God has done. Plus it made me think of the Book of Enoch and how during the time of Noah, before the flood, the fallen angels or watchers, as they were called, were messing with everyone’s DNA, human and animals.

11 months ago

Amen, brother. As a “believer,” I go to no church. The reasons you listed above are why. In addition, all those people that attend church now have the shot (the vast majority), and I do not associate with people who have been shot up. Not to mention they are all sold out to Satan, their doctrine is 100% false, since they answer to TPTB. The depopulation agenda/timeline is also in line with what is said in the book of Revelation (Apocalipsis en Espanol). Most of the “radical” YouTubers still claim that you can appeal to God after you have received the shot and that he will understand. I remain skeptical of that claim. Our body is the third temple, not some brick and mortar in Jerusalem. Jesus tells us to remain clean and holy.

11 months ago
Reply to  Susannah

Yes, in the prophecies it is written that the Church will fall. Also, it was hickjacked long time ago. There are priests and priests, monks and monks, but the institution no longer serves God.

Harold Crapper
11 months ago
Reply to  Susannah

I agree well said

11 months ago
Reply to  Susannah

Regarding an appeal to God, I believe it is obviously a grave error and misstep, a sin, if you will, but do not believe that taking the so-called COVID vaccine is a mortal sin. Do not confuse the physical body with the eternal soul.
Not for nothing did Jesus refer to his followers as “sheep,” and even at his own crucifixion say, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. “

11 months ago

“The Great Reset has proven that the vast majority of so-called people of God are actually people of people” – I really like this sentence from the article because it is so true. My husband and I think that many “in the church (Christian church)” took it to either 1) be part of the “in crowd”, or 2) wanted to say “look at me, I care about other people”, and/or 3) actually feared death more than they fear God. We knew of two churches who would not even allow you in without “your papers” (vax card) though they were so generous to say “you can join us online” – the biblical admonition “to not give up meeting together” be damned. Our particular congregation was filled with people who made skid marks as they sped off to the jab centers despite the message that our church has always taught – that is, that this world is not our real home (Philippians 3:20) and it is far better to be with Christ (2 Corinthians 5:8). Yet, most of our church members seemed not too interested in that – all greatly feared death and/or wanted to please man. The scripture does say that Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) and it breaks our heart to see how the vast majority of “believers” were deceived.

Last edited 11 months ago by Gwen
11 months ago
Reply to  Gwen

I never saw so many christians cave to fear. The church I was going to was holding services outside when the weather was nice…and still 99% of the congregation was masked up and social distanced! It was so embarrassing and really showed the lack of critical thinking and faith in God! Needless to say I no longer go to that church. So many church leaders failed their congregations!

11 months ago
Reply to  Denise

Regarding Christian churches, it is a great, already-done litmus test about which churches and denominations to not go to. If they prodded or suggested the injections, if a huge percentage of the members got them , and/or especially if they held injection clinics on their premises, it’s not a good church to go to. So many people were so tremendously ignorant, too. There were preventatives and cures found almost right off the bat, yet they could not use the Internet to find anything? And apparently, seminaries are controlled and designed to produce spineless pastors who don’t think outside any boxes on too many issues. The worthlessness of the long swabs to the brain and the PCR tests was a tremendous clue.

11 months ago

I’m a lifelong member of the lds church, near 50 yrs. Not active, but a member and always will be. I’ve been upset that my dad chose to get 2 jabs and mom 1 because they believed they were ‘safe and effective’ but not sure they did it because the prophet did.

The prophet is a retired heart surgeon. I just assume he has had full confidence in “science”. Not making any excuses for him doing what he did (the video of him getting a jab etc) but I do wish he would’ve just stayed neutral on the matter. Is he an evil freemason? I don’t know. I don’t know alot of things but I do know the prophets and apostles give very good messages to us during general conference etc.I worry for my parents. I wish they weren’t as trusting of certain others, that’s for sure.

11 months ago
Reply to  Den

Actually he’s a member of Skull and Bones. He wrote about this in his autobiography which can be found on From Heart to Heart. And you can look up the UofU’s yearbook and find his Skull and Bones photos his jr and sr year (senior year they are called owl and key).

And if you want to know I did a lot of research about Yale’s Skull and Bones and the UofU. It’s the same group but they do not divulge their members names from each organization. One of the first groups at the UofU that took the initiation named Tom Morrow went temporarily insane meaning that whatever they require their members to do in the inititaion must be pretty bad. You can google tom morrow and find his newspaper clipping.

Elder Hales was also a member of Skull and Bones.

11 months ago

Dawn as you know MOST all members at least in Utah received the Vaxx. About 95% in my ward did and now they are having heart issues, tumors, cancer, etc. It’s very sad. In fact, the day that Nelson did his injection so many of my friends said, if it’s good enough for the Prophet, it’s good enough for me. They stopped Thinking for themselves and allowed the Prophet to make the decision for them. I know of only 2 families in my ward / 3 if you count my family who did not get vaxxed.This year I have done a LOT of deep diving and discovered that Russel M Nelson is a member of Skull and Bones at the University of Utah his Jr and Sr. years. It’s found in the From Heart to Heart autobiography ( and 1944 and 1945 UofU yearbook. He would have taken a blood oath and denounced God.Although the churches stance on vaccines have been in play since the 1970’s he could have been the one to help orchestrate this. It allowed the church to send members into foreign countries but it also allowed the church to work very closely with Bill and Melinda Gates. Sharon Eubanks G20 meeting BYU and other church leaders discussing how to preserve their leaders COVID Vaccination Challenges: Ethical Imperatives and Local Realities – YouTube – just read the comments/so many members are disappointed by herAt an event on February 26, 2021, called “Covid Vaccination Challenges: Ethical Imperatives and Local Realities”, Sharon Eubank said the power of trusted faith leaders can change people’s resistance, and the way we get people to comply is to have their religious leaders convince them. She stated faith in God and trust in this scientific miracle (covid vaccine) are compatible and work together. Eubank is very moved by how his “holiness the Pope” has overlept the difficult barriers about the way stem cells are used in developing vaccines. (“Stem cells” is an evil person’s way of saying “aborted fetal tissue”.) She then said the Pope receiving the covid vaccine gives theological resonance because this is so important to everyone’s health. She finishes with it is spiritually acceptable, implying the end justifies the means in this case. God’s laws cannot be circumvented, even if for the greater good.Follow the money. What thecovidblog writes is unfortunately true.

11 months ago

So much for the spiritual validity of the LDS church. Their prophet has lead them into destruction. Their main angel is Moroni, so I guess we should call them Morons now.

11 months ago

Truth Bombs everywhere in this article. Amen!

11 months ago

So agree with your sentiment that any religious leader who promoted, encouraged and mandated the lethal injections should burn in hell, unless of course they humble themselves and repent of their wickedness. It was appalling to hear pastors in our own federations (Canadian Reformed Churches and United Reformed Churches) saying things like the 11th commandment is to get vaccinated or you should get vaccinated out of “love for your neighbour” or you should wear a mask for the sake of the “weaker brother” all of these statements are a total bastardization of scripture.
For context, I am married to a pastor and we decided early on in 2020 that we would push to keep the church open and would never push vaccines or masks on anyone, even if this ended up with my husband being thrown in jail, like some of the pastors in Alberta, Canada were. Many in our church were very upset we were pushing back against lockdowns and that we were “disobeying the government” and going against “Romans 13” to the point where my husband almost was given the boot but thankfully we received a call to another church in Northern Alberta where their eyes are open to the Great Reset and they are vehemently opposed to lockdowns and the like and won’t close the church for anything. When good men keep silent, evil abounds.

10 months ago
Reply to  Ashleyraine

When good men keep silent…they stop being good.

11 months ago

Any preacher that preached the “goodness” of the clot shots is not a man of God. The vaccines are clearly evil, and God would never approve of them. And I thought all wisdom came from God.

What’s even worse is that these same preachers are either still none to the wiser as to the clot shots severe impact on the world, or have not succumbed to the guilt that their actions have caused

These same Christians say god is a loving God. If he was then why would he be okay for his followers to approve of children recieving these shots and then developing severe health issues as a result of it. Where is their guilt? Why aren’t they, like their Jewish counterparts in the old testament, prostrating to their God for forgiveness?

These Christians wanted the shots to go on their holidays to Spain and to continue with their ungodly lifestyle. They are all full of shit when it comes to saying it was all done for Granny (the same grannies they left to die in care-homes and hospitals, with no vistiors.

11 months ago

Thank you, Brian! You are truly my brotha from another motha. I know the word of TMH GOD. It’s like fire to those of us that refuse to hear especially when you read the Original (it’s not OLD) Testament you can see why TPTB don’t want people reading the Book. Your article made me think of Jeremiah 16:10-11, 10 And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt shew this people all these words, and they shall say unto thee, Wherefore hath the LORD pronounced all this great evil against us? or what is our iniquity? or what is our sin that we have committed against the LORD our God? 11 Then shalt thou say unto them, Because your fathers have forsaken me, saith the LORD, and have walked after idols, and have served them, and have worshipped them, and have forsaken me, and have not kept my law. Also Proverbs 3:31 – Envy not the oppressor and choose none of his ways. But people have got to be able to discern who the “oppressor” is and they can’t because they continually wallow in idolatry, idolizing people, money, isms, jobs even themselves. Anything they put before the Almighty therefore keeps them from TMH’s illumination. It’s a ‘failed loop’. The fix is the code, the blueprint the Creator left so we wouldn’t forget who we were. Although the Nazis and their collaborators do all they can to attack and confuse our connection to the Creator, the choice is still ours…the red pill or the blue pill?

11 months ago

LDS is a crazy cult. They believe that dark skinned people are the lost tribes and that God turned them dark as a punishment or curse. So stupid and racist!

10 months ago

I’m an active Latter-day Saint. I appreciate your respectful take on the Church in this article.

All prophets throughout Biblical history have made mistakes. They were all fallible. If a prophet (or senior Apostle) is perfect then there is no reason to worship God. In spite of this fact, nobody would know of the God of Israel without reading or hearing the words of a prophet. No Christian can deny that. While a prophet is alive, they don’t have the luxury of future centuries distilling the truth out of their words. For example, there is no way that during the Apostle Paul’s ministry he only spoke enough words to fill a few hundred pages in the New Testament. And there is no way that he spoke in his prophetic/apostolic role during every waking moment. If we had a recording of everything he ever said there would be a lot of disappointed Christians.

While a prophet is alive, the burden of responsibility falls on the individual to determine a few things:

  • Is the man claiming to be a prophet actually one?
  • When is the prophet speaking God’s word vs speaking as a man trying to help others.

So what is a prophet’s primary responsibility? What is it that a prophet does on God’s behalf? They witness of the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of Israel. They cry repentance and warn against the consequences of sin.

The covid shots are not the problem. They are the symptom of the problem. The entire covid pandemic was a symptom. It was not a pandemic of a virus, it was a pandemic of wickedness. If every person on the Earth was righteous and followed Jesus Christ, there would have been no pandemic and no shots.

In his capacity as a special witness of Jesus Christ, President Nelson fulfills his role beautifully. When he preaches of Christ he preaches with great power.

In his capacity as the “CEO” of the Church, he has (from my perspective) made some grievous errors.

The letter that the Frist Presidency sent out encouraging members to get vaccinated resulted in a lot of discourse for a long time in my local community. It also resulted in a lot of cognitive dissonance. I had friends who claimed the same belief system as me who stopped speaking with me as a result of our difference in opinion regarding the letter.

To me, the letter is easy to forgive. It ultimately gave adults who have a cult-like mentality in the Church the option to give into their misplaced trust in the government. What is difficult for me to forgive is the full-time missionary requirement to get the shot.

Official doctrine of the Church states that it is a “priesthood responsibility” for a young man to serve a mission. If a young man rejects the shot, then it is in effect disabling them from fulfilling their priesthood responsibility of missionary service. In effect, they are being coerced into getting the shot. I think that policy is evil and I expect that it will be reversed within the next 5 years. But the number of kids who die or get injured as a result of the policy is great.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x