Anita Levine: New York woman loses teeth after Moderna mRNA booster shot, blames “COVID mouth,” reveals epidemic of post-injection teeth damage
June 26, 2023

The COVID Blog® went live on January 9, 2021. From baseball-sized post-injection blood clots to internal organ inflammation so severe that it displaced a woman’s liver from her abdomen to her shoulder-area; we thought we’ve seen it all.

Note that the white dot inside the blue circle is her large intestine. The white dot above it inside the lavender/pink circle is her liver.

An update on the aforementioned Ms. Cheryl Hines requires a medical dictionary. Last time we checked in on her, she was enduring torture-like pre-surgery procedures before her diaphramatic plication due to phrenic nerve damage from the internal organ inflammation. In layman’s terms, her brain stopped sending signals to her diaphragm telling it to contract (her diaphragm was paralyzed). Thus she had/has extreme difficulty breathing.

She had the surgery in July 2022. Ms. Hynes takes it all in stride. But she reported yet another post-injection issue in April. And guess what she blamed…

RELATED: Hank Green: 43-year-old social media influencer who inspired millions of fans to get the injections, diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma (May 26, 2023)


Millions of people across the globe have lost limbs, lost hair, and lost babies after the injections. But even this blogger hadn’t heard of this latest phenomenon until a couple weeks ago; and it’s quite common.

Anita Levine exposes major, apparently ubiquitous post-injection adverse reaction

Ms. Anita Levine is a 66-year-old vice president and branch manager of an Apple Bank in Monsey, New York. She’s been with the company since 2015, according to her LinkedIn page. Note that Monsey is within that deadly 30-mile radius of Greater New York City.

The COVID Blog® has posited that everyone who got extremely sick and/or died of so-called COVID-19 from March 2020 to December 2020, died from a combination of radiation sickness from 5G and the nanotechnology theragrippers from the swab tests. Thus severe “COVID-19” is radiation and nanotech poisoning, and can definitely resemble severe post-injection adverse reactions.

That is the only plausible theory that makes any sense in this world of subterfuge because so-called COVID-19 is nothing more than rebranded flu. Further, the older, fatter and more unhealthy you were, the more likely you were to get sick and die from “COVID-19” from March 2020 to December 2020, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (that is if the ventilators and kidney-destroying Remdesivir didn’t kill you).

Healthy humans with strong immune systems had the best chance of surviving and adapting to this new world of 5G radiation and nasal-installed nanotech in 2020.

RELATED: Nowhere To Run? Spike protein shedding, 5G wreaking havoc on humanity, particularly the non-vaccinated (November 21, 2021)


That all said, Los Angeles, Indianapolis, Houston and New York were four of the hardest hit cities by so-called COVID-19 in 2020 because those were the test cities for Verizon 5G from 2018 to 2020. Those city governments also convinced millions of residents to allow Walmart employees to shove toxic swabs up their noses.

Ms. Levine claims she first contracted COVID-19 in March 2020. She is one of those “long COVID” people who blames all of her ills on the media-created phenomenon.


Ms. Levine received her first Moderna mRNA injection on March 7, 2021.


She received the second one on April 5, 2021, and at least one Moderna booster shot on January 11, 2022. Ms. Levine reported being extremely sick on January 27, 2022, and said “I just don’t get why.” Note that “RA” is rheumatoid arthritis, a known adverse reaction to the Pfizer mRNA injections.


She also reported having “COVID toes.”


Ms. Levine told a local CBS affiliate that she started losing her hair in March 2020 because of so-called COVID-19. But she never mentioned this in any Facebook posts in 2020, which is unusual for someone who chronicles everything about their health on said platform.

The first mention of it that we could find is from April 2, 2021. By December 2021, she was also suffering from Epstein-Barr (“mononucleosis”), parvovirus and liver damage. She wanted to blame so-called COVID-19. But the “test” came back negative.


None of the foregoing is surprising. What is surprising (or at least novel) is that the mRNA injections rotted Ms. Levine’s teeth away. She, again, blamed COVID.


This phenomenon is apparently quite common. All the victims have two things in common – they’ve received the injections, and they blame COVID. One even referred to the condition as “COVID mouth.”


We checked the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS); and sure enough there are hundreds of cases involving teeth loss, receding gums, sensitive teeth, and general mouth pain after the injections.

Ms. Levine frequently misses work due to her post-injections POTS.

We’ll update in due course.

A generation of COVID psychosis

Ms. Cat LaCourse (pictured above) is a PhD student at Johns Hopkins University. She’s a liberal with LGBTV flags in her social media profiles. That group is innately weird. But judging on an error curve, she was relatively normal for a liberal in 2019, based on social media posts during that year. Now you’d be hard pressed to find a photo of her face.

Ms. LaCourse has received at least four mRNA injections. And like many of said people, she claims to have “long COVID.”


She’s received all those shots, yet still walks around everywhere with her face covered up.



The Colorado mountains have some of the crispiest, cleanest air humans could possibly breathe. But Ms. LaCourse…


She reminded this blogger of Ms. Alyssa Kent, the Australian woman who, in 2021, needed three brain surgeries after suffering a post-AstraZeneca stroke. So instead of taking a second AstraZeneca viral vector DNA shot, Ms. Kent took a Pfizer or Moderna mRNA injection for her second shot. She rationalized that the mRNA shots are safer.

Ms. Kent is one of the many subjects on this blog who threatened to sue us for writing the story. We tried to make the email exchange productive by asking if she’d received anymore injections. But Ms. Kent declined to answer.

The term “COVID” is now permanently etched into the human lexicon. Whether you’re speaking English, French, Arabic, German, or Swahili, the term COVID is pronounced and sounds the same way. When The COVID Blog® started in January 2021, our audience was 90% American and 80% MAGA, based on our research. Today, 55% of our audience is from somewhere other than the U.S. All of humanity has suffered the same trauma of The Great Reset, with COVID, vaccines, masks and lockdowns being our now-common struggles.

Humanity will never be the same psychologically or physiologically after three years of persistent psy-op and “vaccines.” The tooth rotting phenomenon is just further proof that genetically-modified humans are no longer humans. They drop dead at age 21, they have strokes and heart attacks at age 15, they believe masks are part of the human anatomy, etc.

This is GMO-humanity. This is the new normal. And we’ll never know the exact mechanisms as to what’s happening inside the human body to cause all this stuff because mainstream medicine will never study it and/or never report on it. All we know is that powerful gene therapy injections destroy all things human equilibrium. And we’re seeing it all in real-time.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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1 year ago

Keep these reports coming! Man, they make for some morbid reading.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

I am glad you wrote an article of post Covid-19 vaccine dental problems. I know an adorable English woman named Kim who works on a make up counter, Just a few weeks after her booster, her two front teeth fall out. Luckily she could hide her mouth behind a mask. She had to have emergency implants. Then she fractured another tooth! Also, her fully vaccinated brother developed severe gum disease too. He was in so much agony, he would walk the streets at night. She told me this. My friend Graham who is vaccinated also had the worse toothache ever, These can’t just be coincidences. Another friend of mine who had perfect teeth and gums all his life, was shocked he had severe dental bone loss and receding gums. Just three years ago his dental check up and X Ray revealed no problems. The dentist explained to him, that sort of dental bone loss happens over decades. It seems these fake vaccines are accelerating dental problems.

Joe Kellogg
Joe Kellogg
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

What happens to teeth, and hair, when in close proximity to an active microwave tower, without wearing a faraday suit? Your teeth, and hair fall out…. Cross reference fake vaxx nanobots, self assembling electronic components, and their interaction to 5G, or RF transmissions.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe Kellogg

The damage the injections cause might also be totally draining vitamin c stores in the body and inducing severe scurvy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Come on…the english having bad teeth ?!. What else is new under the sun ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

It’s likely the obscenes deteriorate bone (my fully quaXed brother fractured a vertebra last week simply by bending over to tie his shoe) but, sadly, the masks will serve quite well to trap bacteria and accelerate her tooth decay.

1 year ago
Reply to  kLolli

“masks will serve quite well to trap bacteria and accelerate her tooth decay”

One of the many reasons why I never wore a mask.

1 year ago

I refuse to say that word. I’ll say convid, but I won’t say the other, and I have never ever referred to 2020 as anything other than 2020 or as the economic collapse. Using the language has power over our psyche, and I refuse to play. Delusional doesn’t begin to describe these cult members.

1 year ago
Reply to  trees

From the starting blocks they tried to impose on society a new lexicon around the “plague” (as I call it). How quickly and willingly people adopted their terms was appalling. Don’t use their words or anything else connected to this scheme.

1 year ago
Reply to  trees

I still call it the Wuhan Virus or China Flu.

A Human
A Human
1 year ago

My daughter has a friend who is having new trouble with TMJ. I realized … This gal is STILL wearing a mask. Surely the light but CONTINUOUS pressure over 3 yrs is pulling her jaw back. But maybe it is related to the degeneration described here. It’s just a freaky cornucopia of issues.

My biggest concern is that those of us who knew the jab was bad news and refused it are still getting poisoned from shedding. Dr. Mihaelcea is doing live blood analysis on the unvx’d and it’s not looking good. We need more practitioners to be able to check this for us.

1 year ago

I enjoy reading about these volunteer GMO human guinea pigs and their after effects, erm, side effect conditions post injection. One thing that is more fascinating is the cognitive denialism that most of them have latched on to for coping mechanism. Would it be fair to say that the bioweapn injections causes severe IQ drops for these folks knowing that evidence shows multitude neurological damages one way or another. Can’t wait to read more of your blogs Brian. Great work.

1 year ago
Reply to  PapaElbow

Yes. Cognitive denialism. When the vaxxers mention covid at work, they are scared. I always ask why since aren’t they vaxxed and some boostered? I tell them I am not worried. They know I am not vaxxed. Again why can’t they admit it IS the vaxx that’s causing their anxiety and health problems? I agree it is a coping mechanism. Too hard to admit they were deceived.

1 year ago
Reply to  PapaElbow

Excellent comment! Couldn’t agree more.

“volunteer GMO human guinea pigs” is another great phrase to use.

I cannot help but laugh when seeing the look of terror on the vaxxed faces knowing that they are doomed for their idiotic decisions (given the gaslighting they gave us during the last 3 years).

1 year ago
Reply to  PapaElbow

The first adverse event listed on the Pfizer documents was IP36 deletion.
1p36 deletion syndrome is a disorder that typically causes severe intellectual disability. Most affected individuals do not speak, or speak only a few words. They may have temper tantrums, bite themselves, or exhibit other behavior problems.

1 year ago

CONVID surely exposed the “ruling” psychopaths really dumbed down so many peasants over the decades. I am so very grateful I no longer identify as a dumbed down peasant.

1 year ago

One of tweets states “covid can do anything”.

I can personally attest to that. I was driving, stoped to check the rattling sound and here it is, covid does it again : FLAT TIRE !!.

Fooking covid.

1 year ago

A few months ago my friend (unvaxed) told me that all the members of his morning coffee group (all vaxed) were complaining that their teeth were falling out. He asked me if I thought it was the vax. Yep. Four months after my dad’s Jonestown jabs (and six months before he died of rapid-onset CJD) both his front teeth fell out at a restaurant.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

That’s so terrible about your father. I had read about increases in CJD which of course is a horrible disease. My father’s dementia and subsequent death were hastened drastically by a booster in April 2022, leading to bedridden and death in September.

The teeth thing is another thing that gives me the heebejeebees. I don’t know any who had that side effect but it is obviously not that uncommon.

1 year ago

What’s up with their eyes? Look at their eyes before all the shots and then after. Clearly different. I would even say not fully human. Maybe possessed. I am at a loss for words regarding the #ABV. The vaxx is never considered. They must be brainwashed and/or delusional. I also do not understand the need to put all your health issues, pictures and all, for everybody to see. Good grief. Get a life. Though I would tell these fools to live well what little they have left. Peace and love to all. Stay strong fellow purebloods.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Well, the Zombie Apocalypse is coming. The CDC actually had a Zombie Apocalypse preparedness comic-type-book pdf on their website. I see that it has now been removed. I believe it was made prior to the Plandemic. There was a novel virus – Z5N1 – that they said was a highly-mutated form of the Flu. It said you had to stay indoors and isolate. Zombies are shown on the street and around your house. They (meaning the CDC) had to develop a “vaccine” fast. Then we would be saved. So everyone can see that this has been in the works for quite a while. Also, the “vax zealots” will continue to take more shots so the zombies will get worse. Be prepared.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

They are crazy.

1 year ago

These assorted and multitudinous health problems are the result of widespread inflammation, I would venture to guess. These folks are fulfilling all the dreams of the Big Pharma-Medical Mafia by providing endless business. It really is amazing.

1 year ago

I’ve heard that in Hell; there is much weeping; and wailing and gnashing of teeth…

So I suppose for some; the party starts early.

Baron Von Lovejoy
Baron Von Lovejoy
1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm


Unfortunately after reading this article it would seem in many cases it’ll be gnashing of diseased gums

1 year ago

What astounds me is the level of denial many pro vaxxers cling to when they are basically on the precipice of death. According to them, COVID causes everything from cancer to neurological disorders to their teeth falling out (and everything else in between).. That’s pretty impressive for a flu!

Personally, I think COVID is causing pro vaxxers brains to just slip right out of their keisters. Just can’t fathom the level of ignorance otherwise.

1 year ago
Reply to  LoriQ

It really is a sad and exasperating phenomenon. Many of those cases have been chronicled here (Brian, if you read this, is there a compilation of all the “I hate the unvaxxed/antivaxxers” who died subsequent to their shots?). One I remember was
Karen Croake (her real middle name) Heisler who was saying “god damn the unvaccinated” as she was dying in the hospital post booster.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

Common sense is gone, I am vaxxed but keep getting Covid, but the un-vaxxed around me are not getting sick. Even the slightest bit of deductive reasoning tells you that the vax doesn’t work. So glad the liberal sheep are self deleting, the world will be a better place.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

“the vax doesn’t work”.

I beg to differ. It works perfectly well for the intended goal.

(somebody please give Harlold an overdose of red pills and smash his TV !!)

Gut_wollensky_hang fauci
Gut_wollensky_hang fauci
1 year ago

Amazing content as always. Love the objective, rational and factual content. Such a contrast with the fake BS on TV

1 year ago

I call all of these various ailments and afflictions ”Long ‘Vaccine’.”

1 year ago

Here in India, it has not gotten woke & liberal to the extent of west, when Indians are in pain and suffering, they listen and are open to new ideas. I have talked to lot of my friends who took the Jab, they know something is wrong and I just have to tell them its because of vaccines and THEY IMMEDIATLY agree NO debate, NO name calling, No proof needed.

They know its the vaccine and they swear they will never ever take any more vaccines in there life. End of story, No endless FB messages, No hating the Anti Vaxxers.

Also, in South East Asia, where i travel a lot, once you tell them, your “NEW” health issues are due to vaxx, they GET IT. No debate,

This refusing to know the truth, refusing to open to new ideas, refusing to look into the facts, refusing to even read some articles, woke, liberal, on your high horse, pride, ego, hatred is a peculiar phenomenon in the west WHEN DEATH IS STARING AT YOU, a human being naturally lowers his ego and pride and opens himself’s to new information to save himself.

Not so in the west it seems, they continue the path to self destruction with increasing pain and suffering

1 year ago

Well, this is the first I’ve heard of about dental problems…can’t believe I didn’t put this together earlier. My vxd father has lost 3 teeth this year. Each one just fell out while he was eating. His teeth have not been in great shape for a long time, but 3 in one year seemed odd—he does go to the dentist every 6 months, so I couldn’t figure out why this wasn’t being caught before they came out. He’s had nothing but problems since being vxd. A week after 1st shot, he nearly passed out while driving—this led to a pacemaker. A few months later, a heart valve replacement surgery—dr had never seen a valve deteriorate so quickly. He was at cardiologist this week because walking across a room makes him pant…they scheduled a stress test…in 3 months…BECAUSE they’re so backed up…I wonder why??

1 year ago
Reply to  JSH

My Dad, too. He has had a full set of ‘dental implants’ (you know the dentists are loving this extra income, also — most still pushing the vaxx). Prior to retirement (and medicare) he had perfect teeth — not even any fillings. Medicare is killing our elderly.

1 year ago

#4 COVID basic facts that needs debating among Anti-Vaxxers for unity:
1) COVID-“viruses” are the scapegoats (and smokescreens) for the COVID-spike-proteins.
2) COVID is actually “gene-editing-technology” that can make other pathogens, parasites and organ-tissues spread COVID-spike-proteins (please note that gene-editing according to biology is when a cell makes a protein not associated with its own genes because the protein might edit the genes).
3) COVID-fatality depends on your ability to detox spike-proteins.
4) COVID-spike-proteins are more dangerous than the “flu” because most COVID tests have falsely diagnosed the “flu” as COVID.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rick

Or none of the above — and all the death & destruction you see is due to poisoning from the chemicals and nanobots contained in the shots, which the body cannot get rid of.

1 year ago

A good friend took the clotshot and now has a dental condition called resorption in which her mouth is rejecting her teeth. She has undergone several root canals trying to save her molars. Her dentist said they are seeing many cases of resorption from the vaxx.

1 year ago
Reply to  Goldfinger

Oh my, that is awful. I get to repeat phrases like that a lot and will run out of different ways to say it. I had not heard of resorption until now.

1 year ago

A family member who loves the shots said “boy there sure is a lot of long Covid”. The idea that these could be shot injuries would never cross their mind. I’m just grateful that this individual is unaffected by the shots (a number of other people I know were not so lucky). Of course when I say that I mean “thus far”.

Thanks for all the great content Brian.

1 year ago

Teeth fillings are soft metals. Dentist are part of the medical establishment as well. (Big red flag right there) The soft metals are constantly leaking into ones system. Besides for your body as a whole this causes major problems in your brain because of accumulating metals. Ones mental and Cognitive abbilities diminish gradually over time. You litterally become dumber because Objective logical reasoning is disrupted trough the constantly leaking soft metals in the teeth fillings. That is one thing the fillings do. Besides all the other paths this is a path of slow poisoning as well. Their primary AIM is not making lots of money. Money and the financial system are just a layer to get at this point :control in order to a: create maximum suffering and destruction and fear. B: cause death and disconnect your consciousness from the source. That is their real goal. Once you have read the secret convenant each and Everything in relation to everything going on will become as clear as day. Please read it. Give it a chance. Truth sets free. Even if it is unpleasent or painfull. Take Care.

1 year ago

That one picture of Cat Lacourse, the close up…something freaks me out about that picture. Looking into her eyes gives me the willies. Like she’s at death’s door or there’s a demon peering back.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

I think she did one of those filters that enlarges the eyes or enhances other features. It looks totally fake, and weird.

1 year ago

On another note, I’ve lived in the mountains of western NC since 2020 and thus summer the birdlife is amazing. There is birdsong in the mornings and birds around and about. This is extremely gratifying since the summers of 2020, 2021 and 22 were void of birds. I’m a vanner so I’m close to the woods and trees most of the time. It’s terrible to think the birds will disappear again at the next “pandemic”. Conversely at least they have recovered. I don’t bother to say to anyone, isn’t it wonderful the birds are back because when there the eerie silence last summer and I asked people, where are all the birds? they all looked at me blankly.

1 year ago

I’d like to say if Pfizer only took your teeth, you got off light. I think though that’s the outward symptom of terrible internal dysfunction, inflammation attacking every organ in their poor bodies. The results are grim yet expected.

Hospitals, doctors, dentists, undertakers all in a boom cycle.

1 year ago

Please Cat LaCourse- stop doing medical research, you obviously aren’t very good at noticing the obvious. I would not trust any findings you made from behind your silly little mask.

1 year ago

Hey, that’s Joy Baher!

1 year ago

I wonder if some of the mouth/teeth issues are caused by the chronic mask wearing also.

1 year ago

Notice all these bad “covid” side effects are to the vaccinated.

1 year ago

Their immune systems are failing, bacterial overgrowth eating at the gums. Or their body is fighting itself. So many things can go wrong with these shots. This is just a more minor outward symptom but may lead to dire big problems later.

1 year ago

My grandmother always bragged about having perfect teeth her whole life (she is almost 90) and she insisted she would go to her grave with all her teeth. She was one of the first to run out and get the vaccine and then the boosters and year later, half of her teeth fell out. My wedding was a few months later and she couldn’t even smile in the photos because her teeth were so jacked up. She won’t admit it, but I’m willing to bet she knows it was the vaccine that caused her teeth to fall out.

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