Asher Ferguson: 15-month-old baby boy of vaxx zealot “social media influencer” Christine Tran Ferguson, dies in ICU after sudden, mystery illness
July 31, 2023

Asher Ferguson. Photo via Instagram.

NEW YORK — A 15-month-old New York City baby is dead, in yet another reminder that even if babies conceived from vaxxed sperm and/or eggs survive birth, that they are living on borrowed time. This story was heart-wrenching to write. So if this blogger disappears for a few days, that’s why.

Mrs. Christine Tran Ferguson is social media famous, but very little is known about her and her husband. Mrs. Ferguson, 37, is originally from Los Angeles, according to her blog, Tour De Lust. She worked a “corporate analytics” job in San Francisco and New York in her 20s. We assume that means business analyst, which typically requires a bachelor’s degree for entry-level positions. But it’s unclear if Mrs. Ferguson went to college at all.

She met Ryan Ferguson in 2013, got engaged in 2017, and married in 2019.

There’s zero information online about Mr. Ferguson despite Christine having 552,000 Instagram followers and another 275,000 on TikTok. We couldn’t find any social media profiles associated with him. All we know is that Mr. Ferguson is originally from Canada, probably Nova Scotia.

RELATED: Amanda Makulec: 35-year-old Washington D.C. woman gloats of being vaccinated, pregnant, breastfeeding; newborn son dies at 2 1/2 months (October 2, 2021)


Mrs. Ferguson offers various services via her website and social media pages, including brand ambassador, reviews, and collaborative partnerships. She mostly pitches products to her large following for compensation. Mainstream media call her a “travel influencer,” and she claims to have visited 55 countries. Her Instagram account has photos from several locales around the world.

Pitching vaccines for profit

Mrs. Ferguson never passed up on a vaccine, mandated or otherwise. The couple went on their honeymoon in Nairobi, Kenya. A January 14, 2020 blog post about the trip says the following:

“Kenya Travel Vaccines recommended are yellow fever, but we were never asked to show proof. Other vaccinations we had, but are not required, are Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and we had prescriptions for malaria pills to take daily. We did not feel sick from any of these.”

She pitches everything from mouthwash to insect traps. Mrs. Ferguson partnered with New York-based vaccine passport company on April 1, 2021.


Instagram users were not impressed with either or Mrs. Ferguson.



Mrs. Ferguson is definitely double-vaxxed.



She is very likely at least triple-vaxxed because the couple traveled to Los Angeles, Canada and Dubai in December 2021/January 2022. That means Mr. Ferguson is also at least double-vaxxed and likely triple-vaxxed.

Meanwhile Mrs. Ferguson publicly announced she was pregnant with the couple’s first child on November 8, 2021.


But they learned of the pregnancy on August 13, 2021.


Over the next several months, from December 2021 until Little Asher was born, Mrs. Ferguson posted at least 20 “baby bump” photos.

Asher Ryan Ferguson was born on April 20, 2022. The delivery was not smooth. His heart rate continually dropped as contractions increased. Doctors were forced to do an unplanned caesarean section because the umbilical cord was choking Asher (nuchal cord).

Most nuchal cord deliveries can still be vaginal. Caesarean section is only necessary if there is severe distress to the baby. Regardless, he was home with his family five days later.

Asher’s first birthday and death

Mrs. Ferguson plasters her entire life on social media. So you could see little Asher’s entire first year of life almost in real-time. He was a perfectly healthy baby. Asher celebrated his first birthday on April 20, 2023.


The family celebrated Father’s Day together on June 19, 2023 without incident. Mrs. Ferguson posted about one of her collaboration partners on June 23, 2023. She posted via TikTok on June 27 about technical issues she was experiencing on the platform.


Her next social media post, completely out of left field, came via Instagram on July 3. “Please God, give us a miracle and save my sweet Asher.”


We’ve seen those advanced life support tubes hundreds of times on this blog since 2021.

RELATED: Stephanie Whitmore: pregnant Australia woman’s baby suffers in utero brain bleed, stillborn 12 days after mother’s second Pfizer mRNA injection (January 12, 2022)


Mrs. Ferguson’s last post as of publishing came on July 20.

“My heart is utterly broken and shattered into a million pieces. I will never understand why, nothing makes sense, I’m still in shock, I just want to wake up from this unimaginable nightmare and have you back in my arms. Why is this happening to us, why Asher?? I still can’t believe you’re gone, why did you have to go so soon?? We had a future as a family I constantly think about & it’s just gone.”

The exact date of Asher’s death is not known. Several mainstream media outlets wrote about it. But as of today, there is no further information. RIP little guy.

It is what it is

Mrs. Ferguson made her entire existence open to the public. We know she personally loves injections, and was paid by a vaccine passport company. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has a schedule for 26 injections for babies, including mRNA shots, by their 15th month of life. Asher was 15 months old.

RELATED: Santino Godoy Blanco: 4-year-old Argentina boy who starred in a national vaccine campaign, dies suddenly (November 15, 2022)


This blogger is frankly surprised that Mrs. Ferguson was able to become pregnant at all, given the circumstances. Granted vaxx zealots are blaming and will continue blaming #ABV for Asher’s death. But vaxxed, GMO parents who miraculously conceived and gave birth, have to know by now that this is happening everywhere, everyday. What a terrible situation to be in.

Talk to you guys Friday. Time for a little break. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

Poor little baby! RIP Ascher.
It is very frequent this happens to couples that received the jab. Children are on borrowed time. Also, many have lots of health issues. I see it all around in Social Media – sudden pass of little babies, after a very short illeness, that came out of the blu.
it makes you wonder why they were even able to conceive? As their pain now is so much bigger. I dont have these answers, but some people do have them.
maybe the desperation parents feel is somehow wanted for an undisclosed evil purpose?
We know we need hope and joy and we know we should not be afraid, or desperate. it is in the Bible, 365 times it is said do not be afraid. Also, to never lose hope, to be joyful as G-od is with you all around.
When people are pushed into so much desperation, they are very weak and prone to be influence in the worse possible way.
i dont know, I just try to make a reason why this happens. Maybe somebody has another idea, to advance further and maybe sometime to figure it out.
because what I am sure of is that is not random! It has a purpose. All the suffering these parents that are able to conceive and lose their child so fast endure.
Even if I am not found of vax zealots (at all actually), i do feel very sorry for them, for the pain they feel. And above all for the little ones.

Last edited 1 year ago by Maria
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

I agree about not losing hope, never.

Those who lose hope are indeed those whose faith is incomplete. God is greater than everything He created and can heal every pain or despair.

Nevertheless, I don’t feel sorry for people whose hands are responsible for the death of their children, if we assume they re responsible.

I’m sorry for the little ones, of course but not for the parents.

I don’t and can’t feel empathy for those who don’t deserve it. I used to about vaxx zealots parents. No more.

We’re human beings. Our time on earth is not endless, neither is our energy to be wasted feeli’g empathy and sorry for those who have been fighting us and for whom finally we can’t do anything anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

The way I see it little Asher is in a better place now, in eternity with God surrounded by love and peace greater than any of us will ever feel on this earth. Who knows what he would have been subjected to in this world with parents that worship the world, genital mutilation?, autism?, or a thousand other disabilities or diseases caused by toxic injections, toxic food, water etc. The parents on the other hand, as terrible and painful as it is, have a chance to see the deceitfulness of this world for what it is, and seek the truth, then help others wake up from the satanic illusion

1 year ago
Reply to  Alex

I agree. Ascher is much better off no longer being with the self-centered, egotistical, materialistic person who gave birth to and poisoned him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alex

The parents worship the image of the beast and took the mark of the beast and likely sacrificed their “kid” as abortion is called women’s health care subjecting ones children to CV vax is sacrifice on the alter of Baal. These monsters deny their Creator and are permanent separation from the love and presence of God

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

My son and daughter -in-law had a son in March 22 and another son in Mqy 23. She was vaxxed early in the epidemic. No boosters at all. My son is unvaxxed. The two boys seem healthy and well developed . When I read a sad story such as this I worry even more about my two grandsons.. The mother even had Covid during pregnancy and the One year old had Covid but recovered completely. I would love to know just what kind of condition Baby Asher had that he succumbed to. RIP little Angel.

1 year ago

Poor child, never had a chance. Rest in peace.

As always the narcisstic psycho mother will not be held accountable. She did everything her government told her to do like the dumb slave she is. Also I firmly believe that some parents will deny everything even if the whole World told them that the mrna shot killed her son. Its a Mix of cowardice,denial and spinelesness.

It will continue like this for several more years unless its too obvious even for the dumbest slave on this planet.

Captain Black Picard
Reply to  Dennis

Underrated comment.
Don’t get me started on my immense disdain for the spineless sheep masses lest I get CENSORED – and I don’t want that.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

Some people will do anything for money, which is sad. The money becomes their god and everything to get that money is then justified.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

It looks like your typical Asian Kosher couple. Money and status is everything for them.

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago

The little ones suffer and die because parents no longer protect and cherish their children. They are selfish, self-absorbed and constantly seeking validation through ‘social’ media. No wonder the masses have succumbed to mass psychosis! Worship of self never ends well, whether you’ve imbibed the gene therapy shot or not.

RIP precious little boy????.

1 year ago

In blunt terms, that woman was a pimp for the concepts and corporations of the great reset.

That innocent soul, had the misfortune of having destiny choose such mother for him.

Maybe he is in a better place after all. He has been spared to have to grow up with such phony parents, turning his life experience into a punishment-like experience.

Sean O'Connor
Sean O'Connor
1 year ago

The vax pimps have dates with Karma in this life and the next one.

1 year ago

I am surprised any of them are conceiving, too. I’ll bet this kid was given the covid vaxx (along with the other shots, of course).

Sean O'Connor
Sean O'Connor
1 year ago

Enjoy your break I’ve read 17,000 VAERS fatality reports and 500+ miscarriages plus this. Every woman I wanted to serious with has inoculated herself a few times. We are all witnesses to a purge. I highly encourage everyone to get right with GOD and survive this thing

1 year ago
Reply to  Sean O'Connor

Just curious how you approach this with the women you date. Do you act open to the vaxx to find out if they got it? I would think some people might try to cover it up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kim

I just took a vow to be single and celibate. Fortunately I had a child before I lost my husband (he cheated, he’s not dead). Though I never wanted to be I’m now a single mom, but there is no way I’m dating again. Not in this world.

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

You just took a vow to be single and celibate? Why? That’s just as unnatural as getting vaccinated and what those promoting the depopulation agenda would like (almost) all of us that taken the magic juice to do.

1 year ago

Sex and reproduction become secondary when your existence is threatened.

Last edited 1 year ago by Susannah
Sean OConnor
Sean OConnor
1 year ago
Reply to  Kim

Sometimes its pretty obvious based on their profession and geographic location like a working dental assistant, health care worker or nurse is obvious and people that maintained employment at larger corporations etc….never hurts to ask…I’m in an are that is 85% inoculated so many people took it. I get a lot of attitude about not being inoculated

1 year ago
Reply to  Sean OConnor

If Brian’s (and others’) forecast is correct, things should get significantly easier for you in terms of dating what I call the unjabinated possibly starting in mid 2024.

It’s sad but reality is very hard as we here all know. We saw the coming storm well in advance, tried to reason with and warn others and were rebuffed; the vaccinated choose not to slow down nor look ahead and now are dumbstruck when the inevitable, multiple tragedies unfold in their lives and in those whom they love.

I hope you find a wonderful person. Good things come to those who wait.

Let us live to fight another day.

1 year ago

Poor dear boy. He never had much of a chance with parents like that who didn’t protect him. Between them being tainted with the vaxx, poor little Asher had all his vaccinations too. Overwhelmed his tiny body. I am sure they are devastated. I wonder if they will accept blame and try to do the right thing and alert others on the dangers of vaccinations. I think the answer will be no. RIP dear boy and all the dear innocent children. My heart breaks for you.

1 year ago

This woman finds herself fascinating. Which now she kinda is…

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

I’m generally sickened by this look-at-me culture. I took a look at her instagram, and as I’d expected, it’s …. sickening. Matching bathing suits, all day long posing, ….

She does have my sympathy, but my goodness, that poor baby!

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Yep, you can see a somatic narcissist coming from a mile away. … Narcissistic Personality Disorder is pervasive worldwide and is amped up by the social media platforms they have access to nowadays.

1 year ago

I’m sorry if this sounds cold but this sweet baby is better off being in heaven than living on this earth with worldly VAX zealot parents with zero discernment! He would’ve continued to be a Big Pharma pin cushion with health issues putting him in the ER. Antibiotics, steroids and various other pharmaceutical poison would be this babies future. God is good especially when he saves these poor babies from a lifetime of suffering! I know there have been parents that have seen the damage done to their kids from vaccines….but today, the younger generation is so dumbed down from their government indoctrination and lack of critical thinking, it’s frightening to think they are capable of conceiving…let alone raising mentally or physically healthy kids.

1 year ago

It is so sad and so painful to watch the genocide. When people are so shallow it is unsurprising that they are easily sucked into the wickedness of the evil overlords. Please God give us strength to bear the years to come.

1 year ago
Reply to  Flick

Very true, it’s frightening. And doubly so when you (we all) are accused of being the crazy ones.

I watched a report yesterday on that young model in Florida who had both legs amputated last year. Just heartbreaking. Then googled her name for recent reports and it’s all ‘x furious that anti-vaxxers are hi jacking her tragedy with their conspiracy theories’ garbage. People cannot understand how evil it all is, because it’s too big to take in in one go, they need to gradually wake up and before they realise that it is all a satanic agenda, Demons are real – ask Aleister Crowley, or his daughter Barbara Bush. The world is run by kabbalistic witchcraft through secret societies.

Last edited 1 year ago by adrian
Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

Well deserved break. We are not going anywhere as long as you keep giving us truth

1 year ago

The loss of a child is truly the worst. I cried. This is absolutely baffling (according to her, and everyone else, including everybody). WHY?? But, 26 reasons did cross her mind. She would have noticed. Welcome to InstaHell, tourdelust. I wonder if she had plans to eventually affirm the kid’s gender, whilst traipsing the globe? Not far-fetched, considering. . . You know what I’m thinking.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jayme
Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago

I think she embodies the definition of the word “whore” in the truest sense. A prostitute who gives of themselves for sex seems innocent in comparison. A whore for government, corporate and medical interests that seek to enslave, murder, castrate and maim.

Her name “Tour De Lust” is appropriately chosen. Let’s travel the world and surrender our integrity and purity to whomever foots the bill. Who cares what their values actually are? And she wonders how something tragic like this could happen to her firstborn son. She has already made life a prison for any future children before they even take their first step into this world.

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

Agreed. She is part of the problem because she is a so called “influencer”. People follow and look up to people like her. That is why we are in this mess.

1 year ago

Well, really appreciate this blogger staying on top of these events. Logic dictates ????, no. WISDOM, dictates that people should be mindful of what they put in their bodies, I mean unless you know what’s in a syringe, wisdom and boldness should take command and a resounding NO, should follow that thought. Common sense isn’t so common anymore. Folks, you have one life; take care of it. Others may be depending on your very survival.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marty

Jesus considers his followers as “the third temple.” Not a brick and mortar on the Temple Mount as most Jews and other “believers” think. We are to treat our body in a most holy and clean fashion. He has said that he will tabernacle with us. This is why the veil was split at the second temple’s “Holy of Holies” when Jesus was slain on the cross to ransom us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susannah

1 Corinthians 6:19

What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Staci G
Staci G
1 year ago

More than likely it’s the childhood vaccines. Where do you think SIDS comes from? Covid vaccine isn’t the first to cause health issues and death. If the parents got the Covid vaccine then they most definitely gave the baby all of their vaccines.

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